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Daily Times-Gazette, 20 Mar 1948, p. 21

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SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE TWENTY.ONE Ward's Successful Career Of J. C. Ward One Of Business Romance Twenty-nine years after coming to Oshawa, Ward's Department Store now opens with a completely renovated interior from front to back, Like most stories of success, the facts back of this 20th birthday are a matter of principles and policies of fair play which form the charac- ter that has brought prosperity to this local organization. In November, 1919 Joseph C. Ward, who had previously been De- partment Manager and Buyer for Messrs, Nation and Shewin of Brandon, Manitoba, and W. A. Dewland of Portage la Prairie, now popular District Supervisor for the London Life Insurance Company here, formed a partnership and purchased Harry Porter's business which occupied premises in the west half of the building now oc- cupied and owned by the Dominion Bank, King Street West. Decision to locate in Oshawa was made dur- ing Mr. Ward's Fall buying trip from Brandon in 1919. Oshawa in that year was only one of Ontario's larger towns, and its future devel- epment as a great Canadian centre of the motor industry was then hardly more than a vision in the minds of the men who established General Motors of Canada. Mr. Ward had then and still has a sense of the future. He threw his lot in with a town that was soon to grow into a city. Now with the firm he established on the eve of its 29th birthday, his faith in Oshawa has been fully justified. The partnership of Ward and Dew- land was dissolved in 1924 but the friendship they formed in the days of their ambitious young manhood continues in full and happy force. Oshawa soon knew that the popu- lation of live wires had been notab- ly increased avhen the Harry Porter store was reopened under the name of Ward and Dewland. Growing customs soon made the need of larger quarters imperative. The old store in the Dominion Bank bl had a frontage of 22 feet on King Bist West and extended back for "only 76 feet. With the Bradley Block, Simcoe Street South and Athol under construction at that time, a lease of the present corner premises was arranged. This gave the firm a store 40 feet wide And 96 feet deep with in addition a reserve stock storage basement equal in area to the main floor. The new store and the present premises was opened for business in February with many merchan- tile shipwrecks. But Ward and Dewland holding fast to the policy of "Best Quality and Best Values" continued to grow. A wave of pros- perity developed in Canada and United States in the five year per- jod which followed Mr. Ward's as- suming full control of the depart- ment store which bears his name. That period was followed by dis- maying swiftness by a period of de- pression which shook the firmest foundations of commerce and in- dustry. Ward's Drygood and Department Store had its problems during the depression years, which, it seemed at times, would never end. Pros- perity may have been around the corner but it was hard to turn the corner on a treadmill that seemed to go backwards all the faster as individuals and organizations tried even mqge desperately to get ahead. However, the background of Mr. Ward was such that he was not to be dismayed. As a youth Mr, Ward served four years' apprenticeship in an English draper's shop. In England drygoods merchants are knows as drapers. No university on earth could dream of trying to teach any student all that even a mediocre lad is forced to learn in the hard way but just school of an English apprenticeship. Mr. Ward, as his subsequent career has de- monstrated, was far above the av- erage. His qualities of character and mind brought him an oppor- tunity in Western Canada when his apprenticeship service was finished. He served for 13 years in the De- partment store of Nation & She- win Ltd, Brandon, Manitoba. Step by step he advanced with that firm until he came fully prepared to the decisive opportunity of his life, On the success of this popular dry- goods store it might be said that one of thé major factors for its! success is that it was firmly estab- | lished from the beginnihg and it has maintained the character and efficiency that has become a point of service with the various depart- ment managers and their assist- ants who form the store's perman- ent staff. When the store first op- ened its doors in 1919 the entire staff, including the proprietor- and the delivery boy, numbered six people. Today all of four times that number are constantly em- ployed. After World War II had run its limit, Lee Rolson, a son-in-law of | Mr. Ward, assumed the responsi- | bility for the operation and man- | | slogan . "Best store" and _ has | Values" will continue to be the | agement of the Department Stor e Established 29 Years Ago! | k Scenes from Ward's New Ultra-Modern Dept. Store Above--The newly modern- ized interior of Ward's De- partment Store. This major remodelling job of the com- plete store. includes walls, floors, display counters, the latest in air conditioning etc. Right---Here is shown the ladies' ready-to-wear depart- ment where a young lady is shown choosing her' new spring ensemble from Ward's complete selection, ple and assures tne public that the Quality and Best shown marked ability in this con- | hallmark by which the establish- nection. Mr. Rolson, while young in years, is demonstrating the fact that he is capable of carrying on the traditions so well laid by Mr. Ward. He faces the future with a loyal staff of experienced salespeo- ... Now One Dept. Stores ing systems. Ward's We are indeed happy to add our con- gratulations also on the official opening of the newly renovated Ward's store. It was our good fortune to have installed and completed the most modern of light- PARKER ELECTRIC (ELECTRICIAN) 252 Golf Street -- Phone 3155 of the Finest In Oshawa! [ ment will seek to continue to merit its generous patronage. Oshawa Camera Club The monthly print night on Wed. nesday of this ,week produced prints on a much better variety of subjects than we have seen for some while. There were about for. it can be seen that the quality of prints being submitted is steadily improving. While it is true that some of the prints were not accept. ed, we feel that the makers should not be discouraged, but should have another try at the same orsimilar subjects, experimenting and modify- ing lighting, posing, ete. We find that just at the time one is ready to give up and call the whole thing off, one will get a picture that be- gins to approach the standards for which we seek, The judging on Wednesday was very ably done by Mr. J. Marshall who offered some very helpful cri- ticisms, The two monthly prizes which are kindly donated by Mit. chell's Drug Store, went this month to Mr. C. Johnson for his delightful pictorial and excellently produced snowcape, entited "Day is Done", and to Mr. C. Deutinger for a some. what more austere subject entitled "Food for Industry", and which had as its subject some of the Piles of coal at the lake front. We would like to take this sep. portunity of tendering to Mr. Sax Mitchell the thanks of the club for his considerable and unselfish in- terest in our activities. The club ty prints submitted for judging, and |; has steadily developed from the time when he let us have the use The AIR CONDITIONING WARD S: Was Installed By HOME APPLIANCES 90 SIMCOE ST, S. May we extend our best wishes for the future success of this fine new Dept. Store! e Congratulate Ward's Smart, Newly Remodelled Department Store It was our privilege and pleasure to have supplied the lumber that went into the remodelling of this fine new store! CAY LUMBER CO. 80 Athol East Phone 127 of a room on his premises for our meetings. There was also a colour print submitted by Mr. C, Karn entitled "Bedtime Story". We would like to see more colour prints at the month- ly shows, but suspect that the enor- mous amount of work necessary to produce gocd results deters the rest of our members. Letters have been received from Sarnia, North Bay, and Belleville Camera Clubs intimating that they will be forwarding prints for the Spring Salon in May. These togeth. er with the prints of members, and others which -we hope non mem. bers will submit, will provide an exhibit of considerable interest. Next Wednesday will be colour night, and each member interested in colour is requested to submit four Kodactirome transparencies for judg- ing. SOPHIE TUCKER HURT Coral Gables, Fla, March 20-- Sophie Tucker was confined to a wheelchair today after an enter- tainment trip to a veterans' hospi- tal, She slipped and broke two toes. GYPSY ROSE LEE WEDS New York, March 20--(AP)--Gyp- sy Rose Lee, 33, who turned from strip-teasing to writing, was mar. ried yesterdey to Artist Julio de Diego, 47, 1 was the exdancer's third marrizge. We're honored Ward's Dept. Store. OUR ar Congratulati rd." indeed to have been chosen to install the Plumbing and Heat- ing Systems in the newly remodelled H. R. STARK (PLUMBING & HEATING) 251 SIMCOE ST. S, -- PHONE 3327 -- ---- We too are happy ment Store! PHONE Oshawa May Well Be Proud. of. The Newly Remodelled WARD'S been asociated in the Remodelling and Decorating of the new Ward's Depart- "PERC" ELLIOTT PAINTER & DECORATOR 12%; ATHOL STREET WEST -- OSHAWA and proud ta have 3444W We Are Indeed Happy To Add Our Congratulations IEE, Jig J. C. WARD On The Completion and OFFICIAL OPENING Of One Of The Finest Department Stores In Eastern Ontario - From w= Bassett's Jewellers ~~ Fox's Ladies Wear "Keith" Gahan "Morley" Wyman Manager Kresge's Ny Zeller's Lid. F. T. Lamble Erwinne's Ladies' Wear Specialty Shop

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