; |B i ios . R. Seitor, Notary. Money to loan. tt Block, Suite No. 4. Phone 282. LJ ONS er DOLLARS COMPANY gey For First Mortgage Loans. Sub- GE TWELVE ~ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE % MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 194% Lad SELIIVIN io TT SASS, nt and-auditor. (Octl) 25--Real Estate For Sale i ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE. POSSES- sion 3 30 days. Phone 5207-J. (2268) PRIVATE, OLD ENGLISH STYLE country residence, located in the town of Bowmanville. Two acres fully land- scaped. Lovely trees, shrubs, and lawns with tennis court. 13 rooms and four bathrooms, hot water heating with oil, oak floors and oak paneling in dining and billiard rooms. Must be seen to be appr $18,500. Attractive terms. Phone Bow- manville 772. (226¢c) avisters HYMAN, BARRISTER, ETC. ' Loans arranged. 25 Simcoe "Phone 67. Residence 3051. (Octl) Na 191 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- 7-ROOM- ed insul brick, galage, large lot; all convenience: Half cash. Faire view Ave.. Harmony. Apply A. E. Mur. dock, Real Estate ker, over Bain T AND ANNIS, B. ISTERS. Annis, K.C., 7'2 Simcoe Syrest hone 4. Residence 769. (Oct1 . GREER, K.C., ier h . etc, 6 King Street East. . Residence 3514. Resident . C. Pollard, K.C., Uxbridge, (Octl) CREIGHTON & FRASER, etc. Bank of Comu eles ( 8 sidence 32! (Octl . MacBRIEN, BARRISTER ollettor. Suite 201, 70 King East, a Hotel. Phone 349. (Octl) Eo P. MANGAN, K.C., .. BARRISTER, eitor. Money to loan. Office, " Street East, Oshawa. Phope 4 44. Beskenae phone 837. MARKS, BARRISTER, ar ote gy King East, Room 2. Phones ce, 55; Residence, 3687R. (Octl) | J. PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, rristers. Mortgage loans, National Rousing Act loans. 26 Simcoe North. 1614. Res., 1975J. (Octl) F. SWARTZ, BARRIS 287TW. Octl) a. Physicians ana Surgeons h SURGEON, 153 KING BT. "Phone 3832. Hours: eleven hry OPPOSITE POST O! 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday | Friday evenings, 7 to 9 Phone (Oct1) Al LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: ._to p.m., Wednesday 9 to 1. Ji Optometrist. Prone = INSURANCE SERVICE t 3, for any of your insurance .L of insurance includ- le. 2212 King Street East, phone Res., 4318R. (Octl) eterinarians oF. eS STER, i surgery 36, West. Ione 2010. + Money To Loan NTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR Lhorisages. oe? NA and Build- M. Swarlz, Bar- By Sire No. 4. Phone (ost. 1tf) LARGE AND 101 Richmond (Octl) T. gy Plans' 8nd Applications to Mur- ch National Housing Act Buliding ahs. A. E. Murdoch, Broker, Over tons. (Oct.11) Instruction JLET AND TAP DANCING TAUGHT Jdrenie Harvey. Register Saturday in George's Parish Hall, Centre Street. (Qct. 22) [VATE INSTRUCTION IN LATEST ern dances, including fox trot, Altz, rhumba, tango, samba, jitterbug. ibe 4666] now and make appoint- at for free 'grial lesson. (Oct22) COMM TAL SUBJECTS, DIC- eter, new classes com- nday. Oshawa Business North. Phone 1314. 215tf 4 one, com "ice each flege, 18S 5c) $4, 00 --$2,500 cash. 6-room bun- galow. Good spacious rooms. In good condition. 3 extra lots. Strawberries, raspberries and aspara- gus. North Oshawa. $5, 20 --$1,000 cash. 8-room Insul brick. All conveniences. Lot, 35° x 400". Two apartments rented, $21.50 each, One available for pur- chaser. $9,500 06, s.500m mouse. 3- piece bath. Furnace, barn, garage. Home in good condition. Beautiful sure roundings. 1 mile from Corporation. $ 6 50 --7 rooms. Attractive home. ' Good condition. Subur- ban district. Make best offer. > GORDON K. HARDY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 5380 80 SIMCOE ST. 8. (2268) 6 ROOM HOUSE, VACANT, YOULD take late model car as down ent. Call at 92 Bond W. Phone 1 5 (324¢) $5 00 --Six-room house, hot-air ' heating, six acres 13% land, well, barn, some fruit. 3 cash, balance on first mortgage. miles from Four Corners; will ww change. $ 1 80 --East Whitby, three rooms, ' Insul-Brick; new. Hydro, city water. Lot 53'x1 39". JONES & NOLAN BROKERS (224c) Articles for Sale .. 30 Punale Say Articles WAKE » . » Agents Wanted . Auditors ....... Por erseneiee BB Automobile Repairs Auction Bale ...... BATION ...oo00e. § Sullding Trades ... 11 aie Wanted. #1 CLASSIFIED Above aves apply emly to original fubsoquant full word. All Classified Advertisements before publication. Offices hours: INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS ONB oN NON vil rom LL] " FER comsscurive agarions ul insertions ordered at mew orgimal Prtiyeual ang; Businsis Ustings 33.400 per 80 words or lese. 20 additional for All words over 20. Bach tnitial letter, abbréviation, 8 and ¢ n, t 88 « sig! Aur count: 4 Physicians sng » Surgeons capes M8 Pets and Livestock 3 Radio Repairs ..., Real Estate A 38--Female Help | Wanted FULLY EXPERIEN CED OFFICE "GIRL, must be capable of taking complete charge of 'office. Supply references. Apply Bradley Furniture Co., 40 King (226¢c) WOMAN FOR CLEANING 1 EVERY FRI- day morning, 2 to 3 hours. Phone 3357TR or 1918J. (224c) WAITRESS WANTED, EXPERIENCED. Apply Grand Restaurant. (2231) x Rea! Estate For Bal reesceeee AD RATES 2 ) Words Bach Add ar Li Word E) 8 M MK orders for consecutive insertions. at a later date comstitute a 10c addi MUST be in by 6 pam. the Daily 8-6+ Saturday 8-5. - 32--Automohiles for Sale 36--Articles for Sale '4T PONTIAC OCOACH, EXCELLENT condition. Must be sold. Best cash offer. 79 Simcoe St. N. Phone 288, ; (224c) 47 PONTIAC SEDAN, HEATER, DE- froster, in excellent condition. Make offer, after 6. 86 Wood St. (226b) '35 MASTER OHEV, MECHANICALLY O.K,, good tires, Jaater, new paint job. Apply 336 Kingsdale (224c "36 PLYMOUTH, 4-L 5008 E04 N, NEW tires, twin horns, heater, Al running condition, $575. Apply "an Ritson h. (224c) DON'T FORGET ME I have a good selection of fine homes. Let me know your re- quirements, I can help you select your home in the district you desire. WILFRED McAULEY 150 DIVISION ST. PHONE 3510M REALTOR (324c) $5 20 --Very cosy 4-room frame I) bungalow. Fully insu- lated. Large kitchen with modern cup- boards. Inlaid linoleum in kitchen and bathroom. - Nice living-room. Venetian blinds.. All well decorated. Garage, ce- ment floors. Good garden space. North section near Mary St, 'Possession 30 days. --6 room frame. Excelient $4, 80 condition throug '34 DODGE, FAIR CONDITION, ALSO Briggs Stratton motor bike, one year old, excellent condition. Phone Pick- ering 5211, (224c) 33-Automobiles Wanted MORE CASH FOR YOUR CAR AT Dodd's Car Lot, 418 Park Road South. Phone 287: 2872W. (Oct? YOUR CASH FOR CAM! BRAMLEY Motor Sales, 1271 Simcoe Street North. Phone 4695W. (Oct3) Selling your car on consignment enables us to get you high current prices. Many cash buyers waiting. Our fee, $10. BELMONT MOTORS 137 KING ST. W. -- PHONE 4808 (21911) Large kitchen. Enclosed verandah .New asphalt roof and garage. Half cash re- quired. $6 00 ~North Oshawa. 6-room ' frame: new, all modern conveniences. Fireplace in living-room. Garage. Low taxes. Early 34--Pets and Livestock GOOD FEMALE HOUND, FOR SALE. Three years old. 580 Front Bt. _(226p) 10 PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD, FOR SALE, Selby {eetch, R.R. 1, Brooklin, Phone W. E. HOLMES BROKER 19 ONTARIO ST. PHONE 328 (226b) + (2268) Ve THE NEW K AT WAU- bena Kennels, 1 mile west of Oshawa, for lovely cocker spaniels, registered. Reasonable. (Oct. 25) REDBONE AND BEAGLE HOUNDS, 4 months old; yr.-old Irish spaniel, train- ed; bl Phone 4141J3. (225¢) 26--Real Estate Wanted SMALL LOT, IN BUSINESS SECTION, please state Jrice. and locality. Box 335, Times-Gazet (224¢) 29--Rooms For Rent VERY NICE BEDROOM, HOT WATER, spring mattress; gentleman, abstainer. 25 Division 8 Street. (226b) ¢ c TANKS INSTALLED, ALSO cementing Jone done. For infor- tion. call 3434W. (Oct. 21) INTING AND DECORATING. SPRAY Bag Sn Harold Carter, 188 Bruce St. ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED ROOM, twin beds; gentlemen preferred. Phone 3725J. (Tues, Thur.,Mon.) FURNISHED ROOM WITH "PRIVATE family, residential district; board op- tional. Box 339, Times- Gazette. (326¢c) APARTMENT, LIVING ROOM, BED- room, klichanette, built-in cupboards, 3- 3-place Bath. usiness couple prefer- 1, ing 8t. E. (220s) Sept28) Personal Services Y-WIDE CONTRACTORS, SPECIAL- is. in gong, asphalt shingles, m! wilt, caulkinf of door and dows. Free estimate. Phone 4392J. (Sept24) PLICATING, TL MAIL- , Advertising and Accounting Service. ham Bickle, 205 Arthur Suess. 104J. " ails VON GUNTEN, EXPERT maker. Repair shop at Pd os esi. Your patronage sallcyien: LARGE BRIGHT Dy hals, Slaeny, or convales- ie Ca TWO Tn. ed rooms; centrally located; for three or more rooms or apartment. Phone 992J. (2254) FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE FOR business couple " Wad of privileges. Phone 1 1 FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUIT ONE or married couple, close to Fittings and Motors. Phone 1 18487. (324¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM, EVERY CON- venience, part board if desired, cen- tral. Phone 37I8R. (224c) 29a--For Rent SPRING Noun I PORTABLE PHONO- gus, requirin care. ced ide 8 hours' super- 8 (Oct.4) 8 Athol St. E. rd players, radios, fahos. Wilson & Lee, Music Store, 16 imcoe North. (Oct.3) ousehold pair 31--Wanted to Rent 'ERFIELDS, UILT, RECO- Like new. why pay more? Our are reasonable isfaction guar 'ed. Phone 5280W nights, 211 dy rhs qistered. Bee our Tm, r e onion, Dalton. ( for est 4 ~Radio Repairs ., AIRS TO ALL MAKES OF In & Lee, 79 Simcoe Nort! DIOS Phone (Oct2) Opportunities RESS SHOPPE CAR- ts, dresses, sport things, lin- up-to-date fixtures and long lease. Doing real . Owner has other inter- nes-Gazette. (225¢) BLONDE MALE COCKER arently young and well H. Murphy. Phone Brook- (225b) \ FREE FIGURE ANA- ssw. asrvics; Tele Oct. 9 rs; 2653 Edward's (Oct. 18) T, 50° X 150'; HY- 0 down. 2 years ing St. W. (225d 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS WANT- ed by young business couple. Refer- ences. Phone 247, Mr. Wickets. 0 5 STORE, IN BUSINESS aE: | tion. Box 335, Times-Gazette. (224e) YOUNG COUPLE DESIRE UNFURN- ished apartment. References, Phone 52693 (224¢) APARTMENT URGENTLY NEEDED Young couple -- newly arrived in' Oshawa -- steady employment. Leave information with T. L. WILSON Phone 35 Times-Gazette 32--Automobiles for Sale '3 OLDS, 5 PASSENGER COUPE, lovely condition, id nt, tires, new motor Flach Phon 6J. (224¢) A LASS, COT AN AND INSTALLED, for any it car or truck. "J te" Walker, located at' nants ice Station, 102 Simcoe N. L] 3 (Oct.14) GOOD HUNTING DOG 18 A GOOD friend, two Springer Spaniels, 2 yr. old male, one female thoroughbred spaniel. Apply 473 Ritson South. {3245 LABRADOR PUPPY. Phone 94. _, (224¢) 34a--Farmers' Column FALL PLOWING, CORD WOOD CUT by tractor. Phone C. Campbell, wT ) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE COW, FOR' sale, due in Feb. Grade Ayrshire cow, for sale, fresh. Phone Brooklin IBis b) 35--Wearing Apparel LADY'S SUIT, SIZE 16; BOY'S 2-PANT suit, nine years; several misses' dresses, skirt, blouses and raincoat, size 16. Phone 1953J. (2268) BOY'S BEIGE AND BROWN THREE- plece winter coat set. Coat, leggings and helmet, size 2. 374 Buena iste: ( 26a) LADY'S BICYCLE, $20; GIRL'S BLUE wool ski suit, 12-14, $5. 30 Avenue St. (2262) GIRL'S COATS, DRESSES, SKIR1S, 12-14 2.14 Jars; lady's coat, size 38. Phone 4335-W. (225b) LADIES' WINTER COAT, DARK green, fox fur bib collar, chamois lined, size 38. Youth's brown tweed overcoat, size 16. Youth's brown tweed suit, size 16 (nearly new). All in excellent con- dition, e 1168-J. (225b) X'S GOLD DRESS, 18; PAIR NU- corsets, sise 30; boy's '3-piece coat size 6x; perfect condition. Bhone . 2262) GREY WINTER COAT, SIZE ; excellent condition. Phone A ( Sl) vice, ars a, Li Bond 85 (Oct?) Size 38. Only worn t fect ae Call 1784R. pid USED As we fovia, vung Sid she" pol Sait, a Artic For Sale BENCH-8AW, MOUNTED | Phon: on Complete with switch. One % spool bed and spring. Phone 19900. 227 VEGETABLES FOR BALE. APPLY 318 Bloor Street Bast. Phone 3338R, after (226¢c) A STANDARD BICYCLE, OVER- hauled, like new, $25. 283 Gibbon Street. (226b) --_PHONE 4803. (2268) WOOD TURNING LATHE; Xd pointer planet. 312 _French St. (226b) RUG, 9'x13%'. KITCHEN CAB Good condition. 10" OIL BURNER, WITH OR WITH- out stove, and 2 _drums. Apply 271 Park RA. 8. (2326p) , HONEY, MAPLE. one as: (2268) DOUBLE SIZE METAL BED AND 4 also large wooden crib. Phone (2260) AND BEECH HARDWOOD, DE- livered in of ha 4-cord loads, mixed xed softwood. Apply R. C. '47 CHEVROLET - TRUCK, 2-ton, stake body, best running condi- tion. Price $1,800. ALSO 39 FORD SEDAN, new motor, new tires, A-1 running condition, APPLY PAUL PIURKO 910 KING ST. . WHITBY, ONT. PHONE 2238 _ Michaels, A RR. 1. (2261) SPANISH ONIONS, UNGRADED, $2.50 bushel; carrots, $1 bushel. J. Carter, Thornton's. Corners Road North. 202-J5. (226b) re nina, one Son, "IONE ne g five! Phone RECONDITION (325b) ys CAND i . Ron md phi an nia Souler Bes Best Sa. * ase) 123-GAUGE price $60, ay, 225¢) Briers SUITE, ~ NATURAL AND pv IN PUMP Apply 733 Rowena 8. Ph (asm) | 7-TUBE CABINET RADIO; FINDLAY cook stove; l3-hp. motor; condition. Phone 188-R. 2 LINOLEUM RUGS, 6'x9', $2.50 each; high chair, $2.50; bed pan, $2.00; bad- minten press and racquet, $2.00; ten- nis racquet and press, $1.00; man's skates and boots, $2.00; lady's Bulova wrist watch, $20.00; two coal shovels and snow shovel, 50c each. Phone 4640R. (226a) SUITABLE FOR Phone 5035-W. (225¢) Ics, FOR SALE, MAN'S. PHONE 5266J. (225¢) AND FILMS, spring. Phone (225¢) 18' 160A 45-GALLON DRUMS, fuel oil, $3.75 each. 16-MM. also steel 3457-W. GARAGE DOORS, | AND TI TIMBERS, to 30' long; also Fireman st®ker. Park Rd. North (225¢) LARGE QUEBEC HEATER, LIKE NEW; 4 ft. 6 walnut steel bed and spring. Apply 2 285 5_Gliddon Ave.. (224 c) 9 PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE. PH. T32R. (324c) N- (22 PROJECTOR, bed and EVERREADY RADIO, PERFECT dition, $15. Phone 3640R. ICE BOX, HOLDS 75 POUNDS, A-1 Soadision. Apply 254 Athol East, Shu 3 (224c) CHROME KITCHEN SET, ENAMEL top table. New condition; 2 boys' ov- ercoats, size 6-8, 10-12 years. 380 Beverley St. CHOICE RIPE OR GREEN TOMATOES, reserve now, Large basket 65c; bushel 1.49. Cucumbers, 39c basket up. Gle- coff Grocmeateria. Phone 8235. (Oct.10) USED SEWING 3 MACHINES, $19.75 and up. singe: Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontario Street (205t1) FOR YOUR BUILDING We can supply you with' wonderful spruce for your building needs. 2x4, 5, 6, 8, 10, any length. Also 1 in. sheathing, door and window frame material, baseboards, etc. 1 and 2 in. rough pine, dry. 473 RITSON RD. S. (MW, F.t1) SHOT GUN, 12-GA. DOUBLE BARREL, hammerless Tobin, $45. Moore, 37 Louisa St (2221) FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS IN SNAP-ON SOCKET SETS BLUEPOINT WRENCHES VACUUM-GRIP PLIERS CALL G. A. DIGNEM 489 King St. E, Oshawa. Phone 2061-M D.V.A. Credits Accepted. (2321) PIANO "LONSDALE", WITH BENCH; in first-class condition. Reduced to $85. Cash, Must be sold. this week. Phone 3647. (2211) BODY HARDWOOD $16 A CORD DELIVERED Write ALLAN DOWNES R.R. 1, PONTYPOOL (Oct. 5) ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! LET US convert your treadle machine into a lovely ectric Portable Sewing Ma- chine. For a reasonable amount we can change over for you. Write or phone for a Jemonstration in your own me. Singer Sewing, Machine Com- pany, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. (205tf) AWNINGS, ONLY PPLY available. Order now. Chairs and tables for rent. Oleve Fox, 412 ea Oshawa. MIXED WOOD SLABS, $8. id wood, $10 half cords; cedar posts. Phone 3903-J. (Oct. 22) RENT A PORTABLE ELECTRIC SEW- ing machine in your own home, $6 a Singer C y Phone S22 (224c) |, sv--Viale Help Wanted MAN WANTED FOR\RAWLEIGH BUSI- ness. No experience capital necessary. Sales easy to make [and profits large. Start immediately. / Write Rawleigh's Dept. ML-1- 310-190, Montreal, Que. (Sept7, 13,20, 27) EXTRA MONEY EASILY EARNED BY showing our unexcelled line of Christ- mas cards, seals, gift wrapping, Christ- mas tree decorations, personal and everyday cards. Our larger line gives greater variety, is positively more at- tractive, easier to sell and will make more profits for you. Send at once for samples. Monarch Greeting Card Co., 47 Easton Avenue North, Hamilton, Ontario. (Octl4) 41--Employment Wanted REPAIRING TRILIGHTS, RANGETTES, ranges, all household electrical appii- ances, Frank Snudden; Phone 919W. 107 Athol East. (Oct.18) 43--Auction Sales I have been authorized to sell by pub- lic auction for Percy W, Davidson, Lots 30-31, Con. 4, Darlington (1! mlles east of Taunton and south) on Wed. Sept. 20th, his farm, stock, {mple- ments, (Fordson Tractor on rubber), Grain, Harness, Poultry, Pigs, and etc. Sale, 1 pm. Terms: cash. Eimer Wil- bur, Auctioneer. (Sept23,27) Bank Accountant On Theft Charge Involving $4,000 Toronto, Sept. 27--(CP) -- A 28- year-old former bank accountant to- day faces three charges involving theft of $4,000 in bonds. Police arrested Stanley Trowhill of Port Dover, 28 miles southh of Brantford Saturday and accused him of taking the bands during con- fusion which followed a $250,000 safety deposit box robbery 17 months ago at the Royal Bank of Canada branch at College and Bathurst Streets in west-central Toronto. Trowhill resigned from the bank two weeks after the robbery, police said, and went to Port Dover where he established a successful auto agency and repair shop. He is mar- ried and has one child. , After the Bank of Canada report- ed that the $4,000 in bonds were cashed last May, police began the investigation which led to Trowhill's arrest. The main robbery, still unsolved, took place April 23, 1947, when three hooded bandits broke into the building. They bound two men and three women who lived in apart- ments over the bank and then broke into a safety deposit vault" Much of the loot has been recovered. Two Toronto detectives found bonds and other valuables worth some $179,000 in one cache and $5,000 was found in another, Some $20,000 in bonds was recovered at Montreal. J.J. Fitzgerald To Contest Seat. Against Pearson Blind River, Sept. 27--(CP)--John J. Fitzgerald, President of thie Social Credit League of Ontario, will op- pose External Affairs Minister Pear- son in the Oct. 25 federal by-election in Algoma Fast. This was announced here today as the outcome of meetings held by the Social Credit League in the four largest towns in the scattered con- stituency--at Blind River, Thessa- lon, Espanola and Chapleau. Mr. Fitzgerald, one-time secretary of the Montreal Board of Trade, is in the lumbering business here, The nomination announcement assures an election battle for Mr. Pearson, member of the diplomatic service recently appointed to the Ex. ternal Affairs Ministry, The seat was opened for him through the elevation of Thomas Farquhar, Lib- eral, to the Senate, The CCF. party executive meets at Walford tonight to decide whe- then to enter a candidate. ONE-HANDED WATCHES The earliest watches had just one hand -- the minute hand was in- vented in 1687. A STOCE OF WRINGER rolls and beits for aiI_makes of wash ers. Tack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. e 3800W. TBendstr) BAKERS TRIUMPH 60-Quart Capacity. Nearly new. 60-cycle PENDRITH GAS PASTRY OVEN: 3-decker $ | 00 ST ne ve 51 APPLY 71 HARMONY SOUTH (2262) 37--Articles Wanted READY-MIXED CONCRETE Sand and Gravel ! Any Quantity -- ® Washed Sand ® Washed Crushed Gravel Prompt Delivery ! CURRAN & BRIGGS Call ' Oshawa 4145R CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED FUR- niture, ice box, Quebec heater. . 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M. (Oct13) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED. Ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West, 3328. (Oct10) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PAPER. rags, mattresses, iron Local and out of town Oe Coa up free, Phone 635, Cedardale Iron and Metals, 100 Annis St. East of oN Station. 38--Female Help Ware FOR 40-BED GENERAL HOSPITAL. General Duty Nurses, Surgical, Med- ical and Obstetrical work, with rotat- ing shiiis each month, 8 hour day, 6 day week, three weeks vacation and two weeks sick time allowed with pay, per year. Salary $130.00 per month, with full maintenance and uniforms laundered. Appl Tillsonburg Sold- KELLOGGS FOR ASTHMA & HAY FEVER ri Memorial ospital, Tiusony DoE. Paper Claims N.Z. Losing Will to Work By J. C. GRAHAM Canadian Press Correspondent Auckland, N.Z.-- (CP) -- Claims that the New Zealand government's all-embracing social security pro- gram, the 40-hour week, and the present super-abundance of jobs are reducing the will to work are being made with increasing fre- quency in New Zealand. This view is forcibly put in the latést issue of Kiwi, journal of one of the Dominion's ex-servicemen"s organizations. "Throughout our trade unions today there is a creep- ing paralysis," it declares. "Full employment and social security have removed the carrot no less than the stick. "Nobody has to work: hard today. So' few do. There is no real dis- cipline for the loafer, just as there is no real incentive for the willing worker. "Already the cry has been raised: 'Back to the 40-hour week. If the workers of this country forfeit their cherished leisure they will have themselves to thank. At pres- ent we are not producing enough, or working hard enough in the 40-hour week to sustain our stand- ard of life. Our national wealth is drying up because there are too many loafers on the job. That is why we cannot get homes ilt fast enough and farms open up and returned men rehabilitated ac- cording to schedule. "We hate to see .a people's gov- erhment betrayed by loafers who regard an honest day's work as a stupid concession to the employer. ! We think it a bitter thing to find our people so well treated that they are losing their capacity for honest work," Some business men fully endorse this view. They maintain that N Zealanders are losing the stur independence of character of the 2 Tugs Find $1 Million In Ocean Salvage Halifax, Sept. 27--(CP)--Two Ha- lifax tugs--Foundation Lillian and Foundation Josephine -- found $1,- 000,000 worth of salvage 900 miles southeast of here today and they rye standing by the abandoned British freighter Leicester trying to figure how to get her to Bermuda. Seven men were lost overboard and 39 men saved by rescue ship when the Leicester was caught in the Sept. 16 hurricane. The ship developed a bad list and seemed destined to founder as heavy seas washed over her and she sprang a leak. The ship is worth $1,000,000 in salvage and the Halifax tugs began their search after a French ship reported she was still afloat. The stricken ship was first sight- ed today by the Lillian after a 10~ day search by the two tugs. The Josephine quickly arrived on the scene and both powerful sea-going salvage vessels were standing by. An official of the Foundation Company said any attempt to tow the ship to porf would be an "ex- tremely difficult operation and will require great skill and seaman- ship." The Leicester is in ballast. pioneers and under a system of cradle-to-grave state protection think they can spend their way to prosperity. Other employers are less sweep- ing. They doubt if there is much basic change. in the outlook to work, but think the current shortage of labor gives the loafer a temporary immunity he has not always en- joyed. Others think the lessening of margins between skilled and un- skilled labor Has had a bad effect but think that when sufficient ine centive is offered the New Zealand- er of today will work as hard as his forefathers. sr -- London--(CP)-- After receiving election literature since he was a few months old, Lionel Scott, six, living in the Stoke Newington dis- trict of London, now has been struck off the borough's revised Electoral Roll. LAST CALL for TICKETS OSHAWA BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION DINNER ADELAIDE 'HOUSE 6.30 Thursday, September 30 Tickets available from any member of the executive up to 6 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday). OSHAWA BRANCH vis WHITBY BRANCH PICKERING BRANCH A BOWMANVILLE BRANCH PORT PERRY BRANCH . Saving is like a game, except that if you follow the rules of the game, you will always win. The rules are simple. Deposit your money with us regularly--so much every so often. And do not "withdraw" your money until you have to your "credit" enough to buy something you really want. Then start over again. You will find that saving in this way will become a habit--a good habit that you will be glad to have as you ' grow older. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE N. S. McFadyen, "J. H. Goodwin, J. R. Helm, Manager Manager Manager 4, G, BGaicinan, . R. Shortreed, R. L. Mitchell, h