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Daily Times-Gazette, 20 Mar 1948, p. 20

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iF | Ward's Remodelled Dept. Store Officially Opens Monday SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE TWEITY Many New, Modern Features Are Incorporated In The Renovation Of Ward's With the re-decorating' and renovation of Ward's Department Store, Simcoe and Athol Streets, rapidly nearing conclusion, the store will be one of the most up-to-date in the province, Leon H. Rolson, manager, said today. Soft, eye-pleasing color schemes, shiny modern counters and show cases, and direct and indirect fluorescent lighting all add to the pleasure of shopping in Ward's. The lay-out was designed by Cameron-McIndoo of Toronto and Long Branch, leading store designers in the Dominion. All lighting is fluorescent, eliminating harsh glare and eyestrain. The ceiling is of soft grey-red acousticon, designed to absorb sound. A modern air conditioning plant keeps the | airin the store at the proper humidity and temperature. "This will keep both the customers and the clerks hap- py," commented Mr. Rolson. The new flooring, of marboleum, is easy to keep clean and easy on the feet, The color scheme includes peach, three shades of blue, greens and cerise. While this may sound like quite a con- glomeration, they are so skilfully blended that the whole pre- sents a pleasing picture, All counters, shelves and show case fronts are of the new honeyed birch and maple. The counters have been ' yaised to the modern height -- about six inches higher than old-fashioned counters -- to eliminate back strain for both customers and clerks who lean over them to examine goods. Three modern fitting rooms for the ready-to-wear and corset departments have also been added. Their decor is also of honeyed birch and maple. A new curtain department has been installed and the curtains are displayed on frames. The new lingerie counters are glass encased so that the goods will remain clean and will not be dust soiled. : In the new office building built behind the store, a rest room has been set aside for the girl clerks. The room is equipped with easy 'chairs, couches and hot-plates. The offices occupy the ground floor. ) "The whole store is modernized but our policy remains the same -- all gbods must have quality or they are not, sold," said Mr. Rolson. Those contributing in the remodelling of the new in- terior were: S. Jackson and Son, general contractors; Parker Electric, "Perc" Elliott, Ross E. Mills, Home Appli- anees, H. R. Stark, Ernie Cay Lumber Co. Canada Builds 77,000 Houses During 1947 Ottawa, March 20 -- (CP) --In. i above prewar levels, creased house building gave the| '0 tayen to erect a house, inroad was made on over-crowding. It was slightly easier to build a house in 1947 than in preceeding years, since the supply of both ma. . | terials and labor improved. How. ever, the report noted that cost of materials and labor had increased by about 18 per cent during the This new Store Front which was completed in 1940 coupled with the new modernized interior places Ward's as one of New Store Front Completed in 1940 : Bow | the most modern department stores in Eastern Ontario. 79 Million More Added To Budget To Cover Costs Ottawa, March 20 -- (CP)--Fin. ance Minister Abbott disclosed yes terday in the Commons that he will ask for an additional $79,809,338 to cover expenditures for the 1047.48 fiscal year. He tabled without comment fur. ther supplementary estimates of ex. penditures for the year ending March 31. He said the additional amounts are needed for unusual items, including a $15,885,000 Cana. dian National Railways deficit. The further estimates brought to $2,196,777,191 the estimates of ex- penditures for the year. The 1948. 49 estimates tabled recently totalled $1,985,146,060. Largest item in he supplementar. ies was $31,500,000. This would cov. er losses suffered by the Canadian Fheat Board as far back as 1943 and in maintaining price ceilings and operations concerning handling of grains. An additional $10,550,000 was ear- marked for subsidies on feed grain movements. An amount of $5,827,000 was asked, to cover additional payments to or for veterans and their dependents. A sum of $5,000,000 was required to cover additional government con- ' "LEE" ROLSON, Store Manager of Ward's tributions to the Unemployment In, surance Fund. The supplementary estimates pro. bably will be submitted to members for approval before the Easter re, cess. Denmark is about 224 miles lohg from north to south and 497 miles from east to west. year and now are about 78 per cent country at least 77,000 new dewell. ings last year, the Central Mort. "gage and Housing Corporation esti- mated in its annual report issued yesterday, "Dwellings" covers self-contained apartments as well as houses and the report' did not estimate the number of individual houses. It noted, however, that the total of 77,000 was 13,000 above the in. crease in the number of families in Canada with the result that some although shorter than in 1946, was substantially longer than in prewar days. It then took an average of about five months to build a small house. In 1946 the average was 11 months. Last year, however, it had improved o ethgit eoin improved to eight. 'The report analyzed one difficul- ty of present.day building. It esti. mated that shortages of materials and lack of skilled labor had resul. ted in recent years in a decline of from 10 to 25 per cent in produc. AAAAAAALA NAPPA The Newly Remodelled WARD'S DEPT. STORE Officially Opens Monday Morning! wore INC As The General Contractors -- We Are - EXTREMELY PROUD OF THE JOB! tivity--the rate of the worker's out- put. This, it conceded, meant that y | building costs were actually higher even than the index of materials Congratulations and labor costs indicated, In 1947, the report said, the difference be- tween actual costs and those indi. cated by the index was a little less TO ' ) than during preceding years, The increase in costs has borne 4 heavily on veterans, the report add. ed, since the general level of lend. ing values on which loans are based FROM : s was not increased. The corporation felt, however, that it would be un- S | S desirable to capitalize all of today's 4 high costs into long-term debts, o . S$ The corporation has total invest. Custom Built ments of $42,741,619 in mortgages. Floors" It loaned $26,476,118 last year. 8 The report disclosed that, in the 5 12 years during which the federal 87 Arlington Ave. AAAAAAAAAAAAI INAANAININAAINAR AAA CANAAN government has been lending mon. ey for housing, it has granted loans totalling $218,800,000. The majority 4 of loans are in the $4,000 to $5,500 range, CONGRATULATIONS to To The Citizens of Oshawa: Ward's Newly Remodelled Store is Finished at Last ++. and we are indeed happy to add our congratula- tions to this newest of Oshawa's Modernized stores. We have no hesitation in stating that for it's size, we believe that there is no finer and more attractive department store in Eastern Ontario. We appreciate having had the opportunity of doing this major job which is an attractive asset to the business district of Oshawa. We are happy to extend to Ward's our best wishes for their continued success. S. Jackson & Son " General Contractors. * © WARDS Interior Planning and Design Created By CAMERON - M<INDOO DESIGNING SERVICE NAAAAAAAAAA : --- --------------l \ S. JACKSON & SON 84 Athol St. E. General Contractors Phone 280 Special Display and Stock Fixtures Constructed in Our Shops | CAMERON - McINDOO LTD. SMALL ARMS BLDG., LONG BRANCH TORONTO 14

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