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Daily Times-Gazette, 29 Mar 1948, p. 8

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1948 600 | 700 MONDAY EVENING 6:00--Music You Love CHUM 6:00--Music Box CFRB 6:00--Victory Parade CBL News CEDO WGR--WBEN--CKEY CJBC 10--Eid Smith, Sports :10--Tune Time :10--Parade of Melody :15--Preview with Muslo :15--Songs of Good Cheer :15--Top of the Day :15--J1m Wells, Sports :15--News & Farm Report :15~What's Your Beef? 6:30--81g Smith Sports 6:30--Jim Hunter 6:30--Cause for Contentment 6 .30--David Street Song Shop 30--Divertimento 30--Billy Rose 30--Ive Richards, Sports 10--Wes. McKnight 40---Personality Parade 5:45--Three Star Extra 45--Lowel! Thomas ¢:45--Parade of Melody 6:45~BBC News 6:45--~Theatre Party 5; 50--Did I. Say That? r5---Hit of the Day a ational Commentary CBL tne Greene, News CKEY 7.00--Sweet Muslc 7.00--Kesten's Corner 7:00--Console Capers 7:00--Supper Club 9: i0---Beiilal 7 :00--New: 1. 90--Chicho Valle 7:05--Make Believe ®allroom 7:10--The Lighter Side 7:15--Edmund Hockridge, baritone CJBC :15--Novatime C :15--Jack Smith Show WGR--CFRB :15--News of World WBEN :15--F. I, Wine Time 15--8ports Today :30--Int'l House Party :30--Ethel and Albert 30--Pattern for Prosperity ~The Lone Ranger 7:30-- Lyle Evans CB! 7:30--Club 15--is0b Crosby CFRB-WGR | 7.45--Toronto Today CJBC 7:45-- Edward E Murrow News WGR | 7:45--Richard Harkness WBEN 7:45----Sportsman's Show « CBL 17:45--News CFRB 7:50--1 See by the Paper CFRB 8:00--Point Sublime WKBW CFRB--WGR 8:00--David Rose CK 8:00~inner Sanctum 8:00--Courier of the Czar 19999993 [fore coming to Canada in Acting the role of anybody from a brazen Cockney barmaid to 'a DO | haughty French countess is all in the day's work of Kathleen Kidd, radio actress, above. Her versatile voice is heard in the series "These English" on Fridays at 10.30 p.m. |12: EST, on the CBC .Trans-Canada network, as well as in "Stage 48," "Cuckoo Clock House" and many other CBC programs. Miss Kidd was born in London, Eng, and be- 1937 |acted in numerous English musical | comedies. On this continent she | has appeared in Toronto, Winnipeg, Boston and New York stock com- panies, in Hollywood films, and during the war toured Allied camps in the Pacific region as an enter- | tainer with ENSA, 6:25--Hymn for the Day 6:30--News WKBW 20: :40--News 10:45--David Harum 10:45--Listen to Leibert' Time :45--Joyce_Tordan. M.D, :45--Life In Canada :45--Jane Weston :55--Novelette 00--This Is Nora Drake 00--Arthur Godfre, 00--Music for You. :00--Rond of Lite 10:45--Club Ni --70 ane Ladies Varieties B! caktast in Hollywood Make Belleve Ballr~om Big Sister June Dennis :30--Claudia 0--Teleflash News :30--Chuck Wagon Serenade :30--What's Your Beef :30--Show Tune Time :30--Maurice Bodington Lm Club of the Alr 40--Musical Interlude HAS Berar Braden Story 11:45--Jack Smith Show 11:45--Ted Malone 11:45--Lora Limited .11:45~-Do You Remember 1 A Rosemary i 45--Loza 1:50-N lg i Sinclair TUESDAY AFTERNOON 1200 New. CKEY: 12:00--North Shore Farm Digest C 12:00--Music for Midday 12:00--Welcome Traveller 12:00--Ozark Valley Folk 00--Wendy Warren--News News, Melody Inc, 00---BBC News Pick the Hits : Luncheon at the Norman 12:15--Luncheon Music 12:15--Readin, pyeen the Lines WpEY 12:15--Farm Broadcas FRB 12:15--~Aunt Jenny Stories 12:15--Lucy Linton 12:20--Listen Ladles 12:30--Luncheon Club 12:30--Radio Show 12:30--~World at Noon 12.30--Lorne Greene, News 12:30--News 12:30--~Romance of Helen Trent 12:30--Ont Farm Broadcast 12:30--Gordon Sinclair Jr. 12:30--Teleflash News 12:35--CHUM Valley Program 12:40--Farm Prices 12:40--Hollywood Reporter 12:40--Rhythm Rendezvous \ KM ily fo iY ip DE Copt. pt. 1948, King Fesbiies Syndicate, le, Word sights dirt tht beng ww Fy 3-29 a "I hate this game, but my wife insists s 1 mieed to get out and have a good time with the boys." 3:00--Inside Story CKDO 3:05--Jerry Burke Show CEEY 3:15--Salon Concert CFRB 3:15--"Ma Perkins" WBEN--CBL 3:30--Meetin' with Keaton WGR 3:30--Paul Whiteman Club WEBW 3:30--Pepper Young's Ramy 3:30--News 3:30--~News CHUM 3:35--Casa Loma Time CEDO 3:35---CHUM Slogan Contest CHUM 3:45=Lucy Linton FRB 3:45--Right To Happiness WBEN--CBL 4:00--Four O'Clnck News CFRB 4:00--Hospltal Party CJBC 4:00--News CKEY 4:00--Voice of Memory CHUM 4:00--All Star Dance Parade CKDO myko's demand on June 19, 1946, for an immediate treaty outlawing ato. mic bombs would, without adequate controls, give "an aggressor nation the opportunity to acquire an over. "whelming military supremacy." Miles told the committee the Rus. sian plan for control by an interna. tional commission responsible to the Security Council contains no real. istic prcvision for detecting or pre. venting clandestine activities. "The rearmament of Germany between the two world wars is an Ottawa Studies New Auto Plan To Aid Exports Ottawa--Plans are under discus- sion here to make an important re. vision in the export incentive fea- ture of dollar.saving plans for the automobile industry. Presumably if the new plan is approved, it would be extended to other industries such as electric ap. pliances, radio, office machinery. These other industries are now carrying on intensive negotiations with Ottawa officials looking to. wards a dollar.saving formula to suit their individual needs and cir- cumstances. The new export incentive plan aims to divide export markets as between scheduled and non-sched- uled countries, or, alternatively to segregate countris which now draw on the sterling area "pool." Under the plan now in 'effect in the automotive industry, manufac. turers receive a special dollar allot. ment equal to 55% of the amount by which export in 1948 exceeds 90% of exports in the base period. This has been calculated to earn indi. vidual manufacturers about twice as many U.S. dollars on additional ex- port business as on business which merely serves the home market. But" if Canadian manufacturers find themselves losing ground in sterling area markets (as is pres. ently the case) this penalizes any gain in hard currency markets. The new proposals now under considera. tion aims to segregate hard and soft currency exports and allow the special dollar bonus on hard cur. rency earnings even if total exports are down, (Financial Post) Pope Pius Asks Italians To Uphold Christianity By JOHN McKNIGHT Vatican City, March 29--(AP)-- Pope Pius says Italy and the world are at the crossroads in the contest over Communim, "The great hour of Christian conscience has sounded," proclaim. ed the head of the Roman Cath. olic: Church in a noonday Easter blessing yesterday. The white.clad Pontiff spoke from a balcony of St. Peter's, the world's biggest church. Some 400,- 000--equal to a fourth of Rome's population -- heard him from the sunlit square below. His talk came little more than three weeks before Italy's April 18 election test between Communism and its foes. He did not mention Communim by name. But hearers plainly caught the meaning of his referen. ces to "deniers of that which is most sacred" and "agitators who make the negation of Christ the cornerstone of their work." "Over this multitude of believing Rome there lies almost a shadow of singular gravity. ..," the Pope said. "Rome now finds herself before, or better, in the midst of, 4 turn. ing of the times which requires of the head an' dmembers of cliristian.- ity the highest vigilance, untiring preparedness. and unconditioned action." He reminded his audience of the "terrible verdict" of eJsus Clirist: "Who Is Not With Me Is Against Me." "You beloved sons and daughters well comprehend what such & crossroads signifies ang contains for Rome, for Italy, for the world." He invited the world' people "to thoughts and designs of peace" and closed by pronouncing upon the throng "our paternal apostolic benediction." The pope stood in the centre bal. cony above a huge papal flag. His gestures were emphatic. His voice was vibrant and forceful. Twenty loudspeakers, jutting from windows of the basilica, magnified his words. Three light planes roared low over the crowd dropping thousands of handbills, Most of the bills bore the one letter "V'"--understood var. jously to mean vita (life), victory and vote, Premier Alcide De Gasperi head of the anti-Communist Christian Democrats, was cheered when he arrived to hear the Pope speak. The surge of Romans toward the Vatican left suburbs virtually de- serted, In the big stone oval facing St. Peter's, they joined priests and visitors from every part of the world. ¢ Standing in well.ordered lines were the youth of Catholic Action, the church's 4,000,000-strong strik. ing force in its new crusade. Through the afternoon, they roamed the streets are in amm, cheering De Gasperi and the Pope, Ponciau, R hosllanerchrugog, Wales--(CP) Nurse Ann Clark, 90, who brought 3,000 babies into the world during her career, died. COLUMBIA PICTURES preseals ZANE © WESTER? GREYS T N SLTLAWRY! GENE STRATTON PORTER'S -- 12:45--Walter Bowles 12:45--Let"s Go Visiting 12 :45--Big Sister A { 3:90---On Stage "4 / 8:0v--vava.cade of America 8:00--The Electric Hour bh] Workers of America Talk 8:30--Double or Nothiug 0--Choral Capers 0--National Farm Forum 0--Twelve Players 8:30--Charlie Chan 8:30--Opportunity Knocks 8:30--Arthur Godfrey's Talent 8:30--Volc: of Firestone 8:45--Musical Program 8:55--Bll! Henry News 8:55--Tune Clues 8:55--Ontario Farm Forum +9:00--Special Agent 9:00--On Stage America 9:00--The Labor Story 9:00--Symphonic Encores 9:00--Radio Theatre 9:00--News 9:00-- Telephone Hour 9:15--Little Show 9:30--Want to Lead a Band? 9:30--Choral Group 9:30--~The People Agk 9:30--Lingering Lennitks 9:30--Norman Cloutier 9:30--Dr. 1.Q. Quiz 7:50--New: 9:45--Ron Hambleton C. 1 35--Meloay Highlight 9:45--Voice of St. John Y | 8.00--New: 10:00--~Tune Tryst | 8:00 Raiph Snyder Show T\ 10:00--My Friend Irma | 8:00--News WB! \ 10.00--Mayor of the Town CFRB | 8:00--Martin Agronsky \ 10.00--Contented Hour CJBC--WBEN | 5:00--Jim #10:00--Contented Hour CJBC 10:00--Music of Manhattan 10:00--CBC National News 6:30--Press News CEDO 6:30--Farm Service, Weathers WGR 6:35--Uncle Ervin WKBW 6:40--O0ld Chisholm Trail CKDO 6.45--Gospel Singer S&oo | 6:45--News CBL | 6:55--News WKBW | 6:55--Hymn for the Day CKEY | 7:00--~Two Hours With Holly Sal By Nevm Musical Clock ows 1:00--News; Meyer's Musical Qulz CBL N | 7:00-- WORN] Taa--Dercolater Parads C 1:00--_Teleflash News: Romance CHUM Ld 8 ; WGR 7:00--Ralph Snyd>r Show CKEY 7:00--Breakfast Melodies CEBY CBL 7.05--News WEBW CJBC | "1 15--Clint Buehiman WGR WKBW | 7:15--Rev. Geiber, Songs CHUM CKEY | 7:30--CBC News CBL CBL | 7:30--Press News WBEN CFRB--WGR ' 7:30--News, Musical Clock CKDO | 730--Ervin Victor Ld WBEN | 7:30--Headlines WEEBW 7.35--Lew Parker Comedy BLL CHUM CFRB 4:00--Backstuge Wite 4:00--Popular Songs obvious example of the possibility of a nation engaging in clandestine activity when there is no genuine internatlonal scrutiny of its opera. i tions backed by corrective meas. \ ures," he said. % aruct CABOL: "The Soviet government," he add- 7 wo EE TUCKER © ed, "has not only proposed a scheme DOROTHY \ HAR Rl n that is fundamentally inadequate » for the control of atomic energy, but at the same time has made the overriding stipulation that they will not agree to establish even such a feeble scheme of control until all atomic weapons have been prohibit. ed and destroyed. It 1s completely unrealistic to expect any nation to renounce atomic weapons without any assurance that all nations will ke prevented from producing them." Thirteen of the 16 other countries which have sat on the Atomic Com. mission since June, 1946 have sup- ported the United -'Only Rus. sia, Poland and the Soviet Ukraine have been in opposition. | KEEPE OF THE BEES 3» LEY oRAPEME CHARLES KE : : LRAY 4:15--Mike Hopkins Show QEvE EN Shee 4:15--Broadway and Vine ANT 4:15--High Tide, Wally Shubat cKBo 4'10--Ethelwvn Hobbes 4:30--Hint Hunt 4:30--Ople Cates Show 4:30--Your Host Peter Gust 4:30--Lorenzo Jcnes 430_Reoltal 4:30--Winner Take All 4:30--News 4:35---1050 Matinee 4:45---Dick Tracy 4 ay prom the Classics 4:45--New! 45--Young Widder Brown 4:55--Catholic Charities 4:55--Matines Miniature 5: NON AR Oe 5:00--S8u 5: oo News. Mi Mike Hopkins Show CHUM 5:00--Ellls McLintock CJBC Russ Plan (Continued from Page 3) The United States did not join in the statement of the four coun. 1:00--Music for Tuesday 1:00--News 1:00---Bilg Sister 1:00--Byngtyme : ps 1:15--Wold Series Baseball 1:15--Your Host--Peter Crust 1:15~Ma Perkins 1:15--Broadway Bandwagon 1:15--~The Happy Gang 1:25--Democratic Committees 1.30--Sally Work 1:30--Million Dollar Ballroom 1:30--Young Doctor Malone 1:30--News 1:35--Stephen Foster 1:45--Young Doctor Malone M 1:45--Treasury of Beautiful Music 1:45--The Guiding Light WGR THEY'RE TRAVELIN' ALONG. SINGING HIT SONGS. [3 ON THE ROAD THAT LEADS TO LAUGgy GUFFAWS! ROARg 7 PARAMOUNT'S 1948 ROAD TO HAPPINESS! 7:35--Breakfast Melodies 7:40--Percolator Parade 7:40--Top o' the Morning 7:45--Terry Washburn 1 Ly Viewpoint 00--N :00--The Second Mrs, Burton OOH hour & £5 i our Con C80 News - cB :00--Blay-off School B cess reakfast a 10--Hal Kelly (Sports) 2:05--Jerry Burke Show arg ~~ 10:00--This Is Adventure 10:15--CBS News Roundup 10:30--News 10:30--S8ongs For You 10:30--Catholic Thought 10:30--Fred Waring 10:30---Screen Guild Players 10:30--Jumpin' Jacks 10:30--Information Please 10:30--Bill 'Isbister Trio 10:40--Sports News 10:45--S0 the Story Goes 10:45--Bill Isbister Trio 10:45--Community SpotHght 10.45--~News 10:45--Listening Post 10:55--Hit of the Day 10:55--Sports News 10:55--Headliners 11:00--Recital of French Music 11:00--News WGR-WBEN.CFRB- OR 11:00--News WKB 11:00--~Dominion News Bulletin 11:05--Mickey Lester Show 11:10--Organ Reverie Cohn 11:10--Million Dollar Ballroom WEKBW 11:15--Robert Q. Lewis CFRB 11:15--Joe Wesp, Ironic Reporter WBEN 11:15--Christie's Wax Works CJBC 11:15--Late Sports . 11:25--Late Sports Column WBEN 11:25--Martin Tobin's Tune Time WGR 11:30--Wally Wicken's Orch. 11:30--America United 11:30--Guy Lombardo Orch. FRB 11:30--Martin Tobin Tune Time WGR 12:00--CBC News CJBC 12:00--~News--House Party CKEY 12:00--News WBEN-WKBW-WGR-CFRB 12:05--St. Louis Serenade WBEN 12:05--Tony Pastor CFRB 12:05--Musical Reflections WKBW 12:15--Martin Tobin's Tune Time WGR 12:30--Virginia Beach Orch. WBEN 12:30--News CFRB 1:00--News--House Party Ry 1:30--Juke-box Jamboree WKB 2:00--News--Say It With Music REY TUESDAY MORNING 5:00--Uncle Ervin WEKBW 5:30--News WEBw 5:30--550 Revellle GR 5:35--Uncle Ervin WREW 5:50--News WGR #:00--News WKBW 6:00--Morning Jamboree CBL 6:00--News WBEN--CFRB 6:00--550 Rangers WGR 6:05--Top o' the Morning CFRB 6:05--Uncle Ervin WKBW 6:10--Clint Buehiman WBEN CBL | for [] 8 8: 8: 8:10--Livestock Review 8:15--Musieal Clock ¥:15--Clint Bueniman 8:15+-Housewives Serenade 8:15--Coffee sime 8°15--Morning Devotions 8:20--Terrv Washburn 8:30--Breakfast Time Tunes 8:30--Musical March Past 8:30--News 8:30--Teleflash Ne | 8:35--Breakfast at CHUM #:45--Gospel Sinzer 8:45--Sacred Heart Program ¥:50--News 8:55--It's a Racket 9:00--Ralph Snyder Show 9:00--~Music for Tuesday 9:00--News CKEY 9:00--Teleflash News, Morning Star 9:00--~The Breakfast Club WKBW 9:00-9:00 News CFRB 9:05--Music in the Morning OBL 9:05--All Time Hit Parade CKEY 9:10--~Novatime CFRB 9:15--Breakfast at CHUM 9:15--~Early Dete 9:15--~Oklahoma Roundup 9:30--Oklahoma' Roundup 9:30--Oshawa Shopping Basket 9:30--Clevelandaires 9:45--Homemakers' Club 9:45--Peggy's Point of View 9:45--In Your Name 9:45~--Ontarlo School 9:50--News 10:00--My Crue Story 10:00--Parade of Bands 10:00--News 10:00--Waltz Time 10:00--House Party 10:00--World of Fashion 10:00--Fred Waring Show 10:00--Betty and Bob 10:05--~Morning Music 10:05--~Tommy Dorsey Show 10:05--Make Believe Ballroom 10:15--Dept. of Highways 10:15--Coffee Call 10:15--Kindergarten of the Alr 10:17--Song Parade 10:25--Magazine of the Alr 10:25--Top Tune 13 Ktle AD ew i om. of Evelyn Winters 10:30--Press News 10:30- d of Life 10:30--Ethelwyn Hobbes 10: 0 News LE med Slogan Contest :35--Do You Remember 10 35--Plano Interlude ww CINECOLOR (L004 2:15--News 2:15--Perry Mason 2:15~Woman in White 2:15--Jack Berch Show 2:25---The Three Suns 2:30--Marriage For Two 2:30--Charlie Spivak 2:30--Bride and Groom Show 2:30--Marriage For Two 2:30--Muslically Yours 2:30--Hollywood New: .2:35--Salute to the "Nations 2:40--Bettv Crocker 2:45--Musical Matinee 2:45--Lean Back and Listen 5:45--Lum 'N' Abner Sea 3:00~Lifo.Can Be Beautirul CBL-- 3:00--Double or Nothing 3:00--News 3:00--Concert Cameos 3:00--~CHUM. Slogan Contest tries but informed sources predict. ed the United States would support it. Authoritative sources said the four countries were laying the ground. work for a full debate on atomic energy in the 1948 General Assem. bly meeting in Paris this fall. Richard Miles of Britain, who re. cently told the Soviet Ukrainian delegate it was a "waste of time" to try to talk to the British people ov- er the heads of the British delega- tion here, was chosen to present the statement of the four countries and the resolution. Miles declared that Andrei Gro. ( LHEATRES TODAY | Biltmore -- "Gunfighters" 2:15, 4:55, 7:35, 10:15. "Keeper of | the Bees" 1:10, 3:50, 6:30, 9:10. Last complete show at: 9:10. | Marks--"The Prince of Thieves" 1.50, 3.50, 5.55, 8.10, 10.30. "3 Stooges" 1.15, 3.15, 5.20, 7.30, 9.45. Last complete show 9.25. Regent -- "The Road to Rio" 1.30, 3.25, 5.20, 7.20, 9.20. Last complete show 9 p.m. CONTINUOUS from 1:30 P.M. REGENT FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Be soliton ANDREWS we Whe Bork SISTERS "STUPIDSTITIOUS CAT" "o¥esoo NEWS OF THE DAY { Doon & Fo Saw. oven Fhe Saw ..and on to the World | places. In our Royal Canadian Navy's ships the young sailor quickly learns the skills of the seaman. And there are service trades to master which would be valuable in civilian life to any man. It's a healthy life = with new friends to make --= The training of the modern sailor takes him to far and new places to see. There are 4 weeks leave at Bais Dd | 'NEW DARING ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD &HIS MERRY MEN home each year. The rates of pay have been increased. There is t, and there's a good ample scope for pension at the end of his service. . s Canada' s Navy offers opportunities in naval aviation, as well as in the many skilled jobs in cruisers, destroyers and other modern craft. The self-reliant sailor specialists of the modern R.C.N. are men of the world. Here to-day is your c! JON H HALL NIRISIN - JERGERS - NINBRAY Extra... THE NAVAL RESERVE If you can't enlist in the permanent service, you can join the R.C.N. (Reserve) and obtain, with pay, in your spare time the comradeship, the crafts and skills for which, ! sailors are famous. NEW COLOR CARTOONS MTHE 3 STOOGES I NRE "SHIVERING SHERLOCK" T EVERY DAY Get the facts from the Naval Recruiting Officer, Royal Canadian Navy, Ottawa, or from THIS WEEK H.M.C.S. YORK, 57 LAKESHORE BLVD., TOKONTQ, ONTARIO

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