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Daily Times-Gazette, 4 May 1948, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY Ti MES-GAZETTE TUESDAY, MAY 34, 1948 WANT AD SECT NSA? 777s ™ BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL "DIRECTORY GRATAM M BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT AU- ditor. Government reports and income tax forms prepared, secretarial work Phone 1004J. 205 Arthur St. (Junl) 5. T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- eral accountant, 24 Alger Bidg., King St. East. Phone 2127. Consulting ac- countant and auditor. (Junl) 2.---Barristers (Al 18 & WALLACE, BAR- HARR 112 Simcoe St. North. Phone Res. 32 . (Jun4) H risters, 3407. LOUIS S HYMAN, , BARRISTER, ETC. Mortgage Loans arranged. 25 Simcoe North. Phone 67. Residence 3051, _ (Junl) NT & ANNIS, SAREE. "AL- fous Annis, E.C., Tl; Simcoe Street South. Phone 4, Residence 769. (Junl) W. 8. GREER, K.C., BARRISTER, WY, ete. 6 King Suet ih East. e 3160. partner W C. Pollard, KC, Usbrigen: On Junl) SSE "CREIGHTON & Ths barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. & (Junl) R. D HUMPHREYS, EC Solicitor, etc. Phones: Office hg Money to loan. cs JAMES R. MacBRIE and Solicitor. Suite 201, 70 King East, Genosha Hotel. Phase 837. (Junl) EPH P. MANGAN, K.C., ~BARRIS- {c= Solicitor. Money to loan. . Office 143 King St. East, Oshawa Phone 445. Res. Phone 837. (Junl) ERNEST "MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLI- citor. 11 King E. Room 2. Phones Office 55. Residence 3687R. (Junl) Al 'PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, Barristers. Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Simcoe North. Phone 1614. Res. 1975J. (Junl) MANNING F. SWARTZ, "BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- sett-Block, otis "Na, 4. Phone 282. Res. 2877TW. 3a--Physicians 'and | Surgeons | DR. BAPTY, "SURGEON, 153 KING ST. | E., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven to twelve and (except Wed and Sax), 2 to 4 and 7 to Ju 4--Chiropractors H E W. "BROWNLEE, DOCTOR OF Chiropractic. Electric Treatments. Free consultation. 15 Simcoe North. Phone 869. (May22) BTECELEY LTH CLINIC 146 Simcoe North. Phone 224. Drugless les ding Chi tic Electro therapy, mineral vapor bath treatment. Practicing 22 years. Consultation free. 9 am. to 9 p.m. dally, except Monday and Friday. (Junl) 5--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, 'OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and Money, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 9. Phone . 1516. (Junl) JURY AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: ® am, to 6 pm. Wednesday 9 to. \ A, E. Johnson, Optometrist. Phone 2 unl) 6--Insurance A PERSONAL PROPERTY FLOATER Policy will protect your valuables in- cluding diamonds, rurs, silverware, dwalll contents at home or at sum- Ber goF oe or while travelling, against burglary, fire, myster! ous dis- Ly and other - causes. The most complete protection available. For rates contact Murdoch General Insur- ance Service (over Eaton '8). (May7) PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE Consult us for any of your insurance needs. All classes of insurance includ- 5 Eu Street East, phone 4318R, (Junl) 7--Veterinarians DR. E H WEBS small animal surgery. St. W. Phone 2010M. 9--Money To Loan CLIENTS' MONIES "AVAILABLE "FOR first ' mortgages. Apply M. F. Bwartz, Barrister. Bassett - Block, suite No. 4. Telephone 182 (Junl) FIRST MORTGAGE we BUY MORTGAGES AND GREEMENTS OF SALE North Shore Realty Co. Ltd. 112 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE 81. OSHAWA , LARGE AND 101 Richmond _ (Juni) 10--Instruction TUTORING ALL 'GRADES, BY EXPER- lenced teacher. Also individual tutor ing for children with defective speech. References supplied. Free interview. Write ox 312, Times-Gazette. (105¢) REGISTER NOW. CLASSES COM- mence each Monday. Shorthand, Typ- ing. Bookkeeping, Comptom@®er and all Secretarial Subjects. shawa Business College, 18 Simcoe N. Phone 1314W. (May21)' DANCING CLASSES, BALLET, TOE and "i taught by Irenie Harvey. Re- ister iday, Christ Church Parish 11, $iall, milleroft and Mary Sts. (Jun5) 11--Building Trades ALL TYPES OF PLASTERING RE- pie sue and cement work. Free estimates. hone' A. Woods, 3870RA4. = (Apr.27,28,29,30,May4,5,6,7) SAND, GRAVEL, LOAM, CINDERS fill and manure, for sale. Jruck for hire by hour or contract, no job too big or too small. Phone 3672J. Bob Hoy. _(May30)-| BAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS. H - wood .in' 4' lengths. Phone 1237R. am (May2T7) SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED, ALSO small Ssmenting 3% iis" done. For in- formation, call 3434 (May23) SAND, GRAVEL LC "LOAM, CIN- ders, manure, washed stone and crush- ed gravel. Phone 2043J. (May23) WA' PROOFING, DUST PROOFING oll proofing, hardening. - Anything in concrete, brick or stucco, Phone 56. (May5) HAROLD CARTER, PAINTING AND decorating, pray ainting, ove' is ac tion guarantee: hone 188 Bruce St. BOW Marae: BUILDING CONTRACTOR, | PLANNING and designing, all types of remodel~ ing, kitchens, built-in furniture, ete. Thomas Gill. Phone 1503J. (MayT) WEEPING TILE $2.00 PER HUNDRED, delievered. Dance Bros, Whitby. Phone 0217. (May14) CRAGGS AND DYKSTRA. "PAINTERS, Decorators. Also furniture refinished. industrial spraying. Work guaranteed. Phone 3639 - 4185W. (May13) EXCAVATING, GRADING, TERRACING Trucks Loaded, Gardens Plowed. MEL BRYANT 616 Drew St. -- Phone 4315W (Tues.-Thur,.-Sat.) (Junl) free =| 12--Personal Services Articles for Sale .. 38 Articles Wanted .. 37 Agents Wanted ... 40 Female Help Wanted .. For Rens ... INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS . cesses. 38 sesieee 298 Ph Auditors .......eee 1 Agtamonles For Automobiles Wanted ..... ee 33 Automobile Repairs 18 Auction Sale ...... 43 Barristers .. w. 3 Bullding Trades ,,. 11 Business Oppor- ar tunities te . Dentists .. Dressmak! Employmen anted cece os.s €1 g CLASSIFIED Male Help ONE INSERTION ..... "ee TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS THREE Above rates apply only to original new and 20 words or Fin 20¢ tio Each initial letter, abbreviation, All Classified Advertisements before publication. Office hours: Gardening and Supplies ..... Household Repairs 14 Houses For Rent .. 28 Insurance ... Instruction .. Loan Wanted .... Lost and Found .. 22 Legal Notices ..... 43 CONSECUTIVE INSERTION . EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION .... full word. Box charged 10c additio) * 8.0 Pets and Livestock M Radio Repairs .... Real Estate Agents 18 Real Estate For Bal ve ereens,. 3 ve 18 « 10+ on Veterinarians .. Women's Column . Wanted to Rent .. Wearing Apparel .. AD RATS 20 Words Each Addl . Or Less Word ses snsennes .e Pes i Aid consecutive insertions. ter date constitute a listings $5.00 per month for mal for all words over 20. $ and c sign, figure count as » nal. MUST be in by 6 pm. the day Daily 8-6. Saturday 8-5 11--Building Trades | OLD SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, TILE | removed and cleaned, new tanks in- stalled. Phone 624. (103c) CITY WIDE CONTRACTORS, ROOF- |! ing, chimneys repaired. Phone "43923 for fair estimate. Tucker Bros. (Juned) CHIMNEYS BUILT AND REPAIRED, blocks laid and plaster repairs. Apply Gordon May, R.R. 3, Oshawa, 2 miles west of North Oshawa Church, 4th con- cession. (1051) CONCRETE , FOUNDATIONS STOOPS, walks, floors, driveways, etc. D. Weeks. | Phone 4204M. (May10) | PAPERHANGING 2 AND PAINTING, AL- | | so plaster repairs. Phone 1887W. (1020) ! TRY PANOLENE SOLES, WEARS BET- ter than leather, costs no more, at Guiltinans, same address, side entrance, 17 Bond East, EE ~(Jund) MRS. STALEY IS IN TOWN WITH her French furniture polish. Will call. Ee eY0s) DO YOW SING, TAP DANCE OR PLAY an instrument and would like a record- ing of same phone 4898J for appoint- ment and particulars. (105¢) WE WILL ELECTRIFY YOUR PRESENT sewing machine for $30. Singer Sewing Machine Co. (10311) FP. A. VON GUNTEN, | EXPERT SWISS watchmaker. Repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patronage solicited, unl) 13--Nursing Service COMFORTABLE HOME FOR ELDERLY lady, nursing if required. Box 305, Times-Gazette. (1005p) { 14--Household Repairs FIELDS, vered. Like new. rates are reasonable. why par Tio anteed. Phone 5280W nights, YS, inl | RNITURE REPAIRED AND ag. ur ring. , 75 Charles. Phone 401. . (Jun8) 15--Gardening and Supplies HEDGES, SHRUBS, EVERGREENS, | roses, annuals, rock: and Sone | Everything for your gardens. den maintenance. Phone 2178. aiaS3) TEN ~ DIFFERENT KINDS OF "OUR most beautiful perennial flower plants. Large fleld hy roots. $1.50. mixed $5.00, Supply limited. Order now. Free Delivery. hone 4505W. May21) 18--Automobile Repairs MOREY'3 G GARAGE, CORNER VERDUN and Gliddon. repairs to GM. Chrysler oducts. Specializing, re- uflding ee action. Phone 057. (May13) 21--Business Opportunities GROCERY STORE, LOCK-UP, GOOD location. Full price $5,500. Cash re- quired $4,500, balance on mor! age of $1,000. Apply in person to A. Mur- doch, Real Estate Broker. ~(104e) 22--L ost and Found oh LOST, $15. NEAR KRESGES OR _ZEL- lers. Reward. Please phone 4338J. (105a) Gore? Our n guar- 3344 (May4) 23--Women's Column CHARIS--FOR SPRING PASHION IN expert fitting, in girdles, corselettes and . brassieres. Phone Blatter, 94W. (May1l) 24--Personal | LEAVING WEDNESDAY MORNING BY | car for Vancouver. Phone 4256805 ) a SLENDOR TABLETS ARE EFFECTIVE. 2 weeks' supply $1.; 12 weeks $a at Tamblyn, Powell, and Jamieson Tug Stores. (May4,11, 1 125) 25--Real | Estate For Sale "PRE - FABRICATED COTTAGE, Brxze: Siding outside. Donnacona board inside, lly insulated. Rock- wool. Owner will LE it on your lot on one week's notice. Can be seen at Pickering Beach road, 15 mile south of new. highway. No phone. Write R. C, Barteaux, Pickering Beach Rd., Whitby, (105¢) LOTS, , ONE O OR MORE "ACRES, GOOD clay loam, hydro, and telephone avail- able, 12 mile from school, good spring water at 16 to 18 feet. Halt way be- tween Oshawa and Whitby. Phone Wil- ilam Garrard, 416J3. (Sat.-Tue.-Thur.) 8-ROOM SOLID BRICK HOUSE, ALL conveniences; hardwood floors down- stairs. $6,000. Terms arranged. Immed|- ate possession. 259 Court St. 187R. (1056) LOTS FOR "SALE, C CITY CONVENI- ences, good school, excellent arden land on Gibbon St. N. Phone 416W3. BEG (May15) - ROOMED HOUSE, HARDWOOD floors, hot air furnace 4 acres good garden land, 1 acre berries, 30 fate trees, garage, worksnop, chicken coo barn and hay barn. Property in city Apply 1024 Lakeview Gardens. (1041) TWO COTTAGES, VERE FEET, three acres of land with a trot stream running - through roperty, miles from town. Phone 1067 {8 ® on $1,200 BUYS EXCELLENT BUILDING LOT Located on Connaught Street (strictly high-class residential area), suitable for large resi dence. Lot 60 foot frontage x 125 feet. TELEPHONE 1479-) limits. (104¢) 1$4,00 : Ave. Immediate possession 25--Real Estate For Sale i FURNISHED COTTAGES WITH HY- dro and boat with each. loca~ tion, reasonable prices. Write Box 184, Norwood, Ont. GOOD BUILDING LOT, frontage, Westmount Ave. Westmount. Ave.,. or phone "45 FOOT Apply. 101 (103¢c) Ji BUILDING, 13' X 8', TO BE REMOVED | from premises. 323 King St. W. (105a) | TWO CHOICE BUILDING LOTS DIV- ! Blon St, North end. Apply 366 Division | 05d) $4. 500 Hu cash. 6-room Gi storey and half, hard- i wood floors, bath and shower, half acre of land. ($6 30 --Half cash, 5-room stucco ' bungalow, practically new. All conveniences, real value, ner leaving city. BERT PEYTON Real Estate and Insurance Broker BOND EAST (1058) cellar, East $3 20 --6-room cottage, ' water and lights. section. Immediate possession. --5-room bungalow, garage, conveniences, Mitchell $4, 60 --=8-room brick, south west section. Jamediste pos- session of part. $800 d $6 50 --Good Airy brick house, ' garage. Hardwood floors, modern kitchen. Half cash. Immediate possession. South East section. $6 900 S51oem brick, all conven- ' lences, new garage, mod- ern kitchen, corner lot. Real value, North East section. $1 5 00 --12-room brick tourist y home, on King B8t. East, 2 bathrooms, 1 extra tollet in basement. Garage. Half cash required. A real good income. SEE W. McAULEY REALTOR 150 DIVISION ST. PHONE 3510M RIERSON AVE. $8.700., nal cash 6 rooms, lovely ,new home. Easy terms under NH.A, GLIDDON AVE. 6-room brick, newiy, decorated. $6,500 with half cash required. LOUISA ST. * New modern four-room bungalow. $5,500. First mortgage can be arranged. (1058) WEST END $4,200. Half cash required. A cosy five- room insul brick. This is good accom- modation. All these homes are for immediate occupation. APPLY TO 5. MURDOCH Real Estate Broker 1 i (1052) $9 50( \--8-room brick dwelling, ' four bedrooms up, hard- wood floors throughout, hot water heat- ed with oll burner. Double garage. Very central, $7 00 --3-room bungalow, brick, ' good condition, with good Jot, large modern kitc . Must be seen to be appreciated. Early posses- sion. $3 000 oo house stucco. Im- ' mediate possession of 3 rooms. Very central. $1 50 --Buys 3-room cottage with y sunroom, 1 acre of land. Located in good summer resort on Deer River. North of Havelock. W. E. HOLMES + Broker 19 ONTARIO ST. PHONE 328 (1058) Excellent site, for professional or businessman's home in first class residential section, very close to city buses and school. BOX 306 TIMES-GAZETTE 25¢c--Farmers' Column AUTO TRACTOR FOR & SALE, ( GOOD condition; also 3 little pigs. Phone 3430J1. z (May4,6.8) ~ TRACTOR, FIRST CLASS Apply Columbus Siok) (105¢c) 30J1, condition. Columb us A G. Hooker & | Sons John Deere Farm Equipment Dealer (3'z miles west of Brooklin) FIELD CULTIVATORS: 8's, ny 8 ft. C.C. SpHn Youth a ROW ROP ULTIVAT For A.B. arn TR HORSE MOWERS: 6 ft, oil bath, CORN PLANTERS: Di H FERTILIZER DISTRIB BUTORS 8-ft. 110" 2 FURROW PLOW, Realy new Sines 24 and 28-in WER BINDERS: 8 ft. on oN iver, SMALL GARDEN TRACTORS Phone 18r2 Brooklin 15 ACRES OR MORE, OF GOOD PRO- ductive garden land with good house. $2,000 down payment, Box 247, Times- Gazette, ($1 03¢) 29--Rooms for Rent LARGE | DOUBLE R ROOM, | IN PI PRIVATE home, close Motors, 2 men or 2 girls. Board i desired. Phone 198%, EE-ROOM, FURNISHED, APART- THR] ment, centrally located to downtown business section. June lst to October 1st. No children, give references. Apply Box 304, Times-Gazette, (1058) Y. {emir ESIC Ce Ad 29--Rooms For Rent 35--Wearing Apparel PROFESSIONAL OFFICE, 2 ROOMS available May 15. 16 Bond St, E. Phone 454W. (105b). FURNISHED BEDROOM SUITABLE for jefineq business gentieman. Phone 2924W. (1058) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, Toney decorated, no children. 130 Warren Ave. Phone 5085) after 6. ___(105b). FRONT BEDROOM, FURNISHED, | BUSI- ness girl. Phone 1061J. .' (1051) FURNISHED ROOM WITH ALL er veniences. 184 King W. 1106¢) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, PHONE 1823W. Se NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM, vate home very central. Phone 5028. (105¢) TWO-ROOM, FURNISHED APART- ment. Phone 4588W, (105¢) NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM, 8UIT- able for two. 209 Simcoe B. (105d) THREE-ROOMED APARTMENT, FOR couple only, living-room, bedroom, kit- chenette, separate bath. Apply 278 Alb t., after 6 (1058) FU HED ROOM, VERY CENTRAL; all conveniences. Private home. Phone 1395R. Apply 58 Kenneth Ave. (104c) TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, private home, rangette, exten- sion telephone, laundry pri vileges, near Collegiate and hospital. Quiet business couple, Phone 2456. 103c) 29b--Summer Resorts STONEY LAKE. OWN YOUR OWN cottage. Choice shore lots for sale. Cottages if desired. Combined living room and kitchen with sink and pump installed, large bed- room, screened verandah, with lot in- cluded, $1,300. Same with two bed- rooms, $1,475. Terms arrange Write Trails' End Lumber Co., Lake ld, R.R. No. 2, Ontario. 104e) ELLEN-CLIFF LODGE, | 12 MILE Ls Highlands, Haliburton. Lodge and gab: in accommodation, swimming, boatin fishing, shuffle-board, horseback ri ing, recreation room. Good food. "Apply C. Mullin, Minden, Ontarlo. avs! ) contracted for | 30--Room and Board | IN PRIVATE HOME FOR ONE GEN- (104a) nce. Phone 25 | 30a--Room & Board Wanted. | GIRL "EMPLOYED GENERAL MOTORS, desires room and board. Central. Con- veniencés. Box 313, Times-Gazette. (105¢) 31--Whanted to Rent URGENTLY NEEDED BY YOUNG | couple, no children, 3 unfurnished rooms. Phone 4927J. (105¢) URGENTLY NEEDED, 3, 4 OR 5-ROOM house, apartment or fiat, for duly business family. References. Box 307 , Times-Gazette or phone 4553M. (105¢) YOUNG COUPLE DESIRE THREE- room unfurnished apartment. Phone | 3897W after 6 p.m. (105b) | WANTED, THREE OR FOUR ROOMS, all convenlences by two ladles. Box 311, Times-Gazette. (108) FLAT OR "APARTMENT, . UNFURNISH- ed, quiet Wik Ho no children. Apply Mrs. Wilkins one 2335J. (105b) | 3 OR MORE ROOMS, APARTMENT OR house, by couple with teen-age boy. Would also do part-time CATSKINg, elu lot Phone 4107J. ( --) MALL FURNISHED APARTMENT FO Is and August, young couple. ARR Box 303, Times-Gazette. HOUSE IN OR OUT OF CITY, 2 children, age 1 and 4. Box 302 Times- Gazette. (104¢) URGENTLY "NEEDED, 3 3 OR 4 UNFUR- nished rooms, apt. or small house, two reliable adults. References. Phone 1495R. (103c) SUMMER COTTAGE NEAR OSHAWA, by month or season. Apply giving par- ticulars Box 246, Times-Gazette. (103c) THREE ADULTS WHO MUST VACATE present premises, May fifteenth, ur- ently require house in city or near ourtice. Phone 285. (102g) 32--Automobiles for Sale 32 CHEV., NEW TIRES, PERFECT condition. Phone 1287J. (105b) AUTO TRAC, MODEL A "FORD, FOR sale. Tel. Whitby 839. (105¢) 38 BUICK 8, SEDAN, GOOD MOTOR, tires, new clutch and qifferenuisl, ars, 87 Burk St. 05¢) 1935 PONTIAC COUPE, | NICE 2 Ig ance good condition. '323 Leslie St. . __ (105¢) '30 CHEV.. FAIR CONDITION. APPLY 173 Gibb St., after 6. 05¢) 1938 BUICK OPERA COUPE, re 396 Pine Ave., evenings. (105a) 36 DODGE SPECIAL "SEDAN, BTEEL top, motor body, tires, excellent, con- dition. Newly Ry 'Apply 275 King St. East, or 93 Division st, A ) GOOD 39 BUICK, SMALL SERIES, condition, will gell for $1,000, or rade ve. 05¢) '35 FORD SEDAN AND '37 FORD SE- dan with radio. Both cars in excellent condition throughout, Cash or Terms. Apply 353 Buena Vista, _(105¢) for best car Jered over '37 model, Olive Ave. after 6. . (1 36 FORD COACH, EX " CON- dition. 106 Ritson Rd. 8. (103c) '37 INDIAN SPORT 8COUT GOOD running order, almost new tires. Call 2497TW; after 6, 3426J. __(103¢) "1/3 down, as long as 24 months to pay at STONEY'S CAR MARKETS Oshawa and Toronto 5 Locations 33--Automobiles Wanted CASH FOR YOUR CAR! BRAMLEY Motor Sales, 1271 Simcoe Street North. Phone 4695W. (Jun) SALESMAN URGENTLY NEEDS '37 TO 41 Chev. Coach or Sedan all cash, Phone 4808. (101t1) (58t0) Cash for your car, at STONEY'S CAR MARKET 429 King West Phone 4183-J (93t1) HIGHEST PRICES Will be paid for new and good used cars. BELMONT MOTORS 137 KING WEST (10142) 34--Pets and Livestock GOOD HOME WANTED FOR 2 LOVELY kittens. Phone 217R. . _(105a) SIMCOE PET SHOP, PETS AND SUP- plies, birds boarded. 373 Simcoe South. (Juned) DURHAM _ Cow," "AND "FRESH, FOR sale. Ap ly 517 Bloor E. (104b) BABY BI GIES, READY FOR TRAIN- Bh all colours, attractive summer oad Perfect gift for Mother's Day. e B745. (May20) 8 BOARDED BY DAY OR WEEK. Twin Birch Kennels. Phone Whitby 839. 'eMay13) 36--Wearing Apparel WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING oD, sults nd pants. W. Sam Schwartz. (Jun?) |. | tleman; nice location; every conveni- ! A BBAUTIFUL STONE MARTEN CAPE, $120; also full fox fur, $50; lovely con- Siviom Seen anytime. Phone Brooklin (1 feel BEACK, opi - FITTING, ait RING coat, size erfect condition. $1 Phone 3387J. 4 (1 1058) LADY'S TAILORED | SUIT, SPRING coat, drese, size 12-14; boy's Jackets. 12 years. Phone 2635M. (105a) TWO GIRL'S SUITS, I PLEATED BLACK skirt, shoes, size 12-14; also. boy's high cut boots, Apply 371 King teens West, Oshaw: (1052) 36--Articles for Sale 8-PC. DINING-ROOM SUITE, ALSO A Plano both in excellent condition. Ap- Phat 18 Brock St. North, Whitby. Phone itby (105) ORBSTERFIELD§ SUITE, "3 PCS. AP- ply 68 Gibbon Sf (105d) BLUE i PRA EXCELLENT Londiuen, Reasonable. Apply 90 Bloor Wes (105¢) . ROLL TOP DESK AND ( CRATR, in good condition. 287 Drew . (105: 105: WESTINGHOUSE WASHING ACH, $85; ten counter stools for light lunch: double galvanized sink. Apply 101 Rit- son Rd. N. (105¢) TD 14 INTERNATIONAL DIESEL TRAC- tor with Bucyrus-Erie hydraulic angle- dozer, ready for work. Apply Box 308, Times-Gazette. (1052) FRENCH 6 FT. 6 IN. BY 30", DOORS, ¢ with hardware. 232 Burk St. Phone (105¢) STRAWBERRY PLANTS, "SENATOR Dunlap, $2 per hundred delivery on 260 or more, Oshawa and vicinity, Phone 202J5. (105b) ONE MAROON "PRAM, GOOD CONDI- tion. Phone _2022R. (105b) COAL AND WOOD "STOVE, PERFECT condition, sacrifice $20. Owner leaving town; also club chair, all it requires is slip-cover, $5. Phone 3880W. (105b) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS, $5 or $3 lots, limited supply, delivered. Phone 3288J. (105¢) ONE ICE-BOX, "25 LB. CAPACITY, , $10; 8-PC. DINING-ROOM SUITE, $40. Phone 3007M. (105¢) ILECTRIC HEATER AND INSULATING kes for No. 30 tank, like new. Fons ( . 05c) WOOD FOR SALE, SOFT WOOD SLABS, $7 per load; one power hacksaw; one el A exchange motor, $95.; one South Wind heater, $20; one Coleman asoline heater; all kinds of used tires. rd Parts and Service A, F. Cox and Sons, 168 King West. Phone 666 or 745. (105c) | WESTINGHOUSE COMBINATION COAL and electric range. In good condition. | $169. Meagher's, Simcoe 8t. N. ( 105a) A. L & W FLY CASTING OUTFIT, $25. Almost new. Single barrel "Iver John- ston" shot-gun, $10. Apply 236 Huron St. (105b) POTATOES, SPY APPLES, DELIVERED. Shaw, 262 St. Jullen, Phones 4423J, 4832W. (1 05d) GIRL'S USED C.C.M. BICYCLE, GOOD condition, reasonable, Phone 611W. (105¢) LADIES' AND MEN'S DELUXE MODEL bicycles, equipped with balloon tires. Available on our thrifty budget plan, $6.25 down payment, balance payable over 6 month period. B. F. Goodrich Stores. Phone 247 (May4 6) TWO FRENCH DOORS, ALSO ONE small Quebec heater, 134 Warren. Phone 1498R. (105¢) OAK BED, SPRINGS AND MATTRESS, good condition oil stove. Phone 1485J. = ____(105a) UNFINISHED HQUSE- TRAILER. IN- quire 330 Simcoe St. S., Barber Shop. a Li TWO GLASS SHOW-CASES, 4 and 5'2 ft. long. Apply at store, Foi King 8t. West, corner Church. = (105¢c) GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHING MA- chine, good condition. Price $75. Phone 2901. (105a) RASPBERRY CANE, 2c EACH, EVER- bearing cane, 3c each. Apply 119 Ver- dun Rd. (105a) ONE PAIR FRENCH DOORS, COM- plete, one small office desk, dining- room table, 4 chairs, Phone 1513R. i i (1058) 2 STOVES, COAL AND WOOD: ONE has hot water front; jacket heater, one Quebec heater--269 College ATE: 01 ) c AND (104b) RED MAPLE VANITY DRESSER bench, like new. Phone 732M, : "GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS Made to measure by experts for any window, in wood, steel or Fléxalum, in 12 Yidersny colors. 5 DAY DELIVERY Phone 4101 J. W. MELLEY BOX 421, OSHAWA Dealer for Met-Wo Industries Limited al 2 J (Tues.-Thur.-Sat.) GURNEY GAS WATER HEATER; BI- cycle paper carrier; Underwood type- writer. All in excellent Phone 4505W. 03c) NAILS, 215" "COMMON, AND 4". per, keg. APY. anytime, 918 . South, W (een STEEL | $15.75 Brock FAST - AND ICE - CREAM cabinets, 4, 5 and 7 cubic capacity, complete with condensing units, Prices from $245. to $340. This is a discon- tinued line at exceptionally low prices. Can be seen at Williams Electric, 78 Simcoe North, and at Hudson Manu- facturing Company, Oshawa Airport, makers of prefabricated freezers of 20 cubic feet and up, for building, into Jour home or farm, Phone or 56 for panini, (108e) CEDAR FENCE POSTS AND POLES, any quantity, (Ros 1962W. (991) AWNINGS, ONLY LIMITED SUPPLY available. Order now. Chairs and tables for rent. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N., Oshawa. (Jund) APPLE "TREES, LARGE "ASSORTMENT of varieties, will bear next year. 5 to 8 feet high. Fifty dollars per 100. Plant and buy now. Oshawa Nurseries. 159 Verdun Road, Oshawa, Ont. (May20) NEE BODY WOOD, 12 CORD $10; also mixed slab wood, !2 cord $8. Phone 3903J. Mays) "VENETIAN BLINDS for homes, offices or factories. Custom made. Moderately priced. Estimates and installations free, R. G. TREWIN Phone 5072 - 59 Division St, Oshawa (Tues. Thurs.) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St N. Phone 3800W. (May25tf) GREY FOLDING iG GO- CART, L LIKE NEW. Phone 1007J. (104c) BUDGIE "BIRD, ALSO SMALL KITCHEN sink. Phone 333M. (1058) DRY SOFT WOOD SLABS, $13 "PER cord, stove length. Phone 2135W, Brook- lin 87R4. {May7) a IMPROVED _ PLAST-I- GLOSS, modern floor finish. No waxing, or hard scrubbing Non-slip- revents accidents Beautifies +144 in one hour. We will apply your Plast-I-Gloss and Guarantee it not to crack, chip, or peel. Expert information or applying free of charge. Associated ervices, 23 Bond Street West, at Prince. We deliver. Phone 4538W. (May8) ICE CREAM CABINET, IN A-1 CONDI- tion; also refrigerator. Phone 244. (96tf) HARDWOOD Maple Hardwood and soft slabs. Stove lengths. Immediate delivery, Phone 481 B. VW. Haynes -- 39 Park Rd. N. (8341) the poten condition. | | THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten 2, 3 7 XW NN ak CARELESS PLACE TO y 4 LEAVE A BOWLING BALL IT ALMOST ROLLED / OVER MY J €0 SHE PUT ITIN A MUCH SAFER 7 pou so com 36--Articles for Sale WEEDLESS 'MANURE, 3 DOLLARS Yo, | 3 for six seventy-five. Mushroom an other manures. Phone 3763J, May?) | STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS, 55c PER Measured and installed. George sq. ft. M. Reid, Phone 2104, 66 Bond West. (May26) NEW IMPROVED PLAST - I - GLOSS. The modern floor finish. No waxing, | polishing or hard scrubbing, non-slip- pery, prevents accidents, beautifies, dries in one hour. Price 1.95 per quart, 6.95 per gallon. Glecoff's Grocmeateria., Phone Oshawa 3235. We Deliver. cm ri (Juni) 37--Articles Wanted WANTED, CURLING STONES AT ONCE. State condition and price. Write Car- lof 537 Besserer Street, Ottawa, Ont- ario. (1031) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH. WILSON & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. (May30) CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED ice box, Quebec heater, cook Bond West. Phone 3766M (Jun13) HIGHEST _ PRICES PAID FOR PAPER, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron and Metals, 100 Annis St. East of C.NR. Station. (Jun2) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West, 3326W. (Jun5) 38--Female Help Wanted WOMEN TO DO HOEING, PLANTING and Wesding by hour or day. Please phone 3763 (105¢) RELIABLE WOMAN OR "GIRL, PART- time cleaning in small home. Phone 362. (105b) WANTED IMMEDIATELY, EFFICIENT young woman to do general housework, must be good cook, capable of taking ult charge. No children. Apply Mrs, Irwin Ormis Columbus, Ran TRE. (105b) ton, Phone Brooklin 4 SALES HELP, FULL OR PART-TIME, including Saturday. Apply The Food 8h op, 42 42 Simcoe North. (105b) | WAITRESS, EXPERIENCED, STEADY | employment, good hours and wages: no night work: Apply Commercial Hotel, aw (1041) WANTED, ( SABLE CHRISTIAN WO- man, without too much home respons- | ibility, as part-time housekeeper. North end. Apply Box 301, Times-Gazelie. (103c) FFG furniture, stoves. 24 WANTED IMMEDIATELY One Hydro-Tel Operator Apply Employment Office Massey Harris Company Verity Division, Brantford, Ontario. (104c) | 39--Male Help Wanted REQUIRED AT ONCE, , GOOD CLEAN cut young man for position as gasoline service aliendany for summer months. Apely in person B. F. Goodrich Stores, St., at Ritson Rd. (105b ) #@ i Sinioyment Wanted GARDENS PLOWED AND HARROWED, Phone 318M. pions Bon 141056) HOUSEWORK, WASHING AND IRON- ing, by day or hour. Phone Sea SH Cc PLOWING AND HARROWING, ALL tractor work, by the job or hour. Free estimates. Phone 3820W. (1001) REPAIRING TRILIGHTS, RANGETTES, ranges, all household Sleftrical PE ances. Frank Snudden, 107 hol E. Phone 919W. A May18) 41a--Lawn Mower Service LAWN MOWER, SHEARS, SCISSORS, sharpened and repaired. Plek- ad delivery. Phone 2164W. C. Somerville Ave. (Maya4) LAWN MOWERS GROUND AND RE- paired. Sheals, etc., sharpened. Work uaranteed. W. Simmons, 95 Tatrigte ve. Phone Sins. May23) RARE CRIBBAGE HAND Guelph, Ont.--(CP)--J. S. Rich- | mond, playing at his daughter's home here, got a 29 hand at crib- bage. He held three fives and the jack of diamonds in his hnad when the cut produced the five of dia- monds. Players at the Canadian | Legion cluk here also reported a 29 hand recently, the club's first in 12 years, London -- (CP) -- Films will play a large part in the future edu- cation of British children, says the education ministry, which is mak- ing' plans to wire the majority of CROSSWORD VERTICAL 1. dairy product 2. harness part 3. unemployed 4. born 5.animal fat 6. topics 7 Anglo-» Saxon money 8. grime flesh food pouch load undivided Biblical mountain praiser 52. designators 53. germs 54. stretches over HORIZONTAL 43. . backbone 45. . fashions 46. screens 47. beard 49 very small pill Scottish Highlander's dress 16. network 11 12 14 51 15. . take nourish- ment Answer to yesterday's puzzle. . insipid ashes (Scot.) L 4 21. water | spirit E 23. decimal unit . gull-like birds Neptune's emblem Shoshonean Indian ship's timber-piece 31. condiment cruets 35. fished for lampreys 39. skill 40. quick 42. Hebrew high priest 20 26. 28. 30. i By Eugene Sheffer 9. landed roperty oral or; herringlike fish 10. 11. 13. 18. 21. 22. 25. 27. 29. 31 32. 33 concerning river island fall flower, streaked hard-shelled seed stain rubbers humped ruminant) fields of combat ' 5; marble figure represen. , tation mineral). spring » . yeast 1 church officials restricted - menus 41. sacred pictures #4. ebb and flow 46. capital-of Peru * 34. 38. Average time of solution: 33 minutes. 48, primary color Dist. by King Features Satine, Inc. 50. fold over WHO BEAT WHOM? North Bay, Ont.--(CP) leon Galipeau, 28, of nearby Stur- geon Falls, pleaded guilty in police court here to assaulting and causing bodily harm to his wife. Chief Con- Napo- | Farmers' Lincoln, Eng. (CP).--Lincolnshire Union has asked a fire brigade to use hoses on rookeries as a test of a quick and cheap means of fighting the pest. stable John Lafleche of Sturgeon testified: "He came off second best. He has a broken bone in dne! shoulder." Galipeau received 20! days. London--(CP)--Boys with cata-| pults cost London's Wandsworth district £120 ($480) monthly by breaking 300 street lamps. CONTACT E. J. POMERY AUCTIONEER "THE MAN WHO GETS RESULTS" PHONE 3766W ® NO warping, chipping, quirements. out, HARLEIGH Mfg. 160 KING ST. WEST Britain's 30,000 schools for cinema projectors, on WALL TILE | EXPERTLY APPLIED TO NEW OR OLD WALLS 16 €OLORS to beautify your Bathroom, Kitchen, or Commercial Building Interior. , checking or cracking. ® MIRAPLAS one of the miracles of war-time plastic development. Gives beauty, cleanliness and permanence to any wall. KITCHEN CUPBOARDS factory built to your re- MIRACHROM aluminum alloy trim, used through- PHONE 2410 FOR FREE DESIGNING SERVICE Co. Sl

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