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Daily Times-Gazette, 28 Apr 1948, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1948 | BEAUTY FOR YOU Necks Need Attention By HELEN If the average woman will tell' the truth about her beauty sins and shortcomings, she will"confess that she seldom gives her neck a thought. It gets a soapy scrubbing once or twice daily. Not a fluff of powder. Not a smidge of cream to keep it smooth. Poor thing, it is the Cinderella when the good-100ks party is on. It hasn't done any- thing to deserve neglect. But it may get even with you. It may go dingy or yellow. It may develop fiddle-strings or necklace lines. The far-sighted woman who 'attends to her good-looks chores wards off pul- chritude troubles. It would seem as if the average woman does not look below her chin, Certainly she doesn't when she applies the gardenia-like pow. der with the lamb's wool pad. The result is that the complexion and the neck get a color divorce. The face is neatly powdered. Cheeks are all rosy. Lips are poppy-red. Eyblashes are darkened. Eyebrows are kept in form. But the neck may be deecidedly on the blink. All of which is not in line with even the simplest rules of beautifying. Why not make a complete job while you are at it? The neck, even more than the complexion, needs lubri- cating and petting. And especially now, when the season 'of tan and sunburn approaches. Coat collars that are not care- fully brushed are tough on necks. They can produce blackheads along the nape line. Ever think of that? Bet you never did. A woman's face may be her for- tune, "but there is a string to it if her neck has started to go to seed. No need of that. When the nightly creaming is going on, start at the collar bones. Then the throat will not be overlooked. Smooth up and down with flattened fingers. Throw your head back while doing this, but don't have the muscles tense. Muscles and tissues should be re- laxed if massage is to bring satis. factory results. Start in the front of the neck and work toward the sides; include the. rear portion. Give your ear lobes a few creamy wallops. It is'in front of the ears JAMESON Owirbuted by King Frame Syndicate, lac The woman who is reducing must watch her neck. LE . that premature wrinkles may first appear; the tissues there are soft and thin. If the color of the skin is dark, sponge it with peroxide. The best plan is to use cream at night after washing the face and to apply per- oxide in the morning after spong- ing the throat with cold water to mak? the tissues firm. Let the per- oxide dry on. If the color is espe- cially dark, use equal portions of peroxide and strained lemon juice. That combination, by the way, is a friend to the girl who is a freckle fighter. The woman who is reducing must watch her neck--and her face, too-- so that the tissues will not go into a state of dissolution. She should use heavy emollients with light friction and plenty of cold water. Before Weddi ng Bells Ring For the convenience of the can be written, We regret that we telephone. sends out weddings forms on which all particulars of the wedding for publication more than a week after the wedding has taken place and for prompt service it is desirable to have the form returned to this office before the ceremony. Any later changes can be made by Smilarly, no wedding pictures will be accepted at the office more than six days after the affair. Exception is made only for marriages performed at some distance from Oshawa. bride-to-be, The Times-Gazette cannot accept a wedding account Fashion Flashes IF THE CHOICE must be for just one dinner dress to carry a woman through the season, it might well be a V-necked, soft-shirtwaist, ankle- length model in smoke grey taffeta. One model we admired has medium sleeves, closed with tiny- self-cover. ed buttons and has a wide, tailored self belt and a whopping full skirt. LE BR NO END to the popularity of the dark fajlle suit, the sort of thing that looks well from luncheon on through dinner. Dark navy or black silk faille is used for a lovely sul with rounded hips and double flap pockets for the jacket that is | detailed with nicely handled revers | --HOT-¢#& FLASHES? Are you going thru the functional "middle- age' period peculiar to worhen (38-52 yrs.)? Does this make you suffer from hot flashes, feel so nervous, high-strung, tired? Then Do try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- ndtoreli h toms! Pinkham' Pp 's Compound also had what Doctors call a stomachic tonic effect! \ LYDIA E. PINKHAW'S (555055 | and one-button fastening at the | waist, * bP WONDERFUL gabardines, soft and silky and gleaming, have been used for handsome daytime suits. Blonde garardine is used for a handsome suit with a fitted jacket that has a soft petal collar and big A Physician Advises You By HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, M.D. HYPOTHYROIDISM EASILY RELIEVED Sometimes a weman in her 30's or ear!" 40's will worry vaguely about her health because she begins to feel so tired. Not only does she lack her usual energy but she suf. fers a good deal of annoyance due to absent-mindedness. The chances are that she will also have noticed a change in her skin and hair -- a troublesome and excessive dryness-- but usually she will not connect this with her other symptoms unless she goes 'to a doctor. «Unfortunately, many such women do not seek medical aid and that is a pity because their condition is so easily corrected if it is due to a] lack of secretion from the thyroid gland. And this ailment can easily be relieved by the giving of thyroid extriet. . Exact Cause Unknown This condition is called hypothy- roidism. Babies are sometimes born with this disturbance, but it can develop at any time of lifee. We have not discovered exactly what causes it, but we do know that it is most likely to occur in women be- tween 30 and 40 years of age. The symptoms, of course, vary according to the severity of the deficiency. When there is great lack of secretion from the thyroid gland, the patient develops what is known as myxedema. The skin is pale, slightly yellow, and dry. The eyelids are puffy, and the face has iittle expression. The lips and tongue are large and the voice coarse. The hands and feet are often swollen, and the hair is dry and scanty. Some patients are overweight, but others are exceptionally thin. The heart rate is slow and the blood pressure either normal ot low. feeling 'of tiredness. dryness of the skin, lack of energy, and absent- mindedness. Many such women have disturb- ances of the regular periods. They may have hot flashes and pain in the lower part of the abdomen. Others may complain of sickness to the stomach, vomiting, excessive gas in the bowel, or constipation. It is fortunate that there is a test known as the basal metabolism test that is quite helpful in detect- ing hypothyroidism. This test is carried out by having the patient breathe through a tube connected with a tank and measuring the amount of oxygen used up in a given period of time. When the meta- bolic rate is below normal, it indi- cates that there is a lack of thyroid secretion. In most patients who develop symptoms of hypothyroid- ism, the -basal metabolism will be more than 20 per cent below aver- age. Another symptom of hypothyroid ism is anemia or lessening of the number of red cells or the coloring in the blood. Thyroid Extract Perhaps the best method for diag- nosing hypothyroidism is to give thyroid extract and note whether or not the patient responds to the treatment. If the giving of the soft sleeves worked into turnback | thyroid extract relieves the symp. cuffs, Six tucks below the waist, where the jacket fastens with a double-breasted effect with tiny amber buttons. LE SE PERFECT for a gala Spring eve- ning is a dance dress of pale beige lace with a fine gold thread work- ! The snug bodice ed through it. buttons with tiny self buttons to a collar with points that turn up or down. The full ballerina skirt has a slightly padded hipline. DIE INSPIRATION is drawn from many sources by good designers. The sea shell has inspired one mill- iner to do some charming hats. Sandcolored straw, covered with crocheted mesh and trimmed with deep amber-colored velvet roses and narrow velvet ribbons finished with rosebuds, uses of sea shell silhou- ette. ~ doa IT LOOKS LIKE SPRING, the real thing, what with all the navy blye ysed for coats, suits and dress- es--not to mention accessories. Navy sheer is used for a charming bolero ensenmtble. The widening of the skirt iss marked by graduated tucks. The ruffles of a navy eye- let anl lace-blouse cascade over the waist-length bolero. | toms, then it is fairly certain that the symptoms were due to the lack of thyroid secretion. Of course, thyroid extract should only be used under the doctor's di- rection in the dose which he pre- scribes. Large doses are rarely nec- essary, and they often prove dan- gerous. When treatment with thyroid extract is started, patients with hypothyroidism usually show improvement within two weeks. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS A. V. About 2% hours after every meal I have a period of physical and mental sluggishness. What would you suggest? w A. It is impossible to state just why this condition exists without a thorough study. There are many possibilities, such as thyroid defici- GLAMORIZING Harmony of Clothes, Make-Up dy BELEN FOLLETT A SRR | Be careful to choose a shade of Touge that harmonizes with your ' lipstick, i Beauticians are putting emphasis on close harmony between make-up and costume colors. . Since, by this time, you have probably got that new suit, and perhaps a few other cute: little numbers, you may be in. terested in what they have to offer in the way of suggestions. It seems that directoire green--a lovely soft tone--is being used for suits and dresses both, If this color has been your choice, and if you are a brunette with light: skin, you should use a light rachelle powder, rouge and lipstick of medium orange-red and brown eye shadows. The blonde ducky with light com- plexion would do well to use powder of a light peach tone, rouge of true red, nail polish to match, and lip- stick of true red. Should it happen that you have mastered the art of putting on eye shadows, your happy choice will be green; it looks love- TRUST MUNICIPALITIES Local administration in Denmark isto a great extent entrusted to the municipalities, but is subject to a certain measure of supervision by the state. ency, over-eating, lack of exercise, and some disturbance in the way sugar is used by the body. Until the cause is fond, proper treatment cannot be suggested. Don't wash latest direction for of food. Packaged necessary, is the poking that article ice needs no clean- ing. Bulk rice should be looked over care-, fa I ins discard in very hot water. Cook rice in as little water as possible. Pu' one cup of rice into one and one-half cups cold, unsalted wa- ter, heat to boiling, and simmer over low heat until all water has been absorbed, then steam or cook over boiling water for 20 minutes. Rice should Shen be Jick flufty and with all nutriments Mothers! LOOK! 50 DOZEN ONLY JERSEY KNIT WHITE * J lier with blue eyes than it sounds. Wine Shades Wine shades are being shown among spring frocks. When wear- ing one of them you have to be cau- tious about complexion brighteners. The brunette with dark skin should use powder of deep rachelle that will give her skin a soft, gardenia finish. Her rouge and lipstick, it is ordered, should be medium rose, eye shadow blue, Blue teal is a lovely color, espe. clally for the white-haired woman. For powder, a rosy cream, rouge a peach pink, lipstick a little darker, eye shadows of mauve. During the usual spring shopping hubbub there is a pack of beauty hounds around cosmetic counters. Naturally! With spring busting out all over, any woman has a yen to make a new face for herself. House cleaning all done. Fresh curtains at the windows. Everything slick as a whistle. So mama thinks she'll go on a cosmetic buying spree. It is the right time for her to buy sun-protecting creams, too. Though the sun is not yet high in the heav- ens, it soon will be, pouring down its blistering rays against which the complexion must be safeguarded. || Hollywood - Highlights BSB BOB THOMAS Hollywood--(AP)--Jcz E. Brown the oven-mouthed comic who has conquered nearly every entertain- ment medium, is going after tele- vision. : He plans to go to Chicago for a two-week stint as a baseball an- nouncer on television, and the idea ghould prove a natural, since Joe has been associated with baseball during most of his career. (Re- member "Elmer the Great") Joe feels that he knows the game well enough to be accurate in his an- nouncing and that he can add life and color to the telecast. Need Better Comedy Said Joe: "The great need today is for better comedy. "Hollywood is going the wrong way, The public is begging for en- tertainment, laughs escape from their problems. But the film-mak- ers have been concentrating on arty efforts. I think the academy awards are 'fine, But every film can't be a winner and shoulda't be made with the awards in mind. There are too many 'message films, "Where are the comedians to- day? There aren't many, compared to the comics in films a decade ago. I wish I had five of my old comedies in release today. I be- lieve they would be even more suc- cessful than they were originally. J Sights and Sounds Ida Lupino being tossed about like a meal sack by a 300-pound wrestler in a "Road House" brawl .... Lucille Ball dressing her hair- dresser's hair in her dressing room . . . Mickey Rooney sunbathing sang shirt in front of an M.G.M stage as gawkers walk by. The "Fighting Four" -- --Gene: Kelly, Van Heflin, Robert Coote, Gig Young -- planning a Big Bear Lake fishing trip together after their chore as "The Three Mus- keteers" (and D'Artagnan) . . . Bruce - Cabot sporting Hollywood's deepest tan, acquired in Florida . . Bob Hope climbing in and out of his trousers for a "Sorrowful Jones" scene that had to be shot many times. . . . 10-Second Review "Letter from an unknown Wo- man" (U-I) presents Joan Fon- taine as an Austrian girl incurably in love with a mo-good pianist (Louis Jourdan). It's highly ro- mantic stuff, done unsmilingly in a continental manner. The ladies may go for the tear-jerker, but it may be hard for the male custom- ers to understand why she was so mad about the heel. ALL - AUSTRALIAN CAR An all-Australian car is expected to be on the market "down under" by the end of this year. About two dozen cars will be built this sum- mer for tests. WHAT SHOULD 1 DO ABOUT Signing By MRS. Dear Mrs. Besckman: Will you pleas: answer two ques- tions concerning the proper form for signing a friendly letter or greeting card? (1) If I am the one signing the letter or card, should I sign "Ann and Frank Brown?" And when my husband is signing does he sign his name first or mine? (2) When our son's name is included in the signature, what is the form? . Reader (1) It is naturally courteous for the one signing the greeting card to write his or hér name last. When you sign, you write "Frank and Ann" or "Frank and Ann Brown." When your husband signs, he writes "Ann and Frank," or "Ann and Frank Brown." However, many hus- bands prefér to have their wives sign their own names first, and so quite customary (and also consider- ed correct) is "Ann and Frank," ev- en when the wife signs. (A note or a letter is signed by the one writing it, with any message from the other or others included .in the body of the note or letter.) (2) When a nature, the fathor's name should nature ,the father's name should come first . ... Frank and Ann and Arthur, : A Contrite Girl Wants To Apologize For Her Rudeness Dear Mrs. Beckman: I need your help very much, apd I would thank you so much if you will give me some advice. Yesterday in the late afternoon 'a friend of my mother's came to call. I was reading in my room, and when the telephone rang and Mother asked me to answer it, I was very rude and asked Mother why she didn't leave Mrs.---- and answer it herself. Mrs. ----1left soon after, and when I came out of my room to say good.by toy her, she was very cold to me and said I had been rude to my mother and to her. Now I certainly agree with her. I have apologized to Mo- ther, and now T want to write a note to Mrs.---- asking her forgiveness too. I really like her very much, she has been very kind to me, and I want to ask her to give me a chance to show how sorry. I am. Will you please suggest. an idea of the form for this méte? Thank you. Jessica I'd like very much to help YOu, dear girl, and you're so right in planning to write a prompt note to this kigd friend off your mother's, straightiorwardly. 'admitting your ruderiess, and asking for her' for- giveness and another chance. Per haps somewhat like this: Dear Mrs. Allen, Please, please forgive me for hav- ing been so rude when you were here the other day. I realize now how rude I was, and I am very, very sorry. Will you, please give me ano- ther chance and I promise to be a Greeting Cards? CORNELIUS BEECEMAN better-behaved girl next time. I do hope you will come to see us soon because I want very much to see you and to show you that I will do everything I can to prove that I still deserve to be liked by you. My dearest love to you, Jessica Pretty for Guests Cutwork you've longed for in easy designs you can do! Useful for all linens, lovely for trousseau presents. This is a needlework find! Happy blending of cutwork, sime ple stitchery. Pattern 7034; trans fer of 10 motifs 3% x 7 to 4 x 10 inches. Our improved pattern -- visual with easy-to-see charts and photos, and complete directions -- makes needlework easy. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern Department, Oshawa. The New Triangle Coat... full and flared with, a clever new the collar and a pocket full of fashion at $59.95 Featured by better shops throughout Can ~ angle to - PE & ada. DIAPERS Made up in pantie style. Quick drying. Double weight. Large size. White only! Mothers, don't miss this real weekend special! Regular $3.95 per dozen. Special! 2.98 wu Limit 2 Dozen to Customer! Watch for the Mysterious "MISS RAIDER This weekend in our store! If captured here, we will donate choice of $2.00 worth of merchandise to the captor! KIDDY CITY 42 Simeon SEN. Phone 1571 4-PURPOSE FACE CREAM Instantly this ONE cream alone brings new beauty to your skin and keeps it looking lovely. It's thorough, it's simple, it's quick. And it does all the things so necessary for the tender care of facial skin. Cleanses, lubricates, softens, smooths --powder base too! Get your jar of Lady Esther-4-Purpose Face Cream today and see the difference--tonight. 34c o 65¢ o 93¢c o $1.50 At All Cosmetic Counters Everywhere Sold Exclusively in Oshawa by ' . Joxs Jadies' Wear "Cshawa's Leading Fashion Centre" 7 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 540

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