. MONDAY, MAY 3, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE _ PAGE THIRTEEN Browning Shrine In U.S. Fulfils Scholar's Dream By MARTHA COLE Waco, Texas--(AP)--This spring, workmen dug into the black gummy soil of the Brazos River valley on a foundation for a shrine to an Eng- lish poet, Robert Browning. And on May 7, the date of Brown- mg's birth, ' when bluebonnets cover the undulating hills around Waco, a gaunt, grey-haired man will. lay the cornerstone of his dream of 30 years--a building to house a priceless Browning collec- tion. "We told architect to build the most autiful building in "America. Those are his orders," sald Dr. A. Joseph Armstrong, pro- fessor of English at Baylor Univer- | sity. "In it we will put our Brown- ing collection, the greatest in the world." i Very few would dispute him. Ox- ford University and the British Na- tional Museum in England and the New York Public Library have Browning collections, but they are small compared to the first editions, Browning portraits, Browning let. ters and personal belongings of the poet now assembled on the second floor of Baylor's library. It's a mecca for Browning scholars. "Our new building shall be a shrine," the scholar said, "and the principal room shall be the foyer of meditation." This foyer will be a room, 75 by 75 feet and two storeys high. Ori- ental tile on the floor will carry out the bells and pomegranite motif of Browning and stained glass win- dows will diffuse soft light, Dr. Armstrong began actual plans for the building five years ago. A friend, still unnamed, offered $100,000 if the professor could raise a like amount. A year later he had WE CAN SUPPLY SAND e GRAVEL e LOAM CINDERS e YARDS LEVELLED D. R. BROWN CONTRACTOR RR. 1, Oshawa = Phone 3744W5 $150,000 .and now has $460,000, with $200,000 still needed. "Not so long ago," Dr. Armstrong related, "a football player stopped me on the campus and said, 'Here, Doc, I heard you needed some money for Browning,' and handed me a $5 bill. Now I never had any use for football players, never al- lowed one in my class if I knew it, but that's the way it's been. One fellow I flunked in Shakespeare sent a check for $5,000." The collection contains 4,000 vol- lumes of books, including every first edition of Browning. It contains no manuscrips of Browning's poems, but does have the letters between Isa Blagdon and Browning after his wife's death, which are valued at $50,000, and about 100 other letters of Browning to various other per. sons. ' Among Browning treasures kept in a steel safe are such personal and irreplaceable items as a lock of Browning's hair, cut by his daugh- ter-in-law as he lay on his bier, a sprig of edelweiss Browning pick- ed in the Alps in 1884, pressed flowers which Elizabeth sent in her love letters to Robert, an account book which Browning kept up until a few months before his death. Here too is the brooch which Browning gave Elizabeth on their first wedding anniversary, and the poet's signet ring, which Dr. Arm. strong sometimes wears himself. Among, the original portraits of Browning are the life-sized paint- ing by his son, Robert Barret Browning, and another by the English painter Rudolph Lehmann, which Browning mentioned as his favorite. 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"Look for the Storé with the Yellow Front" i PHIL BELIEVES HE HAS |, EVIDENCE THAT CORONER DREDD'S DEATH WAS NOT ACCIDENTAL vs NOW, THE SAME NIGHT, AS HE RETURNS 70 HIS HOTEL ROOM = HS. 28 _- _ WILDA! T HARDLY RECOGNIZED YOU=~ SOMETHING'S DIFFERENT! YOUR HAIRDQ wee DOWN. ANO ME, DARLING --- TOOTS and CAS NeMMen jg EXTERIOR REDECORATION ONCE N A WHILE? PHIL , WHAT 15 THIS STUFF YOU BROUGHT | MOMENT! WILDA, EVIL INE JUST WHATS COOKING , HERE IN MIDLAND MY HEART, AT THE DOIN'S HAVE BEEN AND THE LID 15 ABOUT J0 EXPLODE IN SOMEONES FAT FACE! {fue coLoNEL. / 1S WAITING FOR p10 CALL HIM 1 IN- ANSWER TO STAFFORD BROS, Monnmental Works Open Every Day. And Evenings PHONE WHITBY 552 818 Dundas St. B. Whitby THE AD HE PUT {| IN "THE DAILY NO, CASPER, AND I'M GETTING A LITTLE WORRIED. MYRTLE By Dudley Fisher ING FE DANNY HALE NOTHING LIKE ALITTLE EXERCISE 1 DON'T KNOW WHAT FELLOWS THAT DON'T HAVE GARDENS % 5 y MOM SAYS, WHEN YOU COME TO A GOOD STOPPING PLACE, TO COME IN FOR {{{ GEE, AGNES ~T THINK YOURE A GRAND LITTLE GODDESS - AN THE MOON MULLINS ---_ [AS DANNY FACES THE TARGET, HE 16 SHOOTING AGAINST A NEARLY PERFECT SCORE --DENTON HAS DRIVEN HOME Two NAILS AND CLIPPED) THE HEAD OF THE THIRD -- THE SCORE 15--DENTON 8 -= DANNY 3 2 [TN PRINCE KALIS ARENA, LUKA 1 CIRCLES HIS OPPONENT WARILY- WEE ELL] HAVE NEVER SEEN.BETTER =3 : By | = Falk and Ray "KNOWING THAT ONE BLOW OF THOSE SPIKED KNUCKS" + o> MEANS DEATH OR SERIOUS ~ NOW « THE I PRINCE IS PARK, HE LIVES ON THE SIXTH FLOOR WITH A RICH AMERICAN 4 COUPLE AND A CHILD.. 4 COUSIN ELMO'S QUITE A LION LADIES CLUB SINCE HE GOT HIS DUKES ON SOME DOUGH. TTLE ANNIE ROONEY _ ; i AM HAPPY TO HEAR YOUR |' CASPER, IT'S THE OWNER OF 'RINGER ™-- HIS NAME'S THOMAS) THUMPER, HE'S TICKLED TO KNOW THAT HIS PUP 1S SAFE. HE'S GOING TO COME OVER HERE AND PICK HIM UP. Sunfast Yarn [OH,BOY! AT LAST IM GOING |i TO COLLECT THAT REWARD TA-RA-RA-RA-BOOM-DE-AYE ! ---- THIS IS MY LUCKY DAY! By Mel Graft UNDESERVED PRAISE, ANDI THANK THE ALL-POWERFUL LORDS OF THE UPPER AIR FOR SENDING ME SUCH A SWEEY LITTLE GODDESS 10 BE BUT HONEST, AGNES=I AINT A REALLY-TRULY GODDESS LIKE YOU ARE -IM JUST AN ORPHAN WHO DON'T EVEN KNO =e Cpe. 190, King Pot Buin, WL, Wed igs iad, > DON'T SAY THAT - THE ALL-WISE = | SEVEN SACRED SAGES WHO RULE OUR LAND BOW DOWN IN WORSHIP BEFORE YOU AND CALL YOU DAUGHTER OF THE GREAT SUN \ I'VE BUZZED FOR BUMSTEAD TO COME INH SUPERMAN HAVING FORCED SUPERMAN TO ADOPT THEM BY THREATENING TO REVEAL HIS IDENTITY, THE MATERIALIZED OGIES DO NOT SUSPECT THAT THE MAN OF STEEL'S CONSENT IS RID OF THEM ght Short y Willard i By Chic Young NO, SIR ++-MY PANTS ARE DOWNSTAIRS AT THE PRESSERS FOR A QUICK ONCE-OVER J L By Je AFRA| A GET USED TO CROWDS. -- a | dbl 1/5 LZ