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Daily Times-Gazette, 12 Jul 1948, p. 12

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE MONDAY, JULY '12, 1948 PAGE TWELVE WANT D SECTION <7 sss BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors KINS, CERTIFIED GEN- Bi or tant, 24 Alger Bldg. King St. East. Phone 2127. Consulting ac- ...countant and auditor. (Augl) 2. --Barristers Female Help Wanted . Articles for Bale .. Articles Wanted .. Agents Wanted ... Auditors ...eeeeese Funeral Cel 8 B 84% Ry Lo Ne 01 ans North. Phone 67. NANT & ANNIS, B BARRIS Fry Pr, Tia Simcoe itr Phone 4, ae 769. A. W. 8 GREER, K.C., s Solicitor, etc, 6 Rig Siren} East, hone 3160. partner W_ C. Pollard, K.C., ha} Ont. TERSON, CREIGHTON & FRASER, oo etc. Bank of Commerce (Augl) R. D. HREYS, K.C.. BARRISTER Solicitor, etc, 6 King Bt. West. Phones: Office' 814; residence 3207. Money to loan. (Augl) Street (Augl) barr Building. JAMES R. MacBRIEN, BARRIS itor. Mite 201, 70 Eing East, Hand gg 1. Phone 349. (Augl) MANGAN, 5 BARRIS- loan. Office JOSEPH FP. ter, Solicitor. 1 King St. ue Res. Phone 837. ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, clitor, iL King E. Room 2. Phones Office 55 3 3687R. (Augl) 5 AND J. A. YANCH, A. J. PARKHILL Mortgage josua, Na Housing Act loans. 26 Simcoe North. Phone 1614. Res. 1975.1. (Augl) MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- 888: Block, suite No. 4. Phone his 5a. brid ug 3a--Physicians and Surgeons BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. BE ooava' Phone 3832. Hours: "sac. | to Weve and (except Wed and Sat.) 2to4and7 to (Augl) 4--Chiropractors E. W. BROWNLEE, DOCTOR OF Ln ractic. Electric Treatments. Free tation, 15 Simcoe North. Soone | &--Gptomeris . H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Hy "to 12, 2 to 5 and Monaay, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Phone 1516. {ausl) Johnson, Optom 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE Contuls u us for any of your insurance ing ite, 2 : ip Eins Street East, phone (Augl) 7--Veterinarians {LOT AT MISSISSAUGA LAKE IN , tunities ...e.eeee Business Opper. tunities Wanted. Chiropractors ..... Dentists ... Dr Bploymen Beat J Nursing sessssess $1 | Optometrists CLASSIFIED ONE INSERTION ih 'eo TWO CONSECUTIVE iN SERTIO! Above raves apply eomly to original new 20 words or less. ull word. All Classified Advertisements INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS For Rent ,..ccc..c0 300 Legal Notices ..... Wanted ......e00 Male and Female Help Wanted ... Money to Loan ... THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS .. EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION .... Profstiionn) Ai and Pavan iy listings Ho por Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and e sign, figure count as « f Box charged 10c additional. before publication, Office heurs: Bale ....co000000 38 ed seessccce 0 Real Estate Exchange ....... 27 Rooms For Rent .. 29 Board sessesce 308 AD RATES % Words Bach Add x = Y rr soe FH 0% orders for consecutive imsertioms. at a later date comstitute a month for for all Rords over 20. MUST be in by 6 pm. the day Daily 8-6. Saturday 8-5. 25--Real Estate For Sale HOMES AND BUSINESS PROPERTY for sale. Mortgage and building loans arranged. Whether buying or selling, I am at your service. Let me ii your requirements. I can help McAuley, Realtor, 150 Pro AR Street. Phone 3510M, anytime. iy NEW 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. SE. ALL modern, conveniences, Possession any- time. Apply to 217 Olive Ave. (160c) 4 FAMILY APARTMENT, ON SIMCOE Street. Each contains 3 rooms and bathroom, all modern. Lot 60x260. Rea- sonable. Immediate ession of one. Would consider small house as part payment. . Apply 364 Simcoe S. (160b) North Kawarthas; 300 feet lake front- age on mainland, accessible by water only. At present, price $180.00. F. Rut- land, 272 Parliament Street, Tortlean) ( 32--Automobiles for Sale 1941 LET, HALF TON PICK- up truck. Tires, motor and body in od condition, B. Be Goodrich Stores, ing St., at Ritson ad. (161b) '30 CHEV. SEDAN, IN GOOD CONDI- tion. Radio and heater, 4 new tires. Box 747, Times-Gazette. (161c) 1938 DODGE SEDAN, GOOD CONDI- tion, heater, good tires. Phone 5022J after 5. (162c) '20 DURANT, NEW TIRES, CAR IN A-1 condition $175. no higher or lower price. Phone 53 43W. (161b) YOU WEAR THEM OUT, WE FIX them. Bill Moring's Garage, North Dens AWS. (Aug.6 '31 PONTIAC SEDAN, "34 FORD a dan, '38 Chev coach, '37 Willys Coupe, '33 Chev. panel truck, '32 Plerce Arrow tow truck. Fowler's Garage, 1200 Dun- das E., Whitby. (160¢c) BUILDING LOT 76, PLAN 263, ROSE- hill Blvd, Water main Jout lot. Best offer over $138 Box 744, os-Giazetle. 34,200 -- FORT WHITBY ROOM house, heavy wiring, electric pump, double garage, barn, hen house, about 71; acres, immediate fon. Apply possess' P. Lovick, No. 7 Highway, Kinsale ur Corners. (161b) TWO LOTS, ONE FOUNDATION LAID, on Simcoe St-N., North Oshawa. Phone 2525W. (160c) 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. FURNACE. All conveniences. South end. Immedi- DR. E H ate Apply 142 Annis St. (16 1c) WEBSTER, small animal surgery. . W. Phone 2010. 9--Money To Loan SHIENTS MONIES MF FOR mortgages. Apply wartz, oer, Bassett Block, suite No. 4. 'Telephone 282. (Augl) 10--Instruction PRE-FALL TERM COMMENCES TUES- day, August 3. All commercial subjects. Comptometer. School' closed during July. Oshawa Business College, 18 Sim- coe North. Phone 1314W. (Jull3tf) 11--Building Trades FOR PLASTERING AND STUCCO work phone 4117M. Free esyingte io ug ALEX VAJDA, BUILDER, CONTRAC- tor, alterations, carpenter work. 481 Drew Street. Phone 4117TW sete suing) ul ROOFING, (July 24) FILL, LO. DUMP bulldozer. 'Prompt, F. Essery. Phone (Jul22) LOAM, CINDERS, GRAVEL, SAND, cement work. Dump, stake truck, forms and mixer for hire. Phone dR. u FOR CARPEN/ER WORK, alterations. Phone 4423-W, SAND, GRAVEL, trucks, excavating, reliable service. 3470. EXCAVATING, ALL KINDS; SEWERS, drains, cellars and grading. 418 Park Road South. Phone 2872 (Aug?) WEEPING TILE, 4-INCH, 8 CENTS each delivered. Dance Bros, Whitby 9217. - (Augs) GENERAL CONTRACTING, CHIMNEYS built or repaired, brick work, cement blocks laid, verandas, shingling, houses remodelled, cupboards, garages bullt, plastering. For quick service phone 4971W. (1501) THIRTEEN BUILDING TOTS, 100' {ronuage, prply N. Gulenchyn, 823 Gle oad, Lakeview Gardens. (161c) 5-roomed BUNSRIOW. 2 water and light, good Sareg $2,100, down Phyimeh, $7 Possession immedi- 3: roomed house,l-acre land: 2uSood lumber. Price $1,250. go ediate possession Store in middle of city: possessiol in two weeks' time. 000 buys ty T. L. McEachern Real Estate 7 Bond East 2369R + (162b) $9, 97 5 Duplex dwelling, new, Sonslanng of two 4-room apartments. Modern kitchen and two bedrooms with living-room. Fully in- Sulated, North east section. Half cash fequlred or will accept other property. Balance as rent. --Bungalow, frame, 5 rooms $4,80 and bath down, 2 up. Decoration Joo, nice garden lot. Pos: session 30 days. Verdun Road. W. E. HOLMES BROKER 19 ONTARIO ST. RES.: 3441M--OFTFICE 328 (July®,12) 2y--Rooms for Rent LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUIT- able for two, every convenience, break- fast if desired. Phone 3718R. 233 Athol East. (161c) INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING and decorating. Estimates free. Phone 2113W. (159¢) FURNISHED ROOM WITH KITCHENS. Call between 10 and 2. 26 Gladstone. Phone 4604W. (160c) 12--Personal Services ISHED CABINS. FURN. Point. Phone 1780. (160c) P. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS BEDROOM WITH ALL CONV! CES. 184 King St. W. Phone 4714J. (161c) watchmaker. Repair shop at 46 Bing Street West. Your p he 13--Nursing Service ACCOMMODATION, CONVALESCENT or elderly people; tray service Athol Street East. 1671W. Cull) - 14--Household Repairs CHESTERFIELDS, von RECO- vered., Like new. Bat more? Our rates are ee Ba istacton guar- anteed, Phone 5280W ni , 3344 days. (Aug. i) REPAIRED Bee our materials B Bruce R. Dalton, 75 (Aug.8) FURNITURE upholstered. recovering. 17--Radio Repairs REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF RADIOS. flson & I.ee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone (Aug?) 18--Automobile Repairs MOREY 'S8 GARAGE, CORNER YERDUN Gliddon. Ewpert repalrs to G.M. i roducts. Specializing. te- building e: action. 1S 22--1.0st and Found LOST. PAIR WHITE OXFORDS, ON Gibb or Centre St, Wednesday morn~ ing. Pinder please phone 3547R. Renan. ) TWO ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT board. Apply 146 Tyler Crescent. Phone 4637TM. (161¢) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, UNHEA' No children. Apply 112 Eldon Ave. (1628) LARGE FURNISHED BED-SITTING room with kitchen. Very central. Phone 4714R. (161b) ROOM, FOR LIGHT ectric. 530. Tinning FURNISHED housekeeping, el ( 1610) water, sult business couple, 06 lvd. 29a--For Rent \ FOR RENT Electrical Appliances Public Address Sound Systems -- Sound Movie Projectors, CHRISTIAN'S 11 SIMCOE N. PHONE 1000 ' (150t1) 29b--Summer Resorts 5-ROOM SUMMER COTTAGE ON RICE Lake, for sale or rent. Apply 98 Park Rd. South. (160c) 30--Room and Board LOST. BLACK WALLET, SUM OF valuable personal "return turn to 1 188 Alma St. Reward. : (161c) LOST. PAIR OF BLUE SHELL RIM Sasser without case, between the Bank of Commerce and the corner of Bruce and Celina, down King. Phone 292W. (160c) 23---Women's Column w erences, Box 732, ne (150¢ LI ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. 62 Division Street. Very central. (Augé) 31--Wanted to Rent GARAGE, THREE = BLOCKS FROM Four Corners. Apply Box 848, Times- Gazette. (162a) BACHELOR APARTMENT OR LARGE unfurnished room and Hvate 1 bath- room, by gentleman ge cxper: Titing SPRING, FASHION IN expert . girdles. corselettes brassieres. Pho SMALL HOUSE IN OSHAWA OR re cinity, reliable tenant, references. Phone Mr. Elliott, 902, after 6. (Jiy9.12) atter, go (Julll) 4---Personal FOUR GIRLS WISHING A RIDE TO 'Wasaga Beach, July 24. Phone 1737J after 5. (161b) CRESS PLIABLE PLASTIC CORN PADS + have consistently giveh sure relief, $50. ARD FOR INFO leading to the rental of 4 or 6-room, house oF a) ay Goldman, c/o .R. No. 1, Oshawa. (18lc) | he bre for Sale 36 OHRYSLER SEDAN, ALSO 31 ~ Your druggist Sells the best and it's Cress'. (July 12, Aug. 4, 27, Sept. 20) Chex roadster. Cash, trade or terms. Apply 217 McKim, CORBETT'S | W. '35 CHEV. STANDARD, PERFECT CON- dition. Phone 3947-W-1. (162b) '39 Done COACH, GOOD CONDI- tion. iy 1 Gibbs Ave, at end of Park Ra' (162c) 34 OLDS. CONVERTIBLE, GOOD tires; reasonable, Apply 64 Hillcroft St. (162b) WATCH FOR BELMONT MOTORS BIG CAR SALE On July 17. All our older models must be sold at a saving to you from: $100 to $200. (162e) 33--Automobiles Wanted YOUR CAR! BRAMLEY 1271 Simcoe Street North. Phone 4695W. (Aug3) MORE CABH FOR YOU CAR AT Dodd's Car dot, 418 Park Road South. Phone 2872W. (Aug?) SPOT CASH FOR YOUR CAR, ANY make if in good condition. See John Powel Motor Sales, today or phone (161c) 34--Pets and Livestock DACHSHUND PUPPIES, Blac, FROM registered parents. $35; fe- males, $25. Bowmintill 2679. (1591) COLLIE PUPS, 5 WEEKS OLD. MALE, $4.; female, 2. Apply 1024 Lakeview Gardens, Osha (1611 35-- Wearing Apparel WE BUY AND BELL USED CI sterilized, Slsanad new. Carrying a coats, suits and ants Sam Schwartz. 36--Articles for Sale 8OFT WOOD SLABS, $13.; HARDWOOD slabs, $16. per cord, stove len; Phone 2135W or Brookiin BIRA. Ea i) LLOYD PRAM, WINE AND CREAM, excellent condition. Phone 2805R, ts1e) BEDDING WEEK CASH FOR Motor Bales, at - BRADLEY'S STEEL CABLE SPRINGS . FOLDING COTS tins 4 WITH 4.50 STEEL BEDS, 2" STEEL TUBING SINGLE COUCH MATTRESSES DROP SIDE AND PULL-OUT COUCH- ES COMPLETE WITH ROLL EDGE CRETONNE COVERED MATTRESS $22.50 ALL-STEEL SLAT SPRINGS Layer Felt MATTRESS REG, $21.50 COTTON FILLED MATTRESSES $15.95 One Location Only! 38-40 KING ST. W. OSHAWA (162¢c) 36--Articles for Sale AWNINGS, ONLY LIMITED SUPPLY available. Order now. Chairs and tables for rent, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N., Oshawa. (Augd) FOOD: Gig TR th, delivered. Ph , any eng eliver one 903J. (July12) sr A COMPLETE STOOR OF rolls and belis for all makes of abe ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe 8 Phone 3800W. Cratsste) CIRCULAR SAW AND SANDER WITH table and, motor; also tollet bowl and flush tank- Phone 695R. (160c) YESTINGHOUSS ori ENGINE WASH- an, LB 65 Bond West. Measured an Phone 2104. 68 (Jul2s) ng usin; Borse engine, latest Enodel. 5 King West. INGLIS GLASS LI water heaters. Fully automatic. Imme- diate "delivery. 'Colvin Electric, Simcoe South. Phone 1092. ( INLAID PRINTED felt base flooring in two and three- yard widths, Felt base rugs in all sizes. Bradley Furniture Co., 40 King Street West. (156t1) TERS SUNBEAM MIXMAST; AND SUN- beam '"Ironmaster' automatic irons, available for immediate delivery. Terms Meagher's, 92 Simcoe St. N., and og Ring (J Sa WOOD'S AUTOMATIC MILK COOLE| used only three months. Phone 13608. BATH TUB, LAWN MOWER, ICE-BOX, % end double beds, other furniture, sultaF > for summer cottage. 56 Bond East .' ter 5. (161b) MOTOR BOAT, 18 FT. 8ST. LAWRENCE engine, 2 cylinder, forward and reverse gear, electric starter, $325. Phone 1777TW. ( 161b) GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS, 12 different colors. Flexalum steel or wi Made to measure for any win- dow. Free estimates and Instalistions. Met-Wo Industries Limited. J. W. Mel- ley. Phone 4101. (Aug.2) CEDAR POSTS AND POLES. ANY quantity delivered. Phone 1962W. aoe) ONE-H! E LIGHT WAGON, PLA form spring. Bowmanville, 2679. (1560) DRY Woop, ™ MIXED SLABS, 4-FOOT lengths, $35 per load, 3 full cords. Phone "Lloyd, Whitby 927. (Augs) CHESTERFIELD CHAIR, VERY COM- fortable, like new, Phone 1741W. (162a) IN EXCEL- LADIES' C.C.M. BICYCLE, Jent Ri hape . practically new. Phone Rossland Road ___(162a) oe PIECE KITCHEN | SUITE, NA NATUR- al, with red trim. Phone 4523-J. (162b) LARGE USED GILSON FURNACE, heat 12-room house. Apply 485 Bloc: E. (160c) KITCHEN SINK, HIGH BACK, KIT- chen cabinet, jacket heater, laundry top, laundry tub, grates to all Gilson furnaces, wringers for. Gilson Snow- Bird washing machines. Phone 3026R. (160c) MAN'S RACING BICYCLE -- APPLY 49 Arlington Ave. Phone M71W after 6 p.m. (1628) LAFE-A-DAY fra 7-12 Gopi. 1948, King Features Syndicate, "She's at that awkward age -- falls into every man's arms!" 2 1. regional 6. craze liquor J . informed 3. epoch reserved. its, 4. embrown . WAXY 6. associate . article of 41a--Lawn Mower Service LAWNMOWERS AND GARDEN TOOLS sharpened by experts. Pickup and de!i- very. 1 day service. Victor's Sports an Cycle. Phone 918. { LAWN MOWERS GROUND AND RE- | paired. Sheas, wai sharpened. Work guaranteed. A. W. 8 ons, 95 Patnicle Ave. Phone 3168R. 3) | 42--Legal Notices shall not be responsible for payment | of any debts, contracted in my name by any member of my family, ules | upon my written authorization. Dated at Oshawa this 10th day of | Jnlv, AD. 1948.--(Signed) John 8S. Rutter. (162¢ SIMMONS DEEP SLEEP SPRING-FILL- ed mattress. Large size. Two years old. Phone 4087M. 1c) COOK STOVE, KITCHEN CABINET, China cabinet. Phone 2440W or 130 Annis Bt. (161c) MARLIN 12 GAUGE PUMP ACTION. EX- cellent, Winchester 16 gauge, model 12 pump action. New. 71 Colborne W. (161b) FINAL CLEARANCE! 25% OFF. LAWN MOWERS Brand high-grade mowers, featuring rubber tires and ball-bearings for easy operation. new, lawns SPECIAL ..... SPECIAL ..... SPECIAL $10.25 $31.46 $34.50 $17.95 Reg. $24.30. $41.90. $46.00. Reg. Reg. Reg. $23.90. SPECIAL Buy Yours NOW at CHRISTIAN'S PHONE 1000 (161c) + ALL KINDS - of ~ FANS - at - CHRISTIAN'S (Jun30-Juli4) 37--Articles Wanted SPOT CASH PAID ,FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone 3 5 JI80M. ull HIGHEST PRICES PADD FOR PAPER," rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of of wah oils icked up fea Tobe, 635 5 Ph and , 100 Apnis St ra of C.NR. GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED, ice boxes, cook gloves and heaters. 56 Ring West. * 3326. ( anes) (Aug2) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH. WILSON & Lee, 79 Simcoe 38--Female Help Wanted IRL OR WOMAN, FOR STEADY Sa work. Box 643, Times-Cazette., WAITRESS, EXPERIENCED, GOOD hours, good wages, No night t work. Ap-~ ply Commercial Hotel, Oshawa. (161d) 39---Male Help Wanted NIGHT PORTER REQUIRED; LIVE-IN. Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanville. (160c) MAN WANTED--FOR RAWLEIGH BUS- iness. No experience or capital neces- sary. Sales easy to make and profits large. Start immediately, Wie Raw-~ leigh Dept. ML-G-310-180, ntreal, Que, (Julya,5, 9. 12, 16, 10 23, 26,30) AGGRESSIVE, AMBITIOUS YOUNG man, 23 to 27, of neat appearance, re- juired for inside sales work and book- geping Io for branch of large organiza- oe have senior matricplation or sauivaient. Phone 623 for a pola ment 161c) a --Employment Wanted REPAIRING TRILIGHTS, RANGETTES, ranges, all household electrical appli- ances. Frank Snudden, Phone & 18M, ul CABIN TRAILER Good condition. Apply 136 Simcoe St. S. (15481) WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK RIGHT away. Phone after 5 1010-M; 50c an hour. References. Dorot (128) a hy. PAINTING AND DECORATING, ALL work guaranteed. P. J. Galley, 'Phone 3839J after 6 p.m. (J1y10,12,14) 41--Employment Wanted HEDGES TRIMMED, FAST MODE way, smooth looking job with ODEN trimmer. Phone 4374W. (161c) North. Phon oY . Hoy Try a classified ad in The Times- Gazette--It will get good resulis. standard troy ounce has stood the 2 | test of time, the national research (Augd) | council reported Saturday. ed by the British Board of Trade, | the standard--made iridium--is only 0006 of a grain | lighter than the value certified in | 1874 when it was new. Take notice that I, the undersigned, | portant as the basis of ment for the Dominion's gold, | beach. A STANDARD STANDS TEST Ottawa, July 12.--(CP)--Canada's property . a touch way . low . ruminant . milkfish . African wildcat . wise andl faithful counselor . number . a wool . macaw Check- of platinum It is im- | measure- | PLANE CRASH KILLS 3 Chatham, Mass., July 12--(AP)-- | Three men were killed Sunday when a four-seater, single-engin- ed airplane crashed into the sea a quarter of a mile off Old Harbor . of grand- parents . tip . quick cut . nobleman . the great artery substance HORIZONTAL 9. fermented . aperture . final state- ment of account . assume . shelter . Steeple . age . constantly, poetic 57.anut 2% VERTICAL 1. varnish gum 2. be indebted 3. moving company 4. issue 5. eyepiece . prepare the Answer to Saturday's puzzle. . [M) TREE PIAISERTIED] CROSSWORD - - - By Eugene Sheffer 38. dwelling 39 CIHI |LIDIRIE INBRHIE IRIE] HIAIL [LI [DIE RMAIRIT [A] A[TEISINPIEWIRYIS IE |R] 9-12 Average time of solution: 37 minutes. Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc. Bl. denary 40. fleld TAKE NOTICE THAT: between the points mentioned: Street Grierson St. Grierson St. Jarvis St. Leslie St. Leslie St. Sutherland Ave. Sutherland Ave. Kingsdale Dr. Kingsdale Dr. Hibbert St. Huron St. Sandra St. Kingsdale Ave, LaSalle Ave. is approximately 13.5¢c. t! ia work will be considered. Dated, Oshawa, July 5th, 1948. 1. The Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to construct as a Location Greta St. to Rossland Rd, Greta St. to Rossland Rd. N/Limit Lot 65, Plan 333, to Lauder Rd. N/Limit Lot 44, Plan 158 to Sutherland Ave, S/Limit Lot 8, Plan 391 to Sutherland Ave, Mary St. to Jarvis St. Mary St. to Jarvis St. W/Limit Lot 16, Plan 391 to Leslie St. W/Limit Lot 11, Plan 391 to Leslie St. Nassau St. to Park Rd. Stacey Ave. to N/Limit Lot 169, Plan 145. Simcoe St. to Ravine Rd. S/Limit Lot 11, Plan 391 to Kingsdale Dr. King St. to Athol St. Side East West, West, East West North South North South South East South East West co LOCAL IMPROVEMENT -- SIDEWALKS Width & PO PO Length 604,00 604.00 693.25 446.00 395.50 724.25 671.50 232.00 213.15 671.75 247.00 765.25 122.75 330.00 local improvement, Sidewalks on the following streets 2. The estimated cost of the work is $13,814.00, of which $7,636.40 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated cost per foot frontage is $2.00. The special assessment is to be paid in ten equal annual instalments and the estimated annual rate per foot frontage to the property owner 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work and any, py may within, twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, file with the Board his objection to the said work being undertaken. The sald Board may approve of the said work being undertaken, but Deore doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objections to F. E. HARE, City Clerk, TAKE NOTICE THAT: STORM SEWERS Street 'Willingdon Ave. Vimy Ave. LaSalle Ave. SANITARY SEWERS Athol St. E. Cadillac Ave, Colborne St. E. Eulalie Ave. Highland Ave. . King St. E. King St. E. LaSalle Ave. Oakes Ave. Richmond St. E. Ritson Rd. S. Wilson Rd. Wilson Rd. Wilson Rd, Alice St. Kingsdale Dr. Douglas St. Roger St. Park Rd. 8. to the said work will be considered. Dated, Oshawa, July 5th, 1948. 2. The estimated cost of the work is $83.3 rate per foot frontage to the property owner is 161% cents. 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for i owner may within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice; file with the #. The said Board may approve of the said work "being undertaken, but before doing so it may appo! Location Gliddon Ave. to Vimy Ave. Willingdon Ave. to LaSalle Ave. Vimy Ave, to S/ Limit of Lot 259, Plan 305 Totals: Length 1,532.00 291.00 200.00 2,023.00 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT --- STORM AND SANITARY SEWERS ' 1. The Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to construct as a local improvement, Storm Sewers or Sanitary Sewers on the following streets 'between the points mentioned: Annual Ratle Estimated Cost Per Per Ft. Cost $22,980.00 4,365.00 3,000.00 $30,345.00 Highland Ave. to Wilson Rd. Gliddon Ave. to Eulalie Ave. Cadillac Ave. to Wilson Rd. Willingdon Ave. to Wilson Rd. Gliddon Ave. to Eulalie Ave. Wilson Rd. to 59 Feet West 59 Feet West of Wilson Rd. to Highland Ave. Gliddon Ave. to Eulalie Ave. Richmond St. to Colborne St. Cadillac Ave. to Wilson Rd. South Limit of Lot 1, Plan 243 to South Limit of Lot C-7, Sheet 26, Municipal Plan. Eulalie Ave. to Athol St. Athol St. to King St. King St. to Colborne St. Ritson Rd. to W/Limit of Lot 134, Plan 130. Kingsdale Ave. to Leslie St. S/Limit Lot 49, Plan 208 to Wolfe St. Annis St. to S/Limit Lot 25, Plan 243. Hillside Ave. to Hibbert St. Ll] Totals: 306.00 670.00 558.00 1,215.00 672.00 59.00 190.00 670.00 643.00 558.00 995.00 10M 1,428.00 10" 10" 15" 9" 9" 9" 9" 363.00 1,318.00 368.00 249.00 525.00 325.00 615.00 11,737.00 $ 1,025.10 2,646.50 2,064.60 5,224.50 2,419.20 205.00 855.00 2,311.50 2,636.30 2,287.80 4,228.75 7,996.80 1,923.90 7,842.10 2,244.80 1,139.60 1,942.50 1,267.50 2,644.50 $52,995.95 and intends to specially assess a part.of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. 40.95. The special assessment is to be paid in fifteen equal annual instalments, and the annual - Lineal Ft. $15.00 15.00 15.00 Frontage | 165 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents 16.5 Cents ts approval of the undertaking of the said work and any Board his objection to the said work being undertaken, int a time and place when any objections F. E. HARE, City Clerk,

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