NRIDAY, JULY 16, 1948 THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE PAGE FIVE What Council Did City Council held a three-hour ssion last night when a lengthy genda, including some 25 items of brrespondence, were .disposed of. he members were in attend- except Ald, Mrs. E. Bateman. * + + Authorization was given to Mayor cCallum to declare Monday, Aug- kt 2, a Civic Holiday. * +P Received a progress report from ty Engineer Dempsey regarding: he paving of Park Road South. > + @ Learned that F. J. Donevan has bmpleted the survey of the projec- on of Ritson Road South to the mping station and that steps are ping taken to secure the deeds for he land. * +b Ald. Clifford Harman reported t the C.R.A. is being asked to range a meeting with the Coun- 1 committee delegated to enquire to the dismissal of R. Coleman as eation director. * kb Approved of the payment of $1,- 5 to Etched Name Plates Ltd. the plaques ordered by the city presentation to veterans and e next-of-kin of those who lost eir lives in the war. It is planned make a presentation of the gues on Armistice Day. * +P Moved to refuse the application the E. L. Ruddy Co. for permis- pn to erect a sign board at 144 ing Street West. +» +* Granted permission to a commit- composed of Ald. Gay, Ross and ckson to open the tenders for e Colborne Street bridge and re- rt to council. * ok» Awarded the tender for the con- uction of sanitary sewers to the . B. Bennett Construction Co. of khawa. The tender was $31,022. d. Starr reported the tender was er than a year ago by from 10 15 cents per foot. * +P the suggestion of Ald. Alex Mayor McCallum will take j""with the Department of High- ys\ the question of erecting signs th the word "Montreal" on the w highway. * * @ Gave approval to Ald. Ross's sug- stion that a stop sign be erected the south east corner of the ng Street and Park Road inter- tion, * * 9 oted to grant $100 expense mon- to each of the four Oshawa ath- es taking part in the Olympic mes. The money will be cabed them in Britain, * + Dn the motion of Ald. Harman d Ald. Gay authorized the chair- n and vice-chairman of the Fi- nce Committee to consider grant- increases to two femalé mem- irs of the treasurer's department account of extra work resulting pm the death of City Treasurer, A. Blackburn. * +e arned from Ald. M. Starr that pairs have been made to the road Lakeview Gardens. * +b [rave third reading to a by-law arding the issuance of .deben- es in the amount of $150,000 for Ritson Road School addition. LE . [Gave three readings to a by-law horizing the signing of an agree- nt with the Coulter Manufactur- Co. for the use of a right-of- y from Simcoe Street. * Gave third reading to a by-law horizing the signing of a sup- mentary agreement concerning Oshawa Airport. It was point- out that a garage was wrongful- included in the former docu- t. > + eived a complaint from G. D. ant, K.C., regarding weeds on p-owned land mext to his wal- grove on Simcoe Street South. cil agreed to cut the weeds but write Mr. Conant asking him to e the weeds on his Bonnie Brae y cut. * pb d to allow any city employee, o is a member of the armed es to attend summer camp with LO J ccepted $2,650 from the Sklar niture Co. as part payment for premises in the Williams Piano ding. The balance will be paid December 1. * + % sked the General Purpose Com- tee and the Board of Health to estigate an application from n Luko for permission to open ght lunch at 543 Ritson Road ith, * + + ppointed Alderman Lock, Halli- and Sproule to look into the stion of the merchants closing law with a view to securing lac Avenue North, The lot will be offered for sale by' the city. La 2 J A notice from R. D} Ruddy, County Solicitor, stating that the County Council will not renew the agreement in connection with the County Home, was referred to committee. EE Received and filed a communi- cation from" Collacutt Coach Lines which stated the firm is making an endeavour to find a location for a bus station. . * + Received a letter of appreciation from Dr. C. 8. Dickinson for the cheques forwarded by the City at the time of his retirement as sani- tary inspector. * + ob Gave the Finance . Committee power to deal with the offer of War Assets Corporation to sell .82 acres of marsh land at the harbor to the city. War Assets, which previous- ly had asked $8,000 for the land, now asks $500. a J Accepted the nomination by the Welfare Board of Mrs. T. K. Creighton and Mrs. A. W. Smith to the committee which is considering the erection of a home for the aged of the city. * ok Referred the question of the deeding by E. F. Cawker of land to the city, for the extension easterly of Athol Street, to the Board of Works with power to act. A letter from the city solicitor pointed o: that the street should be 66 feet wide and with special arrange- ment would have to be made in that direction. LE I 2 Left the question of the rates charged by the Children's Aid So- ciety to the Finance Committee. It was pointed out that no change in rates had been made in many years and the city is faced with the obligation of footing a large deficit this year. A letter from the city solicitor suggested the present rate is about as high as any in the prov- ince, and there would be no ad- vantage in increasing it. LEE Arranged to have the city clerk notify R. H. Palmer of the Ontario Shore and Beach Preservation As-' sociation of the time and date of the next council session so he can appear and address council. LE BR Granted permission to William Ozerewaty to open a confectionery store in connection with his store at 273 Bloor Sareet East. LE BR Granted permission to Mayfair Lanes, subject to the apptoval of Chief of Police O. D. Fried, to in- stall two billiard tables in a sep- arate room on the second floor of its building. * +» Referred to the General Purpose Committee, with the power to act, the request of W. J. Severs Jr. for a plumber's license. Pass By-Law To Control Animal Keeping At the July meeting of Darling- ton Council P. I. Bently addressed the Council re; spraying weeds and brush on roadsides. The roads on which this spraying was to be done were referred to Road Supt. and Councilman in their respective div- ision, Ray J. Dilling presented the Aud- itor's report, which was accepted. Stuart R. James and Crawford Young addressed the Council and explained a full coverage plan of liability insurance on buildings, machinery, roads and all operations, which was - well received by the council, The council decided to re- tain the liability insurance now in force until expiry date. James Stark complained that the council had cut trees belonging to him. Committee composed of A. Millson, Roy McGill and W. L. Mil- ler, Road Supt. was appointed to settle this matter with Mr. Stark. By-Law was passed authorizing the borrowing of $15,000.00 to meet the current expenditure, By-Law was passed to regulate the keeping of cows, swine, rabbits, mink, foxes or other animals, or kennels for the breeding or board- ing of dogs or cats within defined areas of the municipality, By-Law was passed to provide a penalty for breach of any municipal by-law, These bills were paid-- Stuart R. James Treasurer's Bond Thos. Whillier Co. Supplies N. J. Woodley Sheep Insp, Boyd Ayre Sheep Damages * 20.00 12.67 7.00 30.00 What to Do ; To-Night RECREATION HEADQUARTERS 100 Gibbs Street DAILY Cedardale Square Dance in C.R.A. Building Saturday, July 17 at 8:30 p.m.--Music by Harold God- frey. 7 9 p.m. Tues, Thurs. and Fri- day--Adult Leathercraft. All other regular activities in the building discontinued until further notice, Summer Supervision Program C.R.A. Supervisors will be on duty at the following playgrounds from 9:30 to 12 noon, 1:30 to 5 p.m. and 6:30 to 9 pm. daily, Monday to Friday inclusive -- Alexandra Park, Bathe Park, Cedar Dale Park, Connaught Park, Cowan Park, North Simcoe School, Rotary Park, Sunnyside Park, Victory Park from 1:30 to 5 pm. and 6:30 to 9 pm. Ritson Pool Swimming and instruction daily, Monday to Friday inclusive, from 9:30 to 12 noon. Free swimming under C.R.A. su- pervision daily, Monday to Friday, 1:30 to 5 p.m. Special Invitation To Al} Adults During the evening periods in- sizuction shall be given to senior swimmers for the improvement o: strokes--also in life saving methods, carrier and releases. Saturday Free swimming under C.R.A. su- pervision from 9:30 < 12 noon and 1:30 to 5 p.m. Special instruction will be given as follows: Specialists in Crafts--Frances Gage Specialist in Boxing--Billy Goulding Specialist in Tumbling and Gym- nastics--John Kwak. Mondays 9:30 - 12--North Simcoe--Crafts: Cedardale--Tumbling; Connaught - Zoxing. 1:30 = 5 pm--North &imcoe-- Boxing; \ Cedardale--Crafts; Con- naught--Tumbling. 6:30 - 9 pm.--N. Simcoe--Tum- bling and Gym; Cedardale -- Box- ing; Connaught--Crafts. Tuesdays 9:30 - 12--Alexandra -- Crafts; Cowan--Boxing; Bathe--Tumbling. 1:30 - 5 p.m.--Alexandra--Box- ing; Cowan--Tumbling; Bathe-- Crafts. 6:30 - 9 p.m.--Alexandra--Tum- tling; Cowan -- Crafts; Bathe -- Boxing. Wednesdays 9:30 . 12--Victory--Boxing; Ro- tary--Crafts; Sunnyside--Tumbling, 1:30 - 5 p.m--Victory--Crafts; Rotary -- Tu-"ling; Sunnyside -- B .ing. 6:30 - 9 p.m.--Victorv--Tumbling: Rotary -- Boxing; Sunnyside -- Lralts, : Thursdays 9:30 - 12--North Simcoe--Boxing; Red Cross Cottage--Tumbling; Ce- dardale--Crafts. 1:30 - 5 p.m.--North Simcoe-- Crafts; Red Cross Cottage -- Box- 6:30 = 9 pm--North Simcoe-- Tumbling; Red Cross: Cottage-- Crafts; Cedardale--Boxing® ing; Cedardale--Tumbling. F- lays 9:30 ~ 12--Victory--Crafts; Cow- an--Boxing; Bathe--Tumbling. '1:30 . 5 p.m.--Alexandra--Tum- bling; Rotary--Boxing; Sunnyside --OCrafts. 6:30 - 9 pm--Nortn E&imcoe-- Boxing; Red Cross Cottage--Tum- bling; Cedardale--Crafts. It is suggested that parents save this schedule f activities. STUDY 40-OUNCE SALE Toronto, July 16--(CP)--Ontario Liquor Control Board Chairman Col. William Griesinger said Thursday that the question of re- storing 40-ounce bottles of liquor was being studied. He said that lack of shelf space in the govern- ment stores, rather than a shortage of glass, is keeping the ' 40-ounce bottles out of circulation. CROSSWORD - - - By Eugene Sheffer 2 13 4 5 |e y HY fie E) w | % 42. ancient" x Grecian coun 46. Charles Lamb's pen name 48. petrolatum 50. penitential season 51, solar disk 52. native metal 12. anecdotes 113. wide. mouthed . ewer 14. wan 15. photograph 17. continent 18, grafted 83. lower limbs 54, allow free use 55. small bow VERTICAL 1, promontory 2. shortly 3. portion 4. high hill 5. the poplar 11, beverage 16. bed canopy 20. redactor 22. see-saw 24, poker stake * (her.) 19. metric units of length 21. removed pits from 23. soft food 26. rugged mountair spur 29. musical interval 31. lifework 33. commences 34. turned inside out 36. bone: comb. UME SH EJA E 4 > S Al P Q Wil ES => m= = wlll ERE wiojzimi< Answer to yesterday's puzzle. 25. Mexican coin 26. high cards 27. talk wildly. 28. building 30. pendant ornament 82. changing of place 35. argue 30. Prussian city -41, head * coverings 43. Mediter. . ranean bay 44. set of nested A NJ A! S ON [] NIT] E|E | D >|0]o of wjolo|> lm <> rm o>] [>] form 37.dry, as wine boxes . 45. germ 46. house Al R R U b E S 38. Mohamme- dan princes 40. vibrates Aversge time of sol tes. Dist. by King Features Syndicqge, Inc. addition 47. shelter "49. finish : 35 minu UEW Secretary Gets Jail Term Toronto, July 16--(CP)--George Harris, secretary of the United Electrical Workers, was sentenced to one month in jail Thursday for co ling four girl members on the Rogers Majestic plant picket line in suburban Leaside to intimi- date other workers. Harris appeared in court 4 month ago when the four girls were fined a total of $220 for intimidation. The Magistrate at that time. reserved judgment. ' GET REGULAR DIET Guelph, July 15--(CP)--The 311 prisoners who staged disturbances in the Ontario reformatory here Monday went back to their regular diet Wednesday. They had been kept on bread and water for 24 hours after they promised prison of- ficials late Tuesday that they would behave, S.S. Anniversary To Be At Prospect On Sunday Next \ B. W. HOLLIDAY Correspondent Prospect, July 15.-- The Sunday School Anniversary will be held on Sunday, July 18th, at 10.30 a.m., with James Young, Oshawa, as guest speaker, the intermediate classes and the primary supplying the music. The Sunday evening service will be withdrawn. The W. A. will meet at the home of Mrs. Jack Holtby on Tuesday, July 20th, at 230 p.m. with Mrs, G. Smith, Mrs. G. Webster, Mrs. Jack Holtby on program committee. The annual Sunday School picnic will be held at Lynbrook park on Thursday, July 22nd. Will all those seeking transportation, or having transportation to offer get in touch with the Superintendent Les Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess Beare and Carole, Oshawa, Mrs. Bruce Beare, Port Perry, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Murray Holtby's during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Attwood , Honor Newlyweds On Friday night, July 2, their Ux- have been feted on several occa- sion since their recent marriage. brid.e friends presented them with a miscellaneous shower; on Sat- urday night their Raglan friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bray presented them with a show- er of many useful and lovely gifts; on the Tuesday following when their Prospect friends met and presented them with a console table and 'linen hamper--again on the following Friday night in Oxbridge. from those of the charivari group, with a lovely occasional chair. Personals Mr. and -Mrs. Murray Holtby at- tended the Carter-Hood reunion picnic on Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter, Scugog, with an attendance of around 100. On Thursday night last a num- ber of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stinson--nee Nora Gimn, met at the Cedar Creek school and presented them with a shower of many useful and lovely gifts. A social few hours were spent in the usual quiet way, all enjoying the re- freshments with <a' 'wiches, cake lemonade and ice c.eam. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mann and family have moved to their new home on the Allan MacKenzie Farm. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Clair Vernon on the arrival of a daughter on July 12th, at the Port Perry hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Conlin, Osh- awa, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Conlin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Diamond will soon occupy the farm recently pur- chased by Mr. and Mrs. Hunt of Toronto. Paul Martin, who is employed near London, Ont., spent the week- HOLIDAY NOTICE! The Undersigned Retail Lumber Dealers WILL CLOSE Saturday (Noon), JULY 24th Re-Opening Tues., AUG. 3rd We Ask Your Co-operation In Placing Your Needs As Far In Advance As Possible! Ernie Cay Lumber « Peacock Lumber Oshawa Wood Products Co. Ltd. end with Mrs, 'Paul Martin and family and his mother, Mrs, Frank Martin. : Mr. and Mrs. H. Kennedy and family, Scott Township, Mrs. Char- lie Webster and Marjorie, Uxbridge with Mrs. G. Smith and Lloyd on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crozier and Carol Lynn of Scugog Sunday tea guests with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cochrane and family. Ashburn Reports News Of The Week MRS. WES. ROUTLEY Correspondent Ashburn, July 15.--Mr. and Mrs. Lew. Fielding, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Melding on Sunday. Recent visitors at the home of Mrs. E. Slute were: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Slute, of Raglan; Miss Chris- tinia Getchal, of Burketon; Harold and Kenneth Slute, of Peterbor- ough; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Slute and family, of Raglan. Mrs. Henry Doble, Miss Vera Leach, Mrs. Wm. Cassady visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martyn of Prince Albert on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Routley and daughter, Helen, spent the week- end at the home of Mrs. 8. Arm- strong, Peterborough. Mrs. P. Barrie spent Tuesday in Toronto. W. M. 8S. Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the base- ment of the church on Tuesday July 13th at 2:30 pm. with the President, Mrs. R. Lunney presid- ng. The meeting opened with the reading of a poem by the president and prayer. The treasurer gave the report of the dinner served to the delegates attending the Presbyter- ian semi-annual covention, held at Burn's church on Tuesday, June 15. The report showed a balance of $50.83 which is to be forwarded to the treasurer, Mrs. Brabazon of Wick. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Edgar Heron. Abéut Formosa Mrs. R. Batten gave an inter- esting account of the work of our missionaries in Formosa. The first missionary the Presbyterian church ent to Formosa was Dr. Mackay in 1872 and at the end of 30 years there were 60 established churches, each with a native pastor. The offering was taken which amounted to $3.70 for the general fund and 65 cents for the expense fund. Pass Exams Cngratulations to Shirley Lynde and Murray Beadle on passing their entrance on the teacher's recom- mendation and to Raymond Slute on passing the final written exam- ination. Mrs. Wes. Routley and daughter, Helen, attended the Skyvington= 'Halward wedding in Cannington United Churclk. on Saturday, July 10th at 3:30 p.m. Several from this vicinity attend- ed the auction sale of household effects of Mr. J. S. Parker in Port Perry on Saturday, July 10. Mrs. Robert Heron, Mrs. Edgar Heron, Mrs. H. Doble and daugh- ter, Florence, attended Miss Ruth Heron's trousseau tea on Saturday, July 10. Raglan Euchre Party Enjoyed L. M. LUKE Correspondent Raglan, July 15 -- A progressive Euchre was held in the hall Friday evening. At the conclusion of the euchre a draw was made to discov- er who was the winner of the Dres= den plate quilt for which tickets had been sold. Mrs. Asseltine of North Oshawa was the lucky lady. The cushion, which also was drawn for, went to a Whitby woman. A presentation for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Luke was held at Scugog Community hall Friday evening. After spending some time in danc- ing, the guests of honor were ask- ed to be seated on the platform, which was decorated with stream- ers and flowers. An address was read, after which the couple was presented with a tri-light floor lamp, coffee table and large mir- ror. Mrs. W. Ormiston, Brooklin; Mrs. John Wadge, Winnipeg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Squelch, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Greer, of Toron- to, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, Latimer, over the week-end. Mrs. H. Collett, Galt; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Terry and two child- ren, Orillia. and Harry Davidson, Whitby, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Davidson. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mahaffy, who were married Saturday, July 10. USED BY BOERS The word 'commando" is of Portuguese' origin, though first generally used by the Dutch-de= scended Boers. e SAND « GRAVEL e LOAM «FILL D. R. BROWN Phone 3744-w-5 Asphalt Shingles Phone 127 FAST & EASY to fence off parks of a field to give FULL USE of all pasture. Saves time and work -- protects crops. Sturdily built for all-weather efficiency and economical operation. See MASTER FENCERS, Bat tories and accessories at your nearest CTC Associate Store-- or order direct from Toronts, transportation prepaid. RUSH YOUR ORDER NOW -- for Big swings wn ELECTRIC FENCERS shorted, washers, fence elips, grownd clamp and in- Jiceeiions Clow battery), lo. R318 .. wit-In test meter and . With gate handle, 80 50 hans, fence clips, grownd Cless battery). Ne. RS20 . 16.95 SOCKET WRENCH ere, at Canadlan Tire, we have prob- a ly the most complete line-up of ig -grade socket sets and parts avail able anywhere. Whether you wish to buy a complete set or are desirous of adding to your present equipment-- choose your requirements from these qualit; produc! of world - famous manufacturers. SETS IN METAL BOXES 18. 5 square drive .. square drive .. and 3"drive ., 15 SEPARATE PART! A complete range of sockets in all drives from 7/16 upwards. Handles and rts include long and short extensions, sliding ""T" handles, swing head hinge handles, ratchet wrenches, universal joints, drag link sockets and a host of others. Super Forged, Genuine Alloy Steel SETS AND PARTS + 9-PIECE SOCKET SET --3'" square drive, ideal for workipg tn close quarters. MOULDERS OF CANADA UNLIMITED sos | | 48 a : 16.75 F | oy 3.20 40.00 The Canadian hotel keeper is making hospitality an art. Entenain- ment and comfort he extends with equal grace to the traveller or to the permanent guest. His trained staff are yours to command for service club meetings, conventions, or your annual family dinner. For his contributions to good taste, the Canadian 'hotel keeper is a movulder of "Canada Unlimited". Bell Telephone Co. Service Harold Cutting grass in park G. F. Annis Sheep Insp. Gerry Glaspell Sheep Damages Ray J. Dilling ie Wiformily. * Tools for Automotive, Farm ferred a petition from mer- and Industries nts of Ritson Read South, be- First and Second Avenues, a sidewalk, to the Board of rks. | i * + @ eard a report from Ald. R. D. mphreys, K.C., that a commit- had met with Wilbert Charl- and J. P. Mangan, K.C,, when committee gave Mr. Charlton 1 August 1 to accept property Sogo sso PORTABLE LAMP SET For home or shop use, 110V, fully approved, 25' weatherproof reflector guard, with convenient hook for attach- ha built-in switch, 2.98 Lay ONTARIO'S 1,762 HOTELS PLAY A LARGE PART IN ENTERTAINING ONTARIO'S 14,000,000 AMERICAN TOURISTS ANNUALLY VISE GRIP WRENCH. Gives your hang a ton grip. Jaws lock to work. Holds anything round or square, also clamps parts together for drilling etc. Adv. on Teacher's Salary Relief Account J. D. Hogarth 200.00 + 160.48 10' heavy duty type .ee.eives the east of 'his premises in re- h for land to extend Colborne Richmond Streets. If the of- is not accepted, council will ex- priate. . * petition, on behalf of the North 'Community Association, re- pg the passing of a by-law re- gE heavy traffic on Cadillac North and Richmond and borne Streets, was referred to special committee on street op- * > oved to inform 8. Kunczyk that bt on the north side of Mill pet, east of the creek, for which offered $500, is being held back he Planning Commission in the ht of the opening of a creek * > oved to return $81.60 paid by d E. Butler for a lot on Cadil- June Salary J. D. Hogarth Postage, Etc. - 3.50 Roads and Bridges Maint. and repair 3,876.84 Council adjourned to meet August 5th at 8 pm. FACES MURDER TRIAL 147.50 Toronto, July 15--(CP)--Leonard B. Smith was committed Thursday for trial for the murder of Lila Adams whose body was found beat- en and stran 2d last June 27 in an east-central Toronto garage. De- tective Roy Perry testified her throat was bruised above the silk stocking which had been knotted about her neck. Dr. J. P. Wyatt, who conducted a post mortem ex- amination, said the bruises could have been caused by blows with a ¥ Fie UHLU THAIS OPERATE NEARLY 1% OF CANADA'S 5646 HOTELS INWAGES AND WOMEN OVER 131,000,000 ANNUALLY fist or in a fall, Oieefis- BREWING COMPANY LIMITED 7" Standard type eeesesasinnn 2.19 Store Opens Every Saturday Parking Space in Reay of Store For Our Customers LLUTP) ChrIRE " CORPN "A$SOCIAT