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Daily Times-Gazette, 28 Jun 1948, p. 13

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v MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1948 THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE THREE OSHAWA RIDERS WIN IN DOMINION BIKE CHAMPIONSHI Lance Pugh Captures Canadian .1-Mile Bicycle Championship; F.Ball and R.Suddard Cop Titles Lawrence Tessier of Montreal Wins 5-Mile and All-Round Trophy --Lorne Atkinson, Van- couver, Places in Every Race -- Oshawa +Vigtor Cycle Club Members Win Major Share of Day's Honors By G. H. C. Jim Tettamanti, of Winnipeg, retained his Canadian %-mile dirt track bicycle championship here Saturday afternoon at Alexandra Park when the 1948 Dominion titles were contested by a field of over 50 riders, including entries from Vancouver, Winnipeg, Mont- real, Windsor, Toronto, Oshawa, ete. The Manitoba sprinter jammed home down the stretch with a dazzling burst to retain the title he won last year and he proved the only "repeater" in the after- noon's program. Oshawa Riders Win Titles Oshawa spectators had a special thrill twice during the afternoon. In the Canadian 1-mile cham- pionship race, Lance Pugh and Bill Hamilton finished 1-2 and in the Class "B" championship, Frank Ball and Ross Suddard finished 1-2. All four riders are members of the local Victor Cycle Club, which helped to sponsor the Do- minjion championship races with the Houting Ramblers Club of To- ronto, conducting the races. Lorne Tessier, of Montreal, who pn the Canadian 5-mile cham- onship and finished second in the ' 10-mile championship race, second in the %-mile race 'and fourth in the half-mile race, was declared the winner of the 1948 all-round title, with a total of 14 points. Lorne Atkinson, of Van- couver, British Columbia, who fin- ished in the runner-up spot to Tessier, with" a total of 10 points, placed in every event in which he was eligible to compete, 4th in the li-mile, 2nd in the !4-mile, 3rd in the 1 mile, 2nd in the 5 mile and 4th in the 10-mile race. Bob LaCourse, of Montreal, was third with 9 points while Lance Pugh, of Oshawa, and Jack Cooke, of Toronto, each finished with 7 points. Jim Tettamantl, or Winnipeg, holder of the 1947 quarter-mile championship crowd, retained his title in the first of the day's championship finals, when he un- corked a terrific burst of speed to beat out Lorne Tessier of Mont- real. Eric Oland, of Winnipeg, a teammate, was third, and Lorne Atkinson, of Vancouver, finished & bang-up fourth. Time, 33:4 secs. Ross Suddard Novice Champ In the Canadian 1-mile. novice final, Ross Suddard, an Oshawa product, and budding Dominion champion, cut loose with a daz- ling breakaway from the pack at the final quarter-pole and after snatching a big lead, pedalled fur- iously to the wire, to win the title, with Bob Henley of Toronto mak- ing it very close at the finish. Ken Hamilton, of Oshawa was third and Bob Shearer, also of the local Victor Cycle Club, was 4th. Time, 2:31:00. Jack Cooke, of Toronto, rated as one of Canada's best, won only one race of the day, taking the title in the Canadian half-mile championship event. He tore down the home stretch in the final, after qualifying handily in his heat, to nose out Lorne Atkinson, of Van- couver, in one of the closest fin- shes of the day. Bill Hamilton. Oshawa, was right up at At- knson's sprocket, in the 3rd spot of the blanket finish with Laur- ence Tessier, of Montreal, in 4th spot. Time, 1:15:1. Pugh Wins Mile Crown Biggest thrill of the afternoon, for. the crowd of over a thousand Oshawa spectators, came in the Canadian 1-mile championship fi- nal, after a series of exciting heats that saw many top-notch riders eliminated. In the final two-lap sprint around the half-mile track, Lance Pugh, of Oshawa, won a clean-cut and brilliant victory to regain the title he held, back a few years ago. Completing the thrill for the Oshawa fans was the fact that Bill Hamilton, an- other' wearer of the Victor Cycle Club's red, white and blue shirts, came in a very close second. Lorne Atkinson, of Vancouver, most con- sistent rider of the day, finished third with R. Lemiux, of Mont- real, in 4th spot. Time, 2:41:00, Tessier 5-Mile Champ Lorne Tessier, speedy rider from Montreal, headed the big pack to the tape in the Canadian cham- pionship 5-mile race, after a thrilling duel with his club-mate, Bob Jaconsse Montren); 4. Geo. ers, rne nson and Hartman. x George Over 30 riders entered the event and it was run off at a speedy clip. Tessier and Atkinson waged a ding-dong duel down the home stretch, with the Montrealer win- ning by a half-wheel length and speedy little Bob LaCourse, 'of Montreal, right next, in third glace. George Hartman, of Van. ver, was fourth. Time for the ent was 12:24 4/5. Another Oshawa Triumph In the Class "B" final for riders who have graduated from the novice class, Frank Ball, of -Osh- awa, and Ross Suddard, also of the local Victor Cycle Club, not only won their heat, one of three; in 1-2 order, but they finished the same way in the final, beating out PF. Henry, of Toronto, who in turn nosed out C. Blake, of Oshawa, for BOB LaCOURSE is shown above mounted on his bike, with an arm around his trainer, Doug. Perron, also of Montreal. The diminutive Montrealer matched "pushes" with' the best in the Do- minion here on Saturday in the longer races, winning the 10-mile distance classic for his Canadian title and finishing third in the 5- mile event. He is regarded as one of Canada's best Olympic prospects and always gives his best. third place. Time, 2:52. Oshawa Schoolboys A feature race of the day, from the standpoint of the hometown spectators, was the "Oshawa schoolboys' race," for public school boys, under 16 years of age. Aubrey Pritchard, of Mary Street School, pushed his big handle- barred commercial vehicle around to nose out F. Varga just at the wire, by inches. Ray Vincent fin- ished in third spot with W. Cal- der in fourth spot. Time 1:18:9, Junior Champion The Canadian junior champion- ship, boys under 17 on July 1st of the current year, was won by Charlie Chinchen, of Toronto, with "Pat" Murphy, of Delhi, Ont., in second place. Art Johnson, of Otterville, Ont., was third and Al Essery, Oshawa, was 4th, Time, 2:36:4. Thirty-nine competitors faced the starter for the Canadian 10- mile championship race and with rivals taking turns at pacing and spreading the field, they finished in the fast time of 25:31:11/5. Speedy little Bob LaCourse, of Montreal, took top honors and he was almost nipped in a home- stretch spurt by his club-mate, Lorne Tessier. Ron. Thorne, of Windsor, finished third while 4th place was a hair's breadth deci- sion between Lorne Atkinson and George Hartman, both of Van- couver, with the former getting the,call. Only One Bad Accident Midway through the event, Bill Hamilton, of Oshawa, Fred Henry, Toronto, Jullen = Charbonneau, Montreal, and George Hartman, of Vancouver, all spilled in a bad mix-up® on the far side of the track,, Henry was the most pain- fully injured, suffering severe skid burns on his hip. Charbonneau and Hartman climbed back aboard and set out after the pack. Hart- man caught up and finished fifth as it turned out, but Charbonneau, tearing along in pursuit, crashed into a little girl who despite re- peated warnings, ran. across the track. Neither was badly hurt, but it cost the rider a lap, which 'he failed to catch up. Gold, silver and bronze medals were presented in the Canadian championship events, following the program of races, with "Bill" El- der, clerk of course, Jack McDon- ald, Andy Houting and other offi- cials supervising, along with Joe Victor, of Oshawa. Prizes were awarded in the lower class events. Russell Copeland was the offi- cial starter for all races with Bil] Elder as head official. Judges in- cluded Dalton Swift, Toronto; Ro- meo Girardeau, Montreal; Fred White, Toronto, and Stuart Ste- venton, Toronto. Ted Brown, of Toronto, was checker. Following are the complete re- sults: Quarter-mile Canadian cham- pionship--1, 'Jim Tettamanti, Win- nipeg; 2, Lorne Tessier, Winnipeg; 3, Eric Oland, Winnipeg; 4th, Lorne Atkifison, Vancouver. Time 33:4 secs. : Canadian championship, 1-mile novice final--1, Ross Suddard, Oshawa; 2, Bob Henley, Toronto; 3, Ken Hamilton, Oshawa; 4th Bob Shearer, Oshawa. Time, 2:31, Half-mile, Canadian champion- ship final--1, Jack Cooke; To- ronto; 2, Lorne Atkinson, Van- lye: 2, Bill Hamilton, Oshawa; , rne { Thee, Tagg, Teen Montreal One-mile Canadian cham - ship final--1, Lance Pugh, Rion awa; 2, Bill Hamilton, Oshawa; 3 Lorne Atkinson, Vancouver; - 4th, R. Lemieux, Montreal. Time, 2:41 Five-mile Canadian champion- ship--1, Lorne Tessier, Montreal: 2, Lorne Atkinson, Vancouver; 3, Ds Ladourss, and two Vancouver man, ol Vv rw yy ancouver, Time Class "B" final, Canadian cham- pionship--1, Prank Ball, Oshawa: Ross Suddard, Oshawa: 3, F. Henry, Toronto; 4, C. Blake, Osh- Se, 2:52. all-mile, special race, Oshaw schoolboys' championship--1, yg brey Pritchard; 2, F. Varga; 3, Ray Vincent; 4, W. Oalder. Time, 1:18:9. ~--One-mile,« junior boys, Canadian championship--1, Charlie Chin- Oshawa Victories and Trilling We ak yi p Above, is shown the hard¥\riding wheelers hitting the finishing tape in the C4nadian championship 5-mile event, with Lawrence Tessier of Montreal just about to ride over the tape, the winner, and Lorne Atkinson, | Oshawa Victor Cycle Club, just hitting the tape as winner and Bob Henley of Toronto a very close second. in the white sweater, right at his heels, in second place. Bob LaCourse, pint-sized Montreal rider, is coming | Behind them comes Ken Hamilton of Oshawa, ready to take third place and on his left, just behind, with in an easy third while in the middle, can be seen George Hartman of Vancouver, putting on the last-minute | head down and peddling hard, is Bob Shearer, also of Oshawa who finished in th place, to give the Victor Club spurt that enabled him to catch 4th place. Finishes 1 This pair of Oshawa Victor Cycle Club riders gave the hometown fans their biggest thrill in the Canadian | championship dirt-track bicycle races here on Saturday afternoon at Alexandra Park, when they flashed | over the finishing line in 1-2 order, in the 1-mile Canadian championship sprint. Blonde-headed Lante Pugh, | veteran local rider, captured the crown and 1st place while Bill Hamilton, the youngster on the right with the | --All pictures are Times-Gazette | winner, is President of the Oshawa Victor Cycle Club and one of the city' happy grin, finished a bang-up second, against a field of Canada's top riders, Supply Big Tredt for Local Bike Fans Vancouver Rider ! Gave Game Display Despite Injuries One of the gamest riders in the championship bike races on Saturday was Dave Mathews, of Vancouver, who, despite a mild concussion and a very stiff and painful knee injury received i in a spill while training Friday night, rode very strongly in all races in which he competed. Mathews, one of three Van- couver cyclist to compete here, left yesterday 'for Three Rivers, Quebec, whete he will represent British Columbia in the Olympic finals later this week. LAWRENCE TESSIER of Montreal, who amassed a total of 14 points in the Canadian bicycle championships at Alexandra Park | PAGE 'THIRTEEN PS Ri on Saturday. Besides finishing first Two Oshawa riders, shown above, Frank Ball, left, and Ross Suddard, in the 5-mile race, he placed 2nd in | the 10-mile classic, 4th in the %- mile sprint and 2nd in the 1;-mile sprint. He was declared "All-Round right, finished first and second respectively in the Canadian championship | Class "B" final heat, in which the survivors of three heats, including most of Canada's future "senior" aces, were entered. These two members of the local Victor Cycle Club flashed around the track, which was in exe Champion" of the day and received | cellent condition, in fast time, to take the 1-mile event. F. Henry of the trophy donated by Joe Victor, Toronto was 3rd and Cal. Blake of Oshawa finished. 4th, making it an- of Victor's Oshawa, Sports and Cycle, | Staff Photos. "veteran" bike riders, other "big moment" for the Oshawa fans. This was the second time in the program of Canadian dirt track bicycle racing championships aé Alexandra Park on Saturday afternoon that the spectators had the thrill of seeing two Oshawa riders finish 1-2 in the title race. Frank Ball, the Above is shown the finish of the Canadian championship 1-mile Novice race, with Ross Suddard, of the three spots in the first four. This was Oshawa's first title win of the day. Farley Triumphs In Ont. Amateur Golf Tournament Toronto, June 28 -- Farley has won his sixth Ontario Amateur Golf championship in a Tournament featured by upsets. The 36-year-old Farley of Tor- onto Scarboro was one of the pre- odds. Hé defeated Don Varey of Brantford Saturday in the 36-hole match play final, 4 and 3. Varey, known as a consistent player, had scored a surprising vic- tory Friday over defending cham- pion Rudy Horvath of Windsor in one of the semi-final matches. On the first day's medal play at the Rosedale Course here four for- mer champions failed to qualify with necessary 77's, They were J. G. Adams, Bruce Bradley, Jim Boeckh and Jack Nash. It was left to Farley to make the experts feel good in their choice of tournament favorites. He played steady golf to win the event in which he has been playing for the past 23 years. By virtue of his victory, he be- comes captain ol the Ontario team in the Willingdon Cup Interpro:- incial matches. The three other members are chosen from the fields in the London Hunt Invitation tournament, which was held eariier in the month, the medal play of the Ontario Amateur and Ontario Open to be played next month. The 32 players who had scores between 77 and 83 in the opening medal play round went into the consolation flight, Winner in this flight was C. J. Stoddard of Hamil- ton Glendale, who Saturday defea- ted Tony Matlock of Kitchener Rockway. ' ROCKWAY'S THIRD "ONER" Kitchener. -- Third golfer to re- cord a hole-in-one over the Rock- way course this season, Herb Hess did it Saturday on the 165-yard, par-three hole. chen, Toronto; 2, "Pat" Murphy, Dé€lhi, Ont.; 3, Art Johnston, Otter- ville, Ont; 4, Al. Essery, Oshawa. Ten-mile Canadian champion- ship~1. Bob LaCourse, Montreal; 2, Lorne Tessier," Montreal; 8, Ron: Thorne, Windsor; 4, Lorne Atkin- son, Vancouver. Time, 25:31:11/5. (CP)--Phil | tournament favorites at five to one | gus, Sta INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pct. Montreal | Jersey City Rochester Toronto . ... y Baltimore ........21 38 . Sunday's Results 9-3 Toronto .12-2 Baltimore i 4-4 Newark 3 Jersey City at Rochester, postponed. Saturday's Results Toronto ........ 1 Syracuse 10 innings. Newark Rochester ......... 04 Houtz, Marshall (3), manna (8) Fusselman. Jersey City 000 200 010--3 8 2 0 030 11x--9'11 3 Mueller (6), La- and Silvestri; Mikan and Io gi 883-14 ¢ v 191 Webb and Pramesa; Perry, Bush (1), Rogovin (6) and Tabachek. ° Baltimore 010 000 001-- 2 6 2 Montreal ... .. 004 501 00x--10 10 1 Kuzava, Anderman (5) and Robin- son; Podblelan and Dapper. riday's Results 5 Syracuse ..4-3 Rochester . -3 Jersey City .... Montreal, postponed. AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland 3 : New York ton Detroit .... Washington St. Louis .. . Chicago + 3 Sunday', Washington wis dg Philadelphia ...6-6 Boston P Shicago -6 . St. Louls Second called 7th, . New York «9 Di 0 8 31 Results Cleveland S 1 New York .: 2 0 0 Detroit .... va 400 100--! 2 reynolds. Page ( ucks, utchinson Wagner (7), i Philadelphia Chicago Brissie, Harris Su ay Weigel. ington 000 000 000--0 3 Cleveland 300 110 00x--5 12 andso mn, Welteroln ans; Muncrief and Hegan. Boston at St. Louis, Postponed. NATIONAL LEAGUE Ww. L. and Berra; and Swift, 5 2 000 020 000--2 10 0 (8) and Franks; Pler- .+ GBL 8t. Louis 4 HE Pittsburgh s 212 New York . 2 V2 6 7 4 on "Plttsbur h Chicago Fee Philadelphia .2-7 ccond game called 8th -- Sunday 8%. Lowi Saturday's Results 441 1010 000 612 1 h eeerians al OSHAWA 3 | W. Howarth 1 0 »" Local Cricket : | j Eleven Loses | On Home Pitch The local team were not good | enough to beat the visitors pn Sat- {3 | urday when they encountered West Toronto -at Lakeview Park. Savgant | | was bowling exceptionally well and | Timothy and Bennet got Toronto, while Hall, | Shelley contributed worthwhile | scores. Next Saturday the representing: Ontario County, go io Oakville, to play Halton County. | West Toronto vs Oshawa, at Osh- awa, June 26th, 1948. WEST TORONTO Hogg and locals | HeQ . Oldham . Shelley | W. Crawford .... "mus 1 Bowling Analysis 1 28; Hibbs 1 fr 19; Tin thy 0 for 16. 8. Moore la. Timothy ..... { D. Bennet i L. Harris | A. Sargant .. | J. Hobbs | W. Woedcock ... | E. Clarke | R. Tunstall CB. CONIIY ,, ifeiririr arn ava Extras NOHO WOIWLT Bowling Analysis: Rees 6 for 26; Hogg 4 for 20. J: mpi e | Brooklyn 020 000 001--3 7 2 {| Dickson and Rice; Hatten, | (2), Palica (8) and Hodges. | Cincinnati ........ 400 000 000--4 6 1 New York 000 000 000--0 7 1 Vandermeer and Willlams; Kennedy, Jones (1), Hansen (6), Jansen (8) and | Cooper. Chicago 010 000 100--2 8 2 | Philadelphia 001 001 001--3 10 © | Rusch, Kush 1 A. Walker, 1 Bch 4 W and Seminick. t rgh J 00 101--713 0 Lode xd . 0p 00 001--1 7 2 Bonham and TFitygcrald; Voisclle, | Shoun (3), Potter (9). and Salkeld. double | those Boston figures with the bat. Rees and Hogg | heard both had .@ood bowling averages for | American League. Paced by ~ | doubleieader. Behrman Big League Baseball Yesterday By JOE REICHLER [ The old familiar cry of "stop Red Sox" is being | again around the | Ted Williams and Vern Stephens at the | plate and' Joe Dohson and Dave once | (Boo) Ferriss on the mound, the | | red hot Red Sox have knocked off | | every kind of opposition to leap back into the pennant scramble. ' | With 17 victories in 22 starts | during June, the Sox are firmly | | entrenched in the first division only 5'2 games behind the pace-setting 9 | Cleveland Indians. { | Williams and Stephens drove in a | run apiece to back up Joe Dobson's two-hit pitching. in the opener | against St. Louis, Ferriss pitched an eight-hitter in the second game to account for his first route-| | going performance of the season. {Williams provided the winning blow in the nightcap, his 16th home | run with two on. { Philadelphia _ Athletics swept a! doubleheader from Chicago White Sox 6-5 and 6-2 to place within 11 | percentage points of first place. | The Indians kept first place by coming back to defegf Washington 4-1 in the second game after toc; Senators had won the opener of tgeir twin bill 5-2. Home runs by' Allie Clark and Joe Goraoi helyed 3am Zoldak rack up his second win in as many starts for the Tribe in| the afterpiece. | Bosten Braves retained their half | game lead over 'St. Louls Cardinals | in the tight National League race by turning back Pittsburgh Pirates 9-1. Johnny Sain scattered eight hits for his ninth victory. Cincinnati Reds came from be- ! hind to nip New York Giants 4-31 in the first game of a scheduled The second game was postponed by rain. Ewell Blackwell won his fourth. : | Chicago Cubs and Philadelphia! | Phillies divided a doubleheader in ! Philadelphia, the Cubs winning the | opener 6-2 and the Phils taking the nightcap 7-4. | NEWARK CATCHER TRADED i -Rochozier, N.Y. -- Catcher 'Ed. Little of Newark Bears has ben ' traded to Hollywood of the 'Pacific' [ coast League, it was announced by | return the Bears got Carl Cox, an | the International League. club. In | infielder. 1 . SALE! OTARY GAR Brand New 1948 CHEVROLET STYLEMASTER SEDAN [new car guarantee] a PRICE VERY REASONABLE Cond Trade In Required! May be seen at..... 'RAY BENNETT | MOTORS LTD. 428 KING ST.E. PHONE 4554 N MPS EEL A

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