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Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Apr 1948, p. 18

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~~ . PAGE EIGHTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE - SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1948 WANT AD SECTION 55 258° 4 BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BICKELE, ACCOUNTANT AU- countant and auditor. 2.--Barristers BARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, BAR risters, 112 Simcoe St. North. Phone A Res. 3274W. (May4) LOUIS 8 HYMAN, BARRISTER, ETC. Mortgage g, Loans arian) ed. 25 Simcoe h 1. '(Mayl) BARRISTERS, AL- 71, Simcoe Street (May1l) GOAN 5 ANNIS, Un F. An C. South. Phone 4, Residence 769. REER, K.C. BARRISTER, i. No Sh 6 King Street East. Residence 368TR. (Mayl) ARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, Barristers. Mortgage National Bonslaguac loans. 26 Simcoe North. Phone 1814. Res. 1975J. ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, SO! clitor, 4 King E Room 2. Phones Office 55. Articles for Sale .. 36 Articles Wanted ... Agents Wanted ... Auditors Automobiles For Sale tesessenes Wanted .. For Rent sessssssse Automobiles Wanted . Automobile Repairs Auction Sale . Barristers .......e. Building Trades ,,. 11 Business Of Oppar. Business tunities Wanted. Chiropractors ..... Dentists ..... Dressmaki Brploymen Instruction Male Help sessssess 81 CLASSIFIED ONE INSERTION .......... TWO CONSECUTIVE INSDRTIC THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIO! INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Female Help Puneral Directors . Gardening and Supplies ........ Household Repairs 'Houses For Rent .. INSUrANCe .......s Loan Wanted .... Lost and Found .. Legal Notices . EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INI TI Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive imsertions. 4 at a Iter date consti Physicians and sssecces 3B Personal .......... 4 Parsonal .. 12 Pets and Livestock 34 Radio Repairs ..,. n Real Estate A 25 oneal Betate For Sale 32--Automobiles for Sale LOT 62 X 353 FT. HARMONY ROAD South. eR Jr Water. Phone 1357 on April 25. (96b) REFRESHMENT BOOTH AND CABINS for sale, to be moved from premises. Varcoe's Camp, Kingston Rd. Phone or call. (97a) COTTAGE AT CEDAR BEACH, OSH- awa, for sale. Partl i Ready to move in, Bri Price 2.000, Terms to suit. Real Estate For Sale .....cee00.0 25 te ceeesescs 36 Real Estate Exchange ....... 27 Rooms For Rent ., Room and Board .. Boom 2) ind B Boar} Bn TOR tenes ~ 8 EBgSalsl Bg Wonmea Apparel , AD RATES tute a' per month for All Classified Advertisements and $5.00 20 words or less. 20¢ 'additional for all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign, full word. Box charged 10c additional before publication. Office hours: figure count as » MUST be in by 6 pam. the day Daily 8-6. Saturday 8-5. 11--Building Trades WEEPING TILE $8.00 PER HUNDRED, delievered. Dance Bros., Whitby. Phone 921. (Mayl4) CHIMNEY ' AND BRICKWORK, NEW and repair. Phone evening 2534 Wiiioy. CRAGGS AND DYKSTRA. PAINTERS, Also furniture refinished. (Mayl) MANNING PF. SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Soper Notary. Money to loan. Base gots look, suite No. 4. Phone 20 3a--Physicians and Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. wa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven - waive o and hb {eSoops Wed ao oat. x 2tod4and 7 to yl) rostral Spraying; Phone 3639 - 418 Ww. EAVESTROUGHS AVAILABLE; service, and free estimates. Phone 382W1. ___ (Apr3o0) CONCRETE E FOUNDATIONS STOOPS, walks, floors, driveways, etc. D. Weeks. Phone 4204M. (May10) 12--Personal Services Work guaranied, (May13) FOR 25--Real Estate For Sale CTLY RESIDEN- ht St., 60 . ft. hone 1479J. (Apr.17,24) 3-ROOM LOG CABIN, INSULATED¢AL~ 2 single 1h, Sanlu, on 40 acres, partly Wei stream running bs Good well, hydro avallal Be. on Paty Road, near Orono. Immediate Possession. $2,500. "BRS Box 212, Times-Gazette HOUSE, BUILT IN SECTIONS, 22 X 1) cottage roof with windows, roof- ing and other materials. Apply E Cain, Orono, after © p.m. (96¢ ic). LOT 50' x 400', AND PARTIALLY COM- pleted house. 'Owner leaving city. For 18, Times- (96¢c) LL parucuiare, apply Box , STRI Conna frontage, $17 per ft. BEUTIFUL LOT, tial district. 4--Chiropractors H. E. W. BROW ractic. El tation. 15 Simcoe North. Phone (May22) STECKLEY HEALTH CLINIC 146 Simcoe North. Phone 224. Drugless | practice Chiroptacte Electro , mineral vapor ba Pract! 22 Gonsutation free, 9 a.m. to 9 pam. dally, except Monday and (May TAS CHAMPION SHOE SHOP GIVES rience, service, workmanship, at no ox ra cost. Guliltinan's, 17 Bond East. "Front or side entrance." May3) PF. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT T SWISS watchmaker. Repair shop at 46 Ki treet West. Your patronage sole Mayl) WATCH REPAIRS. J. CORNISH, 20 Bond West. Your watch personally serviced. (Apr.30) {4--Household Shapany CITY BLOCK CONSISTING OF HOUSE and large barn, garden and 4 nice lots, all conveniences. Quick possession. Phone 2630J. (97a) TOURIST LODGE One acre of land, frame house, 11 rooms, 8 bedrooms, hydro, re- cently decorated large furnished cabin, house practically furnished, on main r near lake, suitable for the erection of cabins. Large e revenue. Contact 1) 5---Optometrists waste che aCe Coa ci S TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, 9 to 13, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday snd Friday evenings, 7 to 9, anane May SORT AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: 9.am, to 6 p.m. Wednesday 9 to 1. BE. Johnson, Optometrist. Phone 28. (Mayl) 6--Insurance Bo ----. A PERSONAL PROPERTY FLOATER pi will protect your valuables in- diamonds, furs, silverware, cot contents at home or at sum- Sue e or while travelling, af against 1gss by Burglary, fire, myste appearance, other causes. most, com) iete os available, For rates con urdoch General JInsur- alice Service. (over Eaton's). (May?) INSURANCE SERVICE. CHESTERFIELDS, RECO- ' vered. Like new why § pay. Eo Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction syst, Fhone 5280W nights, (Maye) AND RE- URNITURE upholstered. recovering. Bruce Charles. Phone 401. immediately. LLOYD LEE, SEAGRAVE, ONT. PHONE PORT PERRY 115 R 11 Rep.: J. A. Willoughby & Sons (97a) wan on rty, ii Clients walting. cuerve, Real Estate Broker, 84 &uce 5-] ROOM BRICK 3 HOUSE, INSULATED, cash. Immediate possession. Box "213, Times-Gazette. (96c) 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN DELUXE. Phone 2362J. (97a) '35 FORD COUPE EXCELLENT CON. Sition, good tires, heater, $350. 56 Whithy 0) 32--Automobiles for Sale 36--Articles For Sale 36--Articles for Sale : '34 FORD, BODY EXCELLENT CONDI- tion throughout, new '41 TS hone 41497. ib) '34 OLDS. SEDAN, GOOD CONDITION. Phone 1797R. (95¢) dition. Phone 45 32 PLYMOUTH | ST 4-CYLINDER. 3 Nassau St. (97c) FORD __ SEDAN, 4 ER, Sowa sh bl de Phone 3208M. (87¢c) '37 CHRYSLER SEDAN. APPLY APPLY 126 William E., after § (95b) 1946 DODGE Sony EXCELLENT condition, would ke plate trade, Nai- man's Garage," rt St. (93e) E G.M.C., 0% oN FANE, A-1 We COTTAGE FOR SALE AT PORT VIEW, Lake Scugog. Hydro. Phone 1587, (96b) BUILDING LOT, 44 X 136, . WATER ON street, $250 or nearest offer. Phone 5097TW, (95¢c) SIX-SUITE APARTMENT, $2,756 YEAR- ly income, with 4-room 'apartment for owner. Terms or house exchange ar- Phone 4271W. (95¢) $ 4 00 --5-room insul brick house, ' hot water heating, all conveniences. Immediate possession. $4,000-52 vs woes, '34 a Abn CONDITION. Owner leaving city, must sell. $325 o best offer, after . Phone pre (036) '32 CHEV. COAC ALL NEW TIRES, good running a Phone Sia '36 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, EXCEL- lent condition, good tires . Apply Bowers Service Sta- tion, King and Ritson Rd. (85¢) '29 WHIPPET BEPAY, BOD AND fat good, strong motor, 2105. 534 Cubert. Bt.' (95¢) 43 BIG SIX PONTIAC SEDANETTE, (To 0), radio, heater, best offer. 2930J or 3638, (96b) $3,700 530 ix noun $3,8 --$2,000 down, 5-room frame $5.90 house. --$2,900 down, 8-room brick house, Court St. $5,50 Oshawa. 1936 CHEV. TOW TRUCK, FIRST class condition, 5 new tires. Phone Brooklin® 13R3: (87¢) '34 CHEV. COACH, NEW TIRES, GOOD {iraing order, $350, William Yoke. a6 | O.H.V. AERO MOTORCYCLE, GOOD condition. "46-125 C. C. Royal Enfield roy ier 5 ggod condition. Phone 2640W, (97 --4-room, new insul brick house, lot 635310, North $ 4 800% down. 9 ' frame house, North oun awa. $8,50 King St. West $7,50050, nt goom rx $6,50 30:50) cash 7-room stuc- $8,500 3 un To loam new brick house, one acre land, cant now. $14, 00 T3500 down payment, 43-acre farm, 35 acres orchard, 8-room frame house, barn, chicken coop, hydro, A-1 land. Will sell or exchange for Oshawa or Toronto property. M. HENNICK, Real Estate Broker SOUTH (97a) 25¢c--Farmers' Column 2 SOWS, 11 MONTHS OLD, DUE IN June, second litter. $100 a piece. J, Russell, Five Points. (96b) ORDER YOUR GASOLINE AND MOTOR oll now, from - Cities Service ou Co. Phone 3015. May2) 26--Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO BUY 5 OR 6-ROOMED house, north section Poe, Phone 1588). (96b) MODERN 6 OR 7-ROOMED BRICK house, good location, price not ex- ceed $7,500. Possession within 2 days. Reply to Post Office Box 172, Oe 6-ROOMED HOUSE WITH ALL CON- veniences. $2,000. Reasonable payments. Box 220, Times-Gazette. (96b) 2y--Rooms for Rent 15--Gardening and Supplies MANURE, LOAM, FILL OR GENERAL trucking. Phone 3288J. 5-ROOM BRICK, 3-PC. BATH, - wood floors, Venetian blinds, laundry tubs, Insulated. Hot air heating, fire- place, garage. North East section. 147 Patricia Ave. (951) HEDGES, SHRUBS, a] roses, annuals, rockery god fl Jn Everything for your gardens. - den 'maintenance. Phone 2 2178. (May24) BARNYARD MANURE, ~~ DELIVERED. Phone 1956M. (96b) TEN DIFFERENT KINDS OF OUR most beautiful perennial flower plants. e field grown roots. $1.50. 40 mixed ee Supply limited. Order now, Free Delivery. Phone 4505W. COCK'S Shasuls, us for any of your of insurance includ- eset, A ae Street East, phone e. i. Hear 43168. (May1) 7--Veterinarians DR. BE H, WEBSTER, Spat animal surgery. 101 . Phone 2010M. 9--Money To Loan CLIENTS MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first mi es. Apply . Bwarts, Bermaier Basson suite No. 4. LARGE AND ea) ARAG! CORNER VERDUN | MOREY'S G. 3 B, to GM May21) 18--Automobile on - izing, re- 20--Business Opportunities BUTCHER AND SHELF GROCERIES, on No. 2 highway; most modern equip- ment, lease on building; low overhead; $27 7,000 turnover. Books open for in- spection. Priced for quick sale, Owner has other interests. Box 209, Ties Gazett (95¢) (Mayl) Ja--Loan Wanted NOTE ON CAR, AT A DISCOU. required, vii h Yield over 20%. Bx Times-Gazef Rohrer: REGISTER NOW. N. CLASSES COM- in each Monday. Shorthand, Typ- ing. and all Secretarial Fn Oshawa Business Bile 18 Bimcoe N. Phone Co devin May: op En Xe rvey. Re- ERE pia. Sur arish and Mary Sts. (May5) PA es PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN LATEST including Fox Trot, Samba, Jitter- (May3) 11 --Building Trades all Cement Pg TLE cor in smi of all HAW May23) SAND. CO GRAVEL FILL, LOAM, CIN- ders, manure, washed stone and' crush- ed gravel. Phone 2043). ~~ (May23) WATERPROOFING, DUST PROOFI NG, Bardening, Anythi in Mi Bayi one a "AND ay painting lng, satisfac: (May16) CTOR, PLANNING decoreting, Capra Hon Guaranteed. COUPLE WANTED To take over coffee shop concession at prominent local club. Excellent opportunity for right persons. Write BOX 204 TIMES-GAZETTE (944d) MEAT AND GROCERY BUSINESS FOR SALE IN OSHAWA Volume $100,000 for 1947. All modern equipment with delivery service. Must be sold immediately due to ill health, APPLY BOX 219 TIMES-GAZETTE (9b) §-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, ALL CON- veniences. Yim would like to sell, is Rd. 8. Mrs. M, Corgonts. cit) 7 Ritson ze (Apr. 28) T AND BUILDING SITES WITH one or more acres, New dual highway west. J. E. Rawleigh er. Phone 3041J. (May3) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Seven-roomed frame house on l4- acre of land; nice lawn and sur- roundings, hydro; near store, schools, church, bus and Port Per- ry. Priced to sell at $2,650. Contact immediately. LLOYD LEE, SEAGRAVE, ONT. PHONE PORT PERRY 115-R-11 Rep. J. A. Willoughby & Sons (97a) LOT ON VERDUN ROAD, 47 X 466, fruit trees and Parties, 'Apply John Charuk, 207 St. Julie: (95¢) $7,500, BRICK VERE: 26 FAIR- bank St. 5 bedrooms, bathroom, large living-room dining-room and kitchen. Possession almost jmhadiately. fr 4 Lander Coal Co., 43 King W. 8-ROOM BRICK, CENTRALLY LO- cated, double garage, all round good condition, owner a ae Best price for gash, Apply 198 8t. W., particulars. (9! 4-room summer cottage, partly furnish. ed, double garage, hy: ro installed, Well located on lovely beach not far from Oshawa, See this and make offer. $1 50 --4-room house, double lot, ' Albert St. W. J. SULLEY, Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer 346 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa - Ph, T16 Exclusive agent for the above properties. (97a) VICTORIA , screened eep! rch, rch, large living-room, utlt- in cupboards inside plumbing, heavy wiring. Excellent condition. Priced for quick sale, Box 209, Li TY (95¢) ATTRACTIVE 2 ODERN SIX-ROOMED SUMM COTTAGE, poy CONTRA vd designing, all types of , kitchens, built-in furniture, etc. Gill. Phone 1503J. (MayT7) BUILDING TRADES Excavating, trenching, wers and cellars with swing shovel, back hoe, or bulldoz- Free estimates . given se- er. Phone 2872W or 5250W. (Sat. Mon., Wed.) (79t1) BETTER CLASS Painting and Paperhanging Interior, Exterior Plaster Repairs PHONE 4813-W FREE ESTIMATES furnace, 22--L ost and Found Cu Ba large garden with frult trees, berry See Hold, LOST. LADY'S BULOVA WATCH, BE- tween Brock a Tuesday. 86 Wiliam Ww hone is." LOST ON KING 8T., LADY'S C Sid Schaefer pen, engraved. Phone oN IC 23--Women's Column Realtor, & "King East. Phone 92. (078) sale, Ii EE PAR 5 . Im on. B. Lines, Real Estate Broker, gi y Al bert St. (97a) 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, ALL CON- venlences, garage north end. owner early 348° My Street. SPENCER SUPPORTS, INDIVIDUALLY designed. hone 2118M or 873J, = ap- ee -- pr.24) Pred) = fitting, brassieres. SPRING Ve IN in girdles, Phone Mrs. 24--Personal "KLEEREX" -- dependable family skin Eczema, Pimples, Polson Ivy Ringworm, Impetigo, Hives, Burns, Barber's Itch. Two strengths--medium, irae Two sizes--59c, $1.09. At all druggists. on : Apr.24) INCOME TAX Can you make up your own return? If not consult R. J. Dilling, C.G.A., Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 2669. Farmers' returns a specialty. Retail business accounts given prompt attention. remedy for (Apl.16,17,23,24) WOULD "GENTLEMAN WHO BOUGHT \ stove from 363 Centre St., about faa week of December, 1946, Please contact and as cidd same. (960) AND LAUN- CURT. dered. wi By 1 5 Ontario -St., Bowm an- ville. Di Dial 3630. (96¢c) - - 8 room brick, Charles St. 7 rooms, brick, Fairbanks St. 6 rooms, frame, Harmony. 6 room bungalow, North Oshawa. 6 rooms, brick, semi-bungalow, Grooms Ave. 6 rooms, Golf St. 9 room brick, Bagot St. All with 30-day possession. "JONES & NOLAN BROKERS Martin Dica. Salesman, (95¢) 6-ROOM HOUSE, A AND BARN 210 FT. frontage, North Oshawi ,000. Almost immediate possession. Har cash requir. ed. 8-room brick house, yacant. Divi- sion St. $8,300. Make good ming house. First class ~ condition. ra E. Murdock, Real Estate Broker, over Eaton's. (96b) FOR SALE Two cottages at Bonniebrae Point, Oshawa. All conveniences. Immediate possession. Apply to G. D. Conant 1050 Simcoe St. 8., Oshawa, Ontario (FeDb.21,28,Mar.6,13,20,27,A0:3,10,17,24) for | 8 5¢) NICELY FURNISHED, NEWLY DECOR- ated room, central, 'Apply 175 Centre 8t. (97c) FURNISHED EDROOMS, SUITABLE for 2 workl girls or middle- couple. 139 Albert St. ( FURNISHED BEDROOM, CONTINUOUS hot water. 88 King St. West. Phone 1075W. (978) a) NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM, Spr. able for two. Apply 299 Simcoe Sy FURNISHED ROOM, CI ALL conveniences, suit one or two peo je. 231 Huron St. Phone 3838W. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING | ROG WANT ed for Yorking Jady. Box 223, Times- Gazette. (97a) LARGE SUNNY ROOM, NEWLY DE- rated, hot water. 160 Elgin St. E., at Division St. (97a 8) COMFORTABLE FURNISHED BED- room, comtinuous hot water, clean quiet_home, peiral, one business vy son. Phone 4536W. COMFORTABLE BEDROOM, CENTRAL. 4 Phone 3541M. (96b) SUMMER COTTAGES AND OABINS. Four-room cottages, $40 per JOSK, Two- room cottages 5. Phone Oshawa 23 or TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS a light housekeeping, business couple preferred, abstainers, Box 207, Times- Gazette. (95¢) FURNISHED _ BEDROOM, NED business girl. Phone ]961J. (931) 29a--For Rent ERVICE STATION AND GARAGE IN Whitby. Apply Box 224, ss 971) LIVE ECONOMICALLY; CAB! IN TRAIL- er, two rooms, wly built insulated for year round cdmfort; bullt~in gon- venlences and cupboards, sleeps parks for $7 er fonth including Tors and water. OF Quick sale, Be G. Henry. ¢ 35 King 'est, SMALL PAINT SPRAYING MACHINE for reny, Rd or week. Ask for hone 3428 (Apr 2023.38) aa Resorts JACKSON'S POINT ENJOY A carefree Spring or Summer holiday on Lake Simcoe. Golf, bowling, swim- ming, fishing dancing, etc. Marina meals. 51 miles from Oshawa -- why oe further? Folders and information write--Jerry O'Regan, Jackson's Point. (Apr.24,Mayl,8 Lt June5,12,19) PARADISE LODG HALIBURTON. Lakefront cottages ED first two weeks in July; cabins available all sea- son, boats, Higmen -cooked meals, teunis, golf, i G. Guthrie, barton. Bat) 30--Room and Board FOR TWO MEN, SEPARATE all SoRveniences, near Motors, Phone (978) 31--Wanted to Rent URGENTLY NEEDED, SELF-CONTAIN- apartment, 3-4 rooms. No children. Phone 2574W. (978) 3-4 3-4 ROOMED Al APARTMENT, ZURNISH- pd a fis Clarke St. Phone 88J before 5. (97¢) HOUSE, HIGHEST 570) 5 OR 6-ROOMED of references. Phone 4518W. GRAY COACH DRIVER ENTLY requires house, flat, apartment, duplex or at least 3 rooms. Please call 2825. DUPLEX, APARTMENT OR ouse, a Adults only. 33598, af r 6. YOUNG NS INES TOT COUPLE, DESIRE three or four unfurnished rooms, by June 1st. Abstainers. Phone 1373, (96d) ADULTS, (2), URGENTLY NEED 3-4 unfurnished rooms, flat, apartment or small house. Reliable, references. Phone 1495R. (96b) 5 TO 8-ROOM HOUSE, OSHAWA OR suburbs, by purchasing agent transfer- red from Toronto. Phone Mr. Walker, 898 or 2533R. (95¢) 32--Automobiles for Sale 34 DODGE SEDAN, MOTOR. RECENT- overhauled, good body. 818 Brock St. x 8, 0 _(97¢) 5-PASSENGER_ COUPE, 18 Brock .8t. -N., R SMALL Phone (96¢c) 3 HUDSON, fet condition. by, "after 6. Whit- (#70) Belmont Motors WHERE YOU BUY WITH CONFIDENCE OFFER THESE OUTSTANDING VALUES IN USED CARS 48 Chev. Fleetline, com- letely equipped, brand new Chev. Fleetline, very low mileage Chev. Stylemaster Sedan, heater and radio, low mileage Olds. Sedanette, many extras 47 47 '46 "41 radio, new mgtor Dodge Coach, recently overhauled, excellent condition Chev. Coupe, one owner car, 40,000 miles, "a honey" Plymouth Sedan, a bargain Chev. Coach, Master, actual mileage 22,800, with radio. This is a dream car Chev. Coach, very good condition, mechanically A-1 Chev. Coach, perfect all round Ford Coach, sacrifice Dodge Coupe, heater, radio, new tires Dodge Coupe, a bargain Chev. Sedan, one owner car, mechanically Al LaSalle Coach, new motor, new tires Chevs. (2) Pontiac Sedan, one owner '29 Ford Coach, new rubber '29 Olds Coupe, sacrifice MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM YOUR CAR CAN BE USED AS DOWN PAYMENT EASIEST BUDGET TERMS YOU'LL FIND IT PAYS TO BUY WITH CONFIDENCE | ¥ TRY Belmont Motors 137 KING WEST PHONE 4808 41 40 '38 '38 '38 "37 '36 '35 "34 29 -- (97a) .| heater. Ford Convertible, heater, '38 Packard Sedan, $795. "35 Ford Sedan, lovely sopliim, '34 Chev. Coach, $375. '31 Buick Sedan, 'good tires, $195. CASH, TRADE or TERMS. POWELL MOTOR SALES NORTH OSHAWA (96D) 1929 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, GOOD TIRES Pinas Cities rs Stati 2p on, corner Gladstone and King West. (065) '40 DODGE SEDAN, RADIO AND Exceptionally fine car, small mileage. Will take trade. Phone 4081R. (96b) '37 PONTIAC, 5-PASSENGER COUPE, good shape, . Phone 382W2. (96b) 1937 CHEV. COACH NDI- ,_ GOOD CO tion. Bargain. 1039 International, 3% ton pick-up. 1942 Chevrolet combina- tion dump truck. Trade and Terms. Dodd Motor Sales, 418 Park Rd. 8. Phone 2872W. (96b) 38 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM SEDAN Excellent Condition New Motor and four new tires. Heater and Defroster. Best Offer 268 Ritson Road North (95¢) 1/3 down, as long as 24 months to pay at STONEY'S CAR MARKETS Oshawa and Toronto 5 Locations : (581) 33--Automobiles Wanted CASH FOR GOOD CAR, '36 TO '48. Phone 2384M. (95h) LADY DESIRES "GOOD SED CAR, BOX TRAILER, NEARLY NEW, GOOD tires. Phone 3506. (97a) FOUR USED TIRES AND TUBES, 625- 16. Price $25. Phone os (97a) DININGROOM SUITE, 8-PC. WALNUT fish good condition. PE e Brooklin (97a) ONE SINGLE STEEL BED, WALNU finish, with springs and felt mattress, A-1 condition. Phone 2 2018M. (973) ONE USED 3-PC. CHESTERFIELD suite, mohair HDHOISAREY, Jaze condi~ tion, good for summer cottage. For quick sale, $30. Apply 165 hy {1 oo 5 ) KITCHEN SINK, HIGH BACK "TAPS, trap, good condition, $15. Phone Nay a) NEW 5-PIBCE BLONDE OAK BED- room suite, dark oak corner cupboard, pool table. Phone 4979W. (97¢) TWO-BURNER ELECTRIC TE, IN good condition. Cheap. Coe perennial planta; Best of stock. Canterbury Bells, n cents per root. Delpheniums, fif- jeen cents per root. Apply 176 Burk ll (97a) EEE HYR YL. OUT- board motor, nearly new. oe h.p. Phone 4318R. 556 Simcoe St. (97a) WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC RANGE for sale. Apply 511 Albert St., Oshawa. (97b) ANGETTE FOR SALE GOOD CON- rig Phone 288W2. *r (97a) CHICKEN HOUSE, SIZE 12 X 15, FIRST house north of new Courtice Church, at "Pidduck's Corners. (97a BABEE-TENDA, EXCELLENT CONDI- tion, $8. Apply 171 Alma St, (9) EATONIA SE WING MACHINE, GOOD condition. Apply 285 St. St. Julien. (97d) PING-PONG TABLE, COLLAPSIBLE. Goon condition. Immediate sale desir- SS Phone Ajax, Residence 743, Royds (95¢) ONE THOUSAND LOGS, MOSTLY basswood, also 100-acre bush. Apply J. G. Smith, Bobcaygeon. Phone 32R12. a __ (Sat) BABY CARRIAGE, CONVERTIBLE. hc SY fainter 0) BABY PRAM, GOOD CONDITION, BLUE Soi Phone 4166J. (96b) JOHNSON - OUTBOARD MOTOR, '38, 45 HP, in A-l1 condition. Phone 753M. i (96D) LATHAM RASPBERRY CANES, $6 PER hijdres: 55 Liberty St. N., Bownan, ( OAK ETTCIEN CABINET AND EX- y-bed. Both in good con- must be in 3634M. Phone CASH FOR YOUR CAR! BRAMLEY Motor Sales, 1271 Simcoe Street North. Phone 4695W. (May3) A new Chev. or Pontiac want- ed immediately. Will pay well over list price. Contact Mr. Bell at Kingsdale 9435, To- ronto. (95¢) Cash for your car, at STONEY'S CAR MARKET 429 King West Phone 4183-J (93t1) $ $$ % % $8 $$ 8% 3 More dollars for your car at BELMONT MOTORS 137 KING ST. WEST PHONE 4808 (78t1) SPOT CASH FOR YOUR CAR 50 Cars Wanted at once DODD MOTOR SALES 418 PARK RD. S. PHONE 2872-W 34--Pets and Livestock FLOCK OF B. ROCK CHICKENS, first year laying, or will sell 20 arately. Owner Jeliring: a Som- merville Ave [ al Phone 437M13. : (97a) PARROT SREEN AND JELLOW, BLUE red on w er, you bird. Phone 5066. 50600" = 4 iota BABY BUDGIES, READY FOR TRAIN- ing, all colours, attractive summer rices. Perfect gift for Mother's Da. hone 3745. (May20) COCKER _ SPANIELS, PUPPIES AND grown dogs, reasonable. Waubena Ken- nels, 1 mile West of Oshawa, Queen Elizabeth Highway. (Mayl) REGISTERED COCKER SPANIELS, Dlackaeautics, 10 weeks old. Apply 270 nch St. ( LOVELY REGISTERED TW SD MONTHS , Cocker Span es, Very rea- sonable. Phone BS, i (96b) 14 PIGS, 7 WEEKS OLD, FOR SALE. Phone 3423W4. (96¢c) "THERE IS NO GREATER COMPAN- fon than an animal or bird". Simcoe Pet Shop, 373 Simcoe South. (Apr.30) DOGS BOARDED BY DAY OR WEEK. Twin Birch Kennels. Phone Whitby 839. \ (Mayl3) 35--Wearing Apparel TWEED SPORTS JACKETS, Stag 36, showerproof coat, size 36, in condition. hone * 9611. ay GIRL'S BROWN SPRING COAT, BLUE raincoat, both size 14. 235 Dearborn Ave, Phone 103W. (970) GIRL'S REVERSIBLE COAT ALSO | brown spring coat, size 10 to 12. Phone 2552J. (97a) SILVER FURA, SET, 1oncly Rn win os Nos Phone (97a) TWO LIGHT SHADE ER suits, ood condition; dinner dress, new; all sizes 12-14. Phone 1562. (97a) BOY'S TWEED SUIT, SIZE 35. 5. PHONE 388J. (96b) BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING: e 36--Articles for Sale WASHING MACHINE. IN GOOD CON- dition. Phone 2366J or apply 428 Sim- coe 8S. apt. 1, upstairs. (97a) WOOD AND COAL , BEACH STOVE; black and white finish, Good condi- tion. 205 Celina. 207TW . (97¢c) HARDWOOD, FACTORY "CUTTINGS, | $5 and $3 ios, Limited supply. Delivered. Phone 3288J. (97c) COAL OIL WITH OVEN, 5-BURNER white enamél, $30. Phone 2646 W. (97c) ABINET, (9b) WHITE ENAMEL KITCHEN C. in good condition. Phone 2136R. LAWN MOWERS IN S§ NED designs, steel handles, rubber grips, rubber tired, and automatic, pA Bearings, $19.95. $2 down payment, an: low as $1 weekly. B. F. Goodrich Store. Phone 247. (97a) AND CABINS REFRESHMENT BOOTH for sale, to be moved from remises. Varcoe's Camp, Phone or call #78) n dition. Phone 3718R. 233 Athol®' St. East. (96c) MAN'S ROAD RACING BICYCLE IN good condition, $30. Phone 819R. (96b) DEFOREST-CROSLEY RADIO, CON- sole model. Apply 227 Verdun Rd. (96¢) ICE CREAM CABINET, IN A-1 CONDI- tion; also refrigerator. 'Phone 244. (9611) WINE GENDOLA PRAM, ~ PERFECT condition. Phone 2623M. 168 Onurch Bt Beautiful ORYSTAL CHANDALIER One only, reg. price, $100. Special . $40.50 CHRISTIAN'S 11 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 1000 (97a) ANNEX WITH OIL BURNER, ALSO Coleman space heater, used 2 months, one Clare Jewel cook stove, like new, reservoir and water front. Call Mon- day 4155W. (96b PUMP; ONE SUMP good condition; jacket heater. 4546J. . MAN'S BICYCLE, Phone (96b) 8. APPLY 204 GENT'S BICYCLE, $18. (96b) Hillside Ave. QUALITY FURNITURE 5 AT LESS than Nationally Advertised Prices in F. P. Morris Co., 67th. Anniversary Sale --April Specials' include: Reg. $295.00, Kroehler gs Shestornield Suite, $229.00; Gibbard Solid Walnut room 3 ite, $349.00. For 67 Years-- -- Lower Prices -- Free Morris Co., Bowm (Apr. 23,24,30, May1) B Higher Delivery. ville. SNAPS RETURNED SAME DAY RECEIVED 6 or 8 exposure films developed and printed, 30c, reprints .04c each. OUR PRINTS ARE MADE WITH ONE AIM -- TO GIVE OUR CUS- TOMERS SNAPSHOTS AT THEIR BEST -- LOOK FOR THE NAME VELOX ON THE BACK OF EVERY PRINT--IT'S YOUR ASSURANCE OF QUALITY, Free enlargement with initial order. BOX 63, DEPT. T-8 UTTERSON, ONT. (Apr.3-10-17-24) IMPORTED SCOTCH RUGS -- SIZE from 4'6" x oe to 9 x 12 in stock at F. PF. Morrie Co \ Ba to sd, rsary Sale rices Tire 2 Apr.23,24,30,May1) STUDIO COUCHES -- SPRING-FILLED construction with back and oR Bo wine, Blue or striped homespun. nly ri Oo, Bowman tapecial " ? Mor (A r.23,24,30,May1) mimes ------ CHESTERFIELD Soe j -- 3-PCE. Suites, all over Velour or Friezene, choose from Wine, Green, Turquoise or Blue, Free Delivery--87th Anniversary Sota] at F. F. Morris Co. Bowman . $149.00. (Abr.23.24.30,May1) MAPLE--DIN- IMPERIAL LOYALIST -room and ia Sulies feature Morris i i e. Sh 2528, 30May) CHENILLE BEDSPREADS $4.99 Wholesale price, first quality chenilles for double or of beds, in all beautiful pastel cgl- ors worth much more. Also hi itant hand hooked rugs, size 18x36, original colorful patterns, 3 for $4.00 sent C.O.D. plus pos- tage. Money immediately re- funded if not satisfied. HANDICRAFT DISTRIBUTORS 254 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Quebec. (Aprii3,10,17,24,May1) Rin lop, Dorset Glen Ma a) Hrd, $15 per thousan ROUND, EXTENSION TABLE, $4; drop-leaf table, $3; square dr car ble; bedroom pitcher and Basin suitable for cottages. Phone 1509. (96b) ICE-BOX, 25-LB. CAPACITY, coal and wood e. Both 1 Condition. Phone 1335W. B 5 T | BABY-TENDA, PRAM, SMALL WOOD- en crib, Phone STROMBERG - CARLSON OOMBINA- tion, used only a short time. $80, Terms. Meagher's, 92 Simcoe St. N. 0 Joe-Box, Apply 115 Alice St. 5052W. (95¢) ROON PRAM_FOLDING S MAROO IN good condition. Phone 2483R. a) GAS STOVE, 3- BURNER WITH ( a almost new. Apply 45 Albany, atten 7.3 (97d) COMBINATION COAL, ~ WOOD AND stoye, cream reen enamel Sods coal and ana § stove, cream and black, $35; 2-burner gas stove with oven, $5; cabinet Vietrola, $5; 30x31. new tire and tube; cement mixer, $75; cement block machine, $20. Apply 424 Kin, 8 W., or phone 2200. (97a a) ROGERS RADIO LONG AND BHORT wave, seven-tube, cabinet model, in good condition. Meagher's, 92 Simcoe North. (97¢) PIANOS, CONSOLE MODEL, 3 "HIGH, 56" wide, like new. Price zs Charles H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe N. one ois (9701 STRAW BERRY PLANTS, i (93e) i TREES, LARGE ASSORTMENT of varieties, will bear next year. 5 to 8 feet high. Fifty dollars per 100. Plant and buy now. Oshawa Nurseries. 159 Vv n_ Road, Oshawa, Ont. _ (May20) P , $50 OR BEST OFFER. VIO. Porteous, 32 mile East of Albert's Cor- ners. (95¢) $22. S0--Premier Upright Vacuum Clean= $79.95-- Reconditioned Washing Mae- chine. Enamelled Tub. Terms as low as $8.00 a month. $61. 30-New Rangettes. Terms as low .50 a month. $53. 50--Sunbeam Mixmasters, Ten speeds; Terms as low as $7.50 a nth. $19. 50--and. up. Ice Retrigeratomn, 50-100 b. ice capac! $29. nts Reg. BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 Simcoe St. S. Phone 249 ity. Phonograph. (96b) , IMPROVED PLAST-I-GLOSS, the modern floor finish. No waxing, polishing or hard scrubbing Non-slip- ery. revents accidents Beautifies ries in one hour. Ne SL i apply 3 your Plast-I-Gloss and Gi to crack, chip, or peel. a RR for applying Tree of charge. Associated Services, 23 Bond Street West, at Prince. We deliver. Phone 4538W. (MayS6) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS, 55¢ PER sq. ft. Measured and installed. George M. Reld, Phone 2104, 66 Bond West. (Apr.28) HARDWOOD + Maple Hardwood and soft slabs. Stove lengths. Immediate delivery, Phone 481 2 B. W. Haynes 39 Park Rd. N. (83t1) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. ~~ (Aprastf) DRY SOFT WOOD SLABS, $13 PER cord, stove length. Phone 2135 » Brook= lin 87RA. ' (MayT) WEEDLESS MANURE, 3 DOLLARS YD, 3 for six seventy-five. Mushroom and other manures. Phone 3762). (MayT7) MIXED BODY WOOD, !2 CORD $10; S130 mixed slab wood, 15 cord $8. Phone ed CEDAR AND POLES, L STORE REFRIGER- tor, 45 cWbic feet cooling space, nickel plated handles and hardware. Ideal for store florist or large family. C. Seoof, 159 Verdun Road. (93e) NAILS 215" "COMMON AND 4 ig keg. Apply anytime, 018 t. South, Whitby. (Apr.24) COMMER! Sto. 55 Brock Christians MOFFAT RANGE, Fp only for ime mediate dellvery. ment size, 4e burner automatic ore heat $ | 95 radio-pho- CROSLEY COMBINATION nograph, table model. Special FLOOR LAMPS, tri-light, complete with shade BATTERIES, brand néw, A or B types air-cells, 1,000 hours, To clear, 4 price. WASHING MACHINE, reconditioned, like new. Special CONSOLE RADIO, fect shape. Special ......000000 000000 . 'Westinghouse, $89.50 reconditioned, per= AIR - CONDITIONER demonstrator, one only, FLUORESCENT Sloat half price, bronze fin LAMPS, brass half various types pe and ishes, to clear at price. FLUORESCENT FIXTURES, Eom store or factory, all 2 TAT .. duced prices to clea: TERMS OF COURSE IF DESIRED IChristians 11 SIMCOE N. PHONE 1000 (86a) (Continued on Page 15) Phone o EXCAVATING © GRADING e GRAVEL Lon Dh POSTS | ANY | Quantity delivered. Phone 1962W. (ity

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