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Daily Times-Gazette, 19 Oct 1948, p. 14

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EA £8 A a RR, -- PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1943 v WANT AD SECTION <5 2555.84 BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Femaie Help Wanted .. For Rens Articles tor Sale .. 36 Articles Wanted .. 37 Wanted .... $0 1---Auditors 8. T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED oral osountan 24 Alger BIdR., ,King East Phone 2127. Consulting Are and auditor. (Novl) 2---Bariisters LOUIS. 8. JEYMAN. BARRISTER EC i li TER Phpne 67. Residence asl Novi) GEN- pNANT AND ANNIS, TE FP, Annis, £5 733 Simcoe Street " Phone 4 769. (Novl) Auditors ........e0 1 Automobiles Por Sale tevsesses 33 Male Help Wanted Male and we GREER. K.C., BARRISTER. King k Phon® Sion" of esidence "S514 Resident partner, W Pollard, K.C.. Uxbridge, 3 ( Novl) GRIERSON, GHTON & FRASER, Barristers, R. D. HU Solicitor, ete. Phones; Office, Joan. TER, West. sidence 3207. CREI etc. Bank of Commerce Money to Novl) (Nov1) fi KC. FARRIS Str JAMES 'Rs; MacBRIEN, FE and Solicitor. Suite 201, 70 King East, G Hotel. Phone 349. Ses) Ki © ars: EPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BARRIST: citor, Money to loan. Office, i Street East, Oshawa. Phone 445, dence, phone 837. (Novl) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER. SOLI- citor, 11 King East, Room 2. Phones ice, 55; R 3687R. (Novl) AND J. A. YANCH, rtgage loans, National ply ©» 41 1 Optometrists CLASSIFIED ONE INSERTION .....ccc00. 0000 TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS. EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE Above raves apply only to original new Professional and Business iistings $3.00 20c additiomal 30 words or less. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ an full word, Box charged Toe additional. All Classified Advertisements before publication. Offics hours: Housing Act Pemale Help Wanted ... 3 AD RATES 20 Words Bach Add or Lu © fiord 1.00 INSERTION .... 25 ty orders for consecutive issertions. at a later date: comstitute a ordes. month for for all Tords over 20. © sign, Sgute cCoumt fs . MUST be in by ¢ pam. the day Daily 8-6. Saturday 8-8 joans. 26 Simc Phone 1614. Res., 1975J. MANNING EW, SWARTZ. , Nota: Bassett Block, Site No No. if Phone ea, Res., 28TTW, (Novl) 3a--Physiclans and Surgeons 24--Personal BABY-SITTERS--3 EX-SERVICE STU- dents of University of Toronto at Sax available M yy Wed and Thursday evenings. "Call 5591~ w after 6 (243¢c) 25--Real Estate For Sale $5, 000 Sr 6-room bungalow, insulated, modern, tiled kitchen bath, extra toilet, and garage. DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING st East, Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: I to 12 and Seiept Wed. and Sat). 2 to'4 and 7 to (Novl) 5--Optometrists " hod BRA hid ud C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, ' 12,2 to 5 and Monaas, Wednesday Friday evenings, 9. Phone 1516, (Novl) AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: 2 am. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, 9 to 1. A. E Johnson, Optometrist. Phone 2 ov. SLENDOR TABLETS ARE EFFECTIVE. Two weeks' Suppl } $1; 12 weeks, $5, at el Tamblyn's, 's and Karns Drug tores. (Oct5,12,19,26) 25---Real Estate For Sale $4,20 old, space for 2 rooms in attic insulated, 3-pc. bath; furnace, electric "water tank, modern kitchen, good lot, quiet district. Inmediate pos- session. Gordon K. Hardy 89 SIMCOE SOUTH --4-room bungalow, 4 yrs. 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE. Consult us for any of your insurance needs. ALL classes of insurance, includ- joe nee, 2 ds Tine Street East. Phone (Novl) 9--Money To Loan CLIENTS' . MONIES o NEA, and FOR first Jor gages. Also .A. and Build- ers Loans. Swartz, Bar- F. piste. Bassett. Block, sults No. iNovitt; | TWO NEW BUNGALOWS, 4 FIRST MORTGAGE |B sharpens 35 tin ONEY en and bathroom. Apply 213 Ritson WE BUY MORTGAGES AND FP SALE South. Phone 1716M. (244c) AG! Ol 112 SIMCOE ST. NORTH $6300 Only $23.70 per month North Shore Realty Co. Ltd. PHONE 81. OSHAWA (Pr. & Int. included) A friendly little bungalow on Simcoe 4 (Tues.-Thurs.-Sat.) 10--instruction St. South in a new subdivision com- prised of all new homes -- your invest- BALLET AND TAP DANCING TAUGHT by Irenie Harvey. Register Saturday In ment is well protected here. Down payment nearly $2800, Included 8t. George's Parish Hall, Centre Street. (Oct. 22) in. this buy is a large 18' living-room, new hot air furnace in full 7° base- PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN LATEST modern dances, including fox trot, ment. This dwelling was built by a competent waltz, rhumba, tango, samba, jitterbug. Phone 4666J now and make appoint- builder to strict N.H.A. specifications. ment for free trial lesson. (Oct22) ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJBOPS. DIC- com- mence each Monday. Ahi Business College, 18 Simcoe North. Phone BI LEARN TO DRIVESAFETY EQUIP- ped cars, dual controls. Harley's School of only '1612 Bond St. E. Phone (24311) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, WHITBY, modern, 5 rooms, colonial, semi-finish- ed attic. Insulated, hardwood floors. Built-in kitchen and bathroom. Hot water heattd, full basement. Large lot, water and sewer, 6 young fruit trees, raspberries, strawberries, asparagus. Terms. 1101 Byron St. 8., Whitby. _(244b) It will be well worth your time to let us personally show you this bungalow which has been designed for efficiency and where housework is made easy In the modern kitchen. DOWN PAYMENT $700 ! 11; storey home on Cadillac Ave. Your opportunity to enjoy life in a well- built-modern dwelling with a minimum of cash outlay. As you can see by the location the dis- trict is an excellent one. This Hole has 5 rooms on the main floor wit! 3, (day or 'evening appotniments. the upstairs not completed but room for two large badrooms upstairs, Nov. 6) itdi House is fully insulated walls and cell- 11--Building Trades iy 8 0 GRAVEL, CINDERS AND | This is a marvellous opportunity 1, dump, stake truck, cement mixer, Purchase the home you want with a t- | low down payment. Ioundaien | forms, for hire. 0 Yor EXCLUSIVE LISTING SEPTIC -. TANKS INSTALLED, ALSO small cementing Ae done. For infor- mation, call (Oct. 21) RELIABLE EAL. SHIN- gling, bulit-up roofing, eavestrough- Days, 3148. Evenings, 1 applied. 545.0 (Nov. 1) PAINTING AND DECORATING. SPRAY ing, Jiuroid Carter, 188 Bruce St. e (Oct28) $1000 DOWN ! 'That's all you need to build youy own home. Inquire about our home owner- ship service, We can arrange an in- terview for you with a competent builder and will arrange to procure the | blueprints you want. If you haven't a lot we may be able to assist you in purchasing one. Come in and see our display of photo- graphs and blueprints, sketches, and lets, They are here for your inspection. Please ask for Mr. Nash at 4400. 12--Personal Services PF. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS watchmaker. Repair shop at 46 King Street West. - Your patronage solicited. (Novl) '14--Household Repairs WhEBUILT, RECO- le. sali more? Our ae ghar. 4] ) REPAIRED AND RE- Bee our materials 'for Eruce Dalton, 75 Phone 401. (Nov T6--Dressmaki ing DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS. REA- sonable rates. 279 Bloor E, Phone 3993-W. (2441) { 17--Radio Repairs REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF RADIOS. Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. none 2388. Nov2) 20--Business Shree EARN MONEY AT HOME. SPARE AND full-time money making. Learn to make candy at home; earn while you , Free equipment supplied. Cor- respondence course. National Institute of Confectionary neq. Delorimier P. , Box 152," Montrea! Que. (Oct. 19) Peto and Found LOST: GOLD EARRING WITH STONES, downtown district. 'Reward. Phone Pickering 90. _ (243c) REWARD, $25. Dhowe 4400 chofield INSURANCE < Agency REALTORS 6 Simcoe St. N. aus) SALE. 'RITSON (2441) BUILDING LOTS, FOR Rd. N. Phone 2413-W. 4 ROOMS, K Oshawa. Insulated, ences. $6,000, half cash, Box 513, | Times-Gazette. (244b) $4,500.25 ee =. ">= $5,500 ace, 'tie "ana hardwood floors, modern kitchen, beautiful home. $6 80 --T7-room brick, 2 yrs. old, ' every convenience, mod- ern, very large living-room, GORDON K. HARDY REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 5380 E, NC NORTH all city conveni- (244a) NEW MODERN _ HOME, STUCCO finish, hardwood floors, fireplace. Oil furnace, all conveniences, large land- About half cash. Located in southeast $3 80 ---5-room brick semi-bun- 1) galow, new furnace, lights & water." Corner lot on Clover- leaf of new highway. $2,200 cash, $3 40 --4-room imitation 'brick, ys TJ! good cellar, built-in cup- boards, lights and water. About 7 yrs. old. College Hill, Half cash. $3, 00 -reom cottage, sunporch, 3-pc. bath, garage, large lot. Mitchell Ave. About half cash. Owner leaving city. $3 00 ~--New 4-room insul-brick, ' good basement, electric. Stevenson's Rd, N. $800 down. L I HAVE OTHERS. WILFRED McAULEY REALTOR 150 DIVISION ST. PHONE 3510M ANYTIME (244a) $8,350 --CADILLAC NORTH. Five rooms, brick bungalow. alr - conditioned, Bullt - in garage. cash, balance $40 per month' to include interest and principal, Interest at 5 per cent. Possession ov. 15, 1948, PRE-WAR BRICK BUNGALOW Westmoreland Avenue. Hardwood floors, hot-air heating, garage. Vacant. Pos- session. JONE BR SEE ES & NOLAN OKERS (asd) --Terms, 5-room new bun- galow. Hardwood floors, laun- $7,00 tile kitchen and bath; shower, dry tubs, lot 60' by 250°. $7 50 --Terms. 8 - room brick ' dwelling. Hardwood floors throughout. All conveniences. Garage; central. Immediate possession. BERT PEYTON Real Estate and Insurance Broker _ M. DICA, Salesman BOND ST. E. (244b) FOR SALE Beautiful summer home on Crowe Lake. Brand new, 28'x40', with three bedrooms, clothes closets, large living room with stone fireplace, and kitchen with bullt-in cup- boards. Winterized. APPLY RALPH E. MOWBRAY Phone 11-r-13, BROOKLIN, ONT. (2441) $8,400 $3,400 Cash. New 5 room brick bungalow. in new residential area of Que- bec St. Hardwood floors throughout. Hot water heating, built-in cup- boards, shower, laundry tubs. Modern in all re- gards. Immediate posses- sion. DON MEREDITH REAL: ESTATE BROKER 446 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 5430 H. GOLDSTEIN, Salesman (244a) 2y--Rooms for Rent NEWLY DECORATED, | NICELY FURN- ished Soom for rent. Apply 175 Centre St. after 5 p.m, (242c) WELL FURNISHED ROOM, SINGLE, private home, hot water, central. Gen- tleman preferred. - Phone 527-W. (243c) FE ------ NEWLY DECORATED, NICELY FURN- ished room, Jor J rent, | Apply' 175 Centre Bt. after 5 p (242c) scaped lot, shrubs, flower d Large stucco garage; close to new high- boy A on bis Centre St. South, Whitby. 5. LARGE BLACK CURLY poodle. Lost Sept. 17. Phone Ag, 87R1Z, (243c) WILL PERSON WHO TOOK I LADY'S ONE | SCRA FURNISHED ROOM, sult one gentleman. Phone 3131. (243¢c) ash. Apply to Herold medial R.R. 1, Myr- tle Station, Ont., or 800 Centre Street, Whitby. (242¢c) Gruen white gold watch, Inscribed 1 from chest, vicinity 'George and Edward Apartments, Tuesday, Oct. 5, case FLU Yo. a Jurther a ale, | r No. ward Apts --6-room ' semi - bungalow $7, 200 stucco and oy hot (244a) --SMALL BROWN DOG, ON SAT- | water heated, large modern kitchen, also 2-plece bath up. North TWO "COMFORTABLE BEDROOM close to bus line. Phone 4 4245W. (243b) BED-SITTING | ROOM, St SUIT YOUNG lady or young couple, Phone 4835-W. (2441) COMFORTABLE BED-SITTING ROOM in refined home for abstainer. Phone 5300-J. (244) 29--Rooms for Rent 3-ROOMED UNFURNISHED MODERN apartment. Adults only. Apply Box 515, _Times-Gazet (244d ) Sge=Aiomobiles for Sale 32 GOOD TIRES, FAIR Rs. % Wilkinson Ave, after 6, PY TWO BRIGHT BEATE ROOMS, bedroom furnished, one room unfurn- es if hone ( tT ee __ (244b) FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. Apply 87 Queen St. Phone 4491-W. (244c) 29a--For Rent GARAGE FOR RENT. APPLY al AR. 44b) 30--Room and Board ROOM 4 & Bo. BOARD FOR 2 GIRLS 1} IN hot water. Phone 3T4W. (2401) GOOD HOME, BEST OF CARE FOR oung child. By hour, day or week. eferences. Phone 2048-J. (244c) ROOM AND BOARD AVAILABLE, AP- ply 109 Alice St. Phone 4325-W. (244c) 31--Wanted to Rent 3 OR 4 ROOMED FURNISHED APARTMENT Urgently : Required By young couple. Permanently employed on local newspaper, Apply BOX 426 TIMES-GAZETTE (tf) WANTED TO RENT FOR 5 MONTHS only from Nov. 1st by man and wife, two children, high school students. All non-smokers, clean, quiet and temper- ate. Furnished or unfurnished, Expect reasonable rent for this short period. Paid in- advance. - Box 514, Times- Gazette. (244c) WANTED TO RENT--WAREHOUSE OR section; centrally located. Box 516, Times-Guzette. (Oct 30) 32--Automobi'as for Sale AUTO GLASS, CUT AND INSTALLED, for any make car or truck. "Johnnie" Walker, located at Clement's Service Station, 102 Simcoe N. Phone (Novi4) '39 BUICK SEDAN, HEATER AND DE- froster--$1,175. Phone 2048 Bowman- ville. __(242¢) '31 OLDS. SEDAN. PRICE $175, NAI- man's Garage, 181 Albert Street. (Oct19,21,23) PONTIAC, 5 NEW TIRES, NEW BAT- tery, starting motor. Good condition- ing; must be sold. Apply 30 Westmore- land Ave. (244c) '33 CHEV. STANDARD; GOOD CONDI- tion. Apply 481 Ritson Rd. S. after 6. (244¢) '37 OLDS., RADIO, HEATER; GOOD condition. Apply. Trull's Store, Cour- tice. alla G20) '48 MERCURY, 114, TUDOR; ORIGIN- al owner. Phone 3096-M, (244b) '32 NASH COUPE, $150 OR BEST OF- fer. 72 Cadillac South. El Nicho OSHAWA'S LARGEST and MOST DEPENDABLE USED CAR DEALER SAYS: DON'T MISS OUR SENSATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT IN THIS NEWSPAPER TODAY and TOMORROW QUALITY CARS AT BARGAIN PRICES WE GENERATE OUR OWN ELECTRICITY King W. wee 4904 (244a) 33--Automobiles Wanted MORE CASH FOR YOUR CAR AT Dodd's Car Lot, 418 Park Road South Phone 2872W. (Nov7) CASH FOR YOUR CAR! BRAMLEY Motor Sales. 1271 Simcov Street North Phone 4695W. (Nov3) | 36--Articies For Sale COLD WAVE $595 Phone 308. (Oc! | SPECIAL Huyck's. "ROYAL CREST" WHITE ENAMEL coal and wood 'stove, excellent condi- AT 129) 36--Articles for Sale '2--NMale Help Wanted a i MIXED SLABS, APPROX. 12 CORDS; also mixed stove wood, stove-lengths, Apply Agg's Market, North Oshawa, 44c LADY'S WHITE SKATES, SIZE 5%; tion; blue Gendron pram, Apply 90 Bloor Street West. (244b) WOOD "PRINCESS PAT" COAL A stove, good condition. 'Phone 1557J. (244b) 1 HEAT AND 1 ICE-BOX. APPLY 5 7s Rose Hi Hil B vd. (242¢) GOOD STORM AND SCREEN DOOR. Phone 16M-W, (242) TEN THOUSAND FENCE POSTS, cheap; also American mason's lime, mushroom and sheep manure, Oshawa Nurseries, Phone 3 _(Nov.15) HARDWOOD SLABS . & BODY HARD- Phone 2613-J. (244a) TWO HUNDRED LOADS, CLEAN FILL, at $2, also gravel. Phone 3234 or 53-W, -- (244c) 3-PC. BEDROOM SUITE, . ELECTRIC rangette, chesterfield, chairs. 129 Alice St. (Oct19,21,23) FURNACE\ BLOWER, QUEBEC HEAT- er, radio, dining-room suite, studio couch suite, - single hospital bed and ice-box. Whitby 21 24, (244a) DAVENPORT BED FOR SALE, PHONE 3252-J. (2442) ELECTRIC JANITOR CONTROLS FOR furnace; excellent condition -- $20, Phone 3441-M. (244a) wood, cut in stove wood hs. Phone 3714M. (2431) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls und bests for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St N Phone 3800W, (Oct25t1) TWO HUNDRED BARRELS .CHOICE Spy apples, $2.50 bushel. Walter Davis, Taunton, 1!4 miles north. No . Sun- days. 163W4. (Oct, 23) VENETIAN BLINDS IN FLEXALUM OR steel. Any of 24 colours; concave shaped slat, Priced from $6.60 up. 55 8q. ft. Estimates witho 37--Articles Wanted CASH PAID FOR GOOD FUR- niture, .ice. box, Quebec heaters. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M. (Nov13) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED Ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters 58 King West. 6. (Oct10) USED | MIDDLE-AGED MAN, GOOD DRIVER, | to act as chauffeur or handyman. Ab- | stainer, references. In excha for | room and board. Apply 62 Division St. | Phone 7817J. (243b ) N EXTRA CASH! MAKE MORE money easily in spare time. Just show our beautiful Canadian made Chfistmas cards to your friends. They sell on sight. Many assortments. Gift Cards, Seals, Tags, Wrappings, Everyday Cards. Beautiful free a Du showing personal cards, 25 for for 31.00 and up Liberal rite by AL or unusual The Card Company, 50-AO Bleecker Street, Toronto, (Tues, Thur Sat) WANTED: MAN FOR STEADY TRAVEL among consumers in Oshawa. Perma nent connection with large manufac turer, Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. ML-J~310-131, Montreal. (Oct12,19,26) 41--Employment Wanted REPAIRING TRILIGHTS, RANGETTES, ranges, all household electrical appl ances. Frank Snudden Phone BiaW, 107 Athol East. (Oct. Xi 8) MARRIED WOMEN WILL DO sitting, evenings. Phone 2827-W BABY< ( 244b) AIGHET PRICES PAID FOR PAPER. attresses, | rags, ron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Phone 635 Cedardale Iron ind Metals, 100 Annis St. East of CNR Station. (Oct2) ut George Reid, Phone 2100, 66 Bond St. Wes (Nov.1) 3R--Female Help Wanted BODY HARDWOOD, HARDWOOD slabs, soft wood slabs. 4 ft. lengths. Delivered. G. Heaslip, Janetville. Phone Bethany 1 18-33. (Nov.1l) GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS Latest Type - Any Color Flexalum, Steel or Wood. Five-day delivery, Budget Terms Available. Venetian BlinGs or quality is our only business. Free Estimates and Installation Y Phone 4101 -- Oshawa P.O. Box 421 MET-WO INDUSTRIES LIMITED (Listen to CKEY 8:50 to 9:00 a.m.) La . (Tues, Thur Sat) RENT A PORTABLE ELECTRIC SEW- ing machine in your own home. $6 r month. Singer Company, Phone Sos. __(205t1) MIXED WOOD SLABS, $8. BODY wood, $10 half cords; cedar posts. Phone 3903-J. (Oct. 22) SOFTWOOD SLABS, $8 PER CORD; hardwood. slabs, $15 per cord, delivered. Phone 5405J. (Novs) LATHAM RASPBERRY PLANTS, DUN- lap and Premier Strawberry plants. Best quality roots, Raspberry plants now available for fall planting. Order. Early supply !imited. Oshawa Nursery, 174 Ritson South. Phone 3235. Also apple, cherry and pear trees for fall planting. (Nov14) MODERN WHITE } ENAMEL C GUERNEY combination coal & gas range. First class condition. 115 Burk 8t. (244c) SINK WITH DRAINBOARD, SIZE 20" X 42"; perfect condition; also light fix- tures. Phone 2177-M. (244a) BLUE CARPET, WITH "FELT, ;6x9' very good condition--$35. 390 Jarvis St. (244b) 34--Pets and Livestock . VISIT THE NEW KENNELS AT WAU- bena Kennels, 1 mile west of Oshawa, for lovely cocker spaniels, registered. R ble. ct. 25) '37 DODGE SEDAN, RADIO AND HEAT- er; perfect condition, 188 Alma, Phone 1008-W. _(244c) 37 WILLYS SEDAN. RIOR $425. NAI- man's Garage. 181 Albert Si Toot, 19,21,23) CHOICE PUREBRED OXFORD SHEAR- ling ram, also one ram lamb, priced to sell, Foster Snowden, RR, 2 Dshiana, ( ) , GOOD DOG--SPANIEL, 4!; MON g. 1 Phone 1858R. (244a) Stoney's CONTINUING FALL CLEARANCE SALE '47 PLYMOUTH COACH. New car condition. $1,795 CHEV. SEDAN. Perfect in every way. . $1,695 CHEV COACH. Radio rand heater. Hurry for this one. CHEV. SEDAN, this car is a standout .... $1,195 FORD SEDAN, Bell Tele- phone car STUDEBAKER SEDAN, radio and heater ... $895 DODGE SEDAN, best buy '46 42 41 41 '40 '40 '38 FORD SEDAN, mechani- cally perfeci HUDSON SEDAN, and heater. A real 34 radio 31 DURANT, good transpor- tation ....... 9 Many more models to choose from 1-3 DOWN, AS LONG _ AS 30 MONTHS TO PAY Your Old Car In Trade Stoney's The Greatest Name In The Used Car Business We. have our own lighting plant OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 PM. SATURDAYS UNTIL 6. P.M.. 429 KING WEST PHONE 4183J (244a) '37 FORD COACH, $450 CASH, FOR quick sale, Phone 3393-J. (244a) '39 CHEV. 5-PASSENGER COUPE. AP- ply Nassau St. after 6. ( 244c) urday, vicinity Athol or Bruce St., fe- Early p 4 ~11-room brick dwelling, ,. child's pet. Phone 4424-J. $7, 00 containing 4 apts; all (244a) rented. Good locality, Large lot. Col- 'borne St. W. E. HOLMES BROKER Res. 3441M -- Office 328 _19 ONTARIQ ST. | 23--Waomen's Column _ NU-BONE FOR FREE "FIGURE ANA- lyses and expert' SR service. Tele- Phone Mrs, Mills, 3333W_ (Nov3) FALL SPECIAL: OIL, PERMANENTS, reg, Five; Dollars; for Three ' Dollars; guaranteed. Phone . 2653 Edward's easing, '§ Celina, (Novis) ATIVE HERE NOW FOR REPRESENTA 108 Ben We Specialise iy Marshall ad tyvest repairs, T mat- rebullt returned like new. Elder- downs recovered, Ontario Bedding Co. Phone sen. hoy. 8) TWO COMFORTABLE ROOMS, ONE with built-in cupboatds and sink; tinuous hot water Abstainers onl % 3 ply. Phone 1131-W. FURNISHED BEDROOM, I Fo TH desired. 90 Burk St. (244b) '40 5-PASSENGER CHEV. COUPE, "RA- dio, fog light, heater, and good tires. Apply Ontario, ( '47 FLEETLINE CHEV. WILL TAKE trade. Can be financed. Apply 165 Rit+ son Rd. uth. (244c ic) LARG E FRONT DOWNSTAIR - ROOM, for 2 men to share; St. West. ; Separate beds. 76 King (2440) CENTRAL. (244c) FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room, ES ARNISHED rill. For couple. Vacant now, Phone Sri, 24 Eigin East, (244a) SHED Phone: Api '28 CHEV, COACH; GOOD CONDITION, Phone 289J13. 244e) "42 DODGE: SPECIAL Bw, T 2e b EF. atiachi= ments, "etc, "Best offer over | 1, 1100 SER Phone : 3150 before 6:15 15 p.m. ' _- (2444p ) '41 DODGE . 5-RASSENGER O( COUPE, heater; good 'condition, ough Ave after 5 p.m, Phone 2575-J. (244b) A 169 Roxbor- 200 | ROCK PULLETS, 'LAYING. PEELS stradh. - Price right. Albert Allen. 189- 1-3, Port Perry. (244b 50 PULLETS FOR SALE, BLACK MIN- orca and White Leghorns, 5 months old. Phone 163J1. (244d) 34a--Farmers' Column SIXTEEN-TOOTH COCKSHUTT CUL- tivator, new. Apply A, H. Murphy, R.R. 1, Brooklin. . Phone isR2. (242b) 2 BROOD SOWS FOR SALE, 1 WITH 8 pigs, 4 weeks old; other with 9 pigs, 1 week old. Phone Bowmanville 2377. (242¢) 35--Wearing Apparel WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, sterilized, cleaned and pressed like new. Carrying large stock fall and winter coats, suits, pants. Sam Schwartz, 21 Bond St. (Nov 7) BLACK CLOTH COAT, , SILVER FOX collar, size 38--$12. Phone 958-J. 264ay (244a GIRL'S WINTER COAT, BLUE, SIZE 12. 'Phone 3480. (244b) BLACK COAT, PERSIAN COLLAR, size 36-38--$10. Good condition. Phone 224. 44a) 2 GIRL'S COATS, SIZE 12, like new; brown plaid, and dark red with fur trim. Phone 2827-W. (244b) DRESSES, BLACK velvet, wine wool; skirts, wine wool, green wool; blue wool plaid jumper, size 14. Phone 1201-M. (244b) TAILORED COAT IN NAVY, SIZE 16. Worn one season. Phone 3143-M be- tween 6-7 p.m. (244c) GENT'S OVERCOAT, GENT'S TWEED top coat, sizes 40-42; imitation ' fire- place; perfect condition, Phone ai ( BLACK SEAL COAT, GOOD CONDI. | | tion. Size 14, Phone 965R. (244a) 36--Articles for Sale VENETIAN BLINDS fgent it for LIFE-FLEX all-metal blinds, Made all blinds. Wooden slats ol placed with LIFE-FLEX slats. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. MERV TUCK 4674W (Tues, Thur,Sat) Green Broadloom Rug 9x15', $75. Dining Room Rug. 6'9"x9', $25 Chesterfield Suite (3 pes.) $100 Bedroom Suite including Double Bed with Springs and Mattress, | 346792. Dresser 'and Chest of Drawers, $100 Antique Chest of Drawers, Solid Walnut 'with Solid Birds Eye Maple on Fronts of Drawers, $25 i Walnut Dining Room Table 3'9"x5' with built-in Extension Leaf, $40 2 End Tables $5 each 2 Hall Mats $3 and $5 2 Bridge Lamps with Shades $5 ea. 1 Floor Lamp 6 ft. high , Ivory fin- ish with indirect bowl and 3 way light, $10 1 Antique Occasional Chair with needlepoint, $25 4 Indirect" Wall Bracket Light Fixtures, $2 each 1 Gent's Fall Coat, size 40, $5 2 Gent's Suits Clothes, size 40, $10 each Ottoman with needlepoint 815 APPLY 399 MASSON ST. TAFFETA, BLUE |B TABLE TOP, GAS RANGE, 4-BURNER Fawcett, oven con'rol and pilot light. Also diamond Hing, platinum setting. Reasonable. 314 Bloor St. E. Phone 93-R. (244d) WINE STUDIO © COUCH; } EXCELLENT condition, _ Apply 154 Burk St. (244c) MCCLARY ALL ENAMEL COAL AND wood range. Good condition. Phone 1682-J "after 6 (244b) WASHING MACHINE, USED ONLY six months. 181 Albert. (Oct. 19,21,23) GUITAR AND CASE, MILK CAN, PAIL, strainer and small separator, sink, 630 King (344a) HAWAIIAN ELI ELECTRIC G GUITAR AND amplifier, practically new. 252 Olive Ave. after 6. (244c) ROGERS R/ RADIO, | NEWLY OVERHAUL- ed, Findlay kitchen stove with reser- voir, nearly new, and Quebec heater. Also newly painted dresser with mirror. Good condition. 652 Ritson Rd. South, corner Bloor. (244b) 45-GALLON DRUM, SUITABLE FOR fuel ofl. Clean and delivered--$3.75 each. Phone 5035-W. (244c) | YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- work, no washing, sleep out, good wages Phone Pickering 90. (243c) OPPORTUNITY REFINED AND ~ CAPABLE MI MIDDLE= | aged lady, desires general office work. Urgent. For particulars phone Han | (24 1 | i i YOUNG MAN, AJAX STUDENT, DE- | sires part-time work week-ends. Please | phone 589-R after 6. (242c) { 43--Auction Sales LARGE MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION' sale at 56 Bond St. East, Saturday, Oc 23, 1948.. All parties wishing to pu. articles in this sale may do so. EB. J, | Phone evening, (Oct19,21) | Pomeroy, auctioneer. 1723R; daytime, 1048R. 44--Tender For Cirls "You'll like being a Telephone girl" 1~Good pay with regular in creases, 2.--No experience necessary. 3.--~You're paid while you train. 4.--Five-day week. 5.--Friendly associates, 6.--Regular rest periods. 7.--Opportunity for advance- ment, Applicants should preferably have completed Grade X, be single and in the 16 to 25 age group. SEE MISS f. C. ROBERTSON Chief Operator BELL TELEPHONE CO. 15 Victoria St. Oshawa (Tues, Thur.8at tf) WOMAN NI NEEDED | FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeping from 8:30 until 4 p.m. Mon- State wages expected. Apply Box 512, Times- (244b) day, Wednesday and Friday. Gazette, 39--Male Help Wanted WANTED DELIVERY BOY Full Time APPLY KARNS T.T.8. POTATOES FOR SALE, $125 BAG DE- livered, . Phone 4187-R. (244e) MCCLARY WOOD STOVE; GOOD CON- dition. Ivory enamel. 329 French. (244b) USED TIRE AND TUBE, $15. PHONE 1473-J. (24 4a) 28-FOOT EXTENSION LADDER, "$25; 2 6-ft. step-ladders, $5 each. All like new. 72 Cadillac South. (244c) BABY CARRAIGE, GOOD AS NEW. Phone 1726W, (244a) ICE-CREAM FREEZER, PRACTICALLY new, good motor, medium capacity. Phone e Whitby 630, (244c) QUARTER CUT, . 8-PIECE DINING- room suite, also small crib and daven- ort. Reasonable for quick sale, Phone Bowmanville 2692. (244c) GUERNEY QUEBEC HEATER, LARGE size, reasonable. 90 Burk. _(244b) BOY'S BLUE MACKINAW COAT, LEA- ther trim, size 12, Bal is! p with shade. Bargain for quick" sale. 46 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 1053 after >, 6; (244a) 3-PC. SINGLE BED; GOOD CONDI- (2442) tion. Phone 5279-J. Hor AIR FURNACE. APPLY 103 3 OE ina. ORDERS TAKEN FOR Ee butter tarts and ples. Phone i IC VENETIAN BLINDS, THE ADVANCED Kirsch type. The most startl Ang de velopment in Venetian Blind h tory. Flattened S-sha S-hapes slats . give better and more enclosure. We are sure these Blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates with. out obligation. George Reid, Phone 2104, 66 Bond St. est. (Nov.1) APPLES--_SNOW AND GREENINGS, delivered by basket or bushel. Nadon SKATING DRESS, $3; "DRESS STEW- art" skirt and jacket, cost $10, sell for $4. Dresses size 10 and 11. . Tap dancing shoes, Yoga tap, $1.00. 145 Rit- son Road South (244a) FENCE POSTS, "POLES AND BONNIE hardwood, 4 i $18.00 Ly: 8 0126) delivered, 1962 RANGETTE, CHROME TOP, enamel, Apply 362 St, Julien 44c) MCCLARY RANGE, 6 LIDS, SHELF, top size, 32x22". Cream enamel, like new. Price $40, Phone 4256-M. (244b) BLUE CONVERTIBLE PRAM; EXCEL- lent condition--$20. Phone 5258-J.. (2448) HEATER, MEDIUM Fa 4 ghairs, lke new; wigycle. (244 QUEBEC HEA' kitchen Phone QUEBEC COOK STOVE, HOT WATER front--$15.. Phone 3936-W. (24D) BABYS PRAM, BLUE; LIKE NEW. Girl's white figure skates, size 6-7. Phone 3610-R, (244c) CABINET RADIO, COO COOK STOVE WITH reservoir, breakfast suite,.coal oll stove, lawn mower. Apply 294 Drew. Phone 3403. (244b) CHROME: ®XCRT.- KITCHEN SUITE, ately. Hoasonabic Phone BGs R. (2440) TWO WINTER COATS, MEN'S, MEDI- gm size; good condition. Reasonable. AMBITIOUS A YOUNG FELLOW BE- tween 18.and 20, wanting to learn to put up short orders in restaurant. Good 76. (244c) pay. Phone Bud, 50 39a--Male or Female Help CORRESPONDENTS FOR THE OSHAWA TIMES-GAZETTE TO COVER CEDAR DALE WESTMOUNT NORTH OSHAWA PORT PERRY AJAX Applicants should be in close touch with people and events in their own community, and able to write good English, Liberal Space Rates Paid APPLY BY LETTER TO M. MCINTYRE HOOD MANAGIN7F EDITOR THE TIMES-GAZETTE OSHAWA (243c) Sealed tenders will be received by the | undersigned until 5 p.m. Wednesday, | October 27, 1948, for the purchase of | building 18 ft. x 20 ft. at present used as temporary store and service station; all new lumber used in constructio: sides covered with roll-on brick siding; | approximately one-third pitch roof | with asphalt shingles; bullt on skids for easy moving. Building must be | moved at purchaser's expense and im- demiately the new bullding is ready for occupancy (approximately Nov. 15). All tenders must be distinctly marked "Tender", Highest.cash offer accepted. T. Littlefield, Powell's Service Station, North Oshawa, Ont. (Oct. 16, 18, 19) Regina Firemen Are Building Own Equipment Regina -- (CP) -- When the Res | gina fire department needs a new | truck it builds one. And thanks to Fire Chief W. C, | Moffatt and Gus Dombrook. ve! eran of 27 years with the depar ment, the trucks are pretty nifty." The department needed a new truck last summer so they placed an order for a standard four-ton type before Gus went to work. Using Chief Moffatt's plans, he © lengthened the frame three feet to carry the fire-fighting apparatus and then constructed metal racks and compartments firemen use to hold a surprising number of things. He installed a power take~ off for the booster pump and adde ed the siren and safety lights. Chief Moffatt says there's two reasons why the department went a little further than usual in this particular job. Gus had added to --and subtracted from--much of the Regina equipment but he'd never built one practically from the ground up. The chief says factory fire jobs aren't suited to Saskatchewan's rigorous winters. Factory-made fire apparatus is built for California," he said. Besides it's cheaper to make up a style that has everything one wants. In 1944 Chief Moffatt de- signed a compact closed-in truck which subsequently was built and which since has a factory-made ri- Jal offered by a United States m. "WETTING THE STACK" Bristol, England-- (CP)--Workmen queued with pint 'mugs at a five« gallon parrel for free beer when the old custom of "wetting .the stack" was revived here. The beer was give en by builders to 'mark completion o a new housing estate at Brisling« on, : WANTED--A MONKEY Johannesburg, South Africa -- (CP)--The Red Cross Society branch here is in a dilemma--it is short a monkey. A woman recently offered the society a barrel organ for its 1948 fund appeal but so far an appeal for a monkey has not been answered. HUGE TUNNY FISH King's Lynn, Norfolk--(CP)-- A tunny fish, seven feet six inches long and weighing 392 pounds, was found stranded in mud her erecente ly. ) 13716 used steamer trunk, Phone (244c) hh This beautiful 6 room p BUY TODAY . .. | MOVE IN TOMORROW t block insulated house is for i diate p i Sit GORDON ted tn one of Oshawa's preferred resi- dential districts in the north section about six blocks from King St. This home is immaculate in every respect and spotlessly clean. Sturdy hardwood floors in all rooms, Spacious kitchen and kitchen- ette, large living room, three bedrooms with walk-in wardrobes, three piece bath. Good dry cement basement with splendid hot air furnace and hydro hot water tank, also 1 pc. toilet. Separate drive- in garage. Lawn at front, also lawn at rear. This is a home you will be proud to own, where housework is easy and where you can MHve richly on : modest budget. This home can be purchased for $8,500. Amount down 'to handle, $4,500. Phone for an appointment, Broker, Whiiby Phone 522 -- Evenings 2473 J. E. Shields, Salesman OSBORNE

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