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Daily Times-Gazette, 20 Mar 1948, p. 5

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SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1948 ® THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE ~ ~ PAGE FIVE WHITBY NEWS Jersey Breeders' Show Ontario and Durham Counties Jersey Cattle Club will hold it annual parish show in Whithj again this year and it is expected that it will be the largest on record in the county. Date set for the show at a special meeting of the board of directors Thursday night was May 29 and it will be held in the Whitby Town Park. Previously located in Brooklin, the show was moved to Whitby last year and was the largest ever held in the county. Eleven exhi- bitors displayed 100 head of Jer- sey cattle and 12 children took part in the junior classes. As was the case last year there will be 22 classes in the prize list for this show and six prizes of an equal amount will be awarded in each class. It has been decided this year to limit the number of entries: in single classes to two per exhi- bitor 'and to one per exhibitor in group ciasses. This is to give the smaller breeders a better chance in the competition. Housewives Find Butter | Scarce Here | Whitby housewives were fortun. ate today if they had sufficient butter for the week-end. While stores were receiving supplies these were considerably smaller than their usual quotas and the commo- dity was termed as scarce in the town generally. Most stores and distributors were endeavoring to supply their regu. lar customers but .in others shop- pers had to take their chance on arriving while the stock lasted. Sales were limited generally to one pound per customer and an endea- vor was being made to see that no household received more than its share. Some retailers: were being allot. ted only 50 per cent of their normal supplies -and chain stores were re. ceiving mostly western butter. The skimpy supplies were attrib- uted to a seasonal scarcity not un. usual at this time of year. Times.Gazette classified ads pay | --Why not try one today? Adams, Ted Archer, James F. Armstrong, John Cameron Ashby, Bert E. Badgley, Vernon D. Banner, James Barnes, Max Birks, Richard Bourne, E. W. Bovin, Eugene J. Brock, Orvil Brown, A. J. Brown, Norman E. Brown, William R. Bullen, George Burden, Robert T. Burke, Peter D. Calford, R. J. callaghan, James J. Cameron, Bruce Cameron, David M. Carson, Hugh O. 9. ih hd Moy 2 More breeders have joined the club recently and it is expected that the entry list in this year's show will exceed that of a year ago. It was decided at the board of directors meeting to invite as judge Maurice Beatty, prominent young Jersey breeder of Milton, Ont., who was among the most successful at the Royal Winter Fair last fall. Committee in charge of plans for the. show includes the president, F. V. Von Pilis, of Whitby, the vice-president, W. W. Sherwin, of Orono, and the secretary-treasurer Howard Farndale, of Oshawa. Appreciation was expressed for the assistance received from the town and members of the Chamber of Commerce, particularly F. T. Rowe, and it was hoped that si- milar co-operation would be forth- coming this year. F. M. Chapman and Mr. Von Pliis were appointed to solicit contributions from the | various merchants. Blood Transfusion Service Planned Toronto, March 20 -- (CP) -- A free blood transfusion service for Ontario will be in operation by September, Alan Ambrose, Presi- dent of the Ontario division of the Canadian Red Cross Society, said yesterday at the 28th annual meet- ing of the organization. Construction of four new Ontario Red Cross hospitals will be started this year at Burks Falls, Wiarton, Port Loring, and Rainy River, Mr. Ambrose said. In addition, new Red Cross hospitals will be opened soon in Nipigon, Huntsville and | Bancroft, while extensions to exist- ing hospitals at Bracebridge, Beard- more ahd Englehart are almost complete. Arrangements have been made with the Dominion Government for the Red Cross to take over one wing of the former Chorley Park Military Hospital in Toronto, for use as an Ontario blood centre, the President said. He said building difficulties have delayed erection of the proposed Toronto blood centre until 1949, : Cardiff, Wales -- (CP)--At 101, John Williamson, retired under- Town Bowling Play-Offs Start Play-offs in the town bowling league started this week, and here are the results: Alger Press 2, Forresters 1 Butte Radio 2, Lakeshores 1 Ajax 2, Firemen 1 Pickering Farms 3, Red Raiders 1 Schedule for the second round on Wednesday Mar. 24 at 7 p.m. fol. lows: Alley 1 & 2 Ajax vs. Pickering Farms Alleys 3 & 4 Alger Press vs. Butte Radio. There will be open bowling from 9 p.m. on Wedresday nite. The proprietor of 'ae alleys Al Marlowe, is again donating a fine trophy to the winning team of the Town League. Last year's trophy was damaged in the fire last fall, The new trophy will be on display within the next week or so at Mar. lowes. There will be a bowling meeting in the first 'week of April, all team captains are asked to see that ALL members of their teams cttend this meeting. Pin money and play-off money will be distributed to the league teams, also an accounting of the books, and an election of officers for the coming year. De- tails as to time and place of meet. ing will be announced next week. Baptist Bazaar Successful Despite Rain In spite of the inclement wea- ther the women of Whitby Baptist Church held a successful tea and bazaar yesterday, under the aus- pices 'of the Ladies' Aid. Decora. tions, in keeping with the Easter season, were purple and yellow streamers and on the tables were little purple baskets with rabbits on the handles. The home cooking table, which was presided over by Mrs. William Bradley, did a brisk business, and Mrs. J. Parker expressed pleasure at the way the tea conveners were kept busy. , The Young Explorers group, un. der the leadership of Mrs. Sinclair, had a table of their own, the pro. ceeds from which are to be divided for their mission work and for the Explorers Fund. The children had taken a great interest in preparing their table for the bazaar and they had on display as well as for sale some of their own craft work. The boys and girls were given encour- agement for their enterprise by the activity that centred around their efforts. The candy from both the Young Explorers and the home cooking tables was quickly bought up. WHITBY C FOR SALE--1938 BUICK SEDAN, RA- dio, heater, excellent tires, first class condition. Phone 725 Whitby. (Mch23) FOR SALE -- 1940 INTERNATIONAL Truck, 115-ton, single tire, license, tire, body complete. L. Shisko, R.R. 1, Whit- by. Phone 2474 Whitby. FOR SALE---1941 FORD COACH, GOOD condition, low mileage. W. J. Ballard, 3, Whitby. Phone 2150 lot 33, con. Whitby. FOR SALE---TWO DURHAM COWS, due, one work Mare, 12 years old, '8 young pigs, 4 bus. Clover Seed, P.C.V. Class F, license, Clydesdale Stallion, 7 Jears old. Roy Brown, Whitby. Phone FOR SALE--WALNUT FINISHED ME- tal Double Bed, spring and spring mat- tresses, reasonable. Phone 831 itby. LOST--A PAIR OF MEN'S GLASSES, special tinted lens, on Thursday, on Cochrane street, Whitby. Reward for return of same to Times-Gazette, WANTED--TWO OR THREE UNFUR- nished rooms by mother and two chil- dren. Urgently needed. Apply 'fimes- Gazette, itby. . (Mar20) WANTED TO BUY--ALL KINDS OF Poultry also new and old feathers. Highest market prices. Auply J. Parker. 321 Brock St. N Phone 486. SALES REGISTER SATURDAY, MARCH 27th -- Auction Sale of Village Property, Hi )! WHITBY ELECTRIC Earl "Jake" Bryant INSTALLATIONS, FIXTURES WATER HEATERS, FARMS Phone 650 Whitby In Memoriam McGREGOR--In cherished memory of a dear husband and father, Walter Er- nest McGregor, who passed away March 20th, 1946. Calm and peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain; We who loved him, sadly miss him, But trust God to meet again. Lovingly remembered by his wife and family. Announcements THE KING OF KINGS--THE UNITED and Baptist Churches will present this great Christian Film, on Thurs- day, March 25, at 8 pm, 'in the United Church. Admission 35 cents and 15 cents. DO NOT MISS THE ADDRESS BY MRS. Kate Aitken, on 'Conditions in Eu- ", and the High and Low Pressure | Steam Fitting Hot Water Heating AUTOMATIC HEATING Specialists in Oil Burners and Stokers Sales and Service Phone 663 -- Phone 863 S. Correll -- W. S. Martin WHITBY Ortario y members, or at Allin's or Snelgrove's Stores. Entire proceeds for con- tinuance of Food Parcels to Britain At the Sign of the Big B. A. We will be pleased to have you drop in and get your windshie|d cleaned, batteries, tires, radiator and oil checked. SHINGLES Shingles applied, with special attention given to proper nailing, valleys, flashings, etc., will result in a roof providing years of trouble-free protection. So don't take a chance on faulty workman- ship--szet a reliable roofer by calling 724 Whitby for an estimate and get THE BEST FOR LESS C. B. FOSTER and SONS BYRON ST. N. WHITBY Certified Dry Cleaning Give your garments that FRESH look by letting us clean and press them in our brand new, modernly - equipped plant right here in Whitby. yIBY CLEANERS FAST PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE 2345 WHITBY, ONT, * Two-day service on Cleaning and Pressing One-day service on Pressing TOM FOUNTAIN 309 DUNDAS ST. WEST WHITBY PHONE 427 Furniture, New Cutter and a quantity of Garden Tools, the property of the Estate of the late Samuel and Beatrice Holman, at the premises, Brooklin, Ont., all of the household effects will be sold. The property will be offered at 3: p.m., subject to a reserve bid. Household furniture, cash. Terms of property made known at time of sale. Sale starts sharp at 1:30 o'clock, Wil- llam Maw, Auctioneer. wanby. Ta re SLENDOR TABLETS ARE EFFECTIVE. 2 weeks' supply $1: 12 weeks $5. At Allin's & Snelgrove's Drug Stores. Co (Mar6,13,20,27) FOR SALE--'35 G.M.C. TRUCK, COM- bination Dump. Apply 510 Palace street, Whitby. ES FOR RENT -- FURNISHED = LIGHT 2398. | POULTRY WANTED HIGHEST PRICES | paid for all kinds of Poultry, also new | and used feathers. N. Lemberg, Whitby | Phone 644, Whitby, or 695J, Oshawa. | WANTED--WILL DO FAMILY WASH- | ing at home, work gaisnieed, prices reasonable. Phone 95 (Whitby. i NEW 60 CYCLE REFRIGERATOR IM- mediate delivery. Call 383 Whitby, housekeepi room, also single room. | Phone Whitby ALDSWORTH CLEANERS DAILY PICKUP and DELIVERY SERVICE MURIEL'S SHOP REPAIRS 105 COLBORNE ST. W. (152) ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to announce to the people of Whitby and surrounding territory that I have obtained a license from the Empire Life Insurance Company and that I am also a licensed agent for practically all types of general insurance. I will appreciate any applications that 1 may receive from time to time and I will endeavour to give the best of service and true information concerning the policies I recommend. My office is at 109 Dundas Street West phone No. 522, residence phone No. 2473. JOS. E. SHIELDS WHITBY, ONTARIO business BY POPULAR DEMAND WHITBY MODERN PLAYERS . Present Again Uanictics of. 48. EASTER MONDAY 8:15 P.M., TOWN HALL Adults 50c -- Children 35c Tickets Obtainable From Players or All Saints Men's Club. | taker, still does crossword puzzles. | Whitby Home Appliance, The Committee appointed by the City Council to act in the matter of placing of the names of the dead of World War II on the War Memorial have completed the list of names to the best of their ability. It is expected that there are errors in the list and corrections of initials and spelling of the names will be necessary. It is possible that some names have been omitted. It is also possible that there are names that should not be there. Therefore, the list is herewith placed before the public and any person or persons having knowledge of any error or omission is requested to commmunicate with B. Jacklin . . CITIZENS OF Canadian Legion Hall, or C. J. Wilcox . . . Phone 2616. Your co-operation in this matter is respectfully requested. Carson, L. B. + Frolis, John Carscadden, Cyril H. Carter, John T. Chapman, John Charters, J. H. Cheetham, Eric Coleman, A. J. Cockin, Arthur Cooke, Cecil W. Cordick, John Cornelius, Frank Crawley, Edward George Cronk, R. G. Crouse, Robert B Duncan, William Eaton, John E. Edmondson, G. H. Edwards, Frank Elliott, J. W. Fetchison, Myron 'Fair, William R. Farrer, John Foote, Ross E. Franklin, E. F. Friend, Edwin D Foster, William | Gillette, Rene O. Goldsmith, Harold F. Gray, Norman C. Guscott, R. B. Hall, S. N. Hanmore, John Hartnett, F. H. Hayton, E. M. Heard, Donald Hinton, Hugh F. Holland, Roy S. Horton, Ian McLane A. Jollow, W. R. Jones, Charles Kemp, James Kimmerly, G. M. Kirby, J. H. Kirby, Murray Kitchen, Gordon H. E. Krasutsky, M. Krawchuk, Pau Lancaster, G. Kenneth Langley, Fred R. Hart, Thomas G. Langley, Fred A. Leacock, William Matthew Lindsay, G. F. C. Leahy, T. W. A. Maiel, J. H. Mahaffy, H. L. 0. Moon, James A. Moore, G. L. 1 FRANK N. McCALLUM MAYOR Loreno, W. T. Luple, George Madden, William G. Maddock, F. D. Marks, Edward Marks, Morris Matthews, John Matthews, Paul J. May, Douglas Mayne, Robert Mechin, Ralph Menaul, L. W. Michael, E. G. Mills, Charles E. Missom, Frederick C. Mitchell, Fred:J. Morehouse, Winston H. Morrison, John Thomas Morrison, Ralph IL. Morrow, Claire XK. ~ Morphy, Earl E. J. Mowbray, J. R. Murray, Fred Murray, William G. Murphy, Ralph MacFarlane, James McBrien, Norman McCabe, Bernard McCabe, Gilmore David McCann, William Daniel McCue, Roy McConkey, M. L. McGahey, Ronald D. McIntyre, Gordon A. McKibbin, H. David McRoberts, Bruce H. Newell, Earl F. Normoyle, Patrick ' Paget, W. R. Partridge, John Patterson, E. C. Pennell, Allen Perkins, J. R. Phillips, Earl G. Phillips, G. R. Pinder, Ivan R. Pym, Bruce D. Raby, W Raike, J. Reynard Roberts, Rorison, Ross, Ke Rout, G. Salmers, Spencely Ww. Stiles, B Taggart, Rae, George Rennie, W. A. Scott, Irvine E. Shortt, G. H. Sinkle, Neil Sloan, T. Smith, Turner Smith, W. A. Soules, M. Eldon Staple, Donald OS . Phone 4373, illiam Keith Tallion, Adrian Taylor, W. C. Tennant, Albert Edward Thomas, Everett G. Tilson, Albert Tooley, Rex S. , Howard Martin Walter Robinson, Albert H. Robinson, William Rodgers, Clifford F. Rogers, Thomas Vance, Warren Wannamaker, John Watson, Leonard Weiss, J. W. Whitelaw, George Whiting, Douglas Wilson, Edmund Wilson, J. M. Wilson, Elgin Wilson, J. K. Willoughby, Chas. Winters, G. V. Woodhouse, William Worsley, Sidney Zavitsky, Paul , '™ R. J. ith D. James Eugene Wilson S. , Morley ruce Stire, Gordon E. Sweeney, W. G. R. W. C. J. WILCOX FOR THE COMMUITEE ~Rat

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