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Daily Times-Gazette, 25 Sep 1948, p. 17

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PAGE SIXTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 19% WANTAD SECTION ot BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY | 1--Auditors 8 T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- eral accountant, 24 Alger Bldg. King Street East. Phone 2127. Consulting acccuntant and aud!tor (Octl) 2.--Barsters LOUIS 8, HYMAN, BARRISTER, ETC. Mortgage Loans arranged. 25 Simcoe North, Phone 67. Residence 3051. . OOH} CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRISTERS. Allin F. Annis, K.C.,, 72 Simcoe Street South. Phone 4. Residence 769. (Octl) A, W. 8. GREER, K.C. BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc, 6 King Street East. Phone 3160. 'R e 3514. Reside 15--Gardening and Supplies PERENNIALS FOR BORDERY OR rockery. Should be planted now, Strong hardy field grown roots, 10 different, $2; 30 different, $5.--delivered. Many varieties. Order immediatly for best se- lection and results. Phone V9) 17--Radio Repairs REPAIRY TO ALL MAKES O! 08. Wilson & Tee, Simcoe North. Fons 2388. (Octa 18--Automobile Repairs Mi and Gliddon, go ing Phone Chrysler products. buliding knee action. 21--Business Opportunities LADIES' SMART DRESS SHOPPE CAR- rying coats, dresses, sport things, lin- gerie, etc.; up-to-date fixtures and 351 partner," W. K.C.,, Uxbridge, Ontario. pa OSH) GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & FRASER, Barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Bubding, ~~... ... [Oct] R D. HUMPHREYS, K.C., BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc. 6 King Street West. Phones: Office, 814; Residence 3207. Money to loan (Octl) JAMES R. MacBRIEN, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Suite 201, 70 King East, Genosha Hotel. Phone 349. (Octl) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BARRISTER, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14} King Street East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence, phone 837, ___(Oet1) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLI- gitor, 11 King East, Room 2. Phones fice, 55; Residence, 3687R. (Octl) A. J*PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, Barristers.» Mortgage loans, National Housing Aut loans. 26 Simcoe North. Phone 1614. Res., 1975J. __(Oetl) MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bassett Block, Sulte No. 4. Phone 282. ! Res., 287TW (Octl) ! 3a--Physicians ana Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. E, Os C. Pollard, hawa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven to twelve and (except Wed and Sat), 2to 4 and 7 to 8. (Octl) | 5--Optomet;ists ©. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, , 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9 Phone 1516. (Octl) JURY AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: ® am. to 6 pm, Wednesday 9 to 1. A ER Johnson, Optometrist. Phone 28. (Oct) 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE Consult us for any of your insurance needs. All classes of Insurance includ- . 22'5 King Street East, phone Res., 4218R. (Octl) 7--Veterinarians DR. EE H WEBSTER, LARGE AND small animal surgery. 101 Richmond St. West. Phone 2010. (Octl) mann ; long lease. Doing real good. business. Owner has other inter ests. Box 338, Times-Gazette. (225¢) 22--Lost and Found 25--Real Estate For Sale "ROOM HOUSE, RDWOOD floors, fireplace, large lot. lose to General Motors. Second and third ficors rented, Box 326, Time-Gazetie ( rere ni Jed. ACRE FARM, BETWEEN L tain and Lindsay; good land. Sloan, Little Britain, 26--Real Estate Wanted SMALL LOT, IN BUSINESS SECTION, Jie state price, and locality. Box , Times-Gagzétte. (224e) 29--Rooms For Rem NISHED BEDROOM, SUIT one or two. Quiet home. 182 Simcoe 8. Phone 5212-W. (2258) WILL EXCHANGE TWO UNFURNISH- ed rooms; centrally located; for three Or more rooms or apartment. ITTLE J. J. (333¢) Phone (2254) FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE FOR business couple or geniiemer; rill privileges. Phone 1481-W. (225b) CLEAN, COMFORTABLE ROOM, FOR one gentleman In warm home. Every LOST -- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, large glamour pin, vicinity Four Cor- ners Owner's treasured Kkeep-sake. Phone 870J. Reward. (225a) FOUND -- BLONDE MALE COCKER spaniel; apparently young and well cared for. A. 'H, Murphy. Phone Brook- lin 15R2. (225b) LOST -- BOY'S BLUE JACKET, IN Alexandra Park. Phone 2170-M. (225a) WILL PARTY THAT BORROWED chain from field between 3 and 4 Concession, please return. (2242) 23--Women's Column NU-BONE FOR FREE FIGURE ANA- lyses and expert corsetry service, Tele- phone Mrs. Mills, 3333W. (Oct.9) FALL SPECIAL: OIL PERMANENTS, reg. Five Dollars, for Three Dollars; guaranteed. Phone 2653 Edward's Hairdressingg S Celina. (Oct. 18) 24--Personal "KLEEREX"--OVER 20 YEARS A DE- pendable family remedy for skin ail- ments, Psoriasis, Eczema, Pimples, Itch, Boils, Poison Ivy, Ringworm, Impetigo, Hives, Burns, Barber's Itch. Two strengths--medium, strong. Two sizes: 59c, $1.09. At all druggists. ( Sept25,0ct23) 25--Real Estate For Sale IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- 7-ROOM- ed insul brick, garage, large lot; all conveniences--$6,000. Half cash. Fair- view Ave., Harmony. Apply A. E. Mur- dock, Real Estate Broker, over Ealone, (225¢) Apply 10 Centre St. (2258) TWO BRIGHT UNFURNISHED rooms, Phone 4817R. (224b) FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUIT ONE or married couple, close to Fittings and Motors. Phone 1848J. (224c) 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, NOT SUIT- able for children, abstainers. Business couple preferred. Phone 1675W. (224b) FURNIBHED BEDROOM, EVERY CON- venience, part board if desired, cen- tral. Phone 3718R._ (224c) ROOM WITH KITCHEN PRIVILEGES, modern house, near Bowmanville, Widow or business person preferred, $5. per month to suitable person. Box 327 Times-Gagette. (224b) 2 LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, heated, electricity, hot water, sink In kitchen. Abstainers; no children. Box 333, Times-Gazette. Sh assey FARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, CON- tinuous hot water; central. Gentleman preferred. Phone 1088-J. (223¢c) FRONT BEDROOM. NEW 2 girls or business oouple. Central. Phone 5324W. ~ (223W) COMFORTABLE FURNISHED BED- room, for gentleman. All conveniences, near Motors. Phone 3306. _(223¢) TWO LARGE ROOMS, WITH KIT N facilities; suitable for 4 girls. Box" 246, Times-Gazétte. (222d) 29a--For Rent ONE, TWO, O! THREE ROOMS, furnished, light housekeeping. Abstain- ers only; suitable couples. Children LARGE furniture. Central GOOD BUILDING LOT, 50' X 150'; HY- dro; phone on road. $30 down. 2 years to pay. Apply 601 King St. 'W. (225d) THINKING OF SELLING? PHONE 20667 for prompt inspection and opinion of present values. Jones and Nolan, Brokers. (Oct 9) HOUSE, 3 ACRES GOOD GARDEN land. Possession 14 days. Can be seen anytime. One mile north of Bowmanville. E D. Knapp. (2201) 9--Money To Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first mortgages. Also NNH.A. and Build- ers Loans. Apply M. F. Swartz, Bar- rister. Bassett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282. (Oct. 1tf) MILLIONS OF DOLLARS COMPANY Money For First Mortgage Loans. Sub- mit Plans and Applications to Mur- doch National Housing Act Building Loans. A. E. Murdoch, Broker, Over Eaton's. {Oct 11) FIRST MORTGAGE WE BUY IONEY, AND GREEMENTS OF SALE AGR. O! 112 SIMCOE ST. NORTH North Shore Realty Co. Ltd. PHONE 81. OSHAWA (Tues.-Thurs.-Sat.) 6 ROOM HOUSE, VACANT, WOULD take' late model car as down ent. Call at 92 Bond W. Phone 1 . (224c) For sale--King St. east--Brick duplex, excellent revenue, $12,000. Possess! one apartment 30 days. You will enjoy living here. Real in t Phone Whitby 2124. (225a) 2 LARGE GARAGES, SUITABLE FOR panel body trucks, 23 ft. long, $5.00 monthly. Apply rear door 102 Church Street or phone 1241W. (223c) SPRING WOUND PORTABLE PHONO- graphs, electric record players, radios, pianos. Wilson & Lee, Music Store, 79 Simcoe North. (Oct.3) 30---Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD, FOR BUSINESS couple. 264 Athol St. E. (221e) 30a--Room & Board Wanted ROOM AND BOARD FOR 10 MONTHS- old boy wanted. Apply 162 Olive Ave. L (224b) 31--Wanted to Rent For sale--King 8t, east--3-storey guest home showing good revenue. jon 30 days. In the heart of the new un- restricted business expansion. $13,500. A. E. MURDOCH BROKER OVER EATON'S, OSHAWA (223¢) 2 LOTS, EACH 35° X 176' ONE WITH footings, sewer, water; small house on same; liveable while building. Near Motors. 329 Oshawa Bivd. (223¢) Do you require a PERSONAL LOAN to meet Mortgage and her Payments? Apply to nearest branch of THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Monthly Deposits provide for repayment. -- Low Rates -- 10-- Instruction BALLET AND TAP DANCING TAUGHT by Irenie Harvey. Register Saturday in 8t. George's Parish Hall, Centre Street. 5 (Oct. 22) PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN LATEST modern dances, including fox trot, waltz, rhbumba, tango, samba, jitterbug. Phone 4866J now and make appoint- ment for, free trial lesson. (Oct22) ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, DIC- taphone, comptometer, new classes com- mence each Monday. Oshawa Business College, 18 Simcoe North. Phone 8a 2 (215t1) 11--Building Trades CEMENT, GRAVEL, CINDERS AND 111, dump, stake truck, cement mixer, foundation forms, for hire. Phohé 4435-R (Qct. 22) small cementing jobs done. For infor- mation, call 3334W. (Oct. 21) PAINTING AND DECORATING. SPRAY paintin Harold Carter, 188 Bruce St. hone 3230W. (Sept28) TO CLOSE ESTATE 94 acres on Highway 2A, clay loam, all tillable, well under-drained, sub- stantial 10-roomed frame house, barn 40x80 with stabling for 35 head of cattle, stable 30x50 with room for 6 horses and box stalls, new silo, hen house, 2 wells, Hydro through- out, possession April 1st, $18,000.00. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON 'and FRASER Oshawa, Ontario Solicitors for executors. Pi (223¢) $8,000 500 in" sxeetiont 10 cation. Double garage, large lot, two bathrooms. $6 9503 ACRES near Hampton, ' with beautiful 'eight- room house, modern bullt-in bath, hard and soft water, a SMALL STORE, IN BUSINESS SEC- tion. Box 338, Times-Gazette. (224e) YOUNG CO! DESIRE UNFURN- ished apartment. \ References. Phone 52693 (224c) TWO OR THREE ROOMS OR SMALL a ent, for oung couple with iid; central preferred. Phone 4 ( c) URGENTLY NEEDED BY 3_ ADULTS, man, wife and son. a small hope, 5 or 6 rooms. Will buy or rent. x 316, Times-Gazétte. (Sept. 21,33,25) APARTMENT URGENTLY NEEDED Young couple -- newly arrived in Oshawa -- steady empleyment. Leave information with. T. L. WILSON Phone 35 Times-Gazette 32--Automobiles for Sale 40 PLYMOUTH COUPE, APPLY 89 Simcoe Bt. 8., after 5 p.m. (2258) $125---BUYS WHIZZER MOTOR . BIKE; excellent nape. Accept bicyele as part 2105J. ( 226a) CO. ition, Must be sold. Best cash garage, etc. More acreage if desired. $8 30 --APARTMENT HOUSE, ' brick, oll-heated, in Whitby, having excellent income; one apartm\nt vacant for owner, two oth- ers well rented. $4,250 % 004 ' with poultry house in Whitby. Excellent condition. CR, H $5,900-5, 2°88, is room house, barns, g e and other small bulldings; also 3% ascres of raspberries. $14 008 Room BRICK, mod- ' ern. Four acres and buildings and equipment for poultry blsiness in Town of Whitby. Make offer. APPLY GORDON OSBORNE BROKER INSUL - BRICK 100 Dundas St. W. Phone 522 (224b) 4-ROOM HOUSE, NOT FINISHED, AP- ply 133 -Gibb St. (Sept. 18,24,25) Whitby offer. 79 Simcoe St, N J C OPERA COUPE, motor. Must sell this week-end. Phone Claremont 38R32. (225a) Hea Basette RR ing 10s ou h n oar, cas i= King Breet West. 28 COACH. APPLY 114 Chestnut 8t. West, Whitby. (225a) '36 PLYMOUTH, 4- SEDAN, NEW tires, twin horns, heater, Al running condition, $575. Apply 473 Ritson South. (224c ) CONDITION. , MASTER DELUXE COACH. dghter, clock, Prestone, good fon, $800. (224d) A REAL buys it. (224b) '39 GRAMAM Apply '3¢ CHEV. MASTER ja Simeoe St. N., .m. 12--Personal Services CITY-WiDE CONTRACTORS, SPECIAL- izing in roofing, asphalt shingles, chimneys built, caulkinf of door and windows. Free estim#te. Phone 4392J. H W. Tucker. = = = (Sept2d) DUPLICATING, TYPEWRITING, MAIL- ing, Advertising and Accounting Service, Graham Bickle, 205 Arthur Street. Phone 1047. , (Oct.17) PA VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS watchmaker. Repair shop at 46 Kin Street West. Your patronage solicited. oe immer _(Oct1) 13--Nursing Service PRACTICAL, NURSE HAS ACCOMMO- dation for elderly or convalescent ti- ent. Phone 2887-W (223¢) COMFORTABLE LARGE BRIGHT rooms for invalids, slderly, or convales- eent. persons, requiring special care, Weli-palanced menis--24 hours' sUper- vision, --98 Athol St ® (OatA) 14--~Household Repairs CHESTERVIELDS, ARAOTLT, ARGO. ted Like new. Why pay mors? Our i ! reasormble. Sevisfaction wunre ead. Phone 5280% nights. 5344 ars (Ota) AND RE msterinle for Pmiteny 7% (O18) s Get $5 00 --Six-room house, ' heating, six aores lang, ih bar, ome fruit. cash, balance on first mortgage. Two miles from Four Corners; will ex- change, $ ] 80 --East Whitby, three rooms, ' Insul-Brick; new. Hydro, city water. Lot 33°x139'. JONES & NOLAN BROKERS (224c) hot-air fod $1,200 $5 95 --$2,500 CASH. Brick bun- , galow, five rooms and sun porch, all conveniences, oak floors throughout. Good location. Immedi- ate possgssion. , GORDON K. HARDY 89 Simcoe St. S. REAL ESTATE BROKER pm nerve ms SAB} DON'T FORGET ME I have & good selection of fine , Let me Know. your. re. uirements, I can help you selest. : in the distriet you desire . WILFRED McAULEY 150 DIVISION ST. * PHONE 3310M REALTOR Phone 5380 (224¢) Briggs Stra old, excellent condition. Phone Pick- ering SaR11. (223¢) 47 HUDSON SEDAN; tion. ce $1,950 Station, 102 Simcoe N. Phone 842 new tires. Can be séen at 27 Elm St. and will sacrifice. Bel- 3 (224c) '38 NASH, RADIO, '3¢ DODGE COUPE. '38 CHEV. SEDAN. , IN GOOD 110 Verdun Rd. after 6. (224b) (224c) 8 NEW CONDI- Naimah's Garage, 181 Albert St. CUT AND INSTALLED (Oct. 14) Ajax, exenings. (224b) mont Motors, 137 King St. -W. (224b) "GOOD TIRES. '35 CHEV. CO. CH. TRADE, TERMS OR CASH Box 336 Times- . , PAIR CONDITION, ALSO SEDAN. APPLY ade or terms, UTO GI LL truck. "Johnnie" , 5. PASSENGER COUPE, ovely condition, new nt, tires, new r job. Phone 6J. (224¢c) '38 PONTIAC SEDAN, PERFECT MO- 3s MASTER CHEV, MEOHAMIO ALLY OK. tires, heater, new pain Must bg sold this week. Apply 307 "37 OLDS. COACH, NAIMAN'S GARAGE tton motor bike, one year between 6 and 9 (223¢) for poy mi car or Walker, loeéated at Clement's Service 1937 FORD COACH, NEW PAINT JOB, tor, mechanically -Al. This car 1s a ob. Apply Kingsdale. Division St. (223c¢) 371 PONTIAC COACH. 131 ALBERT ST. (3230) ->- 32--Automohiles for Sale 36--Articles for Sale 43--Auction Sales '38 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE SPECIAL, with, heater and defroster. This car is periecs throughout. Must be seen to apprecia 334 King Street East. (224b) '3¢ OLDS. SEDAN; IN GOOD CONDI- tion. Phone 3748-M. (2258) '35 PLYMOUTH, GOOD MOTOR MILE- age: radio, heater. Best offer. Phone 3318-W. (2253) 47 CHEVROLET TRUCK, 2-ton, stake body, best running condi- tion. Price $1,800. ALSO ' '39 FORD SEDAN, new motor, new tires, A-1 running condi- tion, $900. APPLY PAUL PIURKO 910 KING ST. S. WHITBY, ONT. PHONE 2238 (222d) NTOSH OR COOKING APPLES by basket or hamper. Plums, Italian Prune, Lombard, n, Pears, Flemish Beauty. Cantalo . John Pollock, 1 mile north Whitby P.O. (224b) MACI AVAILABLE AT ONCE! ONE ADDING MACHINE $160 Folk-drawer filing cabinet . Portable Typewriter OFFICE SUPPLIES REDDICK'S 182 Simcoe S. Phone 4375J (224b) 9 PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE. PH. T32R. (224c) DRESSER, 2-TONE WALNUT, LARGE size, with mirror. Phone 1055. (224a) EVERREADY RADIO, PERFECT CON- dition, $15. Phone 3640R. (224c) VACUUM CLEANER, ELECTROLUX, A-1 condition. 127 Brock 8., Whitby, or call Oshawa 3531J. (224¢c) 34--Pets anc Livestock COLLIE PUPPIES, FOR SALE; GOOD stock. Males, $5; females, $3. Phone 3430J1. (2258) VISIT THE NEW KENNELS AT WAU- beéna Kennels, 1 mille west of Oshawa, for. lovely cocker spanlels, registered. Reasonable. (Oct. 25) REDBONE AND BEAGLE HOUNDS, 4 months old; yr.-old Irish spaniel, train- ed; reasonable. Phone 4141J3. (225c) GOOD HUNTING DOG IS A GOOD friend, two Springer Spaniels, 2 yr. old male, one female thoroug ed spaniel. Apply 473 Ritson South. (224¢c) REGISTERED LABRADOR PUPPY. " (224¢) Phone 94. } 4 300 PLYMOUTH BARRED ROCK PUL- lets, ready to lay; also sold in small lots. Inquire: R. Litz, poultry station, 117 Bloor E. Phone 4394M. (2224) 34a--Farmers' Column FALL PLOWING, CORD WOOD CUT by tractor. Phone C. Campbell, 3575J2. (224c) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE COW, FOR sale, due in| Feb. Grade Ayrshire cow, for sale, fresh. Phone Brooklin 1RI13. (225b) 33--Automobiles Wanted CASH FOR YOUR CAk! BRAMLEY Motor Bales, 1271 Simcov Street North Phone 4605W. (Oct3 MORE CASH FOR YOUR CAR AT Dodd's Car Lot, 418 Park Road South. Phone 2872W. (Oct?) Selling your car on consignmént enables us to get you high current prices. Many cash buyers waiting. Our fee, $10. BELMONT MOTORS 137 KING ST. W. -- PHONE 4808 (21911) 35--Wearing Apparel GIRL'S COATS, DRESSES, SKIR1S, 12-14 years; lady's coat, size 38. Phone 4335-W. (225b) LADIES' WINTER COAT, DARK green, fox fur bib collar, chamois lined, size 38. Youth's brown fweed overcoat, size 16. Youth's brown tweed sult, size 16 (nearly new). All in excellent con- dition. Phone 1168-J. (225b) LADY'S GREY WOOL COAT, FUR collar, size 12-14, $20, Phone 4021-W. ' . (225a) LADY'S GOLD DRESS, 18; PAIR NU- back corsets, size,30; boy's 3-plece coat set, size 6x; perfect condition. Phone 1223-J. (2268) BOY'S WINTER COAT, 10-12 YEARS; perfeét condition. Phone 128 5 (2258) SMART GREY WINTER COAT, SIZE 16; excellent condition. Phone 2966-J. (225b) TUXEDO, SIZE 36--$10; FAIR CONDI- tion. Phone 1409-W after 6. (2252) MAN'S BLUE SUIT WITH WHITE stripe.. Size 38. Only worn twice, per. fect condition. Call 1764R. (224c) BEIGE FITTED COAT, WITH BEAVER collar and lapels. Size 13. Excellent condition. Phone 3305J. (224b) MAN'S WINTER OVERCOAT. SIZE 38. Practically new. Phone 3763R. ' © (224b) LADY'S BLACK WOOL BOUCLE COAT, size 40, chamois and satin lined, Sable collar. A-1 condition, $20. Wine fea- ther flannel dress, size 40, $4. Phone 1509. 0 (224b) WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, i , cleaned new. Carrying coats, suits and pants. W. Bam Schwartz. 36--Articies For Sale LEATHER DAVENPORT WITH .MAT- tress, two pull-out couches, one with new mattress. Cheap. 1470 Simcoe 8S. (2258) COOK STOVE, Phone os oa - (225b) FULL SIZED BED, WALNUT FINISH, with spring. Phone 1584-R. ; (2258) NEW 16-TOOTH COCKSHUTT CULTI- vator. Phone Brooklin 15R2. (2258) RADIO, 9 TUBES, WITH ATTACHABLE record player; reasonable. Phone 3820- (225a) WE REPAIR AND RECONDITION home permanents.--Souter Beauty Sa- lon. 24); Simcoe N. Phone 279. 22 (225¢) PRINCESSS PAT cream enamel, long fire-box. 3836-W. 1r1 WELL ROTTER MANURE FOR SALE, Phone Brooklin, 76R12. (224d) BABY CARRIAGE, BABY-TENDA AND walker. Phone 3891-W. (223c) CLOVER GOOD QUALITY, 4- 1b. pall, 83 Patricia. Phone 3695. (223c) 22VRIFLE AND TELESCOPE. APPLY 140 Bloor Bast. Phone 3673-R. -(223c) C oe LIME and MORTAR CEMENT Also Cinders and Cinder Blocks D. STRADESKI 329 LOUISA PHONE 3288J Te -- kz ___(Septa3 25) TOMATOES AND CUCUMBERS, J. Veenhof, South of Prestonvale. Phone 1615J4. ('Qpes., Thurs, Sat.) LMS RETURNED SAME DAY RE- ceived; 6 or 8 exposure films developed and prin 30¢. Reprints, 4c each. Dept. T8, Utterson, Ont. - (Sat.) DESKS NOW IN STOCK OFFICE SUPPLIES ADDING MACHINES PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS CASH REGISTERS Now in stock for delivery. 1--Stenographer Desk Oak finish 1--Executive Desk Walnut finish OFFICE SUPPLY DEPARTMENT GOODFELLOW PRINTING CO. TIMES BLDG. PHONE 354 (Wed Sat tf) GURNEY COMBINATION 4-BURNER electric; coal and wood. Apply 563 King East. : (223¢) YOUTH'S BROWN LEATHER WIND- 'breaker, size 32, never worn. Axmin- ster rug, 6x9; steel bed, also dresser. 84 Gibbon. (224b) THREE LADIES COATS TWEED RE- versible, Black Boucle (Chamois lined) and Black Tricotine, all size 14, good condition; gentleman's C.C.M. Bicycle. 226 Athol t, Phone 412 after six. (224b) DOUBLE BARREL HOPKINS AND Allen 12 ga. hammer, shotgun in good condition, $28. 223 Celina. (224b) STOKER AND BOILER, SUITABLE for apartment house, house or store. Phone 3767J12. (224b) GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS Twelve colors; Flexalum, steel or wood. To fit any window. Five days' delivery. Phone 4101. J. W. MELLEY Box 421 Met-Wo Industries Limited (Tues.~-thurs.-sat.) CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3 PIECES, with slip covers. 22 Rossland Rd. W. after 6 p.m. (224b) ICE BOX, HOLDS 75 POUNDS, A-1 condition. Apply 254 Athol East, 21 4. (224c) CHROME KITCHEN SET, ENAMEL top table. New condition; 2 boys' ov- ercoats, size 6-8, 10-12 years. 390 Beverley St. (224c) FOURTEEN SEQTION HOT WATER jacket heater. Apply (223c) HONEY, $1.15. Call radiator, flat to after six. 95 Conant St. BED COMPLETE, AS NEW $20, OR exchange for large crib; in good con- dition. 279 French 8t. (223¢) USED SEWING MACHINES, $19.75 and up. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontario Street. (205t1) SHOT GUN, 12-GA. DOUBLE BARREL; hammerless Tobin, $45. Moore, 37 Louisa St. (2221) COAL AND WOOD RANGE, WHITE porcelain, nearly new; electric rangette (Tudhope). white rcelain, 523 Al- bert 8t. Phone 1978-R. (223c) FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS IN SNAP-ON SOCKET SETS BLUEPOINT WRENCHES VACUUM-GRIP PLIERS CALL G. A. DIGNEM QUEBEC HEATER, EQUIPPED WITH oll burner, also 2 six-inch oil burners. Phone 2820W13. (2258) 12-GAUGE MARLIN PUMP GUN, price $60. Apply 733 Rowena St. 4250) (225¢ DINETTE SUITE, NATURAL AND RED, practically new. Phone 18913-M. 55 (225b) 7-TUBE OABINET RADIO; FINDLAY cook stove; lg-hp. motor; condition. Phone 198-R. HOT AIR FURNACE, FOR 6-ROOMED house, 20" fire pot; girl's white figure skates, size 5; girl's green winter coat, fur trimmed, 11-year size, boy's tweed overcoat, 7-year size. 1647-W. , like new; Phone 647-W (2258) LARGE QUEBEC HEATER, $10, PHONE 4680. i (2258) 45-GALLON DRUMS, SUITABLE FOR fuel oil, $3.75 each. Phone 5035-W. : (225¢) CAST STEEL COMBINATION COAL & gas Guerney range, with water front attachment; reasonable. Apply Dave Waters, 2 Forin St. Belleville, Ont. 3 (2258) BICYCLE, FOR SALE, MAN'S. PHONE 52087, ARERR 16-MM. PROJECTOR, AND FILMS, also steel bed and spring. Phone 3457-W. EC Sain (225¢) GARAGE DOORS, AND TIMBERS, 18' to 30' long; also Fireman stoker. 160A Park Rd. North. 3 (225¢) CONVERTIBLE FOLDING PRAM, bright maroon colour; in good condi- tion, Phone 3527-M. (2258) LARGE QUEBEC, HEATER, LIKE NEW; 4 ft. 6 walnut steel bed and spring. Apply 285 Gliddon Ave.. ma _(224c) UEBEC HEATER. GOOD CONDI- tion, excellent grates, reasonable. Ap- ply 328 Bimcoe t. 8. (224b) CHARLES FAWCETT COAL HEATER, like naw and two Coleman mantle iamps, Phone 4286R3. (224b) 42 BINGLE WINCHESTER RIFLE. AP- 'Ply 181 College Ave, (2230) ' * CHOICE RIPE OR GREEN TOMATOES, reserve now. Large basket 65c; bushel 1.49. Cucumbers, et up. Gle- coff Grocmeateria. Phone 3235. (Oct.10) Lay Them Away For Christmas TOYS Wagons, Tricycles, Boys' Bikes, Doll ne, Kiddy-Cars, Small Toys, ames, Books and Tricks. REDDICK'S 182 ,8imcoe St. 8. Phone 4375J (224b) PIANO "LONSDALE", WITH BENCH; in first-class condition. Reduced to $85. Cash. Must be sold this week. Phone 3647. (2211) BODY HARDWOOD $16 A CORD DELIVERED Write ALLAN DOWNES RR. 1, PONTYPOOL (Oct. 5) ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! LET US convert, jour treadle maclithe into a lovely Electric Portable Sewing Ma- chine, For a reasonable amount we can change over for you Write or hone for a demonstration in your own fome Singer Sewing Machine Com- pany, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. (205tf) RENT A PORTABLE ELECTRIC SEW- ing machine in your own home. $6 4 month. Singer Company, Phone 8 pa (2051) A COMPLETE STOCE_OF INGER Lrolls and bets for all dhakes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. coe St pg Phone 3800W. (Bepaste) AWNINGS, ONLY LIMITED SUPPLY available Order now. Chairs and tables for rent Cleve Fox. 412 rcoe N. Oshawa, (Oct:18) SECRETARY DESK, SPINET WRITING desk, C.C.M. wheel, kit of machinests tools, 2 boys' size 14 overcoats. 160 Park Rd. N. (224) | 36--Articies for Sale Y oto a os ie hr BE H alf cords; cedar posts. Phone 3903-J. Ld TOR et, 30) CROP OF APPLES, TWO SMALL OR- chards, well sprayed, good varieties-- La Salle and Spys. For immediate sale. Apply A. H. Clemens, 38 Concession St., Bowmanville. Phone 2436. {223¢) 37--Articles Wanted CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED FUR- niture, ice box, Quebec heater. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M. (Oct13) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED. Ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West. 3326, y (Oct10) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PAPER. rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Phone 635, Cedardale n and Metals, Annis St. East of CNR Station. (Oct2) 38--Female Help Wanted WOMAN FOR CLEANING EVERY FRI- day morning, 2 to 3 hours. Phone 3357R or 1918J. (224c) FOR 40-BED GENERAL HOSPITAL. General Duty Nurses, Surgical, Med- ical and Obstetrical work, with rotat- ing shifts each month, 8 hour day, 6 day week, three weeks vacation and two weeks sick time allowed with pay, per year. Salary $130.00 per month, with full maintenance and uniforms laundered. Aor} Tillsonburg Sold- ler's Memorial ospital, Tillsonburg. (224c) FULLY EXPERIENCED DINING-ROOM waitress wanted, good hours, working conditions and wages. Apply Mr. Ed- wards, Hotel Genosha. (223c) WAITRESS WANTED, EXPERIENCED. Apply Grand Restaurant. __ (2231) WANTED: GIRL FOR MOTHER'S helper, 908 Byron Street North, Whitby, Phone 2411. (223¢c) APPRENTICE FOR HAIRDRESSING. Apply Box 308, Times-Gazette. (2191) OPPORTUNITY For Cirls "You'll like being a Telephone girl" 1.--Good pay with regular in- creases. 2.--No experience necessary. 3.~You're paid while you train. 4.--Five-day week. 5.--Friendly associates. 6.--Regular rest periods. 7.--Opportunity for advance- ment, Applicants should preferably have completed Grade X, be single, and in the 16 to 25 age group. MISS H. C. ROBERTSON Chief Operator BELL TELEPHONE CO. 15 Victoria St. Oshawa (Tues, Thur Sat tf) sy--Male Help Wanted MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH BUSI- ness. Real opportunity. We help you to get started. Write Rawleigh's Dept. ML-1-310-0, Montreal, Que., .__ (Sept. 4,11,18,25) EARN EXTRA CASH! 'MAKE MORE money easily in spare time. Just show our beautiful Canadian made Christmas cards to your friends. They sell on sight. Many assortments. Gift Cards, Seals, Tags, Jrapbings, Everyday Cards. Beautiful free album showing personal cards, 25 for $1.00 and up. Liberal commission. Write today for unusual sample offer. The Douglas Greeting Ca! Company, 50-AO Bleecker Street, Toronto. (Tues, Thur,Sat) OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM REQUIRES a cashier, with some knowledge of ae- counting: steady employment, six-day week. Apbly Box 331, Times-Gazette, giving qualifications and Teterences, (223c) WANTED FOR HARDWARE STORE, man to deliver mornings, clerk in store afternoons. Must have driver's license. Steady employment to right party. R. 8! Virtle Hardware, 48 Simcoe North, (223¢) EXTRA MONEY EASILY EARNED BY showing our unexcelled line of Christ~ mas cards, seals, gift wrapping, Christ- mas tree decorations, personal and everyday cards. Our larger line gives greater variety, is positively more at- tractive, easier to sell and will make more profits for you. Send at once for SSmples Monarch Greeting Card Co, 47 ston Avenue °' North, Hamilton, Ontario. (Oct14) WANTED DELIVERY BOY APPLY KARNS T.T.8. 39b--Male and Female Help CIVIL SERVICE TIONS Prepare now for fall examinations. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 357 Lauder Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. (Sep4.11,18,25) 40--Agents Wanted SALESMEN-CREW MANAGERS: BEN- ZO cleans a million things. FYRFO flame proofs materials, clothing, saves lives, property. Laboratory approved. Satisfaction guaranteed, Tremendous profits. Write Chemical Division, Pal- coseel Co. Ltd., Cornwall, Ont. ((Sept. 25) AGENTS, DOOR-TO-DOOR SALESMEN wanted to establish a business of thelr own with our 250 Guaranteed House- hold Necessities. Splendid territories va- cant in your district. Unlimited le bilities for the ambitious person. Never a dull season. Experience not essential but a car is if you select a rural terri- tory. Very little capital needed. Best opportunity of starting a business of your own. Write for free detalls and catalogue to Familex, 1600 Delorimlier, Montreal. (Tues.-Thurs.-Sat.) 41--Employment Wanted LADY WOULD LIKE HOUSEWORK, 3 full days weekly. Reply to Box 340, Times- azette. al a (225a) LADY DESIRES HOUSEWORK BY DAY or hour. Phone 1441-R. (2254) I] household electrical lie ranges. all ho 0! electrical appli. DOS, Frank Snudden. Phone 919W. 107 Athol East. (Oct.18) OLD INDIAN CUSTOM In India, it was the custom to take the wife's younger sister as a second wife, when the first wife was childless or suffered from an incurable disease. i I have been authorized to sell by Jublie auction for P. W. Davidson, Lot 31, Con. 4, Darlington, 1}; miles east of Taunton, 2nd farm th at Pen hn Yaoesday, Sept. 20th, hr i ements--1 Massey-Har- ris 6 ft. Binder; 1 Massey-Harris Mow- $h St: 1 Horse Rote: Wooden Rol- r; anure Spreader fows: '1 'Fleury Plough a1; 1 Hayrask; rows; eury Pioug! : rack; 1 Rubber Tired Wagon; 4 Wheeled Trailer; 1 Stone Boat; Knee Bleighs; 40 rd. Fence Wire; Chicken Wire; Steel Barrels; 2 Steel Gas Drums; roll Snow Fence; roll Pig Fencing; 1 Electric Fence Controller; 1 Filter Milk Strainer; 1 Plunger Churn; 2 Lanterns; 1 set Scales; 1 Wheel Barrow; 2 bag Carts; 12 Horse Electric Motor (new); 1 Massey-Harris 11 Ho. Drill; 1 Scythe; 2 Cycles; Hoes and Rake; quantity of miscellaneous articles; 1 Spring Tooth Cultivator; 1 Scuffler; 1 Wagon Box. Qrain--340 bus, Oats; 10 Tons Hay, Mixed. Cattle--1 Holstein Milk Cow, 315 yrs. freshening Feb. 10/49; 1 Hol- stein Helfer, 1}; years, due April §, 19049; 1 Holstein Heifer, 10 months; 1 Holstein Heifer Calf, 6 wks.; 12 Dur- ham Herefords, 1 yr. old.. Pige--2 Reg- istered Sows, 160 lbs, each; 1 glstered Hog, 75 1bs.; 6 Shoats, 135 Ibs. each. Horses--1 Black Mare, 8 yrs; 1 Brown Gelding, 7 yrs. old. Harness--2 Sets Back Band Harness and Collars. Poul- try--20 Hens, 1); yrs. Red Rock Hy- brid (Laying). Implements--Forks; quantity of Bags; Hay Fork; De Laval Separator (small); Metal Churn; 1 med. Quebec Heater; 1 large Quebec Heater, Tractor Equipment--1 Ford- son Tractor and equipment. Starter, power take-off and on Rubber; 1 Plough; 1 Stiff Tooth Cultivator, 1 Sawing Machine; 1 Buckrake; 1 Pulley. Quantity of Household Furniture. Sale at 1pm. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer, (Sept. 25) I have been authorize to sell by public auction for Paul Diamond, 2 miles north of Port Perry, on Saturday, October 2, 60 head of cattle; also 50 pigs. Sale at 1 p.m. TED JACKSON, Auctiéneer. (Sept. 25, 0) Business Spotlight By The Canadian Press Stock markets suffered a setback this week that knocked prices back to April levels. Heavy selling on the opening day sent prices reeling downward and volume upward. The market show- ed signs of firming as the week pro- gressed but couldn't attract enough interest for a general advance as selected issues moved in a narrow rut: Brokers attributed part of the setback to increased foreign selling, especially from London, but became optimistic as they watched the market absorb most of the offer- ings. New York declined Monday to the level of five-months ago as volume passed the 1,000.000-mark, and the number of issues traded broadened. The market recovered nearly half of Monday's losses the following day, and then dipped Wednesday in selective trading. A slight demand for railroad shares swung the market slightly higher Thursday and the Associated Press 60-stock average advanced .2 Fri- day at 67.5--down .3 from last Fri- day. Canadian markets followed the same pattern as New York. In Tor- onto, industrials dropped almost two points Monday on the ex- change's index and continued to ease the rest of the week to close down 2.66. Golds weakened slowly for four days and then jumped more than a point Friday to close up .99. Base metals and western oils partly recovered early-week losses Friday to close down .47 and .80 respectively. Weekly turnover at 3,486,000 shares, was down from last week's 3,824,000 shares. Papers suffered the worst setback in Montreal, dipping 9.44 on the ex- change's averages, Industrials also were down, off 2.1. Both Toronto and Montreal an- nounced that Saturday-morning sessions would resume Oct. 2--the same day as New York. Grain markets were generally firm from last Friday. In Chicago, prices moved narrowly in December wheat, corn, oats and rye. 'Winnipeg hedl steady with October barley showing 'a slight gain. I NEW AUTO WEADLIGHTS York, Sept. 28 -- cP) -- Bonn automobile manufacturers Friday said' that the Lucas Elec- trical Company of England has ar- ranged to supply British Homo. biles in the States Ww headlights that will conform to state safety regulations. The Mas- sachusetts Regisry of Motor Yehlc- les ruled Wednesday that pros made automobiles do not me safety requirements. pho EA JET PILOT KILLED ester, N.H., Sept. 26 -- (AP) JB 10,000 persons Friday Saw a United States Air Force Captal ; married only two weeks, crash to his death after the F-84 Thuneer- jet he was piloting ignited over ine Rochester Yatrgraunds - Sragieq nearby woods. i as Captain John Fair- child, 26. 3, hae CANNED HORSE MEAT . 2 -- (CP) -- gp on sale shortly, 4, TO Pon ent of the Saskatche ated Co-Operative Association. The meat, supplied from pr 8 plants in Edmonton and Swift Cur- rent, Sask., will retail in one-pound tins at a probable pricé of 23 cents. Saskatoon, Hotsemeat wil VISCOUNTESS HOME Ottawa, Sept. 26 -- (CP) --Vis- countess Alexander, wife of the Governor-General, returned to gov- Interpreting The News By DEWITT MACKENZIE Associated Press News Analyst: A crude sign was found the othe er day pinned on the garden door of 10 Downing Street, residence of many generations of British Prime Ministers and now occupied by Clement Attlee. The notice advised "Moscow is kluffing." The seer who made that sign wasn't' the only one who has a no- tion the Russians are staging an enormous bluff. You hear the re- mark frequently, generally by folk who hold that the "bluff" should be called by a display of force. That is a terribly foolish and dangerous assumption. True, there undoubtedly are times when. the Russians do bluff, and I dare say the same is true of the western de- mocracies. Diplomatic strategy has worked that way on occasions. However, the world revolution for the spread of Communism is no bluff. It is.the gréatest menace mankind has faced. There was no bluff in the rape of Czechoslovakia, or in the cone quest of the rest of kastern Europe. The United States has just called the turn in blunt terms on Bolshe- vist operations in Bulgaria. American Minister Donald R. Heath has delivered to the Bulgar~ ian Foreign Ministry a note which accuses the Communist government of Bulgaria with ruthlessly smash. ing democratic freedom in that country. The communication char- ges that the Communists there have resorted to the use of "invol- untary servitude, banishment, con- centration camps, imprisonment, torture and execution." The occasion for this note was a speech by Foreign Minister Kolay ov in parliament, blaming the Uni- ted States for Bulgaria's failure to gain membership in the United Na- tions. He declared Bulgaria had met its peace treaty obligations scru- pulously. .The American note said it simply isn't true that Bulgaris has met its treaty cbligations. I.f Britain and the United States thought Moscow was bluffing they wouldn't be engaged in such sweep- ing rearmament programs. Defence Minister A. V. Alexander startled the Commons in London a couple of days ago with th» statement that Britain's rearm'ment pro. gram was moving fo fast he had no figures on its cost. Simultane- ously the navy, marines and air force announced urgent campaigns to build up strong reserves in rea- diness for any war emergency. All men and women who served im Britain's wartimé armies are sub- ject to recall. These preparations don't mean that Britain and the United States think war-is just around the cor- ner. : - But the democracies aren't (r+n- ting the Communist threat a: + bluff which can be handled by a.- peasement. Warren William, Movie Detective Dies In Hollywood Hollywood, Sept. 35 (AP)--Sauve, debonair Warren William, stage and movie favorite for 30 years, died of & rare blood disease Friday after an illness of nearly a year. The 53-year-old yachtsman, in- ventor and owner of one of the most beautiful estates in filmland had been in failing health for several years. But Dr. Stanley Gordon sail the actor never rallied completely from a virus attack suffered last November. He is survived by his wi- dow, Helen, with whom he recently celebrated his 25th anniversary, and two sisters, Mrs, Pauline K. K. Mar- tindale of New York City and Mrs. C. 8. Lyon of Port Washington, NY. A native of Aitkin, Minn., Warren wanted to be a marine engineer, but his early training was in newspaper work. He went to Franke with the army in the First World War, stay~ ed to join a theatrical troupe mak. ing camp shows. His aptitude for the theatre took him to Broadway, where Alexander Woolcott called him 'a "young Jehn Drew." His father read it, wired him to stay in the theatre with the Drews and Barrymore. William came oo Haji wee in 1932, and was an immediate success in the young talkies. Dark and handsome, hé played the ideal man about town, although he was one of the town's most homie-loving fig- ures. He was much in demand for roles as a detective and district at- mney. i his better-known films were "The Mouthpiece," "The: Match King." "Gold Diggers of 1038" and "Arizopa." In recent yedrs he had done the "Lone Wolfe" series. His last picture, two years ago, was "Be] Ami." ~ READY-MIXED CONCRETE Sand and Gfavel! Any Quanity = © 'Washed Sand © Wishéd Cruihe Gi ernment house Friday following a successful gusgleal opesatitn at Civic Hospital, was bel suffering from a throat ailment.

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