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Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Jun 1948, p. 10

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PAGE TEN N ss THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 194 Campbell NAPSHOTS The "Sport Snapshots $5.00 Club" took a bigger step yesterday, thanks to one "king size" membership fee plus a couple more regulars, to bring the total to $1,540.00. Another of yesterday's memberships was an "in memoriam," donated anonymously by a friend and admirer of "Whipp" Shortt, Oshawa "City League" homebrew hockey product who starred with Oshawa Generals the first year the team went to the Memorial Cup finals against St. Boniface Seals and scored the goal that would have brought the trophy to Oshawa but there was still three . minutes left to play, and the Seals came through to win, "Whip" was one of the first, if not the first of Oshawa's young athletes to lose his [Tfe, while wearing his country's uniform, being killed in an aeroplane crash near Camp Borden. Alderman "Bill" Lock joined the "club" yes- "terday but genial William doesn't rate any special mention for his technique. was exactly the same as used in official capacity by the "Fathers" He was using somebody else's money--winnings from an unfortunate victim of a billiard joust. Don't see how he has time to take in all the hockey games, etc., for he must practice by the hour on that table of his in the cellar! And our third "sport booster" to join the Snapshots Club yesterday was A. E. "Bert" Coulter, well-known local manufacturer, who takes pleasure in boosting local sport activities and is another who thinks a sports stadium will be a great thing for the city. As a matter of fact, the President of "Coulter Manufacturing" not only joined our club himself with a generous membership fee but we understand that his company's official donation will also come to the Stadium Fund, via this medium. Anybody else--we've room for lots more! * + There are iwo & g at Al a Park tomorrow afternoon. It seems there really is a doubleheader and the first game is called for two o'clock in the afternoon, with the second tilt at four o'clock. It shapes up like a long aftérnoon. Kingston Locos are the visitors tomorrow, the only team the Merchants have been able to defeat so far--and they did that in their opening game on May 24. This double bill tomorrow should attract a big crowd of baseball fans to Alexandra Park and with two games on tap--previding the rains do not arrive to put a damper on things--the Oshawa Club's board of strategy will have a fine chance to get most of their players "into action, in one game or the other. ; . LJ * + Oshawa lacrossers chalked up a senior "B" victory last nie™" in Orillia, defeating the Terriers on their own floor, 10-5. Young Hilson {was -again" a standout. for. the Motor City gutted-stick squad, scoring 3 three goals "to lead .the team in this department. The win keeps the "Oshawa team well entrenched in second place and very close behind the undefeated Liftlock City champions. * LJ * "Where were several good softball games played last night, with vin Re Bro a hold on top spot in the junior race with another LJ h a --. win o Brooklin while Stoney's upset Sharp Motors right on the North 3 wa diamond. In the juvenile ranks, Mills Motor Sales nosed out acutts in a 'tight game, to keep their undefeated record and on top spot. Best game of the night perhaps was in the Im "AA" loop, where Legion noséd out Duplates 10-9, with Duplatég scoring two runs in the ninth and they had two men on bases, whe} the final putout was made to eliminate a very tense situation. Injaddition to the midgets and bantams in action on nine different diamonds tonight, there's an "AA" game between Skinners and United Taxi over at Bathe Park and an Inter. "A" softball tilt at Alexandra Park that should be worth seeing. The major circuit game brings togeiher UAWA and GM-Colts, both of whom lost their opening games to Pedlars. Colts were bla; by Pedlars 9-0 with McConkey hurling while "Union" made it close, 7-5, in their opening game against Muelemuester's hurling. The winner of tonight's game takes over second place in' the standing. t * + LJ SPORTS SHORTS--T'was a happy night for the Toronto Leafs last "night. They met the last-place Baltimore Orioles, and sent about three Zipitchers to the mound to win the game 11-7.' It wasn't these' boys who "won the thing though, as big Ed Sanicki clouted two homers to lead the Leafian rally . . . The welterweight battle between Docusen and Robinson "was postponed last night, because of threatening weather. .It was prob- iably a lucky thing for the Sugar boy, for he was overweight, and would fhave to forfeit his title. Now he has time enough to get down to weight, "and we therefore don't give his challenger much chance . .. . Still they "didn't give Walcott much chance against the Brown Bomber . . . Mon- iitreal Alouettes have signed another negro. He is halfback Bernie "Jefferson from Northwestern University ... . After that outside the ring 'battle last night at the arena, it looks like Pat Milosh will have to erect .a fence as they did in Toronto to get the boys to fight fair? , . . Joe "Louis knocked out Billy Conn in the 13th round' for his 18th straight successful title defence at New York seven years ago tonight. Up to b point Conn had substantial lead over the Brown Bomber which madefit "the closest Louis ever came to losing his crown until he met Jersey Joe Walcott in last year's close 15-round battle. : * +» * : SCISSORED SPORT--(By The Canadian Press)--Big Jack Kramer "moved into the semi-finals of the United States professional tennis ic¢hampiopships Thursday but it took the California star 73 games to oust iWelby 'Van Horn. Bobby Riggs, defending champion, defeated Elwood Cooke and Don Budge heat Dinny Pails tq also move into the semi-final "stage. Frank Kovacs had advanced previously. .The semi-finals Saturday "will send Riggs against Kovacs and Kramer against Budge ... . Willie Pep, "world featherweight champion, administered a 10-round boxing lessont to 'Miguel Acevedo of Havana, Cuba, to take a decision at Minneapolis. gers title was not at stake . ... Fight promoter Frank Tunney.announced dn Toronto Thursday that Billy Thompson, European and British light- weight boving champion, will meet Arthur King, Canadian champion, in Toronto, June 29 for the British Empire championship . . . A record "humber 6f 130 golfers had made application to the Ontario Golf Associa- ion by the deadline Thursday for entry in the Ontario amateur golf 'thampionship. The tournament starts at.Toronto's Rosedale course next 'Wednesday. The entry list exceeds the mark of 127 last year . . . Bramp- Jon Excelsiors handed Weston West Yorks a 13-8 setback in an Ontario lacrosse Association senior fixture 'Wednesday night . . . Montreal Alouettes of the Big Four Football League announced Thursday that Bernie Jefferson, fleet negro, halfback of Northwestern University, will eport td Alouettes at the start of training sessions in: August. Alouettes ill 'be allowed seven imports this season and Jeffemson is the first new- omer to'be invited to try for a berth ... Jim Fair, whose Last Mark von the King's Plate on Victoria Day, was given a testimonial dinner At Brantford Thursday by 200 friends. One guest was his jockey, Howard Bailey, who rode Last Mark to his great win. i ROLLER SKATING o TONIGHT "» SAT. AFTERNOON » SATURDAY NIGHT SE "Na {Bathe Park pushed The main bout on the wrestling card at the Arena last night pro- duced another near riot as both the Masked Marvel and Mike Sharpe took to the floor outside the ropes to make the elbow smashes, etc. The National Anthem even had a trial spin as the audience began to get into the thick of things, by swinging chairs and other like ob- jects in the direction of the Marvel, who by the way crawled back into the ring in time to win the third and final fall. The first round of the main ev- ent saw the Marvel really play "doity" with Mike Sharpe, and he pulled his curly locks out of shape before five minutes of the show had gone by. The Masked One then got down to heavy body work and got Mike out of the ring for the first time and tossed him into a pile of front row seats. Mike grew: more weary as time went by and it wasn't long before the Marvel body-slammed the "Body" for the first fall. . Something New Added Mike came baci for the second two minutes weré up he had the Marvel groggy. and then tossed his "Mike Sharpe Body Stretch" him. It was a sort of arm bar and leg chancery. Very little time élap- sed after this hold was applied till the time when the Marvel surren- dered for the fall. The last fall was the wildest and go in marvelous shape, and before |. on' wooliest of the night with: both men riding around on the ropes half of the time, and spending the rest of the time bumping into the cash .customers...The Marvel won t..e bout when he slammed Mike so hard into the chairs, that he had to be carried gut while he, the Mask, crept back into the ring for the disqualification win. Bill 'Stack, 'popular 'Bowmanville wrestler, was Johnny-on-the-spot for 'Sharpe, and 'pulled his neck back into place, in the lley leading to the dressing room. The semi-final bout was very or- dinary, with Colonel Pete Peter- son and Jack Moore seemingly con- tented with playing around with one hold all through the bout till the bel, and the decision for the "Ker- nel." One of Season's Best The preliminary was one of the best such bouts staged at the Arena in some, time with the ever-popular Pat Flanagan taking on the ever- roaring "Tiger" Tasker. . It is our humble opinion that the "Tigah" is a beautician in real life for he certainly took a liking to the face and hair of Pat, in fact he wanted to re-arrange them perman- ently. Pat would have none of this though, and as the bout progressed, and these violations of the ruies became more flagrant, ("Bunny" Dunlop the referee, was looking ov- er his left shoulder at the cute FLANAGAN AND TASKER GIVE FANS BEST BOUT OF CARD IN PRELIMINARY blond in the front.row) Pat insis- ted that the Tigah put up his dukes. Tasker just wasn't made. of the soil of old Erin, and would not even raise his eyebrows. He just contin- ued his grunts and snorts with the usual gusto. Whilst he was doing this Pat applied a litle football strategy, drop-kicking him for a stunning fall. The Tiger unsheath- ed his claws and tried to elbow smash his way out of things, but Pat looked the other way, and gave him a couple of back - handed mule kicks in the pit of the stomach, just for good luck. Tasker was now thoroughly roughed up, and two drop-kicks in a row flattened him with Flanagan flopping on top for the pin. Hilson Scores Three to Pace Oshawa Snipers After Homesters Had Taken Early Lead -- 19 Penalties, Including 4 Majors, Handed Out In Rough Tilt Oshawa's Senior "B". lacrosse en- try went to Orillia last night for a return game with the Terriers, and the Oshawa squad swept the series by winning in Orillia by the score of 10-5. The Oshawa team was met by a illia boys, but Orillia still didn't have the scoring punch needed to top the locals in their scoring spree. Orillia were hot in the first quar- ter, and led Oshawa by a 2-1 count when the bodies were uncovered. Burrel, the youngster who was the star of the Oshawa game, was to the fore again, notch one of their goals. Beaton got the other, before DePippe fin- ally put Oshawa on the score sheet. Oshawa Hot The second frame saw the Osha- wa boys get hot, and they complete- ly dominated the scoring, with Sanders, Hilson, sand Jann _boom- ing home shots to make the. score '4-2 in the 16gal's favor. The game got rougher and rough- er as time went on, with the referee handing out 19 penalties, four ma- jors and the rest minors. « After half time the: Orillia gang came back into the fray in a differ- ent frame of mind and started to 'give Oshawa a licking. Score Twice They swept. in oft Cliff Chambers twice In a foW and 'boomed 'that little white thing into the cords behind him for 'the count. This, bi of action was good enough to tie the game up, and the way the Ter- riers were worrying the Oshawa team they looked as if they might break out into the iead at any time. This just wasn't to be though, as Pete Grice, one of the really big men on the Oshawa team, mowed shot .at the het. It beat Fagan cleanly and the locals were again leading the pack. This time the score was 5-4. Hilson popped in an- other for his second of the night and before the period ended the locals" were leading by the count of 6-4. Chambers Digs The final frame was strictly an Oshawa affair with the locals scor- ing four goals to the opposition's one. Cliff Chambers was the main reason for this bit of work as he dug, and dug hard for every play in: his direction. Hilson scored his third goal' of the night assisted by Vipond, and that 'made him the big man "for Oshawa. Beaton got that one back for Orillia, but Haney and. then Robson scoreds for the locals before game erided, and that made the final count 10-5 fer Oshawa. OSHAWA: Goal, Chambers; L. Vipond, Murphy, Grice, Sanders, Bush, Bastein, Hilson, ' 'DePippo, Sutherland, Haney, Christie, Jan- zen, and Robson. i ORILLIA: Goal, Fagan; Pearsall, Burrel, McCrone, Scarlet, Crowe, Price,' Gregor, Beatorf, Johnston, Street, and Antonia. Sunnyside Girls Whip Bathe Park In a C.R.A. Girls' Softball League game played at Sunnyside Park last night, Sunnyside Combines de- feated Bathe Park 29-8. Bathe Parkers scored two runs at the start and Sunnyside came back with three runs and scored one lone tally in each of the next three frames, At that, it was 6-2 going into the 5th inning and when three : across the plate to make it 6-5, it looked like a good game. : yo» (However, right about then the Sunnyside gals started to click at the plate and the roof fell in on the Bathe Parkers. It was a ter- rific 16-run parade by the time the inning finished and 7 more runs in the 6th only added to the one- sided contest. Both Milne and Griffinham and Fair pitched good ball in spots but the batters were the bosses. . BATHE PARK -- A. Kays, cf; Noona, ss;; Miners, 3b; Vennor, 2b; Marchuk, ¢; Dart, '1b; E. Marchuk, rf; Lenner, If; Griffinham, p; Fair, ¢ and p; Watton, cf; Short, If. SUNNYSIDE Wallis, 1b; Northcott, 1f; Butler, cf; Scero, 2b; Howard, ss; Milne, p; Wilson, rf; Russell, 3b, and Gagnon, c. Umpifes: Brown and Bathe. YESTERDAY'S STARS By The Associated Press Batting -- Stan Musial, Cardinals, '® in three runs and m hits in three times at bat as St. Louls defeated Philadelphia, 4-1, Pitching--Bill Voiselle received: credit Jor wo Victories =e Jie hurled vinning ef in both halves of the Boston-Chieago, doubleheader which Boston won, 7-6 and 8-7. LOCALS WHIP TE Oshawa Lacrossers Capture Sr. 'B' Fixture In Orillia little stiffer checking from the Or-! and managed to | down all in front of him for his | ade three | Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club News--Results The first open tournament of the year--Men's Trebles--took place on Wednesday, with a Whitby team, skipped by W. Cooke and made up of R. Adams and H. Millard taking first place with three wins for 54. Second spot was taken by a Runny- | mede team skipped by C. Reid with | two wins for a total of 56 plus 4 and J. C. Ward of Oshawa won the one high with a total of 40. The |-following are 'the scores: | First Draw. Williams C. Rendell . Carter . . Nicholas ... Jewell Snowden Ward Alger Peacock . C. 'Herring Draw M. Hicks vey O. Nicholas C. Reid 1 BEOUONS OFEMEOS ORMZOUN R R. J. E. C R. Snowden C. Herring R. Jewell Draw R. Snowden (L) H. C. Carter 0 C. Nicholas .:. ie Alger ...... Beare M. Hicks 'ah C. Peacock '.... Result of Jitney with taking part in treble competion: First: R. Wilson, 'Mrs. J. C. E. Alger, skip. Total--24, Mrs. Lint, J. Thompson, . R. Wright, skip. Total--22. : N. Willson, Mrs. Detenbeck, E. Jackson, skip. Total--20. Fourth: J. Morrison, Mie, | C. Herring, skip. otal--1 5 4 5 L. Winnell, Ward, Lovelock, | "Fifth: Mrs. J. Morrison, | Mrs. Legge, skip. Total LEGION EDGES DUPLATES IN HECTIC FINISH | In a thrilling finish that saw the losers with the bases loaded in' the 9th inning with only one out and four runs needed to win the game, Duplates bowed to Legion last night {10-9 in an' Inter. "AA" game at Alexandra Park. One big inning was all that saved Legion from an. upset defeat. They scored one at the start and then staged an 8-run rally in the 2nd inning. Three walks in succession as Klimuk hit a wild streak, paved the way for Legion's big splurge. "Bud" Morey was rushed to the mound and finally got the fire out but not until eight runs had crossed the plate to make it 9-2; Duplates had scored their two runs in the first frame. Morey, was brilliant on the mound for Duplate after that, fan- ning nine batters in the next five innings. In the 8th he yielded a :|walk to Hobbs and another to Waddell and Flintoff's double scor- ed Hobbs with what eventually proved the winning run, Duplates * trailed all the way! They got a run in the 4th on two walks and an outfield fumble. In the fifth inning, they- added three more runs on two hits, a:walk' and an error and in the 6th got-an- other run on Normoyle's single and '| a. double by Patterson. It was 10-7 going into the 9th and Duplates 'got away with pinch- hitter Brockman. drawing a walk. Sennott popped up: but MeGahey doubled and then Morey was: safe on an error by (Flintoff. Brockman scored on the eryor and that made it 10-8. Spencer.glrew. a. walk to fill the bases, wi Smykaluk now pitching in place of "Bud" Wilson. A hard grounder to: the infigid scored McGahey to make. it' 10-9 but Morey forgot to run and he. was forced out at 3rd. With the tying d winning ryns in scoring .posi- ion, Patterson' popped up to the catcher and. the game 'was over, with Legion. able to take a deep breath. : Each team had 9 safe hits with Patterson getting .three. for the losers while 'none of the Legion team had more than'one safe hit. LEGION -+ Hobbs, 1b; Weather- up, 3b; Waddell, cf; Dionne, 2b; McMillan, lf; Smegal, ss; Brown, rf; Menaul, c; Wilson, p; Flintoff, | 2b din 5th; Middleton, ¢ in 9th and Smykaluk, p in 9th, with one out. DUPLATE -- Spencer, '2b; Nor- moyle, 3b; Patterson, lf; Howarth, ss; Jones, 1b; Cowan, cf; Sennott, ¢; + McGahey, rf; Klimuk, op; Brockman, cf in 9th; Morey, p 'in 2nd. Umpires -- J. Hobbs and "Buzz" Bennett. ONE-SIDED GAMES Picton -- Bloomfield and Wau- poos were victors in the Prince Ed- ward Baseball League games. Bloomfield blanked Wellington, 7-0. At Milford, the visiting Waupoos team swamped the locals, 19-1. STONEY'S WHIP SHARP MOTORS ON OWN FIELD Stoney's Car. Market chalked up a 'victory fin the upset class last night when they walloped Sharp | Motors 11-4 right on their own North Oshawa diamond, to leave | Fittings out in first place in t* local City and District Junior 'soft- | ball race. | SPORTS CALENDAR Intermediate "A" Softball GM-Colts vs. UAW.A, at Alex- ander Park, at 6:45 p.m. Intermediate "AA" Softball . Skinners vs. United Taxi, Bathe Park, 645 p.m. Lakeshore Junior Baseball Bowmanville Rotary vs. Oshawa Hunt Club at Alexander Park, 6:30 Ladies' Softball ' Harmony vs. Westmount at Fern- ab A- well-pitched game by Salmon was the story behind the Stoney | victory, with. his team, especially | the infielders, giving him splendid | hill park, 6:30 p.m. Oshawa Minor Softball Midget: Centre St. Combines at 72 members | support in the tight spots. Stoneys nicked Martin for one | run in 'the first frame and added another in the third. In the 6th they finally got to Martin's slants and bunched two hits and a walk and an error, for three runs and | so take a 5-1 lead. Sharp Motors came back with two runs in their 6th when Brown singled and Jfartin tripled but was | nipped trying to stretch it to i homer. Then Taillon hit a homer | to- make it 5-3. i In the 7th, Stoney's blasted | Martin from the mound and scored | five runs. Salmon opened the rally | with a single and Welsh walked, then McIntyre singled. Jenkins forced Salmon and Badgley popped out but with two out, Mornylo | walked and Brown was safe on an error, then another error followed as the Stoney boys ran the base- paths like mad. This splurge put them in front 10-3 and they held Sharp Motors to a lone run in their 7th.» Before it was over, Pearce and Weeks each singled: in the 9th and | Salmon walked«'sb" fill the bases | and' Pearce scored.when Welsh flied | out to centre, coming home after | the 'catch with the last run . Salmon had the odd strikeout, Six: altogether, but' he had good | control most of the time, issued | few walks and his support was | excellent. Taillon with a single and | homer and Hill with two singles were best at the plate for the losers. | | STONEY'S. CAR MARKET Welsh, 2b; McIntyre, c¢; Jenkins, | 3b; Badgley, 1b; Kornylo, ss; Brown, | If; Pearce, cf; McGee, c¢; Salmon, p; Weeks, c; SHARP MOTORS -- Hutcheon, ¢; Brown, 3b; Martin, p; Taillon, ss; Holland, 1b; Hurvid, 2b; Hill, cf; Saunders, If; Heaslip, rf; Scott, |p in 7th; Baker, 2b in 8th and Alexander, rf in Tth. | Umpires --~ J. Ambrose, plate, and F. Gates, bases. | Victory Park; Simcoe Hall at Bathe Park; Nailers at Cedar Dale; Park | Road Chiefs at Westmount (Radio Park); Sunnysides at Royals, Alex- ander Park. Bantam: Victory Park at East- views, King St. School; Bathe Park at Simcoe Hall, Cowan's Park; | Westmount at Holy Trinity, Centre St. School; Connaughts at Sunny- sides; Storie Park a bye. SATURDAY C.0.B.L. Baseball Kingston Locos vs. Oshawa Mer- chants, Alexandra Park. Double- header 2:00 pm. and 4:00 p.m. Pickering Twp. Softball Sked. Wednesday, June 16 Pickering at Claremont Ajax 'at Brougham Friday, June 18 / Pickering Cubs at Pickering Brougham at Dunbarton Monday, June 21 Dunbarton at Claremont Brougham at Ajax Friday, June 25 Ajax at Pickering Pickering Cubs at' Dunbarton Monday, June 28 Ajax at Dunbarton Brougham at Claremont Wednesday, June 30 Dunbarton at Brougham Pickering Cubs at Ajax Friday, July 2 Claremont at Pickering Monday, July 5 ) Pickering at Pickering Cubs Ajax at Claremont Wednesday, July 7 Dunbarton at Pickering Pickering Cubs at Brougham PADDLING REGATTA JULY 1 Some of Canada's Olympic pad- dling hopefuls will be displaying their wares at the annual Dominion Day Regatta, July 1, under the auspices of the Island Canoe Club. | A GIFT He'll Really Appreciate MIKE'S o TOBACCO in glass and metal Humidors RRIERS ON THEIR FLOOR FITTINGS TAKE ANOTHER FROM BROOKLIN JRS. Fittings Ltd., moved to undisput- ed possession of first place in the City & District Junior softball race, when they took another decision from the Brooklin Dodgers, last night at Alexandra Park, by a score of 15-8. ' Both teams started well, with the Dodgers getting two runs in each of the first three frames. Errors helped tem in the first and again in the second, along with hits' by Nesbitt and Hooker. Another error in the 3rd, by Dervent followed by Davidson's homer, made it 6-5 for Brooklin but they faded after that as Dervent went to work on the mound and gave up only six more | hits for the rest of the distance. In the 8th and 9th, with errors again playing a part, Brooklin sco- red one run in each frame. They had the bases loaded in the 8th but PORT NAPSHOTS $5.00 CLUB | The "Sport Snapshots $5.00 Ca took a bigger jump forward yestér- day with three new members join- ing our club, one of them with a "king-size" donation, tha®. upped the fund total nicely. : Am't prev'y acknowledged $1,505,00 A. E. "Bert" Coulter ...... 2500 "Bill" Lock "In memory of "Whip" Shortt (anonymous) 'Total on Thursday Croxall flied to centre, to miss a great chance. ' 4 Fittings got two at the start al- so when Smegal walked and Claus hit a homer. In the 2nd, an error in the outfield plus a single by Turnbull and then a homer by Der- vent, meant three more runs for a brief 6-4 lead. Hoker went along nicely on the mound for an inning but in the 4th '| frame, he cracked wide open. . He walked Turnbull and Dervent- in succession to start the inning and then Smegal hit a homer. Another walk to Arnold, followed by a:dou- ble by Claus and single by Ford and an error at 1st base, gave them two more runs for a total of a S-run rally and Fittings were in front 10- 6 -- and they never looked back. In the 7th, they added two on triples by Smegal and Locke and an error and In the 8th, Corring sin- gled. Hurst homered and then-after Turnbull had singled, Dervent, fan- ned but Smegal hit another triple to complete their 15-run total. BROOKLIN: Gibson, 1f; John- ston, rf; Nesbitt, 3b; Hooker, p; Croxall, cf; Fletcher, c; Schell, ss; P. Davidson, 2b; P. Mackey, Ib; Bailey, tf in 6th. FITTINGS: Smegal, 2b; Locke cf; Arnold, If; Claus, rf; Ford, Corrigan, 3b; Hurst, 58; Turnbu. c; and Dervent, p. Umpires: W. Graham, plate and J. Kaine, bases. A While They TRADE-IN CLEARANCE SALE! Last! First Come -- First Served! 1935 Chev. COACH 1935 Chev. COUPE 1935 Chev. COACH 1934 PLY. SEDAN 1933 DODGE COACH 1933 Ford COACH 1933 Ford COUPE 1931 Ford COACH 1931 Ford COUPE 1929 Whippet Roadster 1929 Whippet COUPE 1928 Chrysler COUPE 1927 Buick SEDAN $175: $2 75 Down $195 Down $245 Down $195 down $250 Down $195 dows $195 Down $195 down $195 Down $2457: $165: $1657: * EASY TERMS x» All These Cars MUST Go! BILL NICHOLLS (Oshawa's Largest Used Car Dealer) 74 KING ST. WEST

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