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Daily Times-Gazette, 19 Oct 1948, p. 7

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er of is like. vi TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE "PAGE, SEVEN BEAUTY FOR YOU There Is No "Awkward Age" By EXLEN Today's column is addressed to | those teen-agers who self- | conscious, feel that they are awk- | ward and ungainly, and don't | know just what to do about it. It | is' never too early to cultivate | grace, ' [ One simple rule is to keep your | feet close together. Never let your- | self slump in a chair and sprawl. | Believe it or not, but at this mo- | 'ment it is fashionable to be lady- | One must live up to the kind of clothes one wears. | i" When you move, have a close- | isknit walk. Then you will avoid the | Je'that one sees so often among eight v ' ungainly, loose, spread-leg shamble graders and high school girls. It | 'is an affliction that is more com- 'mion among the huskies than the s'skinnies. Extra weight is: a bur- E) den to lug around. Youth should 2?pe well-rounded, well-proportioned, Ss. » 3 'yet streamlined with a graceful | slenderness. | Be a brisk, enthusiastic walker. | column, lift | 'Pull up your spinal your chest, let the arms swing eas- | "fly. While walking you are doing | - 'a beautifying exercise. Keep that | '24n mind. Take advantage of the | ey xtime to improve your figure and | 'your complexion. Be aware of your movements. | --XKeep the step light, the body vi- | ? i figure. - & ==tion.. Boys take this business ser- sidously, usually. They have pride in afigure development. iibroad, strong shoulders, a neat, flat | thicken, lose neat slender lines. waistline, a & brant. By keeping your muscula- | ture in good condition--and you | can't do that unless you walk pro- | perly--you are developing a fine The girl 'who regards gym work as tiresome and uninteresting gets little benefit from it. She goes through the classes casually. That :is a mistake. It is a privilege to exercise under the supervision of .an instructor in physical educa- want, | They | have 'above everything else, to a straight back. Girls | rshould be equally ambitious. | When standing, the hip joints | | Don't lope. JAMESON -TT i or ° H poe le It is fashionable to be ladylike. LB ER leg swing, so don't take short steps or go mincing 'along. That won't get you far along the beauty road. That's just as unat- tractive a manner of locomotion as mincing. When walking, sitting or stand- ing, keep the inside lines of the feet parallel, Don't toe out. The ankle is a one-way hings, should never swing to one side. When that be- comes a habit, the ankles will Allliia Dutsibuted by King Features 10-1. - Wear correctly - fitted shoes. When something is wrong with the feet, one is bound to have akward r«should be directly over the ankles. for jerky movements. u#Then your body will be straight.| +The pose of the shoulders is im- 2: Let the abdomen protrude and the | portant. swhole body is out of alignment. ww. - Watch movements. | leg but | your Don't swing from the knees, Don't keep and rigid, or let them fall forward. Remember this: the most beautiful frock ever made won't give you » Easy on the Budget Changeabout Outfit 4 And Tastes Good! | With meat prices flashing to | o "Mizzy heights, it takes real contriv- | Ea *Swhat goes with the meat. "'case it's moodles, good and filling, | » az a art 3 each layer. e) "age into 2 inch pieces. Saute saus- , age and onions in heavy skillet un- water and melted fat. Arrange al- .ternate layers of noodles and sous- "ing and trying to satisfy the fam- | jly's taste for meat and still not Jshatter the food budget. Well, | here's one dish that will help. You notice that it calls for but one-half pound of meat and yet it serves The answer is, of course, in In this | "six. "and tomato soup for rich and sauc- "ey flayor. - Tomato Sausage .Casserole " 15-1b.-link sausage. . 2 tablespoons melted fat .sausage 2 tablespoons chopped onion | 1 10% oz. tin condensed tomato soup 14 cup water. 2% cups cooked noodles, unsalt- from | | { § 1; cup cheddar cheese (optional) Preheat over to 350°. Cut saus- 4il lightly brown. Combine soup, age in greased, 1!2 qt. casserole. "Pour part of soup mixture over Sprinkle cheese on 'top. Bake 40 minutes. Serves 6. Nice to serve with this dish: But- ered string beans, crisp celery and ripe olives, apple pie, milk and cof- | fee. Sew 'Em Cowboy | | | | | GAZETTE Pattern Oshawa. 1 Onne Addams. Most practical outfit for the stu- dent body! Smart but simple lines make this jumper a perfect foil for any blouse; with the rufflci beauty shown, it's a dilly! ™ Pattern 4540, sizes 11, 13, 15, 17. Size 13 jumper, 2 yds. 54-in.; blouse 2% yds. 35-in, This paticrn, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Has com- plete illv:'_ '2d instructions. Send TWENTY - FIVE CENTS (25c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print lainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS ATTERN NUMBER. Send ygur order to DAILY TIMES Department, them lifted | grain ribbon, A Physician Advises You | By HERMAN A. BUNDESEN, M.D. iE-- HEART TROUBLE MANY people whose hearts are entirely normal and who are physi- cally capable of working, nonethe- less experience symptoms usually associated with heart disturbances. These may include such things as faintness, pounding of the heart, shortness of breath, pain over the heart, and fear of sudden death. Faintness and weakness, so like- ly to be thought of as due to a weak heart, are, in reality, seldom due to heart trouble. Pain over the heart is also much more com- monly due to less serious condi- tions than heart disease. There is a heart condition known as angina pectoris in which there is pain below the left nipple. The pain in the condition not due to heart disease, is also located below the left nipple, and may last for a few minutes, hours or days. It has no relation to exercise. Thus, exercise does not produce it or make it worse. Rest will not make it better. On the other hand, the pain of angina pectoris is brought on by exercise, and rest does relieve the difficulty. The symptoms of heart disturb- ance in persons who do not have actual heart disease are due to anxiety or worry. Hence the treat- ment must consist of reassuring the patient and an attempt to re- lieve the symptoms. An effort must be made to explain to the patient just why the symptoms have developed. For example, a person may have symptoms of his first flight in an airplane. If the relationship between the worry and the flight and the heart symp- toms is explained to the patient, no further attacks are likely to oc- cur. : The other method of treatment consists of rearranging the pati- ent's surroundings or envirenment, which includes his way of living. It may be necessary to reduce the working hours and to give more time to vacation. There may be some problem in the home which aggravates the symptoms, and this | | of - course must be corrected. | Drugs are not of a great deal of [value in these cases, although seda- | tives or quieting preparations may |is not the shrinking violet; she is [spread upward. e used for a time until the pati- | | come. | Of course the heart is such an | important organ that no chances | {should be taken with it. This | | means that in all instances where | symptoms of heart disease are pre- sent, there is a need for a thorough study to make sure that actual | damage has not occurred. This in- | cludes an X-ray of the heart, . as | well as an electrocardiagram or a tracing of the heart beat. If no evidence of heart damage is found, then treatment along the lines sug- gested may be carried out. | OUESTIONS AND ANSWERS | M.T.: What causes a heartburn? Answer: Heartburn comes from | | many causes, such as gall-bladder | disease, ulcer of the stomach, or | intestine, chronic constipation, and | | appendicitis. | | Eating too rapidly or eating | | wrong foods will also produce this condition. | Fashion Flashes INCREASING in popularity is the coat of Alaska sealskin--so vel- vety, so supple, and so hard-wear- ing. Black dyed Alaska seal makes a handsome sports or general wear daytime coat that is slim of bodice and 'full of skirt. The collar and notched revers and the big turn- back cuffs are piped in black gros- LE BR IT'S A SEASON for revivals, with both the Cloche and the casque or helmet hat starred for high fash- ion. For evening, one house' shows a close-f4%ing helmet hat of cocoa brown felt heavily embroidered in gold and bronze and misted with a veil that is nose length in front and very long at sides and back. Veil has border embroidery of tiny bronze beads. |, LE BR BIG FASHION ahead for the fur-trimmed coat again. Winter wavy suede cloth makes a handy some coat cut on dolman lines, and cinched with a wide tailored self belt. Beaver makes a striking scarf collar, + os 4 EASY ROUTE to dressing up sinple frocks is achieved by very useful accesories just coming in the market. For instance, a walist- length velvet capelet and a match- ing beret--into which one sticks clips, brooch or scatter pins--is a good way of making an afternoon outfit of a basic wool dress. Lo WELL, WHAT DO YOU KNOW! Coming up is the separate spat of gray suede to be worn with a black patent 'pump in order to achieve the spat-like shoe. Why not a pair of spat shoes. Yippee! "A pair of wonderful Westerners for the kids! Cowboy | Joe and his sister Flo, "duded" up and--so easy to sew! | Ten-inch dolls are rootin' tootin'| rodeo hands! Pattern 7053; trans- | fer; of doll; clothes patterns. | Our improved pattern -- visual with easy-to-see charts and photos, | and complete directions -- makes needlework easy. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern, Print pla. SIZE, NAME, ' ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES FRIDAY 9 to PRIZES -- $1.50 SINGLE GAZETTE, Pattern Department, GENERAL MOTORS WAR VETERANS SOCIAL CLUB DANCE JACK. EVANS and his Orchestra ON O.C.V.l. AUDITORIUM Proceeds to Veterans Welfare Fund and Civic Stadiu OCT. 22 1 am. GLAMORIZING How To Selec t Eye Shadows By HELKN FOLLETT A little eye shadow emphasizes the beauty of your eyes, but apply it carefully, : * IT is only the daring woman, ready to demonstrate her beauty convictions, who can wear eye shadows for the first time without the tiger lily or the flaming rose. 3 , dali b aifrom the hips, if you would walk |style if you do not carry it beauti- |e t's 'fear and anxiety are over- |She has chic and dash, can get correctly. There must be an easy 'fully. away with anything in the way of personal adornment. Yet she makes decision slowly. When selecting eye shadows she | goes to a cosmetic bar, tries out the different shades. It is the only way. She has the choice be- tween blue, brown, bronze, green, purple, mauve. Grey is out. If she is a red head she probably decides upon a soft green that will do things for her flaming thatch. She will be told by the experienced attendant in charge that. blues are flattering to blondes and brunetes. It Takes Finesse A girl can do a bit of slap-dash work with powder, rouge and lip- * * | Not so with the tinting she applies {to the shutters of her soul win- | dows. That takes finesse. It. should | be applied first along' the line of !a feeling of self consciousness. She |the lashes, do a fade away as it is It can start at |the inner corner of the lid, con- tinue to the outer terminal until {it is on a line with the tip of the | eyebrows if they are not too ex- tended. i tion of one's sacred prize. 'A touch of rouge will do it.. When one car- | lids are usually a light pink. So | this is just following Nature's pat- | tern. Try it some time when the heavy date is on and you would | look your prettiest. With a pink powder it is best | to ply the rouge pad lightly. Place | the high glow on the cheek bones. And don't forget to treat the ear- lobes. Powder them first, then | stick and maybe get away with it, 'give them a swish with the pad. The Experts Say | in-blankets, but here's a recipe for | "pigs" made with oysters, or scal- | lops. | Salt the®fish very lightly. Roll | There are other means than eye) shadows for highlighting that por- | | Hollywood | Hi" lights By BOB THOMAS Hollywood --- (AP)--Never say die is the theory of James Stewart, whose Bendix air race entry went down in defeat last month. He'll try again next year. 'I'm getting a new engine for the plane," says Jimmy, "and if I'm not working and have time enough to. get in shape, I'll fly it myself." portray pitcher Monty Stratton. "I've found all sorts of new musc- les," he says. got a charley-horse in my hip. wasn't doing a thing at the time; I just moved." Gregory Peck has finally figured out his contract deal. He calcu- lates he has three more films to make for Selznick, one apiece for MGM and 20-Fox. "That'll take about 2% years" reports Greg, who now is enacting "The Great Sin- ner" at MGM. After his contracts are over, Greg starts making big money. Ann Blyth finally gets a chance to sing--in "Top o' the Morning" | with Bing Crosby. She has a good voice but hasn't been given a chance to warble since she started playing adult roles. Hey, she can dance too! Doris Day was left waiting at the altar - - and by Errol Flynn. For the final scene of "Two Guys and a Gal," she is supposed to marry Flynn and she dolled up in a wed- ding gown for the event. She waited all afternoon on the set and Flyhn failed to show up. Office Trouble Virginia Mayo faces a tonsil- yanking after "Colorado Territory." She was discussing her low-cut gown in the picture: "We're al- ways having trouble with some of- Johnston office, it's the box-office." Let - down of the week: Wyman arriving at the. "Johnny Belinda" premiere without Lew couple of kids named Shirley and John Agar. Girls in Green Enjoy Travel, Adventure London, Oct. 19 (CP)--Smart'® single girls, prefe under 30 w like travel and adventure, are in demand just now as government "Girls in Green." The girls in green are the official | car drivers of Britain's delegates at grey, ries Nature's hope-to-die blush the | international conferences. They are | paid an average of £5 ($20) a week { travel. There are 47 such girls in Paris today and they will be there until the end of the year. Another 46 re- turned recently from Geneva. In London the girls drive high | | government officials from one place | to another. Abroad they drive for- eign. as well as British delegates. Pay varies according to the size | of the car driven! The average wage {is £4 10s, a wek for 44 hours work, | but thhere is overtime beside and ottala, October 9--(CP)--When | each oyster or scallop in a strip | double time for Sundays. Uniforms the family asks for seafood, moth- er shouldn't have any trouble plan- ning a menu. There are more than 70 varieties of fish and shellfish available in season throughout Canada, and dozens of appealing recipes accompany practically each one. Take: lobster for instance--the Fisheries Department suggests creamed lobster in rice ring. Ingredients: * One to 1! cups rice; one tablespoon salt; boiling water; one-quarter cup chopped parsley; three tablespoons butter; three tablespoons flour; 1'2 cups liquid (from lobster and milk); one teaspoon salt; one-third teaspoon paprika; one six-ounce can lobster; | | ring. Remove from the heat and add | one tablespoon lemon juice. Cook rice in rapidly boiling: salt: ed water, until tender. Drain and rinse with hot water. Place over hot water or in oven to dry out, com- bine with parsley and pack into a lightly greased ring mould. Keep hot while making lobster mixture. Melt butter, blend in flour and gradually add liquid. Cook, stirring constantly, until thick and smooth. Add seasonings and flaked lobster sprinkled with lemon juice. Heat thoroughly. For serving, turn rice ring on to hot serving plate and fill centre with the creamed mix- ture. Garnish with a few lobster claws which have been reserved. Six to eight servings. The cook usually thinks of saus- ages when someone mentions pigs- | of bacon and skewer in. place with a toothpick. Grill or bake till the | ach night spent.away from depott | scallop is snowy white or the oyster curls around the edges, and the | bacon is crisp. The oven should be | hot, but scallops should not be too | close to the strong heat. They may | be sauted instead, turning each so (that the bacon is resting on the | hot pan. Baste the "pigs" frequent- | ly, when broiling, 'with fat from | bacon. . Hors D'Oeuvres | Royal Sandwich Spread--Two | tablespoons butter; one-half can | thick tomato soup; one-quarter {pound- mild Canadian cheese, | grated. Heat until all are blended, stir- | one egg and beat until well blend- {ed. Return to the stove and cook until thick and smooth, stirring. Remove and add one cup of flaked canned salmon, removing the skin, spoons of chopped, stuffed 'olives. This makes about 1'2 cups of the spread. As the tomato gives color, be used in making spread, not necessarily red salmon. Sardine Canape--Spread fingers of buttered bread with cream cheese. Place a sardine on each finger and toast till the cheese is melted. Serve with a slice of stuffed olive, a piece of dill pickle, or a strip of pimento placed on top of each sardine. Light, beautify, save fuel with GLASS BLOCKS ALL the light you want Plus efficient insulation! That's what you get with attractive PC Glass Blocks. In homes and offices, PC Glass Blocks effectively 7n- swlate rooms against cold and moisture; they let in plenty of soft daylight, yet give desired privacy. PC Glass Blocks can be instal- led either in outside walls or interior partitions. Hobbs have a complete range of smart patterns in PC Glass Blocks. We can advise you on installation. Come in and see us today! 11 ELM ST. HOBBS GLASS Hf PHONE 4475 Nd but using the oil, and three table- | any variety of canned salmon may | | are free and the girls get 17s 6d for But the life isn't all glamor. There's plenty of hard, tiring work with long days of driving and weary up for the dull moments." Nine girls out of every 10 have in the ATS. (Women's -Army). eir average: age :is 27. Every year one girl in-three résigns to get mar- ried and settle down to a quiet life in Britain, That's why 200 girls are The actor is busily preparing to. "The other day I| I fice in this business; If it isn't the | Jane | Ayres or Ronald Reagan. Biggest | acclaim of the evening went to a | SALAD Outstanding Quality Delicious Flavour Acknowledging Dear Mrs. Beeckman: When literally hundreds of sym- pathy cards are received after a death in the family, should they be acknowledged? If so, how are they to be acknowledged? PF 8 L | Yes, every expression of sympa- thy should be thanked for, Even one sentence is sufficient to show appreciation, It may be: "Thank you for your sympathy";.or "You were kind to send us your message of sympathy, and we are deeply eppreciative"; or "We 'were all touched by your kind message of sympathy. Thank you." This mess. age' may be written on visiting- cards or on the inside pages of in- formals; on plain white cards; or on note-paper. Children in The Wedding Party Dear Mrs. Beeckman: 1. In the wedding processional there will be: four ushers, four bridesmaids, maid of honor, flower girl, ring bearer, bride. What is the correct order of the processional? 2. What would be an appropriate gift for the flower girl, and for the ring bearer? T.V. 1. First in the processional walk the ushers, two by two, the shortest leading. Next, the pridesmaids, two WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT = = Sympathy Card? By MRS. CORNELIUS BEECKMAN is a simple speech for the groom to make? W. H. It isn't necessary for the groom to "make a speech" as he responds to the best man's toast -to the bride and groom. The simplest reply, and the most customary one, is "Thank you." Or the groom rises and ex- presses appreciation for 'both by saying, "Mary and I thank you most heartily for your good wishes . . . | you've made us very happy by being with us on our great day, and you've given us beautiful memories of your friendship and goodness. We "hope to greet you all at our. golden wed- aing!" A HAPPY TIME Youngsters like to touch and | smell and get acquainted with food | slowly, so etiquette is "out" for little | folk. A short rest period before his | regular mealtime will put the child [in the right frame of mind to set about the task. = Mealtime should be a happy -time--the child rested and ready to eat, | | | by two. Next, maid of honor, alone | Then ring bearer alone, followed by | flower girl, alone; or the ring bear- and flower girl may walk to- gether, Last, the bride, on the right arm of her father or whoever is to escort her up the aisle. (In many of today's smart wed- | dings, there are two children in the | | procession, a flower girl, and, in- | stead of a ring bearer, a little boy as page. They always walk together, | plus cost-of-living bonus, but the | ysually hand in hand, the little girl | | chief inducement to join is foreign | often wearing a Kate Greenaway | | | dress and carrying a small, round, | old-fashioned nosegay, the little | boy often wearing an Eton suit. | These two children, together, may | walk pefore the bride and her | father; or, if they are very young, | they often walk before the maid of | honor, so that she may keep a guid. | | ing eye on their progress up the | | | aisle.) | perhaps with a tiny heart-dangi engraved with her initials én onc side, the bride's initials on | broidered with (er first name. | For tty ring bearer (or | colors pencil; . accessory | favorite sport. rn | The Groom Replies to T Dear Mrs. Beeckman: [ When the toast has bee st : : page): been in the services, the majority | pen and pencil set, or special 4- for his | pro- | needed as replacements every year. | posed to the bride and grog, , what | TRIM-LQOKIN tucking and pockets. receptionists, etc, Other styles from $3.95 231, Simcoe St. S. SPECIAL DUTY J SPECIAL BEAUTY ¢ UNIFORMS Yes -- we carry a smart line of sparkling white uniforms for young women who like to look neat. Sketched is a popular style with detachable buttons, short sleeves, stitched for nurses, waitresses and Another Reitman's low-priced value, eilmon» "Where Smart Young Women Shop" G Ideal l to $6.95 Telephone 5303 | | 2. Gift for the flower girl: If tae | bride is giving her bridesmaids gitts | they are to wear to the wedding, | she might give the flower girl some- | thing she may wear to the wedding: | perhaps a delicate gold or silver | chain te wear around {ier neck, an Ss. ; the | hours of waiting. "But." said one | gther, Or a small white ox pink | of the girls, "the exciting jobs make | party-purse; or handkerchiefs en.-| Clear, I sparkling, | $02 beautiful! See them al. you'll wan, your owh o - Diamond & Wedding RING Created for romance, always "Lovely- for-a. Lifetime". There's a flawless Diamond & Wedding RING for YOU -- at whatever price you plan to pay. Choose from the selection of exquisite Blue River Diamond and Wedding Rings . . at better Jewellers everywhere. Guarantee Certi-. ficace with each \, Blue River: Dia- mond Ring == and a free insur. ance policy! RINGS Fo --_

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