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Daily Times-Gazette, 28 Jul 1948, p. 7

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* drink. WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE czamorizive Hair Needs Regular Brushing By HELEN FOLLETT Between shampoos, use a good + ' NOW 'that smart, cap-fitting hairdos carry fewer undulations and ringlets, perhaps the good old hair "brush will come into action again. Hair 'specialists accent the need of grooming but they say that the cus- tomers pay little heed to their _ words. - Brushing makes the tresses shine. - Unless they shine they are not in tip-top form. Also this hy- giexic attention acts favorably upon he scalp. Unless the scalp is in a ealthy state, growth is retarded, Some women fancy that brushing pulls ou the silky shafts, A mis- taken idea, Only the dead ones will be found among the bristles. You can't brush out a live shaft. Scalp Massage Scalp massage is invigorating to the hair. Place fingers and thumbs outspread. Then do a lot of brisk thumbing. Pinch the flesh and roll it. The looser the tissues the freer will be the flow of blood from which the & crown gets food and preparation to remove dandruff. +* * The general health has much to do with the condition of the hair. Sleeplessness, . nervousness, diges- tive disturbances may make the growth thinner. At this season of the year the hair needs lubricating so that it will not be sunburned. Too much sun- light will not only" make the shafts dry but it may change the color, cause the halo to carry streaks, un- natural lights and shadows. Little Brilliantine A little brilliantine can be used. Put it on with an atomizer after the hair is dressed or spread it on the teeth of the comh when arrang- ing your hairdo. These prepara- tions do not .nake for an oily ap- pearance, they just add a pleasing gloss or shimmer. Be fussy about shampoos. See that they are done with thoroughe ness, And between shampoos, use a good preparations to remove dan- druff. TIPS FOR TEENS Give Him One More Chance By ELINOR WILLIAMS Summer isn't all moonlight and pmance, sun and fun. Or have bu have found that out? Some- mes, there's a rainy day--the day you realize that HE hasn't answer- ed your last letter and apparently isn't going to. When vacation started you two promised to write to each other and the correspondence flourished . for #& while, Then, suddely, no more letters from him. What's the an- swer? What's the next move? There are two or three passible answers and only time will tell the real reason for those large chynks of silence from your favorite date. . 1--Perhaps he likes you as much as ever, but just doesn't write letters readily. 2.--Maybe he's roaming Romeo whose interest is only for girls who are THERE and easily forgets the date who is absent. If this is true, he's not dependable and no logs, 3.---He has definitely lost interest and perhaps is dating somebody else, A grim possibility, but one to be faced, and there's not much to be done about if, But you can do this. Waite to him once more. Give him.one more chance to scribble a note and per- . \ rw) - " -- haps all will be well. When you write don't ask "Why haven't you written to me?" don't scold or refer to the lack of mail from him in any way, this would only make matters worse, Instead, make yours a friendly, casual letter, not too long, men- tioning things you know will inter- est him, people he knows and tell- ing a funny incident, if possible, or relating something nice that you've heard about him--concluding with a question or two about his job, va- cation or favorite sport that will lead to an answer if he's inclined to write, If he's still interested this will encourage a letter from him. If you don't. receive--an answer skip letter-writing and concentrate on having fun with other boys and girls, When you see him again be friendly but casual (in case he still wants to be friends) and make no mention of letter-writing (in see, he's now dating somebody else. (For tips on: the care of dry hair send a stamped self-addressed en- velope to Elinor Williams at this paper.) "Combine Career and Marriage" Says Soroptomist President Toronto (CP).~No woman needs to be a "household drudge or a lost soul" because now if she wants A career she can combine it with marriage, stated Mrs, Hazel Hackett pf Camden, NJ. president of the Glmorican Federation of Soropti- YA successful wife and manager of a cemetery, Mrs. Hackett spoke Jdrom experience Friday when she addressed the biennial convention jl of the Ventura Clubs, a branch of the Soroptimists. "Today young womén know they can have marriage as well as a career--a part-time career while the children are small and a full- time career later," she said. "The world, the community, the home itself are all in need of women whose interests extend beyond the volor of the hl Formerly, the career girl was re- puted to be a "sad soul, burdened with money and mink coats, who secretly yearned for a rose-covered Statistics now showed that the per- cenages of marriages among career women were just as high as among women whose sole object in life is "to catch a man and hold him." But she warned that women's duties in the home are not over when the cradle-rocking is finished. $ Erm le ul 5 scientifical Ye world. sted. Years success. All druggists, *di cottage and the patter.of little feet." |: Brooklin Families United LS MR. and MRS. ROBERT JAMES GIBSON following their wedding which took place early this month in Brooklin United Church. Formerly Miss Estella Janet Blair, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Blair, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gibson, all of Brooklin. --Photo by Hutchison Studio Doris Duke Arrives DORIS DUKE RUBI world's wealthiest woman, attired in smart dress and turban head- gear, is met in New York by Mrs. R. F. Somers, a friend, as she arriv- ed from Los Angeles, Calif, She said she came to prepare for a trip to Paris to meet her husband, Por- firio Rubirosa, Dominican Republic diplomat, The clearness of consomme de- ends largely - on how well it has een skimmed. Remove the scum as it forms. Added cold , water brings it to the surface, Adventures of Frisky Here is Frisky -- a mischievous pup who romps through six motifs! Embroider him on your kitchen towels for new, amusing decoration. Easy stitches for these funny puppy motifs. Pattern 7099; trans fer of six motifs 5 1-2 x 6 1-2 inches. Our improved pattern -- visual with easy-to-see charts and photos, and complete directions -- makes needlework easy. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢) In coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern Department, Oshawa, GET MORE FUN out of your work, more fun out of your play by keeping your- self clean inside. Real inner cleanli- ess can put a new spring in your .tep, a brighter twinkle in your eye. '0 start tomorrow off with a spar- ling, bubbling glass of ANDREWS iver Salt. ANDREWS is not 'just another ative" -- it's a scientifically pre. ared saline and antacid, Here's ow it does its healthful work: FiRST . . . ANDREWS cleans and refreshes the mouth and tongue: NEXT... ANDREWS sweetens sour stomach and corrects excess acidity. THEN, . . ANDREWS works on the liver to check biliousness, FINALLY . . . To complete your Inner Cleanliness, ANDREWS gently cleans the bowels. It sweeps away trouble-making poisons, corrects temporary constipation, Try ANDREWS Liver Salt tomorrow morning. Get a package now. And insist on getting real ANDREWS . . . not a substitute, THE IDEAL FORM OF LAXATIVE ANDREWS six F INNER CLEANLINESS HELPS KEEP YOU FIT! fore than give balance and zest. Plan One Hot Dish For Every Meal One of the things that lends real zest and appetite appeal to summer meals is contrmst of temperature. | Serve at least one hot dish with every meal, Indeed one hot dish does much It actually aids digestion, helps to keep us feeling fit and cheery through even the warmest days. It is wise to serve the hot food as early in the meal as possible. A delicious hot soup is a fine starter for a summer nreal. It puts the tummy in good humor to digest the cold foods that follow. ' Here, for example, are menus for three light summer meals. These could be luncheons or suppers. They are quick and easy to prepare, They inclade both hot and cold foods, They look inviting, and they taste good: Big bowl of cream soup Mixed fresh fruit salad Cinnamon toast Iced coffee Cup of hot vegetable soup Cold cuts--with new potato sal- of chicken Hot scones Milk Bowl of green pea soup Salmon and celery salad with maycnnaise . Toasted rolls Sponge cake and iced tea To 10 oz. can of condensed soup add equal quantity of water or or milk--and heat. HOUSEHOLD HINT Sit down when you iron. This may seem awkward at first, but it is just a matter of getting used to doing taings the easy way. TO IRON LACE When ironing lace, iron from the back side of the lace over a thick- ly-folded turkish towel to prevent | crushing the design. ihe L t DO try Lydia E. Pinkham"s vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms, Pinkham's Compound also has what Doctors call a stomachic tonic effect! \LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S g, tired? VEGETABLE COMPOUND «ou Safely STOPS .uder-arm PERSPIRATION [51% Creamier--Does Not Crystallize] 1. Instantly stops perspiration 1 10 3 days, keeps armpits dry. Acts safely, as proved by leading doctors. Arrid is Canada's biggest-selling deodorant. 2. Does not rot dresses or men's shirts. Awarded American Institute of Launder- ing Approval Seal--harmless to fabrics. 3. Does not irritate skin. Can be used right after shaving. Antiseptic. Safe. Pre- ferred by 117,000 nurses. 4. A pure, white, stainless vanishing cream. 519% creamier with new ingre- dient Creamogen. Guaranteed not to crystallize, Stays creamy to bottom of Vig | ENLARGEMENT Special To Size 4" x 6" in a Governor Mount 48: Colored in Olls 26¢ Extra YARDLEY'S LOTUS COLOGNE Fresh and Fragrant as an English Country Garden Urinary Trouble Tired Feeling 45: VASELINE PETROLEUM JELLY For Burns Minor Cuts ' YELLOW Ret 15¢ and 20¢ = WHITE 20¢ and 30¢ [803 87.15, SPARKLING LAXATIVE-ANTACID Rheumatic Pains ANDREWS 5. Removes odor from perspiration on con- tact, in 2 seconds. An- tiseptic action gives lasting "'shower-bath" freshness for 48 hours. GUARANTEED NOT TO DRY OUT IN JAR We guarantee your jar of new, 1948 Arrid will not dry out or crystallize, or new jar free upon return to Carter Products, Inc., Toronto, Camda... v,,..,, progucsy, Tuc, Also 15¢ and 59¢ 2 Dury, Stores = -- Shades: Petal Pink Pink Promise Scarlet Rose American Beauty Radiant Red Red Triumph Red Maple Wonder-formula LIPSTICKS ¢REE - THIS WEEK - FREE A Generous Sized Du Barry. WONDER 'FORMULA SAMPLE LIPSTICK and TISSUE BOOK with the Purchase of Any Du Barry Beauty Preparation' FREE _ THIS WEEK - FRE" Satin smooth, long wear- ing lip beauty in shades that flatter and comple- ment the newest colours. In a golden "caplok" case $1.50 SN FOR GENTLE EFFECTIVE R OF CONSTIPATION 19¢ - 33¢ and 69c¢ RICHARD HUDNUT AIDS TO BEAUTY Pepto- When your stomach is out of order, take Pepto-Besmal, It helps soothe, caim, quiet the stomach and intestines. 60c - 1.20 - 1.80 For children as well as adults. SANTAX TOILET PAPER .... WITCH HAZEL ............. . BIS-CARB-CO ..... TO LUCKY WRITING PADS LUCKY ENVELOPES SAFE-T-DRY KLEENER SALOTYN TABLETS, bottle of WAXED PAPER, 100-foot roll Vesna iiny 3-0z. 39¢--16-0z. 1.09 SUPERIOR BATH SPRAY ..., POWDER PADS, Velour, 3-inch BENZO ALMOND LOTION, large bottle ENGLISH STYLE HEALTH SALTS .. ABS. & C. TABLETS, bottle of 100 ,, COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO . CEA EC 4 Rolls 29¢ . 6-0z. 19¢--16-0z. 33¢ 18¢--2 for 36¢ 16-0z. 63¢--40-0z 1.19 3 for 27¢ Teh yh TU 69¢ 3 for 26¢ 2 pkgs. 11¢ Tin 25 60¢ Refunaasle 33¢--2 for 65¢ 100 Sere ky Serssirisnnianusees BEe irae en earaees 18¢--2 for 35¢ A, A a i ---- ee] 6 KING ST. £&. -- PHONE 760 Greaseless Dressing for the Hair 50c =a 85 created for fashion-conscious women by Chen Yu. Correct, long-lasting. Perfect! Coral Fan Box 1.85 Coral Fan Lacquer.60 Coral Fan Lipstick 1.25 LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE Whitens the Teeth Sweetens the Breath Pe Oh --\ n LATHER 5 Relief at Your Fingertips Just GATE- Fare Creare BUBBLE + CLOSER ER? SHAVES SMALL H E N CORAL FAN \

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