NE Br THURSDAY, OCTOBER "14, 1948 THE-DAILY -TIMES-GAZETTE 'Loves Canada' Gives Hospital $3,000 Cheque London. Ont.. Oct. g4--(CP)--Be- cause he "loves Canadh" and because a, stranger said that ictoria Public pital here was one of the best in the country, R. E. Stevenson, a re- tired farmer from White Pigeon, Mich., today walked into the hospi- tal and presented it with three cheques totalling $3,000. Of the total $1,000 will be used for the students' equipment fund, another $1,000 for a students' loan fund and the remainder will set up a student nurses -scholarship fund. Mr. Stevenson first heard of Vic- |, toria Hospital when he was on va- cation in the Georgian Bay area in the summer, He crossed the border at Sarnia and there asked a woman what she thought was one of the best hospitals in Canada, "Victoria Hospital, in London," she replied, Sixteen Seamen Get Jail Terms Welland, Oct. 14--(OP)--Sixieen members of the Canadian Seamen's Union (T.L.C.) were each senten- ced to seven months Wednesday on charges of assault and mischief, arising from the boarding of the steamship Glenelg at Thorold, Ont. last April 22. Each will pay $12.50 costs. ; Sentenced were: Beverley Arm- strong, 18, Durham; William King, 19, Belle River; George Batten, 17, Toronto; John Fraser, 18, Windsor; Bernard Lalone, 19, Belle River; Robert McKelvie, 18 Toronto; George Maynard, 17, Peterborough; Fred McLean, 18, Orillia; Hubert McNeil, 19, Toronto; Walter Za- blotzy, 19, Delhi; Albert Peters, 18, Saskatoon; George Gallichon, 19, Port Colborne; Edward Dupuis, 20, Belle River; John H. McGounell, 19, Toronto; James Burke, 22, In- verness, N.S.; and Arthur Donald, 19, Toronto. Four other members of the C.S.U. still face boarding charges aris- ing from the incident. They are: Michael Jackson, Toronto; Basil Dawson, Owen Sound; Raymond Fougere, Truro, N.S.; and Louis Schmaltz, Thorold. Two Jap Navy Officers Sentenced to Hang Yokohama, Oct. 14--(AP)--A Un. tenced two former Japanese navy officers to be hanged and six others to serve hard.labor prison terms for murders and brutalities against al- lied prisoners of war. A military commission ordered the ution of Warrant Officer Kaku® Iida, commander of the in- famou§ Ofuna Interrogation Centre, and Cpt. Jiro Akita, chief of the Yokosuka Medical Unit. Monty and Paramount Chief Five western nations have chosen British Field Marshal Viscount Mont- gomery to be commander in chief of their combined armies for defence against possible eastern r.ggression. The five nations are, England, France, and the three Benelux nations (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg). This is the first picture made of Monty after he had been named for the top post. He is shown at London talking to Nam Sir Thibu Darku, a paramount chief and the ninth of his name to be Omanhene of Asin Atandasu., Monty met the African chief during the colonial conference at Lancaster House, --Central Press Canadian Four-Acre Island Floats Down To N orth River Dam The Pas, Man., Oct. 14--(CP)-- | go down the spillway and ultimate- Anybody lost four acres of land? |ly be deposited in one of the count- If so, they should apply to R. W. less lakes below the dam. Davis, superintendent of the | Disclosure of the stranded haz- Churchill River Power Company at [ard to northern power production Island Falls, Sask. | followed a recent discussion con- He's impounded four acres for |cerning a tropical island reported trespassing in the Churchill Riv- located in Northern Manitoba. The er. | latter island, cf which little is yet The wandering tract of land, | known, is to be investigated by complete with spruce trees and provincial Mines and Resources of- other vegetation, suddenly appear- |ficials from Manitoba and Sas- ed above the Churchill River dam, |katchewan. ; extending 500 feet upstream and | As yet, however officials say they greatly altering the known scenery |Can give no explanation for a with it moving panorama of tower- | tropical island squatting in the ing trees. It was not the first floating is- | they have an explanation for the land to drift along with the river's | floating island trespassing in the current, but Mr. Davis said it was [Churchill River. by far the largest. Technically, damming the river Tt bobbed around above the |is reported to have caused a rise in tumbling 'spillway at the dam, the water level, with sufficient pull while the suction of the water tore |being exerted on buoyant muskeg and churned at the muskeg mat- [to detach considerable portions tress which formed its foundation. |from the shoreline. Workers prodded and pulled at | Sr------------ chunks of the island until it was| The hardness of the topaz is al- reduced to small enough pieces to ' most equal to that of the emerald. - ITS FINER...RICHER... - [15 CHASE 5 SANBORN TASTE IT! J Such glorious flavor, words can't tell you! You'll have to 'taste it | Taste this finer, richer Chase & Sanborn today ! You'll see why so many, many people say, "This is real coffee!" 7 2 Z ZZ = fli firm 7 J [TH 7% "It's the finest coffee money can 2 buy!" Get a pound of Chase & Sanborn coffee from your grocer today ! Vacuum packed or in the economical paper bag. | midst of the morthland's chill. But | will be held next Sunday, Oct 17 at 11 a.m.. The pulpit will be occupied by Rev. E. A. Cresswell of Tyrone. Tae choir of North Oshawa United Church will provide music, At 7:30 Correspondent p.m. Rev. Ivan E. Kennedy of Clare- Raglan, Oct, 13--The anniversary mont will preach and the male quar- services of Raglan United Church |tette of Columbus will sing. Every- Anniversary At Raglan Church L. M. LUKE FIRST GERMAN RAILWAY Germany's first railway was erated in 1£32 between Nuer berg and Furth. | body welcome. V. Hawkins, of Toronto. Miss Hazel Pierson accompanied| Mrs, J, Latimer attended the fun- friends on a trip to New York City | eral of her cousin, the late Mrs. Ben over the holiday week-end. | Johnson at Manilla on Tuesday. Mrs, Harold Luke was in Toronfe|- Glad to yeport Mrs. G. Stacey and a few days this week. : Mr, Seymour Brown better and able Mr. and Mrs. A. Pilkie spent |to return home from Oshawa Gen- Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. | eral Hospital. PIONEER GLASS-MAKERS Enfland was the first country use coal in the making of glas Citizens of Oshawa KIWANIS DOWN. Remember, Tomorrow and Saturday will see the start of the Kiwanis Peanut Days in Oshawa. Wherever you are when a tagger approaches you . . . at home . .. in the factory . .. or on the street . . . DON'T TURN THEM of Oshawa . .. so give generously. You're Not Asked To Buy... Just GIVE What You Like... BUT ! Tomorrow and Saturday are PEANUT DAYS they're out trying to do a job for thc needy children PLEASE... BE ENEROUS! Pigs HELP THE KIWANIS TO HELP THE KIDDIES! a 3 «..A Beautiful Lady's or Man's GOLD WRIST WATCH Donated By Bassett's Jewellers WILL BE GIVEN FREE! ...for The Nearest Correct Answer TO THE N Number of Planters Peanuts on The Float Pictured Here! BE SURE AND GET YOUR ENTRY FORM FOR THIS FROM THE TAGGERS AND REGISTER YOUR GUESS! Don't Miss This!