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Daily Times-Gazette, 12 Jul 1948, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TIMES:GAZETTE any MONDAY, JULY 12, 1948 LATEST NEWS OF THE COUNTY TOWN OF WHITBY Rusiness Office: Miss G. Macpherson. Editor: Robert Corbett, phone 2589 Phone 703, All Departments (Chinese Give $89, Spearhead Drive For Kids' Pool Seventeen Chinese residents of Whitby have contributed ! $89 to the children's swimming fund according to a report | today by chairman of the Osborne. finance committee, Gordon This amazing response by the Chinese commu- nity was particularly prompted because there are a number ! of their own children in town who® will also benefit from the pleasure and instruction derived from the pool which will be built in the Kinsmen Park. Collections were made by Albert Toy of the Tops Grill." Total is $1,211.00 Contributions are rolling in at an encouraging pace. For those who do not feel able to make a lump sum donation, a $4 deduction can be arranged from the payroll at the rate of only 50c per week ov- er the eight-week period. Total collections and pledges to the end of last week amounted to $1,211.00. As has been previously announc-' ed, the Rotary Club started the fi- . nancial ball rolling with a pledge ¥ of $500. and the Kinsmen Club have donated space in their beautiful park for the pool site. "The average of over $5.00 each from the Chinese is particularly en- couraging(," said Mr. Osborne. "I hope the general public will follow suit." With the campaign just begin- ning the gratifying total of $1211. has already been reached. Donations which have been con- firmed to date are as follows: Jack Lovell Albert Randall Miss B. Jones Kirby's Store Harry Vorvis E. Oke Mrs. R. Lamb ... Mr. Ellison .... D. Connor 4.00 Ross Hall ... Ronald Love . G. 'Davis Huyck's Beauty Salon Marjorie Gay Mr, Pretty Bryant Motors Ray Barker Wm. Emorey Misg Deverell Deverell Motors Cyril Heard Lou Bandel Helen Eastwood Harold A Boys Irene Munroe Frank Price Price Yards Limited Wes. Smith Mr, Smyth M. Rousseau Bill Barton .... Jim Setto Albert Toy Lee Tow .. Shaw Quan Henry Toy Peter Lim Quan Fong .. David Eng .. Lam Kut .... Woo Why ... Quan Wah .. Quan Tong .. Chong Lock Jing Fun .... Lee Payne Hing Seto ... Hoy Ying Previously reported Total to date ' Community Shower and Tea Honor Bride Of This Week Brooklin, July 12--A community shower anad trousseau tea was giv- en here Friday for Miss Ruth Her- on, popular young resident of Brooklin who is to be married next Saturday. She is well known and active in this community and many turned out to do honor to the brideto-be. Besides the shower of many love- ly gifts, a program was presented with Mrs. N. J. White presiding as Mistress of ceremonies, Ted Her- . ron and family of Ashburn gave some splendid 'musical selections, featuring guitar and piano. Mrs. Howard Arksey sang a solo. On behalf of the entire commun- ity Mrs, Vick and Mrs. Boys pre- RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEED TMMEDIATE BUTT RADIO APPLIANCE 130 Broek St. N. Whitby, Tel. 707 sented Miss Heron with a walnut coffee table. She replied very grac- ously. Tea was served and a fine social time enjoyed. . Last Rites Held At Brooklin For Rev. P.L. Jull Brooklin United Church was full Saturday afternoon when ministers of Oshawa Presbytery conducted funeral service for Rev. P. L, Jull, former pastor of that church for 20 years who died at his home in Brooklin on Thursday, The pallbearers were John Dry- den, John Batty, Johm Hamer, Kenneth Holliday, Orval Jackson and Alfred Wilson. Interment was in Groveside cem- etary. Times-Gazette classified ads pay-- Why not try one today? TENDER 'Sealed Tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until NOON, TUESDAY, JULY 20th, 1948, for the purchase. of a used T.D. 40 International Tractor. This machine may be seen at Pengelly's Gar- age at Brooklin. Any further information may be obtained from the undersigned. NOTICE D. J. KEAN, County Engineer, Whitby, Ontario. i C t fo : s : AIR-CONDITIONED 4 [muse Tihiitont. > { LILY PONS: PATON: RISE STEVENS V cmm------ NOW PLAYING TWO SHOWS AT 6.45 AND 9.00 NARSEA BON The Seron's Mightion Muse --tcnl®) Show! _ Arter RODZINSKI A= § Arter RUBINSTEIN Pte. Batherson In Good Health Parents Report MRS. DAN BATHERSON Correspondent Ajax, July 8 --Reports that PF.C. Martin Batherson, who is in Japan, was dead or sick, are untrue. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Batherson, Cedar Street. Miss Jean Sanderson, Pine Street, is enjoying a two weeks' holiday in Haliburton, We are glad to see Spence Ford, Beaty Street, back on the job again after a week during which he was home nursing a sore foot. Bride-Elect Given Shower A shower was held at the Neil MacAllister home, 14 Beech Street, on July 6, by Mrs. MacAllister and Mrs. Edward Galley, Nelson Street, for Miss Lucille (Lucy) Charron of Ottawa, Ont., bride-elect of Douglas English, York Street, Ajax. The rooms were nicely decorated in pink, blue and pale pink. The bride-to-be was ushered in by the guests who sang, "Here Comes the Bride." She wag presented with a basket trimmed in blue, pink and white and laden with lovely gifts. The bride-to-be thanked everyone. Bingo was played. Winners were, Mrs. Spence Ford and Mrs, Sara Ford, Mrs. John Ruddy and Mrs. Wm. Hannon. "Forfeit" was also plaeyd and enjoyed. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Mac- Allister and Mrs. Galley assisted by Mrs. Bill Keetch, Nelson Street. Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Parrish, Elm Street, has left for Haliburton, where they will spend the summer. Mrs. E. Smith has returned to Hamilton after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Sara Wilson, 2 Beaty Street. Glad to hear that Mrs. Wright, Beaty Street, is home from the hos- pital and on the road to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bonneville, with their daughter, Mary Ann, and son, Robert, of Detroit, Michi- gan, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bonneville, 8 George Street. Mr. Bonneville returned to Detroit on Monday, while Mrs. Bonneville and two children re- mained for a longer visit. Mrs, Ramsey Bibeau with her three daughters and son-in-law, Miss Laura and Miss Bernadette Bibeau and Mr. and Mrs. Watkins, of Montreal, Quebec, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bibeau, edar Street, last week. Mrs. Ramsey Eibesng: Mr. Bibeau's mother. A.B. John Ruddy left on Satur- day to join his ship, "HM.CS. Magnificent" at Halifax, after spending his leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ruddy, 20 Cedar Street. Plans are being made by the Ladies' Auxiliary, Canadian Legion, for a picnic for the Auxiliary mem- bers and their families on July 18. More about this later as the place and so-on. We are sorry to hear that Rev. B. T. Kyte, parish priest for Pick- ering and Ajax, has left us. He is now rector of St. Michael's Cathe- dral in Toronto, and we wish him the best of everything in his new work. We also extend a hearty wel- come to Father Kennedy, who will be the new priest for Ajax and St. Frances De Sales Church at Pick- ering. Mr, and Mrs. George Fletcher, 13 Oak Street, spent the week-end at their cottage in Lake Couchiching, Ont., has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Lennon, Detroit, Mich., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. 'Dan Bath at 42 Cedar Street. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley English and family, 5 York Street, spent last week-end in Lindsay, Ont. They were accompanied back to Ajax by Mr. English's father. ° Sgmn. Clifford Mills, R.C.SS, Kingston, is enjoying a 30-day fur- lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Mills, 3 Glynn Street. There will be a "Wear-Ever" brush party held at the Legion Hall, Ajax, on Thursday, July 15. Mrs. Pemberty, Toronto, will be the rep- Whitby Classified FOR SALE -- 20-GALLON PRESSURE tank with glass and gauge. Phone Pickering 23-r-24. (Julyl4) FOR SALE--LARGE STEEL BABY'S crib with springs and mattress, Also baby's folding carriage, like new, Phone 887. (July14) WANTED TO RI , FURNISHED apartment or house, will pay - good rice, by Wing Commander and family, Whitby or vicinity. Possession now or later. Apply Box 52, Times-Gazette, Whitby. (Julyl4) FOR SALE_TEN SUCKLING PIGS. Apply Mr. Wright, R.R. 1, Brooklin, on No. 12 highway, next to B.A. Service Station. FOR SALE--'26 SUPER SIX HUDSON, in running order, best offer. Male Cocker Spaniel, $15.00; oak buffet, $10.00; Venetian Blind, 64" wide by 58" long, bass wood, $10.00; Simmons Single bed and Epting in exchange for double bed. Apply 1740 Brock street south, Port Whitby. Phone 873, Whitby. (J1y12) POULTRY WANTED HIGHEST prices paid for all kinds of foun also new and used feathers. . Lem- berg, Whitby. Phone 644 Whitby, -or 695) Oshawa. WANTED TO BUY--ALL KINDS OF Poultry also new and old feathers Highest market prices. APRIY J. Parker Se pRrock St: N. Phone or Oshawa SPRAY PAINTING--HOUSES---BARNS --fences, etc. Free estimates. Yates & McCoy, Whitby. Phone. 527 "NO CORN OR CALLOUS WILL MAR your - joy, If Lloyd's Corn Salve you do employ." 50c at Allin's Drug Store. (Apr.19-May17-Julyl2) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Anyone having any debts or claims against the Flickering, Bus and Taxi Company, Pickering, Ontario, for the following period from August 1, 1947, to January 31, 1948, are asked to sub- mit such claims to Mr. A. M. Wootton, Barrister, etc., 163 Brock Street North, Whitby, prior to July 15th, 1948. ng -------------- FRITZ REINER 1 Leopold: STOKOWSK] - HARRY JANES SALES ' REGISTER SATURDAY, JULY 24th--Consignment Sale of Household Furniture, etc. at Heard Bros., Parking lot. These articles are all -from good homes and in g condition. If you have anything to sell, phone the auctioneer. Sale at 1:30 ghap. Willlam Maw, Auctioneer, Mrs. H. VanDuren, Clerk. In c¢ase of rain sale will' be held inside. Though outclassing Peterborough Juniors in some departments here Saturday night, Whitby Rotary Juniors were left with one run at the end of the game compared with the winner's three. The game was {eatured by the excellent pitching of Ken MacDonald whose classy style on the mound made Peter- borough's. Wade look a little stiff at the joints. However Wade's ec- centriz hurling buffaloed'" Whitby Duis confining them So five its. Scoring opened in the fifth which saw all three of Peterborough's runs brought in. First up, Wade singled, Floyd at bat was hit by the pitcher and Paggett struck out. Fourth man up, Gardino singled and drove in a run. Then Mensies struck out. Jacquith knocked one wild to first allowing the other two runs in. ¥ Whitby's 'only run came in the ninth, Ken MacDonald got a walk. Len Yuill next, sacrificed to second. Lowe up, batting for Mc- Clogkey struck out. Gaine )ined one to third so hot the baseman couldn't handle it. Following right along on these breaks, Neal singled to drive in Whitby's only run. to second but the baseman threw' Whitby Juniors Fall To Peterborough 3-1 Saturday Evening 'The whole game was moderately good ball with few brillant plays. One play that stirred up the crowd was in the sixth when McGregor for Whitby hit a long fly to centre field. Catching it, the centre field- | ed ler collided with the right fielder and when the ball came up it was 'in the hands of the right fielder. (Umpire Bud Bragg called it an out but changed his mind after a quick conference with the voice of democracy in the bleachers. (Ralph Wilson was base umpire.) Hitters. for Whitby were: Mec- Donald. (3); Gaine, Neal and Tur- ansky. For Peterborough: Wade (3); Pagett, Mensies; Gardino and Stewart. Pitching for Whitby, Mc- donald was consistently good, strik- ing out 10 as against Wade's six. " R.HE Peterborough: 000 030 000-3 7 1 Whitby: 000 000 001-1 5 4 Lineups :-- PETERBOROUGH -- Floyd cf; Gardino rf; Mennies ¢; Jacquith 3b; Stewart 1b; Sisson 2b; LaPlante If; Wade 1b. WHITBY :--Turansky 3b; Loreno a8; McGregor IM; L. Yuil 3b; McCloskey c¢; Gaine cf; Neal If; McDonald p; D. Yuill 1b. An active committe under the direction of Mrs, Sam Burns is busy making plans for a bigger and better flower and vegetable show. It is anticipated that entries this year will ke two or three times as many as last year. Whitby .rarden Club's second annual flower and vegetable show will be held during the last week of August. Prize lists which include many new classes are ready for the printers and will be available with. in the next week. Ten classes have been added for junior gardens and Large Entry List Will Feature Garden Club Show End Of August a large number of entries are ex- pected. No canvassing is being done for special prizes but a number have already been received including many varieties of gladioli and peon- ies. The Oshawa Gladiolus Society, J. L. Gorman, Phillip Conibar of Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. George Ha- mers are among those who have contributed special prises. Any members or other wishing to donate prises should oontact Irs. Burns or any member of the Garden Club executive ag soon as possible. resentative and Mrs. Pemberty will be in charge of entertainment. Lunch will be served by the mem- bers of the Ladies' Auxiliary, Cana- dian Legion. No admission. Every- body welcome. Members and non- members Ladies' Auxiliary to Cana- dian Legion starts at 8 pm, Thursday, July 185. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Phillips and three children, Toronto, spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Brunelle, 5 Durham Street. Mrs. Ernest Bonneville, Detroit, Mich.; Mr. Lawrence Bonneville, George Street, and Charles (John- nie) Johnson, Nelson Street, spent Thursday in Toronto. 3 Mrs. John Ruddy spent Monday in Toronto visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Battle. Mrs. Dan Batherson and Mrs. Margaret Steer represented the Ajax branch, Ladies' Auxiliary, Canadian Legion, at Oshawa. La- dies' Auxiliary to Canadian Legion 21st birthday party on Tuesday, July 6. Both reported having a grand time. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Whyte and sons, Donnie and Larry,"and Mrs. Whyte"s mother, Mrs. Clara Eng- land, of 12 Nelson Street, are speniaing their vacation in Guelph, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon White and son, Bill, 9 Maple Street, spent last week-end at Ridgetown, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hannon and daughter, Joan, and son, Jerry, 4 Maple Street, were in Tillsonburg for the week-end. Joan remained in Tillsonburg for a longer vacation. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Pon Brunelle, 5 Durham Street, is on the sick list. Get well soon, Cecile, Escape Suspect Held By Police Kitchener, July 13.--(CP)--Police said this week-end they had arrest- ed a hitch-hiker, who is believed to be Kenneth Murphy, 19, an escap- or prisoner from Guelph Reforma- The hitch-hiker was about to ac- cept a ride from New Hamburg Po- lice Chief George Thomas when he Hite the chief's uniform and od. Thomas went after him on foot and fired two shots in the air. He then called for assistance from the Provincial Police and made the ar- rest near New Hamburg, 12 miles west of here. Whitby News In Brief PHONE 103 QUIET WEEKEND Both Whitby town police and Pickering township police reported a quiet weekend up to late last night. Traffic was heavy on all roads but no accidents were report- * + GAME TOMORROW Something a little fancy in soft- ball will be seen, when a picked Whitby team meets Oshawa in an exhibition game at the town park tomorrow night, * + * SHOULD BEAT THEM The team the Whitby Juniors haven't met yet and say they "just have to beat," Bowmanville, will be here Wednesday evening in. the town park. Game is called for 6.30 and without doubt it will be one of the best of the season. : * +r» BUSY PLACE The very hot weather of the last few days is bringing on the pea crop with a rush. The local Stoke- ly-Van Camp cennery is a very busy place having increased (its staff to approximately 300 and working night and day as well as Sunday to handle the huge pack. *> VISITED HERE Mrs. James Baskin, of Norwood, Ontario, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Astrop, over the week-end, * ep AT COTTAGE Mr. and Mrs. I. Thompson and family spent the week-end at their cottage, near Owen Sound, Ont. 19 Scientists. Get Fellowships Ottawa, July 12--(CP)--Six coun- tries are represented by the 19 sci- entists awarded fellowships for studies in Canada's National . Re- search laboratories. The list, announced: today by the National Reseach Council, includes four Canadians, seven Englishmen, three Scots, three Netherland [ Now Sorry ment and boats lying idle. Baptist S.S. Has Picnic At Greenwood One of the highlights in the Sun- day School 'year of the. Baptist Church was the class picnic Satur: day at Greenwood Park. Children and adults enjoyed the fine fa- cilities and a good crowd attended. Members of the congregation will- ingly provided the transportation. Of course the children's races were one of the features of the day. Results may be available for tomor- row's issue. Baseball teams com- posed of the married people versus the single played a game full of er- rors and fun. Reporting the game to this paper, a married man re- gretfully conceded that the young- er, single folks won. He declined to give the score. There were generous prizes for many of the events and all had a marvellous time. Superintendent George Munns and Rev. F. T. Darnell did much of the prepara- tion for the picnic. INJURED BY HAY FORK Stratford, July 12--(CP) -- John R. Crowley, 35, of R.R. 2, Gadshill, is in serious condition in hospital following an accident at his farm Saturday. He is suffering from se- vere chest injuries received when a hay fork fell on him. With his brother, Cletus, he was loading hay into the mow with the Tork which apparently came off its track plunging down on top of the man. Once Fine Yacht Club Mess With Foundations Settling Eight years ago Whitby Yacht Club was in its hey-day. Today, and for the past three years, it has been entirely surrounded by water and partly submerged, valuable equip- Though the water level has gone down somewhat, it is doubtful when, if ever, the club will ----------again be surrounded by dry land. It was built and operated by a White by group and is not an Incorporat- ed company. . The Times-Gazette made an in- spection "trip there the other eve ening. Standard equipment for the trip was hip rubber boots. A quar- ter mile trip by water was made to the tune of an outboard motor. The party climbed onto the veran- dah' which is covered with several inches of water. They unlocked a door and went in. It is still possible that the build ing and much of its equipments will be salvaged. It has settled bad- ly in the water but the fine stone fireplace 'is still intact though listing to 'starboard'. In the lounge room the spring floods have receded to that only a few inches of water remain on the floor. Naturally the chester- fields, lamps, chairs and furnish- ings are badly damaged by mois- ture. The "Guardian" once proud "flag- ship" of the club, is lying in water, considerably damaged. In a locked cupboard all small repair parts, first aid equipment, odds and ends, some of which rusted beyond use. The kitchen and other rooms were not visited because the water level was above the rubber boots being worn by the party. Electric wiring and fixtures are more or less intact but the whole place is a sorry mess. No one seems to know just what the future of the club is. The directors are fully cognizant of the situation but say they can do nothing until the water recedes. The property is cove ered by insurance. The club has very substantial cash assets in the bank and is hoping that a turn of nature will enable it to put this community asset in operation. at some future date. Dane a Chinese, le are all in the di- vision of chemistry, the first grant- ed by NRC. Most council Scholar- ships previously were restricted to graduate students working towards doctors' degrees. The fellowships are good for one year but may be renewed for a second ear. The normal anynual remuneration is $3,820 but may be varied "depending on , fhe quatifica- of the candidate." Une Canadians are: E. J. Caule and MH. Schiff, University of To- ronto; J. Ouellet, University of Montreal; R. H, Tomlinson, MoGill University, Montreal, Native of Whitby, Mrs. G. Tomlinson Dies Montreal, July 12--(CP)---Mrs. George Herbert Tomlinson, wife of the vice-president of the Howard Smith Paper Mills, Ltd., died Sat- urday following a lengthy illness. Born in Whitby, she was a life member of the University Women's Club. Survivors include three sons, Dr. George H. Tomlinson, Jr. and Charles Lester Tomlinson, both of Cornwall, and Dr. Richard H. Tom- linson of Ottawa; two sisters, Mrs. L. E. Frankenthal of Chicago and Miss M. L. Nourse of Toronto; and one brother, C. G. K. Nourse of 'Winnipeg. Numerous tests = have proven that B. F. Good- rich Tires ARE BETTER . « « In fact constant re- search has proven that B. F. Goodrich Tires will give you GREATER satisfaction because , . . B. F. Goodrich Silvertowns have a wider, flatter tread thet puts more rubber on the road. This means less weer at any one point --- longer mile ond greater sefety. © ee CARR'S SUNOCO SERVICE STATION Minor Repairs -- Towing Service -- Motor Flushing 132 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS Undertaking Legal WwW. C. TOWN Funeral Director and kmbalmer PHONE 410 - WHITBY Murray A. Robinson AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTOR and FURNITURE DEALER Phone No. 24 Brooklin Medical Dr. Frederick A. Cuddy PHYSICIAN PHONE 712 Corner Byron and Colborne Sts. D. J. CUDDY, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie Money to Loan 109 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY PHONE 2214 R. DONALD RUDDY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie Officz at the Court House Money to Loan Phone 339 - Whitby, Duncan B. McIntyre Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Office: Brock Street South Phone 606 - Whitby, Taxis TERMINAL TAXI Day and Night Service PHONE 380 WHITBY Opposite Bus Station BELL TAXI WHITBY PHONE 364-465 TAXI FRANK BOWMAN & SON DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE PHONE 333 WHITBY, ONT. Monuments ROBERT AUSTIN HIGHWAY MONUMENT WORKS Dealer in Imported and Canadian Granites First class work at moderate prices Phone 462 . Whitby Music ARTHUR W. LYNDE L.H.C.M. TEACHER OF SINGING Established 1913 Capable pufils prepared for any Vocal Examination Church -- Concert -- Radio Studio at 123 Centre St. North WHITBY, ONT. PHONE 2371 Veterinarian DR. A. S. BLACK Veterinarian and Surgeon TELEPHONE §2 BROOKLIN 7 . ONTARIO, W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie i103 COLBORNE ST. W., WHITBY TELEPHONE 689 Insurance EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE CO. Branch Office: 109 Dundas St. W. GORDON F. OSBORNE, C.L.U. (Branch Manager) WHITBY REPRESENTATIVE TOM PU PHONE 522 WHITBY JOS. E. SHIELDS ' EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE Automobile, Accid nt, Sickness, Hospitalization and Fire Insurance, REAL ESTATE SALESMAN L. W. DUDLEY SICKNESS, FIRE, AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT 300 Walnut St. Telephone 56¢ Optometrist M. HOLLENBERG, R.O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIS1 Office Over Allin'. Drug Store Telephone 671 102 Dundas W. Whitby, Appliances COLLINS' SHOE STORE Dr. Scholls' Foot Appliances Sold and Fitted 25 Years' Experience

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