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Daily Times-Gazette, 28 Jun 1948, p. 7

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MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1948 MNuying Bowl . Hello Homemakers! There is a long, leaden interval between the feverish days of spading and plant- ing and the proud day when green onions and radishes and lettuce can be blended into the first tossed sa- 8d of the season. How good the rst garden greens taste! We like (hem with a sharp French dress- ing, perhaps with a dash of green 'onion and crumbled old cheese. The best tip we can give you is: toss the greens with the dressing just before you serve them. Garden Salad cup shredded raw carrot cups shredded raw spinach cup shredded raw beets cup grated onion % cup shredded radishes 3% cup well seasoned French dressing Combine vegetables and chill in electric refrigerator. Drain well and add the French dressing. Toss 'together using a spoon and a fork -and serve at once, Serves 6. Chef's Salad x 1 head lettuce ! ™~ 1 cucumber, peeled and diced 2 tomatoes, peeled and diced 1 bunch radishes, sliced -1.bunch green onions, chopped French dressing Shred lettuce by cuffing the head in half and shredding it across with a large knife. Prepare other ingredients and combine all to- gether with French dressing, well 'seasoned. Serve well chilled. ' French Dressing 12 cup vinegar 12 cup salad oil 1 tsp. sugar Pepper, paprika 1 tsp. salt Place all ingredients into a chill- ed glass jar. Shake vigorously. Use as is, or vary as desired. Variation for vegetable salads: Add 2 tbsps. capers, and 1 tbsp. chopped chives, Boiled Salad Dressing '3 cups milk Ja cup sugar % cup flour tsp mustard Pepper 2 tsp, salt eggs : cup vinegar cup water : Heat 1% cups of milk in a double boiler until a rim of bubbles ap- pear. Combine the dry ingredients, add remaining % cup milk and mix until smooth. Slow.y add to the hot milk, stirring all the while. 'When slightly thickened, pour gver the beaten eggs. Return to double boiler and continue stirring. Con- tinue cooking until desired consist- ency is reached. Pour into clean sealers. Store in the refrigerator. Makes over 2 cups. Take a Tip 1. To preserve nasturtium seeds as homemade capers: Heat 1/3 cup vinegar, 1 tsp. sugar and 1 bay leaf to boiling point, then par- tially cool. Meanwhile pick over the nasturtium seeds and put in small steriie bottles, fill with vinegar solution and screw on the caps. 2. Beat salad dressing with a dover beater to prevent curdling. 3. Salad greens should .be tender and clean, Select the small spin- ach leaves, small dandelion leaves or beet greens to prevent bitter taste. Wash leafy greens in several waters, lifting them. out of the water to leave the soil at the bottom of the dish. 4. Dry greens by placing in a towel, Fold and shake two or three times. Chill in the electric refri- gerator, 6. Vary the shapes of vegetables or fruits for salad. Slice the rad- / ishes, cube cucumbers, tear the lettuce or spinach, shred raw beets, grate carrots, etc. 6. Select 'colour' combinations even if you use orange and red with 'green, 7.'Do mot place green. mixed: vege- tables in a pattern. They appear and taste better tossed together. (For fruit; salads a pattern'is at- tragtive:) Question Box Mrs. J. A. asks: Why does our favourite layer cake recipe call for % tsp. baking powder with 2 cups flour? Answer: The additional eggs in the recipe act as a leavening agent RO Miss G. G. asks: What makes Mortening turn grey? I keep it in the refrigerator, Answer: Shortening may lose its colour in the centre of the pound if it is old or if kept too cold. Unless the atmosphere is very warm it can be stored on the shelf with other staple supplies. Mrs. B. K. asks: Can you use boiled milk for junket? Should you chill junket to set? _ Answer: If the milk began to bofl inadvertently while you were pre- paring junket, cool it stirring fre- quently until lukewarm. Test by a drop of it on your wrist; if it feels 'warm pour over the rennet and do not chill to set. 'Stofe any left-over dishes of junket in the refrigerator. Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o this paper. Send in your suggestions on homema prob- Joins and watch this column for re- es. 1 2 Ty A 1 y 1 | Are you going thru the functional *middle- age' period peculiar to women (38-52 yre.)? Does this make suffer from hot flashes, feel so nervous, high-strung, tired? Then Do try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- Pound ST Yohoymptoma) Pinkham's npoung 0 what Doctors, call storachic tonic effect! : VEGETABLE > LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S COMPOUND | THE DAILY TIPS FOR TEENS Is Your Dream Boat Considerate? By ELINOR WILLIAMS BRAZIL ORANGES Montreal -- (CP)--The first car- go or oranges from Brazil reached here recently. ' It was 'the first 50,- 000 boxes of a total of 350,000 be- ing exchanged for a similar amouat of apples. TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE SEVEN AUSTRALIAN ASBESTOS PERTH, Australia-- (CP)--Con- siderable quantities of blue asbestos are now being obtained in Western Australia to counteract reduction in supplies. Miners were RICATED BARNS , --(CP) =Enough pre~ fabr d farm buildings to house 250,000 cows are being built in Brit- | ain, More than 10,000 tons of steel | | have been salvaged from air raid : | shelters for the project. J OYeTstas were transported hundreds of miles | Arctic laboratory, designed and so ihe area and a good-sized towh- | bully by a McGill University pro- ri 8 on of the In-|seseor, is to sail from Nova Scotia. Nutrition problems among Ungava FLOATING: LABORATORY | Bay Eskimos and certain aspects of Montreal -- (CP) -- A floating | fishing and hunting will be studied. y | You're his special dream-girl at | the moment, that is, if he: | 1--Makes another date with you before he says goodnight, so you both know exactly when you'll be to- gether again. | 2--Listens intently when you tell | him just why you think he's won-' derful, 3--Remembers little things about you--your favorite song on the cur- rent hit parade, your pet sundae at the soda fountain, the fact that you'd rather have one pink camellia than a huge corsage of other posies for special proms. 4--Helps you .with your coat, doors, steps, etc., as if ycu were fragile, remembering the little cour- tesies that prove he has good man- ners and that mean so much to every girl. 5--Never keeps you waiting with- | out an apology or at least an ex- | planation about what made him late for your date. --Phones you occasionally be- tween dates when you haven't seen | date with you. each other at school or elsewhere-- not for endless silly chatter, but because he really wants to keep in touch and talk with you, so you "won't forget him." T--Doesn't insist on a goodnight kiss on the first date;doesn't ex- pect a necking session during every This proves he en- joys your company and likes to be with you for fun and friendship, not just for kisses. : 8--Tells you about his hobby in detail; confides his ambition for later in life (your cue to show in- | terest and encouragement). 9--Likes to be with you when there are no bright-lights plans--to | do homework together or to spend an evening at your home, perhaps with another couple, to play games, | dance or pop corn and eat a sand- wich snack. (For helpful hip slimming stamped- this paper, enclosing a self-addressed envelope.) Ten Minute Strawberry Mary Anns Those lovely, long, languid spring days inspire many an equally fes- tive dish to enhance every-day din- ing. And the baker becomes moth- er's number one helper by supply- | ing enticing spring-like desserts | that do any table proud. Luscious Strawberry Mary Ann's to delight the fussiest diner, are lovely to look at, delicious to eat. They are prepared with a quick] twist of the wrist and with the ab- le assistance of the baker man. Strawberry Mary Ann's take nine | and one half minutes to prepare by combining : 1% pints fresh strawberries | 5 tablespoons sugar 6 bakers' individual' Mary ann] shells 12 cup heavy cream, whipped Clean strawberries, leaving some | of them whole. Crush remaining | strawberries; add sugar. Fill Mary Ann shells with crushed strawber- ries, using whole strawberries on | top. Garnish with whipped cream. | LR Here's another snappy spring- time dessert to please everyone in | the family. This particular dish provides party fare without involv- ing any extra work. The dessert is delightfully named Maypole Cake and is quickly prepared using: 1 stick peppermint candy 1 baker's iced 7 in. or 9 in. round layer cake Force one end of the stick of candy into the centre of the cake. | Attach colored narrow ribbons to the candy and carry the ribbons over the cake top to the edge of the cake in an umbrella pattern. Let the ribbons, hang down about % in. on the side of the cake. Fast- en them in position with a colored candy jelly hean or gumbrop. of Insect Bites -- Stop-lren;=: Quick! Stop itching of insect bites, heat rash, eczema, hives, pimples, scales, scabies, athlete s out and her externally caused®skin Soibiss jse guick-acting, soothing, antiseptic D. D. D. PRESCF: 'TION, "Greaseless, stainless. Jtch stops or Yur PRIS ek. Your druggist stocks D. 9. D, PRE i 4/PTION. KIDNEY TROUBLE Sluggish kidneys may give rise to various distressing sy backach minor rheumatic pains or bladder trouble with scalding and burning. The trouble starts when the kidneys fail to perform their natural function of helping to elim- inate impurities from the sys Kidney and Bladder Pills are made for the very to eliminate these impurities which may have given ri pains grow les: Ask your druggi: but fitter looking now DeWITT'S PILLS are made in England specially for ® BACKACHE ® KIDNEY TROUBLE ® BLADDER DISORDERS and those minor © RHEUMATIC PAINS or © RHEUMATIC TWINGES ECONOMY PACK The $1.00 pack is an economy must not miss. It contains 13 times the quantity of the 60 cent.size. if you buy send a postcard to DeWitt's Pills, Dept. N, Box 549, Toronto, asking for a f trial sample. __ 'Here's a medicine specially made for it! such as fem. DeWitt's purpose of helping the kidneys 0 your suffering and a natural consequence. for DeWitt's Pills, but you prefer to try this remedy before RENOWNED SINCE 1888 DE WITT'S PILLS for Kidney tnd Bladder Troubles ex- | ercises, write to Elinor Williams at | \ From Your Favorite SNAPSHO7V To Size 6" x 8" Colored 55¢ Extra X-BAZIN ENLARGEMENTS NEGATIVE ARENA FOLDER - | Deodorarits | | Deprlatorics Eg Drag, Pe -- 63 BATHING CAPS .. NOXZEMA SUNTAN OIL ....... NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM HIND'S HONEY-ALMOND CREAM JERGENS LOTION and FACE CREAM .. Both for 98¢c SUNBRELLA WINSUM LOTION for Sunburn LENTHERIC COLOGNE DOROTHY GRAY HOT WEATHER COLOGNE Reg. 2.00 : PACQUINS HAND CREAM and Trial Jar Both for 65¢c EY BING Stores 3 pr tt A ... 35c-45¢-65c-75¢-79¢ | SUNTAN LOTION Protects oe the Skin From Harmful Sun Rays Soothes and Heals Sunburn Effectively . 43c-63c-1.29 29¢-49¢-98¢ 1.25-1.75 TAMBLYN COLD CREAM Excellent For Sun Burn and Dry Skin CHANEL COLOGNE No. 5, 3.00-5.50 No. 22, 3.00-5.50 GARDENIA 3.00-5.50 Soft--Safe--Neat 12s 33c 2 for 65¢ CUR DE RUSSIE, MODESS BELTS, 29¢ 3.00-5.50 NEET DEODORANT 39c¢ NEET DEPILATORY 68c 39¢-75¢ SALOTYN TABLETS MOTH-KIL For GARMENT STORAGE Give yourself beautiful natural-looking ¢ GOLDEN the hair lightener with CONDITIONING OIL BLONDE HAIR {) PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE ENGLISH LILAC LOTION 18¢c--2 for 35¢ 9¢--3 for 25¢ SHU-MILK, For All White Shoes PALM BEACH WHITE SHOE CLEANER UNGUENTINE CARRON OIL, For Burns SUN GOGGLES POISON IVY LOTION LUX--PALMOLIVE--CAMAY SOAP 25¢-49¢-79¢-1.00 & up 23¢-39¢ BRYLCREEM The Perfect Hair Dressing 25:-49- Quick Relief for BURNS CUTS, SCRAPES Gives Your Hair That Well Groomed Appearance sin ys 27. tb. Tn FE SUPERLATHER SHAVING CREAM 23:-2i+45- 18: - 2 for 35- Reg. 25¢ 19: m Reg. 39% 33 AROMATIC CASCARA Reg. 25 Jc Res. 45 3 Qc Reg. 1.00 T 9. WITCH HAZEL OLIVE OIL: 6-oz. Reg. 25¢ J@c 16-02. Reg. 50 J Jc 4-01. 390 8-0z. H4: 16-0z. 1.19 40-o0z. 2.69 BEEF, WINE and IRON With Vitamin BI 69: = 3 = 2.00 EPSOM SALTS and For Lame Back Kidney Ills BORACIC ACID REFINED MEDICINAL PRODUCT SAF E-T-D RY K L E . N E R Container 25¢, Refundable BORACIC and COLD- CREAM SOAP I-Ib. Package 13- IIb. Package Reg. 25¢ 19: Gallon Tin @@)¢ 2027 Round ;, . Ribbed... Re-usable New Deluxe Kit with plastic curlers $950 Refill Kit without curlers $128 Now--Easier than ever! HOME PERMANENT with "BAUER & BLACK Qlindings BAS SOAP -- FIRST AID ITEMS -- FIRST AID KITS Pure Super-Fatted from a Famous Old English Formule. B. & B. COT""ON PICKER .. yard, B. & B. GAUZE BANDAGES B. & B. ABSORBENT COTTON, COMPACT BOY SCOUT ..... SAMARITAN ....... eee AUTOMOBILE .. B. & B. WETPROOF ADHESIVE, %" x 1 yard 10c--1" by 1 15c--2%" x 2% yards--20c--1" x 2} yards, B. & B. ALL-PURPOSE GAUZE ...... 1 yard, 25c--5 yards, 75¢ B. & B. SURGICAL GAUZE ...... fr [3 'FRUIT SALT 25¢ 15¢-20c-25¢c-50c 1 yard, 35c--5 yards, 110 17¢-30c-55¢-90c-1.65 5 KING ST. E. PHONE 7

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