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Daily Times-Gazette, 12 May 1948, p. 5

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LEN pn mm wh WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE FIVE i BEAUTY FOR YOU Roll Those ' By HELEN the preity slim ones pile dry on their hips, if they like, all right. Plumpies will have these pannier-like draper- ey hate them as they hate over-developed hips. In a few some- beautifully, normal weight and mea- surements are the good-looks tick- han adipose tissue is evenly distributed, one can starve it to death' Just dont give it the kind of food on which it lives and thrives munities. They parts of the feminine frame and throw it out of form. There is the. woman whose shoul- ders are narrow, whose chest is not well developed and whose arms are slender but who, from the equator d, has taken on weight. Her thighs are heavy, hips expand- ed. Because her upper story is slen- der she cannot go on a reducing . Her only hope is in vigorous sawdibe Hii is Sracied 34 Lhe Sx pandeed ons. There is no nee Soing Taint-hearied. Figure re- modeling is easily accomplished at reducing salons, and home efforts also bring results. Not s0 quickly, of course, but in due time. The only way to make the cam- paign work is to have a regular for calesthenics. They must have a definite place on the daily schedule of activities; otherwise they are overlooked or postponed. If you belong to the Mrs. Hoppy class, lie on your back on the floor, ms stretched out on a line with s. Lift the right leg ving the muscles a good ; roll to the left, touch- ing the with the toes as far the leg will reach. Let the right touch the left hand. It is the of the muscles from waist- toes, and the pressure of the the floor, that event- puts the fat cells out of busi- . Six times with the right leg, with the left and repeat. t the first sign of fatigue, relax completely. Take half a dozen deep Hips Away JAMESON Plumpies Will have none of these pannlier-like draperies * +» breaths, inhaling through the nos- trils, exhaling through the lips. Pull in the abdominal fibers. There are interlacing muscles from abdomen to hips and thighs; deep breathing will help to strengthen them. The use of a child's jumping rope every day will reduce thighs and calves. As this exercise is a bit strenuous, the woman who is edg- ing toward forty and who has not done calesthenics must take it slowly, Jump six times with one foot, six with the other, six with both. Stand tall when doing this. Keep the chest lifted. Walking is an excellent exercise, but it takes a lot of brisk tramping to have much of an effect upon fat cells that are made of pretty sub- stantial substance. Swimming is recommended because it demands a free hip movement. Try Correct Use Of Can Opener 'The average housewife may feel that the perfect can opener has yet to be invented but milady of the kitchen would be well advised to ledrn the correct way of using the types of opener available in her heme. the most ' frequently been placed the work sur- -guggests Helen Abell, home hav , the regular opener, es, it is convenient Thrifty Pretties d both these aprons in one pat- tern! The big tulips are gay ap. plique, the roses are easy embroid- To brighten kitchens, lighten tasks! Apron-pattern 7 32; trans- fer; cutting charts for 2 aprons. Our improved pattern -- visual with easy-to.see charts and photos, and complete directiohs -- makes needlework easy. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (85¢) In coins (stamps cannot be accepted) this pattern. Print ADDRESS N. A' ania Jout onder to DAILY TIMES SAS aoe Draw, me mrtg, to have an opener especially désign- ed for opening cans of fruit and vegetable juice, etc, which cuts a neat triangular hole in the can top. SPOON BREAD 2 thsps. shogtening, 2 cups boiling water, 1 cup watée-ground cornmeal or % cup yen % cornmeal, 1 tsp. salt, 2 egg yolks. well beaten, 1 cup milk, 2 egg wl ums beaten. Add shorten to boiling water, stir in cornmeal and salt, and cook until' thick, stirring tantly. A Ph Sian By HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, M.D. TROUBLESOME FOOT INFECTION WITH the coming of warm wea- ther it always seems as if ringworm infections of the feet become more common. It is true that people tend to pick up this disease during the summer, especially if they fre- quent infected swimming pools and beaches but, at the same time, many an old case, which seemed to dis- appear during the winter, flares up anew at the first hint of hot wea- ther. This is the time when it is likely to become severe so that, instead of merely cracking and scaling the skin, it causes the formation of blisters which burst and leave raw skin surfaces. Ringworm of Feet Many forms of treatment for ringworm of the feet have been em- ployed. During the war, ointments containing a substance known as undecylenic acid were widely em- ployed for various fungus disorders of the skin. Dr. Emanuel Muskatblit tried out a, preparation of this type on 44 ringworm of the feet, one of the hands, and four of the nails. The remainder had fungus infections of a different type. Of 32 patients who had ringworm infections of various parts of the body, 22 were cured. In five, the treatment was a failure while in the other five the results were doubtful. The cure re- quired from eleven days to three and one-half months. Causes No Irritation This ointment causes no irritation of the skin, even in those with blis- ters and raw surfaces. It would seem that this method of treatment is quite satisfactory in most cases. However, 'whenever a severe ring- worm infection is present, the phy- sician should be consulted concern- ing the best treatment to be em- ployed. Unfortunately, efforts at home treatment often result in further irritation of the skin, thus making the disorder worse. In extreme cases, it may be necessary to use wet applications or to soak the feet in some antiseptic solution until the severe inflammation is cleared up. Then more active preparation to eliminate the ringworm may be employd. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS J. B.: Is there any cure for xces- sive saliva? Answer: A great increase of sa- liva occurs occasionally in nervous diseases, in acute infections, infec- tions of the mouth, and especially, from the use of certain drugs. In the treatment of the condi- tion, thee cause must be found. In nervous people atropin helps to control the secretion. Bromides, also, may be helpful. Combine well.beaten egg yolks and . | milk and stir into hot mixture. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake in greased two-quart casserole in moderately hot oven (425 degrees) 30 to 35 minutes, until well browned. Note: One tablespoon brown sugar may be added with yellow cornmeal. Know Your Onions? A humble member of the lily family, the onion comes in many varieties, shapes and colors. The most familiar species to many of us is the single bulb type which shoots up bright, blade-like leaves. An onlon's pungent flavor and smell comes from its sulphur-rich volatile oils. When they are grown in warm climates this strength is tempered somewhat. A moderate- sized onion is about 95% water. Magic Mix-Matchers These pair up perfectly, go about separately too! Both easy patterns. Pattern 4945, jauntiest of shor- ties. Sizes 12 to 20. Size 16, 2% yds. 54-in. Pattern 25c. Pattern 4637, gently flared skirt. Walt sizes 24 to 32 inches. Size 28, 2% yds. 39-in. Pattern 25c. These patterns, easy to use, sim. ple to sew, are tested for fit. In- Sue complete illustrated instruc- ons. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print pia SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern Department, Oshaws. ig Fashion i WE SUBSCRIBE with whole heart to the pretty look, which is the keynote of today's fashions. Very pretty and softly flattering is a wide-brimmed hat of real leg- horn straw, the brim softly curved up in front, with a balancing dip in back. It is edged with a pink- embroidered blue linen ruffle. A double ruffle of plain blue linen circles the crown. ww. p * TAKEN from the "whatever next" department i sa new glove. Smart on its own, and 'button- trimmed, it is a shortie that has its own button-on-cuff, a wide, scal- loped affair that offers a color contrast when turned back. og BEST CHOICE for the popular gold kidskin bag is the shoulder model, since it requires so much less handling. Teamed up with a gold belt or gold kidskin shoes, it offers a fine contrast' to summer white, * + + LOOKING AHEAD to autumn shoe fashions, the indications are for a continued emphasis on the closed toe, and a narrowing of the silhouette, with less emphasis on the ankle strap. Parchment-colored watersnake makes a handsome shoe, the front quarter scallop and piped with gold kidskin. Similar piping for the high-ridng back quarter. . * ob > PERFECT for the perfect figure, but for none other, is a sheath of an evening frock made entirely of black beads. Neckline is deep and very curved. Sleeves are composed - Advises You | patients, tyenty-eight of whom had | GLAMORIZING Everyone Wants a Nice Skin By HELEN FOLLETT iia: Ha After your nightly face cleansing, pat on a little mild skin lotion with cotton. * YOU can't tell about beauty prob- lems. White hair may make one woman miserable because she fan- cies it makes her look older, while another woman will love it, take pride in it. A tiny mole on the cheek can be a peeve to one girl while some other lassie may accept hers as a beauty spot. So it goes. There are real good looks sorrows and there are a lot of them that are just in your eye, products of the imagination." Sweet young things, for instance, never seem satisfied with the nose that nature gave them. Yet a different model would throw them completely out of char- acter. On one subject all the sisters are agreed. They want a beautiful peaches-and-cream complexion and no other kind will qualify. All right. But are they willing to work to get it? Many unlovely skins are the re- sult of neglect. It is usually all a matter of decorating, laying on the faigh lights, depending on make up, of short layers of black tulle and the hemline is of multi-layered flounces of the tulle. Nice in deep blue, too. * + * A WIDE SWING to the back is noted in the smartest short coats designed for more formal wear. Black faille is used for a smart design, a 30-inch coat with deep rippled back suspended from a curved yoke. Coat is cut away soft- ly in front and has capacious, slit pockets. + pF "IT'S GOOD to be able to choose from all the beautiful straw weaves, the old favorites as well as some novelties. Natural Shantung straw makes a smart hat, low crowned, with a brim that rolls up softly in front. The crown is swathed in leaf-green tulle punctuated by bows of darker green taffeta ribbon, LR SR PERFECT for town wear is an ensemble of dress and redingate. The coat is of navy woollen with a narrow shawl collar above a snug, self-button closing, with pocket flaps jutting out at the hipline. The dress is of printed crepe, white with red and navy scroll and leaf print. It has a double rever collar and big floppy bow which shows above the low-placed coat closing. ES A FAVORITE with women every- where is the flower-trimmed little sailor, the trimming placed to give height. A sailor of natural straw-- with black velvet binding the nar- row brim and banding the low, wide crown--is trimmed at the front witty a high, curving feather fancy studded with colorful little field flowers. : A ---- \e PAY WEEKLY OR MONTHLY 160 KING ST. WEST TO 3 WEEKS' DEL{VERY OSHAWA UPHOLSTERING CO. [save the Cost of a Nox Suite! WE TAKE YOUR OLD SUITE AND BRING BACK VIRTUALLY A NEW ONE. HOL STERING by Expert Craftsmen HERE'S WHAT WE DO ® We call for and deliver Old covering and filling removed LJ * not enough tinre given to the health of the epidermal coat. 'The girl who goes to bed at night without washing her face--and by that, teacher means a good soapy scouring--need not expect that her complexion will be fresh and glow- ing. After a days activities the skin has a pretty good load of atmos- pheric soil that contains grease and soot that burrow into the pores. Also, the skin is constantly in a state of decay and renewal. Old cells are shedding, new ones are forming. Only a rousing washing will remove the dead scales. After a thorough cleansing, use a mild skin lotion, Cleanliness and lubrication! There you have a simple formula. Soapy suds remove the natural oil along with dust and make up; some- thing must be applied to supply this lack, That sometHing will be found in a jar of soothing cream, the con- tents of which should be used lav- ishly with plenty of light friction to send the blood streams about their business. The better the cir- culation the more natural coloring the complexion will have. The blood streams, in a state of normal activ- ity, give health to the facial tissues, keep them strong and firm. || Hollywood o ° Highlights By BOB THOMAS. Hollywood--(AP)--Gene Autry is trying to arrange his plans so he'll be able to visit the Republican and Democratic national conventions to name presidential 'candidates this summer. An ardent sideline observer of politics, Gene will probably attend the conventions as representative of his newspaper and radio inter- ests, but no doubt theyll ask him to sing. The guitar-plunking cow- hand stresses his impartiality; he's a long-time friend of both the re- publicans' Harold Stassen and the democrats' Bob Hannegan. Lack of Enthusiasm George Brent makes no secret of his lack of enthusiasm for his next film at U-I, "Wildfire." He's sup- posed to play Ann Blyth's father instead of the romantic lead in the Zane Grey story®about the pursuit of a wild mustang across hundreds of miles of desert. "The only horses I'll be following, says 'George, "Will be running at Hollywood Park . .." Rita Hayworth's next film is re- ported to be "Lona Hanson," a story of a city girl who inherits 'a Montana ranch, All the characters will be westerners except Rita. AP Story Glenn Ford still has the inside track for the lead: in "The AP Story." The script is now shaping up and it will cover the 100-year history of the Associated Press in three parts: from the beginning to the Spanish-American war, from there through the first world war, and from there to the present, The first two will be treated briefly, in semi- documentary style; the third will portray a reporter (Ford) who is a composite of six AP figures. . . "So Evil My Love" isa good argu- ment for Anglo-United States. film co-operation, Made by Hal Wallis in England, it is a good thriller, sparked by the good work of Ann Todd and Ray Milland. . . . Bing Crosby must be mellowing. He went to his first press party in New York and he promises to at- tend "The Emperor Waltz" premier here. Strangely, it is the first local premiere of one of his pictures. . . . REPLACE BINOCULARS The United States navy replaced 2,500 privately-owned pairs of bi- noculars lost or damaged during the war. Wife Preservers Give canned shrimp a fresh taste by soaking it for a few minutes in ice water. Open the can, drain off the } and save it for use in the shrimp dish. Place the hy in fhe ice water and allow to soak for about 10 minutes, then drain and use as desired. WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT Flowers for Graduation? By MRS. CORNELIUS BEECKMAN Dear Mrs. Beeckman: "For years it has been a. tradition in our school to have our gradua- tion exercises in church and for the graduating class to wear formal white dresses and carry arm-bou- quets of red roses. This year, how- ever, the plans have been altered. We are to have our exercises in our school auditorium and are to wear white caps and gowns. It is our wish to carry the tradi- tional arm-bouquet, even though we are changing the type of dress. Will you please advise us if this would be' proper, or would it be en- tirely wrong etiquette? The Seniors Either carrying flowers or wear- ing flowers is inappropriate with a cap and gown. The idea of graduates wearing ca) and gowns is to achieve the general effet of "all alike," and flowers would detract from thidigffect of uniformity. (A. cap and gown is a uniform, and flowers are not worn with a uni- form.) Occasionally the school au- thorities do permit the graduates to carry bouquts 'after the Commence- ment exercises, as they stand in the receiving-line, but even this js us- ually regarded as unsuitable. Birth Announcements Aren't An Obligation to Send Presents Dear Mrs. Beeckman: Perhaps I shouldn't. , but I real- ly do hesitate to send to our rela- tives and friends in various parts of the country (and particularly to the city where my husband and I were brought up) announcements of the birth of our baby. The baby is to be born in a few weeks, is our first child, and naturally we want to send the news. But I'd be awfully sorry we sent birth-announcements if 1 thought anyone would think a present was expected as an acknow- ledgment of the card. Am I right? Prospective Mother You definitely have the wrong point of view about sending (or re- celving) birth-announcements. As their name says. . .they ' are an- announcements, and the announce- ment carries no obligation for the receiver to send a present. Naturally you and your husband wish to share the news with your relatives and friends. . so please throw off your hesitations and fears; send the an- nouncements and let nature take its course as to how they are ac- knowledged. I believe you will find that most people will write you and your husband notes of congratula- tions and "best wishes for all three." And if some send presents, you can be sure they were really interested in saying their good wishes in that way. (Mrs. Beeckman will be glad to answer questios submitted by read- ers. Wife Preservers If your oven is.spattered with grease, after cooking a roast in it, let it cool thor-', oughly, then put two cups of soapy water | in a shallow pan, add three tablespoons of household ammonia, place pan in. the oven and close the door. Leave it over night. Next morning the ammonia fumes | will have dissolved much of the gre 'and the oven may be cleaned with a minis! mum of effort. i LADIES! GRACE McINNES -- Speaks in the BLUEROOM, HOTEL GENOSHA Thursday Afternoon AT 2.30 Mrs. Mcinnis is a former M.L.A,, and wife of Angus Mcinnis, CCF Member of Parliament. She is the daughter of the founder of the CCF party and an extremely interesting speaker. Mrs. A. Williams, wife of our CCF Federal candidate, will conduct the meeting. DON'T MISS THIS! Auspices of C.CF. Ladies' Group NN LADIES! Don't Miss This Gigantic SPRING.... THREE DAYS ONLY! Eu A ee ea i a ------------ e Friday eo Saturday Frames repaired, braced and re-polished Webbing and springs re- set and replaced Seat platforms complete- ly rebuilt All new filling used WE GUARANTEE TWO PHONES: igh! S2sow this group. {300 PAIR All style leaders, selling far below original cost. All sizes in Women's Spring Shoes We Carry a Complete Stock of RUNNING SHOES for all the family. i A & Wy GNEW-SuRrpass + SHOE STORES LIMITED EIGHTY-FIVE STORES IN CANADA -- cerry

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