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Daily Times-Gazette, 15 Jul 1948, p. 15

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THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1948 YHE DAILY TIMES:GAZETTE SAGE FIFTEEN Spoight oronto, July 16 15--(CP)--Scream- ig nurses soon routed a man who climbed through a window into a Central-Toronto nurses' residence last night. The interloper fled by a second-storey fire escape, taking with his $2.50. He was pursued by police and passerby after the nurses' screams wakened the neighborhood. His pursuers failed to catch him, * ok ob Toronto, July 15--(CP)--This city is going to expand its junior kindergarten program for four- . year-olds. . Three .classes .were run last year and before school re-opens in September, the Board of Education plans to .spend at least $125,000 to set up junior kindergarten classes in five more public schools, LAR BE London," Ont., July 15--(CP)-- Police court heard a new alibi Wed- nesday. When his boss lost his wrist-watch, Thomas William Boyd, 19, said he "thought a dog ran off with it in his mouth." That would have been all right but later, police said, another man lent Boyd $6.50 on the same watch. * +d Kirkland Lake, July 15--(CP) ~Death from causes unknown was the verdict returned by a coroner's jury here Wednesday night in the case of Robert G. Love, 48, of Montreal who died July 4 in Kirkland Pistrict Hos- pital from, doctors said, a frac- tured skull suffered in a base- ment steps fall. Love was a camp cook in the Larder Lake district, * a Napanee, July 15 -- (CP) -- The ditches near here almost ran with beer today when a Montreal-bound transport, loaded with bottled ale, left Highway No. 2 and rolled over on its side. But the beer cargo -- except for several broken battles-- yas undamaged. So was driver Wes- Watters of Toronto. Watters id his heavy transport left the road when he pulled over to pass a dairy truck. * * oP Ottawa, July 15--(CP)--Ten persons, including six children were left homeless Wednesday when fire destroyed one side of a two-storey double tenement at 45-47 Friel Street, in Ottawa's lower town district. The fire, be- lieved to have started in the kitchen at the rear of 45 Friel' Street, caused an estimated $5,000 damage. Firemen brought the blaze under ocntrol. * Stratford, July 15--(CP)--Skill of Pilot R. C. Gillies of Midland, Ont., was credited with saving a light seaplane from 'a crackup as it struck a guy wire while making - an emer- gency landing on the Aven River Wednesday. The plane, owned by Georgian Bay Airways Limited, was carrying Donald McKenzie of Mid- land as passenger. Gillies said he had to'land after the cap worked loose from the gasoline tank. * +P Guelph, July 15--(CP)--Fac- ulty and staff members of the Ontario Agricultural College have taken the oath of al- legiance required of Ontario civil servants. They received the oath from Prof. Henry G. Bell. The staff of the Ontario Veter- inary College took a similar oath recently. * * St. Thomas, July 15--(CP)--Tests for private pilot licences were takne Wednesday by a mixed group of students, A dairy farmer, a garage operator, two high school students, a factory inspector, and a truck driver were among them. This was the first class to be examined since the city leased the St. Thomas air- port, where the tests took place. What to Do To-Night RECREATION HEADQUARTERS 100 Gibbs Street DAILY Cedardale + Square Dance in C.R.A. Building Saturday, July 17 at 8:30 p.m.--Music by Harold God- frey. 7 « 9 pm. Tues, Thurs, and Fri- day--Atult Leathercraft. All other regular activities in the building discontinued until further notice, Summer Supervision Program C.R.A. Supervisors "will be on duty at the following playgrounds from 9:30 to 12 noon, 1:30 to 5 p.m. and 6:30 to 9 pm. daily, Monday to Friday inclusive -- Alexandra Park, Bathe Park, Cedar Dale Park, Connaught Park, Cowan Park, North Simcoe School, Rptary Park, Sunnyside Park, Victory Park from 1:30 to 5 pam. and 6:30 to 9 pm. Ritson Pool Swimming and instruction daily, Monday to Friday inclusive, from 9:30 to 12 noon, Free swimming under C.R.A. su- pervision daily, Monday to Friday, 1:30 to 5 p.m. Special Invitation To Al] Adults During the evening periods in- stvuction shall be given to senior sv.:mmers for the improvement oi strokes--also in life saving methods, carrier and releases. Saturday Free swimming under C.R.A. su- pervision from 9:30 - 12 noon and 1:30 to 5 p.m. Specidl instruction will be given as follows: Specialists in Crafts--Frances Gage Specialist in Boxing--Billy Goulding Specialist in Tumbling and Gym- nastics--John Kwak. Mondays 9:30 - 12--North Simcoe--Crafts: Cedardale--Tumhbling; Connaught - Zoxing. 1:30 - 5 pm.--North &imcoe-- Boxing; Cedardale--Crafts; Con- naught--Tumbling. 6:30 = 9 pm.--N. Simcoe--Tum- bling and Gym; Cedardale -- Box- ing; - Connaught--Crafts. Tuesdays 9:30 -~ 12--Alexandra -- Crafts; Cowan--Boxing; Bathe--Tumbling. 1:30 - 5 p.m.--Alexandra--Box- ing; Cowan--Tumbling; Bathe-- Crafts. 6:30 - 9 p.m.--Alexandra--Tum- tling; Cowan -- Crafts; Bathe -- Boxing. Wednesdays 9:30 . 12--Vietory--Boxing; Ro- tary--Crafts; Sunnyside--Tumbling, 1:30 - 5 p.m--Victory--Crafts; Rotary -- Tt~-%ling; Sunnyside -- PB .ing. 6:30 - 9 p. mVieiory--Tumbling: Rotary -- Boxing; Sunnyside -- Crafts. Thursdays 9:30. - 12--North Simcoe--Boxing; Red "Cross Cottage--Tumbling; Ce- dardale--Crafts. 1:30 - 5 p.m.--North Simcoe-- Crafts; Red Cross Cottage -- Box- 6:30 = 9 pm.--North Simcoe-- Tumbling; Red Cross Cottage-- Crafts; Cedardale--Boxing. ing; Cedardale--Tumbling. CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer 44. artificial 46. indefinite 47. audacious 49. woody plant 51. wing 52. frosted 53. the maples 54. decimal unit 55. fathers 56. trust HORIZONTAL 1. aggregate 4. feign 8. Sicilian volcano 12. anecdotes 13. comfort 14. press 15. transfix 16. Mohamme- dan prince 17. lease 7. deserve 8. independent Ireland 9. intervening stud 10. prefix: not 11. insect 19. puff up 21. titled 23. Japanese coin 567. S-shaped worm VERTICAL 1. flavor 2. join together 3. devilfish 4. prophet 5. son of Noah 6. stage whispers 18. weasel-like carnivore 20. eats dinner 22. Mexican coin 28. bristle 24. golf mound 27. the birds 29. lake in Sweden 84. mechanical. devices 35. foreign: 36. military assistant 37. tear violently 88. woman of title Answer to yesterday's puzzle. Vv 25. auditory organ 26. bitter vetch 28. sells 30. genus of grasses 31. deface 32. fourth caliph 33. flowed in wavelets 34. prevarication 36. mulet 39. rose essence 41. marble 42, regulations 43. college officials 45. annexes 46. exceedingly 47, offer 48. Peruvian 40. aromatic plant lan Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc. 50. a F "lays 9:30 ~ 12--Victory--Crafts; Cow- an--Boxing; Bathe--Tumbling. 1:30 . 5 p.m.--Alexandra--Tum- bling; Rotary--Boxing; Sunnyside --Crafts. 6°30 ~ 9 pm.--Nortn &imcoe-- Boxing; Red Cross Cottage--Tum- bling; Cedardale--Crafts. It is suggested that parents save this schedule f activities. EARLY BIRD MESSENGERS Birds were used to carry mes- sages as long ago at 218 B.C. BIG BUILDING PROGRAM London, July 15--(CP)--Britain is completing 240,000 new houses a year, Health Minister Aneurin Be- van told the House of Commons Wednesday. In defending the gov- ernment's post-war housing policy, Bevan pointed to the new homes as "a source of national pride." The Commons rejséted dy a vote of 303 to 131 an opposition motion to re- duce the Health Ministry's appro- priations. "SALADA Outstanding Quality Delicious Flavour MEN'S LEATHER SPORT SHOES SANDALS Reg. 10 395 sae 1,49 Reg. 10 450 sat 1,98 Reg. to 595 salt 4,50 GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 SE 2-tone and perforated styles. Reg. to. $9.00. Sale Prices: 645 & 6.95 BOYS' CANVAS RUNNING BOOTS Reg. $200 Value, 12 5 Bale Price MEN'S CANVAS 'SPORT OXFORD 2-tone cork platform sole. Reg. $3.95. Sale Price WHITES & SPECTATORS GROUP 1 res.ro650 saerricc 2.98 GROUP 2 res.to750 saerrice 3.98 GROUP.3 Reg.to850 saerricec 5.98% Leather Sandals Smooth Crepe Soles Sizes 5 to 714 -- 2.35 Sizes 8 to 10), -- 2.75 Sizes 11 to 2 -- 2.98 q Take Advantage of These Savings in Summer Footwear NOW! DAVIDSON SHOE STORE 21 SIMCOE STREET N. "Shoes Th at Satisfy" PHONE 227 Ontario Cabinet Backs Hydro Bid Toronto, July 15--(CP)--The Ontario Cabinet Wednesday ap- proved the application of the Hydro Electric Power Commission of On- tario to the International joint Commission to proceed with power development on the St. Lauwrence Acting Premier Kennedy sald the River. Hydro application was for authority to proceed jointly with the Power Authority of New York State in construction of hydro ~lectric power works in the International Rapids section of the St. Lawrence He said the main source of power River, will come from the Long Sault Ra- pids near Cornwall. When harness- ed they are expected to deliver 2,- 200,000 horse power, half to go to Ontario, half to New York State. The project will take about five years to complete and will cost an estimated $350,000,000. 3 DANA. PORTER IN HOLLAND The Hague, July 15--(CP)--Dana Porter, Ontario Minister of Plan- ning and Development, completed a tour of The Netherlands Wednes- day investigating the possibility of getting more Dutch farmers to mi- grate to Ontario. He will fly to Lon- don tomorrow and expects to arrive at his home in Toronto in about a week. FRENCH STAR DIES Paris, July 15--(AP)--Marguerite Moncea, 77, known on the French stage and screen for 50 years as Marguerite Moreno, died Wednes- day at her home in Southern France, Known as the "Grande Dame" of the French stage, Miss Moreno collaborated for several years with Sarah Bernhardt. SLAUGTERED CATTLE A recent estimate indicates that 10 per cent of Europe's livestock: was killed off during the concluds=: ing months of the war. A delicious salad--ready in a jiffyl Tender, nutritious Spork slices, make any salad better]. Versatile Spork con be served innumerable ways--get a supply from your grocer today. BURNS & CO. LIMITED "PIONEER MEAT PACKERS OF CANADA. BOKAR COFFEE A&P Custom Ground Serve It Iced LB Sic 24 OZ LOAF 10c MILK BREAD BLACK TEA o- GINGER ARLE Yukon Club ( contents only) 2 30 OZ BTLS 25¢ DESSERT PEARS Globe Kieffer - es 200Z TIN 20c GREEN PEAS New Pack Choice Ungraded - 20 OZ TIN 15¢ YORK BRAND BOLOGNA FAIRHAVEN SARDINES SHORTENING DOMESTIC BREAKFAST TREAT | 3 FRY'S COCOA KRAFT SALAD MUSTARD FOR DISHES OR WOOLENS DREFT °° ° WALL CLEANER SPICK & SPAN TOILET SOAP MANYFLOWERS MAPLE LEAF -- 1i-lb, Pig SOAP FLAKES TOILET SOAP MAPLE LEAF TOILET SOAP HEALTHeLO ~~ ASHCROFT B.C. IONA (Pectin Added) RASPBERRY JAM IONA ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT E » \d CLARK'S IRISH STEW BUTTER NEW PACK IONA (Pectin Added) STRAWBERRY J CHRISTIE'S or McCORMICK'S SODAS ~~ © °° FOR PRESERVING SEALERS 1.09 LIQUID CERTO - ~ °° A & P FANCY TOMATO JUICE 25-40-60 WATT SOLEX LAMPS PRIMROSE SWEET MIXED PICKLES AYLMER PLAIN QUEEN OLIVES For Spaghetti, CATELLI MEAT SAUCE 2 Cakes 13¢ Ann Page White or Brown Own Special Blend - - - 12-0z. Tin 24¢ 27 15¢ > 9g¢ * 49¢ "or 10¢ Pha: 29¢. Ps. 93 SLICED 4-1b. Pkg. 87¢ Cake 6¢ ALL PURPOSE | PURITY FLOUR A & P PET TREAT DOG MEAL GOLD OR MITCHELL'S APPLE SAUCE ° ECOTIAN SOCIETY LB 73c CLEANSER AYLNMER SOUPS ANN PAGE BOLOGNA DOG FOOD OLD DUTCH ASSORTED MAYONNAISE A&P SUPER -RIGHT MEATS PORK SHOULDERS svoxeo sianwiess 1x §fe PORK SHOULDERS svoxeo soneiess 1s §2c COTTAGE ROLLS revveaeo BACK BACON BREAKFAST BACON WIENERS CHOICE MAPLE LEAF, CELLO WRAPPED LB 39. SLICED #EAMEALED SLICED 24-1b. Bag 2-1b. Bag 20-0z. Tin 20-o0z. Tins Tin 11¢ 10-o0z. Tins 8-oz. Jar = LB 55 730 sfc us 3 Je BROILERS Fresh Killed MilkFed Grade A, 2Y-To 3 lbs LB 53: FRESH KILLED GRADE A LB 43: 3 Cakes 20c Every Priced To Save Cut GENUINE SPRING LAMB a i 17¢ - -0z. nd 1. Ig 24-ox. 27+ 15-02. JUMBO FRESH | SALMON STEAKS Fresh. Caught Restigouche LB 5534 : | SMOKED FILLETS | HADDOCK FILLETS we 39 vs 39ct 35¢ 35¢ 35¢ Tins 24.0%. Jar | 24.0x. Jar 2-1b. Pkg. Qts. Doz. 1.23 = Btl 25¢ go 1 each 15¢ 24-0z. 27¢ Jar 3% | BEETS Tender Crisp No. 1 Native Fresh, Large Bunches Yellow Cooking Native New Crop BPPLES ~~ cop Duchess: No, 1 LEMONS re: - CELERY STALKS Marchand, Pascal No.1 & FOR 19c HEAD LETTUCE r:tc Grown Lage Zor 15c CAULIFLOWER CARROTS Native Large White No. 1 A&P FRUITS end VEGETABLES ONE PRICE THERE'S NATIVE NEW CROP POTATOES Jt ONIONS 35 25¢ 25s 23c Cello Pkg 12¢ ea B3e 2 18s Qc nmi VAN CAMPS , | PORK & BEANS | Culverhouse PRUNE PLUMS CHOICE QUALITY | 2 15 oz Tins 25. |

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