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Daily Times-Gazette, 8 May 1948, p. 6

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PAGE SIX a a a THE DAILY 'Tl A ,.,. MES-GAZETTE SATURDAY,' MAY 8, 194% Rhythm Band Entertains Parents On N. Simcoe H & S Election Night The Grade 1 Rhythm Band, wnder the direction of Mr, Wallace Young, Miss Florence Taylor and Miss Ivah Fox, gave a vigorous demonstration for the Home and School Association .of North Sim- coe School. Mr. Young showed the various instruments individually and explained their function. He explained that rhythm band teach- ing serves a double duty in giving a feeling for rhythm and in de- veloping muscular co-ordination. Muscular stiffness in some children he said, must first be overcome. "Diddle, Diddle Dumpling," "Twin- kle, Twinkle," and a march were played by the children. Mrs. W. P. Whittington was re- elected president of the Association and the following executive will as- sist her: Vice-presidents, Mrs. Chester Robinson, Mrs. George Fletcher; secretary, Mrs, J. Bruce McGregor; corresponding. secretary, Mrs. C. W. Minejt; treasurer, Mrs. W. E. Mann; executive, Dr. Thelma Blair, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. Ma- lowney, Mrs. George Ainsley, Mrs. E. G. Rodger; committee conven- ers, Mrs, Gordon Wilson, Mrs. Maurice Hutchinson, Mrs. Wallace Young, Mrs. Don Holden, Mrs. Donald M. Polson, Mrs. Russell Black. Essay prizes were presented to Marie Lang and - Tom Graham of the school by Mrs. George Fletcher. Mrs, Ralph Wallace and Mrs, W. P. 'Whittington reported on the O.E.A. convention. The guest speaker was Miss Marie Shantz, vocational guidance teacher at the O.C.V.I. She out- lined her duties in this respect but stressed the fact that the teachers cannot make decisions for hun- dreds of students. There are two formal periods for grade IX stu- dents each week and each child has a personal interview during the year. They are free to approach the teacher whenever they wish to discuss problems, but most boys and girls seem to be diffident about doing this. The parents have still the great- 2st influence in the child's life and in guiding his career. The child should be allowed to think freely and choose his own vocation. To be happy he must be physically fit, must not do too much work and must have a sense of success. Simcoe Hall Activities MONDAY Nursery School Simcoe Hall--Public Library Girls, 6, 7, 8--Arts and Crafts Boys, 6, 7, 8--Indian Chief Club Piano Lessons by Appointment Adult Dressmaking Boys' Falcon Club TUESDAY Nursery School Simcoe Hall--Public Library Girls, 9, 10--Arts and Crafts Boys, 9, 10--Arts and Crafts Piano Lessons by Appointment Simcoe Hall Glee Club | Boys' Journal Club | WEDNESDAY Nursery School Simcoe Hall--Adult Public Library Piano Lessons by Appointment Girls--Baseball Boys--Black Hawk Club Boys--Texcraft Club THURSDAY Nursery School Simcoe Hall--Public Library Girls, 11, 12 Arts and Crafts Boys, 6, 7, 8--Woodworking Piano Lessons by Appointment Girls--Junior Teen Club Boys--Stamp and Coin Club FRIDAY Nursery School Simcoe Hall--Public Library Girls' Dance Group Boys, 8, 10--Woodworking Piano Lessons by Appointment Boys' Art Club SATURDAY iBpeech Correction Class Simcoe Hall--Public Library Story Hour Girls--Open House Boys--Woodworking Local YWCA Holds Conference Tonight The YWCA Club representatives who attended the Regional Confer- ence held at the local Y. here, in April, have planned an interesting program for all senior club mem- i arid other Y. members for onday, at 7:45 p.m. This is an | opportunity for all Y. members to y) hear what was discussed at Region- al Conference. The Y-BEtte Club will do a radio quiz and the Osha-Y Club a skit. There will be a sing-song of the conference songs. Five of 'the con- ference representatives will give panel reports of the discussion groups they attended. e five clubs participating on Monday evening will be: Osha-Y Olub, Y-Ette Club, Culture-Y Club, Rendez-Vous Club, and the Over- 20 Club. Each club hopes that all its members will be present All those present will have an op- rtunity to elect the Oshawa CA delegate who will attend the YWCA National Assembly to be aeld during the last week in Aug- ast at the Lake of the Woods dis- irict. Refreshments will be served. Re-elected MRS. E. A. COLLINS who has been re-elected president of Mary Street Home and School Association for a second term. The Association meets in the school on the first Monday night of each month during the winter. Mrs. Col- lins is also secretary to the execu- tive cauncil of the Girl Guides' As- sociation, --Times-Gazette Staff Photo Lois Grant Attended By Twin Sister Married on her parents' wedding anniversary, Lois Velda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Grant, be- came the bride, on Friday evening, of Laurie Maxwell Wakely, son of Mrs, Maxwell Wakely and the late Mr, Wakely. The Rev. J. V. Mc- Neely performed the ceremony in the parsonage of King Street Unit- ed Church. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a street-length dress of light blue crepe, accentuated with a lace peplum. She chose a wide - brimmed black hat and matching accessories. Her corsage was of yellow roses. Twin sister of the bride, Miss Lorraine Grant, was maid of honor wearing a - street-length dress of grey crepe with navy blue hat and accessories of grey and blue. Her corsage was of pink roses. Mr. Alex Brooks of Toronto was the bridegroom's attendant. The reception was held at home of the bride's parents, and Mrs. Grant chose a street-length dress of Bagdad blue crepe with navy blue accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses. The bride- groom's mother also received the guests in a black and white crepe dress with black accessories and a corsage of red roses. Spring flow- | ers accented by pink and white | streamers added a touch of gaiety to the rooms. The wedding trip is to Huntsville and North Bay. For travelling the bride wore a wine gabardine suit, black accessories and a black wool shortie coat. On their return the newly wed peir will reside in Osha- wa. Club Calendar Next Week MONDAY |0.Y.C. Sailorettes | Ritson H. and S. Assn. Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club Cedardale H. and S. Assn. Lend-A-Hand Club Lyceum Clup Westmount H. and S. Assn. Order of Foresters, Court 501 TUESDAY | Simcoe St. Jr. W.A. King St. H. and S. Assn. S.A. Home League Christ Church W.A. King St. Jr. WA, Ladies' Aux. Can. Legion Albert St. Jr. W.A, | University Women's Club Joh" St. Golden Links Class oly. Trinity "W.A. Holy Trinity Eve. Guild I1.O.F. Court Oshawa No. 239 Ukrainian Pres. Sr. W.A. C.G.IT, Aux. WEDNESDAY League of Health and Beauty hlvation Army Prayer victory Lodge L.O.B.A. Knox Pres. W.A. Cedardale Sr. W. A, Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. 3 Cedardale Jr. W. A, University Dr. H. and S. Assn. University Women's Club HURSDAY St. Andrew's W.M.S. St. George's W.A. King St. W.A, 5th Oshawa Mothers' Aux. Calvary Baptist W.M. Circle 6th Oshawa Nioihers' 'Aux. Pythian Sisters St. George's Eve, Guild St. George's After. W. Aux. Mary Elliott Smith Miss, Cir, Arvillia McGregor Miss. Aux. FRIDAY Ladies' Aux. P.M. Center St. East Gr, W. A, the | Groups, Clubs tciliooni ALBERT STREET SR. WA. Mrs. Clayton Lee presided at the regular meeting of the Senior Wo- man's Association of Albert Street United Church on Thursday. The meeting opened with the theme song, followed by a hymn. The Lord's prayer was said in unison and Mrs. C. L. Wood read the Scripture, Thoughts for the Day were read by Mrs. 8. R. Clarke, Mrs. Henry Hogarth and Mrs. Ed Holland. Plans were made for a tea to be held at the home of Mrs. Howard Stacey, Wilkinson Avenue, on Wed- nesday, May 19. A rummage sale was also planned for Tuesday, May 18, at 2 pm. in the church. The sick' committee gave its report and there have been a great many flowers, cards sent and calls made. A Mother's Day service will be held in the church on Sunday evening by the .wcmen. The meet- ing closed with a hymn, followed by the Mizpah benediction. LA 3RD OSHAWA MOTHERS' AUX. Mrs. J. A. Steffan was installed as president of the 3rd Oshawa Scout and Cub Mothers' Auxiliary at the regular meeting held on Wednesday afternoon in the Scout Hall. Mrs. H. G. Willes, former president of the Auxiliary, was in charge prior to the installation, which wag conducted dy Mrs. Wil- liam : Corbett. Other officers installed for 1948- 49 were: vice-presidents--Mrs. H. G. Willes and Mrs. Wilfred Fenton; recording secretary -- Mrs. A. G. Henderson; corresponding secre- tary--Mrs, Theodore Tyers; treas- urer--Mrs, George Wilson; execu- tive--Mrs., Thomas Wilson, Mrs. John Bingham, Mrs. Albert Hewett, Mrs. William Rahme, and Mrs. G. A. McKnight. Mrs. Willes opened the meeting with the Scout Mothers' prayers and also extended the thanks of the Auxiliary to Mrs. J. A. Mac- Donald for her donation. A report on the recent convention in Toron- to was read by Mrs, J. A. Steffan. Mrs. Willes gave a reading, "Mo- ther and the Boy". Mrs, Corbett announced the com- ing birthday party which will take place at the Scout Hall on Wed- nesday, May 26, at 8 pm. This party will be in the form of a eu- chre or bridge and members from each auxiliary are asked to make up tables. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Bingham and her committee. ES | NORTH OSHAWA H. & S, ASSN. Mrs. Glenford Taylor was elected president of the North Oshawa Home and School Association at | the annual meeting held ia the | school last Tuesday evening. Mrs, | Oscar Burgoyne presided for the business meeting and Mrs. J. H. Valleau presided for the election and installation af the officers. Other officers elected and install- ed were: 1st vice-president--Mrs. Frank Lee; second vice-president-- Mrs. Frank Ross; recording secre- tary--Mrs, Charles Reader; corre- sponding secretary -- Mrs. Frank Ross; treasurer--Mrs. Roy Bishop; | executive--Mrs. Robert Brown, Mrs. | E. Vanson, Mrs. James McNally, | Mrs. Edward Brown, and Mrs. Wal- ter Vivian. Mrs. John Alexander presented Mrs. Valleau with a spring bouquet |of flowers, and thanked her for | presiding for the election. Lunch | was served by Mrs. Elgin Glover and her committee. LR A RENDEZ-VOUS CLUB The Rendez-Vous Club which meets at the YWCA every first and {third Tuesday evenings in the | month, this week joined the YWCA | Keep-Fit Class. Refreshments were served after the vigorous routine under the di- rection of Miss Grace Richer. An executive meeting of the Rendez- Vous Club is planned for Wednes- | day, May 12, at 8:30 pm. The next | meeting of this club will be held on | Tuesday, May 18. All clubs will | meet jointly on Monday evening at 7:45 pm, LR NORTHMINSTER W. A. Northminster United Church W. A. met last Wednesday with Mrs. | BE. 8. Dafoe presiding. The meeting opened with the theme song and prayer. Mr. H, O. Pefry read the scripture and gave a prayer. After the business discussion Miss Irene Boes and Miss Betty Carkeek | of the Oshawa Public library gave | interesting talks on adult's and children's bocks. The meeting clos- ed with the Miapah benediction. Lunch was served in the basement by group 5. AUR ST. GEORGE'S W.A. The monthly devotional meeting of the afternoon branch of St. George's Woman's Auxiliary was held on Thursday afternoon. Mrs, S. W. Wotton, who has re- cently returned from England, pre- sdied. Mrs. W. J. Collins read the Gospel. Mrs, Oda Keast, Miss Annie Oakley, Mrs. James Brooks, | who attended the 62nd annual meeting which was held in St. Anne's parish house in Toronto, gave their report. Mrs, Britton Osler presided at the WOULD YOU LEARN COURSE INCLUDES--1. / Home Decorati they are eas ies, etc. EACH COURSE to make The Singer Way. Lessons a0 LIKE TO TO SEW ! ng Course makin, CONSISTS OF 8 LESSONS MORNING, AFTERNOON and EVENING CLASSES ENROLL NOW -- CLASSES NOW FORMING SINGER SEWING CENTRE 16 ONTARIO ST. .PHONE 696 We have two Home Dressmaking courses to choose from Our Regular course and our Advanced course. iven in curtains, draper- T $10.00 PER COURSE. OSHAWA, ONT. meeting. The officers of the differ-. ? Projects mounted for permanent reference. 2. A smart cost ume made under expert guidance of SINGER SEWING TEACHERS Save money and your furniture by your own slip covers -- A Canadian of the Future ¢ JOHN WE son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forder, Rossiand Road East. Johnnie is the grandson of Mrs. W. J, Robert Fowler of Norfolk, England. NTFORTH~ Two-year-old Barrett, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. ---Photo by Hornsby Studio ent branches gave their reports which were most encouraging. The question was asked how could the W.A. make money? The answer being almost any way, but definite- ly not by card playing or any game Due to shortage of space the continuation of the extracts from the letters from India has been held over until Monday. of chance, The head of the "Friendship Work" told of the work done among the Russian women and children. Half a layette has been given to several young mothers. The work- ers provide outings and summer | camps for the children. Mrs. Parsons spoke on the work | done at Stronghouse, a residence for the aged. [hey would like to | enlarge the home. | A bazaar was held at Strong- | house which netted over $5600. En- | tertainment is often provided, es- | pecially in the winter. Plans are | being made to train girls for Chris- | tian leadership, five badges and 100 | pins were presented to different | girls. There were 7,700 hospital visits mare during the vcar, as well a ws of flow cuit and cards. Tne articles on exhibit of the Girls' Auxiliary, was well worth seeing; also some of the articles for the bales. The "Empty Stall" was anything but empty, there was a grand dis- play. It is very urgent tnat mem- bers give more to the thank-offer- ing boxes. There were bales sent to four Indian schools, 260 to the Arctic Missions and 37 to hospitals, besides the tons of clothing sent to Europe. The girls' W.A. provided the bales with Xmas gifts, There was a brief talk on the | proposed fund for a memorial to | the late Archbishop: Owen. The meeting closed with the | Lord's Prayer. A bP "Y-TEEN" CANTEEN Last night at 'the Y.W.CA. the winners of the Mystery Man and Lady Dance were Miss Tereasa Knox and Keith Elliott. Miss Ter- easa Knox also won the Spot Dance with her partner, Jack Dalby. Winners of the Elimination Dance were Miss Laraine MacDon- ald and Stephen Kernay, 'The master of ceremonies was Freddy Coakwel and Bill Howie was in charge of operating the records. Next Friday there will be a "Hard Times" dance.. KNOW YOUR ONIONS It was probably the Roman colon- ts of Briton who introduced on- fons into Europe. No doubt some of their cultivated varieties escaped from gardens and spread through- out the land; for legend says the Druids used the onion as a symbol in their worship. From, then on, on- ions appeared commonly in Anglo- Saxon gardens, In the prologue to Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" we read, "Wel loved he garleek, oynons, and eek lekes." The complete housecleaning unit. Includes 11 attachments for all types of cleaning. Cleans, dusts and demoths from floor to ceiling. For cleaning ability, the Beatty is unsurpassed. See it to-day. "Air Flow" Nozzle Gets All The Dirt SEE A DENONSTRATION Jock BIDDULPH 0 B50 nares 68 SIMCOE ST. N, "Look for the Store with the Yellow Front." Lucky Potholder Sure 'n' it's a shamrock and Pad. dy's Pig--and good luck to you! You can crochet both easily in rug cotton. Wonderful bazaar items! Two new potholders -- so amus- ing! Pattern 7098 has crochet di- rections for two potholders. Our improved pattern -- visual with easy-to-see charts and photos, and complete directions -- makes needlework easy. y Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢) in colns (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern Department, | Lots Decker Wed Oshawa, Accounts of souial ¢ visitors and to and from the pry FELEFHO Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Grant, Clarke Street, celebrated their 24th wed- ding anniversary yesterday. It was also the occasion of the wedding of their daughter, the former Miss Lois Velda Grant, to Mr. L M Wakely. ' * PP Mrs. Thomas MacPherson of Glasgow, Scotland, arrived in Osh- awa on Thursday, having. safled on the 8.8. "Queen Mary" docking at New York. Mrs, MacPherson will be the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. MacDonald, Fairbanks Street, until the end of July when she Piams-to return to Scotland. * * Oshawa guests at 'the ' Perkin- Hodgkins Wedding which took place in Whitby on Saturday. afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs: J. "W. Perkin, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. 'Perkin, Miss Sandra Perkin, Master. David Per- kin, Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Oke. Other guests included: Mrs. J. E. Hodgins, Miss Rhea Hodgins, of London, On- tarlo; Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hurst of Toronto. * pW ! A miscellaneous shower was given recently for Mrs, Charles Graham, formerly Miss Hieamor Mothersill, by her bridge group, Miss Alice Ross, Mrs. Ray ey and Mrs. Jack Simmons, at the latter's home, Masson Street. Pink and 'white streamers fell from a white ~wed- ding bell to a similarly decorated basket which held the many gifts, Lunch was served and a social evening was spent by the nursing registry of which Mrs, Graham is a member. Mrs. John ll who with her husband has come over from Krcaldy, Fifeshite, near Edin+ burgh, Scotland, will be the guest speaker at the regular meeting of Chapter I, Distriet~5 of the Regis- tered Nurses Association of Ontario, in McLaughlin Hall on Monday evening, at 8 pm, Mrs. Campbell will speak to the nurses about YWCA work in Great Britain snd folklore in Scotland. She and Mr. McDonald are at present the guests of Mrs. George Hewis, of Whitby, but they are hoping to settle per- mangntly in Canada. To John W. Yorke Lois Eileen, daughber of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Decker, Oshawa, came the bride on Friday of John W. Yorke, son of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Yorke of Baldwin, The wedding took place in the chapel of St. Andrew's United Church with the Rev, George Telford perform- ing the ceremony. For her wedding the bride chose e blue and white checked 'suit of gabardine with a hat of sailor blue mohair and pink accessories, She wore a corsage of red roses. Miss Joan Cherry was the bride's only attendant, wearing a brown gabardine suit with blue blouse and brown accessories. Her corsage was of Talisman roses. The bridegroom's attendant was his brother, Mr, Donald Yorke. At the reception held later at the YWOA the bride's mother wore 4° navy blue marquisette street:length dress, navy blue accessories and a corsage of red roses. Owing: to 1l1- ness the bridegroom's mother was unable to attend her son's wedding. Pink and white snapdragons form- ed the Sure bouquet on the bride's tal On the table also was the three-tiered wedding oake.. Northern points will be the des- tination of the newly married cou ple. For travelling the bride don- ned a sailor blue topcoat over her suit. On their retarn, the bride and bridegroom will Jive in Maple, Ontario. A nail file is extremely handy for turning edges under or manag- ing difficult corners, when sewing. helena rubinstein Heit Sty Be Minute Stocking Film --Goes on as casually as a hand cream, because it is a cream. Convenient because it's in a tube. No mess, no streaks, no powdery residue, and it's water-resistant. Gives you natu- ral, beautiful golden-tinted legs. 1.25. JURY & COSMETIC DEPARTMENT KING E.--PHONE 28 THE LATEST IN !MPROVED LEG MAKE-UP Aquecede leg Lotion -- This is for you who pre- fer a liquid leg make-up. A quick drying, long lasting, flattering stocking shade. 4 oz., 1.00. Magic Depile- De fory Wax -- Re- moves hair safely, quickly, 2 completely, Leaves logs smooth, silky! 4 ox jar, 1.76, LOVELL SIMCOE S.--PHONE 68 "To Speak Here MRS. R. B..CRUMMY * President of the Canadian Federa- tion of I Women, who will address the annual meeting of the University Women's Club of Osh- awa and District at Adelaide House night. YWCA Schedule For Next Week SUNDAY Camera Club Spring Salon--after- noon MONDAY Felt Handbag 'Class Brownies Girl Guides Ceramic Class YWCA Clubs Conference Oshawa Camera oub Spring Salon TUESD, | Leather Tooled Fandbag Class Y-Teen Cammittee: Y-Teen Council Oshewa Ohess Club Fife Band Practice Y<Teen Practice Senior Girls' Practice Program Commiftee University Women's Club Oshawa Camera Club Spring Salon | WEDNESDAY ! Beginners' Leather Class Brownies 'Mocassin Slipper Class Wotnen Teachers' Federation Oshawa Camera Club--Color 'Transparencies 'Rendez-Vous Chub Executive Oshawa Camera Club Spring Salon | SDAY | Soft Leather Handbag Class Junfor Practices Art, Class Advanced Leathercraft Over-20 Cla Committees - | Over-20 Club Executive . Oshawa Camera Club Spring Salon FRIDAY Oshawa. Camera Club Spring Salon SATURDAY Over-20 -Club Dance Oshawa Camera Club Spring Salon 'Y-Teen Canteen | | L Social Notices 1 00 9% i Announcements ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hollo= way, announce the engagement of their daughter, Wilma Alice, té Norman Harvey Gemmell, son Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Gemmell, of Toronto. The marriage will take place on Saturday, June 12, at 3 o'clock in St. George's Anglica® Church. * x * MARRIAGE The marriage is announced of '| Thresa Anne Cardinal, daughter of Mr. W. H. Cardinal, of Oshawa and the late Mrs. Cardinal, to Rober{ Henry Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Oshawa. The wed. ding took place on Saturday, Aprf 17, in the rectory of St. Gregory't Roman Catholic Church. Bad Weather After wet, slush, and mud, hang clothes carefully in shape (away from heat) «~«when dry, brush gently «..and then, more often than in good weather, send your clothes far quality cleaning CLEANIT SERVICE 92 WOLFE STREET Phone 758 The Most Feminine Face Powder Color Ever Created NOW One Color is Intensely Flattering To / Al Types of Skin, Including YOURS! Buide Z Here's something wonderfully new and different in a shade of face pow- der! A color that is so truly feminine it not only flatters, but brings you a charm that is entirely new and com- pletely captivating. And my exciting new "Bridal Pink" is for YOU, because I have tried it on every skin-color type I could find, and without exception every girl, every woman who wore it, instantly found 'herself more interesting, more excit- ing than ever before. IF you're a Blond, "Bridal Pink" will i fy your blond make you look more feminine than ever. IF you're a Brunet, with fair skin « « » "Bridal Pink" glorifies this con- trast with a new, fore feminine look. 9" Toy Thorpe Original IF you're Brown-Haired, with a medium skin . . . "Bridal Pink" will bring you the exciting lift of new femininity. IF you're Auburn-Haired, with a pale complexion..." Bridal Pink" will wake up your skin, giving it the life and warmth of real live femininity. [] Lady Esther "Bridal Pink' Now at all Good Cosmetic Counters Look different tomorrow! Appear with this newly beautifu!, more feminine look. See how your face lights up with instant new life and warmth. Find out, as you will, how much more attractive you immediately become. Lady Esther Face Powder is sold at all cosmetic counters everywhere in 34c and 65¢ sizes. Get your box of Lady Esther "Bridal Pink" today! og

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