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Daily Times-Gazette, 16 Jul 1948, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1948 WANT AD SECTION ss%Z%%54 | BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Articles for Sale .. -848 1--Auditors " Automobiles For Sale . siesesssese T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- 3 accountant, 24 Alger Bldg, King Bt. . Phone 2127. Consulting ace countant and auditor. Augl) 2.--Barristers . LOUIS 8 HYMAN, BARRISTER, ETO. Mortgage Loans asa) ed. 25 Simcoe North. Phone 67. dence B05 ia n Automobile Repairs Auction Sale ...... Eu 8 Oppor- tunities .......oe Business Male Help T & ANNIS, BARRISTERS. AL- DO i K.C., 7l2 Simcoe Street Bouth. Phone 4, Residence 769. (Augl) AW. B. GREER, K.C.. BARRISTER, Solicitor, ete., 6 Rise, gent East. 3160. 1d partner W C. Pollard, ©o, Sepridge. (Augl) ERSON, CREIGHTON & FRASER, gmigED etc. Bank of Commerce guiding, __(Augl) R. D, HUMPHREYS, K.C., BARRISTER, Solicitor, _etc., K 8t. West. Phones: Office 814; residence 3207. "Money _to loan. = Non an (Aug) JAMES R. MacBRIEN, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Suite 201, 70 King East, Genosha Hotel. Phone' 349. (Augl) MANGAN, K.C., BARRIS- Money to loan. Office Bast, Oshawa. Phone 445. Res. Phone 837. (Augl) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLI- citor, 11 King E. Room 2. Phones Office 55. Residence 3687R. (Augl) A J. PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH., JOSEPH I. Solicitor. 141 King St. INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Legal Notices ..... 43 Wanted ......... 38 Above raves apply omly 'to ol Subsequent iusercions 1 «t P an 20 words or less. CLASSIFIED AD RATES inal orders for consecutive imsertions. ered at a later comstitute a igual orders. gi iy Ag fang over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign, Sguis count &s « full word. Box charged 10c additional All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 pm. the day before publication. Office hours: Dally 8-6. Saturday 8- 20 Words Each Addl Less Word n £5 » Eat] 30--Room and Board Barr! Mo! loans, Ho py ong 26 Simcoe North. Phone 1614. Res. 1975.1. __ (Augl) MANNING F. SWARTZ, , SARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- i] es suite No. 4. Phone 282. 2877 Roy 3a--Physicians and Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. E., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven to twelve and (except Wed and Sat.), 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. (Augl) 4--Chiropractors H E. W. BROWNLEE, DOCTOR OF Chiropractic. Electric Treatments, Free consultation. 15 Simcoe North. Phone 869. (Jul22) 5--Optometrists ou H. TUCK, OPPOSITE TE POST OFFICE, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Phone 1516. (Augl) JURY AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: 9 am. to 6 pm. Wednesday 9 to 1. A E Johnson, Optometrist. Phone 2 ug 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE Consult us for any of your insurance needs. All classes of insurance includ- ing life. 221, King Street East, phone 5450. Res. '431 8R. (Augl) 7--Veterinarians \ DR. E. H. WEBSTER, LARGE AND small animal surgery. 101 Richmond 8t. W. Phone 2010. (Augl) 9--Money To Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE E FOR first mortgages. Apply M. F. Gwartz, Barrister. Bassett Block, suite No. 4. Telephone 282. (Augl) 10--Instruction PRE-FALL TERM COMMENCES TUES- day, August 3. All commercial subjects. Comptometer. School closed during July. Oshawa Business College, 18 Sim- coe North. Phone 1314W. __(Augl3tf) STATIONERY ENGINEERS: LET US prepare you for a higher grade certi- ficate. Write School of Stationery En- gineering. Box 489, Copper Cliff, bo ( 11--Building Trades FOR PLASTERING AND STUCCO work phone 4117M. Free estimate. (Aug.3) FOR CARPENTER WORK, ROOFING, alterations. Phone 4423-W, (July 24) FILL, LOAM, DUMP bulldozer. Prompt, Essery. Phone (Jul22) LOAM, CINDERS, GRAVEL, SAND, cement work. Dump, stake truck, forms and mixer for hire. Phone 4435R. (Jul24) PLASTERING AND REPAIRS; ALSO cement work. Walks, basement floors, SAND, GRAVEL, trucks, excavating, reliable service. 3470 24--Personal CRESS INGROWN TOE-NAIL SALVE has consistently given sure relief. Your Druggist sells the best and it's * 'Cress'. (July1, Aug. 9,8ept.1,24) WILL BUILD HOUSE TO "YOUR RE- quirements, on 1 to 4 acres of land, on a fast expanding locality. arranged. Apply Box 825, Gazette. YOUNG COUPLE WOULD LIKE TRANS- portagion to Burk"s Falls, on July 24 nd 25. willing to share expenses. Phone 1710M. (166b) PAYING PASSENGERS WISHING RIDE to North Bay, July 24, rer ing in two weeks. Phone 2136J. (1 25--Real Estate For Sale 5 ROOMS AND BATHROOM, BUILT-IN cupboards, hen house. $4,000 for quick sale, Phone 5378J. (163e) $3,500. 5-room furnished cottage, double lot, year-round occupancy, electricity, water, Apply Alma Cottage, Lakeview Ave. North, Fairport Beach, until July 18. (165¢) $3,000, SUMMER COTTAGE AT WIL- llams Point. 3 bedrooms, living-room and kitchen, Delco pump system. This property has been ordered sold. Apply A. E. Murdoch, Real Estate Broker. A. H. Murdoch, Salesman. (166b ONE OF THE BETTER TYPE RESI- dences, on Simcoe St.,, with many ex- tras. For information apply Box 813, Times-Gazette. (166¢) 6-ROOM HOUSE, OR EXCHANGE FOR food house in Oshawa. This propery splendid condition, hardwood floors, hot-air furnace, all decorated. Garage, chicken coop, workshop, barn and hay barn. 4 acres good garden land, 1 acre raspberries, 30 fruit trees. Property in city limits. Apply 1024 Lakeview Gar- dens. (164c) $3800 Cash--Ilovely little 3-room cottage on Mill St. All convenlences and well decorated. $5,900 $2,400 Down. 4 rooms, on Glidden Ave. is 1s only a year old. Mortgage under $6,400 Athol St. E. In new section. Pre-war 6-room stucco. This is a good home. About half cash will handle. $9,400 King St. W. Large 7-roomed home with plenty of land. $4,000 down will handle this good plece of property. $7,000 Simcoe St. 8., near Subway. Good busi- ness site, Tenanted at present. A. E. MURDOCH . REAL ESTATE BROKER (164b) OCCUPANCY $8,250 7-room brick home, east section of EARLY EXCAVAT dreins, cellars and grad Road Sout Ph WEEPING TILE each delivered 027 GRAVEL, 4-INCH, Dance Eros, 339201. [ 1641) FOR RENT, ELECTRIC "CEMENT Ms } er. Phone | $467 13 41) | FILL, SAND. PHONE 1 2--Personal Serv. vices P. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS watchmaker. Repair soop at 46 King Street West. Your petronage aha ( Augl) CHESTERFIELDS, OILT, O- vered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaer- anteed. Phone 5280W nights, 2344 days (A 1g. arr.) | FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE- upholstered. Ee our materials for recovering. ruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles, phone 401 (Aug8) 17-Radio Repairs REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF RADIOS, Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2385 (Aug?) 18--Automobile Repairs MOREY'S GARAGE, CORNER. VERDUN on. Expert repairs to G.M., A products. Bpecializin re- _bullding knee action. Phone 657 da (Augld) 20--Business Opportunities LUNCH "COUNTER, $2,300 CASH. IDEAL for young couple. Good location. Good turnover all year round. For further particulars, - write Box 824, Times- Gaze'te (166¢) 22--L ost and Found LOST. GENTLEMAN'S breasted brown sult coat. DOUBLE- Phone 2997R. "eh (165¢) Lost Mi MAN'S BROWN WALLET, CON- money and personal Papers Phone 3145R. Reward. i" 165b) LOST. PARKER 51, FOUNTAIN PEN, rey, gold filled cap, reward. Keepsake. hone 1274R. (165b) 23--Women's Column UHARIS--FOR SPRING FASHION IN Cg fitting, on Sarde corselettes and brassieres. one Bla 5 2594W, (Augll) 24--Personal eee eri nin MOTORING TO NEW BRUNS duly. 24, Jetuning 15580. o room matin rd CK, for 3 _ (165b) CTORS 8 SPECIAL- phalt- shingles, hot roofing. Chimneys H. W. Tucker. | include: 1$6,50 (Aug.15) city, Fully modern throughout. ¢ | Carefully supervised during con- | struction. Living room, dining room, kitchen, 4 bedrooms. Many outstanding values in this home Stone vestibule, new gar- age with overhead 'doors, oil burner (3-yr, contract), combination doors, built-in fruit cellar. It is not often you get the opportunity of such an excellent investment in a good home today. The price is right, Down payment approximately $3,560.00. Monthly payments are $29.63 (pr. & int), Inspection by appointment only. We have an exclusive listing. Ask for Mr, Nash at 4400, Dhow 4100 chofield INSURANCE Agony (165b) --6-room semi bungalow. rd ano ail Modem copveniences, ard wi oors, . Ga Large house, with 5 acres ori land, Several fruit trees bearing. Close to Highway and School. 2 miles west of Howes. ville, Half cash will give edifite possession with crop inclu Rig Balance easy terms. Several good farms, all sizes and prices. N. 1. METCALFE BROKER 103 RITSON RD. 8. PHONE 5320M (Wed.-Frl.) --5-room frame REALTORS 25---Real Estate For Sale 29b--Summer Resorts PINEHURST LODGE, CORBETT'S Point. Accommodation Erde or by the week, mattresses, sandy beach. Phone oro or 1790. (165d) BEAUTIFUL LAKE FRONT COTTAGE, by season or week, also housekeeping rooms, $10. a Week, sandy private Deacs. 32--Automobiles for Sale '33 CHEV. COACH, PERFECT CONDI- tion, 4 new tires, heater and defroster, will take trade, Saunt be sold. Phone 1350J after 6 p.m. (165b) '38 PLYMOUTH SEDA N, GOOD CON- dition, $650, or nearest offer. Can be seen behind Genosha between 5 and 7, after phone 1184W. (165b) All convent gog Point. (June30,Jul2,6,9) FOR A FURNISHED 8 cottage, bathroom, fireplace, fridge and stove. July 18 to 24, AYE, 22 to 29. Phone 1790. (165 MAND BOARD g A PRIVATE im UMMER electric | '37 PLYMOUTH COUPE, MODEL P.3. This car is in first ciass condition, Jew © ith job, grey, will take trade. ick-up, real Tratler, 4 x 8, sell or rent. '33 Ford coach. tioned Ford A 4 and used. West. Teed" car' 100 ay "666 or os; 32--Automobiles for Sale '34 OLDS. SEDAN, IN GOOD CONDI- tion. Phone 1797R. (165¢) 36--Articles for Sale 33--Automobiles Wanted GOOD USED PRIVATE CAR FOR cash. Phone e 4518W, (165¢) CASH FOR YOUR OANI BRAMLEY Motor "hi 1271 Simcov Street Nort! Phone 4695 (A gs) MORE CASH FOR YO CAR AT Dodd's Car Fo. 418 Park Road South. Phone 2872W. (Aug?) 34--Pets and Livestaple go demas. § oN srdens, Oshawa. MA WEEKS O| MALE, Apply 1054 1 Lakeview ens, (1611) mily. Near Fittings an James. 1848J. (164c) ROOM AND BOARD, SUITABLE FOR young man. Apply 369 Park Road South. (166b) ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT ROARD. 62 Division Street. Very central. '(Augé) 30a--Room & Board Wanted BED-SITTING, WITH BOARD OR breakfast. Phone 2030W. (1662) 31--Wanted to Rent BUSINESS COUPLE REQUIRE AT- tractive, unfurnished apartment. To , Times-Gazette. 164c) BY SEPT 1ST; 3 OR 4-ROOMED UN- furnished apartment, young couple, no children, abstainers. Phone 4418J. 50) QUIET YOUNG COUPLE REQUIRE A 2 or 3-roomed apartment or flat; ab- stalners. Phone 3842W, after S Sa ) 28 BUICK, IN GOOD RUNNING dition, $150, Phone 180J12. (166b) 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN. PERFECT CON- dition. Driven only by owner. Phone 2724 Oshawa. (166b) ee 47 NORTON MOTORCYCLE, (S500. Phone 180J12. YOU WEAR THEM OUT, VE a fhem, Bill Moring's Garage, "North, Osh. awa. (Aug.6) 1930. BUICK, 1930 HARLEY DAVIDSON 45, Triumph, Rudge. Phone HIM, oy |B '34 HUDSON CABRIOLET, $350. NAI- man's Garage, 181 Albert St. (165¢) '34 ESSEX SUPER 6, NEW TIRES AND pains, Apply 323 Jarvis St., after 5 p.m (165¢) 1934 OLDSMOBILE 6 SEDAN -- RADIO, TALES 1 Yi pe St a es. Qung. gets; coe % Shon; 373 Simcoe South. DOGS BOARDED BY DAY OR ai Twin Birch Kennels. Phone Yhithy 839. (Aug.10) SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPPIES, 10 weeks old, reasonable. 202 Tresane St. (165¢) KENNEL REDUCTION SALE OF RE- gistered cocker spaniels, blacks, INBOARD MOTOR a 20 FT.; AL- 80 h.p. Phone 918. (166b) 6-PC. BREAKFAST SUITE, HARD- wood natural finish, also conversion oll burner, black seal coat, size 16. Phone 1698J. \ (1668) ------ 36--Articles for Sale V BOTTOM BOAT. CHEAP. Gibbon Street, Cissb) TWO 600x16 GOODYEAR TIRES to] wer washing machine, wringer and ub stand; Steel double bed springs; All-steel folding camp cot; Small up- right oil stove All in real 'good condi= tion. Phone 34474. (166 a) ONE FRENCH DOOR, ONE ila] for _sale. Phone 5171J. RUG, JACKET (166b) REVERSIBLE 5x8, IN hii condition. Phone | 2578W. (166a) BABY STROLLER; i ALSO WOODEN crib. Phone 40 4003). _(166a) STUDIO COUCH, REVERSIBLE CU- shions; two male canaries and stands; annex stove. Reasonable. Phone pos, (166a) NEW AND .USED BOYS' AND GIRLS' sidewalk bicycles. Thrifty budget plan avallable, small down payment, balance payable over 6 month's period. Goodrich Stores, King and Ritson Rd. Phone 247, (166a) CABIN TRAILER, FACTORY BUILT, sleeps 4, good condition, cheap for cash, 419 King West. (166b) BLU E STROLLER; COMMODE © CHAIR; Ba Bott clubs; natural muskrat iur coat, size 14, Phone 4721J. (166a) and parti-colors. We also trim, bath and board S04, aubena Kennels, mile west of hawa, new highway. (Aug.15) PHONE (166¢) YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE. 3423W2, - 35--Wearing Apparel heater. Excellent holiday aut Take delivery August 1. $500. Phone 3389M. (164c) '33 HUDSON SEDAN, GOOD CONDI- YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE WITH BA- by, desire three unfurnished rooms, fa or apartment. Phone 3800W before p.m. (165b) 3 OR 4 ROOMS, APARTMENT OR house, by quiet young couple, with school-age "daughter. Phone 187 4c) NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE, BRICK, OWNER built. Hot water heating. Storey-and- a-half. Southern section. Apply » a2) dillac South. 64d) OWNER OCCUPIED, 6-ROOM Tore all conveniences, Apply 180 Bruce St. Phone 1022R. (164c) 2-ROOMED HOUSE, CONVENIENCES, 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS BY YOUNG business couple. No children, Phone 4031J, (166b) tion 636 Somerville Ave. 2164W. (166b) 3 TON '33 CHEV TRUCK, SUITABLE WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, sterilized, cleaned and pressed like new. g & big stock of of Spring coats, suits and pants. 21 W. Sam Schwartz. Bot Aug?) 36--Articies For Sale for plasterer, Mihgiiial ete. able. 439 Alber (166b) ROYAL Ps MOTOR BIKE, EX- cellent cor condition. Phone 908RA. (166¢) "38 DODGE, MOTOR PERFECT, BODY perfect, lights and brakes perfect, everything perfect. Phone Bowmanville 526. Two months s guarantee, (16 (166¢c) GARAGE, DOWNTOWN DISTRICT Dreferted. Phone 4871W, between Seay ) 32--Automohiles for Sale on Elgin St, W. Immediate Suit couple, Good sized lot. Apply 34 Rigin W. (165b) SNACK BAR With modern living quarters, very busy location, good turnover at present, with room for expan- sion. Illness forces sale. Price $12,500. Immediate possession, + W.E. HOLMES * BROKER * 19. ONTARIO ST. Res. 341M -- Office 328 (Fri.-Mon.) GOOD COUNTRY HOME 3 acres, creek running through property, 8-roomed house, also nice barn, road open year round, plus the following buildings: chicj:en house, brooder, woodshed, double garage 20x30, with work bench. Close to school, church and store. On the main road, situated 1% miles west of South Myrtle, in the Village of Ashburn, : APPLY J. ALBLAS, OWNER ASHBURN, ONT. FARM $5,900 This grand property is only 4 miles from the Village of Port Perry situated on a main highway in an exceptional picturesqlie location looking over Lake cugog. A splendid opportunity for a good trade in farm produce with tour- ist customers, there are 80 acres of good workable land and about 11 acres of lightly wooded land with an ever- Towing spring. The 8-room house is of Tod, brick sonsiruetion, hardwood floors irs, ceme t under ms house, hot Be heating, cement cistern in basement, wonderful view from living room, hydro heavy wire, large barn, driving shed and hen house all steel roofed, silo. New one car garage, cement floor and cement foun- dation. 2,500 cash payment will handle. This farm is ou nding value, If interested act quick. GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE BROKER--WHITBY J. E. Shields, Salesman (166a) 25¢c--Farmers' Column 7 YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE. BETWEEN 7 and 8 weeks. Apply Lot"4, Concession 14. M. Cochran (1662) BR For Rent NICELY FURNISHED, LARGE BED- room, suitable for two. one single with single bed, Apply 209 Simcoe South. (164d) 3-ROOM COTTAGE, HYDRO, GARAGE, commuting distance from Oshawa. Phone Port Perry 121R11. (166b) NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR rent. Phone 3873M. (166b) FURNISHED, LARGE DOUBLE ROOM, sult two, Phone GBR. ~~ (166b) 2 SEMI- FURNISHED, LIGHT HOUSE- Keeping roots. 4 A ly after 7 evenings. hone 1089R. (166a) LARGE FURNI SA ROOM, SUIT ONE or two. Phone 3441W. (166b FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING CABINS, Corbett's Point. Phone 1790. (165d) FURNISHED BEDROOM, ALL CON- veniences. Apply 18 Elena St. Phone 1886R. (184c) TWO ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT board, Apply 146 Tyler Crescent. Phone 4637TM. (164c) FURNISHED BEDROOM, ONE BLOC Mish Masson St. from ujet home, Phone F164. (165c) 3-ROOM UNFURNISHED FLAT, SUIT business couple. Apply Box 816, Times- Gazette, (165¢) BI K good acco 1 aceomnjodation, ssa 1Fet Ren Rent CAR TRAILER AND 3 day or week, also 15 Sommerville Ave. (166a) OVERNIGHT GUESTS, 539 King St. (163e) FIRST tent, for A room dete Phone aso. HOUSE SR ---- GOOD SUMMER and winter, In good place or will move anywhere. Box 823, Times- G t (166b) $3,000 %== 5 large lot, hen house. Cordova $4 20 --5-room frame, all con- ' veniences. Verdun Road, New furnace and garage. $2,000 cash. 3.1 --S-room brick bungalow. $3. or Ritson Road South. $5, 90 --5-room brick, all con- veniences and e. Kingsdale Ave. Immediate Possettony $5, 20 ~--6 acres land, 6.-room house, fruit trees, barn, garage, furnace Lakeview Gardens. Will exchange. i LA AVE OTHERS /. McAULEY EALTOR 150 DIVISION 8ST, PHONE 3510M, ANYTIME (166a) electricity, a SPACE IN INDUSTRIAL BUILDING AT 160 LL Rd Apply C. L. Johnson. Phone 8 (166¢) 5,000 8Q. FT. PACTORY FLOOR SPACE, central, steam heated, suitable for light manufacturing. Box 810, Times-Gazette, . (164c) OFFICE SPACE 320 8Q. FT. AVAILABLE 'IN NEW BUILDING: CENTRALLY LOCATED. Box 819, Times-Gazette (165¢) 29b--Summer Resorts 3-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE, CEN- trally located at Wasaga Beach. Phome Mn Wo. (164d) '36 PLYMOUTH. 263 COURT STREST. ( ) "39 CHEV. SEDAN, EXCELLENT CON- dition throughout, 336 LE ) '31 PONTIAC SEDAN. GOOD CONDI- tion. 144 Nassau Street. (166¢) 1941 DODGE SEDAN: GOOD CONDI- tion. 8!2 Bond St. (166a) '42 PLYMOUTH ivi APPLY EL- wood Manns, Raglan, (164¢) 1942 CHEVROL 1 TON PICK- -UP truck. Lovely ci maition. Good tires. John Powell, North Oshawa. 64 1940 TRUCK, GMC. } FOR SALE. WILL trade on car. Phone 4152J. (164c "42 CHEV, FLEETLINE, RADIO, Ti er, new tires, mechanically good, Phone 382W2. (16! 5b) 1936 OLDSMOBILE CABRIOLET. 300. 5 motor good. Se]l reasonable. Ties) c AUTO GLASS, CUT AND INSTALLED, for any make car or truck. "Johnnie" Walker, located at Clement's Service Station, 102 Simcoe N. Phone 842. (Aug.14) '40 TORPEDO BUICK SEDAN, COM- pletely. overhauled, practically new ifs. defrosters, life guard tubes. Looks new car, Would consider trade. Phone 4521M. (165b) '31 HUPMOBILE, FAIR SHAPE. $150. Ritson Road N, 4th house west side past Rossland, after 6:30. (185b) '35 OLDSMOBILE COACH, IN VERY good condition. Phone 3858R or apply 270 Nassau. '47 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. EXCELLENT shape, Cash or trade considered. Phone 2107J. (165¢) '41 BUICK TORPEDO, GOOD TIRES, good running order. "Apply 43 Rich- mond West. Phone 2672M after EL '37 FORD COACH, WILL ACCEPT trade. Nalman's Garage, 181 Albert St. (165¢) 2 TON PANEL; '40 INTER- anel: '41 Plymouth an. Rahme's Garage, 26 Athol St. W. Phone 1486. (165¢) "46 MERCURY SEDAN, RADIO, Son er, fi lights, extras, excellent condi- tion. $1,800 cash. Port Perry 102R14. (166¢) '34 CHEV. MASTER DELUXE SEDAN, excellent condition throughout. Phone 4149J. 26 Alexander Blvd. (165b) 41 GM.C. } national 1 ton WATCH FOR BELMONT MOTORS BIG CAR SALE On July 16 & 17 All our older models must be sold at a saving to you from $100 to $200. (162e) IT'S HERE AT LAST Belmont Motors REDUCTION SALE ALL CARS REDUCED FROM 50-200 SEE PAGE 9 '36 BUICK COUPE, , GOOD RUNNING condition. Phone 3695, Friday 7 to 9 o'clock, Saturday afternoon, Sees (1 aii BENNETT MOTORS Complete New Stock 1948 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN, brand new. CHEV. STYLEMAST- ER COACH, brand new. CHEV. OPERA SEAT COUPE, like new. OLDS. HYDRAMATIC SEDANETYE, show- room car. PONIPIAC DELUXE SEDAN, low mileage. PONTIAC TORPEDO SEDANETTE, like new. CHEV. OPERA SEAT COUPE, very clean car. SH SUPER DE- LUXE OPERA SEAT COUPE, beautiful car. CHEV. FLEETMAST- ER SEDAN, spotless. CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN, fully equipped. OLDS. TOWN SEDAN, beautiful car. CHEV. SPECIAL DE- LUXE COACH, perfect car, MERCURY DELUXE COACH, good condi- tion. CHEV. DELUXE COACH, clean car. OLDS. 6 DELUXE COACH, fully equipped. FORD DELUXE COACH, clean car. BUICK SMALL SERIES SEDAN, fully equipped. CHEV. DELUXE COACH, extra clean car. PONTIAC DELUXE COACH, good condi- tion. CHEV. LUXE car. CHEV. STANDARD DELUXE COACH, good condition. FORD DELUXE COUPE, rumble seat. CHEV. ROADSTER, sporty car. 1948 1948 1947 1947 1947 1947 1946 1946 1946 1942 1941 1941 1940 1940 1940 1938 1937 1937 MASTER DE- SEDAN, clean 1936 1936 1936 1934 Oshawa's Largest Used Car Dealer , Small Down Payment Up To 18 Months To Pay OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:30 428 KING ST. W. PHONE 4554 (165b) FEW TRUCK LOADS OF DRY BODY hardwood. In stove wood lengths or cord wooll. Also few truer loads of dry soft wood, Phone 4057W12 (1661) WURLITZER 750 MOD EL, FIRST class condition. Box 812, Times-Gazette, (164c) DINETTE SUITE, AMBER SHADE, FED leather trim. - Phone 185J. (166 b) RECONDITIONED JACOBSON LAWN Queen power mower. Phone 589J. (166c) Good quality concrete building blocks, 8" and 10", plain or rock face. Apply at Kent and Walnut Sts., Whitby, from 8 to 5; after 5 at 4 Oak St., Ajax. (165¢) NAILS Steel, 10,000 kegs available of all sizes. WNte for price list. SHERMAN'S BOX 1005, POSTAL STATION C. TORONTO, CANADA (165¢) SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUG, 9' x 12', floral design on wine. Apply 99 Con- et St., Phone 4136W. (166a) EARLING HENS -- DRESSED AND EL ly Phone 3467J2. (166a) USED STEEL FURNACE, EXCELLENT condition. For 7-roomed house. Apply 09 Oshawa Blv (164c) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS. Cheap, to clean factory for holidays. Phone 3288J. (164c) JACKET HEATER FOR SALE, APPLY 212 Roxborough. Phone 548W. __(164c) CEDAR POSTS AND POLES. ANY quantity delivered. Phone 1962W. (Aug5) DRY WOOD, MIXED SLABS, 4-FOOT lengths, $35 per load, 3 full cords. Phone Lloyd, Whitby 927, (Augs) TWO STEEL BEDS, 3% AND DOUBLE; baby pram; round extension table; kit- chen table. Phone 3610R. (184c) AWNINGS, ONLY LIMITED SUPPLY available. Order now. Chairs and tables for rent. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N., Oshawa, (Aug4) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS, 55¢ PER 8q. 'ft. Measured and installed. George M. Reid, Phone 2104, 65 Bond West. " (Jul2s) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. (Jul2stf) WESTINGHOUSE GAS ENGINE WASH- ing machines, using Johnson Iron- horse engine, latest model. Meagher's, 5 King est. (Aug.3) INLAID AND PRINTED LINOLEUM, felt base flooring in two and three- yard widths, Felt base rugs in all sizes. Bradley Furniture Co., 40 King Street West. 15611) SUNBEAM MIXMASTERS AND SUN- beam "Ironmaster" automatic irons, available for immediate delivery Terms it desired. Meagher, 92 Simcoe St. N., and 5 King A (Jul! 26) CABIN TRAILER Good condition. Apply 136 Simcoe St. S. (1541) WOOD'S AUTOMATIC MILK COOLER, used only three months. Phone 1589R. (July17) NEW STANDARD BICYCLES, AS LOW as $4.75 down payment, and ladies' DeLuxe Bicycles, balloon tires, as low as $5.75 down payment, balance pay- able over 6 month's period. B. F, Good- rich Stores, King and Ritson Road. Phone 247. (Fri. Tues. Fri.) RANGETTE, JUST LIKE NEW, LARGE oven, reasonable. Phone 4375J. (166a) 50,000 GALLONS WAR SURPLUS PAINT $1.75 per gallon and up, also surplus paints, varnishes, lacquers, etc. All colours available including white. Man- ufactured by C.IL. Sherwin Williams, Lowe Bros., Scarfe's, etc. Write for price list. SHERMAN'S BOX 1005, POSTAL STATION C. TORONTO, CANADA, (165¢) 'THE LARGEST VARIETY OF QUALITY FISHING TACKLE AT THE LOWEST PRICES SMITH SPORTS 353 KING WEST Phone 472 -- Open. Evenings (165¢) GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS, 12 different colors. Flexalum steel or wood, Made to measure for any win- dow. Free estimates and installations. Met-Wo Industries Limited. J. W. Mel- ley. Phone 4101. (Aug.2) NEW ELECTROHOME COMBINATION table model radio, also R.C.A. Victor mantle Iadlomin good shape. Apply 94 Alexander Blvd (164b) ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE, | EASY, good condition; 8-pe. dining-room suite; patr French doors. Phone © oon) (1662) 48 BASS ACCORDION. EXCELLENT condition. Phone 2413W. (166b) STOVES, ELECTRIC RANGE, 3-BURN- er with oven, excellent shape: smal range, wood or coal, cheap. Private. Phone 4386R. (164c) TRICYCLE, C.( C.C.M, | LARGE SIZE, $10; tricycle, medium size, $5. 75 Oshawa Blvd. (16 6a) GURNEY OIL BURNER COOK S' STOVE, white enamelled, like new. Medium size. Apply 581 1 Oshawa Blvd. (186¢) GAS STOVE, CREAM AND G GREEN, side oven. Apply 44! Simcoe N. (166a) HARDWOOD LUMBER Approx. 5,000 feet, 2 yrs. air dried, 1 and 2 inch, beech, maple and birch, also pine in rough, 2x6", 8", 10", 1x8" to 19" wide, some clear, suitable for cabinet work. We also have sheeting, T & G hemlock, 1x4" up to 10"; No. 2 and 3 pine sheeting; 2"x6"--8"--10" spruce, joisting, different lengths. Apply OSHAWA CABINET MAKERS & PLANING MILL 473 Ritson Rd. South $12.5 $27 $74 )~rBerstad electric fans. $62.5 Terms. $14.9 (166a) --Electric washing chine, copper tub. ma- --New Gurney combination electric coal and wood range. --Canadian Beauty and Heatwave Rangettes. --Mantle and console ra- lee a orougnly recon- 5¢ and up--Popular used records. --Jce refrigerators, 75-1b. capacliy: all metal con- $48. > truction. Gifts for all occasions. BARONS' RADIO, & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE 8. Phone 249 (166a) GIRL'S BICYCLE, GOOD CONDITION, $25. Phone 3692R or 287 Drew St. (166a) INGLIS WASHING MACHINES, Immediate delivery. Colvin Electric, 339 Simcoe St. S. Phone 1082. ((Aug:16) NEW 20-WATT, PUBLIC ADDRESS AM- plifier, record player unit, and duplex speakers, inet; also used car radio, chea quires slight repairs. Phone 5038! eo (1668) PHONOGRAPH ROUTE FOR SALE. Can be operated in spare time. Latest model machines. Weekly revenue, $100. Can be financed. - Box 812, Times- Gazette. (164c) re~ in attractive portante cab- | FOUR TIRES ,AND T TUBES, 600x16; Pair man's thigh rubber boots, size eleven, $4.75. Phone 5364W. 320 Court Street. (166a) SLABS, $45. PER LOAD, 41; FULL cords, or $12 per cord, 4 ft. . Phone 4336W 4 - engine MOTOR | BOAT, 1 18 FT. ST. LAWRENCE engine, 2- -cylinder, forward and reverse gear, electric starter, $325. Phone Aw, 66a) 9-PC. DINING-ROOM SUITE, eh bard walnut, exbtellent condition, no dealers. Apply 258 Grooms Ave. (165¢c) MODERN DRESSER, 3 DRAWERS, large round mirror. Excelient condi~ (165¢) tion. Phonc 1584M |_before #6. KITCHEN BEDROOM, 3-PC. SUITE, furniture, Gurney gas stove, 4-burner, cost $85.50, best oifer, end table. 373 Simcoe South (165b) 8-PIECE DINING: ROOM _ SUITE; RE- mington Dual Electric Razor. Phone 698R. (165b). ANTIQUE WALNUT 17 TABLE, SMALL table, silver. tea service, dining-room suite, vacuum cleaner with floor polish= er. Phone 1688J. 26 Fairbanks. COOK STOVE, BLACK AND WHITE enamel, with 3nsif, Complete with oil burners. Phone 1133W (165¢c) JACKET HEATER, SLIGHTLY 1 USED, with oil burner. Phone 1133W. (165¢) USED FURNACE, 20" FIRE POT. COM- plete with casin Hot and cold air pipes. Phone 26558. (165¢) SHELLCRAFT SUPPLIES. COMPLETE line of shells, backs, pins and placques. 20 Mill St. 33744. OUTBOARD MOTOR, JOHNSON 5 HP. First class condition. $150 or best offer. Phone 2833W. (165¢) NEW STANDARD INSIDE DOORS, $8.20 and $8.70; also a few odd size doors, and a number of new window frames yu, sash. Harry Jermyn, 300 Byron St. Whitby. Phone 895. (165b) I Ara Wanted 350 DES DER BLOCKS, ¢ 8", PHONE (168b) MEDIUM SIZE. IN GOOD CON-. Phone 2413W. (166b)+ -- dition. SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M. _-- (Augl3) DURO PRESSURE SYSTEM, IN GOOD condition, Box 808, Times-Gazette (164c) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PAPER, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron and 100 Apnis St. East of C.NR. Station. (Aug2) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED, ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West. 3326 (Aug) GOOD WOOD LOT WANTED, '; TO 1 particulars to acre or more. Write Box 820, Times-Gazette. (165¢) KITCHEN CABINET WITH PORCELAIN top. Good condition. Phone 674J. (185¢) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH. WILSON & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. (Jul30) 38--Female Help Wanted GIRL, Al AGE 18 TO 30, TO DO | PART= time bookkeeping, and stock marking. Apply Atkins' Hoslery, 5 Simcoe South. (1668) RELIABLE GIRL FOR Un housework, sleep in, liberal time off. Phone 4685R. References. (1662) EXPERIENCED SA LESLADY FOR ladies' ready to wear. Best salary. Av Box 822, Times-Gazette, HAS OPERATOR FOR INVOICING He chine, or girl with typing experience, to learn this permanent position, with large industrial firm. Give age, married or single, and experience. Box 815, Times-Gazette (165¢) BABY-STI FOR ply 84 Cadillac. Ave., EVENINGS. AP S. Phone fi REFINED COMPANION HOUSEKEEP- er for elderly woman, in exchange for room and board, in modern home. Strictly confidential. Box 807, Times= Gazette, (165¢c) 39--Male Help Wanted COMBINATION LINOTYPE OPERATOR and hand com Scale plus for right man. Box 826, imes-Gazette. (166¢) (Continued on Page 13) | Our Policies Never Strike They are on 24-Hour Duty the Year Round. You will Enjoy Insuring With A. E. Murdoch A. H. Murdoch NOTICE Of Particular Interest To OLD COUNTRY RESIDENTS District Representative Prudential of England Assurance Company Limited Will be pleased to give you information and advice re your policies from overseas. Phone 2332 or Write 25 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa CABIN RAILER $2275 This Cabin Trailer is equipped with all modern conveniences The body of trailer is constructed of interlocking polished aluminum and over 20 feet long. See this ultra modern trailer on display at 32 CHARLES ST. PHONE 3752J hogany Writing Desit; 2 Oak Tab! inet; 1 Card Tabl stand; 8 Chairs; Sewing Machine; 1 Combination Stove; 1 Beach Gas Stove; and Springs; 5 Dressers; 3 I Quantity of Cooking Utensils, 40 Simcoe St. N. PUBLIC AUCTION i 56 Bond St. E. 12:30 pm. SATURDAY, JULY 17th -- the following -- e Armchair Rockin, 1 Rattan Suite (settee), gy Ph w = 1 Lounge Chair and Hassock; 1 Di 1 Pair French Doors; 2 Screens; 1 Upright Piano (Lidster); Chesterfield Suite; boges; 6 Chairs ; Dishes, Linoleum Rugs, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of EJ. POMERY, Auctio Chair and 1 Table; 1 Ma- Sets Gas Stove; 1 8 Hotplatesy 4 2 Vacuum 8-pe. - ood and the sale are ¢

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