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Daily Times-Gazette, 1 May 1948, p. 17

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might * ' sacre with a. dividing up | | a'so presented Akela with a fine ' ATURDAY, MAY 1, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE SEVENTEEN - .and ; (Notices : : By DON HOULDEN SCOUT NAMES I the oti of our Field and bi JT names are becoming the irre of the day. These Rhames are given to Scouters the Commissioners and it This title was given by 30 Harwood, whose Scout name is "Bald Eagl e." ae, yours truly was dubbed oy Mr teman last Mon- tle "Beavers "hese names are all in keepl with © "s program, and it is hoped, that { ire names will be added, If such an vent takes place, please let this edi- or know, so that all Scouters may ave the Sod Jord CREE cee nting at Camp Samac went 2 full swing today, as Scouts, Cubs 4 Rovers planted lh fy of baby es that will in time, become the rest primeval. Scouting is JooID >wards the future at the camp, an vith the- help of all, suitable Scouting ounds will prepared for the count- ess Cubs and Scouts and Rovers that In other words and of today are just good. turn' for their brothers e. future. . Several years ago we planted trees, and the result is both amazing and reassuring. UNIFORMS Tm all EM ig the uniform prob- éss each day. It is ie what, a clean, smart-looking ut uniform does for a boy, and ry troop and pack seem to be com- neting to see who 1s the smartest Sob, parade rolls is editor Banks, 4th Troop, 11th, 8th Starboard Port and 6th Pack are really aps This was followed by a qulet game under Kim. ime was running short, so Red Flower and Raksha's Jungle story had to be put "on the shelf" for the next meeting. For closing, the Pack and Leaders formed a Rock Circle, and Akela gave the Cubs their registration cards, and reminded the Cubs to sign them. Then she told them about "tree plant 8 prayers. We certainly hope that the Cubs yo are awa; of illness, will until xt Me a, ot, SB un ne: onday nt. ing, Cubs! EAs. OLD ONES." 1TH gsuays "NOTE" old and Je. Our .hal off to our spectad 0 (snd, rice-Batiered_pleass eas) 1iv hi our Dn ockey. e want to poivye Shed late the 6th and the 3rd also for their fine showing. For our very goed Jend, Ben Fall- man, We reserve a pares pb, &8 {ally io thank him for work to give us morn of fun. Perhaps next than it will be possible to have more one day for some games hockey. Wwe assure Ben apprecists his efforts on at Sis ve boys pecial note to the 8th Starboard: Keep OUR cups Ate up réady for CROSSWORD - - - By Eugene Sheffer us. next year. to Bunt, Baldy, Flip or Doug, ea 6TH TROOP NEWS The regular meeting opened at 7 Ei with the troop in the horseshoe. boys were absent because of the being presented at the Church. gam: the "Ring oT "Eo A boys were then taken in for a game of Hoos hockey and then the troop was HENRY, THE NEWS HAWK. Day 7TH OSHAWA SCOUT NEW Activities for the evening ¢ Sommeficed with the promotion of * PL. of the Foxes; Bud then took on the job of inning-on-the-stri; y to call forward Walter Beach as his sec- onder. These were merely y aqding fini many Suspicitns; beca e both records in the past Yr Been up r, and their newly assigned posts are putting them one step c! igher ranks in Scouting. Congratula- tions to you both. As of last Monday, each meeting will have one of the P.Ls using allotted me, to Incorporste everyone in 'a game his oice. From the song hit, ob nihs Old and Something Now." Hugh Shields chose the Old part of it to bring in the ever-rugged "British Bulldog." (Hughié is P.L, of the Bull- dog patrol--wonder if that had any- thing to do with it?) AS.M. "Bugs" McKay, on one occasion, wound up for a mighty dash through a mass of waving arms--and let go. The dust cleared, and little Clair Peacock drift- ed along for a piece carried by suction --paused perched in the air for an in- stant, then nosed into the floor. He survived. Two minutes later, he was back in the, if you'll pardon the ex- e. This as we mentioned loser toward ne the heat. And r rties, if the uniforms cost too a buy, they shouldn't be tossed «ound, especially at meetings. STH OSHAWA "B" WOLF CUB PACK Pirate's Night at the 8th "B" found the Pirates creepin % in around 6:30 in all kinds of frightealng garb. One- legged Danny Tomlixeon, found that his style was cramped, put Akela saw that it was a good thing. At least it would be one meeting in which Danny wouldn't be too active. eryOne was startled to see a recorder present, and Akela explained that this recorder set was there for the sole Jrposs of Terorfing a started off ell, with a Fo) Grand Howl, in which Baloo officiated. Rak- sha followed this off with Dues and Inspection, and this was put aside in a hurry. Then Whitehood directed § game of Trains, The Pirate's you see, were in a mighty big hurry that night to get away from the Police, who were coming 'up on horseback. So one can imagine the speed in which the trains , Billed away. The Brown Six came , first in the race. This' was Hcliowed in turn by 'a deadly, most «dreadful Pirate, Lucky Wills psndlolded, and a knife Even Senior Bixer Terry Snowden was shot The Pirate's followed this grim mas- the loot capturéd from Some merchant ship, and this tasted real Then District Commissioner and Pirate Chiet for- the-even . Bateman, "told a mighty e citing tale of pirate,s'and followed this Sjaalimons approval with another story. e Pirate's Shousht that this was just swell and 'they thanked the Commis- sioner. very LB A sing-song was , and several good salty sea- ere sung with much gusto, 1d-ho, 'and a bottle of chocolate Pirate Mate Kim did well. not to be outdone, the Brown der Pirate Bos'n Jimmy Reid gam before was only on one occasion, it n The six patrols lined up_in relay for- mation for the next gam#. Incidently, this one went off with a bang, or for that matter about forty bangs. On the whistle, there started a race to run to the front of the hall, break a bag, then return to the patrol, but quick. Un- fortunately we haven't the name of the patrol to come first, however, we have the set that came last. Deer Bulldogs: Deep in our hearts we thank you ever indly for being the duty patrol; that mess of paper con- riod, Mr. Ken- irst Ald instruc- From all cleaning up alners, During the patrol nedy has been giving tions for Second Class work. reports the work done has been very favourable and progress has proved very steady. To you boys, we have the pleasant thought that your co-opera- tion and initiative is to the best-of your ability, to your ho we are truly grateful. May we give Jou an Anierestin gan- der at the final points in patrol com- petition. The winners were the Wolvés with a total of 150. 149 pointe for the made them a close second. s came third with all of 148 eré are the top three patrols, two points separating num- om | Jlumber § ree, That, fel- low-men is keen com- Do it AF keep (ons let us use that word never occurred be- fore. Next A we begin all again. For your benefit: An effective sheath for an axe blade can be made from a six-inch section cut from an inner tube. Stretched over the axe-head, it will not cut but will protect the edge as well as prevent undesired cuts. May we invite you to skip through the pages to our section again next Saturday when the ne eting of May 3, will be on parade. For now, to you Scouts, let the reminder of FOLL UNIFORM be enough. SNOOPY. 4TH OSHAWA SCOUT NEWS Whizz bang attendance again was his week, with only one points. with 'onl ber one over 'The! Shs ul skit, which Bn ® scene. He died! In a twinkling of an eye, the whole scene disappeared, and instead of Pirates, the room was full of Cubs, in their umiforms; for the most important part of the meeting, had giarted. o Dorothy Alker was present to present Baloo '(Marian Swain) with her Gil- wrt ads. The whole Pack was quite t+ and cheéred lustily when the oment came. The whole Pack - ¢ alates our fine Baloo, and hopes that ,l will spend many more happy years with us. Akela also recelved his due, and this was esented by Assistant District Commissioner Anderson who presented Akela with his 14 year service star. This was followed by a presentation by the District Commissioner, who gave Akela a Scout name to be used by the Scouters of Oshawa, that of "Little 1 eaver." The District Comm! ner 00] "The Jungle Book," as a personal gift, and he thanked Mr. Bateman very much." presented Whitehood Akela and .with their first year service ted with great athered around rand ayers. SIXER'S COUNCIL On Tuesday afternoon the Sixer's Council went to Camp Samac to plan for the . Sixer's Council and Leader Banquét, and also the 24th of May Camp. Out there they were met by Executive = Commissioner Leonard Knight, who shared the eating to the bones that "happened to be there." 'The Cubs surieutided the Some of Me. and Mrs. nd scare them to Mitte bits with their Pack yell. J4TH OSHAWA WOLF CUB PACK Well, he must be here--you can e green grass--you can tell rds--and you sure can tell by oe oy No one wants to stay indoors when the nice weather comes along, Including the Cubs. So after Grand Howl and Inspection we went outside for games. Instruction 'is com- ing ; along well and the following tests Pp "Somersault--Bobble 'Weroski, Robert ywler, Doug Weyrich; eroski; Gilbert Taylor: Ball Throwing ) Little; Union Jack--Jim Sabyan. kell some more of the Jungle Grand Howl and Pray~ ~%ad our meeting. winners of the Six Competition White Six. pretty close ions! Tawny -- MBER next Monday night -meet at the entrance to Cowan Park t 6:30. Good Hunting, Cubs. , THE OLD WOLVES. CR ACK IES e meeting sta. o on the dot of 6:30, with the on a of the dues and attendance. 'Sixer George Yule led in Grand Howl. Then the Cubs acted by the Old Wolves and 8s. Some of you fellas had ash your neckerchiefs and Kido right! After this the Cubs to the gym for a game under Instruction Period, every Cub usy as a bee. And the result was amazing. Harold Welsh passed Signalling and Compass; Paul Black passed h Union Jack; Harold Hart and Bill Smith passed Knots, and Bud Ell, th ind Ron Weeks passed First a rnd Star. Good Hunting to you, After instruction, Bagheera took the Cubs into the gym for a test game. a Knots--Billfe | the scout AWAY, hoo sent a message to his P.L. Also the A.S.M. took inspec- tion this week and a nasty gleam in his eye was observed as he looked over the shoes. The Wolf Patrol took quite a beating with points off "for this. Nosey is also informed that the Lynx Patrol lost points for their broken pa- trol box this week. It's your own fault gang Nose warned you. It is rum ¥ has threatened to fix i es if the rest of the won't do the job. The Scout Law was very pleasing to the leaders as everyone was 100% Sorrech but also a surprise, because the Wild Goose came first, with Lynx and Owls following. Wolves last. The Wolves really have that staff relay down pat though-- they just made it cli: like a clock. The .S.M. handed t instruction sheets to all the on t boys interested in leathercraft ol e taking, source and quality of ashor All they have to do now is learn it and tool an ar- ticle ow, a leather. Talkin gleney oD Whalley, ads Jefls, Cornell Hateheton Allan Crandel, Roy Larmer, Al son, Gary Copeland, Ted Ol Jim Gummow were the proud reci- plents of Scout Ambulance Congratulations mugs. You too Cran del. Nosey is especially requested to remind you of the morse class Monday evening from 7:30 to 8:15, so don't forget. The Scoutmaster is organizing an emergency call-u oth by phone and person: your part and be ready. It looks as if ghete are re going to be a few First Class Rf the way three or Tour of the are going. Another ry smart map cl on the way Tom Oldfield. By the way if you wa 5 see a slick hand-made braided elt get Warren Abbot to show you his, he made it at handcraft class. A high- light of the svening program was thé balloon races, I y a short sing-song at which Corny and HORIZONTAL 38, 1. raises temperature 6. capital of France 11. wooden hammer 12. positive poles 14, palm leaf 15. ridicule severely (colloq.) 17. twilight expression of admiration 39. French historian 41. connected wi 42. threatened 45. leave 46, Japanese coin 48. streaked 49, sward 50. relating toa tribe 2 6 faded candlés 7. poker stake 54. backbone 8. proposed 55. growing out international VERTICAL language 1. hangman's 9. aa rope 2. note in 10. sire Guido's 11, extinet birds scale 13. dispatched 3. diminutive 16. pelts of fos Alfred young lambs 4. conditions (var.) 5. portico 19. son of David " 20. came to 52. small 18, close to 19. piles up 21. printer's measure H[O) 23. JALYSS of A Serbia 24. symbol for S|TIAIT]! teliutium | |[K|O 25. caustic 27. thing, MIEN inlaw 28. Abraham's 29, M| S home title b Cc , Canterbury. bell ry OIRIM|S . govern P . prefix: together 3 NC .ignited AN Answer to yesterday's puzzle. E|R|E standstill 23. happen again 26. forcibly 28.above 29. Greek letter 31. personal A pronoun 32, negative N 33. alludes ! 36. Hindu poet & 37. hotde E 38. feeble- minded i 39. fortification 40. drowzes E 43. dash . 44, order of t E J] mammals 8 47. pinch HIE EN , exceptionally courageous person 49, rigid 0 Average time of solution: 33 minutes. 51. prefix: \W Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc, 95: father Mallett assisted. The S.M. announced the troop would hike out to plant trees Saturday a.m. and, oh pL the Patrol Points: Wolf 33, Owl 3 1d Goose 45 and Lynx 36. What do you think of that? Now if the Wild Goose and Owl come through with a little outdoor stuff, patrol meetings-and handeraft, etc., the others are going to have a tough time caiching, JP, THINE NOSEY (And the nose knows). THE EIGHTH OSHAWA STARBOARD Well chapples, here I am again. May I say, however, that this column is only for intelligent people (meaning those who can read). Yes, it is I, your ever-loving Aquarat, back for another 'The meeting started from background) "Oh, isn" t that gay? The meeting tsarted off. Bully, bully, bully. Oh, excuse me, dear fellow, I pray thee continue." "Hmph! Well as I was saying the jneeting started off, after a slight de- y for "Ta / 1 eh? Tell me old chap, what Ge this delay? Well, speak up! ak up!" P Look Mac! IT have to . i "Sorry old girl. Didn't 'mean to in- terrupt. Please continue." "Well, the meeting started off with a slight delay, which was divided into two parts . "Two parts. eh? Very } nteresuing: Oh Just ignore me, dear bo "As I was saying "You were saying? Well, how excit= ingly humourous!" (There is a slight scuffle here, and a short silence, while the "dear boy" is thrown out). The meeting started off with a Sight delay, because of the eviction of interruptionist. You now know the reason for the above dialogue. Catch on dear reader The Meeting was called to order by also "| Skipper Anderson and the troop formed 2 horseshoe for flag-break, 1 tion, end dues, Flag was broken-by P.L. Ab Gilbert of the Beaghlls There were quite a number ntees this meeting. Due to atiner ether. base- be? The Patrol Leaders would appreci- ball practice, lighter nights, etc. may- ate it if the nombre of the Troop who are goin, be absent," would phone or n touch with them, or someone Ww! fe would relay the informa- tion to them, before meeting time. ow about ft? Following this, the troop took leave to the back-vard for a clean-up. We Acme Painting & Decorating GIVES ® YOUR HOME THE NEW LOOK! e PLUS PROTECTION! ® INSIDE and ouT! Phone 4617) ESTIMATES FREE! x Tm ope, ay the looks of the hall provi this nd and strenuous work, the A of scouts was tested on hand- signals, inside dy Pall 1 think we could any What is your Oo This was BY towed by 8 game of French tag directed b ll, (we can't call 'him "Baldy" anymore oad Skipper Bailes. Patrol Leader hirst was wise and stuck a book in the back of his pats, but af- ter his wily trick was discovered, he was forced to run the gauntlet. The book didn't do you much good then, eh Chuck? an instruction period was held in di ilérent corners under the direc- tion of Skippers Bailes and Anderson, and aders Harrell and Marsh. I have come to the conclusion, after a reat Jeal of fafa How, that these nstructio: perious tional, 'Delig tful, The next item on the list was & game of dodge ball directed by Troop Leader Harrell This time we had a y-ball and not a Jens ball. A. litfle Harder to Sarape isn't it Robby? That's Harris He always manages the centre at least six times game. Called ibto a horseshoe by Skipper An- derson, we 1 ed to a talk on. arti- ficial respiration, which was followed by a hearty sing-song. The announcements were read rayers were sald. Then assisted by nder John Bunner, flag was lower- ed by Patri Leader I'm sorry I haven't the Points for Patrol, Competition, but as far as know the Seagulls are still leading. Now, ow the BloHous eventethat every- Eody has been talking about. Last Sat- rn utbre a gn, audience, tarboard put on a glorio Hd defeat all other teams home the Junior and Senior Floor Hockey Championships. Nice go- ng, gang! How are your shins? member every! ! White and shorts are to be worn next wee without fail! I gusss that's all for now gang! I'll be back next week with the news and views } the Eighth, Starboard, that Ist AQUARAT 5 IRpIOvemen, Beh Haydon District Work on Farms Well Under Way MRS. HILDA CROSSMAN . Correspondent Haydon, April 29---Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A, Read and family. The farmers In this district are on the land getting their spring done. Some farm land is still quite wet in spots. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Black ond Sons, Oshawa, visited Mr. Dan Black's. Mr. and Mrs. Sanley, May and Bill, Toronto; Mrs, E, Ashton, | Mr. Orville. Ashton and Sa En- niskillen; Mr. and Mrs, Silas Tre- win, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Brownlee, Ross Ashton and Miss Marie Ash- ton, Leaside; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Alk- enhead, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, | Russell Ormiston, Enniskillen visit~ ed at Mr. Lloyd Ashton's. We are glad to see Mr, and Mrs. Frank Denby back working the farm again, Miss Shirley Garrad spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy at Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham and BRITISH "OSCARS" London -- (CP)--Brtiain is set- ting up an Academy of Motion Pic-~ ture Arts to make awards each year to films made in any part of the world, and judgment will be inde- pendent of box-office appeal. Floors Laid, Sanded and Finished Phone 3744W1 M. LEGGETTE LOTS NORTH OSHAWA Hydro and Telephone Available 50 x 270 Bus Service Within Block Off Simcoe St. North PHONE 3744W1 After 5 ASPHALT SHINGLING Insul-Brick Siam General Carpente ork Fully Experienced 'Workmen W. D. PARKHURST PHONE 433-3 GRAVEL & LOAM FOR SALE! Phone 2727W - 2726 ARMSTRONG FUELS NTARIO HARDWOOD FLOOR SANDERS Old Floors Refinished! © Laid eo Sanded 51 Harmony Rd. South Phone 3434J or 4277) Guaranteed ® Asphalt Shingling ® Built-Up Flat Roofing ® Materials and Work- manship Guaranteed! B I Bn ROOFER PHONE 3055J oe BUILD o WITH CONFIDENCE R. B. WILKINS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 597 Masson St. - 1487W ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS NEW CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL (Successor te B. W. Haynes) Kingston Rd. KE. Phone 161J4 CONTACT E. J. POMERY AUCTIONEER "THE MAN WHO GETS RESULTS" PHONE 3766R Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHL!N COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED Phone 1246 BARGAIN Kingston Road, half a mile from Whitby -- 10 acres of garden soil with large stone foundation barn. Suitable for chickens. Quick sale. Will. cut price. Half cash payment, 296 WHITBY PRE-WAR QUALITY WELSH BLOWER COAL ARRIVING SOON PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW -- PHONE 262 The ROBERT DIXON Co. Ltd. 313 ALBERT ST. DOMESTIC and INDUSTRIAL FUELS aTioNAL Housing Acr Budding Joana Official Representative We also arrange ordinary loans for buyers and builders A. J. PARKHILL Associate J..A. YANCH 'Barristers and Solicitors ar C'S Varnishes: Paints Enamels Wax A FINISH FOR EVERY SURFACE = INSIDE AND OUTSIDE GORDON'S PAINT STORE -- for sale by -- 25 BOND STREET EAST, C) ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read spent the week-end with relatives in To- | daughter, Enniskillen, nesday. day viki 3 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. | and Mr: Jim were Sunday visitors of Mr, Leslie Graham on celebrating their and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton at Burke-|28th wedding anniversary on Weds Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Garrard and were Suns with his ena, Mr, Yarrard Phone 3470 © EXCAVATING o GRADING e GRAVEL LOADING W. F. ESSERY Btrest i WE OIL BURNERS - FOR THE fou FAMOUS i South-Wind AIR CONDITIONING UNITS Manufactured By HOWARD ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF GRAVITY FURNACES STEEL-WELD COAL STOKERS COAL MISER Howard has been manufacturing heating equipment for over ~~ fifty years, and has built up and maintains a highly trained and efficient organization, with engineering ability second to none in our industry. Our dealers are all heating specialists and are able to advise you on the best possible installation to maintain heating efficiency in your home. to install your new furnace before the rush season is on. This allows ample time for testing etc. Now is the time' 54 BURK ST. PHONE 2589 or EXCAVATING CONTACT F.F.WELCH Phone 3744.2 Oshawa, Ont. Bulldozing and Grading! fen NATIONAL HOUSING ACT BUILDING LOANS We are official Representatives We also arrange ordinary loans for buyers and builders Phone 1700 chofield INSURANCE rin. SA GORY * 6 Simcoe St. North Real Estate Brokers 20,000 -- also -- CINDER BLOCKS For Immediate Delivery 4" x 7° CINDER BACKUP TILE -- ASO = ® Concrete Blocks all sizes in stock! @® Flue Linings Phone or Write ® Stove Pipes, etc. F. E. PANES 554 Merton St. Toronto -- Phone MO. 3786

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