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Daily Times-Gazette, 2 Jun 1948, p. 7

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re / WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE SEVEN Mixing Bowl Hello Homemakers! There is something very special about a wedding luncheon. As hostess it is your particular responsibility, and A we know you want to see it served raciously. Although the bride has e final decision on all the ar- ngements, mother considers the reception her job. The home is often the most con- genial place to entertain wedding guests. Mother with some help, will enjoy preparing the food for a small number of guests, but a larg- er number requires special catering. We remind you that June and July is the busy time for caterers, there- fore, make your arrangements well in advance of the big doy . .. And very bést wishes. WEDDING LUNCHEONS Perfection Jelly Chicken Salad Potato Chips, Garnishes, Knot Rolls, Tea and small cakes Ice Cream Wedding Cake and Punch hal Nuts Lobster Bouchees--Sandwiches Tea Strawberry Shortcake Wedding Cake and Punch Mints Moulded Fruit Salad Flavoured Cottage Cheese . Sweet Tea Biscuits Raspberry Sherbet Cookies T ea Wedding Cake and Punch TAKE A TIP 1. You can make your sand- wiches in advance, provided you wrap them in waxed or cellophane paper, then in a damp towel ahd store them in the refrigerator. A covered vegetable crisper (the rec- tangular container that is part of the equipment of most electric re- frigérators) is excellent for storing sandwiches until serving time. 2. If your sandwiches are of the meat, fish or egg variety, be sure to keep the fillings in the refrigera- tor until just before the sandwiches are made. 3. If you have stored them in a cold place and the towel has not | en sufficiently damp, the bread ay be freshened by placing a steaming hot damp cloth over them. 4. Open sandwiches may be plac- ed on a shallow pan with a waxed paper below and above the tit bits. 5. One large sandwich loaf cuts into 60 or 65 slices and the small one into 20 slices. 6. One large loaf requires !; lb. butter and about % Ib. of filling. 7. One lb. small cakes serves 12 le. One loaf cake serves 10 people. One 8x8-inch cake may be cut into 20 pieces. 8. Allow 2 cubes of sugar per serving. There are about 80 in a 1-1b. box. Provide 2 pints cream for 4C cups of tea. 9. Pour 2 qts. boiling water over 6 tablespoons of tea for 10 cups. Make more in this way as the guests require it. 10. Do not add carbonated water and ice to punch until %-hour before it is to be served. 11. Bricks of ice cream slice into ' 8 servings. Be sure to remove the dry ice, using oven mitts, about 20 to 30 minutes before serving. LR 4 THE QUESTION BOX Miss J. K. asks: How to put sugar on edges of glasses. Answer: Frosted punch cups are attractive for weddings. You dip the rims of the cups in lemon juice, then in powdered sugar for a frost- ed effect. Mrs. B. W. asks: Choux Paste recipe. Answer: Bouchee of Bouchees % cup butter, 1 cup boiling water, 1 cup bread flour, 4 eggs, unbeaten. Add butter to water, heat until and stir vigorously until ball forms butter melts, add flour all at once, in centré of pan. Remove from electric element, add eggs one at a time, beating after adding each egg. TIPS FOR TEENS Boys Like You Straight Forward By ELINOR WILLIAMS' Here's a tip from the he-man de- partment, girls. A letter from a mac:uline reader: "Why is it when a boy tells a girl she is sweet, they all answer, 'Am 1?' 1 know I'm not the only boy who has receive . seems kind of silly to me. At least they could say thank you once in a while if a fellow thinks that much of them. I would like to see your opinion of this in the column." Answer -- Evidently you've told several girls recently that they're sweet, Better watch that. line, brother! Girls sometimes compare notes, you know, just as boys do. Why tell. a girl she's sweet? Why not simply let her guess how you feel about her or try to show it by taking her to special school af- fairs or by being very nice to her? Actions always mean more than words. It's sometimes hard for a girl to know how to reply to a com- pliment from a boy she admires very much. But you can be sure that she's pleased that you think she's pretty special, even: if her answer isn't the smoothest one. (Suggestion for girls: Next time your date comes up with a compli- ment, simply smile or reply some- thing like this--"Thank you; I'm glad you think so" or "Thank you; it's nice of you to say so.") "When, a boy dates you, should this answer, It. he wait for you in the car or come in for a while?" asks a high school girl, Answer--He should come in- side. But be ready, except for your coat, so he won't run out of small talk with your family. It's less em- barrassing for him if you don't prolong this conversation. Just take time to put on your coat before saying goodnight to the family and leaving with him. (For tips on the care of oily hair and dandruff, write to Elinor Wil- liams at this paper, enclosing a stamped, self-addressed enveloepe.) Making and Selling Odd Jewellery Profitable Art of Finnish Girls By MARIENNE IZSAK Canadian Press Staff Writer New York--(CP)--Meri Harme- vuori is an engageg young woman with fly-away brown hair framing {rer round. Finnish face and a dis- concerting habit while in conversa- tion of suddenly opening her eyes wide as if in surprise at something just said. Miss Harmsvuori is president of the Finnish Art Shop in New York. She was sent here recently by the Kalevala Korv Oy. (Kalevala Or- nament Organization) of Finland to supervise the opening and to di- rect operations of this shop. A graduate of Helsinki University, she has always been interested in the folklore and legends of ancient Finland. The Kalevala Kory Oy: is an or- ganization founded, operated and directed entirely by women. "It is a beautiful example of the energy and organizing capacity of our Finnish women," Miss Harmo- vuori says proudly. The organization was born in 1936 when the women of Finland endeavored to raise funds for a statue in commemoration of Elias Lonnroth, a Finnish poet, who, in 1835 collected and co-ordinated the book of Kalevala, which is the epic poem of Finland. Known simply as Kalevala, this is a collection of 'stories, epic poems, lullabies and legends, handed down from one generation to another by word of mouth. " However, disliking public appeal for funds, the women began the manufacture and sale of jewelry and ornaments fashioned after the designs of ancient buckles, clips, rings, brooches, and earrings. These and other articles are found in an- clent graves, treasure caches and caves throughout the country. Most of them dated from the sevenia to the 13th century. The originals now are kept in art museums. The business expanded so rapidly that the Kalevala Women's Organ- ization, as it was known, formed a special firm, the Kalevala Korv Oy, which now has branches in the Leaking cities of Finland and Swe- en. Despite the unforeseen volume of business, the statue to Elias Lonn- roth never became a reality. With the coming of war, it was decided the profits of the .organization should be directed t6 more urgent channels, such as the care of or- phans and war invalids. Since the war profits have been absorbed in social and welfare work and in the promotion of the Kale- vala culture. "Perhaps some day," says Harmovuori, "we shall have statue, but not just yet." The New York store was designed by the Finnish architect, - Aarne Ervi, in Finland and the interior, including walls, shipped over here. It is a delightful establishment, with white pine walls, futuristic display counters and windows, and polished bras¢ lamps, which can be raised or lowered by a cord. One level of the shop 'is devoted to the Kalevala ornaments and to crystal; four steps lead to another level ' where hand-loomed rugs, china and smaller articles of furni- ture such as coffee tables, are found. 'We expect a great many more things," says Miss Harmovuori in her exuberant Finnish accent, "Chairs, more furniture, more crys- tal--but all these must take time." Attractive Make-Up Takes Patience Miss our When parents finally okay the use of lipstick, by a teen-age daugh- ter, her first impulse may be to overdo the make-up. Subtlety of operation takes practice. She may not realize that color | laid on' with a heavy or a not-too- accurate hand advertises her in- experience with a lipstick. So a smart teen-ager will begin with her first lipstick to learn how to apply it- so that its use enhances the beauty of her mouth and face. As important as the lipstick is a lip brush which will help her to create a cleanly drawn outline of her mouth. If her face is round, she should | JA | | make up her lips to give the ap- |too straight or thin. In that case, A long face will appear shorter if pearance of a fairly thin line in or- | curves may be built up discreetly. | mouth is made up as full as possible der to make her mouth look wider | Too pronounced lip curves will em- phasize the width of her face. obvious effects of mouth 'will look artificial and un- [to try the dark, exotic shades of and her and her chin, | should follow her natural lip curves | unless the lines of her mouth are | becoming to a young face. AN | | | | by contrast, by contrast, move more chin, re-creating a and lipstick color is carried to the extreme corners. A teen-ager is too often tempted lipstick which are intended for a mature or sophisticated woman. | New pink or light rcse lipstick | shades are the best choices for a | i | tax-free tea for the first time since young girl because they most nearly | 160, Before 1929 any tea, to es- duplicate her fresh young skin |cape taxation, had to be smuggled tones. into the country. TAX-FREE TEA In 1929 Englishmen legally drank (Exclusive with Tamblyn's) "MIRROR-TRUE PROCESS" PHOTO-FINISHING We Guarante® Satisfactory Ld . Fast Service new improved Riohad Hud home permanent Direct from a famous Fifth Avenue salon to you! Same .preparations as used in ex- pensive salon. waves. Sim- ple, step-by-step directions. Latest improvements to in- * sure a softer, more flattering & wave in far less time! Ask for the new, improved RICHARD HUDNUT HOME PERMANENT at our cosmetic counter; $3.25. Refills $1.75. From Your SNAPSHOT NEGATIVES Colored 25¢ Extra by Colors as exciting as your favorite dream. Texture so smooth -- and softer than you have ever felt upon your cheek. Seven color right shades, one to flatter YOU. TAMBLYN QUALITY PRODUCTS ' PAROL-AGAR + PARFINOL 16-0 63¢- 40-02. 1 19 16-02. 43¢ - 40-0. T9¢ 69c-3 for 2.00 EXCITING FACE POWDER 7 9 7 71 7 oy od '3 x Or | Lx* = | / WITH EXCLUSIVE KETON BRISTLES GUARANTEED DEPENDABLE NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM Ends Pain From SUNBURN Instantly Cools, Soothes and Relieves Greaseless -- Stainless 19¢ - 43c - 63c - 1.29 EE an a pC Sn ES | | BEEF, WINE and IRO DYSPEPSIA REMEDY MILK OF MAGNESIA HOUSEHOLD LINIMENT MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS i CREOSOL DISINFECTANT 8-02 22¢ - 16-02 a 19¢-39c ps SALTS - so: 33¢c-2 for 65¢ 4 oz. 19¢ SALOTYN TABLETS eee 1003 2760 MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE TALCUM POWDER Mixture should be very stiff. Shape on buttered cooky sheet by drop- ping from spoon or using pastry bag and tube. Bake until free from beads of moisture (40 to 45 utes) in moderate' © "0t elec c oven (375 deg. F.). 'yi .. doubt, emove one from ov \ to test. Makes 36 tiny ones. %ill with chicken salad mixture. Miss T. G. asks: For quantity of chicken for 12 servings of salad mixture. doz. 39¢- 16-02. T9¢ 20-1. 29¢ FIT AS A FIOOLE THANKS TO IVER CUANUNESS \ -- C) oT re > oe SRST SH EE 2 =i. SO ~2S EARLY AMERICAN Old Spice Toilet Water .. 1.25 Bath Salts .... 1.25 Dusting Powder 1.25 Body Sachet ... 1.50 Talcum ... 50¢c-1.00 Soap, 3's, cake 40c Salad 4 Ibs. chicken (cooked) or 2 stewing chickens, 2 heads celery, 13% c. salad dressing, 1 large head lettuce, seasonings. Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o-this paper. Send in your suggestions on homemaking prob- léms and watch this column for replies. * (2) o ° ° Celt 4 Rd Ls o2 002? IR Low Price Cereals Stretch Out Meat Today, meat is an expensive item of diet but cereals, also excellent ----) sources of essential nutrients, are in pNDRE Wye the budget group. Many food ex- : SS perts advise combining both cereals Br ' : i 14 VER I SALT) A XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIA Dirt ODO-RO-NO, LIQUID ... 39¢-65¢ and meat into budget main dishes. 4 ; TOMATO MEAT BALLS fy hr (5 to 6 Servings). 4 En i One cup of cold cooked farina, 1 Mesiacr? pound ground beef, 1 egg, 1 tea- NN ------ spoon chopped onion, 1 teaspoon salt, 14 teaspoon pepper, 2 table- spoons fat, 1 can condensed tomato soup, 1 cup water. Mix farina, beef, slightly beaten egg and onion. Season with salt and pepper. Shape lightly inte balls. Brown in hot "fat. Add tomato soup which has been mixed with water. Simmer 20 minutes. Serve yery hot. SAVORY FLAKE MEAT LOAF (8 Servings) One egg, 2 cups slightly crushed corn flakes, 115 pounds ground beef, % cup 'chopped onion, 2 teaspoons salt, % teaspoon pepper, 1 table- spoon Worcestershire sauce, % cup water. Beat egg. Combine all ingredi- ents into the egg, then pour all back into the sauce. = Sefve hot over left-over or f¥esh- ly cooked vegetables, such as beans, carrots, corn or broccoli arranged on toast. Or pour over split open | freshly baked potatoes. ° HOSPITAL COTTON BENZO-ALMOND CREAM CASCARA TABLETS ODO-RO-NO, ICE M M : 390-630 5 Ec : » : : : : 1 1b. 19¢ stomach acidity, THEN... ANDREWS works on the liver to check biliousness, FINALLY . . . To complete your Inner Cleanliness, ANDREWS gently cleans the bowels. It sweeps away trouble-making poisons, corrects temporary constipation, Try ANDREWS LIVER SALT tomor- row morning. Get a package now. And insist on getting real ANDREWS « « + NOt a substitute, WORKING is actually fun when you're feeling fit! So keep clean inside, Try the ANDREWS way to "inner cleanli- ness". You'll find a new spring in your step . . . a brighter twinkle in your~gye. Here's how sparkling, bubblidg ANDREWS Liver SALT does its healthful work: FIRST. . . ANDREWS cleans and refreshes the mouth and tongue. NEXT... ANDREWS sweetens sour stomach and corrects excess It's Here! INSECT REPELLENT it's JUNGLE ) YOUR CLOTHING ig 49¢-89¢ NONSPI Soft * Safe * Neat ) SLES X-BAZIN CREAM ...... 39c-75¢ 128 33¢-21r 65 MODESS BELTS 29, THE IDEAL FORM OF LAXATIVE ANDREWS sii: INNER MEZLINL IS TIAN (AS RT RAL 6 "six-twelve' PREVENTS INSECT BITES S59c¢ 6 KING ST. EAST 2000000000000 00000000000000060000000000666¢4

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