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Daily Times-Gazette, 1 May 1948, p. 5

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ET vs i 3 THE DAILY TIMES. GAZETTE SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1948 By NEWMAN CAMPBELL "Love of one's country" is the dic- tionary definition of patriotism. In every country of the world, millions of men have died for their, coun- tries. They have died-to defend their peopls from aggression; or striven to free them from tyranny. To plot against one's country is the vile crime of treason, punish- able by death. To willingly give one's life for it, is considered on a par with giving one's life for an- other; or, in Jesus' words, "Greater love hath no man than this, that & man lay down his life for his friend." In the time of which we are study- ing today the Jews were in exile, and their situation was most un- happy. They were homesick for their own land, and, as a displaced people, their position in an alien country was precarious, to say the least. This was the situation in the third year of the reign of conquering King Ahasuerus, when he gave a great feast to neighboring prices and requested his queen, Vashti, to appear before his guests, "for she was fair to look upon." Vashti did not choose to do as the king asked, so he became very an- gry and cast her out. Then he sent letters to all parts of the kingdom asking that fair young maidens from each province be sent to court so that he might choose the most beautiful for his new queen. Attached to the court was a Jew named Mordecai. He had at one time discovered a plot to assassin. ate the king, had foiled it and brought the criminals to justice. 'This was written in the book of rec- ords, but apparently no one read them and the matter had been for- gotten, Mordecai had adopted the orphan daughter of his uncle, a lovely girl named Esther. Mordecai had her brought to the palace to appear before the king, hoping that Ahasuerus' choice would fall on her. King Ahasuerus did choose Esther, falling in love with her at once, and she became Queen Esther. Also at court was a man named Haman who ranked high in the king's favor. He was selfish and ambitious, and was unscrupulous in obtaining what he desired. Haman demanded that all those connected with the court bow low when he appeared, and most did, but Mordecai, the Jew, refused to do this man reverence. For this ReS=------== Haman hated Mordecai and plotted to rid himsglf of the man and all "his people, He persuaded the king to sign an edict that on a certain date all the Jews in the kingdom should be massacred -men, women and children. When word of this ¢ame to Mor- decai's ears he "rent his clothes, and put on sackcloth and went out into the midst of the people, and reminded her that herself might become a victim the edict. He asked her to int cede for them with the king. If she appeared unbidden before King Ahasuerus, Esther told -Mor- decai, she might be killed--it was the law--unless the king' held out to her the royal scepter to touch. Nevertheless she would go, "and if I perish, I perish," she declared. Dressed in her royal robes, Esther came into the king's presence, and when Ahasuerus saw her he held out to her the scepter, and she touched it and was saved. What did his queen want? Ahasuerus asked. Only that. he would dine with her on the morrow and bring Haman with him. Haman was de- lighted at this sign of honor, and that night he had a great high gal- lows built near the palace, on which he planned to hang Mordecai. sleep, and to quiet himself he read the book of records. In it he found the account of Mordecai's heroism toward himself, and he asked what had been done to reward this man. Nothing, was the answer. Next day he asked Haman what -should be done to the man the king wished to honor. Haman, thinking Ahasue- rus meant himself, advised that the royal robes be put upon the man, the king's horse should be given him to ride, and even the royal crown should be placed on his brow. So do to Mordecai, the Jew, said the king. The queen told Ahasuerus after a second feast with Haman present what, dreadful fate Haman had plotted for her people. The king was furious. He had Haman hang- ed on the very gallows Haman had built for Mordecai. The edict against the Jews was revoked, and thus this Jewish girl became the heroine of a great true story exem- plifying real patriotism, That night Ahasuerus could not ; LET'S ALL GO TO CHURCH REGULARLY lowed by an observation contest 'lcnoducted by Mrs. 'Bert Wanna- maker and Mrs, Morley Bruce of Seagrave, Mrs, Thompson being the winner with a perfect score of 22 articles named. A hot dinner was served and a very pleasant social hour spent. The next meeting will be in charge of group three and it is ex- pected will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Heayn. The Prince Albert Young People's Union is planning a supper aid program to be held in the church basement early in May. Watch for further notice and date. Mr. and Mrs. O. Woodcock, Bruce and Lorraine of Tweed, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Reyner. Beth Taylor was taken to Port Perry Hospital on Sunday morning where she underwent an appendix operation. We all hope that she will be around in good health again soon, Dan Lyle of Halifax, N.S, was in the village on Sunday and Mon- day calling on old friends and neighbors. Mr. Lyle is looking well and loys Eo good health. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson of Pefer- borough are spending a few weeks with their daughter, 'Mrs. Grant Hunter and Mr. Hunter. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Centre and John Streets "INDEPENDENT--EVANGELISTIC--MISSIONARY"" REV. A. W. WHITEHEAD, PASTOR 11:00 a.m.--"THE 'CROSS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST" (Communion Service) 7:00 pm.--"FORCE OR FREE WILL" Junior Church and Nursery Dept. during Morning Session: Sunday School 3 p.m. WEDNESDAY, 8 PM.--PRAYER MEETING and BIBLE STUDY ALL WELCOME KING STREET UNITED CHURCH REV. J. V McNEFLY, MA. B.D, Minister Organist and Choirmaster, Wallace Young, A.T.CM., R.M.T. SERVICES OF WORSHIP 11:00 a.m.--"THE PROPHET-SAVIOUR" 2:30 p.m. --THE CHURCH SCHOOL 7:00 pm ~"WHAT GOD HATH JOINED Togs T= May 9th---MOTHER'S DAY AND INFANT BAPTISM :00 p.m.--Men's / Night--St. Clair Men's Association Choir Thirty: I COME AND WORSHIP WITH US » FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CORNER KING AND MARY STREETS PASTOR--REV. RALPH F. WILLSON ORGANIST AND CHOIR LEADER--MRS. F. VANDER-VOORT x - 11 AM.--"READY ... ?" 9.55 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL THE LORDS SUPPER 7 P.M.--"WHEN GOD MAKES A PROMISE" A HELPFUL PLACE TO WORSHIP MR. NORMAN WILLIAMS, . 801 Ritson Rd. CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Organist and Choir Leader, 8., Phone 4602R Reconciliation" 10 AAM.--SUNDAY SCHOO. 11 AM.--"God Always Takes 7 P.M.--"For Their Sakes" SPEAKER: * REV, W. P. FLETCHER, BA. D.D. THE FRIENDLY CHURCH e First Step in 74 ATHOL ST. W PILGRIM HOLINESS MISSION REV. J. W. BRAY, Pastor KNOX CHURCH (PRESBYTERIAN) SIMCOE ST. N., AT BROCK Rev. H. F. DAVIDSON, M.A. Minister Mr. DAVID JENKINS, Organist and Cholrmaster, SUNDAY, MAY 2 11:00 a.m. --"PROVIDENCE" 7:00 p.m. ~--"DOERS 'OF THE WORD" Guest Speaker: REV. R. STUART JOHNSTON, BA. BD. | Assistant at Calvin Presbyterian Church, Toronto. \ SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10:00 AM.--MAIN SCHOOL--Classes for all. 2:30 P.M.--Knox Young People's Bible Class. 2:30 P.M.--District Sunday School in the Ukrainian Presbyterian Chyych. Wednesday, May 1--Mid-week ag for Prayer and Bible Study SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH Minister in Charge: Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B.A, B.D, Organist and Choir Leader: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M, SERVICES SUNDAY, MAY 2ND 11 AM.--PEACE OF MIND 2.30 P.M.----SUNDAY SCHOOL & BIBLE CLASSES 7 PPM.--YOU WERE MEANT FOR CLIMBING REV. ROY F. HICKS, B.A, BD. OF AURORA will preach at both services. CORDIALLY WE INVITE YOU 17 Erie St. "CEDARDALE'S EVANGELISTIC CENTRE" 17 Erie St. 10 A.M.--A GROWING SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERANNUATE DAY "pioneer Ministers Will Be a.m. 7 p.m. Speaking" BRIGHT SINGING AND WARM FELLOWSHIP / he Lord." «J was glad when they sald unto me, let us go into the House 91 4) e Log" REV. L. E. FLETCHER (PASTOR) PHONE 3822W WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH GIBBONS STREET AT BUENA VISTA R. M. THOMPSON, B.A. -- PASTOR ING SERVICE Dedication of Communion Set presented as a tribute to former pupils of Westmount Public School who served in World War II Guest Soloist: MRS. DOUGLAS LANDER 7.30 P.M.--EVENING SERVICE Speaker: REV. H. G. CROZIER OF WHITBY Soloist: MISS ELEANOR BOOTH Service of Licensing the present Student-Minister, Mr. R. M. Thompson, conducted by Rev. J. V. McNeely, and Rev. Charles Malcolm, representing Oshawa Presbytery. SUNDAY SCHOOL--10 YOU ARE LAST OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR REV. CARROLL PREACHING AND SEE MRS. CARROLL DRAWING--SUNDAY, MAY 2ND, 11 AM. & 7 P.M. PRAYER MEETING--WEDfl § PM. YOUNG PEOPLE'S--FRIDAY, 8 PM. G. B. AM. WELCOME Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment By REV. R. BARCLAY WARREN Perhaps the most memorable speech in "The Merchant of Venice" is that of Portia when she pleads with Shylock to be merciful. "Therefore, Jew, Though justice be thy plea, consider That in the course of justice, none of us Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy; And that same prayer doth teach us all to render The deeds of mercy." The plan of salvation is a case where "Mercy triumphs over judg- ment", James 2:13. The decree given to our first parents concern- ing disobedience in partaking of the forbidden fruit was, "In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die". When they sinned, death passed upon all men. But God in His mercy, love and pity, provided a covering for their shame and prcgnised that the seed of the woman would bruise the serpent's head. Hence we have this great sal- vation through our Lord Jesus Christ. We may be saved from spiritual and eternal death. Mercy is not the opposite of justice but mercy seasons justice. If we would be like Gcd, we must also show forth "the deeds of mercy". "For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath showed no mercy." / Missions Theme Of W.A. Address F. E. SMITH Correspondent PrinCe Albert, April 20 -- The April meeting of the Prince Albert Women's Association was held at the home of Mrs. Earl Martyn. About 40 ladies and 10 children were present. We were very pleased to have so many visitors, some coming from Seagrave, Manchester, Scugog and Port Perry. Mrs, MacGregor, the president; was in charge of the meeting and opened with one verse of the well- known hymn "O God Our Help in Ages Past," after which the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. The guest speaker wag Mrs. Thompson 'of Port Perry, who gave ah ipierest ing talk on "Why Mis- sions?" and quoted many passages from the Bible expressing the or of missions. Mrs. Edwin McCrea College Hill Sunday School SUNDAY--3 P.M. 3 p.m.--Adult Discussion Class. 7 pm.--Evening Service, 601 Montrave Avenue GRACE LUTHERAN 150 ALBERT ST. Rev. N. Kritsch, Pastor 10 AM.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Service "PRAYER TO GOD-- IS IT WORTHWHILE?" 7 pm--Evening Worship Here Tomorrow COL. GEORGE W. PEACOCK "Chief Secretary of the Salvation Army, who will visit Oshawa to- morrow. In the morning he will preach at the Salvation Army Citadel and in the evening will be the speaker at the Kiwanis Club church service in North Oshawa United Church. offered prayer. There was little business to discuss and it was de- cided to put on a quilt, at the home of Mrs. Wm. Martyn, next Wednes- day and we would ask all ladies to be present with thimble and needle, on that day. Mrs. Allan Martyn of Scugog played the guitar for the singing of the hymns. 'This part of the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Mrs. Allan Martyn gave a selec- tion on the guitar which was fol- SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Pastor -- Rev. Coros LO.F. Hall, 20 King St. W. MR. DEEKS of Toronto. Regular Service from 7 to 8 Wednesday afternoon, 2:30, Message Miracle at 184 King W, Everyone Welcome 245 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH The Pentecostal Church Pastor: R. A. BOMBAY Ji SWANSON FIERY YOUTH EVANGELIST WITH A MESSAGE FOR Your Beginning SUNDAY - 11 AM. and 7 P.M. Continuing EVERY Evening--8 p.m. ONE WEEK ONLY! THIS IS A SPECIAL YOUTH MEETING DON'T MISS A NIGHT! M ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE CHURCH WITH THE CHALLENGE" 'MORNING SERVICE 11 A.M. MR. MAC DAVIE, MA. WILL PREACH AT MORNING SERVICE ® SUNDAY SCHOOL 2.30 P.M. 1 A ~ EVENING RADIO SERVICE 7 P.M. SERMON TOPIC: "DO YOU WANT TO BE GREAT?' » | Minister: Rev. S. R. Henderson B.A, B.D. Director of Music: Mrs. R. Holden ST.ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH Miaister: Rev. George Telford, M.A, B.D. Organist and Choir ter: Mr. C. J. W. Taylor, D.C.M. SERVICES OF WORSHIP, SUNDAY MAY 2 11 AM.--THE MEANING OR REVERENCE 2.30 PM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL anu LIBLE CLASoLs 7 P.M.--JOINT SERVICE IN SIMCOE ST. CHURCH A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH COR. SIMCOE AND ARLINGTON : Rev. B. S. Morwood, Minister Kelvin James, A.T.C.M., Organist DIVINE WORSHIP 11 AAM.--"REPENTANCE anc FAITH" 7 P.M.--EVENING FELLOWSHIP--"GUIDANCE" N 8:15 p.m.--BIBLE STUDY AND DISCUSSION GROUP Nursery for Bables §nd Young Children at 11 am. COME AND WORSHIP ... A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU QOD ANNUAL CHURCH PARADE AND DIVINE SERVICE CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH TO COMMEMORATE The 129th Anniversary OF THE FOUNDING OF THE Independent Order of Oddfellows SUNDAY, MAY. 16 Members are requested to meet at Lodge Hall / at 2 pm, ALL ODDFELLOWS and REBEKAHS INVITED TO ATTEND You Are Invited To See a CHALK ARTIST At Work This Saturday Night! | 5 Reasons You Should Attend! | 1.--~Special Speaker: REV. G. B. CARROLL Lion's Head, Ontario 2.--~CHALK ARTIST--Mrs. G. B. Carroll 3.~DUET--Rev. and Mrs G.. B. Carroll 4.~SOLOIST--Mr. Louis Griffen 5~THE FAMOUS BAGPIPES Played by Mr. Bob Wilson This is one of our best programs, if you miss you will be sorry. 5 ALL ARE WELCOME - SATURDAY NIGHT--7:30 SHARP ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH Director: MAJOR ROBERTS North Oshawa United Church ORTH OSHAWA 2.15 PM.--SABBATH SCHOOL 7.00 P.M.--EVENING WORSHIP "Go-To-Church Sunday," Kiwanis of Ontario, Quebec, Maritime district. Kiwanis Club of Oshawa will worship with us in a body. KIWANIAN COL. GEORGE W. PEACOCK, CBE, of Toronto. MUSIC BY KIWANIS CHOIR Speaker: WE INVITE YOU TO WORSHIP WITH US THE SALVATION ARMY Corner Oak and Simcoe Streets Phone 4455 MAJOR and MRS. H. G. ROBERTS, Commanding Officers THE NORTH TORONTO SONGSTER BRIGADE -- 45 VOICES -- 11:00 a.m.--Speaker: COLONEL G. W. PEACOCK 3:30 p.m.--FESTIVAL OF MUSIC 7:00 p.n.--THE SONGSTERS 8:30 pm.--A GREAT AFITER-CHURCH PROGRAM SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES "HAPPY WIND UP" BROADCAST THE SONGSTERS WILL BROADCAST AT The Great Virtue of Patriotism 25 { Vashti, queen of Ahasuerus, king of & | Persian, offended the king so that he' | dismissed her from court; then the king | had letters sent to all parts of the king- | 'dom demanding that fair young women ibe sent to appear before him so that ihe might choose a new queen. Esther, a 2 young Jewish maiden, was his y choice.| whom he gave an edict that haa TEI al ILLUSTRATED SUrAY SCHOOL LESSON Haman, whom the king honored and to' power. All saluted Haman but the adopted. father of (Esther, Mordecai, who refused to bow to before him, Haman therefore plotted against him and got the king to ) Sigh all Jews should be t being sent for. The king held his. ugire to her, however, and she. told plot." By Alfred J. Buescher ~ 'Ahasuerus loved Esther above all things, and he had also read in his "archives that her adopted father, Mor- decai, had once saved the king from assassins, he therefore exalted Morapent . directed his anger against. Haan, % & had him hang: MEMORY. BREE. ather 418 PUBLIC LECTURE Forester"s Hall, 20}; King St. W. TT SUNDAY, MAY 2ND AT 3 P.M. "THE KING IS COMING" Speaker: MR. J. HIGGIN BRITISH ISREAL WORLD FEDERATION (CANADA) Come and Hear This Tiriely and Interesting Falk Listen to CFRB Sundays at 1.15 p.m, COLLECTION CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church -- 64 Colborne St. E. SUNDAY SCHOOL--9.40 AM. SUNDAY SERVICE AT 11:00 A.M. Subject: EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock includes testimonies of healing through Christian Science. The reading room at 1 Simcoe St. South, Room No. 3, (upstairs in Bassett Block) will be open daily from 2 to 5 p.m., and on Tuesday and Thursday evening from 7 to 9 p.m., excepting Sundays and legal holi- days, where the Bible and Christian Science literature may be studied and purchased, and subscriptions placed in perl odicals.

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