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Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Apr 1948, p. 19

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SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE " ' PAGE NINETEEN® CLASSIFIED ADS|Z (Continued from Page 14) 39--Male Help Namen 'H CLASS FIREMEN UIRED. Most have references. Apply "Business Manager, Oshawa General ospiual 36---Articles for Sale 39a--Male or Female Fielp MANURE, ELL ROTTED, $2 PER yard. Delivered. one 3690W. (94d) FAST-FREEZ AND ICE-CREAM cabinets, 4, 5 and 7 cubic Sapgolty; complete with con Sondensine ulia . Prices to $340. - from 'This tinued line at Exo 1ow prices. be seen v jou pri 78 A ONL available. Order now. Chairs and for rent, Cleve Fo Fox, 412 Stmeoe N., Oshawa. May4) 37---Articles Wanted ha Ek GOOD hii 11 I CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS. PRE are NOW for Spring examinations, rite M,C.C. Civil Service School, 357 Lauder Ave. Toronto, Apr, 10,17,24) FOOD AND D AND LODGING "PROVIDED FOR Janay 'man and wife. Man. for baud: of carpentry work, and wife to act as Sook general. Perm: nent. J m vires Toning Loouen Mg i hap BO) ua equipmen x Times-Gazette. 9 om Fis ns | 40--Agents Wanted DISTRIBUTORS TO TAKE ORDERS for new large 100,000 word dictionary and Reference Library. Over 3,000 il- lustrations. Every J home and office a prospect. ily profits, Dept. W rite te today Yor free outfit, to Box 32, Terminal A, Torcite ' C i ONDI- ™ GOOD tion, coal or wood. Phone FOR. (96b) BOY'S LE JUNIOR SIZE, IN ood condition. 381 Buena Vista. Phone | o aM mi Wanted PLOWING, CULTIVATING, AND cord wood cut, by tractor. Phone C. ads (95¢) "loves 4 'Bond A oh Wort. Phone roam Kio PLOWED A ND HARROWED, raped. "manure for sale. isan W. Phone 4591W. (981) ih GARDEN Apply 110 AND | REPAIRING TRILIGHTS, RA Ee DIiok lage tools, Nn ans cond as NTED FOR CASH. WILSON BT aotg Rimes North. Prone 2388. (Apr.30) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PAPER, 88S, iron metals. BS icked up 100, one Cedardal Metals, 1 00 Annis Bi "Bast of CNR. Station. (May2) WANTED (May5) 38--Female Help Wanted CLEANING WOMAN, 2 MORNINGS A week or ome full day a week. Box 221, 'Times-Gazette. (97b) TEMPORARY HOUSEKEEPER. CALL 2270M after 5, (97D) SWIT YARD OPERATOR AND FIL- n essential, good personality neces- sary. "Apply Box 214," Times-Gazette. (961) WAITRESSES WAN rt-time. Must be TED, FULL OR oy LM Bg end y ng es or phone 3 Eo > (96¢) TWO FOR COUNTER WORK. pl Gibiiee Savion. (96¢) GIRLS FOR DINING- ROOM OR KIT- chen. Olympia Restaurant, Bowman- le WOMAN OR GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Modern comfortable home, all conveniences. Three adults. Sepa- rate maids' suite. Phone 378. (92t1) GIRLS TO PUT COLLARS AND D CUFFS on shirts. Will put machine in home, rlenced girls only need apply. glv- ing pi hone, address. Box 208, Temes. C le TYPIST, WITH knowledge of Eerie office routine. Box 21 1_Times-Gazette, (95¢) WAITRESS V WANTED. "APPLY OSH- awa Grill. 264 64 King St. E. (94d) ATTRACTIVE gE SALESGIRL, SINGLE. FX 21-28, to assist in store and service Must be able to sew. Permanent postion. Apply Singer Sewing Machine NGETTES, ranges, all household p appli ances, Frank Snudden, 107 Athol E. Phone 919W. (May18) 41a--Lawn Mower Service LAWN 'MOWER, SHEARS, SCISSORS, sharpened and "repaired. PleR-up a1) and delivery. Phone 2164W. Somerville Ave. (May24) Eawy MOWERS GROUND AND RE- ears etc., sharpened, Work Fusragteed. 4 'W. Simmons, 95 Patricia ve. Phone 3168R. (May23) 43--Auction Sales I have received instructions from T. it. 8. Oshaws, y ay, Lhe foi low. - dining-room suite, solid we hey 3 plece chésterfield suite; 3-plece 'bed- room suite (walnut); Electrolux and attachments; combined floor waxer and polisher; studio couch (as mew); Kit- chen suite, leather seated chairs; Stew- art warner mantle radio, short wave and remote volume control; occasional chair (wine); floor i t; floor lamp: table la ; roll tapestry. (new, 18 yards); io table (walnut); telephone set, IR and chair (walnut); chest of drawers, 9x10'2 Axminster rug, flower desi; h green background; spring- fll Br dinner set, 66 pieces; linens; aluminum ware; cooking uten- sils; dishes and glassware, and many other articles too numerous to men- tion. Terms, Cash. If you are interested good clean furniture, attend this sale. Frank Stirtevant Auctioneer, Osh- awa. Phone 2714J (Apr.23,24,28,29, 30) part paid | CROSSWORD [2 - - wa Eugene Sheffer) Wd 7 Distraught Father Hunts Icy Shore For Missing Son Haileybury, April "April 24--(CP)--The melting ice of Lake Temiskaming, edging this town, 100 miles north of North Bay, may unwrap the shroud of mystery that surrounds the disappearance of eight-year- old Johnny Gougeon, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H, Gougeon. The boy was last seen last Nov. 2, playing along the shore of the lake, only a few hundred yards from his home. During the next few weeks, until winter sealed any further leads, he was the object of one of the most intensive searches in Northern Ont- ario history. Chief Constable K. R. Watson said Friday, the boy's father has al- ready made two trips in a rowboat during the past week along the shore 'line where the boy was last believed to haye been seen. A strong spring sun and shifting winds have pushed the ice out from 77 a 7 7 HORIZONTAL 49. bidod: comb, 1. entire form amount 4. defy 8. formerly 12. the turmeric 13. invariably 14. auction 15. Massachu- setts cape 16. large animal 18. milk sugar 50. roan Ss prow 51. dell 52. Hebrew high priest 53. exceeds skills 55. held session VERTICAL 1. Russian inland sea 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. feminine name an amphioxus one of the Cyclades the birds venerate silkworm Natjonal Park division 9. college cheers narrow board dgcimal units getup woody plant the Orient 24. favorite 25. wine vessel 26. Russian ruler 27. religious con 10. 11. 17. 19. 23, 20. stays 21. bitter vetch 22, Portuguese coins Answer to yesterday's puzzle. gregations 28. Luzon Negrito 29. skin protub- 24. wan . erance 26. beverages 27. animal's foot 30. Mohamme- 31. riverin Germany 33. cardinal dan princes number 32. legislative bod, y 34. make lace edging 35. stop 37. Persia 38. lease 30. cuck I have Slaght, of the Penguin Club, Con. N3 , Dlejerine Township, on High- way No. 2, 1; mile East of Ajax, to sell by public auction, Wednesday, ril 28, at"1 p.m. the following household furniture and club equipment: one, 3-plece chesterfield suite; 1 kitchenette suite; 1 bedroom suite; 'l Beatty elec- tric ironer; 1 oil range; 1 record player; 1 Singer sewing machine; 1 bureau and chest of drawers; 3 cedar chests; 1 cof- fee table; 2 end tables; 1 magazine stand; 1 trilight floor lamp; 1 reading lamp; 1 vacuum cleaner; 1 single bed; 2 cots; 6 spring-filled mattresses and "I have been authorized by Irene Lot 6, pa (70t1) 2 electric rangettes; 2 Quebec OPPORTUNITY . For Cirls "You'll like being a Telephone girl" 1.~Good pay with regular in- creases. g.--No experience necessary. 3 ~You're paid while you train. 4.~Five-day week. 5.~Friendly associates. 6~Regular rest periods, 7.~Opportunity for advance- ment, Applicants should preferably have completed Grade X, be single, and in the 16 to 25 age group. MISS H. C. ROBERTSON Chiet Operator BELL TELEPHONE CO. 15 Victoria St. Oshawa (Apr.21,24) 39---Male Help Wanted CYCLE IRE ly. Gaon. Wi mmediate wages. - 78 Celina St. hone 1660. 2 oo wan! ply heaters; 5 oil burning heaters; 2 rugs; 2 linoleum rugs; 1 punch bowl set; 1 ice cream freezer 8-tub capacity; quantity of China; 1 typewriter, Re- Tunglon, portable; tables and chairs; quantity of bedding, comforters, sheets, pillows, blankets, and a great many other articles tbo numerous to men- tion. Terme, Cash. Frank Stirtevant, Auctionieer, Oshawa. Phone 2714J. This furniture is stlightly used and of a good quality. As the property has been sold, fm furniture must isposed of. If a stormy day the on will be held under _cover. (96a) T will sell | by "public auction for J Far t Olive Ave. Loonies Ajrenatie. 8, Jarden tools, 40, Hebrew month 36. written com. munication 38. irijures 39. military assistants 40. cozy retreat 41. within 42, footprint 44, breach 45. web-like 43. European To Terri a. implored Average fine of solution: 21 minutes. Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Jgc. \ . membrane 46. give forth | 48. feminine name ASPHALT SHINGLING Insul-Brick Sidin| General Carpenter Work Fully Experienced Workmen W. D. PARKHURST PHONE 433-J PRESCRIPT!ONS Quickly and Accurately Filled - At - MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 Simcoe N. Phone 48 WITH CONFIDENCE R. B. WILKINS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 597 Masson St. - 1467TW ALTERATIONS. - REPAIRS NEW CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL AVOID STRAINING om | Muscles that have not been ex- | tensively used all winter should not | be overtaxed now. that good wea- | ther is here say health authorities. Spring: usually brings a little ambi- tion--but take exercise gradually. LOTS NORTH OSHAWA Hydro and Telephone Available 50' x 270° Bus Service Within Block Off Simcoe St. North PHONE 3744W1 After 5 mn 1 14% 'on 7 5 Terms, Cash J. Batley, Thuctioneer. (Apr.24, MN [& FOUNDED BY PIONEER Winnipeg, at the junction of the Red and Assiniboine rivers, was founded as Selkirk's colony by Lord Selkirk in 1812, ASPHALT SHINGLING 1 Insul-Brick Sidin General Carpenter ork Fully Experienced Workmen W. D. PARKHURST PHONE 433-3 CONTACT F.F WELCH Phone 374442 Oshawa, Ont. rr EXCAVATING Na Bulldozing a an Grading! W. among consumers in Oshawa. Perma- nent connection with large méanufsc- 1 , Only og hustler considered. Wri wleigh t. ML-D-310-131, , Que. ( pr.6,10, 14,20,24 dato} : MAN FOR STEADY TRAVEL PART-TIME OR WHOLE-TIME for this district, = handle IE nn vertised and well known Home Insula- tion for Canada's foremost home insul- ation Company having a wide con- nection of highly satisfied customers 'This is an unusual opportunity with a splendid future. The work is in- teresting, Pledsant and profitable. For Tull de rite to Box 210, Times- (95¢) REPORTER WANTED TO HANDLE IN- ce employment and credit | ations. Age 22-28, bran ey hh P.O. Box 190, Toronto (Successor to B. W. Haynes) Kingston Rd. E. Phone 16134 Be | | J. SULLEY AUCTIONEER 346 Simcoe 8. --- Phone 716 20 years experience in farm stock and household effects. Your business. solicited. No sale too large. FOR RENT RADIOS WASHERS REFRIGERAT SUN LAMPS ELECTRIC RANCETTES ORS FANS ELECTRIC HEATEF /IACUUM RIE POLISHERS RECORD PLAYERS MEAGHERS ELECTRIC od 2 FOL = 1510 0) FLOOR ONTARIO HARDWOOD FLOOR SAKUERS eo Laid e Sanded Old Floors Refinished! Variety Colors Reasonable! 51 Harmony Rd. South Phone 3434J or 4277J ATTENTION BUILDERS! CONSULT US BEFORE YOU BUILD We Cpn Supply You With ® SAND ® GRAVEL ® LOAM =. eo CINDERS ® YARDS LEVELLED We Can Supply You With Fill or Draw Fill Away. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY With our modern equip- ment we offer the Lowest Rates. D.R. BROWN CONTRACTOR R.R. 1, Oshawa PHONE 3744W5 (Phone Day or Night) the shore as fax as 'places. The low wa crystal-clear lake gin the search again, Keep Armor Up, Smuts' Warning Capetown, April April 24--(Reuters)-- Prime Minister Smuts told the men and women of South Africa's de- fence forces Friday to "keep your armor bright. A great power is on the move." He did not mention any country by name. In a speech at a government house investiture Smuts declared: "The present time is the most . | powerful juggernaut is moving. BARGAIN Kingston Road, half a mile from Whitby -- 10 acres of garden soil with large stone foundation barn. Suitable for chickens. Quick sale. Will cut price. Half cash payment. WHITBY SINGER SEWING CENTRE RENT A PORTABLE RT 00 me' our month $6 00 REPRIRS 2%. 1%: "Michie: WE BUY WE SELL 31.50 Vethinets. Treadles AVAILABLE NOW! BUTTONHOLE ATTACHMENTS I ERA MOTOR SINGER LIGHTS SINGER CABINEZS SEWING STOO! SKIRT MARKERS Immediate Dblivery on New Machines 16 ONTARIO ST. OSHAWA Your sewing mach. ine--We Pay Cash grave and dangerous in history. | must be prepared. We want him to "It is no longer the case of small know that he must either stop off and isolated nations sparring. A [fight his way through, facing danger himself, « "We do not want war, We are not| " ... Stand by our defénces iff war-mongers and for that reason [case you may have to fight again'? ' FAMOUS South-Wind AIR CONDITIONING UNITS Manufactured By HOWARD ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF GRAVITY FURNACES OIL BURNERS + COAL STOKERS *% KN ormwrwmrnna SOUTH-WIND STEEL-WELD COAL MISER Howard has been manufacturing heating equipment for over: fifty years, and has built up and maintains a highly trairied: and efficient o: Agiiantion, with engineering ability second to: none in our industry. Our dealers are all heating specialists and are able to ddvise you on the best possible installation a maintain heating efficiency in your home. Now is the time] to install your new furnace before the rush season is on. This allows ample time for testing ete. 54 BURK ST. PHONE 257, » INCOME TAX INFORMATION Official representatives of the Income Tax Division are now stationed in the Oshawa Post Office and will be avail- able until April 30th, for the purpose of answering queries in connection with your 1947 Income Tax Returns. JENSD, CUR NEW CLIENT, MR. GRUP GRUFF, Is COTAKING HIM TO YOUR HOUSE FOR ¢ MY COUSIN "My COUSIN EDWARD IS a LIKE HIM, BOSSES ia TYPE SE aww he "re 2 Copr. 1948, King Featares Sdicate, Inc, Wor Ad 8 righes reserved. TELL ME AGAIN ABOUT THE TIME THEY THREW Apa Alt THE FREIGHT A f \ II) I 1) (CR 7% A 7 A i el 1

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