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Daily Times-Gazette, 9 Jul 1948, p. 12

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~ PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1948 WANT AD SECTION Ew | BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Articles for Sale .. 3 Articles Wanted .. 37 A Wanted ... #0 1--Auditors 8, OERTIFIED GEN- a 24 ML Bidg., King St. East. Phone 2127. Consult countant and auditor. "Chugh Auditors ...eecseve utomobiles For Automobil wanted ......... 83 Automobile Repairs 18 2.--Barristers : {OUIS 8 HYMAN, BARRIOTER, ETO e Loans Aimooe Foe a Phone 67 Snug Bf al) NANT & ANNIS, AL- oN ants, KC. Tis Sim South. Phone 4, Res! A. W. 8. Solicitor, etc, 6 Phone partner W C. Pollard, 2. L Ont. coe Street 700. (Augl) BARRISTER, oe Street East. 3514, Resident (Augl) GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & FRASER, barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Burin, (Augl) D. HUMPHREYS, E.C., BARRISTER itor, West. Sic office 814; a 3 Money to loan (Augl) JAMES R. Suite 201, 0 ana Solar A "Sule 1 4 OA K.C., BARRIS- Money to jo Joan, Office East, East, (Augl) JOSEPH > ter, Solicitor. 41 445. Res. Phone 837. ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, citor, 11 King E. Room 2. Office 55. Resid 3687R. Phones (Augl) A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. YAN loans, Faioaal Simcoe North, oans. 26 ct | (Aug) Ad Phone 1614. Res. 1975. MANNING F. SWARTZ, SARRISTER. to loan. Ba. Ser NOT han 36, 2 287TW. (Augl) 3a--Physicians and Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 BING 1 8T. £., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: to twelve and Loses Wed nd at > 2 tod and? ugl) Sa SEO E. W. BROWN R_OF iro ic. Electric Treatments. Free TA Vs ectr! > pr fe a wy 15 Simcoe North. Phone 869. (Jul22) 5--Optometrists 6--Insurance INSURANCE 7--V eterinarians LARGE AND 101 Richmond (Augl) DR. BE. H WEBSTER, small animal gurgery. St. W. Phone*2010 9--Money To Loan SUIENTS MONIES AVAILABLE first mortgages. Apply M. F. Swarts, Barrier Sassets Block, suite No. 4. (Augl) 0 instruction PRE-FALL TERM COMMENCES TUES- day, August 3. All commercial subjects. Corhptometer. School closed Jui lng July. Oshawa Business College, coe North. Phone 1314W. 11--Building Trades FOR PLASTERING AND STUCCO work phone 4117M. Free estimate.' | Aug.3) Asphalt pl hot shingles oe ie rooting. Asp fing. ~ Exterio built and o- 18 Sim: (Julidtt) Bale ...u0e 4 hi nd one RETIN Py THREE CONSECUTIVE 1 EACH AD 20 words of INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS to Loan Service <. 8 otrists «o.... § CLASSIFIED AD RATES SERTIO! ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE 00 per Fralusional end Busivots jistings 32.40 per por 2st Bach initial letter, abbreviation, § full werd, Box charged 10c addi All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day before publication. Office heurs: Daily 8-6. Saturday 8-5. Real Estate Agents 18 Real Estate For Bale .....cc000.0 38 Wearing Apparel .. 30 Words Each Add or Less 'Word month for 20. Jando HED Daur figure count as » 22--Lost and Found LOST, A th LE BOUND TAN whi ames aney, A ale: Phone 2005. (160b) LOST, LADY'S WITTHAER WRIST. watch. Please phone 1561J. (160b) LOST. PAIR OF BLUE BHELL RIM case the Bank of Commerce and the corner of Bruce and Celina, down King. Phone Wc) LACK SPANIEL. PHONE FOUND. B (1608) 23--Women's Column LADIES! HAVE STYLE PLUS COM- fort. Wear & NysBon ne Foundation Garment. Phone (159¢) CHARIS--FOR arn "FASHION IN expert Suse girdles. corselettes ew Hs. ri 2504W. Rugs cleaned in your own home or in our plant. NU-WAY RUG OLEANERS PHONE 4803 (1600) 24--Personal SEIN NY WOMEN) GAIN & TO un: Rp; 100. Try famous Ontrox Fonte oT lol for double re- sults; new h; new vigor. New 'get hil oa size only All Srugpiate (158¢) VER HAS CON- [Lg sure relief. Your Drug- he bell, and it's "Cress", July9,Aug.2 ,25,8ept.17) PORT PARK UNDER NEW management. Light lunches served. Tea, Soles, soft drinks, milk shakes, ice-cream will cater for picnics. Open evenings. (138¢) sistently gist sel JESSIE ANN BAKE SHOPPE 461 FLOYD AVE., WESTMOUNT All kinds of cakes, cookies, pastries, birthday cakes and wedding cakes. PHONE 16068J (158¢c) 100 painti and Siinne (July9) paired. Phone 4392J ALEX VAJDA, BUILDER, CONTRAC- tor, alterations, carpenter work. 481 Drew Street. Phone 4117TW after 13) Ju! SAND, GRAVEL, FILL, LOAM, Ta trucks, excavating, bulidoger. "Prompt reliable service. F. Essery. - Ph py: 3470. (Jul22) LOAM, CINDERS, GRAVEL, SAND, cement work. Dump, stake truck, forms and mixer for hire. Phone wim 25--Real Estate For Sale NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, NEVER oecupied. Stone in front and fire- heat- 5 5 with oil tank 2x8 86 Cadilise Avenue North, ug Aj hore 36 » tL 159¢) BUILDING LOT, ON CADILLAC AVE. South, Phon: e 304TW. (1602) FURNISHED COTTAGE, - ROOMS, 17ge lot. Cedar Beach W nd AWA, PLASTERING AND REPAIRS; ALSO to appleciute i. 1st ns i cement work, Walks, b floors, stoops. Free estimate. ment A.C Woods, 3870J3. (157d) TINSMITH, SPECIALIZING IN EAVE- troughs and asphalting roofs. Quick service, work guaranteed. Phone bg c ZXcAyaTING, ALL EI ra , cellars and gr: Br] South. Phone dnt, WEEPING TILE, 4-INCH, 8 a each delivered. Dance Bros., Whitny 927. (Augs) OD ny ot est' at Cedar Beach, ETT i GENERAL OONTRACTING, built or repaired, brick work, blocks laid, remodelled, plastering. 4971W. cupboards, garages built, For quick service phone (1581) INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING and decorating. Estimates free. Phone 2113W. (159¢) 12--Personal Services ro A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT § Street West. Your patronage solic (Augly Upholstery cleaned, chesterfield suites, etc. NU-WAY RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS - PHONE 4803 (1602) 13--Nursing Service ACCOMMODATION, ova CENT or elder e; TAy = service. Athol Street East. 1871W. (Julls) 14--Household Repairs CHESTERFIELDS, REBUILT, RECO- vered, Like new. je. ha fac more? Our rates are Jeasonanie, action guar anteed. Phone 52 I ann Secluded beach. Ideal for 4 Bren, Ph Phone 4679 (1608) --$2,500 CASH. 8-room Hardwood hout, hot air heating with Timken oil bummer, fully insulated, new roof, throughout. A real buy in a good one 0 th. Ap- made only Hoos] this office. $6 50 ~-Celina Street. 7-room ' brick. Hardwood floors, ediate possession. EVERETT G. DISNEY 82 SIMCOE SOUTH PHONE 1550 : (150b) :1 $8, 5 0 brick on Warren Avenue. In excellent condition pointments to property hot-air heating. In condition Imm REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE COOKE REAL ESTATE NEWCASTLE PHONE CLARKE A 2021 --In Newcastle, new insul- $4,20 brick home, 4 rooms, living-room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and La uipped. Upstairs 3% finished. hice cation. 2 lots, very attractive. Immedi- ate possession. $1,000" ewtuusie's rooms' ana bathroom © upstairs, walls ana roof [all sheeted, inside for the gifierent REPAIRED AND RE. our materials for FURNITURE upholstered. See mn, 75 (Jul8) en ng, 'Phone '401 17--Radio Repairs REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF RADIOS. Wilson & Jee, 79 Simcoe North. Zions ug2) 18--Automobile Repairs 1 i Ee, a (Julld) 21--Business Opportunities 1uNcd COU. 154 Wiliam Stoel' Bast. Good foci jon. B Living ac- odations, ead, apargfient. Reasons fo 1 r selling given to those | ON $0c) Lost and Found WE oe N WL gE Ba Ssany morning. rooms, Semont cellar, lot 66'x375' land, nice location, pump. Would' make nite summer home while it is being terized. Immediate possession EVELYN E. COOKE BROKER (1608) 300 aL re of ory hans "Cloverient. Ideal Jocat > refreshment booth and gas pumps. of $6 80 --Terms. 5-room brick bun- ' 6-room brick gsalow. All conveniences. 36.2 300- | dusiiing. Hyaro, hye BERT PEYTON Real Estate and Insurance Broker BOND 8T. EAST. y (1608) 25---Real Estate For Sale 33 LOUISA STREET 68 rooms, 3 bedrooms, modern kit- chen, insulated. Immediate posses- sion, PHONE 1964 or 3644 (160b) $6,800 nck harawood "down. garage, double lot. Possession, one week, JONES and NOLAN BROKERS (158¢c) $4; 30 --8-room bungalow, 4-pc. bath, on ah Se Im- mediate possession. $2,700 d $60 --Double building lot, Park Rd. 8S. and Punshon St. 2 blocks north of King W. 71x114 ft, A real spot, large trees, $1 7 --~Lot on Rosehill Blvd. NHA, Bullding Loans arranged. LISTINGS WANTED W. McAULEY REALTOR 150 DIVISION STREET PHONE 3510M ANYTIME (160a) Modern Homes at Reasonable Prices Are you aware there is an im- mediate answer to the problem of how to have your "dream home" at prices which you can easily finance! If you desire! 1--A brick home 2--In a good locality 3--North or East end * 4=Built-in Kitchen Cupboards 5--All bedrooms with closets 6--Modern bathroom T--With built-in fixtures (including shower) 8--Mastic tile floors in Ktichen, Halls and Bath 9--Hardwood floors throughout 10--Fuily insulated + (walls and ceiling) 11--Constructed to rigid specifications 12--Ample electric outlets 13--Wired for electric stove 14--Hot Water Tank 16--T7' basement headroom, ready for future "playroom" 18--Early possession 17--Scientifically designed 18--In location where values will "hold" with these monthly payments: 4-Room Bungalows--$25.50 5-Room Bungalows--$28.52 6-Room 1%-storey--=$30.04 Including Principal and Interest "Down Payments" as.low as $600. Why accept less than all these features, when deciding on your purchase. Veterans of world war II have priority of purchase. Phone us at any time for infor mation or call at our office for illustrated booklet. Only $200 de- posit required to hold one of these homes for you. About 50% of them have been sold to date, We have exclusive listing on all of these homes. ASK FOR MR. NASH AT 4400 or 5260W. Phowe 4400 chofield INSURANCE <Agency REALTORS 6 Simcoe Street North (160a) $9 Q7 5--Duplex dwelling, new, » consisting of two 4-room apartments. Modern kitchen and two Refissors with living-room. Fully in- North east section. Half cash aquirea or wil win accept other property. $ 4, 800--2unsstow, frame, 5 iy Decoration on good. mice 8 "garden fot. Po Pop: session 30 n Road. W. E. HOLMES BROKER 19 ONTARIO ST. RES.: 3441M--OFTFICE 328 (July9,12) 25--Real Estate For Sale. $3,800 CASH, MILL STREET, rooms immediate possession. "a, with ,600 down, 4-room brick on Gliddon Avene, immediate pos- session. $9, downs buys a King Street West brick home, suit- able for tourist or private home. $6,400, cash, buys 6-room house on 'Athol Street, Tranetiiate ossession. $7, 500, buys Church Street 7-room house, im- mediate possession. Harness and re- pairé and baggage shop, $3,500, imme- diats E. Real Eetnee pana (over Eaton's) _ (158¢c (158¢) 5-ROOM VENEER, HARDWOOD floors, all aa central. Ap- ply 41 Louisa Street. (159¢) 3 BUILDING LOTS, 60'x160', NORTH- Sd. close to bus, $500 each. Phone | di 9c 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE, hot water heated, all conveniences, Apply 71 Westmount Avenue, (158¢) EVEN-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, BARN, chicken house, -acres, hydro, water, Fourteen miles from Oshawa. Good cow, brood sow and two young pigs. Owzier will sacrifice. Apply after 6, Mrs. Crumb, Ashburn, Ont. (15 9c) 32--Automobiles for Sale '31 PONTIAC A SEDAN, '34 FORD SE- dan, '38 Chev coach, '37 Willys Coupe, '33 Chev. panel truck, '32 Plerce Ano tow truck. Fowlers Garage, 1200° das E., Whitby (1600) '33 HUDSON SEDAN i aeop COND! tion. Oheap. 636 Somerville Ave. 2164W. (160a) $125. 1931 CHEV. ROADSTER. DELI- very box d. 13 St. Ave. __ (1604) '40 PONTIAC SPECIAL DELUXE SE- dan, heater. Apply 63 Avenue St. oon) ay. a 3 PLYMOUTH, CUSTOM, EXOCEL- lent condition droughotie. Heater. Call between 6 and 7 p.m. 364 Simcoe 1600) 160) '37 PACKARD SEDAN, GOOD Rs 3 Real will 4th consider truck or car in trade. hou 's Road South. (159¢) LO T FOR SALE, 45 x 120. THE COR- ner of Hillcroft and Grierson. Phone 2636. (158¢) HOMES AND BUSINESS PROPERTY for sale. Mortgage and buildin joan$ arranged, Whether buying or selling, I am at your service. Let me know your requirements. I can help you. W. McAuley, Realtor, 150 Division Street. Phone 3510M, anytime. (1591) FARM, 175 ACRES, 20 ACRES HARD- wood bush, steel barn, pig pen and hen house, 9-room cement block house, hydro, spring well, Immediate posses- sion, near Newtonville; Also 100 gcres, big barn, water in stable, litter.car- rier, driving shed, pig pen in "barn, separate horse barn, stone house. 11 rooms, bath, furnace, telephone, 7 acres orchard, 3 acres bush. Immediate pos- sessoin. $8,000. Two outstanding farms. James Nixon, Bowmanville. 160 Liberty St. N. Phone 682 Bowmanville. (160a) NEW 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. ALL modern, conveniences, Possession any- time. Apply to 217 Olive Ave. (160c) 4 FAMILY APARTMENT, ON SIMCOE Street. Each contains 3 rooms and bathroom, all modern. Lot 60x260. Rea- sonable, Immaegliate possession of one. Would consider small house as part payment. Apply 364 Simcoe 8. (180b) '45 She MOTORCYCLE "74", BUD- dy seat, windshield, saddle bags, kick stand, crash guards. Simon new. Ort- ginal mileage, 2,400. ce $750 or best offer. Hess' Gravel Bit. R.R. 1, Brook~ lin. Phone Brooklin 93-r-41. ' "(159¢c) 1941 CHEVROLET HALF-TON PICK-UP truck. Tires, motor and body in good condition. B. F. Goodrich Daren ing Street at Ritson Road. (160b) 1937 DODGE SEDAN, 5 GOOD TIRES, radio, heater, $825. After 5 p.m. 116 Eldon Ave. (160b) 1935 DODGE SEDAN, NEW MOTOR, Teally good tires and new paint job. Joh 'owell, opposite Powell's Garage: North Oshawa. 58c) '33 - FORD SEDAN, $175. Garage. 181 Albert Street. (158d) 1938 FORD 2!2-TON DUMP TRUCK, steel box, 825 x 20 'tires, booster brakes. Ready for work. 1036 Ford truck, hydraulic dump, good mech- anically, $425. Cash or terms. Snook's Auto Sales, Blackstock. Phone bi £458 ic 29 FORD CABRIOLET. PHONE 28872, (158¢c) '34 CHEV. CABRIOLET, GOOD CON- dition. Naiman's Garage, 181 Albert Street. (158d) NAIMAN'S MODERN SIX-ROOMED HOUSE IN north end of city. Will consider a 5 or 8-roomed bungalow in exchange. Apply Box 745, Times-Gazette. (160b) TWO LOTS, ONE FOUNDATION LAID, on Simcoe St. N.,, North Oshawa. Phone 2525W. (160c) BUILDING LOT 76, PLAN 263, ROSE- hill Blvd. Water main past lot. Best offer over $135. Box 744, Pimes-Gagatie. ( ) 25c--Farmers' Column REGISTERED JERSEY COW, GIVING good Tianiy of milk. William C. Par- sons, Waverly Rd., Bowmanville. Phone 2315. (160b) STANDING MIXED HAY FOR SALE. Apply R. C. Moon, Raglan. (160b) 26--Real Estate Wanted YOUNG COUPLE HAVE $1500 DOWN payment for five or six-room house, ood condition, near Motors. Phone 152W, after 5 (158¢) 28--Houses For Rent HOUSE TO RENT, FOUR MILES north east of Oshawa. Phone 163J11. (160a) 29--Rooms for Rent BED-SITTING ROOM, WITH BREAK- Tast for abstalner. East section. Phone 4798J. (158d) NEWLY-DECORATED BEDROOM FOR rent. Apply 202 Ritson Road South. (158d) FURNISHED ROOM WITH KITCHENS. Call between 10 and 2. 26 Gladstone. Phone hd (160¢c) ONE FURNISHED BED - SITTING room, central, continuous hot water. Phone 745. (160b) FURNISHED CORBETT'S Point. Phone 1790. (160¢) rca ee a ONE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING , ROOM. Apply 31 Elgin East. Phone Ted : iC FURNISHED BEDROOM, suitable for two; ground floor. 209 Simcoe South. (158d) 2. LARGE SEPARATE BEDROOMS FOR gentlemen. 223 Athol St. East, (159c) BED-SITTING ROOM, NICELY FUR- nished, continuous hot water. Phone 1068W. (159¢) NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT- able for gentlemen or business comple; Phone 1481 (158b) 2 ROOMS FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nished. A) BY 459 Ritson Soad South. Phone 398! (159b) BEDROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. BREAK- fast, continuous hot water. Phone Whitby 2466, (159b) 29a--For Rent FOR RENT Electrical Appliances Public Address Sound Systems -- Sound Movie Projectors. CHRISTIAN'S 11 SIMCOE N. PHONE 1000 (1591) CABINS. NICELY 29b--Summer Resorts COMFORTABLY FURNISHED COT- tage with - hydro, vicinity of Geneva Park. Close to Oshawa. For second and third week in July. Phone 1827J4. (160b) 5-ROOM SUMMER COTTAGE ON RICE Laks, Zor sale or rent. Apply 98 Park (160c) 30--Room and Board ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT. BOARD. 62 Division Street. Very central. (Augé) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO MEN, all 33onyenisnces, near Motors. Phone (158¢) 31--Wanted to Rent YOUNG COUPLE WITH BABY WANT 3-room apartment or small house. Phone 2 (1551) BACHELOR APARTMENT OR LARGE unfurnished room and private bath- room, by gentleman with good re- ferences. Box 732, Times-Gazette. (150¢c) YOU WEAR THEM OUT, WE FIX them. Bill Moring"s Garage, North Osh- awa. (Aug.6) 42 CHEV. 3-TON COMBINATION dump, good condition, ready for work. Apply 481 Drew, after 5. (157e) 1941 DODGE. APPLY 78 HIGHLAND Avenue. Phone 4745W. (159¢) 1930 C COACH, RECENTLY overhauled, 'good tires. Apply 120 Rosehill Boulevard, after 3 p.m. (158¢) RAY BENNETT MOTORS Be a happy man Tomorrow Buy a BENNETT Car Today. '48 CHEV. Fleetline Sedan, brand new. CHEV. Stylemaster Coach, brand new. CHEV. Opera Seat Coupe, 2,000 miles. 3 MERCURY Opera Seat Coupe, beautiful car. PONTIAC Silverstreak Sedanette, outstanding car. CHEV. Opera Seat Coupe, low mileage. OLDS. American 6 hydra- matic sedanette, like new. WILLY'S Station Wagon, '48 '48 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan- ette, many extras. OLDS. Town Sedan, good condition. DODGE Deluxe Coach, extra clean. PONTIAC Deluxe Coach, low mileage, CHEV. Standard Coach, good condition. OLDS. Deluxe Coach, many extras. FORD Opera Seat Coupe, a beauty. FORD Deluxe Coach, very clean, HUDSON Deluxe Sedan, CADILLAC, small series, sedan, beautiful car, HUDSON Deluxe Sedan, good value. 41 "40 '40 "40 '40 '40 '40 '39 SMALL HOUSE IN OSHAWA OR VI- cinity, reliable tenant, Teferences. Phone Mr. Elliott, 902, after (Jivo. 12) COUPLE WOULD LIKE UNFURNISHED apartment or flat. No children. : Box 733, Times-Gazette. (158¢) RESPECTABLE COUPLE WITH _13- year-old boy, Giza. two or three rooms. hone 158¢) 4 OR 5-ROOM HOUSE, PHONE 2-0157 Kearns, 336 Dobbin Avenue, boro. 159¢) QUIET YOUNG COUPLE REQUIRE A three-room apartment or flat; abstain- ers. Phone 3842W, after 5 p.m. (158c) THREE ROOMS NEEDED BY YOUNG couple to be married in August. Ab- stainers. Box 735, Times- ame, ac) (158¢ 32--Automohiles for Sale 37 FORD, DELUX SEDAN. SERIAL No. 786050. est cash offer. Corner Stephenson's Best and Rossland Rosa, 160b) x FORD COACH. PHONE 3393J. ( 160b) condition. Apply 47 McMillan Drive anytim (160a) '39 ORLY MASTER SEDAN, EXCEL- lent condition throughout, heater, fog lamp. 70 McLaughlin Blvd. (160b) '31 FORD ROADSTER, 4 NEW TIRES S700" new top. $225. or best offer. Phone 37990, after 7, (1608) CHEV. Standard € Coach: PONTIAC Deluxe Coach, ready to go. '36 '35 Up to 18 Months to Pay LOW DOWN PAYMENT. Bennett's Lead The Rest For They're The Best. 429 King West . PHONE 4554 (1600) 33--Automobiles Wanted CASH FOR YOUR CAR! BRAMLEY Motor Sales, 1271 Simecou Street North. Phone 4695W. (Augd) LADY WANTS '38 TO '4l COUPE CAR, in good condition. Phone 2720J or ap- ply 789 King East, after 6:30. (160a) MORE CASH FOR YOUR CAR AT Dodd's Car Lot, 418 Park Road South. Phone 2872W, (Aug?) 32--Automobiles for Sale 36--Articles for Sale Stoney's :| The Reliable Dealer Offers PONTIAC OPERA COUPE, radio and heater. PONTIAC 8 SEDAN- ETTE, radio and heater. CHEV. SEDAN, very clean car. FORD DELUXE SEDAN DODGE DELUXE SEDAN . FORD COACH, outstand- ing car. CHEV. COACH; very clean car. CHEV. SEDAN, radio and heater. PONTIAC SEDAN, running car PLYMOUTH CUSTOM SEDAN $1,095. CHRYSLER SEDAN, dio and heater. HUDSON COACH, good ra- real FORD SEDAN, heater . CHEV. COACH, condition. PONTIAC OPERA COUPE, outstanding car. radio and perfect Many more models to choose from. As Low As 3 Down and As Long As 24 MONTHS TO PAY Stoney's THE GREATEST NAME IN THE USED CAR BUSINESS PHONE 4183] OPEN DAILY Open Evenings Until 9 p.m. Sat. Until 6 p.m. 429 KING WEST (160a) 1 34--Pets and Livestock WISH TO DI TO DISPOSE OF SEVER AL I RE- | gistered cocker spaniels at once. Rea- | sonable. We also trim, bath, board dogs. Waubena Kennels, 1 mile west of Osh- awa on new highway. (Julll) FOR SALE. 11 PUREBRED ANGORA rabbits. Price reasonable, Phone eM ( a) FOR SALE. 9 PIGS, 8 WEEKS OLD. Apply W. Barry, !2 mile south of Brooklin elevator. (160) | ONE PUREBRED REGISTERED JER- sey bull; one 3-yr.-old riding colt, gue, kind to handle. R. Suess ni , Whitby. GOLDEN JUBILEE KENNELS OFFERS Jeaigresd Boston terrier puppies. hone 2544, Whitby, after 6 p.m. (158c) DACHSHUND PUPPIES, BLACK, FROM regisierad parents. Males, $35; fe- , $25. Bowmanville 2679. 35--Wearing Apparel WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, sterilized, cleaned and pressed like Carrying a bg grock ot ond 5° coats, suits and pants. W. Sam Schwartz. Aug?) SIZES DRESSES, SKIRTS, COATS, 12 to 16. Excellent condition. Phone 4152W (160a) 36--Articles for Sale FOUR. THOUSAND CLEAN BRICKS; Drop-leaf table; electric washing ma- chine; home-made scales, weigh 600 1bs.: 35-acre farm. A. E. Fisher, 13 mile JO of Thornton's Corners. Phone 4141J2. (1604) 5 USED TIRES AND TUBES (600-16) 246 Court St. (160b) R.C.AA. VICTOR MANTEL AND PER- sonal type radios, wood or plastic, may be purchased on. our Thrifty budget plan, Also car radlos in stock. your holidays with music. Payments to suit your budget. B. F. Goodrich Stores. Phone 247. (J1y9,13,15) SHOWCASES FOR SALE MUST BE SOLD BY THIS WEEK-END! SACRIFICE! ® 10 ft. Wall Case ® 8 ft. Wall Case ® 6 ft. Show Case APPLY AT HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS 244, SIMCOE ST. N. (160b) (1591) | Enjoy | MODERN "BEACH" LOAL AND WOOD stove, like new; baby's pram, in good condition. 190° Mill Street. 4118%. (158¢) GUARANTEED VENETIAN 12 2 uaerent colors. Flexalum steel or Made to measure for any win- doy: 'Free estimates and Jnstaliavions, Wo Industries Limited. J. W, Mel- ley. Phone 4101. (Aug.2) CEDAR POSTS AND POLES. ANY quantity delivered. Phone 1962W. (Augs) ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATERS OF all types, including controls. Heat 26--Articles For Sale CIRCULAR SAW AND SANDER table and motor; also toilet bowl a flush tank Phone 695R. (160c) 150 FEET, NO. 2, RUBBER COATED wire. Apply R.'S. Keyes, Wilson Rd. (1600) NEW JOHNSON 5 HP. OUTBOARD motor. Phone 78. (160b) LARGE USED GILSON FURNACE, heat 12-room house. Apply 485 Bloor E. (160c) KITCHEN SINK, HIGH BACK, KIT- chen cabinet, Jacket neater, laundry top, laundry 'tub, grates to all Gilson furnaces, wringers for Gilson Snowe Bird washing machines. Phone 3026R. (160c) your water electrically, ly; save fuss and bother. Christian's, (1 S8¢c) RANGETTE TOVE. AND COOK &§ Phone 3089J. (160a) Phone 1000. HOT AIR FURNACE, GOOD CONDI- Hon, Apply 103 Celina Street, between nd 7. 58¢) Roos AUTOMATIC MILK COOLER, used only three months. Phone 1589R. (July 17) MAN'S BICYCLE, GOOD CONDITION; also guitar, with case. 242 Verdun Road. (159b) ELECTRIC RANGETTE; 89 RECORDS, $6; , girl's bicycle, wardrobe trunk Phone 5039W. To _{1se} STORE ~ FIXTURES, SHOWCASES, wall cases, shoe shine stand, desk, etc. Apply George Sachlas, 80 Church St. Phone 1751J, Oshawa. (158¢) OIL BURNING SPACE HEATER, WILL burn kerosene. Half regular price, Christian's. Phone 1000. (158¢) WHITE METAL ICE BOX, 50-LBS, capacity, Prec condition, $15. 1 Park Road | South. ONE-HORSE LIGHT WAGON, PLA form spring. Bowmanville, 2679. (i558) MAN'S BICYCLE, GOOD CONDITION, b) $20. 99 Nassau Street. CAMERA, LIKE NEW, WITH CASB flash holder and tripod. Reduced to one ly fifteen dollars. Apply 512 Simcoe N. (160a) RADIO AND RECORD PLAYER, COM- bination, portable models, 25-60 cycle single reco. type. Ideal for cot! e op home recreation. 2 only. Specially price ed to clear. $785 down payment, bale alice, pasable over six month eriod on our Thrifty budget . Goode Bhan lan. rich Stores. Paone 2: 2af, JUICEX, ELECTRIC CARROT JUICE extractor as new; also oil stove, 3e burner. Phone 4180J2. (160b) OIL STOVE, 2 BURNER, WINGHAM Clipper, white enamel, like new, burn ers used one year. Apply last house on Neath St, (160b) COAL AND WOOD RANGE, 6 PLATES, cream enamel, good condition. Phone 5085W. (16 08) 37--Articles Wanted GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED, ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 58 King West. 3326. (Augs) CEMENT MIXERS, HAND AND iy ered; also hand pumps, deep well and shallow well pressure system and pump jacks. Phone 2118W. 159¢c) WALNUT STAINED BEDSTEAD AND springs. Phonet2507M. 514 Park Road South. (159b) DRY WOOD, MIXED SLABS, 4- lengths, $35 per load, 3 full FOOT cords. Phone ne Lloyd, »_Whitby 921. (Aug8) JERAL ELECTRIC RANGE, TABLE tyle. Now available for imme- oe delivery. Christian's. Phone 1000; (159¢) MECCANO SET, IN GOOD CONDITION. Apply Box 743, Times-Gazette, (160b) DOLL CARRIAGE, LARGE SIZE PRE ferred, in good condition. Phone 2508W. ( 160b) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PAPER, rags, mattresses, iron and Local and out of town calls free. Phone 635, Cedardale Metals, 100 Annis St. East of C.NR. Station. (Aug?) GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK, fe fect condition. Phone 2015. IN PER. (159¢¥ DRESSER AND DRESSING TABLE. Good condition. bp 114 Brock St. West or phone 568 (159b) 5. | SMALL CRIB, ELECTRIC BROILER. Both like new. P (159b) 8" COMBINATION RIP AND CROSS- cut saw; also grinding outfit, electric motor included. Phone 3374W, alter > c TWO B00XT6 GOODYEAR TIRES AND "ILdfeguard'" tubes; two 650x16 tires and tubes. 17 Elena Street. (15 9c) BOAT, PETERBORO "AQUA FLYER," with navigation lights, 16 h.p. AREA motor, complete with trailer. New In April; excellent condition. Apply 120 Walnut, Whitby. (159¢) EXTRA LARGE ANTIQUE WHAT-NOT; piano and electric Tangene. Apply 296 William St. East after 5 o'clock. (1551) WESTINGHOUSE GAS ENGINE WASH- ing machines, using Johnson Iron=- horse engine, latest model. Meagher's, 5 King West. (Aug.3) INGLIS GLASS LINED ELECTRIC water heaters. Fully automatic. Imme- diate delivery. Colvin Electric, 339 Simcoe South. Phone 1002. (July15) INLAID AND PRINTED LINOLEUM, felt base flooring in two and three- yard widths. Felt base rugs in all sizes. .Bradley Furniture Co. 40 King Street West. (15611) SUNBEAM MIXMASTERS AND SUN- beam '"Ironmaster" automatic irons, available for immediate delivery. Terms if desired. Meagher's, 82 Simcoe St. N., and 5 King Ww (Ju126) PLAST-I- -GLOSS, WONDER _ FLOOR finish, no wax, no polishing, dries one hour. Free ers. Associated Services. 23 Bond West, Phone 4538W. (Julyl0) AWNINGS, ONLY LIMITED SUPPLY available. Order now. Chairs and tables for rent. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N. Oshawa. (Aug4) 1,000 FEET GALVANIZED SEAMLESS pine, 113". South End Hardware. Phone 5193. (158¢) FOLDING GO-CART, BABY'S CAR seat, high chair without tray, electric radiator. Phone 1530M. (158¢) SCRAP LUMBER, BOXES, PACKING cases, etc., by the truck load, delivered. Phone 3288J. (158¢) TRAILER, 1,-TON, SINGLE, PNEU- matic tired caster wheel, with shock | absorber. Slashed to less than half | hice 32 clear. Terms, $50. Christian's, 1000. (158¢) ), CUT, DELIVERED. CEDAR {posts "any length, delivered. Phone | 3903J. (July12) | TEED VENETIAN BLINDS, 55¢ PER sq. ft. Measured and installed. George | M. Reid, Phone 2104. 65 Bond West. | (Juil26) {SOFT WOOD SLABS, $13.; HARDWOOD labs, $16. per cord, stove lengths. | Pore 2135W or Brooklin 8TRA. (Julyl2) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER Phone 3873M. - | rolls and belts for all makes of wash- Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. (Jul25tr) ors. Phone 3800W. ALL KINDS ~- 0 = FANS - at - CHRISTIAN'S (Jun30-Jull4) CABIN TRAILER Good condition. Apply 136 Simcoe St. S. * (154t0) PORTABLE' RADIO CAMERA SIZE for summer cottage, camp or "American Emerson', cream Bargain, | 1deal | travelling. enamel. {PHONE 1871J or 36 ARLINGTON pve ) USED RADIOS CONSOLE AND MANTLE . MUST CLEAR TO ALLOW FOR FLOOR SPACE $14.95 and up or BEST OFFER! Record Players, $7.95 and up (used) Used Records, 20c each or 2 for 35¢ Connor Washers $159.50. Just a few left. $15.95 down, bal- ance on monthly payments. BARONS' RADIO AND ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE ST. 8. PHONE 249 & 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. (Juidoy SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone Sram {Jull3) 38--Female Help Wanted SPLENDID OP IRTUNITY FOR young lady with sant personality, intelligent, abitio; ood worker, neas dresser. Willing #/ Hl selling of Lae dies' Ready-to- .A\Steady position with chances fgr q k promotion. A ly in own Randwriting. Sor ATH imes-Gazette. (157d) GIRL OR AN, FOR STEADY store work. Box "943, Times-Gagette, (160c) EXPERIENCED KITCHEN HELP FOR Central Hotel Grill. (157e) CLEAN ENERGETIC WOMAN FOR dishwashing, steady fii loyment, good hours and wages. ply Commercial Hotel, Oshawa. (157e) SALESGIRL, MUST BE ABLE TO SEW, Sewing Machine Co. TEL) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH. WILSON. and teach dressmaking. Apply Su er' WANTED, COOK GENERAL oR a mer cottage, from July 15 to Sept. 1. Apply stating particulars to Box 641, Times-Gazette. Phone 661. (159 cy. GIRL FOR UPSTAIRS WORK; LIVE in. Apply Balmoral Hotel, Bowman ville, (158¢) 39--Male Help Wanted WATRIN S QUALITY PRODUCTS CAN two more men in Oshawa. Profitable, pleasant business. Opps tunity for advancement. Box 737, Times-Gazette. (Jul7,8.,9, 13, 13, 14) NIGHT PORTER REQUIRED, LIVE-IN. Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanville. (160c) TEMPORARY HELP WANTED. JUNIOR to assist in shipping room. Apply T. Ld Scott, Willlam J. Anderson Euclid Street North, Whitby. as MAN WANTED--FOR RAWLEIGH BUS- iness. No experience or capital neces- sary. Sales easy to make and pi ts large. Start immediately. Write Rawe leigh Dept. ML-G-310-190, Montreal, Que, (July2,5.9,12,16,19,23,26,30) URGENTLY NEEDED MAN BETWEEN 25 AND 30 High school education, truck drive | ing experience, opportunity for ' advancement for energetic worker. APPLY IN PERSON: 79 Wilkinson Avneue (158¢) CARETAKER for Westmount School, Pine Ave. i Duties to commence August 1, Ap= § ply stating age. experience and salary required to on ; H. Whittaker 207 GIBBON STREET of Oshawa, not later than July 20 (138¢) PLASTERERS WANTED ! " APPLY Anderson Plastering Contractors BEST WAGES PAID 369 Drew Street PHONE 547TW (1560) STORE. MANAGER Furniture company requires mane ager for Oshawa store. Exceptional opportunity for an experienced sales executive to not only earn good. salary but to advance in our or. ganizetion. Give full details of your business experience in letter to BOX 640 . . OSHAWA TIMES-GAZETTE 5 0 (159b) 39a--Male or Female Help YS OR GIRLS LE and other garden Work. Phone 8630." Tt. (158¢c) . (160b)d | (gontinued on Page 13

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