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Daily Times-Gazette, 15 Jul 1948, p. 11

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THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE AGE ELEVEN Three Baptised Tyrone Service Sunday Morning MRS. W. RAHM Correspondent yrone, July 13.--Arthur and verley Stephens, Toronto, visited eir aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. Burgess. Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Cassidy, Mr. and Mrs. 8S. A. Cooper, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs H. Brent. The Women's Institute will hold their picnic Wednesday, July 21st, in Mr. K. Colbary's woods. Mr. Fred Kerr, Toronto, Mr. W. Glover, N. Oshawa, called to see Mr. and Mrs. S. Jewell, Mr. and Mrs, John Van Gileuve, Rochester, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lepp, Wilbur and Lorne, Langham, Sask, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hicks Harriston were guests of Mr d Mrs. Norman Woodley. Four girls of the Cheery House- maids Club, Arvilla Beckett, Doris Park, Bessie Hills and Dorothy Skinner attended the Achievement Day at Orono. Creditably acquitted themselves, Mrs. N. Yellowless, their leader, also attended. Each girl was presented with a silver spoon. Con- gratulations. Mrs. W. T. Worden visited her sister in Oshawa. Congratulations to the Entrance pupils who successfully passed their examinations, and also to the pu- pils who attended High School. A Baptismal service was held Sunday morning when Wayne Her- bert Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Trewin Scott, Edward Alan Skin- ner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skiner, Gerald Gordon Giles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Giles, were baptised, after which a Communion Service was dispensed. There will be no church service, but a Mission- ary Service will be held between 10 to 11 am. Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skin- ner and baby, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown, Newcastle. rs. A. B. Stevens, Miss Muriel gess, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Philp, Mar- garet and Shannon, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs, H. Philp. Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman and children, 'with Mr. and Mrs. N. Leach, Solina. Miss Mildred Hills, with Edith and Joyce Woodley. Mizs Jessie Robson, Toronto, Mr. D. P. Miller, Anna, I, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller. M*. G. Rosevear attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Jno. Rose- vear, at Harwood, on Tuesday. Mrs. Cecil Quantrill, Mrs. Milton Plunkett, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Mrs. R. Hatherley spent a few days at Mr. and Mrs. J. Hatherley, Newtonville. . Mr. F. Colbary, Miss Millie All- cott, New Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. L. McKnight and family, New- market, Mr. and Mrs. G. Sears, To- rnoto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. i K. Oolbary. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Menish, Cooks- town, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Deeley. Donald Murray is visiting at Stuart Hooey"s. . Fred McLaughlin and Patricia Burketon, visited Mr. and Mrs. K. Hardy. Mrs. Elva Beckett and Joan, Bow- manville, spent the week-end with Mrs. L. Virtue. f Mr. and Mrs. I. Cation, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ball, Mr. Donald Yellowlees, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. N. Yellow- lees, Mr. Archie Cation, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright. Miss Jean Bloy, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bloy, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. 8. Jewell. Glad to know Mr. Ken Hardy is improving and has returned to work, after a throat and ear opera- tion. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tuck, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke and family, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton and family, Mr. M. Harris visited at Mr. and Mrs. D. Stain- D's. Hiss Irene Rahm visited at Mr. #T. Halls and Mrs. W. T. Worden. Mrs. A. B. Stephens, Taronto, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. R. Burgess. Mrs. Atwell, Mrs. A. Spicer children, Bowmanville, with L. Virtue. Mac Hamilton and Master Ro- bert, and Mr. W. H. TayIor, Yighued the former's mother, S.J) R. Hamilton, at Queensville, and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephens, Sutton. \ Mr. and Mrs. H. Strong, Salem, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Alldread. Mr. George E. Hynes, Dominion Bank, Kitchener, Mr. Robert B. Hynes, Toronto, visited their broth- er, John Hynes. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park and children, Mrs. F. L. Byam, Mr. S. Duval, visited Mrs. J. Lillicrapp, Cannington. Rev. and Mrs. A. E, Cresswell and family left Tuesday for their cot- tage at Bala, Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam and family enjoyed a picnic at Geneva Park. Several from here attended the Orange Walk in Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. -W. Rahm visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Griffin, Janet- ville. Several from here attended the Virtue picnic at Hampton Park, July 10th. and Mrs. Tyrone Woman Guest Speaker At Solina W.1. GLADYS YELLOWLEES Evelyn | sunday at Maurice Baker's, George- town. ) were Jean Montgomery, Taylor and Eunice Leask. Miss Muriel Langmaid, Reg. N., Peterborough, is holidaying at home. Miss Evelyn Parrinder and Mr. Jack Large, Bowmanville, spent the week-end at W. Parrinder's. Mr. and Mrs, J. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales and David visited on TO CATCH THE UNWARY Trapping is one of the oldest known arts. The earliest traps con- sisted in the digging of a cavity in- to which the unsuspecting victim fell, . Probe Extended In 1929 Murder Calgary, July 15 -- (CP) -- Fred E. Hall of Cadillac, Que., came here Wednesday for an interview with city police concerning the murder of his father, Thomas Charles Hall, | ver Tuesday. She had been sep- 66, whose body was discovered |arataed from her husband since under the bedroom floor of a ram- |1923. shackle cottage in Northwest Cal-| Mrs. Hall and her youngest son, gary last Saturday. Police said they | John, already have been questioned believed Hall was March, 1929. |force officer in the R.CAF. sta- Mrs. Camilla Rose Hall arrived in tioned at Calgary, was Calgary from her home in Vancou- | while attempting to make a crash landing in an R.C.AF. plane here Monday. The accident occurred less than 24 hours after he had failed to definitely identify the body as his father's although he murdered in|by police. John Hall, a permanent | Said facial features were similar. The third son, Charles, served in 2 | the United States Army during the injured | Second World War. His present whereabouts are unknown, Solina, July 13.--Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Bray, Toronto; Dr. and Mrs. | George Werry and Carolyn; Mr. | Arthur Wilson, Oshawa, visited at S. E. Werry's. ! Messrs W. R. Westlake and Ever- | ett Vice, visited at Owen Sound, | where Everett met a number of | friends who had served with him in | World War I. i Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stevens, John | and Joe visited at Orillia on Sun- | day. Miss Anne Bailey, Toronto, holidaying at Roscoe Beker's. | Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Sr., | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid,! Charles and Helen; Mr. and Mrs. | Roy McGill, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, attended Decoration service at Zion, 7 Mr. Bruce Tink, Mrs. H. E. Tink, Mrs. A. L. Pascoe and . Frank Paascoe attended the fineral of Velma Pascoe at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe, Mr. and Mars, Gordon Leask, Ewart and Eunice, visited at Geo. Mc- Cullough"s. Miss Saadie Malcolm, Brougham, with her sister, Mrs. John Knox. Helen and Patsy Knox have been holidaying with their aunt, Mrs. Ralph Crawford, Brougham. Mrs. Minaker, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Reynolds, Betty and Bobby, Millbrook, at Lorne Kellett's. Miss Eileen Farrow, Starkville at John Knox's and with Mr. and Mrs. Knox visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Flaxton at Brougham. Mr, and Mrs, Orme Cruickshank and Joan, Mrs. Ida Wilcox, Mr. Bill Nichol" Peterborough; Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshawa; Mrs. W. Ormiston, | Columbus; Mrs. John Wedge, Win- nipeg, with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce | Tink and Mrs. H. E. Tink. Miss Lillian Hoar, Messrs Harold and Ted Hoar, Toronto; Miss Le- nore Collacutt, Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar, Newcastle; Mr, and Mrs. Wrightson Wright, Bowmanville, visited at E. R. Tay- lor's. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Lorne and Dianne; Mrs. H. E. Tink at Hilton Tink's, Ebenezer. Master Harold Yellowlees is holi- daying with his cousins, Robert and John Allin, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs, Wes Yellowlees and Harold visited at Mr. Jack Marks, Toronto, on Saturday. Mrs. Lorne Hoskin and Group 2 of the W. I. had charge of the | program on Thursday afternoon. | The guest speaker was Mrs. Ever- | ton White, of Tyrone, and her in- | teresting subject was "The Mak- | ing of Pottery. A reading was giv- | en by Pearl Leach and Mrs. Jas, | Smales, Jr., contributed a vocal | solo, Delicious refreshments were | served. | Mrs. Gordon Leask had charge of the missionary program on Sun- day morning, Those taking part PRICES IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT EFFECTIVE THURS. FRI. & SAT. -- JULY 15, 16 &17 SPECIAL ! TROPIC GOLD - PURE, DARK - HONEY Presowing Supplies ! CERTO 25: 50 PAROWAX IMPERIAL ZINC JAR RINGS RUBBER JAR RINGS GLASS TOPS « JELLY JARS ; FRUIT JARS "::1.07 "=: LOBLAWS COTTAGE BRAND BREAD: i: © WHOLE WHEAT © CRACKED WHEAT LOBLAWS--JACK AND JILL PEANUT BUTTER PURITY FLOUR FRYS COCOA Va-LB. TIN 29- Hh Ge ? a: a3 vor. BY. 1.23 ust] 0 wr 35 we 37- Freshly Ground IN A JIFFY! 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