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Daily Times-Gazette, 2 Apr 1948, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES- GAZETTE FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1948 NT AD SECTION = y BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors GRAHAM BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT AU- ditor. Government reports and income tax forms eparee. secretarial work Phone T0043" "205 Arthyr St. (Mayl) 8. T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- eral accountant, 24 Alger Bldg, King 8t. East. Phone 2127, Consulting ace countant and auditor, (Mayl) Articles for Bale .. Articles Wanted .. b Agents Wanted ... 40 Auditors .......ei0 1 Agiomebiies a .Female Help For Rent Automobiles Wanted ..... Automobile Repairs 18 Auction Sale ...... 43 Barristers ... 2 Bullding Trades .,. Oppor- tunities ......... 20 a ' 2--Barristers 18, HARRIS & WALLACE, E, BAR- Ly 112 Simcoe St. North. Phone 3407. Res. 32 May4) LOUIS 8 HYMAN, Mo! e Loans Ni SABE TER¢ rigag 25 Simcoe North. ® phone 67. Residence Sosl, Mayl) ANT & ANNIS, CREST AL- fo F, Annis, K.C., 7'2 Simcoe Street South. Phone 4, Residence 769. (Mayl) A. W. 8. GREER, K.C., BARRISTER, Aer etc, 6 King sen East. e 3160. id 514. 4s A WC. Pollard, Fon Uxbridge, Ont. (Mayl) GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & FRASER, barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. (Mayl) R. D, HUMPHREYS, K.C., BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc, 6 King St. West. Phones: Office 814; Teidence 3207. Money to loan. (Mayl) JAMES R. MacBRIEN, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Suite 201, 70 King East, Genosha Hotel, Phone 837. (May1) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, KC. BARRIS- ter, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14', King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Res. Phone 837. (Mayl) " Business O; tunities anted. an 4 oniropraciom sense Dia Em Inymien esssssese 81 CLASSIFIED ONE INSERTION . TWO CONSECUTI Above rates apply only to original Each initial letter, abbreviation, full word. All Classified Advertisements INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Wanted ... Puneral Directors . Gardening and Supplies ........ Household Repairs Houses For Rent .. Help Wanted . Money to Loan ... Nursing Service 0! THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTION EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION .... new original order. and listings $5.00 per month for 20 words or less. 20c additiomal for all words over 320. Box charged 10c additional. ~ before publication. Office hours: Daily 8-6. Saturday 8-5. Ph jeans and Parser, sees . Personal Services . Pets and agian wseses 4 RAR AD Rates), Words Each Addl 1m Word BEB.LE 8% ¥ B 3¥5.p S13 26--Real Estate "Wanted | 32--Automobiles for Sale' | tion, state price 461. J. SMALL GROCERY OR CONFECTION- 1037 MAPLE LBAF, , 214-TON | DUMP, | IN | MOTORCYCLISTS ery- business, with living accommoda- | fine operating condition good Hilt and terms, Phone ! cluding Burnley, 53 Simcoe North. (761) | ply Geo. fi re, heater. "eb Priva . Graham, Newcastle. 29--Rooms For Rent BED-BITTING ROOM, FULL HOUSE- keeping privil *, fadies preferred. Af- ter 7. hone 4 4385W (78b) FURNISHED BEDRROM, hd for one or two entlemen, abstainers oply. Apply 104 k St. (78c) 2-ROOMED APA Sel BUSL couple preferred. Apply 517 Park Nina) FURNISHED BEDROOM, A CONVEN- iences. 65. Elgin E. Phone | AIAN. (78b) VERY COMFORTABLE ROOM, 00D home, for non-smoker and abstain excellent locality, central. y Times-Gazette. (T7¢) FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM, HOT water heating 5 Set home, 182 Sim- coe 8. Phone 5212W (77e) ONE nb LIGHT HOUSEKTEP- ing room. 214 Bloor E. Phone iia) ) Te FURNISHED BEDROOM, ro Phone 3248J. (77¢) NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM WITH use of grill if desired, for girls. Phone 3364R. (76¢) FURNISHED ED ROOM, § SUITABLE FOR cne. B man only. Phone 3131. Box orders for at a Fd date constitute a $ and c sign, hgute count as « MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day' (76t1) FURNISHED BEDROOM, CONTINUOUS hot water. Apply 225 Arthur St. Phone Oe ela FURNISHED BEDROOM, SINGLE, CEN- trally located. Apply 16 Elgin E. Phone 1086J. (Mar. 31 31,Apr. 2) SMALL L BUILDING, 21' x 33'; SUIT- able for storage or small business; ref- erences required, Box 34, Times-Gaz- ette. (6c) CABIN FOR | RENT, "SUITABLE FOR keeping, also two-room apartment 14--Household Repairs 25---Real Estate For Sale and community kitchen Phone Whitby 820, or call at Penguin Club. (65t1) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER SOLI- citor, 11 King E. Room Phones Office 55. Residence S60TR. (Mayl) A J. PARKHILL A AND Barristers. Mortgage Housing Act loans. 26 Phone 1614. Res. 1975J. MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas« sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282. Res 287TW. loans, Simcoe North. (Mayl) (Mayl) 3a--Physicians and Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. 'B., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven to twelve aud. Je3ceps Wed and Sat.), 32 to 4 and 7 ,(Mayl) | rn FURNITURE REPAIRED AND R&E- upholstered. our materials for recovering. Pruce. R. Dalton 75 Charles. Phons 401 (Apr8) CUT DOWN YOUR R \OVERHEAD! with ZONE Heavy-Duty Roof .Coating Easily applied over com tion, metal and gravel roofs. ZO. seals all breaks and pinholes and re- vitalizes your old roofing. information and sample demon - stration . . . PHONE 282TW (Tues.-Fri.) | 156--Gardening and: Supplies | PRUNING TREES AND SHRUBS, MUCH | { can and should be taken care of at | the present time. Phone 2178. (4841) | frame, Pacific ectricity. Excellent $2, 000% ave; $2,60 Tenanted. $3 10 --4-room frame, Gibbs Ave. ' Westmount. Furnaee and electricity. Sys old, Immediate pos- 41 300 cash, session} $4, 00 --4-room frame. Conveni- ences, New furnace. Cen- trl, Or exchange for larger house or arm. 1$4,00 Built-in cupboards. Hardwood Double corner lot. Westmount. ~--35-room brick. Conveni- ences. Westmorland Ave. 4-room frame, all conveni- floors. Half CLINIC, Ce TH practice including Chirop. therdpy, mineral vapor ba Practicing 22 years. Consultation free. 9 am. to 9 p.m. dally, except Monday and Friday. (Mayl) 5--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9 Phone 1516. (Mayl) JURY AND LOE HOURS: | 18--Automobile Repairs tha, bu! ng (Apri3) | 20--Business 3 Opportunities GENERAL STORE, DURHAM COUNTY, large dwelling attached, annual turn- over $30,000, Property and fixtures, $9, S00, Stock at invoice. Box 38, Tints. Gaze! 9 am. to 6 pm 1, A BE. Johnson, Optometrist. Phone 28. (Mayl) 6--Insurance PROTECTION FROM ALL FORMS OF hazard can be purchased from Murdoch General Insurance Service. National Housing Act Building loans, Submit your plans to us. (Apr6) PEACOCK'S INSURANCE VICE SERVICE. Consult us for any of your insurance needs. All classes of insurance includ- ing life. ig King Street East, dione 2 Res. 4318R. Mayl) 7--Veterinarians DR. E. H WEBSTER, LARGE AND small animal surgery. 101 Richmond St. W. Phone 2010M. (Mayl) 9--Meceney To Loan NATIONAL HOUSING ACT BUILDING Loans, We are official agents. Sub- mit your plans to Insurance Service. Over Eaton's. (Apr6) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first mortgages. Apply M. F. Bwartz, Barrister. Bassett Block, suite No. 4. Telephone 182 (Mayl) 10--Instruction DANCING CLASSES, and Tap taught by Irenle Harvey. Re- ister Friday, Christ Church Parish all, Hillcroft and Mary Sts. (Aprs! PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN LATEST | modern dances Waltz, Rumba, JR8E0, Samba, Jitter- bug. Phone (Apr.3) 11--Building Trades ALL TYPES OF PLASTERING REPAIRS and cement work. Free estimates. Phone A. Woods, 3870R4. __ (76d) EAVESTROUGHS AVAILABLE; FOR service, and free estimates. Phone 382W1. (Apr30) Murdoch General | BALLET, TOE including Fox Trot, 22--L.ost and Found cash y. See these today and make offer, == LISTINGS WANTED -- W. McAULEY REALTOR 150 DIVISION ST. PHONE 3510M ANYTIME (78b) 5-ROOM INSUL BRICK BUNGALOW, all conveniences, May. first, e money ac: . Murdoch n g Act' Building Yong ( LOST. LADY'S GOLD BULOVA WATCH, diamond setting, extension band, vicin- ity Division and downtown. Reward. Phone 201W. (78a) LOST. BLACK LEATHER SEore. initials G.J.B., on "King St. Phone 4000 local 10. Reward. (77h) LOST, TWO BACK TRUCK RACKS, T colof, No. 2 highway, between Bae and Whitby, Monday. Reward. Phone Bowmanville 689, (77 23--Women's Column SPENCER SUPPORTS, . INDIVIDUALLY designed. Phone 2118M or 873J, for ap~ pointment. (Apr.24) CHARIS--FOR SPRING FASHION IN expert fitting, in girdles, corselettes and brassieres. Phone Mrs. 2504W, CHARIS, NOW IS THE TIME TO BREAK in that new garment before the warm weather arrives, Call Mrs. Miia, = gas, Apr 24--Personal PERSON WHO . BOUGHT '30 '47 license 63832, phone 0 ic) HAVE, THAT WATCH OR CLOCK EX- pertly' Jebaired at the Midtown Watch | Shop, Simcoe St. South. Entrance through Vern's Barber Shop. One week's service. (Apr.23) WILL Ford, 3 down, as long as 24 months . to pay at STONEY'S CAR MARKETS Oshawa and Toronto 5 Locations : (58t1) 25--Real Estate For Sale CARPENTRY, ALTERATIONS & RE- airs, cupbosrds, roofing and also new mss built. All workmanship guar- to your satisfaction. For free estimates. Phone 296J. (151) CRAGGS AND DYKSTRA. PAINTERS, Decorators. Also furniture refinished. industrial praying Work guaranteed. Phone 3639 - 4185W. (Apri8) ARE YOU INTERESTED IN CARPEN- iy repairs, alterations, kitchen oup= poards, roofing, phone 1352W. Free timal (Apr.17) hi CARTER, PAINTING AND DE- corating, spray painting. Satisfaction Tanned) Phone 3289W. 188 Bruce St. (A pr.11) SAND, GRAVEL, FILL AND CINDERS, also stake dump truck for hire. Phone 2135W. (Apr. 23) 4 FAMILY APARTMENT, ON SIMCOE Street, Each contains 3 rooms snd bathroom, all modern. Lot 60x260. Rea- sonable, Immediate Josgasslon of one. Would consider small house as Foay payment. Apply 364 Simcoe 8. Fol 8a) EXCELLENT BUILDING LOTS 50° x 150° on Stevenson's Rd. North, Apply 520 King West. 6-ROOM BRICK, GARAGE, Phe ences, vacant, $6,900. Hal 146 Mill St. Phone 3405J. LOT, FRONTAGE 37 X 323 DEPTH. py dol Mitchell Ave. Phone 4619J. as EL LOT, !2, ACRE. HARMONY South, west al near school. Wace. Phone' 1357. (788) 2 LOTS WITH WATER AND sewer, 3 bulldi lots, North Oshawa. Apply 538 Oxford. (78b) BUILDING CONTRACTOR, PLANNING aud designing, all types 'of remodel , kitchens, built-in furniture, etc. as Gill. Phone 1503J. (Apr?) CONTRACTING SERVICE, FARM WIR- ing and primary lines, water heaters and rangettes, fixtures sold and instal- led, appliances repaired. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. Armstrong Elec- tric, 16 Nassau St., phone 987J. (Fri. Sat.) ACT NOW! Still time for reduced rates on paperhanging and painting. FREE ESTIMATES CALL 4813W AFTER 6. hr ---- 12--Personal Services WATCH REPAIRS, J. CORNISH, 20 Bond West. Your watch personally serviced. Hl (Apr.30) BHOE REPAIRING "-- THE CH! CHAMPION Bhoe Shop "does particular work for farculas people," at reasonable prices. 31 years in business, 1s your guar- jie Of satisfaction. Front entrance through auality Shop, or west side shop door. Guiltinan's, 17 Bond E. ball (Apr.29) P. A. VON ¢ GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS watchmaker, ' Repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patronage solicited. (Mayl) 14--Household Repairs ENTATIVE HERE "NOW. TWO weeks only. Spring mattresses Pltely. ; rebulit, like new. arshall, Beautyrest repairs. workmanship. Quick service. op, Bedding Co. 4505R. -_(Apr.23) "REBUILT, RECO- Bali moee? Our isfaction guar- Rights, 344) (Aprd) (78b) CHPSTERFIELDS rer bi. Like new Wh tes are Phone" 5260 able, Price $3000 $9000 BAGOT STREET (gagp 7 rooms solid brick with 3-room garage. a money- -maker. Owner occupied, Possession 30 days. 234 Grooms Ave. $6700--6 room semi-bungalow rug briék. Hardwood down. chestnut trim. Possession April 15. See JONES & NOLAN BROKERS (78b) FOR SALE. 5-ROOM HOUSE, GARAGE, chicken house, other buildings, three acres land, ho of fruit and es, Box 44, Times-Gazette. (78¢) 6c) 8- ROOMED STUCCO = MUST be sold this week. oh one week. 146 Tyler CAR (75: "I have a large 10-room brick house, all conveniences, large lawns and garden, lots of shade trees, for sale or will Sxchangs for a 5-room bun- galow. I have a number of choice Building lots on Coll and water avallable, $450 per lot. This is a lovely bulld- ing site. $2,000 with $1, cash, buys 4-room frame, lights and wa- ter, good lot, Pacific Ave. W. J. SULLEY Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer 346 SIMCOE ST. SQUTH, OSHAWA PHONE 716 LOTS, NORTH OSHAWA, HYDRO A telephone available, 50'x270". Bs | within block off Simcoe St. N. Phone 3744W1, after five. $3 00 --Cash $1,200. 4-room frame ' cottage, lights, 'furnace. Immediate possession. $7,000 5% 5 pay. Toroom brick, hardwood floors, all c eniences, gar- age. Immediate possession BERT PEYTON Real Estate and Insurance 13 E. me (78a) AN EXCELLENT INVESTMENT $7,000.00 Large S5-room bungalow with stone front. Three bédrooms. Full basement. Forced air conditioning unit. House is fully insulated. Tile dado in Bathroom, tiled workbeneh in kitchen. Hardwood floors throughout except kitchen and bathroom which have mastic tile floors. Large double garage and 3 extra lots re 1 in the purch price. Oc- cupancy in May 1948. Phone us for an ppointment to see this lovely modern e. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY bungalow on Cadillac rdwood and Mastic Tile floors, kitchen, full 8' basement. Elec- t water tank, Laundry tubs. House is fully insulated This home is situated in an excellent residential Aiea, Phone us for an appointment to see through this dwelling. Exclusive listing. howe £400 chofield INSURANCE 25c--Farmers' Column ORDER YOUR GASOLINE AND Motor oll now, from Cities Service Co. Phone 2015, (May2) '18-SUITE APARTMENT HOUSE for sale immediately. Shows excellent return on investment, Apply BRADLEY BROS. Realtors ; (1c) 26--Real Estate Wanted 7 TO 35_AORES, WITH BUILDINGS, under D.V.A, Phone 4923W. - (T7¢) HOUSES WANTED I have waiting, cash buyers. Please phone 3510M and I will call. W. McAULEY Realtor - 150 DIVISION 8ST. (781) Stranger in city must have a home, $1,000 cash, Could rgortgage * my property. elsewhere if larger amount is required for down payment, BOX 42 TIMES-GAZETTE wl 30--Room and Board FOR 2 "OR 3 MEN, SEPARATE near Motors, Phone 3053J. 31--Wanted to Rent YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE REQUIRE 3.0r.4 rooms or apartment in Whitby or Oshawa. Immediately, Abstainers. Phone 3868J. (78¢c) GARAGE, STORAGE SPACE. PREFER- ably north-east section. Phone 10020; (78h) BEDS, (78b) ences. Hot water heating. | URGENT. MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE RE- quire house or 4-room apartment, self- | contained, best of references, steady | employment. Box 45, Times-Gazette. = (78b) SMALL HOUSE, TWO OR THREE rooms, very urgent, young couple, one child. Phone 474 R (78¢) YOUNG ' BUSINESS 5" COUPLE, NO children, desire three or four unfur- nished rooms or F Suples, May 31st. Phone 1720J. (170) UNFURNISHED rooms, by young couple to be married in May References if required, Phone Sl7orYi63M. (77¢) SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT OR flat, pagent, by reliable couple with one child. References. Phone 4 44244. (77¢) HOUSE, APARTMENT OR FLAT WANT- ed from 4 to 6 months. Can pay in ad- vance. References. Phone 206J. (77c) ARAGE, op LICINTT Y SIMCOE- AND William, . Phone 5 13J, (17¢) FAMILY OF 4 ST] 3 WORKING, require house or apartment by May 1, or sooner. Fhone 4433J. (7c) QUIET I YOUNG COUPLE WANT THREE unfurnished rooms or apartment. Phone 4573W. (6c) 3 OR 4 ROOMED APARTMENT. UN- furnished. Best of references. Young couple and one child. Phone onw at) 7 32--Automobiles for Sale FEAST YOUR EYES ON THESE LATE MODEL CARS At New LOW PRICES = Bennett's Lead In Values SEZ US FIRST BEFORE YOU BUY, INVESTIGATE THESE WEEK-END SPECIALS! 1946 CHEV. STYLEMASTER SEDAN (Like New) 1942 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN 1942 DODGE SPECIAL DELUXE COUPE 1042 DODGE SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN . 1941 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN 1941 CHEV. SPECIAL DELUXE COACH 1941 CHEV. DELUXE COACH (Only 26,000 Miles) 1941 PONTIAC DELUXE COACH 1941 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN 1941 DESOTO DELUXE SEDAN 1941 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 1940 CHEV. DELUXE COACH (Like New) 1940 MERCURY DELUXE SEDAN 1940 OLDS: SIX SEDAN 1940 WILLYS DELUXE SEDAN 1939 CHEV. DELUXE COACH 1939 BUICK DELUXE COACH 1939 BUICK OPERA SEAT COUPE 1939 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN 1936 CHEV. DELUXE COACH 1936 FORIY DELUXE SEDAN 1931 PONTIAC DELUXE COACH 1944 FARGO %-TON PICK-UP MANY OTHER 46-47-48 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. NOW IS THE T_ME TO BUY. YOUR OLD CAR WILL ACT AS DOWN PAYMENT. Ray Bennett Motors LIMITED 428.KING ST. W, Phone. 4554J (782) Bill Nicholls The Quality Car Lot '47 Chev. Coach $1995 '42 Chev. Coach, like "47 '40 Chev. Coach, this car has * had one owner, 37,000 miles Deal with the man who has the REPUTATION of being the squarest dealer in the cax business. '41 Buick Club Coupe, one in a million like this one '33 Chev. Sedan . '34 Hudson Sedan, a real buy '31 Chev. Coupe $175 '29 DeSoto $150 Oshawa's Largest Used Car Dealer 71 KING WEST PHONE 4904 (158) Stoney's Car Market "The Greatest Name In the Used Car Business OSHAWA BRANCH Chev Sedan, radio and heater $1,995 Dodge Sedan, very clean car $1,695 Plymouth Coupe, perfect condition $1,145 Buick Sedan, good run- ning car $1,695 Packard Sedan, radio and heater, like new Dodge Sedan "Fluid Drive" $1,295 Chrysler Sedan, good running car $950 Mercury Coach, a real nice car $995 Nash Sedan very good running car $750 Packard Coupe, excep- tionally clean car $695 Pontiac Coupe, real nice condition $275 ' Pontiac Deluxe Sedan good condition $275 RUCKS Ford Panel--runs very good $695 International stake body $350 Ford 14-ton pick-up '36 '36 Over 200 cars to choose from in Toronto. As low as $50 and as high | as '$7,000. Your old car in trade at a fair allowance. As long as twenty- four months to pay on late models. Only 1/3 down. STONEY'S CAR MARKET PHONE 4183] Open Evenings Till § pm. 429 KING WEST +| COACH; 32--Automobiles for Sale | MEETING AT | Go Soodven: Sant: ba ane, Satur. y evening, April m st speaker, Otahans Walker, De. of Eng- Er , Pp! and refreshmen e] body welcome. (185) oLDs, gus, AND TAKE OVER PAY- men ew Tes. ood motor, Pho 2630R. 19 Prince Street. (Ta) "28 OHEV. 4 NEW TIRES, GOOD i tor. Apply 73 Cromwell Ave. Anyunie. ( JT, a Re uxe eater, condition. 154 Division St., after 5 Bam m. '36 WIL! WILLYS | SEDAN. PHONE 4502W Hos particulars. (78d) '34 PLYMOUTH COACH; 35 PLYMOUTH COACH; '36 AUSTIN SEDAN; '37 OLDS. SEDAN; '38 FORD SEDAN; '38 BUICK '3 OLDS. COACH. Trade, Terms or Cash. NAIMAN'S GARAGE 181 ALBERT ST. (75d) "3 BUICK SEDAN, GOOD CONDITION throughout, original paint. Phone ed; | ( ) 1941 DODGE DUMP TRUCK, GOOD condition. Palmer Motor Sales, Bow- manville. (78¢) '31 BUICK SEDAN. ; INQUIRE "NORMAN Gilbert, Glovers Road, North Oshawa, (76d) 1/3 down, as long as 24 months to pay at STONEY'S CAR MARKETS Oshawa and Toronto 5 Locations (58t1) CHEV. SEDAN, FENDER WELD job, good condition, good tires: A id 121 Westmount Ave., after 5. il '30 PONTIAC SEDAN. TIRES GOOD, motor Ebon' running condition, '48 1i- cerse, Phone 15R23 Brooklin, (77c) '20 MODEL A FORD, GOOD CONDI- tion. Apply C. Moore, 419 King West, * (TTb) 1/3 down, as long as 24 months to pay at STONEY'S CAR MARKETS Oshawa and Toronto 5 Locations 1931 (581) '/47 PONTIAC COACH. PRIVATELY owned, low mileage. Excellent conditions Heater, defroster, new. license, Phone J, in evening. (761) 1939 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN, GOOD condition. Phone | 613J ( Tc) - 3-TON MAPLE "LEAF CAB WITH in Sood condition, with low i rrr g Phone 1544. (7c) MORE GOOD USED CARS You can buy With Confidence at BELMONT MOTORS |" 36--Articles for Sale BLUE GENDRON PRAM, GOOD CON- dition. Apply 149 Burk St. Phone Hons or (78a) CAR RADIO "AND AERIAL, A-1 CON- dition. Phone 2884J. (TED) ONE COOK "STOVE, COAL OR WOOD. Price $18. Good condition, Phone wow, ) ROASTING CHICKENS AND BOILING fowls, dressed essed rosa) for oven. Delivered Saturday. Phone 1054W, or Bowman- ville 2967. (78a) pho ard sh Ee MOFFAT T ELECTRIC RANGE, 4-BURN- er, overhead garage door, 7'10"x6'6", 6 bags potatoes. Phone 5060J. (T8¢) 9-PO. OAK DINING-ROOM 'SUITE, AL- 80 odd furniture. Phone between 3-7 p.m. 3812W. __(78b) CEDAR POSTS AND "POLES, ANY quantity delivered. Phone 1962W, _ (781) ® ICE REFRIGERATORS: = 75-1b. capacity. 2-inch iisuistion PAY ONLY $5.75 DOWN BALANCE IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS ® COLORED 'RADIOS: Red, Blue, Ivory, Brown and Gree! PAY ONLY $7.50 DOWN, BALANCE IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS ° VACUUM CLEANERS : Walnut Golden Eureka, Goblin, Apex, Royal, versal, Premier and 0. 9 u Kirby AL Low as $10 DOWN and $2. P. WEEK. Free Demonstration in your own home. ® RANGETTES: Mod: PAY ONLY 6:30 DOWN, BALANCE IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS © CONNOR WASHERS: and PAY ONLY gis 95 DOWN, i, BALANCE IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS ® RADIOS: Northern Elec ~ Rogers-Majestic, nd Forest Radios. All available for immediate delivery; and terms. BARONS' RADIO & ~~ LECTRIC ov Radio Hii Appliance Repairs Guaranteed" 426 SIMCOE 8. PHONE a ( WOOD AND COAL STOVE, 6 STOVE- pipes, $40. Phone 3810M. (78a) PRINCESS .PAT KITCHEN ~ RANGE, cream enamel, baby's walker, cabinet. . Phons 3 3767J1. (78c) YP] ITER FOR "SALE, , UNDER- ood standard, $45., good condition. Apply 253 Olive Ave. ar ONE WINE PRAM GO-CA! baby's small crib. Apply 632 WW 30 ) CABIN TRAILER LOCATED IN Ver by. Will sell reasonable. Price $125 cash or $135 on time. For Parpiciniars write Art Wagner, Midland, Ont, Box 516, or phone fdland 596M. (78d) ICE REFRIGERATOR, WHITE POR- gain, $50. ¢ 81 Simcoe Sf = (78a) > fone 3 HORSE POWER tric motor. Phone SST. BIRDS' MATING CAGE; CHILD'S CAR seat; large aquarium; lady's blue sult, size '18;. silver fox fur. Phone 1254W. (78a) COFFIELD ELECTRIC ASHER, IN good repair Apply 137 ohare 8t. (8b) NEW DRIVING HARNESS, WORK HAR- ness, buggy and cutter. Phone * ian) ( ib) ELEC (188) 40 CHEV. COUPE '37 OLDS. SEDAN '38 DODGE COUPE 37 DODGE. COUPE '36 CHEV. STANDARD (One owner). '35 CHEV. STANDARD (Two-tone, a beauty). Many others to choqse from. Easy terms. BELMONT MOTORS a 137 KING WEST mm PHONE 4808 (78a) 33--Automobiles Wanted $i» CASH, FOR GOOD G.M.C. . hone 4148J. 26 Alexander Blvd. (78a) WANTED, GOOD CHEV, OR | PONTIAC, '32 to '37 model. Cash for best car of- fered, Phone, 40 4056M. (17b) WILL PAY UP TO ¢ CASH OR in good condition. By 1179M. CASH FOR YOUR CAR. SRAMLEY Motor Saies. 1271 Simcoe 8t. North Phone 4605W. : (Aprd) $ $ 5 3% 3 35 5 § More dollars for your car at BELMONT MOTORS 137 KING ST. WEST PHONE 4808 CAR CAR (77c) (78t1) 34--Pets and Livestock 6 WEEKS OLD PIGS, ALSO ONE GOOD vet So sow. Apply A. Hiller, Lakeview 7b) COOKER SPANIELS, PUPPIES Jo grown dogs, reasonable. Waubena Ken- nels, 1 mile West of Oshawa, Queen Elizabeth i Dh. (Mayl) 8 NO | GREATER COM PAN- ion than 4 animal or bird". Simcoe Pet Shop, 373 Simcoe South. (Apr.30) DOGS BOARDED BY DAY OR WEEK. Twin Birch Kennels. Phone Whitby 839. (Apr.13) -35--Wearing Apparel ONE BLACK SKIRT, PRACTICALLY new, size 18. Phone 1263W. 219 St. Julien. ula (78a) | MISSES' SUIT, SIZE 16, GOOD CON- dition, very reasonable, Phone 1983, y a ONE MEN'S GABARDINE SUIT, SIZE 36; ge g3herdine Sorin ov eFoaRt, ulzs n on. Apply Oshawa Boulevard. (78a) BOY'S GREY SPRING COAT AND in To condition, size 6. 16: CAP, Brock (78a) | YOUNG MAN'S RING OVERCOAT, | good tuxedo, working sult, sizes 36, also guitar. 164 Alice St, (770) BEIGE GABARDINE SUIT, SIZE 14 OR 15, exoSlien condition, reasonable. Rote 3007TM (6c) AND SELL USED CLOTHING. cleaned and pressed like new. arrying ET ed Some, Jule ana; pants. 21 Bo St. Ww. ann 36--Articles for Sale ALSO LTT hy he AE y Mr. Yelec ntre Whithy. Phone 2508. : (790) TWO CORDUROY COAT SETS, . Aisi blue, aizes 1.2 years: twin convertible gas heater. 99 Olive Ave. hone 1163) ___ (8b) FAIR CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR. condition. Phone 3838W. (8b) VIOLIN WITH CASE, ALSO WARDROBE VE BI NERY. Farmers SEE THESE BARGAINS AT CHRISTIAN'S | ELECTRIC BROODER : Slightly shop soiled. Reg. $42.50. Special .... . LADDERS: One-third off. 3 65 One only! WATER PRESSURE SYSTEM: HAND CULTIVATOR: Aluminum .....e00000000 PONY SADDLE: COOK STOVES: White porcelain. From COAL OIL STOVE: White porcelain. S-burner .... ROOF COATING: Per gallon 59.50 112 HP. TRACTOR ...... 3 HP. TRACTOR Terms may be arranged on larger items, with as little as 10 per cent own. e carry a full line of essential hardware, garden, tools, seeds, paints, etc COME IN FOR HARD-TO-GET ITEMS! Christians 11 SIMCOE STREET NORTH (78b) CUSTOM BUILT TRACTOR, ON RUB- ber, very powerful; new trailer, 13 ton capacity, license, tires Xx 16; one set spring tooth harrows. Phone 289J13, after 6. er 9) Tg WINE STUDIO 8 , $25; Chesterfield table, $3. Phone ose after 6 el ck. (77b) BLACK hsonab'e, f1 A bOIV x (T7¢) BICYCLE JUNIOR SIZE, NEW, APPLY in) Albert S (77¢) Bin SIZED CRIBS, $2. ) BACH, oy mm heater, $10. Apply 83 Buc- kingham. 4 (77b) STUDIO COUCH WITH TWO CHAIRS, new, price reasonable, Phone 28798, ' Te TWO DOUBLE BEDS, , AND MAT Tan Apply 235 Grayburn Ave. Phone pi) KITCHEN BUFFET, trim. Reasonable. 181 Albert St. COOKING APPLES FOR SALE, DELI- vered. Phone : 3467J2. SE RE (728) A COMPLETE 'STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ars. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St N. Phone 3800W. (Apr. 2561) | FISHERMEN 1 ! Tru Temper - Shakespeare - Whitehall Richardson and Action Rod CASTING RODS E 25 2 35.00 Shakespeace - South "Bend - Bronson Pfluger and Penn a 72.95 45.00 Nylon and Silk Lines = Leaders - Tackle Boxes - Flues - Spoons and Wobblers Gaffs ~- "Nets, etc. COME IN AND SEE OUR STOCK! We Can Save You Money SMITH SPQRTS 54 353 KING WEST + (Tv) trunk, size 40x21 lke new. 489 Jost, ab Wi0I5, ao) pen Evenings Phone 472 ope Ev B! Al reconditioned models, | Uni- | kitchen | celain, 100-1b. capacity, : Jee new. Bar- April Park, Wilson Rd, South. 36--Articles for Sale : REFRIGERATOR, ELECTRIC, A-1 CON= om Apply 101 Westmoreland, ery pm 161) TT TTA PN Se 8 ASU An ns MR Reid, Phone 2104, 66 Bo: AWNINGS ONLY 1 8 available. Order now. Chairs and. for rent. Cleve Fox, 412 Sim Oshawa. Washer Bargains --AT Christians COFFIELD WASHER (demonstrator) LARGE SIZE, REGULAR $150.50, SPECIAL $130.50. DOWN PAY. MENT ONLY $13.95. SIMPLICITY WASHER: Medium size, white porcelain tub, # (demonstrator) Special PE DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $11.50 We have*h limited quantity of seve eral makes and models to choose | from. Get yours NOW. Iiberal trade-in allowance on your old washer of any make. 10% DOWN, PUTS YOUR NEW WASHER IN YOUR HOME Christians 11 SiMoog Bilt 8 NORTH (8b) ONE MOFFAT ELECTRIC STOVE WITH side oven; one coal and wood range; two men's bicycles and one' baby's lay pen. All in very good condition. hone 3995J. ft) 3-BURNER ELECTRIC STOVE WITH side oven, good condition. Phone ww, : (Tp) KITCHEN CABINET FOR SALE. with black trim. Modern. Apply 235 Eulalie Ave. (76¢c) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS, [7] and $3 lots delivered, also body hard- wood. Phone 3288J. (780) PIANOS, WALNUT, MASON & RISCH, and bench, very fine piano. Charles H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe North. wali (781) ornais Rien y PIANO, MAHOGANY, bench, apartment size, send Som, Charles H. Peacock, 80 Si Phone 251.- PIANO, MAHOGANY, NEW SCALE, Williams, bungalow, reconditioned, $115. Charles H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe North. Phone 251. (73¢1) REFRIGERATOR FOR SALE; USED one year. Apply Simmons Motor Bale: Whitby. (770) COAL CANADIAN DEEP MINE ALBERTA BRIQUETTES Save $2.50 per ton: from anthracite rice. Her to keep your money in 'anada time. got good value at the same ROBERT DIXON COAL CO. LTD. 313 Albert Street Phone 262 (Mon., Wed. Fri.) s0 Bargains! | See these exceptional buys today ad Christians Philco console radio, long and shoré wave, tuning eye, 3 gang tuning tuning con- denser for greater selectivity and range, and less noise, 12.inch speak, er. Special $99.95, payments as low as $7.50 a month, 2 - $15.00 Down Payment ....... General Electric console radio, des monétrator, long and short wave, clear vision dial, 12-inch "Alnico- Five" speaker. Latest model. Special $139.95, as low as $7.75. a month. Down Payment ......., $21.00 Stromberg-Carlson table model com. bination, radio and phonogr beautifully finished waterfall des! cabinet. Long and short wave, ex. cellent tone. Price to clear $100.98, payments as low as $7.50 a month. Down Payment cnn $16.50 Electrohome console combination, radio and phonograph, long and short wave, 12" speaker, built in aerial, permament needle in phono. graph. Special price $139.95, as low as $7.75 a month. N Down Payment ........ $21.00, MANY OTHER BARGAINS In ALL DEPARTMENTS COME IN AND LOOK FOR THE / YELLOW TAGS, \ "Christians (78¢) 37--Articles Ww nied o ONE ELECTRIC PRESSURE PUMP FOR shallow well, A 16" i] Must be in good condition. 3120W, (78a) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH. WILSON & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone Aoe-in HIGHEST PRICES PAID F FOR PAPTR, | rags, mattresses, {iron Local and out of jown Wy oy u free. Phone hi gale Son, Sad dips Metals, 100 A Station SPO CASH PAID WOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box 1 heater, Sook stoves. 24 Bond West Phone 47668 (Apri) 5 (Continued on Page I 19 - - Ed

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