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Daily Times-Gazette, 2 Jun 1948, p. 3

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ommons Again Sch Margarine [ssue After Debate Dal of McDonald of i' ccc box Practice dieece: | "rn | Butter Substitute Who Skipped Bail oe: SI RL ~ Assailed, Defended EDNESDAY, JUNE 48 : THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE "PACE THREE figure, stood in the prisoner's dock {in court Tuesday and heard a jury | acquit him of a 35-year-old murder Shot in Cincinnati oo... SSE y -- 1 Without Progress ' roches walked into. a Montreal tav- ern, whipped out a revolver and EE 3 : ; ; shot Eugene Venne dead. { Cincinnatti, June 2 (CP) The trail of James Labard. a Desroches, then only '28, went .on . ! By George Kitchen H-vear-old native of Hamilton, Ont., who was followed for | tial in July, 1913. He 'was found | yi iii Rn Canadian Press Staff Writer . ha : h A : : mentally unfit and was ordered held | [= ; : ; Z a > NS dreds of miles by Canadian and United States narcotics in the criminally-insane wing of | a . a Ottawa, June 2 (CP) It gents, ended yesterday in a fatal blast of police gunfire. Montreal jail at Bordeaux. | i i a margarine in the Commons Tuesday night. : > . 4 Tuesday Desroches was brought to : y Bl : ; : ] . 0 hl Toa ; a Labard, known also as James Jamieson, was shot by | trial again, Medical evidence show- ; I'wo Liberal members spoke against it' while one Pro- et. MiHard Schath in a raid on a rooming house here, oe igh longest sane. : ? H 8 : Mr. Justice Wilfrid Lazure told i : ART : : ive: yi od 5 ¢ - - rn } 3 : ] % i RECREATION HEADQUARTERS bated sec Of © f : dvate Y ; ri Ye he ugitive jumped $10,000 bail the jmore. their verdict aequitial oh ; Ho, To gu R ied second reading of a private bill, introduced by James Hamilton recently while awa . on the ground of insanity--would be Sinclair (L-Vancouver North), which would lift the longa.' kb trial on a narcotics charge only a formality ; DAILY ha Sa | : a : Ne trey ties) : standing ban on the contentions hutter substitute s a close {friend of Donald ' The jury quickly returned the ver- : ; 2 preraft Y Mickey) McDonald, bank robber ' 9 dict and Desroches, his prison pal- : ; 7 de 4 ~ hi iacker. wi X Fa sy lor and wisps of gray hair contrast- : ~ Si gene Argus x Dy. it the government is ready to 11-Jacker, who esc from ; ing with his neat brown suit and , ; ym and id. hoi} : sly IVC tish Colu hibi tl e "f lest: rismouth Penitentiary last Aug. & 8 : tie, left the court room with prison ' : i m IT. 1 Be ol a ih Rn ae he d guards, Official consent of the Lieu- Gh 3 All DOYS ane Itie view) d it Ryfaiglicean Ww e rious and, hief Det. Clem Merz said Labard tenant-Governor for Desroches' 0] : No 1 has been n mn Wliallon | creRie by the : A final release js expected within two 4 " : the d been sought as a § | weeks 4 3 : v ug of ree or four: bank robberies in § 2 4 " ) ral - . - EL A I the Band = up was two to one against oleos gressive Conservative spoke for it as the chamber again de- Opposit the measure Ww 1- - eth Commons 'membens at the de= nada and one in Michigan." j ; i ) J ? : MUSE } n bet 3 ans ! cision of 'Ji . Minister Tlsley to laine Peltier, who was found in = es 'B ; : Bo 1 Wednesday Hot. clive t ate If room at ihe 'lime of the : t : i ? f uilding Boom af -- HR = Wood R : By A Tanpeatan ening the margarine debate, b. is believed to have accom- Ed } CL Do Commany a } iy Mr.) is «surplus of 100.~ nied Labard when he disappeared Cont A W. Elmo Dunn, Liberal candidate in the provincial election on June 7 in 7 - 9 pu Adult sathereraft end to matrgarin d { ! 2 su pi . bm Hamilton. She ts a sister of ' (Cont inued trom Page 1) Ontario Riding, signs his nomination papers prior to filing them with hell parliament. Senato er | ' utier would de keph Peltier, now in Portsmouth § : ; rick veneer dwellings will be built | Ernest W. Webber, returning officer, while Dr. W. H. Gifford, his official NY Weds asda ! {L--Ontario) « notice of 4 MEI IE Marianne was made avail ietntiary for bank robbery and i a on Cadillac Street South and their agent, looks on. --Photo by Hornsby Studio -- Neddloy Sm and tion which h 1 Die Canadian market, 1-breaking. i : ; ; street numbers and val follow: ug ) ) ¢ ) ine question n Tuesda I'here yuld be a "disaster," not on- iss Peltier, who gave her ad- ? 119, $6,500: 123, $6,000; 131, $6,000; oT - or His | industry, but for 1 economy. The bss as Windsor ty ls : ; 135, | ; 139, $6,000; 147, $6,500; ¢ ale tol cites the onimiot the | tz whol had ld for Canadian aut! 8 2 Fo . | 185, $6,500: 163, $6,000; 164. $6.000; ' i; Hiba elnge Te government shoul t sy- recurring :r shortages were pe quoted her as saving Labard i i 160, $6,000; 156, $6.000; 152, $6.500; aims o o ° ou ; : ra i Si n mporary and would pass ed her to accompany. him from § t al : 148, $6.000; 144. $6.500; 140. $6,000; ald there was little he price of bute nada under threat of bodily . Sons 136, $6,500; 132, $6500; 120, $6,000; s 8.00 pm X 1 v Association 0 Ne in Camas i ence be . rm gi : 124, $6.000:. P) Si HEREIN E pi a r and t of rine. Betwe : 4 ; V : ! J 3ill Was Beat gan en Peltier teamed up with Ul > ' hy £ |W. Mosier of Warren Street will a e e uce ea S . : y hs as 2 Rte) y 193( a 1 tter sold at from uzon several years ago in a ; construct 11 brick veneer houses on ED S10, I : a BY 3 a pound. A margar- gbberies through Eastern . o | LaSalle Street having to total val- y fogs ti) ? 3 ne-n le company could not ° . { t i med e was arrested after being ANSON S. TAYLOR _lue of $70,000. The numbers of the / Woodstock, June 2 ' Ju ) : As A : ven "axle grease" at 18 cents sly wounded in an exchan Son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor houses and their vallues are: mong n i A) lice J. Genest Tuesday awarded os able vg dia ' a pe i 1: Mis d mont} : Tiny shots with a Montreal bank of Blackstock. who will receive his hy Amy; 124 S005; Janit Lefebvre, Delhi. $10.000 er 2 , heh said the removal of rk. i ni Bachelor 'of Arts degree at the $0 an; is 36000; io Sonos; in rosuit f damages a AL site ma > ban "will not hurt auzZon, -atresied later, was ~ graduation exercises on Friday at Lh RS La t f held t" night, in boss According I 'arter cule Dore, Cornwall d order t . tnt As : po one bit." Indus. ced to the pel L 4 the University of Toronto. Mr. Tay- $7.000:. 119. $7 000 i RE oo a . Drew raises w y he "action vo be paid by i Eu 5 trial rsd ved some protec- de good his escape last August jor who is a former member of the Other Permits Issued i ¥ hs, LDyson Cutie: order to cover Workmen's Compensa- "7% Ta EEE Lon 1 le government = should permits issued, the tvpe behalf of Prov The suit was the re- her good modilyiig the do- allow free" vote. without regard accident in Tillsonbur minion su : AULY ri to party lines, on the issue P eDonald and Nicholas ' Oshawa ~~ Public School teaching y : eld S| sped behal i al iof Capitalism, mille, a kidnapper. Minille as stalf, is at present teaching at ns tion location, " value SF. candidate "Tommie" Thom- the people : faptired last week in Oakland Bessborough Drive School, Leaside. 2WVDN¢ Frame and iasul brick Su the CCF. were in good of y t when Mrs Lefebvre': s © Was made on nn Lications 1 € I'he budget debate drew a nume 1 . 224 First Avenue, 500, | 45, St hat 1 ti ; ere In go I soci 1 husband w killed by fiven If x 3 . z A X v ; 57000 babies 2 5 that the ai aft i 1 AUS a wi K1llec I driven Reports that a man who escaped E ] 1 h: stucco 1 . ' " bors X n Sy u on oF 3 1 1 Stat y Dore he m was at work 5 yst in ci and infancy 2. tries he -Unite v FRE Sedelin police net here m 11 Hibbert Street lost in childbirt h ney ween 1939 and 1945 could have gaged in 4 vial SRI va | 3 m . 3 v set v B SkDonaid Foe hed Mining Teacher Been been saved. "They died in the war | thousands' lice and found inco : t} t against the monopo- {ther than s said the man I 2] re . bh, | Street East, Rudv and Betty Of eopl : { pm was known to be a native Killed In Study reski, 53 Albert Street: brick lie: his country," he said Ever goods. because o Cincinnati. . 4 . eneer dwell ing. 19 Burk Street, inut Te n hfe dies fit 3 to be made N ice smashe their way 'd k $5, Alan and Geraldine Atk i 1 could have been saved cra mdustry Noes Sot ag hy miae Doing dixperiment y rolf Street; brick veneer with oper care. and ee ! Mr. Car dive for a near-by dresser, Merz -- C , 72 Cent ark Boule- | hot a mother dies in childbirth, 'Russia, . i June 2 _ $5,500, Alan Bathe, 17 Yonge hed. amount of hath commanded him to halt ' thur it} Rr of Hallevoure brick veneer dwelling, 143 Mr. Carter. a member of the La- for by the 13 d when he ignored the order hor the. Provir oir e oC [Cadillac Street South, $5,500, A. L. |bour-Progressive (Communist) Par- "children w / i re ones Bens 509 Rogers nsul W. wa addressing a meeting held | never needed p detective fired s subma = of mi was found semi-consciou ston, )f ger t; insul KW; was ssing a € g I r d vi u 1s dari . In, Merz said. At st 10 2s the Ere rin rick dwelling, 311 Currie Avenue, under the auspices of the Oshawa He emphasized bei ] ped through Labard's body, kill loin ator SLE EY 0 $4,000. Mike Tropak, - 292 Currie | Branch of the LPP. He spoke on |vided by the Russian ) Tic) : the todic * 3eientist ks at : hi him. ied Avenue: demolish frame building, | the topic Scientist Looks at er U whicl 1 > i : : ) in et, $ y cent. the Provincial Elections.' arg- rental housing ( al and her abard was, trailed by Canadian v tnEsuiil had been of 204 Celina Street, $50. C Ke the Pro jal Ele tion "He charg g peg hie thorities t» New rk C .. pa ids a A nt reet; 1 ¢ par- ed th agents, active in facilities for i pn, with United States g Sf oratio iy t (En lo be p 33 Simcoe Stre South. $300, Toronto ng held in the 1 Says Yale Points Way A ning in the hur Henry ime addre. rick ve- | session by A. McLeod. were be- In 1 0a qu Detroit, Chicago and 13 . 2 as louna HI s "neer dwelling, Athol et East, | Ing pal > per fay to discour- ' cussion I llowi i speech, = Mi cinnati, Roy Anderson, Bo doth sips Fhe ctott Fira 86.000 Ive an Morrison, 333 thol | age prospe L P.P. voter Carter said tl th tle by-elec- ics agent, said. eT aa oa asty ar eS ast: addition to building s For Unity tionn pointed the Ww 1 certain he Cincinnati vice sc at Street, West, $8,700, Max > wrged members of the C.C.F. socialist victory ; : 4 is d Jae sould ne vive tI ot I . Hi 1 e Collis, same address: and thé L.P.P. to support each oth. election next. Mondas t four days and shor Wes 3 he pal ol 1h€ .oherete block - g ge. 217 Conant er. rather than competing In all | The tremendous sums whic ¢ 2 on, when all suspects were in the ; Mort ' fe LTE Wasiluk, same ad- cases in the recent parliament, ine lor: ; ir » € elling, the raid was stage ) : Nor ie} e dre: ion to basement, 600 Labor-Progressive party member. Police found a submachine-g z g . Eee HY Burton - Road. $400, Albert Edwairc have supported the C.CF mo- r automatic pistols, a sawe ! She > . . same addres } tions." he said. "and in all cases tion up 3 Mr ing 35, r in 1 those ptgun, an automatic snotgi but one » C.C.F. members have all quantity of ammunition in the Calga 1:3 grate ted Irom 500, 1 3 {ing upported motions introduced by He mentioned one mall it psser toward which Labard me qe) 4 Raines, 2 le Avenue: brick veneer dwelling, | ti : 4 of $34.000000 from the wa fatal move. Ldad aNd irom in niversily ol : 2 Road N h, $6,500 1 darter described Mr. Drew budget - h would be enoug ) 7ing- | rent ii " 1 . 517 rk 3 i 8 z times that he double the present old-ag pen abard was questioned by wad Sout addition 160 v war with ialism, und sion ~~ Ont., police late last sur J ; sul or h > Be i ; m. ) hy dl ; ti ith a $40.000 . . Street, $100, Ms abel Greer named Sec f Stat he chairmai 1 1 Ling We V 3 nie sal after Mc Don Kiwanians Hold ame addres: i < neer dwe George C. Marshall re\ Straw. Jim Smith, : IL 2 HEE - zon iil ie a - HON. DOUGLAS ABBOTT. South Minister of Finance Informal Meet St It La Lr . oliceman tod ne wey si = i in COOK. 1deologies I Hold Up Case im si dF an vnc Attacked by McCallum ATTEND THE Albert Street, $100, Naiman's Gar- 0 "here have ar t ' 1 i I 1 basis and a re- i. x its ! > Wher of the Toronto City i ident *f ynolds po well _ jagtdre: Ae Jonick Yonsei gr . i : : 4 a charge of attempt ut t pe - needed no intro- [SVC nN gar: 385 Ritson A Socialist form of government is sioners by every province ir pariment on a charge 01 allt: rrr a RENE Road North, $6,000, Melvin McCabe, ' . .. ... Canadian. oeoulc.| Domition but" § 1" he armed robbery. 4; ' hence. t aaa tr 066 Bmma' Street: frame dwelling, numigan: 10. Lenane be continued. "Only > pressure harles Ber , owner { eNge W vas nroductory | yan ey Street. $3500. Mayor Frank N, McCallum, of Osh- public dem: p Sas hrane fruit Tel Sol Wi fda . Lemko, 165 Gibbs Street; altera- awa, Progressive Conservative can- katchewan pa this increas e 0 a man Ww c white 1c ver, at th conclusion f ition t y Street $2.000 x : Aga Nt on . ia p i Hira addres vhice 4 y 4 Du | \ didate in the June 8 federal by-' after a lot of dela: n ti mean- rchief over W Murray's address, which 1 750 Doug Street es AS Se OWaTt rotary his ntered t Dig r « Philli] : 5 a. tn 1oroughly appreciat b , ny i. election declare night 1 4 ilding late Mor day , tar 210 ou J Dhrogsa ed DY 1al ion to 748 Cedar Street, $400, sun En benefitted to the extent of $600,000 in his face and ordered him to vanian Dave Jamieson voic- |, 3 ime addr alterat rally at Ajax at which Arthur L. G50 expense Bo nt : +1 ' 2d t ks of the me ' oy AE 7 y . ; J lh a I Wpels n out the : : | of the memb Y ei ' vench Street. $50. F. West Smith, M.P: for ry West, was The Pro ive Conservative Provincial Pol ested a man ! Er iQ, noL conline 8 05 same ad frame dw 2. guest speaker, party stand are behind t 3 ey identified as Constable Ran- remark RNY. parucalar Sune 11 cey Street, $4,000, Nichol "Ten nat Glit Up by free en= Canadian i eros | Toronto ¢ hour Or to iL drawing on a ser f 5 iE : In a nation built up by free en- } etinned nt g t ¢ pi the returned 1 EA lph Jamer of an arsed BrSoant enherle 34 Mill Street: alteration to | : ro ; to tell policy toward er, seized his revolver and turned | 41€CAOLES personal expe; °5. 1380 Ritson Road South, $400, Mike 'erprise, the C.C.F. now tries to tell gin declared. He chided over to municipal police. Police 10 Hlustrate each point, he brought |woicik same address: alteration to the people that they will construct potty budget for the lack of relief id the suspect was hiding i home he Kiwanians a nUMDEr | saa Howard Street, $100, Sam Hry- | all the economic ladders from Now jt offered the average wage earne ' woodpile in the warehouss dongs 10 remember", SiViNg Ink © came address; insul brick on." he declared. "Not only will and the veteran is typical of the amer will appear for trial nex in xdern and personal in erpretation | quejling, 281 Oshawa Boulevard, they try and build the ladder but' average wage earner Nobody got " nda 0 many well Known sayings, which 500. E. J Bradley 229 Rox- they will also tell how many rungs anything out of the budget," he! -- are. equa.y we known and as yo.0u0h Street; brick veneer dwell- | @ man can climb, when to stop and id. ing oronto, June 2-- (CP) lice | ow 1 as those other sim. 250 Parks Avenue. $5.000, John how to stand on the thing." I emphasize that it is the first id today th Raniah . 57 s swe proverh a, 176 Bloor Street East; stuc- ients who looked on t and most important duty of any LYMAN A. GIFFORD bronto, arrested ir 1 2. on 1 OIA c 1 cinder block dwelling, 549 JF. as Utopian should remem- government to provide opportunities charge of armed 1cbb resign 'ub street, $5,000. S. W. Knapp, ber the old saying that "far fields foy voung people," he said Noth- AT THE Federal Candidate from the Toronto police force d Street: alteration to 49 look greener, r. M llum said in ing is being done -in this regard by JUNE 8TH Ns 3 ) kt Monday. i Pop 3 Cites Homes ueer eet, $800. A. H. Robinson, an attack on the Saskatchewan the King government. Look at the Mficials said Jamer, who joined same address: frame awning on C.C.F. government, Since the C:.C.F. great number of University-trained e force as a probationary con- As World Need nt of office building at 71 King went into power in the Prairie roy. voung people who are migrating to hble. five months ago, was sus- , Street West, $40, Bill Nicholls, | inces, every man, woman and child the United States where they have nded prior to his resign ame address; verandah alteration, has paid an extra $17.50 in taxes. better opportunities. The govern- ty, June % AP) -Pope 56 William Street, $50; M. Scott, Every farmer on a three-quarter ment must offer them something so n the world today to same address; demolish stucco Section' of land pays an additional that they will stay in the al reforms "imperious- building, 113 Ontario Street, $150 $75 a year taxes Dominion." » . 1 199 Ontario "The £5 increase in Old Age Pen- . report appearing 1 sster- | ly der it v tl times to pro-'Mrs. G. McDougall, Street: brick' veneer dwelling, 18, sions, p i on by the federal gov- paper, regard ¢-out l uses, br i work for the * ¢ ic 1 ling, 14, S100, passed y Pal go NOT re 3 20. workers in a ] nt nee Central Park Boulevard, $6,000, | ernment was passed on to the pen- CCF Yale V 1ctory pnday morning, 'it 1S error eous~ He addressed 17 Cardinals of the Steve Stepinas, 238 Olive Avenue; | : - T r a une r stated that the walk-out occur- Holy College 10 called to present brick veneer store and apartme Seen A Rebuke y IN , in a 0 H at the Oshawa Box Co. pl: their best wishes on his Saint's day [179 Olive Avenue, $10,000, John |$100 vation Army, same ad- e incident in reality red 2 ~which coincided with the second |SC¢iuk, 175 Olive Avenue: ' brick dress; ame dwelling, 8 Verdun D . e Oshawa Furniture Co whnec dat 4 new Italian repub- | Veneer dwelling, . 203 Roxborough ! Street, $3,000. Fred Smith, 73 Rose- To Old I arties ' 8 P.M. ew alle I : h & : fe ) Morris Kohen. R. F. C ey | lie, Ti St. Eugene's day. The | Street, $5500, R . Lowe, 198 hill Boulevard; brick veneer dwell- the international 1 sentative | Pope's me is Eugenio Pacelli Roxborough Street; stucco on ling, 250 Clarke Street, $5,500, Nich- the U.AW.-C1.0 past we vin, the Pontiff declared frame dwelling, 208 Verdun Road. 'olas Mazier, 471 Ritson Road South; Rockwood, June 2.-(CPi- E. B. esident 'of Local ¢ eace is the world's major prcblem. $6,000, S. Barry. 206 Verdun Road; |brick dwelling, 149 Ceéntre Street, Jolliffe, Ontario. C.C¥. leader. said HEAR He spoke sadly of continued blood- alteration to 603 Christie Street, | $6,000, Edwin Jeffrey. 268 Haig | Tuesday the election of - shed in Greece an "hina, and said | 3 0, A. Dickson, same address; ad- garage, 287 Olive Avenue, [candidate in the Yale (B.C) I . EC the worl 1 truce in Pales- dition to Cadillac Hotel, Simcoe !$500, Herbert Russell, same ad- |election is 'part of a nation-wi DOUGLAS ABBOTT oming vents iting wit hh of relief, as a Street South. $7,000. Sam Vassar, ldress: alteration to 295- Bloor Street | trend away from the old partie: awn hope." same address; alteration to 20 !East, $600, Roland Thurwell, same Here during part of his campaig) MINISTER OF FINANCE BE ANNUAL LU HEON OF THE Whiting Avem $80, L. Wilson, addres brick veneer dwelling, 37 !for the Ontario election June A lumnae Association of t Or ) IW. WORKE R DIE < same address; clapboard dwelling, [Elgin Street West, $5,500, Mus Joliffe issued a statement which adies'. College, Whit! vy. will be helc 1294 Hibbert Street, $3,500, Robert Smith 41 Elgin Street West: said in part LYMAN GIFFORD p 2, On i June 8 ov My Nash, 510 Front Street; garage at [co on cinder block dwelling z "The decisive victor) 2 C.C Adm iss ; R v I'oronto, June 3 (CP) Ad= 35 3 el; gare 7% > block 8g e ecisive victory of the C. rR k y . y made 1 iting or | ministrative etarv of - the nat 5 Central Park Boulevard, $550, [lard Street, , William Lucyk, | F. in Yale is a sharp rebuke to both FEDERAL CANDIDATE, JUNE 3TH ephoni the Coll pefore . EY ey Bere i. 9 "(Carmen Lott, 235 Dearborn Ave- 277 Ballard Street; frame dwelling, |the old parties for their failure to 1292 aa councu of the Youhe Women; nue; stucco on cinder block, $6,500, 195° Roxborough Street, . J. |bring torward any workable = solu- W. ELMO DUNN ZAAR. ama HALL, 17; SIM Sa Associauion. Mat, Eliza. {W. C. Henderson, 20 McGregor |W. Watson. 422 King Street West; tion to those problems of health, ELM DUNN Provincial Candidate % x une 4, ; I eth, Frizelle died here Tuesday. Street; addition to ~ 136 = Patricia [clapboard dwelling, 229 Hibbert Ifare, housii "social leg " y . rons, miscellaneous country store, | § hs Up th the ' x vo) i Loy 1 g, ibbert | welfare, housing and- social legisla- > INC AN T® 'E 1T N T p She had served wth the YW.CA Street, $750 A. F. Chumley, same |Street, $5500, M. Gray, 26 Patricia [tion which 'are uppermost in the | ! PROVINCIAL CANDIDATE, JUNE TH JUNE 7TH ancy work. tea-room. Everyone we . . belies ome. (129p) | for. 36 years, jaddress; alteration to 11 Oak Street, | Street, {people's minds today." i 3

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