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Daily Times-Gazette, 30 Aug 1948, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1948 NTAD SECTION "s%7%%%54 | BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Articles for Bale -., 36 Articles Wanted ... 1--Auditors 8. T. MOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- Alger Bldg., Ring 127. Consultin auditor. " ent) countant and Auditors ......ecee Avice For Sale goBa) visters fly N, Mo: . 25 Horignes, 8 1 61. idence 80st, i PD. ETC. usinéss OppPos= tunities ......... 20 Male Help 'CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS. AL- lin PF. Annis, KC. 7ls Simcoe Street anted. 21 [ tunities Ohtiopracton cenen South. Phone 4, BR 169. (Sepl) A. W. 8. GREER, K.C. BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc, 6 King Street East. Phone 3160. 3514. partner W C. Pollard, KC, Uzhildge, nt. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & TR barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. (Sep1) R. D, HUMPHREYS, K.O., BARRISTER, etc., 8t. West. Oftice 814; residence 3207. Money 'to loan. (Sepl) JAMES R. MacBRIEN, BARRIS and Solicitor. Suite 201, 70 King East, Genosha Hotel. Phone 349. (Sepl) MANGAN, K.C., BARRIS- Money to loan. Office Bast, Oshawa. Phone {Se p]) laos BARRISTER, SOLI- citor, 11 King E. Room 2. Phones Office 55. Residence 3687R. (Sepl) AJ PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, loans, National Housing Act 1 26 Simcoe North. Phone 1614. Sane "1975. (Sepl) MANNING F. SWARTZ, 3ARRISTER. Bolicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 382. Res. 287TW. (Sepl) JOSEPH I. ter, Solicitor. 1% King St. 5. Res. Phone 837 16 (0) CLASSIFIED Money to N : ONE INSEBTION ........... TWO CONSECUTIVE "INSERTIONS Ti uent insertions ordered new INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Female Help Loan Wanted .... Lost and Found . Legal Notiges ..... da Female Help Wanted oe. 'ursing Servi Optomesrists Pr CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INBERTIO) Above raves apply omly to original orders for consecutive 'insertions. Subseq ont. date coasti FIysicians and Surgeons ........ 3a Pets and Livestock 34 Radle Repairs ..., 17 Real Estate Agents 19 Real Estate For Bale ......co00.. 3 Real Estate Wanted ....eo... 38 Real Estate Women's Column Wanted to Rent .. 31 Wearing Apparel .. 35 AD RATES 30 Words Bach Addl or Less Word 40 a5 1.00 esosssenss rN . oh S13 at a later tute a or 1 00 per month for _ Bach initial letter, abbreviation, full word. All Classified Advertisements $5. 20 words or ¥ ug 20c additional for all words over 20. Box charged 10¢ additio before publication. Offics hours: $ and e¢ sign, Efile Sount M4. MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day Daily 8-6, Saturday 8-5. 25--Real Estate For Sale 31--Wanted to Rent BUILDING LOT. RESIDENTIAL DIS- JSrict, 40'x120°. Apply 383 Centre Bt a YOUNG COUPLE WITH CHILD, 3!3, desire 3 unfurnished rooms or apt. Steadlily employed. Phone 1151, (203c) 3a--Physicians ana Surgeons DR . BAPTY, ¥, SURGEON, , 153 KING i ST, E., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven to twelve and | tezsepe Wed and gat 2to4and 7 to (Sepl 5--Optometrists | ©. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, | 9 t012, 2 to 5 and Motiasy, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 17 9. Phone 1516. (Sepl) JURY AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: 9 aun. to 6 pm. Wednesday 9 to 1. A KE Johnson, Optometrist. Puone | 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE Consul X us 2 any of your insurance asses of insurance includ- ing ts ai Ki Bing Street East, Jhon ep! arian DR. BE. H,_ WEBSTER, small animal surgery. 8t. W. Phone 2010. 10--Instruction (Sepl) 7 ROOM HOUSE, HARDWOOD FLOORS | downstairs, 3-plece aL, garage, hot | air furnace. Phone 1797R. (201c) 7 IMMEDIATE ETE, OWNERS LEAVING CITY $5, 50 --NEW 4-ROOM HOME! | Modern kitchen, good cellar, running water, furnace, garage, large lot. North Oshawa. . $3,000 down. $5 70 --5-ROOM BRICK BUNGA- ' LOW. All conveniences. Garage, south-west section, near Rotary Park. $6, 20 --6-ROOM BRICK 2-storey home. All conveniences, arage, hardwood floors, large kitchen, Ritson' Road South. Near school and bus. I HAVE OTHERS Whether buying or selling, I can help you. If out of your way, no need to walk. I will call. WILFRED McAULEY REALTOR 150 DIVISION ST. PHONE 3510M (201c) FALL TERM COMMENCES TUESDAY, September 7. All commercial subjects. Comptometer and dictaphone. Osh- awa Business College, 18 Simcoe St. North. Phone 1314. (182t1) 11--Building Trades CEMENT, LIME, MORTAR CEMENT, alson concrete and cinder blocks. D. Stradeski, 329 Louisa St. Phone $288: J; (203c PAINTING AND DECORATING. SPRAY { aintin Harold Carter, 188 Bruce St. hone 32 Sae01y (Sept28) SAND, C iE FILL, LOAM, DUMP trucks, excavaung, buligozes, Prompt reliable service. W, F. Bssery, SHO Se| TANKS INSTALLED, ALSO For in- (Sept.5) SEPTIC small Sementing Jone done. formation, call 3434 - EXCAVATING, ALL iD SEWERS, drains, cellars and Shi 418 Park Road South. Phone T2W, (Sep) PLASTERING, BRICKLAYING, BLOCK- laying, sidewalks, driveways. All cement work and plaster repairs, Workmanship nna, Free estimate. Fuohe Sept 11) Sep PORTLAND CEMENT, SAND, Ce loam, mushroom, weedless and sheep manures. Dump trucks. Prompt service. Phone 3930J. (Sept.11) LOAM, CINDERS, GRAVEL, SAND, cement work. Dump, stake truck, forms and mixer for hire. Phone wr 10 12--Personal Services CITY-WIDE CONTRACTORS, | SPECIAL- izing in roofing, asphalt shingles, chimneys built, caulkinf of doer and windows. Free estimate. Phone 4392J. H. W. Tucker. (Sept24) DUPLICATING, TYPEWRITING, MAIL- ing, Af oryising and Accounting Serv- ice. Gral ham Bickle, 295 Arthur Street. Phone ( Sept?) P. A bo TEN, EXPERT SWISS watchmaket. Repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patronage elicited. 14--Household Repairs CHESTERFIELDS, REBUTLS RECO- vered. Like new. pa y more? Our rates are A ta isfaction guar- anteed. Phone 5280W nights, gu Sepd 10) FURNITUR! REPAIRED a RE- upholstered See Wo materials for recovering. alton R. 75 Charles phone Hod (8ep8) 17--Radio. Repairs REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF RADIOS. Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. (Oct2) 18--Automobile Repairs MOREY"S GARAGE, CORNER VERDUN 46 Acres Four Room Brick House $7,000. This is an outstanding buy! Situated oh No. 2 Highway, between Whitby and Ajax, with rear end gradually tapered off to meet 2A Highway, with road allowance alongside of property from No. 2 Highway to meet 2A artery fo the south, The four-room brick house is equip- with hot alr furnace, cement | oundation and cement cellar under, entire building. Small garage, chicken | house and brooder house, together with a large barn with plenty of stabling space comprises the buildings on the property. A green grove of about two acres is wooded with quite large trees, affording cooling shade for cattle, The land is of the very choicest of clay producing loam and as a money-maker r as a hold for speculation, it is without a doubt the most interesting roperty we have in our listings. To 4) seen by appointment only. Act quickly, build up security for tomorrow. GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE BROKER -- WHITBY J. E. SHIELDS, Salesme 1 Office Phone 522 -- Evenings 2473 (Aug27,30) 5-ROOM BUNGALOW AND BATH. AP- ply 1008 Simcoe St. South after 4 FE 2¢ MODERN BUNGALOW 2 large bedrooms, living room 15' x 13', dining room, kitchen and bathroom. Hardwood floors, electric hot water, hot air fur- nace. Fully insulated. Garage. Lot 45' x 310'. Extra lot avail- able, Price $3,250 cash. Balance $2,750 at 5% or would sell to best offer received by Sept. lst. Immediate possession. Owner leaving town. PHONE 3747TW2 (202b) DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE in Whitby, reasonable, for quick sale. Apply after 6, 619 Byron St. 8, Won) 201d) NEW STUCCO FINISH HOUSE, storey and 1%, 3 acres land. Some fruit Hees. Good garden soil. 15 mile from pion 1 oie north Bowmanville. Box 21, Times-Gazette, (202¢) §-RoOM HOUSE BEAUTIFUL GAR- il ous lawn, close to Motors of- Jens sacrifice this valuable prop- erty for $5,000 or best offer, to close estate. Apply 206 Willlam East. (1981) ch Jiigaon, TP tg ae GM iysles produc Ie bullding knee action. Phone LA 22--Lost and Found LOST: LADIES' SUPERVA GOLD wrist watch, with extension LH in Commercial wash room on Sat afternoon. Please leave at i 5 (203a) | ¢ desk. Reward. 28--Houses For Rent FRAME HOUSE, 2 MILES FROM ORO- no, for rent. No objection to children. One mile from highway 35. (202b) 29--Rooms for Rent 'ARTMENT FOR RENT. in residential area. 23--Women's Column NU BONE FOR FREE FIGURE ANA- lyses and expert corsetry service. Tele phone Mrs. Mills, 3333W, (Sept. 7) FASHION IN CHARIS--FOR SPRING FASHI expert Yuting, in corselettes Blatter, (Sep.11) girdles and brass Phone 2504W. 25--Real Estate For Sale £5,600--5-ROOM 11; 17,-STOREY HOME. Early possession, 2 "minutes from 'bus line, conveniently situated to public school, collegiate and park. riced Hem for qiick sale, Phone e090 be- tween '6 and 7. 031) FORDE TT, LOTS -- FIFTY Te on lots. Best location in Oshawa. Water and sewer; separately or in block. Ap- ply N. Decker, 517 Park Rd. (Sept. 3) 3 SHACKS, ONE § SUITABLE | FOR LIV- i Immediate possession. Must move "premises. Best otter. Phone 3763). IR MODERN 6 ROOM HOUSE, IN NORTH end of city. Tile in kitchen and bath- room, rest hardwood. Hot water heat- ing and garage. Phone 3831R. (201c) $1 5, 000=Bx building, , store & apartment. Grocery and meat business. Average turnover, $1,000 per week. South section. BERT PEYTON Real Estate and Insurance Broker BOND ST. E. (202c) three fooms and bath. Box 123, Times-Gazette. (203a) FURN. BEDROOM, SUITABLE for two. 299 Simcoe St. S. (202b) NISHED J BED-SITTING ROOM, close to Motors; suitable for two girls or married couple. Phone nsw, ) c FURNISHED APARTMENT, CONVENI- ences; references required. Phone 2672M, : (202b) 29a--For Rent SMALL OFFICE, CENTRALLY LO- cated. Box 102, Times-Gazette. oss 29b--Summer Resorts 4{-ROOM LAKE FRONT COTTAGE FOR sale. Katchawana near Lakefield, Ap- ly Mr. Shaw, next to Winnie's Inn, ighway No. 2. (203b) 30a--Room & Board Wanted ROOM AND BOARD, | VAT IN PRIVATE home, desired by refined business cou= ple; best references. Box 110, Times~ Gazette (200c) 31--Wanted to Rent YOUNG COUPLE TO BE MARRIED IN September, desire 3 unfurnished rooms or apartment. - Phone 4013W between 5:30 and 7. si 2 (202c) YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE REQUIRE small house, or 3 or 4 rooms unfurnish- self-contained; would not _pbject MIDDLE-AG! CHRISTIAN COUPLE, desire clean self-contained apartment by middle of September. Phone 251M, (202¢) MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE WOULD LIKE 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms by October 15. .__Box 120, _Times- Gazette. (202¢c) APARTMENT, DUPLEX OR HOUSE urgently needed by business couple without children. ¥ References if de- sired... 2129W after 6. (201c) middle- or & Business man and wife, aged, no children, desi rooms, or apt., unfurnished. PHONE 1232J (203d) 32--Automohiles for Sale '31 CHEV, COUPE WITH HEATER, NEW Spooner: new metal top. Apply 278 rt Street (upstairs). (203c) '30 PONTIAC SEDAN, REASONABLE price. 344 Simcoe South. (203b) '37 DODGE. EXCELLENT CONDITION. Very good tires. Phone T774W1. 91 Howard Ave., N.O. (203a) '39 PONTIAC ARROW SEDAN, EXCEL- lent condition; best offer; private Phone Bowmanville 2730, Graham's Garage. (202¢) $350--1940 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE, MO- del 45. Good condition. Owner had operation. Forbldden to ride anymore. Priced to sell. Phone 146R. (202b) LATE MODEL, 1946 PONTIAC 8 SE- dan, like new; low mileage. Apply 92 Warren Ave. __. (202¢) '38 CHEV. COACH, GOOD TIRES AND motor, $600. 92 Bond W. Phone 1355W. (202b) FRONTENAC SEDAN, $250. '48 J. Buldyke, (201c) '33 Chevrolet Sedan $2,450. Brooklin. YOU WEAR THEM OUT, WE FIX them. Bill Moring's Garage, 'North Osh- awa, (Sep6) AUTO GLASS, CUT AND INSTALLED, for any make car or truck. "Johnnie" Walker, located at Clement's Service Station, 102 Simcoe N. Phone 842 RAY BENNETT MOTORS CABRIOLET FORD. Like new. New top. Radio. $1195. CHEV. SPECIAL DE- LUXE COACH. .. $1175. LaSALLE SEDAN. Tor- pedo style. "Perfect condi- i . $1295. STUDEBAKER DELUXE COACH. Good condition. $995. BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN. . $950. PONTIAC SEDAN. Clean Cal... vasa e a 3795, BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN. Good condition. .,. $795. PYLMOUTH COUPE. Clean car, ........: $565. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 1/3 DOWN ON ALL CARS RAY BENNETT MOTORS LEAD THE WAY IN SHAWA 428 King St. West Phone 4554 33--Automobiles Wanted CASH FOR YOUR CAKE! BRAMLEY Motor Sales, 1271 Simcou Street Non: Phone 4605W. Oct3) MORE CASH FOR YOUR CA 23 AT Dodd's Car Lot, 418 Park Road South. Phone 2872W, (SepT) '40, '41 AND 02 CHEVS. AND PONTIACS wanted badly, highest prices will be aid. Belmont Motors, 137 Rug Ww. hone 4808. (183t1) 34--Pets and Livestock REGISTERED COCKER SPANIELS, joung and grown stock. trimmed, athed and boarded. Waubena Ken- nels, mile west of Oshawa on new high- way. (Septal) 85 SELECTED WHITE LEGHORNS, Heavy layers. These hens are 14 months old, A good condition and lay- ing 80%. $1.25 each, or best offer for lot. Phone 1344J. (202¢) DOGS BOARDED, BATHED AND ND TRIM- med. Reg. red" cocker puppies for sale. "40 '40 40 "40 '38 37 37 '35 Itving outside of city mes- Gazette. 202¢) \ Knowlton's Kennels, PRoke 1801W3, (Sepl7) 34--Pets and Livestock 41a--Lawn Mower Service FANTAIL PIGEONS (SHOW STOCK). All colors. Different prices. 449 Crom- «well Ave, south of CP.R. tracks, Oshawa, (203c) RABBITS FOR SALE. APPLY 297 Festhubert Ave. after 6. (203c) DOGS BOARDED BY DAY OR WEEK. Twin Birch Kennels. Pit i Larter pups. Reg. Ckc. Phone Whitb, 9y. 53 ( epi0) 34a--Farmers' Column FOR SALE---STACK OF HAY, MI alfalfa and timothy, About 7 tons. 1090 Lakeview Gardens. Phone > Sow c) 35--Wearing Apparel GIRL'S GREEN WINTER COAT WITH removable sheepskin lining, size u, 32 Phone 3785: AND SELL USED Ta ee Shean "ul bi, a 1 ik . Carry! 0) gS sf 0 n| coats, suits and pants. 21 Bong Br W. Sam Schwartz. (Sep7) 36--Articles for Sale CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3 PIECES; 9-plece dining room suite, very good condition, reasonable, 344 Simcoe South. (2038p) MANTLE-TYPE RADIOS AT NEW LOW prices, as low as $2.75 down payment and $1.25 weekly. New car radios also in stock at new pric es. B. F, Goodrich Stores. _ Phone 2 (Aug30Septl, 3) SMALL FOUR-BURNER GAS STOVE. Phone 1788-W-1, _(203b) ONE BANDSAW AND ONE JI JIGSAW. Apply 14 Nassau. (203c) LAWN MOWERS, sharpened and repaired, C. Somerville Ave. Phone 2164W. (Sent. 3) LAWNMOWERS AND GARDEN TOOLS sharpened by experts. Pickup and dell- very. 1 day service. Victor's Sports and Cycle. Phone 918. 1Sep3) +|--Employment Wanted TYPING AND PRIVATE SECRETARIAL work done at 89 Simcoe Street South. Phone 53 0. 03b) RELIABLE "EXPERIENCED ¥ FARMER, married, no children, desires work on farm, Abstainer and non-smoker. Avail- able immediately, 132 Summer Sires (202b) Wood: DEPENDALBE MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE would like living quarters where one or both could be employed. Wife has prac- Heal nursing experience, (Abstainers). Xx 120, Times-Gazette. re TRILIGHTS, RANGETTES, ranges, all household electrical appli- ances. Frank Snudden. Phone 919W. 107 Athol East. (Sepl8) 42--Legal Notices THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 79 (a) of The Highway Im- provement Amendment Act, 1945, an Application will be made by the De- partment of fiighways to the Ontario Municipal Board for the approval of the closing by the Department of the following, roads in the Township of Whitby East in the County of Ontario where crossed by the CoCntrolled Ac- cess Highway, Montrave Avenue, Cromwell Avenu BICYCLE, MAN'S, LIKE NEW; ; ICE box, 50-1b. cap. Apply 303 Centre St. (203a) HARDWOOD, FACTORY CUTTING $5 lots for quick sale. Phone 3288-3. (203¢) LADY'S CCM BICYCLE. GOOD CON- dition. Phone 3920-J. (203a) TIRES, WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT SE- lection, of used passenger and truck 1ires, in Jost Es Joplilar sizes, and priced sell, oodrich Stores, King St. i Ritson "Rd. Phone 247. Aug25,27,308ept1,3) WINE RUG, x 7, REVERSIBLE. Phone 2578W. (202b) 8-PIECE OAK DINING-ROOM SUITE. Phone 1642W. (202b) CONGOLEUM "RUG, 6 x 9, $2. Ray~- mond drophead sewing machine, maple finished bed, 3{ size. Springs, cotton mattress. 279 French St. ~~ (202¢) COAL AND GAS RANGE, , CREAM AND green. 163 Brock St. E. (202¢c) BELT P' NO, UPRIGHT, IN GOOD con , electric stove, Acme; ice re- frigerator, insulated, good as new. Phone 3573J. (202b) NAILS -- -- PAINT 5 War surplus and surplus paint, $1.75 per gallon and up. All colours available, including white. Manu- factured by C.I.L., Lowe Bros. W. Moore, Martin-Senour, etc. Steel nails, all sizes, any quantity. Write For Price List SHERMAN"S POSTAL STATION C, TORONTO, CANADA (203¢) WHITE PORCELAIN WASHING MA- chine, Good condition. Practically new. 178 Albert St. (201c) CRAB APPLES, DELIVERED BY BAS- ket. Phone 3 3467- J-2. (201c) WOOD AND COAL RANGE, GURNEY steel top, gbod baker, Electric rang- ette. Phone Brooklin 55 (201c) 1948 FLOOR MODEL RADIO AND RE- cord combination, with built-in record cabinets. Phone 998R. (201c) CUCUMBERS, ALL | SIZES, FOR DILLS, ghsrkina, ii pickling, from 39c asket up; also beets for pickling. Gle- coff. Phone 3235. 174 Ritson Road South. (Sept.11) ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! LET US convert your treadle machine into a lovely Electric Portable Sewing Ma- chine. For 'a reasonable amount we can change over for you. Write or phone for a demonstration in your own ome. Singer Sewing Machine Com- pany, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. (181tf) GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS, 12 different colors. Flexalum steel or wood, Made to measure for any win- dow. Free estimates and installations. Met-Wo Industries Limited. J. W. Mel- ley. Phone 4101. (Sep2) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and beits for all makes of wagh- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. __(Sep25tf) USED SEWING MACHINES, $] $19. 75 and Up. Singer Sewing Machine Com any, Ontario Street. (189t1) MIXED WOOD, SLABS, $8; BODY wood, $10, half cords, cedar posts. Phone 3903J. __ (Sept19) RENT A | PORTABLE ELE ELECTRIC SEW- ing machine in your own home. $6 per month. Singer Company, Phone Ste, ( ) AWNINGS, ONLY LIMITED SUPPLY avhilable. Order now. Chairs and tables for rent. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N., Oshawa, (Sep4) FOR YOUR BUILDING We can supply you with wonderful spruce for your building needs. 2x4, 5, 6, 8, 10, any length. Also 1 in. sheathing, door and window frame material, baseboards, etc. 1 and 2 in, rough pine, dry. 473 RITSON RD. S. (Mon., Wed., Fri. 37--Articles Wanted SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Seve heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond Wes! one 3766M. tf) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PAPER, Ings, iron metals. Local and out of town oe icked up ree. Phone 635, Ced adale Lon, Rod Metals, 100 Annis St. Station of Seon WANTED. 56 GOOD USED FURNITURE Ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. King West. (Sep10) 38--Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER. APPLY in person to Wanda's Beauty Shop, 80 King St. West, Bowmanville. Phone 2851. (201c) EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER ~'l~asant work, steady position, Apply WILSON'S FURNITURE CO. : (202¢) 39--Male Help Wanted SALESMAN WANTED, TOBACCO AND sundries, for Oshawa and Peterborough. Box 118, Times-Gazette. (202¢) CUTTERS TO TRAIN FOR MAN- positions, Opportunity.to earn Apply Box 104, (1981) ~ EA' ager $2,600 and up yearly. Times-Gazette. Times-Gazette classified ads pay-- Why not iry one today? Bulldings, hig Allowance Setween Lots 14 and Such application will be heard by the sald Board in the Chambers of the sald Board in the Parliament Buildings in Queen's Park in the City of Toronto, on the 15th day of September, 1948, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore- noon at which time and place all persons claiming to be interested or affected may attend and be heard. By order of the said Board all persons objecting to the said closings or claim- ing that their land will be injuriously affected by the said closings must file particulars of such objections or claims with the Ontario Municipal Board, Par- lament Buildings, Toronto, and with the Chief roperty Valuator of the Department of Highways, Parliament Toronto, on or before the 8th day of September, 1948. The hear- ing of such claims will take place at such time and place which may be subsequently fixed by the said Board A plan P.2372-21 showing the por- tions of roads proposed to be closed POS! may be seen at the office of the said ; Township and at the office of the Department of Highways in room 'I' 904 of the East Block of the Parliament Bulldings, Toronto, during regular of- fice hours on and before September 15, Dated at Toronto. Ontario, this 20th day of August, 1 . H. DOUCETT, Minister of Highways. (Aug.23,24,30,31) NEW LOOK PARACHUTE Windsor, Ont.--(CP)--One young Windsor woman has discovered that the new look is not the best apparel for windy days. Sitting on the bank of the Detroit River, she was about to get up when the wind caught her billowy skirt causing her to lose her balance and plunge | into the river. STEERED BY PROPELLERS Lunenburg, N.S.-- (CP) --When storm-swept seas smacked the rud- der of Capt. Roy Lohne's boat Rise and Shine. he was forced to anchor for the night five miles offshore. Next day, by adjusting the two en- gines of the twin-screw craft tol different speeds, he, steered a course ! back to Lunenburg. London -- (CP)--The Round Ta- ble Club, a men's discussion group, voted jn favor of the new look for women "provided it does not go below mid-calf and the design is not carried to the extreme." Premier Rebukes N.Z. Advertisers By J. C. GRAHAM Canadian Press Correspondent Auckland, N, Z. --(CP)--Prime Minister Peter Fraser of New Zeal- and, has taken the unusual course of writing to a number of business firms expressing concern at their having taken advertising space in a recently-published book. The book, entitled "Frontier Forsaken," was published by the Auckland General Laborers' Union and 'the Auckland Brick, tile and Concrete Workers' Union. It cri- ticises the administration of the Cook Islands, a dependency of New Zealand lying in the tropical zone of the South Pacific. "Your company's name appears as one of the firms whose generous co-operation has made this book possible," said Fraser in his letter to the firms. "The book purports to be a history of the Cook Islands. but throughout its pages a parti- cularly virulent and biased, may I say, inaccurate attack is maintained on British, and, es- pecially, New Zealand administra- tion: of the group. "It has been a great surprise to me to 'find your company named as a sponsor of the publication which is promoted by persons who are openly and avowedly members of the Communist Party, or fel- ow traveller with the Commun- sts. "It is clearly part of the pro- paganda offensive against Brit- ain and the British Commonwealth, I can only ass'ire that, if statement is accurate, you either had no knowledge of its contents or were misinformed as to its nature and objects." The editorial board of the unions stated that the book was defin- itely not a Communist publication. It was simply an expression of the ideas and knowledge of a number of people of various political and religious ideologies on a very grave question which, as true New Zeal- ander had aroused their interest. The book was based on missionary records, eye-witness accounts, gov- ernment documents, parliamentary reports and official correspondence. Some of the firms said they would not have advertised in it had they known the type of publication it would be. Others said they had to "play ball" with the unions because they employed workers who were members and had agreed to con- tribute to the cost of the book at the request of the unions. Some firms, however, objected to the principle of the prime minister writing to criticize where they place their advertising. QUEBEC ENFORCES LAW Quebec.-- (CP)-- All Quebec highway patrol police officers have been instructed to enforce the law prohibiting more than 10 persons travelling' in a truck on public roads. Already dozens of trucks carrying larger numbers have been turned back in an attempt to pre- vent fatalities, which have reached an all-time high. The eyelids blink from three to six times a minute. . CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer HORIZONTAL 43. inferential 1. fish pickle 45. shark 5. blackthorn 48, ascribable 9. newt 49. place 12. alkali of 13. agreement bliss 14. macaw 50. jacket 15. fixed 51. date time 52. split 16. recluse 53. a musical 18. is able 'pipe VERTICAL 1. hard wood 2. game for stakes 3. teacher 4. burnt sugar 5. town in Belgium 6. lean 7. back of the head 8. peculiar toarace 9. nobleman 10. unattached 11. makes knotted lace 17. poem 19. and not 21, curtail 22. bail 20. inflames 21. outcry 24. a pastry 25. pertaining to a porous reddish clay 27. droop 30. image 31.large vessel 32. roofing material 33. by 34. gapable of being divided 36. high 317. threadiike : 38. slander A Answer to Saturday's puzzle. 23. bank of & stream 26. light blow 27.free 28. jar 29, equal 32. oscine bird 34. arranger 35. edge 36. kind of rose 38. military or naval officer assistant 39. disparage 40. entreaty 41, fair 44, outcome 46. nose of golf club : 37 minut ge time of 42. spoil. Dist. by King Features entures Syndicate, Ing, 47. connec connective and | RA Today' s Short Story HALF AND HALF By Floyd Lynn EVERY person in the commun- ity awaited with interest the coming of Jawn and Sally Bas- comb's next baby. Last-minute wagers were still being placed in the safe up at Bob's Cafe; and Jawn was just as confident as ever in covering all the bets of- fered by his neighbors. The Bascombs already had six boys running, crawling, or being carried around their farm home. Big, booming-voiced Jawn was a man with lots of cronies, and there was a bit of kidding when Wells, the sixth boy, was born. "What ou tryin' to do, Jawn?" Bob kidded. "Raise a baseball nine?" Jawn was feeling pretty good. "You got to know how," he boasted. Jawn knew how to 'do a lot of things, his neighbors admitted. He had a talent for making money, knew how to raise good livestock; his wheat and flax were always a little better than his neighbors', Another thing, he was never averse to betting, and lady luck always seemed to hover in his corner. Of course there were times when he did lose, but Jawn was a good sport. He once told Bob that if he didn't lose once in a while the boys would quit betting with him, It wasn't mucn of a surprise, then, when the boys edged him into the crazy bet. What set him off was when Lars slapped his big hand across Jawn's shoulder and said, "Ay bet you ten dollar you yust can't get a baby girl, by Christmas." When he heard the words "bet you ten dollars," Jawn snapped into action. "Brother, you made a bet," he bellowed. Lars hadn't really been serious, but he put up his ten with Boh, and Jawn did too. They were pretty loud, and others drifted over. "Come on, all of ye," Jawn shouted. "Put up your money and I'll cover i." Bob got out a shoe box and soon had it filled. His method of bookkeeping was satisfactory with all. He simply folded each man's money, with a like amount from Jawn, put the man's name on it, and dropped it into the box. Naturally, word got aroun. Several wives bawled out théir husbands for betting on such a subject, but by the time spring planting was done, all was quiet on the domestic fronts. The bulg- ing shoe box was safe on Bob's shelf. Occasionally during the sum- mer someone would say, "Wonder how old Jawn's. making out? Never see him in from the farm these days. Too busy making money, I guess," And always someone else would say, "Wonder how Sally is? Bet she doesn't even know about those bets Jawn got himself into." But finally it was just a week before Christmas, a week before the payoff. Close neighbors had passed the word into town that sure-enough there would soon be another little Bascomb, As the! evenings grew longer, talk of the bets revived. Bob got out the shoe box, now tied with pink and blue ribbons, and put it up on display back of the . counter with a pasteboard sign that said "$720 inside. Goes to winner or winners on or bee fore Christmas." And that's why every living soul anxiously awaited the stork's next call at the Bascomb farm. On December 23, "Central™ Hilda Jensen in the telephone of. fice tipped Bob that "Doe Schwartz just got called out to the Bascombs." At two in the afternoon, almost every eye im- old car pull into Main Street, They saw Jawn open thé doorg get out, then walk dejectedly inte Bob's place, The old Bascomb grin wasn'$ there, yet he didn't look sad enough for folks to get the idea that something was the matter with Sally. Still, no one had! ever seen Jawn look exactly like that before. He pushed the door shut behind him and stood meets ing the stares. He didn't even! look toward the ribboned box. Bob finally broke the silence. ! "Well, Jawn, what's the . . . well . , ., the verdict: Got another! kid, we hear," Jawn stood without answering! until Lars piped up. "Yeah . . and we're wondering . . . is it another boy? ,..or a girl, may! be?" "Tain't the kid that's import ant," Jawn said at last. 'It's' Sally." "Gosh," Bob Taltered. don't mean . . "Oh, the old girl got along fine. | But . . , know what she's got! in her fool head now?" "No . what? ,.. gosh sakes?" "Why, ding it, she heard about! them bets. And durn if they didn't give her a silly notion, She; thinks she's got something to do, with the winnin', and says I gos! to give her half "the money!" (Copyright) "You What, for SEEK "EXTINCT" BIRD Christchurch, N.Z.--(CP)--An ex- pedition which is to explore the wild fiord region in southwest New Zealand next year may find living specimens of the takahe or notornis, an almost legendary bird long clas- sed as extinct. The takahe is a large flightless bird with bright red bill and blue-black feathers. FRUIT T PICKERS PLENTIFUL St. Catharines, Ont. --(CP)-- 'There will be no shortage of work- ers to harvest the peach and to- mato crops here, the national em- ployment office has announced. While dry weather is expected to affect the size of some fruits, the crop is estimated at normal. INVENTED IN 1867 Barbed wire was invented by Jo- seph Glidden in 1867. BEAUTIFY BOMBED AREAS | Lewisham, Kent, England--(CP)-- Lewisham Council is asking owners of bombed sites--particularly in main roads and shopping areas-- to lend them for development a flower gardens. "It will be year. before many owners get licences to rebuild on the sites, which are eyesores in their present condition," said a council spokesman. COMPLAIN OF "GHOST" Durban, South . Africa--(CP)-- Enraged residents of hotgls and flats along Durban's Esplanade have petitioned their M.P.s to banish a "ghost" which has been filling the nights wtih screeches and groans. The "ghost" is a harbor department dredge working 24 hours daily. On still nights is can be heard three miles away. The following were selected by 2nd Prize--MRS. MRS. ARTHUR BULLER, 21 The correct answers were: Tobaccos Specializing ....... Misspelled Word Contest Winners in the Misspelled Word Contest which appeared in The Times-Gazette issue of August 24: 1st Prize--MISS JOAN McCULLOUGH, 216 CLARKE ST, CITY C. R. BEATON, 3rd Prize--MRS. E. M. MORRISON, 227 DEARBOURNE AVE, City THEATRE GUEST TICKETS MISS DONNA SILVER, 214 KENDAL AVE, CITY MR. JACK RUDNISKI, 63 CELINA ST., CITY MISS FRANCES FOGAL, 476 CUBERT ST. CITY MISS MARY SHEREMETA, 583 RITSON ROAD §, CITY WRESTLING TICKETS MR. ALVIN TAYLOR, COURTICE P.0., COURTICE, ONT. MISS YVONNE HEMMING, BOWMANVILLE, ONT, MISS L. M. FOSTER,, 306 BYRON ST. N,, WHITBY, ONT. In Last Week's the Judges appointed as Prize WHITBY, ONT. 4 BOND ST. W., CITY Mitchell's Drug Store Libby Plumbing Ce. 2 town watched Jawn Bascomb's' ™

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