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Daily Times-Gazette, 7 Aug 1948, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE \. SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1948 WANT AD SECTION <7' BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Articles for Sale .. A ts Wanted ... 1--Auditors 8 T. HOPKINS, CERTINED eral accountant, 24 Alger Bl St. East. Phone 2127. Consul countant and auditor. GEN. ace (Sepl) Auditors s..eeeeeee 2.--Barristers ous 8 Jiriay, J or A Norte nons 61. al eace mens (Sepl) CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, AL- iin F. Annis, K.C., Tlz Simcoe Street South. | Phone 4, "Residence 7 co 160, ._(Sepl) A. W. B. GREER, Solicitor, etc, 6 Phone 3160. partner W Ont. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & RASER. barristers, etc. Bank Building. Sen R. D. HUMPHREYS, E.C.. Solicitor, etc. King Phones: Office 814 Money _tc to > loan. BARRISTER, St. West. residence 4 (Sepl) "MacBRIEN, BARRIS Suite 201, 70 King East, Genosha Hotel. Phone 349. (Sepl) OSEPH I' MANGAN, K.C. BARRIS- Fy Sollcitor. Money to loan. Office 14}, King St. East, Oshawa. Phone Res. Phone 837. 445. ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, iy 11 King E Roos 3. Phones Office 55. 68TR. (Sepl) JAMES R. and Solicitor. Sue 3 CE 858 B 848 Faced © cevecrese 81 ONE INSERTION TWO SoNSsC Abo LU ™ Ebeeqnent tasertions 3 had. 3 PA LL eh J. A. YANCH, A. J. PARKHI TANCE, M loans. 6 Simcoe North, Bon Act Bouse Res. 1975J. (Sep1) Phone 1614. MANNING PF. SWARTZ, SARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 382. Res. 287TW. (Sepl) 3a--Physicians and Surgeons DR. BAI'TY, SURGEON, 3 = KING ST. E. Oshawa. Phone 3832. Ho eleven to twelve and (except Wed and rely 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. (Se 5--Optometrists OH. TUOK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 9 Phone 1516. (Sepl) JURY AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: ® am. to 6 pm. Wednesday 9 to 1. A E Johnson, Optometrist. Phong = 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICER Const > for any of your insurance needs. classes of insurance includ- og ire. aig ha Street East, phone (Sepl) re Votlinarians DR. E H. WEBSTER, small animal surgery. St. W. Phone 2010. 9--Money To Loan FIRST MORTGAGE WE BUY MORTGAGES AND EEMENT! F SALE AGR! Ss O 112 SIMCOE ST. NORTH North Shore Realty Co. Ltd. PHONE 81. Sony Tues. hus. ~Sat.) Wwsioion FALL TERM COMMENCES TUESDAY, September 7. All commercial subjects. Comptometer and oH Ba Osh- awa Business Coll 18 Sines St. North. Phone 1314. 182t1 11--Building Trades LARGE AND 101 Richmond (Sepl) INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS CLASSIFIED AD RATES BRTIONS THREE C VE INSERTION EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE ordered original Professional and Basiness listings BY Ju 20 words or less. 30c additiomal for all Sach initial letter, apreriation, § Auf SER, Sear figure count as «» full word. Box charged 1 All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day publication. Office hours: Dally 8-6. Saturday 8-5. » Pets and Livestock 34 Radio Repairs ..., 17 $2--Automobiles for Sale 36--Articles for Sale '35 CHEV. SEDAN; '3 CHEV. COACH "47 B.8.A. Apply 176 Olive Ave. (8c; '38 CHEV. COACH, GOOD CO! Phone 2945J. NDITION. 35 CHEV. COUPE, dition throughout. Street, '34 HUDSON CABRIOLET, PRIC| Nal; 's Garage, 181 Albert St. EXCELLENT CON- Apply 146 Division hy 83b) E $350, (181d) Real Estate A 13 i ar 20 Words on Adm INSERTI orders for consecutive imsertions. at a later date comstitute a month for Sorts over 30. AUTO GLASS, CUT AND INSTALLED, for any make car or truck, 'Johnnie' Walker, located at Clement's Service Station, 102 Simcoe N. Phone 842. (Aug.14) YOU WEAR THEM OUT, WE FIX them. Bill Moring's Garage, North Osh- awa, (Sep6) '35 OLDS. 6 COACH. LOOKS LIKE new. Best cash offer for quick sale. Phone 4149J. (182c) 28 CHRYSLER COACH. EXCELLENT condition. Apply 207 Church St. Phone 4643M. (182c) '42 DODGE COACH. EXC CELLENT CON- dition, Would ze iraq, Naiman's Gar- age, 181 Al Albert, (18 84a) '34 OLDS. 6, 6- Sai TRUNK SEDAN. Excellent tires, new paint and motor Job, new top, 'sealed beams, etc. Sno- van's Supertest Garage, Harmony. . (184b) 1936 OLDSMOBILE, 5 TIRES, NEARLY new. Upholstering, paint, in first class condition. Motor newly overhauled. $675. Phone 891W. (184c) '3a FORD SEDAN, $205; '32 FORD Coach, $275. Ted Houck, Phone 68, Ux-~ bridge. (1 184 48) "34 CHEV. STANDARD, F HEATER, RA- dio. 384 Windsor Ave. Phone 5023W. (184b) T1934 SACRIFICE FOR G QUICK SALE, Chev. coach, new slip - covers, good appearance. Phone 4055R. (184a) 33--Automobiles Wanted 24--Personal STOP! LOOK! DEVELOPED and PRINTED STANDARD SIZE oy 42¢ REPRINTS 4% geen FAST SERVICE NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 10 Richmond Street East Phone 1218W (1848) MAN WISHES RIDE TO AND FROM Toronto dally, leaving at 7, returning at 5. Phone 316J. (184¢c) Dressmaker and knitters on infants' and children's wear for work at home. APPLY BOX 931 TIMES-GAZETTE (184b) 25----Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR Wa _8TUCCO. ALL Oll burner. 3-piece Bans sess ge. RE oma Ppos- on. Quer oar ng town. 808 Centre St. 8., Whitby. (183b) SAND, GRAVEL, FILL, LOAM, trucks, excavating. by LE reliable service 3470. V" (Sept) INSTALLED, ALSO SEPTIC TANKS small gementing jobs done. 'For in- formation, call : (Sept.5) GENERAL CONTRACTING. CHIMNEYS built or repaired. Houses built or re- "modelled. Verandahs, Shingling, Brick- work, Suphoss. Building of all kinds. Dial 4971W for quick service. (1811) FOR CARPENTER WORK, ROOFING, alterations. Phone 4423-W. (Aug24) EXCAVATING, ALL KINDS; SEWERS, drains, cellars and grading. 418 Park Road South. Phone 2872 (Aug?) WEEPING TILE, 4-INCH, 5 CENTA Sach delivered, Dance Bros., Whitty 27. Augs) CEMENT, LIME, BRICKS AND MORTAR CEMENT Also' Cinders and Cinder Blocks D. STRADESKI 329 LOUISA STREET PHONE 3288J (183b) 12--Personal Ser Jices P. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS watchmaker. Repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patronage solicited. (Sepl) 14--Household Repairs CHESTERFIELDS, REBUILT, RECO- vered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Batistaction guar- anteed. Phone 5280W nights, 3344 days. {Aug.3t1.) LOTS OF .LOTS. WARREN AVENUE 25--Real Estate For Sale CHOICE BUILDING LOT, 40 x 120, ON Qritron St. Apply 600 Mary St. hone c) CHOICE BUILDING LOT IN SOUTH west section of city. 4113'x102'5'. Phone 4616J. (182c) FARM, 80 ACRES, THREE MILES FROM Cobourg, on main road, very good buildings, plenty of wood and water. Will sell as going concern or 'farm separate. High school-bus passes door. H. dshaw, 711 Burnham St, Co- bourg, Ont. Phone 1042W, Cobourg. (1831) BUNGALOWS IN BOWMAN- ville. One 6 rooms, lights, water and garage. mediate possession. One 5 | rooms, Hpi ater and garage. Oc- | cupled. [I}} sell | both together or separ- | ate, Phone 468 or write Box 146, Bow manville, | '40, '41 AND '42 CHEVS. AND PONTIACS wanted badly, highest prices will be paid. Belmont Motors, 137 King W. Phone _¢ 4808. __(183tr) SALESMAN HAS $1,000 FOR BEST CAR offered. Phone 5239. (1781) CASH FOR YOUR CAK! BRAMLEY Motor Sales, 1271 Simcouv Street Street teens) (Sep3) Phone 4695W. MORE CASH FOR YOUR CAR AT Dodd's Car Lot, 418 Park Road South, Phone 2872W. (Aug?) WILL PAY oF 7 TO $700 FOR GOOD used car. Any year, ang. make. Cash if necessary. Box 928, Times-Gazette. (184b) GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS, 12 different colors. Flexalum steel or wood, Made to measure for any win- dow, 'Free estimates and instaliations, Met-Wo Industries Limited. J. W. Mel- ley. Phone 410 (Sep2) NEW INGLIS a MACHINES, Immediate delivery. Colvin Recitlc. 339 Simcoe St. S. Phone 1092. ((Aug.16) AWNINGS, ONLY LIMITED SUP! available. Order now. Chairs and tables for rent. leve Fox, 412 Simcoe (Sepd) Oshawa. 37--Articles Wanted CANOE WANTED TO RENT . 16-1t. canvas canoe i UN Alloway, Daes=Gazetie or phone eve- nings, 4514 (184c) SPOT __.e PAID FOR GOOD furniture, ice box, Quebe ey stoves. 24 Bond West. enone, Fi SE Augl3d) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR a rags, mattresses, iron an Local and out of town Rg gins free. 'Phone 635 Cedardale Annis St. of Station. (Sep2) 38--Female Help Wanted LADY WITH XE EXECUTIVE A ABILITY for promotional work in new branch of National firm in Whitby and Osh- awa. Box , Times-Gazette. (184b) EXPERIENCED ALTERATION LADY. Apply Nesbitt's Ladies' Wear, 33 Kin el EXPERIENCED OPERATORS W. for Ladies' Sports Wear. EB ort- rite Junior Limited, 30 Appl Sport Ww. (1 sac) SALESGIRL, FOR RESPONSIBLE PO- sition, must have personality and meet the public, good education, age 30-45, Apply giving qualifications' and refer- ences in own handwriting. Box 922, Times-Gazette. (181t1) yale Help Wanted ANTED--DIRECT SALESMEN --Ap- piv Pitt's Electrical Agencies, 136 Sim- oe St. 8., 7 to 9 bm (1761) hie BRUSH ( COMPANY NEEDS dependable, heat appearing, middle- aged man to help handle local business, Special bay to_start and steady work. Phone 3341 or 382J1 for appointment. (184e) SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT, RE- ferences. Box 915, Times-Gazette. (184c) TRUCK DRIVER WITH SALES EX- perience and knowledge of district. Re- ferences. Box 914, Times-Gazette. (184c) 34--Pets and Livestock FOR SALE. PEDIGREED SCOTCH COL- lie, 10 months old. Price $40. Box 927, Times-Gazette. (183b) (183b) | | Dogs BOARDED, BATHED AND TRIM- Reg. red cocker puppies for sale. 25a--For Sale or Exchange | Kiowitoi's Kennels, Phone 1801W3. (Aug.17) 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE OR EX- | DOGS BOARDED BY DAY OR WEEK. change. 4 acres good garden land. Hot alr furnace. Hardw floors. 30 fruit trees, 1 acre raspberries, garage, barn and hay barn. Workshop, chicken coop. Property in city mies, Apply 1024 Lakeview Gardens (184c¢) 25c--Farmers' Column HAY FOR SALE BY THE LOAD. ALSO Ee Jersey bull, Cheap. Phone (184c) 26--Real Estate Wanted Have a client wanting a very lovely home. Must have large rooms and in best condition. Prefer, if possible, large lot up to small acreage. Will pay up to $15,000 or more. GORDON K. HARDY REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 SIMCOE ET. S. PHONE 5380 (184b) 29--Rooms For Rem area. For further infor write owner. Box 925, Himes-Ongette. (182d) 5TROOM FRAME HOUSE, 3-PC. BATH, heavy wiring, garage, new roof, garden, 215 Gliddon' Ave. (182¢) $8,600 TAKES THIS RESTAURANT In small town on No. 2 Highway east. Now operating $100 take-in daily, Fully equipped building, large lot, room to build dance hall. 5 living-rooms over head, juke-box, $15 weekly. Will take small house or car as trade. Will take $3,000 mortgage at 4%. PHONE 2573M between 4 and 6 p.m. and 8 and 10 a.m. (182¢) 6-ROOM FRAME HOUSE IN SualL village, near public and igh aah with 112 acres of land. $15,00 cash, ance on easy terms, Apply Box oo Times-Gazet ROOM, SUITABLE FOR BUSINESS couple or two gentlemen. Also r for nS" gentleman. Central. Po (184c) HED BEDROOM WITH ALL conveniences. Apply 142 Simcoe i (184a) LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM, 2 CUP- boards, semi-private, bath and shower, continuous hot water, 48!z Bond E, Apt. 3. (184a) FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Ladies or gentlemen. All con- veniences. 4604W or 26 Gladstone. (184c) ROOMS, AND BOARD OPTIONAL. AP- ply 250 "Athol | 8t. E. (184b) FURNISHED BEDROOM. VERY CEN- trally located. Continuous hot water. 76 King 8t. W. (181d) 29b--Summer Resorts FURNISHED CABINS TO RI y. AT, Corbett's Point. Phone 1790. (182c) TO RENT, RNISHED COTTAGE, phone, bathroom, electric stove and refrigerator, from August 22 to Se ember 5. Phone 1790. 85% EW 4-ROOM COTTAGE, NEW pg niture, beautiful sandy beach, good fishing and swimming; vacant Aug. 9. Phone 3811J. (182¢) $3,300.--$1,000 cash buys small Lo on Quebec St. Possession immediately. Contact A. E. Murdoch, Real Esta Broker. (184c) 5-ROOMED Bouse ON DOUBLE _LOT, Westmount. Vacan on. Priced for quick sale. oy 236 Huron Pn ( TEN-ROOM HOUSE, 389 SIMCOE N., on with 100-foot front, beautiful sunk- en garden. Apply between 6 and 7. 4c) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE- upholstered. See our materials for recovering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles, phone 401. (Augs) $9, 50 ~--21 rooms, solid brick, 2% acres. Good location, No, 2 ghway, Very suitable for rest home. win terms. Three to eight 17--Radio Repairs REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF RADIOS. Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcce North. Phone 2388. (Sep2) 18--Automobile Repairs MOREY'S GARAGE, CORNER VERDUN and Gliddon. Expert repairs to G.M., Chrysler products. Spacializn A Teo building kuee action. 22--L.ost and Found LOST. SLACK WALLET CONTAINING large sun of Toner. at the Open Air Theatre. Phone 1104W. Reward. (183c) LOST. BLACK KITTEN WITH 4 WHITE paws, on Dearborn Ave. Phone 183. Re- waa. (184a) LOST. WHITE CAT WITH BLACK markings on head and body. Albert St. vicinity. Phone 2990W. Reward 7. Phone 2990W. Reward. _(13%c) 23--Women's Column NU BONE FOR FREE FIGURE ANA- lyses and expert corsetry service, Tele- . phone Mrs. Mills, _3333W. (Se STAR LAUNDRY, | PICK-UP AND DEL- ivery. Prices reasonable. We give satis- faction on all work. Phone 5164 or 13 . Celina St. (Aug.17) CHARIS--PFOR SPRING FASHION IN expert fitting, In corsele! and brassieres. Phone Mrs. Blatter, Foaw i (Augll) 24--Personal * CITY-WIDE CONTRACTORS SPECIAL. izing in roofing, ssphalt shingles, hot and cold built-up roofi one ov & himness built. Free estimate. H. Tucker. Phone 4392J. (Aug.15) (Aug13) FILMS RETURNED SAME DAY RE- ceived, 6 or 8-exposure films developed and printed. 30c. Reprints 4c each, Dept. 7-8, Utterson. Ont. (16741) TRANSPORTATION WANTED | DAILY, Maple Grove to Oshawa, arriving 8, reutrning 5. Phone Whiteside at Osh- 135 or Bowmanville 2303. (184c) rooms for purchaser. and LAKE OF BAYS LODGE, MUSKOKA. Just eight miles beyond Baysville. Ex- cellent meals. Comfortable rooms. Boat- ing, hing, badminton, tennis, ping- pote, dane ng nightly, golf and ridin Write Mrs. L. Baker, Lake o oan e, Glenmount, x Muskoka, or phone Fapavile 2 rin (Jun12,19,26,July3, 10 17,24,31 1,Aug.7) Twin Birch Kennels. Phone Whitby 839. (Aug.10) KENNEL REDUCTION SALE OF RE- gistered cocker spaniels, blacks, blondes and parti-colors. We also trim, bath and board Hogs. Waubena Kennels, mile west of Oshawa, new hi hway, (Aug.15) i 35--Wearing Apparel WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, sterilized, cleaned and pressed like new. Carrying a big = Sek of of Sprig coats, suits and pants. W. Sam Schwartz. (SepT) 36--Articles for Sale 4 CHAIRS AND DINING-ROOM TABLE. Sell cheap. Phone 2167TM. (183b) FOR SALE, CHEAP, CHESTERFIELD, Davenport, desk, table, garden chairs. Baldwin, Valley Farm Road, Pickering. Phone 36R22. (183b) SALESMAN WANTED Car essential, for detail sell- ing in Oshawa. Salary $50 weekly, plus bonus. Apply and 4 p.m. at 283 Byng Ave., Toronto. (184t1) between 2 EARN EXTRA CASH! MAKE MORE money easily in spare time. Just show our beautiful Canadian-made Christmas cards to your friends. They sell on sight. Many assortments. Gift Cards, Seals, Tags, Jyrappings, Everyday Cards. Beautiful {ree a bum showing personal cards, 1.00 and up. Liberal on I i rite today for unusual sample offer. The Douglas Greeting Card Company, 50-AO Bleecker Street, Toronto. (Aug?, 10,1 12, 14) SALESMEN, CREW MANAGERS, | NEW patented tool multiplies man's strength 31 times. Indispensable to thousands around you. Amazing earning possi- bilities. Immediate deliveries, no wait- ing. Write of wire, Palcoseel Co. Ltd., Cornwall, 'On (AugT, 14) GILSON ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR. Commercial type. 17 cu. ft. Nearly new. $400. Apply Agg Market, North Osh- awa. (183b) WINDOW, 56%, SINK AND taps. Phone ZT6W (183b) GASOLINE CAMP > STOVE FOR SALE. Phone T32R. (183c) HONEY! 25c A LB. FOR NO. 1 WHITE Clover honey. Bring your own contain- er. Roy Anderson, 268 Ritson Road N. Phone 3812J. (183b) MODERN VANITY TABLE AND ONE bench. Good condition. Reasonable. Phone 4144W. (184a) NEW 5 HP. JOHNSTON OUTBOARD Motor. Bun part season. Phone Too, (184c) x 3134", DINING- ROOM SUITE, ROUND TABLE. Cheap. Phone 3446W. (184a) 4-BURNER GAS STOVE. EXCELLENT condition. Box 930, Times- Razevie, 40) ( Cc GENDRON PRAM. MAROON. REASON- able. Apply 311 Mary St. St. (184a) PIANO, NEWCOMBE, GOOD CONDI- tion, also chesterfield suite. 231 Eulalte. Phone 1155W. (184b) MOTORS. ONE 10-HORSE, ONE 3- horse, and one 1 horse. A. Nesbitt. Phone 94R12. HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE, condition. Phone 4286W2. LARGE EASY CHAIR. HES er stand. Office desk chair. Day bed, 300- pint berry boxes, new. Steam radiator, electric, Large ice-box. Cheap. 75 Brock West. (183b) FOUR-PIECE GIBBARD BEDROOM suite, solid walnut; B8-plece dining- room suite, solid oak; Refrigerator; Studio Couch, $25; Drop leaf kitchen table; ice-box. Numerous other articles. 480 Montrave Ave. (183b) RIDING GARDEN "TRACTOR and implements. First class working condi- tion. 575 Bloor St. t. Phone 2992W. (Thurs.-Sat.) ao 183b GRANDVIEW LODGE, EAST SIDE Bowmanville Beach. Modern conveni- ences, safe beach, booth, dancing, all lawn sports, excellent = home-cooked meals; also private cottages for rent. Screened verandahs, inside convenl- ences, electricity. Please write for in- formatio: (Sat) n. 30a--Room & Board Wanted $2, 100°% Eaiipme pment S-room apart- ment above, 340 per m month, GENTLEMAN REQUIRES ROOM WITH or without board. Send full details to Box 929, Times-Gazette. (183d) RE $10,000 --9 rooms, Brick, 23 lee, baths. {J district. Hope, | 8 ont. 3 Must Amo GORDON K. HARDY 31--Wanted to Rent 3 ADULTS WOULD LIKE U UNFURNISH- Spariment, flat or 4 rooms. Phone 3-ROOMED HOUSE OR APARTMENT. 3 Mutte, Phone 4893W. (183c) 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE, NORTH END presenta, Seman employed By Oshawa llway, will igh $50 month. Apply ox 926, "times-Gazette. (183c) SIX LOTS, GOOD GARDENS, FRUIT trees, house, grocery. store and Post office, several out burial and black- lL ae oneAp for one Apple Be x sell chea or 4, Killaloe P.O., Dnt, APP ( B \ $6500 Cash or exchange. A beautiful 5-room bungalow at Oshawa-on-the-Lake. This home has all conveniences, is fully in- sulated, hot water heating. attached arage. Perfect URGENT, LIVING ACCOMMODATION, by Sep Sepiember 1st, by young couple, 2 $aadren, fn Oshawa or vicinity. Phone . (1831) pos REWARD. SELF-CONTAINED apartment, duplex or small house. 2 bedrooms, Possession Sepismber 30. Phone 2774R. (1831) YOUNG COUPLE WITH BABY NEED 3 unfurnished rooms or small house. Phone (1811) 32--Automobiles for Sale 8 nd makes this property a real . $10,500 North = End--Ila six-room 2-storey homé. Air cond Kloning furnace, fire place, attached garage, laundry room, and many extras make this place an attractive residence. Your personal enquiry is invited for either Of these lovely homes. APPLY A. E. MURDOCH REAL BSTATE BROKER A. H. MURDOCH SALESMAN OVER EATON'S (194 '47 PONTIAC BLACK SEDANETTE, with radio, heater, defroster, slip covers. New car condition. Apply 300 Bt, Eloi Ave., between 5-8 p.m (182c) '35 FORD COUPE, PERFECT OC CONDI. tion, highest reasonable offer. (i%c) last house eart on Neath St. 1928 CHEV: COACH, GOOD ALL round. Apply Gord Edgar's garage, be- side Gray Coach bus 5 terminal, (182¢c) RU UMPH, , HARLEY-DAVID- tor on motorcycles greatly re- duced, quick sale. Repairs to all makes. E. Berry, 292 RAS Pine ne 4121M. 34 CHEV. P PICK-UP, A A-1 CONDITION. a9 Olive Avenue. (183b) "31 BUICK SEDAN . NEW TIRES. BEST cash offer. 218 Bioor '8t. E. Phone (1220) (183b) | FRENCH DOOR: JACKET HEATER; laundry top. PI Phone 5171J. (183b) 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, GOOD condition. 122 Montrave. Phone 4045W. (182¢) STUDIO COUCH, TWO MATCHING chairs, as new. Cash. Phone hid 0 ) c FRESH CLOVER HONEY CALL EVENINGS 83 PATRICIA AVE. (184a) KROEHLER BED; ALSO BED LOUNGE; 2-burner electric plate; set of dishes. All in excellent condition. Phone (1830) Cc WOODS ELECTRIC GRINDER, 3 H.P, motor, nearly new. Phone Bowmanville ess (182¢) BERS, North, (181d) BEETS, CABBAGES AND CUC Phone 2118W or 264 Park Roa ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Tim Us convert your treadle machine into a lovely tric Portable Sewing Ma- chine. For a reasonable amount we can change over for you. Write 'or hone for a demonstration in your own ome. Singer Sewing Machine Com- pany, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. (181t1) TOYS, HUGE SELECTION JUST AR- rived, also games, books, joker's novel- ties. Look them over. Reddick's, 182 Simcoe 8. (1801) ADDING "MACHINES, | moness now Boa allable writers, duplicating Squipmient and stationery. Roddick', 182 Simcoe 8. (1801) DRY WOOD, MIXED XED SLABS, 4-FOOT lengths, $35 per. load, 3 full cords. Phone Lloyd, Whitby 9217. (Augs) A COMPLETE BTOCKE OF WRINGER rolls and beits for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. - ___(Jui2str) 50-LB, ICE-BOX. 0X. GOOD D CONDITION. Twenty y_dollars. . 'Phone 1563R. (184a) MIXED WOOD, SLABS, $8; BODY waod, 310, half cords, cedar posts pilin. 20023 (Anat) LOW PRICED portable ty he machines, PLASTERERS WANTED Highest Wages Paid APPLY Anderson Plastering Contractors 369 DREW ST. PHONE 547TW (184g) MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH BUSI- ness. Real opportunity. 'We help you get started. rite Rawleigh"s, Dept. ML-H-310-O, Montreal, Que. (Aug7,14,21,28) SALESMAN LOCAL TERRITORY! Sell roof maintenance specialty manu- factured in Canada, sold wholesale to all roof owners, including farmers. Accounts payable at Toronto in Cana- dian funds. Enjoy good ever-increasin income. Permanent position with ol reliable corporation. Advance to ter- ritory manager. Write Box 1766, Cleve- land, Ohlo, U.S.A (184a) 39a--Male or Female Help CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS E have the finest selection of Christmas cards, everyday cards, and accessories. Over 25 items from which to choose. Also French and Personal cards. Good commission and excellent service. Write W. V, Jeandron Greeting Card Co., 86 Kensington Ave. , Hamilton, Ont. (Aug2?) 41--Employment Wanted REPAIRING TRILIGHTS, RANGETTES, ranges, all household electrical kis naces, Frank Snudden. Ph one after 5. 41a--Lawn, Mower Py LAWNMOWERS AND GARDEN TOOLS sharpened by experts. Plokup and dell- very. 1 day Rorvice. Victor's ports 4 and Cycle. Phone 918. p3) LAWN _ MOWERS, SHEARS, iin sharpened and repaired, 'Woods, 636 Somerville Ave. Phone Sisiw, (Sept.3) 5000 Human Skulls For London Museum London -- (OP) -- Nearly 3,000 human skulls from many parts of the world have been presented to the Natural History Museum, South Kensington, by the president and council of the Royal College of Surgeons. Hampshire county council pre- sented the Cotton collection of Bri- tish birds, formed in the 1880s and consisting of about 200 exhibition cases. Capt. N. B. Blood has presented a male specimen of the ribbon-tall bird of paradise in full plumage. The bird was not previously repre- sented in the museum, ONE ARMED BANDITS Kingston, Ont.--(CP)--Ald. J. A. Casterton thinks this city should be responsible if a citizen tears his suit-coat pocket on the handle of a parking meter. During city coun- cil debate on complaints about clothing being torn, he called the meters "one-armed bandits'. ALWAYS RUNNING A freight train starts its run somewhere in the United States every three and a half seconds. THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten CBRE 5 5, Nd] IE) Auckland Docks Still Paralyzed By Labor Unrest By J. C. GRAHAM Canadian Press Cortespondent Auckland, N.Z, (CP).--The show- down which has been looming for many months between the New Zealand Labor government and the powerful Waterside Workers' Union has again been averted by an agree- ment to refer to a tribunal a dis- pute which has been tying up the Auckland - waterfront. Many ob- servers, however, consider that the crisis has been only postponed. The government claims that the longshoremen, once among Its strongest supporters, are out to harm the government by creating industrial unrest, by delaying ship- ping over trivial matters and by slowing up deliveries of imported cargoes and the shipment of New Zealand produce abroad. The union claims it is merely safeguarding the interests and working conditions of its members and that the government is dicta- torial in its handling of disputes. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the case,"the waterfront is cer- tainly the most disturbed section of the industrial scene in New Zealand. The slowness of cargo handling compared with other countries and with New Zealand before the war has been frequently attacked by visiting ship masters. Some overseas shipping companies now are declining to accept cargoes for New Zealand because they claim the risk of delays in port is too great. The most recent dispute, over whether the hatches of the Mount- park, a ship bringing wheat from Australia, should be lifted manually or mechanically, has dragged on since February 20 and has .tied up most of the Auckland waterfront for two lengthy periods. Under the engagement system prevailing in New Zealand, the Waterfront Industry Commission can declare a vessel preference ship which means that no labor will be allocated to other vessels until it is worked. This enables ships al- ready manned with watersiders to continue loading or unloading, but no labor becomes available for new vessels arriving." Therefore, when the watersiders refuse to work the preference ship the whole port gradually becomes idle. Following hints by farming or- ganizations that direct action might follow if present conditions on the waterfront continued, the govern- ment has strongly supported the Waterfront Industry Commission in the present dispute. However, it eventually agreed to have the mat- ter referred to a tribunal presided over by a Supreme Court judge. Further lengthy haggling ensued, and on several occasions it seemed likely that no agreement would be reached and that the long-predicted showdown between the union and the government had arrived. The Auckland chamber of com- merce, which has been strongly critical of the union's activities, has shown no confidence that the agreement reached is any solution of the general waterfront position. It has asked Prime Minister Peter Fraser to declare a state of emer- gency on the Auckland waterfront and to appoint a Royal Commission to investigate the long-standing waterfront troubles in the port. The prime minister has replied that every consideration will be given to the proposal. Says Rhodes Scholar Must Watch His Step Wanganui, N. Z. -- (CP) -- Rhodes Scholars from the Domin- fons have a hard road to hoe, ac- cording to J. S. Rumbold, who has returned to New Zealand after at- tending Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. On completing their term, he says, they can don one of three things. They can stay away [rom their country, in which case they are written off as a complete loss. They can come home with a de- cided accent and fancy ideas, in which case people say, "If that's what Oxford does, why did you ever go there? Or they can return home just as they left it, in which case people ask, "What was the use of sending you?" Cinchillas, aristocrats of the ro- dent family, are related to guinea pigs, rats, squirrels and rabbits. Mating Calls Lure Rodents To Slaughter By NORMAN: MICHIE Canadian Press Staff Writer Vancouver--(CP)--Rat extermina- tion is a purely scientific business to Vancouver's int-sized Pied Piper --and he doesn't use cats. The genial enemy of the water- front's No. 1 pest, James G. Ander- son, invents and tests modern rat- catching devices, and collects about 1,000 rodent scalps a month. To lure the vermin, Anderson crouches in a rat-infested building and imitates the call of a rat, When the gregarious victims come out to visit, he destroys them with a spe- cially-designed pistol firing a shell loaded with 100-odd pellets, or cap- tures them alive with 18-inch pin- cers, In one rat-ridden wharfside ware- house, he and a recording engineer, Joe Austin, evolved the idea of driv- ing the pests from a building with their own fear cries. Carefully catching several speci- mens, they poked and tweaked until the victims gave out with their peculiar high-pitched fear-squeals. The amplified verson of the an- guished cries, played back from a recording machine, drove other rats frem the premises. Delighted with this success, An- derson, assistant Leonard Hall and their aides made a recording of the mating call of female rates. A play-back of this bit of rodent histrionics proved more effective than cheese. Male rats rushed to the slaughter. "I am quite satisfied the experi- ment is a success," Anderson an- nounced confidently, "but we need another big warehouse job to try it out again.' The-sandy-haired little Scotsman leaned back in his chair, a twinkle of amusement in his eye. "To the rats," he said, "I'm noth. ing but a rat" Anderson inherited his flair for pest-exterminating--he abhors the undignified appellation "rat-catch- ing"--from his father, John Andere son, Vancouver's original Pied Piper. Formerly a shoe salesman, youfg James developed his hobby into a full-time business. His avid study of the game helped develop his unusual techniques. "It, takes patience," he said, divulging the secret of his success. "I often wait for hours in an ine fested bulding before the enemy shows up." Anderson's firm has developed eight compounds to combat pests ranging from the huge wharf-ra» down to the lowly dandelion, The back-bone of their business is still rats, however, and he hopes, with Gis improved techniques, to mode ernize the exterminating business. He reiterated a statement made to city council in 1943. "With 80 men," he said, "we could rid the city of the rat menace in a year." Israel Flag Flies Over Sussex Hotel Hastings, England -- (CP) -- The flag of the State of Israel--olue and white with the golden star of David--flew over the Netherwood Hotel during a conference of the Anglo-Palestinian Club. "I am not a Jew, but T am proud to have the flag of Israel fly over my hotel," said proprietor Vernon Symonds. "I would welcome an Arab conference here, too. The Communists are coming later this year." Times-Gazette classified ads pay-- LOWEST PRICES 9 BOND ST. W. PROVINCIAL TIRE COMPANY OSHAWA, ONT. 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