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Daily Times-Gazette, 16 Jul 1948, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1948 Toronto Man Held LAFF-A-DAY In Assault Case Toronto, July 16 -- (CP) --Police TOMORROW Gascon, 35, on a charge of asoawts | | NIGHT 600 100 ? : : £: zz |ing and beating 19-year-old Mar- : % garet Cuccio. The girl was found | | 44 AT § 4 in a doorway of a West Toronto FRIDAY EVENING 0 Brod i 8 y apartment house early Thursday | | ih 00-~Press News CEDO ; : 2 Z with her face covered with blood, '00--Name It Time : : \ E her jaw broken and her nose, . © 0-- Victory Parade . | A) 4 mouth and forehead lacerated. '... the beautiful e fusle Fo¥ Loe 3 rl When police found Margaret she o0--News 1a BEN---WOE-CERY : 7 r told them a man jumped out from Resul | 7 a bush and attacked her. Police om LO Saloon CRS : ic x Thursday night said that story 0--Parade Time Melody gf \ was false and that she had told Wi w Invites You To ) s Zl" | them later in hospital that she had Gf : L) made a round of downtown hotels and cocktail bars with Casoni earl- WHITBY \ rn 3 ; § | Pa 3 : ier in the evening. / e - Her father, James Cuccio, said : | he had asked police to take action @ 6:25--New CHUM § $3 : against a cocktail lounge alleged to 6: 30--Report on Sport 4 b § i. 6:30--Jim Hunter--News . . . i > > have served liquor to the girl. 6:30 Canadian Amateur Golt At Our New Studios and Offices 2, : Cuccio contended the bartenders | DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF THE 6: w 5 who served her should have known | 3 : she was under age. "I want the K as Y1 H MA | R E S Form SHR a ethory JRE t 4 a police ot lay charges against them. | 6: '40--Parade ¢ of Melody a Ben, 2 . 1 830 TO 12 6:40--Wes. McEnight Sports $4880 News : : Th : THEATRES TODAY . 6:45--Three Star Extras WB During a 2 Regent -- "Where There's Life" uly-Lowel) Thomas News Woon : 1.55, 3.50, 5.50, 745, 9.45. Last PHONE RE "« . . . » : ] complete show 9.05, For R ti 0 71 F, ars in e h o 4 a Community Radio Station Week Ra Marken Biluel Barr ot 100,240, or Reservations 425, 625, 820, 1020. Last $2.00 Per Couple WHITBY WBE! :00--Beulah wi {00--Ed McCurd C Monday, July 19th -- Sunday, July 25th lete show at 9.40. '00--Piant. House Party CKDO-CFRB nday, 4 LE y . complete show af joins Greene (News) _CEEY % ; Biltmore -- "Big Town" 120, Make Believe Ballroom CEEY ie} i os 4.30, 7.40, 10.45. "Angel & The ake Bellevi Visitors welcome each evening between 7 and 9 RES SYNDICATE, Ine., WORLD RIGHTS RESERVED. 7-16 Badman" 2.20, 5.30, 8.40. "Fight Novaitme CKDO KING FEATU t Q. Lewis Show CFRB Pictures" 1.00, 4.10, 7.20, 10.25. 15-- ; day, July 25th, bet 2 , 7 ime S| hw aha on Sunay, duly 25H between 2 " red so bard na to bo oe of those drieduplooking || Lu Gomis Shoe 5004 | "RADIO'S TWO-FISTED, RACKET-BUSTING EDITOR | Mott. Sports CBL 5 in the afternoon. wives!" i . ne e CBL Bn Be show BE See the "Men Behind the Mikes" at your CKDO to Hold T:30--High Adventure : Community Station 4 7:30--Michael Head, Baritone Open House ® 7:35--1050 Serenade ; HE en, CKD Q 1240 on THE DIAL Next Week :55--Pitching Horseshoes :00--Books of All Years 4 0--Viewpoint ---- ! ws; Star Promenade The new CKDO studios and of- ° [J] Baby fondoks Bhow fices at 16 Centre .Street, from :00--Symphony for. Strings 8 a which the station has been operat- 2 9:15--Barnyard Follies CFRB--WGR | 1:30--Million Dollar Ballroom WEKBW i i 9:15--Today's CHUM Features CHUM | 1:30--Country Fair Wey | ing since June 26, will be officially 9:15--Adventure Abroad WBEN | 1:30--Women in the News opened next Monday. Station 9:30--News for Women CHUM | 1:30--Concert Favourites CBL Manager Ross R. Rowlands, has an- 9:30--Klids Carnival BEN | 1:30--Music Hall Varieties FR. 8:30_Vancouver Theatre 9:30--Shoppers- Special - 1:35--Hit Parade i nounced that the public is invited 8:30--Can_You Top This? 9:30--Morning Melodies CKDO | 1:45--News from Washington EN | to visit the new premises every ev- 8:30--To Be Announced CKDO | 9:30--Music for Madame ;| 2:00--Fascinating Rhythm ening next week between 7 and 9 Formerly Located at the Imperial Oil Station { ) ; p.m., and on Sunday, July 25, both i ; 8 45--Garden Gate CFRB 2:00--Curtain Calls during the afternoon and evening. Corner King and Centre Sts. 8:55--Musical Program :00--! ews i hi 8:35--Bill Henry, News 10:00--Frank Merriwell WBEN-CJBC| 2:00--On The Teen Beat he Seven Says Ri ah 9:00--Romance 10:00--News; CHUM Slogan Contest 2:00--News C wi 0 P . . 9:00--News CHUM | 2:00--Al Goodman will be observed as "Community 9:00--Beat the Champs 10:00--This Is For You WKBW | 2:05--Jerry Burke Show CKEY | padio Week." It is expected that as ove to KY 9:00--01d Gold Show 10:00--Melody Whirl Cras 2:30--Orchestras on Parade 1 Yer of le from the 9:00--People are Funny WB 10:00--Music For Madame BL | 2:30--David Rose Show WGR | @ large number ol peop. 9:00--So The Story Goes fo: 0---Bed Bashers cian House Yer 330-pance Tunes from 1 Lotidon IB Oshawa area will take this oppor- N. ° 9:00 the Eank ake Believe aliroom e usic oes und Break Lhe 10:15--Johnny Thompson Sings WKBW | 2:30--Jive Hive CB tunity both of visiting the new ew Location at ceo 9:00--Blues For Frida 9:10_Baseball y 10:30--Advent. of Archie Andrews WBEN | 2:30--Hawaiian Harmonies studios and of observing broad- C 9:15--Little Show 10:30--Hollywood Headlines WKBW | 2:30--Veterans' Journal casts as they go on the air. 9:30--Norman Cloutier 10:30--Press News CKDO | 2:30--Hollywood News CHUM | The station began operating in 9:30--Candid Microphone 10:30--Teleflash™ News CHUM | 2:35--dighlights and Shadows 9:30--Waltz Time 10:30--Curtain Calls CBL | 2:45--Treasury Guest Star Ocoober, 1946, with studios in the 9:30--Summer Serenade Jon May fi) Taylor Jos 345-1050 Back and. Listen Genosha Hotel. The move was 3:30--The Sheri 3g---1rio Tune A Music OY. Suge made to new quarters when an in- 9:30---Waitz Time 10:35--A to Z in Novelty CKDO | 3:00--FPlano Playhouse creased ~ demand for additional o . 9:30--Ozzie and Harriet 10:35--CHUM Slogan Contest CHUM | 3:00--Report from Overseas 9:55--Champion Roll Call 10:45--Listen to Leibert CKDO 3:00--Greg McCritohle Orch. ie space occasioned by She Stations 10:00--Mystery Thedtre 10: uddy Weed Trio BC 3 'o Be Announc nvenient e 10:00--Everybody Wins 11:00--Abbott and Costello 3:00--News; Jerry Burke growin Ring foi conve! yb 10:00--CBC_ National News CJBC--WEKBW | 3:00--~News; CHUM Slogan Contest met a e hote 10:00--Dr. Standish 11:00--Meet the Meeks CHUM | With two studios and an announce nw. 's H m ship 10:00--Music of Manhatten DO |11:00--Calling All Children CBL | 3:15--Boyd Valleau Show booth for broadcast work, and ade- \ Y df World's eavyweight Chai pion: CK. : : . : / Io: 00--Dinah Shore, Harry James WGR | 11:00--Warren Sweeney, News 3:15--Adventures in Science quate office facilities, CKDO is Installations, Sales & Service io... : Ee pi (LE Lr hl PY. FEETITIETS I on bes. b. Pps bs bb os 5 :00--Dance Jamboree WEKBW | 11:00--News; Morning Varieties 3:30--Musical Program 0: Dance Band Jamboree J 1: P0- News Rill CKEY 330 usio of : Mapnsiten Fhe now one of the grin Ships Sra M Radi 1 EL 2 A e ving Olce andom y . eetin eaton small marke oul n . : a The Console 11:05-- Let's Pretend Ban Ww gg uke Box ySsrenade Sem ne group LJ otor adios @ Genera ectric : ump! ac! 3 ake pelieve Ballroom E eleflas! ews . . 0--Piano Kocttal 11:30--Red Berbers Club House GOFRB | 3:35 Kiwanis Safety Program The observance of "Community Radios & Appliances 10 :30--Bill Stern, Sports 11:30--Smilin' Ed. McConnell 3:45--Jerry Burke Show Ci Radio Station Week" will empha- " Spotlight Revue A 11:30--Alice In Wonderland 4:00--Doctors Today siez the part CKDO has taken in 1 A R Siic 0: 0--Night Baseball BW | 11:30--Crossroads Jamboree 4:00--Jazz Unlimited 1e ® Motorola Auto Radios gs uis Stone Oreh, 38¢ 11:30 Cand gt the tics Ww 4 00 News: Safety Quiz providing entertainment 2nd nla. ews; Joe Crysdale and of the Los a emo from e Success for listeners in the sh- . . os - 10:45--News c 130--Juke Box Jury 4:00--News Erg | A i rps @® Philco Auto Radio Warranty Service 10:45--Hit of the Day . 1130 _Telonash News C 4:00--Dave Setphens Orch. FRB | 2Wa PP i 10:50--Music Box 3 5-Stork Club of the Alr sg 2:05-clu b, $30 Hans 55 every worth-while project in the a [1010] pW: 3% ROUND... K TL. TOSS Tr00. n andicap n 0! communit; Yl 11:00--Sporteman Show 415 High Tide Sevelopms t of our y BLOW. BY a a 11:00--Dominion News SATURDAY AFTERNOON 4:30--Treasury ®pandstand €. » 11:00--News 4:30--News CHUM WEBW-WBEN-CEEY-CFRB | 12:00--Newe CEKEY--WBEN | 4:30--First Plano Quartet WBEN--CBL 11:00--News Reporter WGR | 12:00--Theatre of Today WGR | 4:30--Make Mine Musi WGR 11:00--Dreamtime : 12:00--Symphony of Melody CKFRB | 4:30--Baseball 4 1 - BIGGEST 11:05--Mickey Lester 12:00--News; South American Serenade 4:35--Dance Time ~ 2 K 3 1 11:10--News Analvsis CHUM | 4:45--Club 761 The Masked 3 SHOW | 11:10--~Organ Reverie FR 12:00--BBC News CBL | 5:00--~Make Way for Youth B d 3 : | VALUE IN 11'15--Juke Box Jamboree 12:00--North Shore Farm Digest CKDO | _5:00--Ballet Club aaman : y GH 11:15--Raymond Scott Orch. CFRB | 12:00--Junior Junction CJBC--WKBW | 5:00--News; Studio Party A | OSHAWA | 11:15--Joe Wesp Ironic Reporter WBEN : 1 > CKEY | 5; azz Unlimited C, 1 Of The West! a | 11:15--Late Sports WGR | 12:15--Local Scene 5:00--News; CHUM Teen Time CHUM | 11:15--Christies' Wax Works CJBC | 12:15--A Girl, A Bos, A Song 5:00--Make Way For Youth 11:25--Late Sports Column WBEN | 12:15--Sports College C 5:15--~Rhythm and Reason 11:25--Man About Midnight WGR | 12:15--Luncheon Musio 5:15--The Music Goes 'Round WKBW 11:30--Al Donahue Orch CFRB | 12:25--News 5:15--Saturday at the Chase FR. 11:30--World's Greet Novels WBEN | 12:30--Recess Time 5:30Track Championships Cl ; oy j » 11:30--World's Great Novels CBL-WBEN | 12:30--Stars Over Hollywood 5:30--Make Believe Ballroom 4 § YVONNE De CARLO 12:00--News--House Party CKEY | 12:30--Lorne Greene (News) 5:30--Dr. 1.Q, Jr. WB bs 4 DAN DURYEA 12 :00--News WEKBW-CFRB-WBEN- wok 12:30--News 5:30--Dr. I WB ! U Q. 5:30--Reggle and Billy Keaton rr 2:00--CBC News BL | 12:30--Christian Business Men J30Regele and c JEFFREY LYNN 1: :00--Christie's Waxworks 12:30--Musical Program ! = 12:05--Ted Lewis Orch. FRE | 13.30--Press News = = §:45--Legal Dramas 3 3 Paramount 12:05--Virginia Beach Orch. 12:30--Musical Program AL Eeeeplechase CHUM : PE Al 205 ore: v 5-- 3 i : 12:05--Juke Box Jamboree 12:40--Rhythm Rendezvous 5'45-- Dorothy Fuldheim News WKBW on ME $ gpring" 12:10--Man About Midnight 12:45--Th 8 : . § 12.30--The Rollini Trio 45--Singin' Sam C JEEVAN -- . ; ; ONE HASSO 5:4 ) +s Tn INE 'Gotor 12:30--New: CFRB | 12: ; . Gardening GOES TO TRIAL . SI & 3 Nhe r, 12: 30 Eider Beck . les GC 4 LLIAM BENDIX ' | A = e FOIL il | a ge goo Cart 12:45--Pelham Heath Inn EN | 12:55--Hit of the Day AL'S ¥ait a0 2 Ye " 'Popeye © be) ' d H -- --- : Ee HEE fe Cou meme MRE toronto, uy 10 com || IN GLORIOUS TECHNICOLOR PARK "WHERE hn 1.00--~News 1:00--News--House Party 2 1 :00--Grand Central Station WGR | lington Street, Kingston, was com- I EP KB 1:00--News; Memory Hit Parade sng ee i ne ay PLUS SELECTED SHORTS 2:00--News--Say It With Musla CKEY TE b Matime O KAS r 1:00---~News; Tops !n Pops y 4 y . | ga | | | M | L SATURDAY MORNING 1:00--News L | M. Martin, on a charge of selling a y usse man S da e 1:00--Charlie Spivak Orch. 1930 sedan under false pretenses. 1:05--Shce Ta: FR 4:30--Uncie Ervin 115- By Ways of Beauty The purchaser of the auto left it 5:30--550 Reveille 1:15----World Church News in arking station. Whi 5: hen Uncle Ervin 115--Better Business Bureau b> bat oy was eh Ie Soe A 20th Century Theatre H I. 5) S H :30--Speal o! 0! 4 iy af Morning Jamberee . 1:30 Baward 'Tomlinson. {had seized it to satisfy a lien. 830 Range:s HII IIIIIIIIII0 IS T=1-] 0 £269.09 00 05.09 60.08 60 = 3 ~ $358 6:45--News EEE o, BROADCAST DANCE CT ee Il e Friday, July 30th :00--News; Coffee e Shop A 1 1 I P ing W. C. | / ' ' SER ai mer WCE oe ax wi " Souda: July 31st Every Friday Night! i13--Clint Buehiman WBEN ® PRIZES eo GIFTS e MYSTERY NUMBERS 30 Boadiin kinct Melodies CFRE . . ® AIR INTERVIEWS ETC. :30--News. Musical Clock CKEY Midnite Fro | 1 47:30-Good Morning lic -------------------- Over Station CKDO 7:35--Ta " J :35--Lairy's Coffee Shop : Special Bus Leaves Pavilion at 12.30 a.m. 7:45--Unity - Viewpoint i ee e Sunday, August Ist 3-Sporls Ro! FRB (12 05 AM ) oar Angi | VOW bu BOYD VALLEAU nd His BAND 0--Raiph Snyder Show WOR Music by FEATURED VOCALIST -- SHIRLEY HARMER 8:15--Morning Devotions ite deli ious ) % 5 C SIE veo ITS SO © : and His Onchestra 3 pumien Mare ces ite tisfvi | Sie fe en oe ITS SO SA ng 77) /] 200 Three Suns WGR a | DANCING EVERY WEDNE{:DAY, , {uk \\ ee 4 174 // ff 80--Nows: uso of the Americts ! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY a) J ey UAL BALL ROOT Doc rens 5 Bible Hour WKBW i" * and * + 9:00---Music for Saturday Sno ; Pepsl-Cola™ and "Pepsi™ are the registered trade marks in Canada of Pepsi-Cola Company of Canada, Limited. | @® Table Accommodation for 650 : 'in, WEN SKB . d p 0 30am Reporter Mid-Summer Nites It's New and Different .. . Attend the CHUM Musica: Clock CKEY :15~-Chapel in the Pines p 0 the Morning 00--7im Hunter--News ; ry ores Sh 8:10--Hal Kelly op y ! G E O SMI & I For Your Summer . Dancing : ' y Enjoyment It's Every 8: . Note e FRIDAY and SATURDAY! 9:00-cn0 CBL DURING THE SUMMER SEASON ® It's Cool @It's Comfortable 53a snk Ginger . OKBY

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