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Daily Times-Gazette, 8 May 1948, p. 13

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I X » SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE THIRTEEN Oshawa Kinsmen Club Has Worthy Record of Service | New Stadium . . . Now Inaugurating Campaign for Funds f But They Will Do It! . DR. R. E. COX Campaign Chairman + They Have Undertaken A Big Job . . JACK. B." COOKE insmen President "POUG" CHESEBROUGH Vice-Chairman Proposed New Stadium Will Have Seating Capacity of 2,500; Will Have Ultra Modern Lighting $60,000 Project Will Be 450x350 Feet and Will Be Located at South End of Kinsmen Park, Just North of Arena In 1928 a group of Kinsmen from -the Toronto Kinsmen _ Club came to Oshawa and in- terested about a dozen Osh- awa young men in the idea of Community service. During that meeting, which was held in what was known at that time as Welsh's' Parlours, the GEORGE RUSWELL hawa Kinsmen Club first ico into.being. A short time later the District officials and some. of the Toronto club members again returned to Oshawa and presented the of- ficial charter and gave the Oshawa Kinsmen Club its of- ficial status. The club has been rendering constant ser- vice to this community since that date. u It is interesting to note that any of Oshawa's most prominent business. men of 1948 haye grown up through the. ranks of 'the Oshawa Kifismen Club. The organiza- tion -is- known as a young man's club, and is strictly confined to Canada and New- foundland. At the time the Oshawa Club was formed there were not more than a half dozen Kinsmen Clubs in existence. Today the num- berof clubs has grown to 240 with an. approximate mem- bership of more than 9,000 members. Throughout the early years of 'the Oshawa Kinsmen's Club service to this district they devoted most . of their time: and energy to the de- velopnient of the grounds of the. Oshawa Children's Shel- ter and provided entertain- ment for the children. .. they purchased playground equip- ment for both indoor and out- door sport and performed many other services of real worth i. . . In those days the actual"work was done by the Kinsmen themselves and it will be interesting to remem- ber that many of Oshawa's "top business men" of today took their part at the end of a shovel or hoe in the devel- oping and landscaping of the grounds of the Oshawa shel- ter. Street fairs and jamborees at Lakeview Park were some SIMCOE ST.S50TH KING ST. £, MOTEL or The above picture is an artist's conception of what the Kinsmen Ci vic Memorial Stadium will look like on the day of completion. It will be enclosed by a 10-foot cement-block wall, and have wooden b leachers that will seat approximately 2,500 persons. Complete with adequate dressing room and wash room facilities, the Stadium wi ll have one of the finest lighting systems in the country for night sports . . . All this will come true if you, the people of Oshawa, are -- "Good Sports, Good = | SIMCOE ST. NORTH of the forms of "money rais- ing" events adopted by the Club and while today differ- ent" forms are used, yet the same aggressive spirit is tobe found among these young men who are devoting so much of their time to com- munity service. Lawyers, doctors, newspa- permen, garage operators, of- ROY JOHNSON fice specialists, in fact young men in all walks of life have gained in many cases their first experience in communi- ty service in the Kinsmen Club. Consequently, much could be said on behalf of the work of this organization during its past twenty years or more of service in this city. Throughout the war years the public generally will re- member with pride the splen- did service given by the Kins- men in their efforts to for- ward "Milk for Britain. Actu- J ally tons and tons of milk reached the children in the United Kingdom during the trying days of the war be- cause of the ingenuity and aggressiveness of the mem- bers of this popular Canadian Club. The building of citizens from young material has been one of the effective pieces of work that the Kinsmen Club has successfully accomplish- ed. In fact their work in mak- ing good citizens can be traced to the council tables of not only our city but in the legislature of the Province of Ontario and indeed the Kins- men pins can be seen and are proudly worn on the lapels of one or more members of the cabinet of the Federal gov- ernment. : This then is the type of or- ganization which has 'set its hand to the job of raising funds for the erection of a new outdoor stadium in Osh- awa where both young and old might learn to enjoy the full benefit of outdoor activi- ties. . 'A week ago this cain- paign for funds was launched and already the effort is gain- ing momentum i; might: be expected when such a group of young aggressive service club members put their shoul- ders to the wheel. They are, however, asking the support of every citizen of Oshawa in this gigantic appeal. It is hoped that sufficient funds will be raised immedi- ately to commence construc- tion so that some of the benefits of such a stadium will be enjoyed this present season. In speaking to Jack Cooke, the President of the Kinsmen Club, he said "we are fully conversant with the need of such a stadium in Oshawa, in fact this need must be appar- ent to every citizen. It is therefore needless, we .be- lieve, to say more than the Kinsmen Club "are undertak- ing the job, we have the plans, we have the know- how, all we need is the sup- port of every citizen. In the past the support of the pub- lic has been most generous in every Kinsmen appeal and it is. my fond hope," said Mr. Cooke "that our objective will not only be immediately met but oversubscribed ' so that the work will not be held up for the lack, of funds." George Campbell Sport Editor of The Times-Gasette in his column last Saturday said: Does Oshawa need a "sport sta- dium"? There's a simple question which would draw an squally stnple answer--a loud and energetic "Yes" from every sports enthusiast and sincere community-spirited resident "HERB" ROBINSON JACK RISEBOROUGH "PHIL" HOLLOWAY GEORGE SNYDER of Oshawa, from the station agent .to the shoe-shine hoy. The question does not need to be asked. However, the statement that "Oshawa needs a sports stadium" should be explained, in view of the fact that today, the Oshawa Kinsmen Club, an energetic group of public-spirited - young 'business men, are launching a campaign to raise funds, with which to fulfil Oshawa's greatest sports need, an outdoor sports arena, to be known as "The Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium." The $60,000 project * will consist of a completely walled area 450 feet long by 350 feet wide, to be located at 'the south end of the property which is known as. "Kinsmen Park," immediately north of the Oshawa Arena, on the west side of the creek. The wall is to be of cement block construction and the project in- cludes seating accommodation for 2,500, with plenty of available space for the erection of furthey seating accommodation, when the demand warrants, Dressing rooms, equipped with showers, an office building and public toilets will also be included. The huge area will accommodate baseball and rugby, as well as soft- ball and other outdoor team sports and it will be completely flood- lighted, to permit "night games" in any sport. It is planned to form a "Sports Commission" of members represent- a ing the various sports to be played in the stadium and it will be their duty to dictate the policy and allot the privileges of the stadium in all teams requesting. accommo- dation, The financing of the project is of course the major problem but with the vigorous enterprise dis- played by the Oshawa Kinsmen as a guide and an example, it is con- fidently expected that the "Sta- dium Fund" will grow rapidly to the required stature. In addition to having pledged themselves to further contributions, for which several money-raising projects are already planned, in ad= dition to conducting a drive for funds, the Kinsmen Club started the drive with a handsome dona- tion of $10,000. Several of Oshawa"s large indus- tries as well as various organiza- tions and sports associations have signified their intentions of mak- ing donations to the fund, while numerous individuals have also voiced their willingness to contri- bute. . Everyone in Oshawa should con- tribute! There isn't a city or town of com- parative size in the Province of Ontario and perhaps in the entire 'Dominion of Canada, which has as much sports activity as our own city. Practically. every form of sports recreation or athletics is carried on in Oshawa and is con- itizens and Get Behind the Drive." jobs. : The Stadium Fund and we know that Oshawa OD CITIZENS. DR. R. E. COX, Chairman $40,000 of the original $60,000. In taking over the jo of raising this money, the Kinsmen Club have pledged themselves to $10,000 which will be made men projects like the FUN PARADE and meet. The: City of Oshawa have agreed to supply an additional $10,000 to match the Kinsmen donation. This leaves only $40,000 to be raised by public subscription We ask every sporting organization and person in the city to rally behind this drive. Let's show the coun- 1 4 that Oshawa citizens are GOOD SPORTS as well as G It's Up To The Citizens of Oshawa and District The Kinsmen Club Asks Your Help To Do A Job Once again the Kinsmen Club of Oshawa are tack- ling a project for the betterment of this community. In heading the Oshawa Civic Memorial Stadium fund, the Kinsmen hope that the community will get behind them as they did when the Kinsmen installed, playground equipment in all of Oshawa's Parks and many other still needs approximately up by Kins- I Coe won't let us down. J. B. COOKE, President I ducted by one or more organized clubs or associations. Most cities and towns have an adequate "closed park" or stadium, where their athletic teams can stage a game or performances and obtain from an appreciative public a measure of the financial support which- is absolutely necessary, if sport clubs are to successfully meet the heavy expenses they have and carry on from year-to-year, with- out having to rely entirely upon the generosity of some sports-minded businessmen, * individuals or "com- mercial sponsor." Oshawa sport téams and clubs have had to "scratch along" for years without the aid of a closed park and in recent years, Oshawa has become almost the only one of the "major sport centres" in the province that does not have the benefits of floodlighted park, with dressing rooms, etc, In an industrial city such as Osh. awa, night sports under floodlights will be a real boon to the "working man" who loves his sports enter- tainment. He will be able to eat his supper at leisure, get 'cleaned up" and then go to the stadium to enjoy watching two teams in sports combat. He'll have time to work in GEORGE CAMPBELL MAKE YOUR CONTRIBUTION PAYABLE TO THE KINSMEN CIVIC MEMORIAL STADIUM FUND Y the garden for a while. cut the lawn 'or read his paper, before attending the game. The:.mad rush that ac- companies "twilight games" and so keeps, numerous prospective fans from attending will not be present. When we consider the ex- cellent job that was done by the Kinsmen in their Milk for Britain drive, when thou- sands of British children were provided with that all im- portant food, we cannot help but believe that history will repeat itself and that the Kinsmen Club will again come through victorious in their efforts to do this one big, real, important job, give to the citizens of Oshawa the one thing which holds back sports in this community -- a public stadium, The following are associated with the Kinsmen as patrons of this gigantic effort: JOHN BRADY United Automobile Workers JOHN BURCH Branch 43, Canadian Legion GEO. H. CAMPBELL Ontario Softball Association CAPTAIN ROBT. COLEMAN Community Recreation Association T. K. CREIGHTON, K.C., M.L.A. | W. T. DEMPSEY City Engineer J. G. GEIKIE Oshawa Parks Board LT.-COL. MURRAY JOHNSTON 11th 'Ontario Regiment (Tank) MEL JOLLEY Junior Chamber 'of Commerce M. PALTER Oshawa B"Nai B'rith E. REYNOLDS Oshawa Kiwanis Club GEO. SHREVE p Public Utilities Commission, of the City of Oshawa A. G. STORIE Fittings Limited W. A. WECKER General Motors of Canada Ltd. J. N. WILLSON Oshawa Rotary Club T. L. WILSON Oshawa Chamber of Commerce ~ BOX 78 -- OSHAWA ¥ TE REE ------

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