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Daily Times-Gazette, 15 May 1948, p. 11

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RB SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE AGE ELEVEN By DON HOULDEN Eve SENOWLEDGEMENTS DUE ryone actively e: _thi reat game of Scoutl: De ed of a true-blue Osha Canadian General T. eryone knows "Skip' , and of the great work he has done in the last 20 years for the Boy Scouts of this city. y I Speak, for the Scouts and ters kip" in proffering our "Congrats." to you on your appointment. APPRECIATION DINNER Friday, May 28th 1948, will see an- other milestone in the histo: Samac passed when the Group Com- mitteemen, Commissioner's Staff, and Scouters of Oshawa assemble to realize the great yr Kd work done by an ul with respect to our Camp Samac, Another Treason that this banquet has been eld, is a thank-you to the Scouters of this City, who had given unstintingly of their time and efforts in the promo- tion of a higher standard of living, as revealed through the Boy Scou rogramme. Thanks to their initiative, couting has come far in the past few years. i TREES! TREES! Mr. Ronald A. Nicholson, the chief of the Tree-planters has announced that next Tuesday, May 18th will be T-day out at Camp Samac. plans have been laid by many and Packs in tais city for participa- tion in this venture. It is reliably as- sumed that several of the Troops in Oshawa will be vying with each other as to the number of Scouts they have in action. The time of the attack-- 6:00. Report to your section-master is) SJutpped for the attack (shovel pa an . CAMPING THIS WEEK * The following list of Troops, Com- panies and Packs camping at Samac this week has been received by this office from the Executive.Commissioner, Leonard C. Knight: The Toronto silver Arrowhead reunion camp--60 ys--3 cabins and the Council house; 11th Oshawa Company--Girl Guides--Cabin No 5 6th North Oshawa Pack--Cub- and. 14TH OSHAWA WOLF CUB PACK Did you see a bunch of Cubs and a leader in a huddle on the street corner last Monday and did you see the flashes of coins being flipped in the air??? Please Dear Mothers, we were just toss- ing coins to see in what direction we would go next. Fhavs right--we were on a Penny e. After we had roll call and dues and then Grand 'Howl, a leader with each six started out on this Penny Hike. The first six back (with the leader) was the winner. This game was quite exciting and we had a lot of fun. Have you ever walked back and forth on the same block three or four times --or have you ever made a tour of the city via creeks and mudholes??? well, as I said before, we did have fun. a Bh ee you onday night, Cubs, Until then Good Huniihe, T! OLD WOLVES. Y 4TH OSHAWA CUB PACK NEWS ! The outdoor meeting with a camp- fire in the woods had to be put aside in. the "corner" for another week--- and all because of K R-A-I-N!!! The Cubs were really disappointed and as it wasn't really so bad a night, Akela announced that they would have a Treasure Hunt. Dues and attendance was then taken and Akela called every one into a circle. Then Karela held up a box, for all to see, and Akela told the cubs that Karela was going to hide the box and then come back and give some "hints" as to where it was hidden, and the cubs were to find it. While Karela was out, 'hiding the "treasure", Kim and Bagheera took the cubs into the gym and they hdd a number of relay games. Then the mo- ment arrived--Karela came back and everyone went outside in front of the Church, and a loud voice Karela told the Cubs that the box was hid- den, "North of John Street, East of the Creek and on the East side of & Tree." And with that, the cubs were off like a shot from a gun. About - fifteen minutes later, the White Six came bounding back with the "treasure", a bag of peanuts for each Cub in the Six. n everyone was back and the excitement had died down, a short per- iod of Instruction was held, during which the following passed tests: Don Stroud, Knots; Ray Darling and Don McMurty, First Ald; Alan Henry, Book- balancing; and David Lavine Alan Henry, John Black, Jim Lutton, and Rover Winter, Time. Good Hunting, ubs. After Instruction, the Cubs went into the Gym, sat down in a circle and sang a few songs. Akela taught them the Negro Spiritual, "I grieve my Lord," and the Cubs did very well. The sing- song ended with the "Peanut Song"! Tne meeting closed with prayers. Don't forget that we are holding the outdoor meeting next week, We are to meet at the corner of Ritson Road and King Street, Monday at 6:30, to hike 0 er's Woods for the meeting. Jon't forget and don't be late!!! Until shen, Good Huudng 10 all! "THE OLD ONES", 4TH OSHAWA SCOUT NEWS The only boy absent this week was Alex Zeddic of the Wolf Patrol who couldn't come because his foot was hurting him. The S.M. told Nosey he was quite pleased with the attendance recently, so keep it up mugs. The meet- ing was a it ai one with quite a bit of work ng accomplished and tests passed. There were a few plaster casts of animal tracks on display which the leaders and Cornell utcheson, Warren Abbot, Allan Crandell and Ken Whalley made last Saturday when they went out to paint the cabin. It was too wet to paint so Jack Jeffs went | to work on first class cooking and fish- ing and Ken Whalley did a little fish- . ing and with the rest cleaned up the cabin attic and the outside grounds. The gang also transplanted a few trees from the w around the cabin-- here's hoping they grow. Speaking of trees don't iotgey there will be ting this Wednesd Forestry Camp but should hear by Tuesday one way or the other. The S.M. brought down a pack board pur- zhi from Headquarters at the ex- horbitant price of $6.00. Using it as a pattern the A.S.M. is getting a bunch made become troop property. They , look pretty slick. R. land was feeling not very well during the meet- ng ahd the troop hopes he is im- vi now. The Scouters are a little peeved over the way the troop and patrol equip- ment keeps getting mixéd up and dis- appess out of the boxes. Everything should Fal marked with your patrol could claim your stuff. It 'also atrol could claim your tsuff. It also ooks as if the "Keepers of the Boxes' are not doing a job or how come their equipment is disappea , ignal Helay and a couple of catch the staf games along with a jump the rope game made up the rest of the pro- gram. A few very pointed remraks were gram. A few ve nted remarks were po'ntments by h the 8.M. and the ASM. so remember the Morse Class Scout Hall on Monday at 7:30 p.m. Patrol points are a surprise Again this week and are as follows: 1ld Goose, 59; Owls 52; Wolves 50; Lynx 50. THINE u (And the nose knows). 7TH OSHAWA SCOUT NEWS 'Lest we forget', that the meeting old last Monday at Camp Samac was ne of the best meetings ev here e appointment wa Scotter to the Scouter. Ev .| shoving of is the gentle reminder to help it stick. It was a not so very dry day, but oury portion of enjoyment took place in a sun that was shining for the first time that week. Totalling about 34 boys plus the leaders, we considered it a pretty falr turnout; as for thase who did not show, we'll leave the fretting to them. A simple opening, due to an absent flag, took place, took place about 7:20 and was followed almost immediately by the first game--the old groaner, tug- o'-War. would be hard to dis- tinguish the teams because of mixed breeding, so we find it impossible to call a winner, However, two , make the gam one} a game that will 'Two more games were played outside both were running contests. One en- tail the placing of an apple under the chin, and running a short dis- tance; t'other one entalled the running of mentioned distance with a life-saver pick,' the stick of mouth. It was just e an exciting never lose its Pp -- the Troop was sent to corners to bring up patrol boxes and prepare for in- spection. It might be well to mention ww tnere were ocuive a few ab- sentees and latecome.s. Let's try to pep it up a bit and get our Troop really cracking! The troop was called into a horseshoe by Troop Leader Harrell for Flag break and Inspection." Flag was broken by Patrol Leader Chuck Dew- hurst of the Olter Patrol. Don't. for~et that white top, and shorts are the order of the day Ior next week. This is part of the regulation uniform for and consequently no screams of pain and torture. Funny, how quiet it can get! After the enjoyful interlude of learn- ing, a game was directed by Troop Leader Marsh, On the campfire programme which was next on the list, the Muskrat Pa- trol put on a very enjoyable skit. This was followed by a skit from the Otter Patrol which in turn was followed by another skit from the Muskrats. Those Muskrats, anything to outdo someone else. The announcements were then read Balles, After the say- summer and points will be ded if they are not worn. Let's see what we can do about it. Inspection was followed by a game by 1roop Leader Marsh. This was a game of Indian Wrestler and by a series of matched pay-offs it was de- cided that Rob. Harris of the Seagulls was the champion of the Troop. Following this, Instruction period was held in the corners. ain classes were held in Signalling and First Ald. It may seem serange, but there were no victims, no accidents, no illustrations ing of prayers which was led by Troop fader arrell, Flos was lowered by .L. Dew who was by Bob Clayton. Duty Patrol as me Beavers. mad fine turnout at the tree-planting Camp Samac last Saturday. Nice going gang! Let's keep it up. 2." Money for the Totem Poles at Camp Samac is long overdue and col- lections will definitely start next week. 3. Shorts and white cap covers MUST e a at be worn next week without fail. Well readers, was say] s say goodbye until next week, bring ou the lat news and views of the ighth Starboard. Until then I remain your ever reporting AQUARAT. PART TWO Yes fr--nas nere I aia again to bring you the news and views of the Ejgnth (you'll excuse the expression) - board. 1 ou won't mind reading our news for two weeks at the same time, It always seems to happen to us But Lute got - to take the bitter with the better, and maybe some but- ter while (That's a joke, son. Laugh!) Some 16, honestly. They'd make a partner for a moron. Voice from background: "Like to' ance?" d : Just dgnore this quaint chatter gentle reader. I must get on with the part you've all been walting for. Or have you? Little matter. 80 here goes. The meeting was called up at the usual time of 1945 hours (that's 7:45 to you unknowing ones) and the Troop was ordered to fix up the corners and bring up Patrol boxes. Following the formation of a horseshoe by oop Leader Harrell, Flag was broken by ader Marsa. Inspection was taken while in the horseshoe and was directed by Skipper Howden assisted by Troop Leader Har- rell. Inspection was followed by a game under Skipper Bailes. This was cglled "Horse and Rider", Confidentially, I'd say the horse get the worst of it. The teams number! two, consisted of a horse and a rider. One team was sup- ed to defeat the other by pulling he rider f his saddle. I still say the horse fot the worst of it. The Instruction Period was next on the agenda for e meeting. Instruc- tion was held in Tenderfoot. Second Class and First Class work. A little more of this and we shall have it to the Patrol Leaders to instruct their own Patrols. I think we're progressing steadily, but there is still a long way to go. Keep it up fellows, we'll get there some day. Let's make it some day in the near future, Circle I ction under Skipper Houlden followed. It consisted mainly of a talk which dealt with "The Strength of the Patrol in the ", I hope that the boys will make use of the suggestions and points which they learned. Following this Campfire wi held. This was under the direction of Skip- per Houlden. First was th and what a ! The pi fairly ringing. rog! sisted of "Green Grow the Rushes, Ho!", "There Were Three Crows," "Vive la Compagnie!", and lastly "Fire in the Galley." is singing is one thing our p can really shine in. Lets have more of that spirit, fellows. After this was a skit resented by the Beaver Patrol. We didn't quite catch the joke until it was explained to us. But that's the way she goes! The next item was "The Scoutmas- ter's Five Minutes" and was in the e hands of S| S for Tree Planting at Camp Samac. This is to get the remaining 7, trees plant- ed that were not put in on May 1st. This is your camp fellows Let's get out and work for it. Be at the Scout Hall on Hillcroft at 6 p.m., Tuesday, for transportation by car, or you can take your bicycle. Don't forget a pail and shovel. . The money for Totem Poles is rather solw com: in. Let's get our on contributi y Troo) ader Hi®rell, the The flag b; op Le Troop sald closi prayers. fl i] red Dv. "Patrol Leader Don nd the Troop retired oF the follows: Otters 261; Muskrats 304; Bea vers 312; Seagulls 357. AQUARAT. hat Donnie Clarke p. He had d - ment that in place of going out to our cabin, we were to go to S8amac. Al ry and his bike were with Donnie, the wheels and spokes were meant for a long ride out to A-Wah-8o0. His unap- propriate reason for--'Why hello Jim Ashley is his last name). What can wé do you for? "Nothin' much," comes an unfound- ed reply, "Just hand me your pen for a minute, so's I can tell of the games in a bookies' language. You'll never do it right." "And there they go. On their second lap, the Lynx are in the lead, and the boys shout madly. Desperately the other P.L.s urge on their boys; 'they gain slowly but surely. Only one more Be FLT doe Siem Eo over soun © poun: of fee as the bo and. head back once won for them many times. Now they're eoming around for the last time,' and it looks as if the Lynx have won. But no! With a last desperate effort, the final boy running for the Wolves speeds on. The crowd goes mad. And the Wolf crosses the line half a foot before the | Lynxer. The Wolf patrol wins." Thank you Jim Ashley. Now, pleased' to continue. Indoors, the leaders start- ed off proceedings with a 'Hike Quiz'. Each patrol was given a sheet of paper on which was printed a story. story was one of a very foolish set of boys who made many mistakes. The task of the patrols was to find those errors, and mark them. Prize? A sucker for each scout in the Eagle patrol. Next another species of the game of tugging. In this. one, two boys with their legs tied ther started pulling in opposite directions on the whistle. Aside from the fact that about twelve little gentlemen were seen limping for the rest of the night, the idea was a 8 one. A named 'Baloon Game' came next on the agenda. It was one in which two patrols faced each other sitting, and did their darndest to whap ba- loons over the heads of the competi- tion. The space between them was about five feet. A point was given for eve! time a baloon passed over the heads of, and beyond, the gents across the aisle. Another Quiz concluded the excites ment, taking form of actual questions asked in what may be termed as point blank fashion. Such brain teasers as, 'Who let the cat out of the bag?' were asked. (Generally speaking, of course). Marshmallows went to the Foxes for being brainy at the right times. There, briefly, is the fun. Hot-dags with that m-m-m delightful aroma were served then, along with chocolate milk, as a concluding appetizer for the meeting of May 10. Mr. Kennedy, our First-Aid man, was the cook. Kinda fits in doesn't it. Thank. you ever so kindly sir, a night could not have ended so graciously as this one did. Come time for closing, a little vocal work was out, then off to the awaiting cars and home. Might we offer many thanks to those fathers who gave up time to help save the trans- problem? To those fathers who let their little Johnnies ride alone behind the wheel for the night; | trusting souls aren't they?--Thanks. e take leave of you now. kind hearts and gentle souls, until week. when again our out to you, to go brousing with . . . SNOOPY. STH QSHAWA PORT Heave Ho! All ashore that's goin' ashore. We're off for another meeting of the good old 8th Port and if you landlubbers can. stand 'it you might read this report. The meeting was call- ed to order by ASM. Knapp who hnaded it over to S.M. Alker. Flag break was foilowed by a short prayer and then dues and inspection. (How about more boys turning out.) About this time our visitor, Mr. Wall, ASM. of the 15th entered. After inspection was Pony Express (that thriling game) with the Blue Herons winning twice, Muskrats once, Beavers once. Roy, how about geeting down on your knees and crawling up and back makinz it a little fairer for the other patrols. Mr. Knaj you may get down off Mr. Stur ack and Mr. Sturk, you mav op bumping into the riders. ASM. period followed the gamé with am conducted this game. Corner every- one work! as ( on the big word) DE as little Beavers. Knots, rst-aid, (maybe second- compass and signalling being the major events. Dodge Ball followed with the leaders participating. Every- one enjoyed it but the leaders stopped the game before they got beaten too badly. They were trying their hardest to stay in there but you know the motto: "The best man always wins'. (We won). After this was another corner period in which the same things took the highlight. An investiture in wich Bob Southwell was welcomed into the troop and the "ugh" Muskrat pa- trol wound up the corner period. Fol- lowing the notices was the lowering of the flag followed by prayer. The troop was then dismissed with the Beavers duty patrol. Thanks for ' coming Mr. Wall. Incidentaly mateys don't forget the tree planting next Tuesday, that there {8 no meeting next Wednesday, but one a week from next Wednesday. Avast there, ye readers! If you haven't fallen asleep you might see us off. Well, weigh anchor me lads, we're for another week. THE EAGER BEAVERS. STH OSHAWA "B" WOLF CUB PACK Well, the meeting opened on time with just about everyone on deck. Sixer ting with lowed by d Dues. Inspection came and Akela was very d to see the shorts coming out in full bloom. Following this, itehood took a very energetic game out at the back of the Hall, and this, in turn, was fol- lowed by Instruction riod." Did go hear about the Signalling Class? Kim was proud' to announce that Francis Abthorpe and Jimmy Reld were suc- cessful in passing theéir Signalling. Also, several members of the Compass Class came Jiroughh with top honours. The Pirst Ald is in full swing, and the Tenderfoot class is almost com- [iste Well, with about nj next, five more meet- gs 0 go, we should be able to clean up a lot of things. Campfire saw lsha and RIikk! in full attack as the sing-song went off very successfully. A skit followed, and what a skit! A short talk then-bang-o. Announcements were read! What fun! Incidentally, don't forget that your Totem money is due--NOW! Akela was pleased to see that some of the more courageous of the k had their pink order fo with them. The White Six, and the Brown Bix were tied for points, but this was broken to give the Hon- our Pennant to the White -Six. Brown Six still leads in points, with the Red and Black Sixes el few nts be- hind, and the White tralling them. The Blue Six has put on a spurt and is now cateh! ly two more weeks in this com on. Akela told the bs about the gang and' next week--well e about it. We expect, incidentally to have two Troop Leaders board Troop Se 1 Freon aes 3 e er Ir- vine Harrell of the Starboard, and the other is our old friend of former camps, Troop Leader Hoya Sturch. Make your- selvés at home, boys. Well, Raksha saw to it that the meeting ended with Grand How! and Prayers and with a cheery '""Good- nights, Akela" the Pack broke up. you next Monday night at 6:30! AKELA. STH OSHAWA STARBOARD TROOP PART O Well friends (if I have any left) last week I sald I'd be back d here T . At léast I think so. If I'm not. 1 guess I've béen fooling myself for a uess I'm here or I 't be writing this, would I? Don't answér that! THis meeting was in charge of Mr. Doug Bailes, our newly-acquired Scout. master, We think he's doing okay for a new leader. Yes sir, he's coming right along. That's the Eighth spirit and we like to see it evérywhere. The meeting was called to order and next | invitation is | 22 was the youngest member ever elected to Ontario's Legislature. He is still there, and today he is asking you to send him back for his seventh consecutive term -- this time as Premier of a Liberal Government. That man is Farquhar Oliver, who has come far from his Grey County ancestral farm -- which he still successfully operates -- to the leadership of the Liberal Party of Ontario. During the past two decades, Farquhar Oliver has widened his horizon in public life. His years of public service have given him a thorough grasp of provincial problems. Yet he still has the vigour of youth, mellowed by mature, ex- perienced wisdom. His. career has been marked by action --no windy words or empty promises for him! As Minister of Public Welfare and Public Works, he helped provide medical and financial aid for the needy and the less privileged. He supported Liberal collective bargaining for labour, and Liberal subsidies for farmers. He successfully negotiated with Ottawa --and will do so again. These are his assets: honesty, sincerity, relia- bility, experience, capability, hard work -- and freedom from any dictator complex. Such qualities are what Ontario needs. They will enable Farquhar Oliver to plan and work constructively for all, for a happier, healthier life for all, for a greater Ontario. «os This is Farquhar Oliver -- the Man.

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