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Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Apr 1948, p. 4

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Engaged to Girl PACE FOUR i THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE ™ SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1 LATEST EWS OF THE COUNTY TOWN OF WHITB Business Office: Miss G. Macpherson. Editor: Robert Corbett, phone 2589 * Phone 703, All Departmafs Entertainment Features Enliven School 'At Home' Work of Whitby High School students was on exhibit last night to parents and friends. The form .of the presenta- tion was such as to make the evening entertaining and in- structive. Events started off with a display of girls' folk dancing in which seven students showed how dancing can 'be part of the physical education q agenda. While the boys gave their. physical exhibition a running commentary via loud-speaker én what they were doing kept the crowd informed. This dis- play was really outstanding with many boys taking part, Four of the best gymnasts, dressed in clownish costumes, burlesqued acts and kept the crowd in stitches but they also 'did some very wonderful gym stunts which brought continuous rounds of applause from the audience. These boys were Sandy McLeod, John Graham, Norman Swenton, and George Winram. Then the visitors adjourned to the assembly hall where a fashion show was staged with Margaret Crumb as commentator. Fifteen girls took part, but each had made her own costume jn her Home Economics class. (Photos of some of the en- sembles will appear in Monday's issue). Girls taking part were Jackie Gordon, Kay Willett, Joyce Simpson, Norma Harris, Marian Archibald, Phyllis Mowbray, Doro- thy Bales, Susan Lott, Marilyn Thorndyke, Eleanor Gledhill, Ca. therine Gledhill, Carolyn Moorby, Dorothy Senko, Maebelle Rowley and Betty Jean Lunney. The dresses were all the work of Grades 10 "and 11. Pianist for the show was Marian Rowe. Principal E. H. Graham invited the visitors to see each room and the displays of work. At leisure each was toured but it was obvious that KATE AITKEN Church Tuesday known as 'a writer, broadcaster, jects: for Britain. Broadcaster will give an address under sponsor- ship of the LODE. in the United night. Widely lecturer and Mrs. Aitken toured Europe in 1944 and 1947. Her sub. "Conditions in Europe as I found them" and "The Royal Wed- ding." Financial proceeds from this event will be used for food parcels that science room, craft shop and home economics rooms drew a large measure of attention. In the latier, students were baking a variety of delicious treats for their guests and the aroma was credited with main- taining the stream of visitors to the school annex. Members of the school board at. tended. Constable's Son This is always able to Officer Here Sun. Sang With Caruso One of the early members of the Salvation Army and a pioneer with the Army in Canada, Mrs, Briga- dier AFthHir Smith will preach to- morrow, morning and evening, 'at the citadel on Brock Street South, Captain Vera Clarke said today. interesting personality is known as a*Wwonderful speaker who illuminate her Gordon Bradley, of Orillia, On- tario, visited his parents, Mr. and Mis. E. Bradley, Brock Street South, on Tuesday. LR 2 J ,BEREAVED 'Whitby friends of Chief Jack 1r- vine of Pickering are grieved to learn of the recent passing. of his mother who died 'in her '76th year at Kerry Bridge, Enniskillen, Ire- land. LA ' . KIN BAND ACTIVE A number of important dates for May are in the babks of the Kins- men Boy's Band. Two definite are the regular concert on May 14 and Brooklin Fair on May 24. A chiirch parade is also planned. LB 3 VISITING AUXILIARY The Women's Auxiliary of Branch 112, Canadian Legion, last night entertained the Ajax and Uxbridge auxiliaries at the Legion Hall. After the business meeting Whitby ladies entertaineg their guests at bingo and other games. Refreshments wer eserved. LOE I GOES TO HALIFAX Stuart Roblin, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Roblin has completed his third year at Q.A.C. and paid a short visit home yesterday. This morning he left for Halifax to take a further course with the University Naval Training Division, after which he will take an extensive cruise with the Navy this summer. ' he 0 0 4 STEEL WORK UP - A start was made yesterday morn- ing on structural steel work at the new Public Utility building at the corner of Brock and Colborne streets. A huge boom swung gir- ders into place while the sidewall kibitzers gazed heavenward in awe. Sub-contract for the steel work is by John T. Hepburn Company of Toronto. + op SIREN IN THE NIGHT At 11.32 last night the fire siren sounded and the brigade responded to a call on Brock Street opposite the park. A Garton coach was stop- ped on the side of the road with the passengers out. A short circuit had caused the alarm but no smoke was apparent when the brigade got there. iii gue gf I i TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT Turn the clock ahead--nov back, tonight. Daylight saving takes effect Warren Austin, leader of the U.S, d solution acceptable to both sides. Tackle Palestine Problem elegation to the United Nations, is shown (left) chatting with Karel Lisicky, of Czechoslovakia, chairman of the United Nations committee on Palestine, as the special session of the general assembly opened at Flushing Meadows, N.Y. Speakers appealed to Jews and Arabs, currently locked in a major battle for control of upper Galilee, to cease hostilities and give the assembly a chance to achieve a Editorial Comment School. boys and girls for adult living the past. know that their children can le for providing the facilities, for ing all these things possible. Times Do Change Words cannot readily describe the excellence of the "Open House" which was presented last night at the High It was not merely a display of the student's work. Nor was it just entertainment for the scores of parents and friends who attended. Added all up, it impressed one as something offered to the public as a tangible proof that On- tario's educational system is today advancing and preparing far more than it ever has in Even fifteen years ago, the best high schools and col- legiates did not offer the training which Whitby children are receiving today. It is a source of satisfaction to parents to arn the useful arts of sewing, cooking, various crafts, blacksmithing, carpentry and others, in addition to the classic curriculum. may claim direct credit for the accompliShments on display last night, the Board of Education is also to be congratulated While the teachers hiring the teachers and mak- The "Open House" was an illuminating, experience. Missionary From Greece Here Sunday On Sunday morning the Rev. K. Paul Y'Pantis the Secretary of the American Mission to Greece, will speak in the Baptist Church.Dr. Y'Phantis is an excellent spggker and an outstanding authority on both the religious 'and political si- tuation in. Greece. He will speak on Sunday concerning the need of Christian Missionary activity in that country and.will deal with the pros- pects of the Christian Church in view of Communist activities in Central Europe. His first hand information of this subject enable him to present it in an intensely interesting way and to present a praciical view of the situation both from the stand. point of the church and of politics to all who hear him. Dr. Y'Phantis is not only a well informed traveller, he is also a very earnest evangelist of the Christian message and his visit to our community promises to be a very worth while event indeed. Brock Beauty Bar Sold to Miss Mary Anstey Announcement of an interesting change is made in this issue. Miss Mary Anstey has purchased the Brock Beauty Bar from Mrs. Wil- lam Dilling who has operated it for the past year. The purchase is effective at the end of this week. Miss Anstey is a well known Whitby girl, who was educated here and served during the war with the Canadian Army. Since then she has been engaged in the hairdressing business and now will launch her own shop to be known as the Brock Beauty Salon. nds imbhmiltiampietidamntl HAS MANY DEVOTEES The game of bridge originated from whist 'and was introduced about 1894. Ee A & OEE TEEETECESTH: Whitby Classified MNSTRUCTION -- DANCING ~~ OLASSES, ballet, oe and tap taught by Irenie Harvey, Register Ep saag, in Council | Chambers, Town (Junes) | POULTRY Varco im PRICES | % paid for all kinds of Poultry, also new and used feathers. N. Lemberg, Whit- by. Phone 644, Whitby, or 695J, My WANTED TQ REN ASARDEN SPACE for season. Phone 2236 Whitby. ROOM AND ' BOARD -- om "AND Board, in private home, for man with god habits, and would appreciate a | home. Apply (Galaxy Of Talent | Here Thurs., Fri. With Rotary Show Greeted with tremendous enthusiasm at its preseenta- tion last year, the Rotary Minstrel Show has cooked up a 1948 edition with headline names to guarantee success when it is staged in the Opera House next Thursday and Friday. Directed by Mrs. Clifford Brown with Mrs. Vernon Rowe pianist, the cast has been at prac-4 tice now for many weeks. In addi- tion to the sprightly. black-face patt'r which is always good for fifty percent of the laughs in any, show other features include: 1) Roddick the magician. This master of magic with his amazing illusion never {fails to entertain. In his performance will be seen startling effects such, as have never been seen in Whitby before. 2)* Then there is Whitby's con- tribution to the Oshawa police force, Jack Powell, once a star on the Major Bowes vaudeville circuit. Jack specialized in tap dancing and can be depended upon to bring the house down. 3): The Rotary chorus. This mar- vellous choir has been training for weeks now. Not all the personnel are Rotarians but in it will be heard some c¥izens whose vocal talents are little known but nevertheless accomplished. 4) Fred Bartlett violinist. Mr. Bartlett was heard here last year and has offered his talent again in this show to raise funds for Rotary activities and Crippled Chil- dren's work. The Times.Gazette has been in- vited to a preview of the show next week. Items of interest are still being added to the show but must be seen to be appreciated. Though these may be written about in ad- vance the Rotary Minstrel Show will contain a host of acts that civ tizens cannot afford to miss. PART OF GAUL Belgium was originally part of France when the country was called Gaul, ard gets its name from the tribe that lived there, the Belgae. CALCUTTA'S BLACK HOLE A marble slab now marks the place where 123 prisoners died in the black hole of Calcutta. 4 4 Announcement . . . I wish to announce that | have purchased the Brock Beauty SALON Formerly the 'Brock Beauty Bar And will be operating that business as of Monday, April 26, 1948, ' GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY ( g Times-Gazette, | Whitby. | FOR , SALE-NEW FRAME DOUBLE Bible messages in terms of per. . ; € after midnight. Clocks should be sonal experiences. She is now liv- advanced one hour. Most bus lines From Kitchener WHITBY SERVICES -- APRIL 25, 1948 Times Gazette classified ads pay i TA BE ERE FRESE TAA Kaan wh a A wedding of considerable Whit- . by 'interest is announced for the middle of May. Mrs. Jean McKinnon of Kitchener . announces the engagement, of her only daughter, Havel Anne, to Frank ! James Thomas, youngest son of { Constable and Mrs. John Thomas | of Whitby. The marriage will take i plage in Kitchener on May 15 at '4 pam. in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. "RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEED ~ IMMEDIATE 'BUTT RADIO "& APPLIANCE 139 Brock St. N.,, Whitby, Tel. 707 SHEET METAL OIL BURNERS . STOKERS AND PLUMBING AUTOMATIC HEATING Oil Bua id P Stokers Sales and Service PHONE 652 S. Correll -- W. S. Martin 117 BROCK STREET NORTH ing in retirement in Toronto but during a long and active career was stationed - with her husband, now deceased, at Kingston, Cobourg and many other points Two events of las he significance took place while the Smiths were in Cobourg, Capta' Clarke recalls. First was that it was under their ministry that her own father be- came converted and joined the Salvation Army, The second was recently recalled in a newspaper article. The world~ famous tenor Enrico Caruso was staying at the Arlington Hotel in Cobourg about 1908 as a guest of the proprietor's wife, Madame Al- bertini, herself a famous singer. While Caruso was taking his ease one night on the spacious veran. dah of the hotel, the then-captain and Mrs: Arthur Smith came along with their group and proceeded to hold a meeting in front of the hotel. As the strains a beautiful gospel sonz reached Caruso's ears he was moved to go to the veran- dah rail and raise his powerful voice in song. Not knowing who he was, but recogniing his magnificent musical talent, the Srhiths invited him gto join their group and lead them in a hymn. This he did. Though the story has been retold and altered down through the years, these are the essential facts, vouched for by Mrs. Brigadier Smith, the only liv. ing member of the Salvation Army which Caru® sang on the streets of Cobourg. NOW PLAYING Shows at 7.00 and 9.00. Saturday Matinee. at 4.30. Sat. Evening Show Starts at 5.30. a "JOHN PAYNE JUNE HAVER. ke UP And Dredly 7's A HEARTFELT DREAM COME TRUE! Ha . Directed by LLOYD BACON WALTER MOROSCO csnrumy-rox Produced by will rm on Daylight Saving but trains remain on Standard Time. All local meetings, etc. are on D.S.1' LR CASTLE CHAPTER TO MEET The Castle Chapter Alumnae, of the Ontario Ladies College Whitby, will hold their regular monthly meeting on Monday, April 26, at 346 p.m. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Ralph Wallace, of Osh- awa, who will give a book review in which every member will be in. terested. More Books For Youths In Library This is Boys' and Girls' Book Week which is a joint community effort to bring better books to more children. The week of Apri] 18-24 has been chosen for this purpose, during which a co-ordinated effort will be made by libraries, schools, book- shops and all organizations inter- ested in children to build up more interest and enthusiasm of the whole communiyt in better reading for boys and girls. . This week the Toronte Public Library has a splen display of all types of children's books. Mrs. Harry Bracey was over to see this exhibit, and from it chose a con- siderable number of new books suit- able for Whitby library. These will soon appear on the shelves of the children's section, Whitby Library also has a dis- play of boys" and girls' Books this week, in a store window on Brock St. 8. See these new books for smaller children up to teen-aoers, They will soon be available at the library. Public School children re- ceive free .cards. Following are some of the recently added books for boys and girls: Juvenile "Big City, Masha's Stuffed Moth- er Goose, Chin Ling, the Chinese Cricket; Bambino, the : Clown; Mountain Boy, The, Pompous Par- rot, Rufous Redtail. Buffalo Bill, Quiz Kids Book, Al Alligator, Rain- bow Mother Goose, Teenie Weenie Town, Wise Owl's Story, The Knot Sauirrel Tied, Grey Rabbit's Party, Nickev's Bugle. The Seaweed Hat. On the Teen-Age Shel Penny Lavender, Sandy, Friday's Child, Title To Happiness; Ann Snow, Mountain Nurse; So You Were Elected. Play Ball; Mafy Car- stens, M.D.; Roommates, The Sound of Chariots, The Merry Innocents, Bulldog Drummond : Stands Fast Ocean Gold; Like Father, Fun; Adventure In Bluejeans Nancy Keeps House; Hawk, The White Indian, Tov~h-Down Twins Winning Basketball. The Bayeux +Tapestry, famor 'inen roll 20 inches widé and 23 feet long, depicting ' in - colore woollen thread the invasion o England by William the Conqueror is divided into 72 compartraents. The first man bo safely descend by means of a parachute was a Frenchman, Andre Garnerin, who --Why not try one today? jumped over Paris from a. balloon in 1794, Announcements WORK GUARANTEED THE YOUNG WOMEN'S GROUP OF St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, are holding a Home Cooking and Rummage Sale, on Saturday, May 29th, in the Council Chamber. Watch for further particulars. RESERVE THE DATE, JUNE 24th, FOR All Saint's W.A. Afternoon Tea and sale of Home Cooking. Further par- ticulars later. ALL SAINTS A.Y.P.A. EUCHRE AND Crokinole, on Tuesday evening, April 27th, in the Parish 11, at p.m. Euchre 35 cents Crokinole 20 cents. | check-up. Wringer grease and gear oil changed. Wringer rolls tn stock. Special price on complete overhauls. 130 Brock St. N. Whitby, Tel. 707 mi Lik~. i ------------ TUESDAY, APRIL 1.0.D.E. FOOD PARCELS FOR BRITIAN Mrs. Kate Aitken . ' Address "Conditions in Europe as | found them". Whitby United Church Musical Program--Mrs. Vernon Rowe, A.T.C.M.--Tickets, 50 cents 27th --- 8:30 P.M. afternoons of Tuesd Saturday. 8 new, Phone FOR FOR SALE--GARDEN SEEDER, § fler, the HB) highway No. 12. | SLENDOR TABLETS ARE EFFECTIVE 12 weeks' sup] | Allin's & Sne! | FOR SALE--31 good ~ condition, r street, east, WANTED--WANTED TO BUY, A GIRL'S 2555 Whitby, after six p.m. $3,900. VACANT. 6-ROOMED BUNGA- FOR SALE SALE--FOUR-ROOMED HOUSE, Garagle, 21x27, may be inspected in the | f esday, Thursday or Apply 220 Euclid street, tby. FOR SALE--CEMENT MIXER, LONDON Six, 1 bag mix, water control, power skip, steel wheels. For further | particulars, call 986 Whitby, after six | o'clock. | VACUUM CLEANER REBUILT AS | uaranteed, $24. Butt Radio. | 07. (97b) | SALE--BOY'S C.C.M. BICYCLE. Good condition, $15.00. Phone 331, Whitby. (96a) SCUF- of Cliff Butterfield. T, Brooklin, Ont., on (A pl. 24) Keo Apply R. | y $1, 12 weeks $5. At | arove's Drug Stores. "CHEV. COACH, IN | Apply 604 Dundas Whitby. (Apl.24) used Bicycle, in good condition. Phone (Apl.24) low, 3 bedrooms, 3-plece bath, garage, ood locality, needs - interior repairs. hone 696 Whitby. FOR SALE--SMALL SIZE KITCHEN cook stove new last September, with waterfront. Cost $80., will sell for $40. Apply 922 Brock St. S., or phone 2589. FOR SALE--1937 NASH COACH, BSIX- Cylinder, Twin Ignition Engine body in lovely condition, original paint. Best reasonable offer. Apply J. Kirk, 215 Dundas street east, rear entrance. FOR SALE--5-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR sale, built-in refrigeration hot water heating, finished recreation room in basement. Apply 402 Gilbert St. Phone 2403. (94c) ble for cash. an, Pal- See Thiem Ave., Whitby, ag PEL of CPR.) MRS. BRIGADIER Saturday and Sunday . . . April 24th and 25th. at THE SALVATION ARMY SATURDAY, 8.00 PM.--PRAYER MEETING, SUNDAY, 11 AM.--HOLINESS MEETING, SUNDAY, 2:30 P.M.--~SUNDAY SCHOOL. SUNDAY, 7.00 P.M.--<SALVATION MEETING. Come and hear this gieat evangelist give her expe great protecting care and love for His people. All Are Welcome. ARTHUR SMITH wiani of You MAY, "BORROW AS HIGH AS 90% o @ Cos! National Housing Act Bullding Loan. Whitby and district needs man homes. Prize-winning approve may be had at a nominal cost or you may sy Supmil your own plans for ap- the 8) Si an ortgage loaning company. t is FOR SALE--20 "ACRES, LOT 20, "3RD. Con:, Whitby. Apply Ja Brock street (Apl.24) of your new home under a more plans The National Housing Act to all who can meet the Central Housing Corporation and the easy. Don't Selay get in touch with A. E. Murdoch, imcoe. St. North, Oshawa. (901) Hid, ame roval open of worth, Whitby. DH TD) PLOWED, DISC- rs ets., wood oe) yan Chalmers 1 Poultry Highest rs prices on an J Parker ft im Ap ly Sam. Metherel, 610 aap opts. thy, or phone 255 WANTED. io "BOVoALL KINDS OF .. new All Church Services Will Be Standard Time THE BAPTIST CHURCH F. Darnell -- Minister Mrs. W. G. Summers -- Music SUNDAY 10 A.M. THE BIBLE SCHOOL -- CLASSES FOR ALL 11.00 AM.- REV. PAUL K. Y'PHANTIS Sec., American Mission To Greece 7.00 P.M. TORONTO EVANGELAIRES Miss Joyce Troyer -- Leading Mr. Arch Kent -- Speaking Music -- To Inspire and To Thrill e Great Services of Missionary nd Evangelistic Appeal. Don't Miss Challenge . WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Reverend Charles Malcolm, M.A., B.D. Mrs. Vernon Rowe, AT.C.M. 11:00 AM.--"THE TIME IS SHORT" STORY -- "FISHERS OF MEN" CHURCH SCHOOL AS USUAL -- 11 A.M, 7 PM. -- "FOOLISH AMBITIONS" 21 Brock St. N.' Phone 486 or Oshawa CLOVER SWEET CLOVER -- AL PASTURE -- ALL NO. 1 GRAIN and CLOVER SEEDS AJAX OATS O.A.C. 21 BARLEY ALFALFA -- TIMOTHY -- RED CLOVER SEEDS SIKE -- PERMANENT COMMERCIAL GRADE be. 1 | REGISTERED HYBRID SEED CORN MYRTLE STATION PHOMES: BROOKLIN 33r5 -- PORT PERRY / 12008 PANEL TRUCK FOR SALE 1940 International» Good Condition. Apply WHITBY DAIRY Phone 770 Whitby SALES REGISTER SATURDAY, MAY 1st -- Extensive Auction Sale of Farm Implements and Household Furniture, the property of the estate of the late W. E. N. Sinclair. Lot 28, Con. 4 Whitby Township. Sale starts at one o'clock, D.S.T. Mrs. E. Oke- -and R. Hannam, clerks; Wm, Maw, hu THE WHITBY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastors: D. IPPOLITO -- R. KING 3 PM.--BIBLE SCHOOL Everyone is Welcome at our School ® Flannelgraph Picture Lessons '. @ Bible Discussions for Adults - e COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7 PM.--EVANGELISTIC . WHAT -- IE. JESUS SHOULD COME TO WHITBY? . A Message With a Challenge if you need healing for your body--James 5:14, 15--or Healing Yor your Soul -- Come and worship with us. Prayar Meeting Thurs. 7.30 pm--817 Centre St. 8, Y oe ns

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