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Daily Times-Gazette, 6 Aug 1948, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT 600 | 100 900 FRIDAY EVENING 8:00-Press News J 405; ports Parade of Melody e Time 0 ig Smith "sports alp ul Sports Ralph ot Good oo 5--Top of the Day >--News and Farm Market Be ynabs Your Beef? arometer Pray] ws? 8) port on Spor 8:30 Jim Hunter. News 6:30--Divertimento 6:30--Tello Test ause For Contentmcat 6:30--Passing Parade 6 Sg Mule for 'Memory 6:30--New: 6 35 Holiday New; 6:40--Parade of afac0adoan Seti reel :00--Ten-Fifty Serenade 20-News: ood 0 ld Days per Clul CJBC CHIM E -) ort Q. D wis Show 7:00--Lorne Greene (News) 7:00--Edwin C. Hill 3 8y-ske Belleve Ballroom 7.05--News > 15--Novatim 7:15--Robert Q Lewis Show 7:15--1050 Serenade 7:15--News or the Worid ! W 7.15--Olympic Games Report 7:15--F. I. Wine Time WKB 7 30_curtain Calls 7:30--"he Lone kanger 7:38 Sports Head, Baritone 7 :45--Speaking as a Listener 7:50--John Gart Trio 7:55--Pitching Horseshoes 8.00--Allen Roth 810 Cavaicade of Music 8:00--Star Promenade 8:00--Symphony for Strings 8 r. Ace and Jane CFRB--W 8:00--Highways in Meloay WBEN 8:00--The a Man WEBW----CJBC 8:15--On Sta, X 8:30--It's Ey Albert CFRB--WGR 8:30--Premier King L 8:30--The Count of Monte Cristo CKEY 8:30--Lyn Murray CKDO 8:30--California Melodies CJBC 8:30--News; Prom. Under The Stars CHUM 8:30--~This Is Your FBI 8:55--Musical Program 8:55--biil Henry. News Spm Murrey 00--New. 1 00--Beat the Champs 9:00---My Favourite Husband 3 0 People are Funny 00--So0 The Story Goes 9:00 Break the Bank 9:00--Blues For Friday 9:10--Baseball + 9.15--Lean Back and Listen 9.30--Music of Manhattan 9:30--Candid Microphone 9.30--War's Aftermath 9:30--Summer Serenade 9:30--The Sheriff 9:30--Waitz Time 9:30--Summer Sliver Review 9:55--~Champlon Roll Cal 10:00--Mystery Theatre 10:00--Everybody Wins 10:00-~CBC National News 10:00--Dr. Standish 10.00--Boyd Valleau Orch. 10.00--Everybody Wins 10:00--Dance Jamboree 10:00--Dance Band Jamboree 0: 15--Liberal Convention 0:15--No Cover Charge 10: 30--Milt Herth Trio 10:30--Piano Recital 10:30--Bill Stern, Sports 10:30--Spotlight Revue 10: 0--Night Baseball 10:30--Dennis Stone Orch, 10:30--News; Joe Crysdale 10:45--News 10:45--Talk--Farrell Dobbs 10:45--Hit of the Day 10:50--Music Box 10:55--Sports News 11:00--Sportsman Show (1:00--Dominion News 11:00--~News WEKBW-WBEN-CKEY-CFRB- 11:00---News Reporter WG 11:00--Dreamtime 11:05--Mickey Lester 11:05--Harness Racing i1:10--News Analvsis 11:10---Organ Reverie 11:10--Olympic Games Report 11:15--Juke Box Jamboree 11:15--A] Donahue Orch. 11:15--Joe Wesp Ironic Reporter WBEN 11:15--Late Sports WGR 11:15--Christies' Wax Works CJBC 11:25--Late Sports Column WBEN 11:25--Man About Midnight WGR 11:30--Larry Fotine Orch. CFRB 11:30--World's Great Novels CBL-WBEN 12:00--~News--House Party CKEY 1290-News RY SEW-OFES-WREN. Vili 12:00--Christie's Waxworks CJBC 12:05--Gene Williams Orch. CFRB 12:05--Virginia Beach Orch. WBEN 12:05--~Juke Box Jamboree WEBW 12:10--Man, About Midnight WGR 12:30--The ii Trio WBEN 12:30--New: 12: 30_Elder 12: elf oath Inn 12:55--New: 1 "00--News 1.00--News 1:00--News--House Party 1:00--Juke-Box Jamboree WKB 2:00--News--Say It With Music REY CFR! CJBC KBW SATURDAY MORNING 4:30--Uncie Ervin 30--550 Reveille 5:30--News; Uncle Ervin 5:50-- News 6:00--Morning Jamboree 6:00--550 Rangers 6.00--News 6:00--~Uncle Ervin, News 6:05--Top o' the Morning 6:10--Clint Buehlman gy rar Reporter New: 6: 95--Larty' 's Coffee Shop 6:55--CBC News and Weather 7:00--News-~Musical Clock 7:00--News 7:00--Breakfast Melodies 7:00--News 7:00--Coffee Shop 7.00--Toast and Jamboree 7:00--Raiph Snyder Show 7:05--Top o' the 7:15--Clint Buehiman 7:15--Chapel in the Pines 7:30--Headlines ; Breakfast Melodies . Musical Clock Morning 35~Top o' the Morning :35--Larry"s Coffee Shop 7 ofa Viewpoint 50--New: 7:35 Melody igh) isha 558} undu; ports 00--~--Toast and Jamboree 00--Ralph Snyder Show 0--CBO N ews 0--Larry's Coffee Shop 0--Breakfast Time Tunes 10--Hal Kelly (Sports) 15--Cl! For Saturday Musica, us ch Past C Fro Se Hollywood cv "Special CIBC--WEBW 5 Announcer DICK MacDOUGAL whose voice is familiar to listeners to the Al Harvey Show, which he a on Tuesdays at 9:30 p.m. on the Trans-Canada network; and Jazz Unlimited, Toronto record show, in which he acts as com- tator for its broadcasts on Sat- urdays from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. over CJBC. Dick is a keen jazz enthusi- ast, with an extensive collection of records of every variety from Dixieland to traditional New Or- leans. :30--Reggie and Billy Keaton WGR Saturday Supper Club CKDO Legal Dramas WGR tar Time CHUM Dorothy Fuldheim News WEBW SATURDAY EVENING WGR~--CKDO BO CEKEY--WBEN CFRB CHUM WEKBW CBL CKEY ports Extra Ww 0--Sig Smith, Sports WaR om Time CFR. 6: :10--Doug. BacPariane, Sports oT ¢ 10--Hawalan Hormonies CKDO is i? : Mile Herth Trlo Music You Love Race Results --Piano Classics Hi sE22ge : Fo 1 6: :15~-Top of the Day 6:20--~Musical Interlude . 6:25--Weather, pura News 6:25--Teleflash Ni 6:25--Fishing Bar eter 6.30--Nat Brandwynne 6:30--Zippo Bag Gag 6:30--Music You Love 6:30--Yesterday's Hits 6:30--Divert.mento 6:30--Remember Yesterday 6:30--Jim Hunter; Wes McK 6:45--Sports This Week 6:45--Music of B'dw'y Shows :45--Melody Men :55--News :55--Novatime CFRB )--St. Louis Municipal Opera WGR :00--Herman 'Harmon! CFRB :00--Ten-Fifty Serenade CHUM 7:00--Music Hall Varieties 7:00--To Be Advised 7:00--News, Lorne Greene 7:00--Meet Gisele 7:00--Tomorrow's Tops 7:05--Make-Belleve Ballroom 7:15--Canadign Short Stories 7:30--Joy Redden, Organist 7:30--U. of B, Round Table 7:30--Famous Jury Trials 7:30--Olympic Games Report 7:30--Saturday Night Serenade iy 7:30--Blll Isbister And Lou Snider CJBC 1:30--Cuckoo. Clock House Sports Show Sagas aad 9:00--~Music for Saturday 9:05--Morning Melodies 9:05--Jay and Ginger 9:10--Fenway Fahrenheit 9:15--Barnyard Follies 9:15--Adventure Abroad 9:30--News From Hollywood 9:30--Klids Carnival 9:30--~Morning Melodies 9:30--Music for Madame 9:35--Music From Hollywood 9:45--Mother Goose 9:45--Uncle Ben's Club 9:45--Garden Gate 10:00--News 10:00--Frank Merriwell 10:00--Lucky Shopper Contest 10:00--This Is For You KBW 10:00--Melody Whirl 10:00--Music For Madame CBL 10:00--Red Barber's Club House WGR CKEY WBEN-CJBC CHUM Ww. 10: 30--Advent. of Archie Andrews 10:30--dollywood Headlines WEKBW 10:30--Fress News 10:30--Teleflash News 10:30--Curtain Calls 10:30--Mary Lee Taylor 10:30--Trio Time 10:35--A to Z in Novelty 10:35--CHUM Slogan Contest 10:35--Lucky' Shopper Contest 10.45--Sammy Kaye 10:45--Saturday Strings 10:45--Saturday Strings 11:00--Abbott ana Costello CJBC--WKBW 11:00--Meet the Meeks WBEN 31:00--Calling All Children 11:00--~Warren Sweeney, News 11:00--Morning Varieties 11:00--News 11:00--Random Rhythms 11:05--Let's Pretend 11:05--Make Believe Ballroom 11:30--Red Barber's Club House 11:30--Smilin' Ed. McConnell 11.30--Tomorrow's Headlines 11:30--~Through The Looking Glass CBL 11:30--Crossroads Jamboree CEKDO 11:30--Junior Miss 11:30--Juke Box Jury 11:30--Teleflash News 11:35--Stork Club of the Alr 31:45--A Date With Dinah 11 A45--Buddy Weed Trio SATURDAY AFTERNOON 12:00--News CEKEY--WBEN 12:00--Theatre of Today WGR 12:00--Symphony oi Melody CFRB 12:00--South America Serenade CHUM 12:00--BBC New. CBL 12:00--North Shore Farm Digest CKDO 12:00--Junior Junction CJBC--WKBW 12:05--Music Box CKEY 12:15--Local Scene 12:15--A Girl, A Boy, A Song 12:15--Sports College 12:15--Luncheon Muslo 12:25--News 12:30--Time Out For Music 12:30--Stars Over Hollywood 12:30--Lorne Greene (News) 12:30--News 12:30--News 12:30--Luncheon Music 12.30--Musical Program 12:30--Press News 12:35--Your Hit Parade 12:40--Rhythm Rendezvous 12:45--Three Suns 12:45--£ingin' Sam 12:45--John 8. Hall, 12:45--Waliter Bowles 12:55--HIt of the Day 12.55--News WB 1:00--National Farm and Home WEEN 1:00--Airlane Trio CFRB 1:00--Platter Panel WKBW 1:00--Grand Central Station WGR 1:00--Melody Matinee CHUM 1: 0 News; Tops in Pops CKEY 1:00--New CBL 1:00--Charlte Spivak Orch, CJBC i 5 --sghoe Talk CFR. Ways of Beauty i Aw orld Church News 1:15--Better Business Bureau CKEY Gardening CFRB CJBC CJ. Lo 1:30--Edward Tomlinson B 1 :30--Million Dolisk Ballroom WEKBW :30--Glive And Tak WGR :30--Dollar Dividends CHUM :30--Concert_ Favourites CBL )--Music Hall Varieties CFRB 5--HIit Parade CHUM News from Washington WBEN )--Fascinating Rhythm CJBC 0--Glee Club WBEN )--Bernie Cummins Orch. CFRB--WGR :00--News CKEY "The Teen Beat :00--On :00--Dollar Dividends :00--Al Goodman :05--Jerry Burke Show :30--Curtain Calls :30--David Rose Show :30--Dance Tunes from London CJBC :30--The Music Goes 'Round WKBW :30--Jive Hive CBL .30--Les Brown Orch. DO 2:30--Veterans' Journal :30--Melody Matinee 2:45--Treasury Guest Star :00--~Music by Cugat :00--Piano Playhouse J Report From Overseas 0g =Musieal, Drogram OC DC BIDS th ht ot 23888 3 ws; Burke 3 Masts Por aturday :00--Lucky Shopper Contest :15--Adventures in Science 3:15--Boyd Valleau Show :25--Fenway Fahrenheit :30--Meetin' with Keaton 3:30--Juke Box Serenade . 3:30--Teleflash News :30--Music of Manhattan :35--Lucky Shopper Contest 3:35--Kiwanis Safety Program :45--Jerry Burke Show 4:00--Doctors Tod: 4:n0--Jazz Unlimited 4:00--News; Safety Quiz :00~Memo From Lake Succses )0--Stan Daugherty Orch, :00--~News )5--Club 580 Sigh Tide CKDO Treasury Bandstand CFRB-WGR )--News CHUM )--Musical Program 0--Tam O'Shanter Golf 5--Star Time 5--Club 761 )--To Be Announced :00--Ballet Club News; azz Unlimited ace of the Day Star Time 0 be Announced thythm and Reason Whitney Horse Race The Music Goes 'Round Dave Stephens Orch. ake Believe Ballroom et err ed Bb Abb bth $53 A pO! 7 o--Tne Old Ranch House 7:45--This Week 7:45--Liberal Convention 8:00--Twenty Questions 8:00--Olympic Games Report 8.00--Cavalcade of Music :00--Star Promenade CHU. 8:30--Music In The Morgan Manner CKDO 8:30--Dreamtime CBL 8:30--Stop Me If You've Heard ou . 8:30--The Amazing Mr. Malone WKBW 8.30--Music of the Footlights CKEY 8:30--News; Prom, Under The Stars CH 8:30--Truth or Consequences WEEN 9.00--Parade of Bands CKE 9:00--Press News 9:00--Special Agent 9:00---Gang Busters 9:00--News 9:00--Morey Amsterdam shew 9:00--Your Hit Parade 9:10--Liberal Convention 9:15--Eddie Howard : :30--Northern Ramblers 9:30--Palais Royale Orch. 9:30--What's My Name 0--Judy Canova 0--Serenade in Rhythm 0--It Pays To Be Ignorant 9:30--Community Square Dance CKDO 10:00--Date For Dancing CEDO 10:00--No Cover Charge 10:00--Let's Dance Ame 10:00--Berni Black Trio 10:00--Casa_ Loma Orch 10:00--Harold Green Orch. 10:00--Kay Eyagra College | 10: 13 Trop! 10:30~-New: 10: 30_Radio | 10 :30--Brant 'I 0.30--Baseball y Playhouse Orch. 10:45--Hit of the 10:45--News 11:00--News; Mickey Lester 11:00--News 11:00--News CFR! 11:00--News and Commentary JBC 11:00--News and News Analysis WGR it :00--Hawali Calls CBL 1:00--News; Harness Racing WEKBW i :05--Interlude CKEY 11:10--Organ Reverie 11:15--Late Sports 11:15--Here's To Vetera: 11:15--Christie's Wax 'Works 11:15--Henry Jerome Orch. CFR. 11:15--Militon Dollar Ballroom WEB 11:25--Interlude WGR 11:30--Laurence Welk Orch. WBEN 11:30--Night Club of the Air WGR 11.30--Norman Harris Orch. , CBL 11:30--Sammy Kaye Orch. CFRB 1200--News WGR-CFRB-WBEN 12:00--News GR--WKBW 12:00--CBC News Bulletin CBL 12:00--News--House Party CKEY 12:00--Christie"s Waxworks 12:05--Del Courtney Orch. 12:05--The Click Orch. 12:05--Million Dalal Ballroom 12:10--Night Club of the Alr 12:30--The Rollini Trio 12 20--News :00--New: 00 News; House Party :00--New: {00--News: Say it with Music WGR CKEY Urge Tightening Of Firearm Rule Brighton, Aug. 6--(CP)--A recom- mendation that laws concerning carrying of firearms by juveniles be strictly enforced was made Wednes- day night by a coroner's jury in- vestigating the fatal shooting July 23 of Josep Thomas Dutton, Jr. 16, near Allan's Mills, between Campbeliford and Belleville, The jury found that the youth was killed by a bullet "carelessly fired from a .22-calibre rifle in the hands of 14-year-old Eric Holden, Jr." AUTO PART SHORTAGE Windsor, Ont., Aug 6--(CP)--E. C. Rowe, Vice-President of Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited, an- nounced Thursday that a seven- week strike in a Muskegon, Mich. foundry has resulted in a serious shortage of motor parts coming to Windsor plants. He said 'the cor- poration has no plans for curtail- cnent but that the effect fo the strike would be felt "shortly" here. MACARONIC VERSE Macaronic verse was an old type of doggerel using Latin suffixes for humorous effect, as in the phrase "milkare cowaeas." FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE LAFF-A-DAY PR. 1948, RING FEATURES SA XDICATE, Tar, WORLE RIGHTS RESERVED. "You overlook the obvious advantages of MY system! When I sit down, I'm home!" What to Do To-Night Kh RECREATION HEADQUARTERS 100 Gibbs Street THIS IS A COMMUNITY CHEST ASSISTED SERVICE Adult Leathercraft Thursdays and Fridays, Ep Tennis instruction daily, Monday to Fricey at Oshawa Tennis Club, at a adays, p.m. A few racquets are available for those wishing to participate, but it is re- guested that those who can, will supply eir own. Thursday, August 5 -- Lacrosse In- struction at Rotary Park. August 5, Bandshell Program--"Fugue and ntasy" from Alice in Wonder- land, after Lewis Carroll. Cast: Child- ren 'from all playgrounds, Full pro- gram elsewhere, Summer playground program -- As pubiisned previously. and Rotary Pools -- As pub- no NE Specialists Schedule will be posted at each playground. THEATRES TODAY Drive-In Theatre -- Tonight -- "Badman's Territory" Regent -- "Gentleman's Agree- ment" 2.00, 4.30, 7.00, 9.30. Last complete show at 9.00. Marks -- "Jinx Money" at 2.30, 5.10, 7.50, 1025. "Conquest of Cheyenne," at 1.30, 4.10, 6.50, 9.30. "Home Town Newspaper" at 1.10, 3.50, 6.30, 9.10. Last complete show at 8.55. Biltmore "Blondie: in the Dough" 1.10, 3.45, 6.20, 8.55. "Trail Street" 2.15, 4.50, 7.25, 10.00. Last complete show 8.55. BILTMORE STARTS TOMORROW "TRAIL STREET", RANDOLPH ROBERT SCOTT RYAN ANNE JEFFREYS On The Same Program "BLONDIE IN THE DOUGH" - with - ARTHUR LAKE PENNY SINGLETON louro 2. Hobson's entlemans gf Adreement TODAY REGENT GREGORY PECK DOROTHY McGUIRE JOHN GARFIELD ON THE SAME PROGRAM Color Cartoon Canada Carries On NEWS A FAMOUS PLAYIRS THEATAS Friday, August 6 -- Zaps pool Swim meet, Rotary Pool, 3 Central Council lg Dance, Sat- urday, August 7. Music by H. Godfrey. .| beauty to something they call Music Critics ShareOpinion Of Listeners By JACK MCNEIL Canadian Press Staff Writer It took a recent radio program to convince this columnist that music critics are not long-haired listen- ing machines with their ears in the upper ether. In fact, we discovered that the best of them have just about the same taste in music as the fellow who can't tell the difference be- 'tween a euphonium and a glocken- spiel but likes a tune he can recog- niez and a rhythm he can stomp his feet to. The program was the "Green Room" discussion period, heard at intermission time on the Sunday broadcast of the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, a Columbia Broadcast- ing System. feature. The subject was, roughly: What's wrong with the classical music that's being written these days, anyway?" The listeners' view -- as culled from letters written to James Bass- ett, the Green Room's unbane mas- ter of ceremonies--is that present- day composers sacrifice melody and for- iginality." Of course, these letters were referring to United States composers, and were written by Americans, but they're probably re- presentative of what a great many Canadians think about classical music's "new look" both here and in the U.S. Strictly speaking, this opinion was advanced by just 54 per cent of Mr, Bassett's correspondents. But it's quite likely that a much great- er percentage of the listening pubile at large would take the same line, A thousand thrilling, enter- taining, instructive features in one gigantic exhibition. Don't miss any of them. The famous Welsh Guards Band brought from Great Britain. The National Horse Show. Motor Show. Flower Show.' Agriculture, industry, transportation on parade. The newest wonders of science and electronics. Spectacular foreign exhibits. The greatest show of all time presented before the C.N.E.'s gigantic new grandstand and starring Olsen & Johnson. Don't miss one single feature of the world's greatest annual ex- hibition." Col. K. R. Marshall, President Come to the C.N.E. Canadian National Exhibition rd Elwood A. Hughes, General Manoger For, as Mr. Basset} indicated, those who wrote in were the kind of serious music-lovers who go out of their way in an attempt to understand innovations that have, for them, no immediate appeal. The erudite. gentlemen who threw their two-bit's worth into this Green Room conflab--famed music critic Deems Taylor was one-- agreed that 75 per cent is probably a closer guess at the number of listeners who shy away from rthe Baitetoeimderstand modern clas- cs, And the reason for this allergy? Well, the trouble, according to the experts, is that the "originality" practised by modern composers is chiefly "technical skill in crea'ing new sound effects." Oddly enough, the craftsman they cited as the most skilful of such orchestral jug- glers was not an American at all, but a Russian, Stravinsky. True originality they defined as the ability to repeat a theme, da2= veloping it in many variations, just as a public speaker keeps on. re- peating the point he wishes to drive home to his audience. The theme, the Green Room speakers pointed out, didn't even have to be the composer's own. The older classical composers were often on- servative in their technical effects, but they were past-masters at tak- ing a tune and repeating it until you knew it. Many modern composers, on the other hand, have a tendency to wander all over the sandlot. This, said the critics, often makes them "unintelligible." And they conclud- ed: "Unintelligibility is not neces- sarily greatness." Well, we think we'll listen to that program again. GOLD COAST PORT Takoradi is a port on the Gold Coast. everywhere ® Take Home a handy Carton today ! NEW FOUR-LANE HIGHWAY at THORNTON'S ROAD SEE THE STARS... io UNDER THE STARS Ea Chel Bring The Whole Family . -- Reasonable Prices DRIVE] THEATRE TO - NITE Badman"s Territory RANDCLPH SCOTT ANN SICHARDS CANADA CARRIES ON "HOME TOWN NEWSPAPER" w . the beautiful RHYTH 8:30 $2.00 Per Couple Club Bayview WHITBY. DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF THE "For Reservations 971 TOMORROW NIGHT AT... MAIRES T0 12 ® PHONE

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