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Daily Times-Gazette, 5 Aug 1948, p. 15

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1948 THE. DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE PAGE FIFTEEN - Squid Jiggin' Some Fun If You Keep Out Of Way By DAVE MCcINTOSH Canadian Press Staff Writer St. John's, Nfld., Aug. 5 -- (CP) --When you go squid-jiggin' don't look 'over' the gunwales. You may get an eyeful of squid squirt. Squid is the main source of bait for Newfoundland fishermen who trawl the banks for salt cod. And right now the jiggin' season is in full swing. The squid, being a twig of the octopus family tree, is a pretty re- volting creature, It is embarrassed about its looks itself, for it travels backwards. The squid is -about eight or 10 inches long. It has a bulbous head and from its neck protrude a bunch of tentacles with suction cups. At its rear there is a sort of fin and rudder. This tall assembly rather resembles that of the old Wellington bomber, One Newfound- land army veteran said recently "Every time I saw a Wimpy (Wel- lington) I'm after thinking of the squid." When the squid is harassed it throws up & smokes:rcen from aft in. the form of a brown-black liquid. It isn't poisonous but just the same a shot in the eye can be pretty uncomfortable. Fishermen catch squid by hang- ing a prong over the side of tne boat and pulling the line up and down, Thus the term jiggin'. There are several barbs on the jigger but the squid as a rule isn't skewered or caught like a fish with its mouth open. It is attracted by the color of the prong and wraps its tentacles around it. The suc- tion holds it until it's in the boat. A veteran fisherman can handle three lines at a time. A flick of the wrist detaches the squid from the jigger and it ex- pires with a sound like air going y PRESCRIPTIONS Quickly and Accurately Filled --- at ----- MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 Simcoe N. Phone 48 THE FIX-IT SHOP 156 GIBBON STREET ELECTRIC. AND OXY-ACETYLENE a WELDING "If It Needs Fixing. We Fix It" ORNAMENTAL _ RAILINGS Custom Made PHONE 4698R e SAND « GRAVEL « LOAM «FILL D. R. BROWN Phone 3744-w-5 ~ out of a balloon. Later it is cut into strips for bait. Squid travel in schools and when one boat finds the congregation the cry goes up squid-o! Then the rest of the boats cluster around for the catch. Before the war quantities of squid were dried and shipped to China where it is regarded as a delicacy. James Forrestal To Visit Ottawa On Defence Talks Ottawa, Aug. 5 -- (CP)--~James Forrestal, Secretary of Defence in the United States Government, will visit Ottawa for two days starting Sunday, Aug, 15, Defence Minister fer with the Defence Committee of the cabinet and the Chiefs of Staff. The mutual problems could em- brace such subjects as standardiza- tion of arms, provision of arms ior Europe's Western Union and nor- thern defence, Mr, Parrestal was originally scheduled to visit Ottawa in the spring but had to cancel the trip at the last minute. It is a return visit for one Mr. Claxton made to Wash- ingotn in January. The two men will leave Ottawa together Aug. 17 for Ogdensburg, N.Y, to participate in the border city's bicentennial anniversary :ele- brations, They will take part in the ceremony commemorating the 1940 Roosevelt-King meeting there which produced joint defence plans. Times-Gasette classified ads pay-- Why not try one today? HARDWOOD FLOORING Floors Laid, Sanded and Finished Phone 3744W1 M. LEGGETTE Claxton announced Wednesday, The ' visit will be "informal and will provide an opportunity for him to meet and discuss mutual prob- lems with Canadian cabinet minis- ters and s:tnior defence officers," Mr. Claxton said. Mr, Forrestal is expected to con- READY MIXED CONCRETE juCrushed and washed sand and gravel for pavements, driveways, i or any walk. Price ranges depending on strengt of conere 2 xpecifiea--4o 7h to $10.92 a yard delivered in Oshawa. 1h washed, crushed gravel $2.20 ton C.K. CAMERON ELECTRI FOUNDED IN 1913 BY A. C, CAMERON ® Electrical Construction ® Wiring and Repairs ® Range Runs ® Water Heaters PHONE 460 VOU VVVUOVvVYwvUOvYYy, RENT A PORTABLE ELECTRIC home per mont 90.00 REPAIRS : . i, Ry WE BOY Jewish "ek WE SELL 237 25° Veit Treadles. AVAILABLE NOW! BUTTONHOLE ATTACHMENTS UNIVERSAL MOTORS SINGER LIGHTS SINGER CABINETS SEWING STOOLS SKIRT MARKERS Immediate Delivery on New Machines 16 ONTARIO ST. OSHAWA : crushed gravel $2.10 ton Washed sand at ion These es depend on quantities anne. re Oshawa. For further information call CURRAN & BRIGGS LTD. SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Oshawa 4145R Plok HONES: #80 ering 97-r-23 FINE WATCH REPAIRING Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LIMITED Phone 1246 MAKES OLD WASHERS WORK LIKE NEW WASHER SERVICE QUICKER CHEAPER BETTER Phone 3800W Jock BIDDULPH avrnomzio BEX sare 68 SIMCux ST. N. "Look for the Store with the Yellow Front" Rsphalt Shingles 0 fi) OIL-BURNER SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO ALL KINDS The Robert Dixon Co. Ltd. PHONE 262 313 Albert St. Oshawa ERNIE CAY LUMBER | STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works Open Every Day And Evenings Phone Whitby 552 | 318 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY | 4 Burner ELECTRIC RANGES $149.50 Immediate Delivery RANGETTES with Automatic Oven Control $79.50 Connor Washing Machines Trade-in Accepted PITTS' Electrical Agencies 12 Bond St. E.--136 Simcoe S. Phone 3287 COPR 1948 KI DANNY HALE | Ry Dudley Fisher | ll HRY cmp lo "wr i " By Norman Marsh AYE, RAVEN WING) COME DAYLIGHT, THE SHANNEE'LL HERE 19 CANOE WE MUST TRAVEL FAST, FOR TRAIL 1S PLAIN IN WET GRASS, DANNY | BE AFTER US WOLVES / LIKE A PACK 0" LY THROUGH THE NIGHT. DANNY AND RED FEATHER DRIVE THE CANOE NORTHWARD ON THE SCIOTO =~ » AS THE 'LADY LUCK "APPROACHES THE IMPASSABLE BARRIER REEF SURROUNDING FLAMINGO zy /SLAND CANOE AND PRESS ON ARDOT = 5 DAWN BREAKS THEY HIDE THE | LA LORE Garr fl dir, 00 $9 rN, "ey GOES ALONGSIDE THE CORAL WALL. HOW WILL THE SHIP THRU THE REEF? » 0 . RIP KIRBY WHO IS THAT MAN? HE'S TELLING FRIGHTFUL LIES! CY HE'S THE CHAP WOT Jia BUT THAT'S 1 TELLS YER RIDICULOUS! | ANYTHI PUSHED 'ER IN THE RIVER! 4p a A a Vy "SAW. 2D (a == 4 T MUST REPEAT, SIR CHARLES, THAT A AND WAY BE USED IN EVIDENCE oo NG YOU SAY WILL BE TAKEN DOWN jelly AGAINST Nou! BETTER GET A LAWYER, 72 | ee : vil 3/0 . Vil =m MURDER] POOR BETYA.., AND PRISON. , FOR NOW WE ARE INTHE HEART 0' THE SHAWNEE . . . . . . JUE PALOQKA Never Showed By Ham Fisher CS/GHII IT s/. BUT IT's pd /AY | CAN MAKE. LF rE ERE , KID F7 I SWAM THIS STRETCH WAS TEN YEARS AGO -- HOPE 'THE OLD WIND , "HOLDS OUT... 'TOOTS and CASPER I AIN'T LETTING , "CUDDLE GET AWAY FROM ME THIS TIME, TOOTS, THIS IS I "CURLY" MY OLD SWEETHEART. WE LITTLE vi Silver Moon On Gold Standard > A PIONEER INDIAN SCOUT 16 SUPPOSED TO HAVE ELUDED CAPTURE BY SPENDING A NIGHT By Mel Graff ISLAND 14.0 ON THAT ISLAND. ..T MIGHT HAVE.., TO.. SPEND... THE NIGHT .... THERE, MYSELF..... Perish the Thought! WHAT? you MEAN AUNT TRILLY IS ff CUDDLES AND YOU'RE curLy ? YOU'RE THE As TOM PATHETIC SWING TOWARD THE TY | UNLESS 1 M55 MY PRL) GUESS, THERE'S A POT OF GOLD AT THE END OF THAT MOONLIGHT REAT SCOTT! NOBODY DESERVES THIS FATE" THIS MARRIAGE MAKES ME A RELATIVE OFER. MB. King Features Syndicate, WE'RE KINFOLKS OF CASPER'S ? 9 Vimmy URPHY= "Court" Martial By Brandon Walsh THOU DOST RELATE A STRANGE TALE~ {|AND DOST BRING A MOST ALARMING | IMESSAGE FROM TUE LORDS OF TUE { [UPPER AIR-- T MUST PONDER WELL i FORE ACTING= PARDON, MOST GRACIOUS KING, BUT FORGET NOT THAT THE 60D5 MAY BECOME ANGRY AT ANY UNSEEMLY DELAY 1.COULDA SWORE 1 SEEN A MAN FOLLOWING . P- THAT ALL THE STRANGERS BE SLAIN !- WHY £2-THE ALL-WISE GODS MUST SEE THAT THE amen STRANGERS [THOU SAYEST THE GODS COMMAND | I HAVE BEEN SUMMONED TO APPEAR BEFORE THE KING=~T SMELL TROUBLE=DON'T LET THE YOUNGSTERS KNOW, BUT BE READY TO LEAVE IN A HURRY- l BE COMFORTABLE ROAMING ITS ASTRONG * \ CIRCUMSTANTIAL CASE... BUT THERE ARE PLENTY OF W HOLES IN IT! YoU AND I ARE GOING .TO SEE LADY WINTERBROOK! SHE KNOWS MORE THAN / | ToD! IT'S WONDERFUL THE WAY EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH TURNS TO MONEY. WHY, YOU'RE THE LUCKIEST MAN ALIVE REALLY SHOULD MARRY You. RESCUERS HAVE LITTLE HOPE OF SAVING THE TRAPPED BATHYSPHERE EXPEDITION FINANCED BY PLAYBOY CLARK KENT. CAUGHT INA DEER UNDERSEA FISSURE WITH THREE DAYS OF SUPPLIES, THE BATHYSPHERE CREW.re GREAT SCOTT! 'VE BEEN SO BUSY DODGING PUBLICITY, I NEVER KNEW ABOUT THIS! 1 HAVEN'T SEEN A PAPER IN DAYS! BUT I'VE fi TO SAVE THAT EXPEDITION!

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