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Daily Times-Gazette, 10 Jun 1948, p. 19

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THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE NINETEEN W.C.T.U.toGather In Hampton For Convention M. HORN Correspondent Hampton, June 10 -- Miss Joyce Scott, Toronto, Miss Marion Kersey, Oshawa; Lloyd Kersey, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and son Clare, Enniskillen, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Ker- sey. Mrs. Joe Chapman spent the week er * in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Armstrong and daughter, Lois, visited her sis- ter, Mrs. J. Purdon and Mr. Pur- don, on Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Nash and son John, and friend of Detroit, who have been visiting her sister, Mrs. Will Chapman, have returned home. A family get-together was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbs, Tyrone. 2°r. and Mrs. Anson Balson, Rich- mond Hill, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, during the week 'end. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth and son Clare, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barron and Erlyne, and Mr. and Mrs . Floyd Wilcox of Cobourg, were entertain- ed at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs, Lorenzo Trull, Williams' Point. Mrs. Gerald Balson and children, visited her sister, Mrs. Gay at Cour- tice. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn, Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Horn and Patsy, vis- ited Mrs. Catharine Jacob, Port Hope, on Friday. Mrs. Margaret Purdon, Cherry- wood, spent the week end at home. Miss Gwen Caverly, Toronto, spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tattersall, Ottawa, Dr. and Mrs. T. Brown, London; Mr. Hal LeRoy, Toronto, were recent visitors with Mrs. Le- ta Sharpe. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Kersey and PRESCRIPTIONS Quickly and Accurately Filled ---Af MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE '9 Simcoe N. Phone 48 C. K. CAMERON ELECTRIC FOUNDED IN 1913 BY A. C. CAMERON. ® Electrical Construction ® Wiring and Repairs ® Range Runs @® Water Heaters PHONE 460 baby, Ronnie, Ajax, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey. Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Horn and daughter, Patricia, who have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Horn, left on Sunday morn- ing, motoring to their home at Mount Kisco, New York. Friends here of Mrs. Richard Weod, Orono, formerly a resident of Hampton, were sorry to hear of her fall, when she broke her hip. She is being cared for at the Osh- awa General Hospital. A number from Hampton took in the opening of the park at Tyrone, on Saturday. A number of Hampton people have been quite ill with the '"sto- mach flu" which is still quite pre valent here. The showers Friday night were very welcome and gardens are showing the benefit. The weather was quite cool over the week end and Monday brought more steady shcwers. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Farrow and son, who have been living in part of Mr, and Mrs. Joe Chap- man's house, have taken up resi- dence in the west side of the vil- lage, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trill. They will occupy the north side of the house. The fifty-second annual conven- tion of the Ontario and Durham Women's Christian Temperance Union will be held in our church Wednesday, June 16. Morning ses- sion at 10 a.m and afternoon 1.30 p.m., Daylight Saving Time. Hampton Girls Home Garden Club met May 14, at the home of Mrs. Jack Reynolds. It was arran- ged to visit each member's garden early in June. Records were asked to be kept up to date. Next meeting June 4th, in the form of a picnic supper at the park. The purpose of our Garden Club is for recreation, decoration and home garden use. Members of the club are very pleas- ed with their gardens, and they all wish that every girl would join the "Home Garden Club." Those who attended the District Annual of the Women's Institute in Orono on Friday were, Mrs. E, H. Cole, president; Mrs. Harold Salter, Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, secretaries; Mrs. W. G. Doidge, District Direc- tor. Delegates and other members, Mrs. Wes. Hoskin, Mrs. J. Ennis, Mrs. Lorenzo Trull, Miss Louise Goodman, Mrs. 'J. W. Balson, Mrs. Merwin Mourtjoy, Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, Mrs. L. D. Sykes, Mrs. Fred Honey, Mrs. Elmer Wilbur and Mrs. A. McMahon. $10 REWARD FOR ANY WATCH THAT WE CAN- 'NOT REPAIR AND GUARANTEE FOR 6 MONTHS OSHAWA CLOCK SHOP 504 SIMCOE ST. 8. - PHONE 4909) (Opposite South Simcoe School) HARDWOOD FLOORING Floors Laid, Sanded and Finished Phone 3744W1 M. LEGGETTE ® RADIOS and Electrical Appliance Repairs @® Housebold Wiring and Electrical Fixtures ® ALL PARTS AND WORK- MANSHIP GUARANTEED FOR 950 DAYS Warner Williams 98 Simcoe N.. Phone 736) The Robert Dixon Co. Ltd. PHONE 262 313 Albert St. Oshawa Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHL!N COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED Phone 1246 FOR YOUR WIRING AND APPLIANCE REPAIRS call CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC & I"ARDWARE PHONE 1000 MAKES OLD WASHERS WORK LIKE NEW _--- FE WASHER SERVICE READY MIXED CONCRETE (Air Entrained) Crushed and washed sand and gravel for @ PAVEMENTS DRIVEWAYS FOUNDATIONS or any concrete work For further information call CURRAN & BRIGGS LTD. SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Phone: Oshawa 4145-R Pickering 97-r-23 FINE WATCH REPAIRING Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 188¢ 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH QUICKER CHEAPER BETTER 4 BURNER ELECTRIC RANGES $139.50 Immediate Delivery RANGETTES with Automatic Oven Control $7450 Connor Washing Machinc Trade-in Accepted PITTS' Electrical Agencies 12 Bond St. E. 136 Simcoe St. S. Phone 3287 Phone 3800W Jock BIDDULPH avrnomzes J36ATy vars 68 SIMCOE Su. N. "Look for the Store with the Yellow Front" STAFFORD BROS. Monnmentai Works Open Every Day. And Evenings PHONE WHITBY 552 818 Dundas St. E. Whitby | | | Times-Gazette classified ads pay-- | Why not try one today? JUKE PALOOKA Recognized Her Picture - DR. HARDLIEGH HAS SPENT FIVE DAYS TALKING TO ANN, L'IL ABNER pd By Ham Fisher I GAVE HER THE PICTURE AGAIN TODAY AND SHE RECOGNIZED HERSELF...WHE! TI ASKED HER IF SHE RECOGMIZED... MAMMY'S TRIGGERS -- SON AN O-O-OLD FINGER, TS r= =IN MY HAND, YOUNG YOKUM--|S A PISTOL 77 =ITS MUZZLE 1S POINTED AT YOUR DEAR BROW." -- MY FINGER IS ON THE Ee SE VERY SOUL IS ACHING FOR A TASTE OF (DRogoLr) US ALABAMM Pui. PRESSES His f | SUDDEN ADVANTAGE Bl WITH A SHATTERING RIGHT 10 THE JAW. TOOTS and CASPER Fragile Frail yy ONLY YOU, LAD -- CAN SATISFY MY CRAVING, AND THEREBY SAVE K / AR MAMMY'S 7 £ THEN HE CRUMPLES HIS VICTIM WITH A WITHERING LEFT TO THE STOMACH... i Strictly Cricket \ i By Jimmy Murphy ANI HEAVENS, CASPER, I DON'T THINK ) FAT- SOPHIE WILL EVER MAKE UP HER MIND WHERE THEY WILL SPEND THEIR VACATION, NOW SHE SAYS THEY MAY 0 "TO LONDON, [I'LL DROP OVER *ELLO, OLD TOP! COME INTO THE "QUSE-- YOU'RE JUST IN TIME FOR ) MONOCLE! A SPOT OF TEA AND A{ *+.. = =< D SEE OLD DUMB-AND-HAPPY! By Dudley Fisher' rosso wramrs arsewver TARY a) MER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY ecret SORRY,OL' BEAN! CHEERIO! AND ALL THAT SORT OF THING! YES, [ REMEMBER YOUR EARTH MOTHER - SHE WAS A KIND AND VERY BEAUTIFUL LADY- @ BUT WHY DID SHE LEAVE ME? DID SHE NOT LOVE 7 GaVEL : By Norman Marsh Rep ¥eaTuers RIFLE clicks 4% He PULLS THE TRIGEER ~THE FLINT HAS BROKEN ~~ 47 [WZ "By Lee ALL ANSWERED OUR AD IN EB PAPER, ASKING FOR GIRLS KNEW THE SEA AND NTURE GIRL CREW. OUR BUSINESS «+70 BE QUITE FRANKS PIRACY, WITH GUNRUNNING AND SMUGGLING AS SIDE LINES. k THE LADY LUCK HAS AN ALL: [178 DANGEROUS WORK ~ SOME + TIMES FATAL?! YOU ARE REPLACING THREE GIRLS WE LOST INOUR < oid OPERATION! YOU WANTED «NOW YOU'LL GET IT? HAVE YOU ANYTHING To SAY? ATS RESERVED. LD By Alex Raymond HE WAS CRYING WHEN HE CAME ABOARD... SOMEBODY LEFT BEHIND, T GUESS... BUT LOOK AT HIM NOW! ONE MORE JOB, DES... TO PATCH A BROKEN HEART! | SHE ADORED YOU- SHE WAS WEEPING WHEN VALAGGA AND THE SEVEN SACRED SAGES CARRIED BE IMPRISONED - HER AWAY- SHE MAY BE-- MIGHT CAUSE YOUR MOTHER TO SUFFER WELL, WILLIE, WOT'S YOUR STORY? AFTER I'D GONE AND GOT You A JOB, : YOU DIDN'T EVEN X . WELL, SUGAR, I WAS NOW, DEAR, HERE'S A LIST OF THINGS I WANT YOU TO DO WHILE HA WHEN | SEEN ou Ol OUT AT THAT RACE REE DIDNT ca ook 50 EAR s By Chic Young TG ro me erry Siegel and Joe ® Shuster WHILE AT THE AWE-SPOT CLUB ve MEGS WITH BECAUSE MISS KIM « WEST DON'T LIKE A ' Bl [CERTAIN LADY REPORTER, SAMMY * GETS KILLED. ARE YOU SATISFIED ¥ SHUT UP, I TELL You! IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT HERE, YOu CAN GET OUT-WITH YOUR FEET IN A TUB OF CONCRETE,

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