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Daily Times-Gazette, 29 Oct 1948, p. 14

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\ PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1948 WANT AD SECTION. 55255. BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors 8. T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- eral accountant, 24 Alger Bldg. King Street East Phone 2127. Consulting and (Novl) 2.--Bar visters LOUIS 8. HYMAN SARRISTE Mortgage Loans North. Phone 67. ETC. anged. imcoe no 3051. (Novl) CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRISTERS. Allin FP. Annis, K.C., 7} Simcoe Street South. Phone 4. Residence 769. (Novi) A. W. S. GREER. K.C.. BARRISTER. Solicitor, ie 6 King Street East. Phone 3 "35: 1d Hl Ww C. Pollard, K.C.. Uxbridge, ntario. (Nov1) GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & FRASER Barristers, etc. Bank of Commerc Building. (Novl). RD. HUMPHREYS) K C., BARRISTER, Solicitor, ete. King 8 treet West. Phones: Office, © aia: idence 3297. Money to loan. Novl) JAMES R. MacBRIEN, BARR. Rr and Solicitor. Suite 201, 70 King East, Genosha Hotel. Phone 349. (Novl) OSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BARRI STER, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14% King Street East. Oshawa. Phone 445, Residence, phone 7 (Nov) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER. SOLI- citor, 11 King East, 2. Phones Office, 55; Residence 3087R. ___(Novl) A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, Barristers. loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Simcoe North. Phone 1614. Res., 1975J. (Novl) MANNING PF. EWARIZ: BARRISTER, Solicitor, Nota Money to loan. Bassett Block, Suite No. 4. Phone 282 Res., 287TW. (Novl) 3a--Physiclaps ana Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. East, Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: 11 to 12 and (except Wed. and Sat.), 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. (Novl) Be Optome ists . H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, s "to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Phone 1516. (Novl) JURY AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: | 92 am. to 6 p.m.,, Wednesday, 9 to 1.| A. E Johnson, Optometrist. Phone 28. (Novl) | 6--Insurance PEACOCK"S INSURANCE - SERVICE. Consult us for any of your insurance needs. All classes of insurance, includ- me life. 22 Se Street East. Phone 5400. Res., 4318R. (Novl) ee Waioy To Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR wartz, Bar- Jister. Bassett PRlbck. suiie No. 4. Phone (Novitf) 10--instruction BALLET AND TAP DANCING TAUGHT by Irenie Harvey. Register Saturday in 8t. George's Parish Hall, Centre, reel ov ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS. DIC- new com- mence each Monday. Oshawa Business College, 18 Simcoe North. Phone Bir LEARN TO DRIVE--SAFETY EQUIP- cars, dual controls. Harley's School of Driving, 163% Bond St. E. Phone 5, day or evening appointments. (Nov. 6) 1 I Suing Trades RELIABLE ROOFERS--ASPHALT SHIN- gling, buii-up roofing, eavestrough- applied. Days, 3148. Brenings, Sas. (Nov. 7) PAINTING AND DECORATING, SPRAY ainting. Harold Carter, 188 Bruce St. hone 3289W. (Oct28) 25--Real Estate For Sale 29--Rooms For Rent 32--Automobiles for Sale 32----Automobiles for Sale | 36--Articles for Sale Modern grocery store in Gananoque-- Situated on No. 2 Highway in a new subdivision. Self-serve cash business running $800 to $1,000 per week, im- proving every week. Price includes all new modern store fixtures. Price $18,500 with down payment of $8,500, Will ex- change for a 5 or 6 room brick house in Oshawa. This is a wonderful op- portunity. Enquire at this office for further particulars. EVERETT G. DISNEY REAL ESTATE BROKER 82 SIMCOE 8S. -- PHONE 1550 "Exclusive listing" _ _ (253p) 4-ROOM BUNGALOW, 2 YRS. OLD. Will sacrifice for quick sale; no con- veniences, Immediate possession. Terms cash. Apply 348 Elmgrove Ave, _(252¢) $1 1 50 io room brick, "space ' for 3 more, every con venience, beautiful home, double garage. Money-maker for roomers. One block from King St. Will consider rea- sonable down payment or exchange on smaller home. $6 500 room brick bungalow, 1) all conveniences, hard- wood floors throughout, in good con- dition, large lot. $3 50 --3 room bungalow, con- ' veniences, modern kitchen, nice lot, will exchange on good 6 room home, fairly central. GORDON K. HARDY REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 SIMCOE ST. -- PHONE 5380 _ (233) 112 DIVISION ST.--LEGALLY VACANT, no rent comntrol; 8 large rooms, $8,300. A money-maker. Inspection by appoint- ment. A. E. Murdoch, Real Estate Bro- ker. (252¢) $2, 50 chicken house, good cellar and furnace, Bloor St. E. $3,00 good cellar, electric. Stev- enson's Rd. N. : | $3,000, on ne ne Mitchell Ave. $3,200 room nearly new, West- $3, 5007250 sen ue sa) furnace. Ritson Rd. 8. WILFRED McAULEY REALTOR 150 Division St. -- Phone 3510M Day or Night (253a) NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE, LOT 61'x218'. Phone 1801J3. 251c) BUILDING, LOT, 47x160' FOR SALE. Ritson Rdad North. Phone 1567R. (2530) 6-ROOM BUNGALOW $7,200 Monthly Payments Only $2722 (Pr. & Int.) Living-room, Dining-room, Kitchen and 3 bedrooms. This truly is an excellent opportunity to purchase a well-designed home at the right price. New street with side- walks and new street lighting. Full 7" basement with electric hot wa- ter tank and laundry tubs. New garage included in price. Possession in a few weeks. Phone us for an appointment to see this home. EXCLUSIVE LISTING howe 4400 chofield INSURANCE <Agency REALTORS 6 SIMCOE ST. N. (252b) 12--Personal Services F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS watchmaker. Repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patronage solicited. ov. 14--Household Repairs CHESTERFIELDS, REBUILT, RECO- vered Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone 5280W nights, 3344 days. ( Nov3if) REPRESENTATIVE HERE NOW FOR one month. We specialize in Marshall and Beautyrest repairs, Spring mat- tresses rebuilt returned like new. Eider- downs recovered. Ontario Bedding Co. Phone 4828. (Nov. 5) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE- upholstered. See Hu materials for recovering. Eru R Dalton, 175 Charles. Prone 401. (Nov8) 17--Radio Repairs REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF RADIOS. Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. (Nov2} 20--Business Opportunities One of the best garages and service stations on gel Shrest iof of Bes shen STATION AND. PROPERTY $1 5, 00 Cash Payment $8,00C Balance First Mortgage. HARRY O. PERRY PHONES: 2015 - 2090 22--Lost and Found LOST: BLONDE COCKER SPANIEL, two years old. Phone 4260W. (252b) FOUND: ROLL OF FILM, WEDDING pictures. Owner can have same by r © for ad and developing. Phone HOW (253a) LOST: F (2531) FEMALE DOG, BLACK AND yellow, four months old, yinicity Ver- dun Road. Reward. Phone 4667W. (253b) 23--Women's Column 1 TO 10 ACRE BUILDING LOTS; GOOD garden soil; half mile from No. 2 Highway; 5 miles from Oshawa. Phone 4522-W after 5 p.m. (251c) $7, 000 Nev brick 6 room bung- alow, Verdun Road, or ex- change for smaller home as equity. $7 50 --5 room new modern stuc- ' co bungalow, under N.H.A. Central Park Blvd. Immediate posses- sion. $7,50 cash down. $13,000 xis se" --T7 room brick 2 storey home north section, $2,300 room brick, °E. Garage. 2 bathrooms and extra toilet. This is in | a good location. WILFRED McAULEY REALTOR 150 Division St. -- Phone 3510M Day or Night Y (253a) 26--Real Estate Wanted HOUSES . WANTED AT ONCE FOR clients; some with all cash. Wilfred McAuley, Realtor. 150 Division Street. Phone 3510M. (2501) 29--Rooms for Rent FURNISHED BEDROOMS, DOUBLE OR single; continuous hot water. Very cen- tral. Phone 5324-W. (251d) 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ABSTAIN- ers. Apply Box 542, Times-Gazette, (251c) LARGE BEDROOM, SINGLE BEDS, AC- commodate 2; also single room. Phone 3242W (251c) FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUITABLE for one; continuous hot water; very central. Phone 1086-J. (252c) FURNISHED ROOM, SINGLE, GRILL privileges, if desired. Phone 5338-R. ee Se (252¢) FURNISHED © BEDROOM, SUITABLE for one or two; central; quiet home. Phone 3898-J. 227 Dearborne. (252¢) COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOM, for couple or gentle- NU-BONE FOR FREE FIGURE ANA- lyses and SxpeTh Fors Sorseuy service Tele- Phone Phone Mrs. | (Nov9) FALL SPECIAL: Fi Em au reg. Five Dollars, for Three Dollars: guaranteed. Phone 2653 Edward's Hairdressing, 5 Celina (Nov18) SPECIAL THIS MONTH: $2.50 UP. CON- sult Peggy's Beauty Parlor, 72 Church pa 371. (Nov. 20) SPECIAL THIS MONTH: $5 OIL PER- manent, for $3 Peggy's Beauty Parlor, 72 Church 8t. 371. (Nov. 20) 24--Personal TEA CUP AND CARD READING, AF AP ternoon and evening appointments, Phone 3953-J, (252b) man, grill E uiiness Phone 1481-W. (252¢) BED-SITTING ROOM IN DOWNTOWN apartment, suitable for two business ladies. Kitchen PH¥eges. Phone 2479W, after 6 p.m, © (253b) FURNISHED ROOM , WARM, } BRIGHT; kitchen privileges. "Single irl plefer. red; reasonable. Phone sw. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: heated apartment; central. For ap- pointment phone 3039. (253b) TWO GOOD "UPSTAIRS F ROOMS, GOOD location. Available Nov. 1. Phone 366J. = .____ (253p) FURNISHED BEDROOM, GENTLEMEN prefered: on main bus line; breakfast 1 Phone 3194J. (253b) 6- a WANTED: RIDE TO TORONTO 1 DAILY, or work at a.m. Apply 467 Ritson Road South. PPy (253b) 25--Real Estate For Sale Bungalows with the latest outstanding features: Brick, Stucco with Brick Fronts apd Seco. N.H.A. mortgages. he treets: C Biva. Sa entral Park phone tricia, North Oshawa. information, Willing to ow you at any time. BERT PEYTON 'REAL ESTATE BROKER Over 25 years of selling Real Estate East, Oshawa (251c) 3 FURNISHED ROOMS, HOT "WATER. ES Division Street. (253¢) DOUBLE ROOM, TWIN BEDS, GEN- tlemen preferred. Phone 4691R. 157 Agnes, © AA ST __ (253¢c) TWO FURNISHED ROO! BED- sitting room and kitchen, bullt-in cupboards, sink, ice-box; two business girls preferred. Phone 1w. (253b) LARGE BED-SITTING ROOM AND kitchenette, furnished complete for 1'7ht housekeeping; very central. Phone 41] 14R. (253b) vO PURNISHED nD LIGHT 3 HOUSE keeping rooms, heated. Abstainers only. Children welcome. This gues: home for sale. Whitby 2124. (253a) LARGE FRONT BEDROOM WITH breakfast, close to Motors; girl ferred. Phone UTM (25a) --4 room frame, large lot, ! --4 room new insul-brick, LARGE APARTMENT, BUILT-IN CUP- | boards. Private entrance. Phone 350W12. (252b) 29a--For Rent STORE ON DIVISION STREET. RENT reasonable. Phone 3510M. (250e) STORE FOR RENT * 69 KING STREET WEST BOWMANVILLE Newly decorated, mastic tile floor, modern heating. Approximately 16'x60'. Living accommodation. APPLY FORENOON ART WALKER (over store) 30--Room and Board WILL BOARD BABY WEEKLY, C GOOD home. Phone 2965- J. ¢ (252b) FOR TWO MEN, SEPARATE BEDS, near Motors. Phone 3953-J. (252b) 31--Wanted to Rent SMALL APARTMENT, CLOSE IN, FUR- nished, Two responsible adults. Phone Whitby 2374 or write to P.O. Box 38, Whitby. (Octal, 23,25,28) WANTED TO RENT--WAREHOUSE OR section; centrally located. Box 516, Times-Gazette. (Oct 30) 3 OR 4 ROOMED "FURNISHED APARTMENT Urgently Required By young couple. Permanently employed on local Apply BOX 426 TIMES-GAZETTE newspaper, (th WITH CONVENIENCES, young couple, with small Phone 1786-J. 252¢) WIDOW WANTS 2 UNFURNISHED rooms. Would do light service in part payment if desired. Box 548, Times- Gazette. (253a) SMALL FURNISHED APARTMENT, IN Oshawa. Two responsible adults. Best references. Phone Whitby 2374 or 2305. (250e) | YOUNG COUPLE, SMALL CHILD, RE- | quire house, in Oshawa, or within 10- mile radius. Phone 3138. (251d) 32--Automobiles for Sale AUTO GLASS, CUT AND INSTALLED, for any make car or truck "Johnnie" Walker, located at Clement's Service Station, 102 Simcoe N, Phone 842 (Nov1l4) '35 CHEV. SEDAN, PERFECT CONDI- tion, engine recently overhauled, new slip covers, new tires. 230 James St. Phone }848J. (251c) 35 PONTIAC SEDAN, '30 PONTIAC Coach. Naiman's Garage, 181 Albert St. (252¢) '35 FORD COUPE, GOOD CONDITION, A-I paint job, radio and heater. Phone 3862-R. (252¢) '35 CHEV. STANDARD COACH, - '36 Chev. Master Coach; In excellent con- dition. Box 300. Phone 280-W, Port Perry. (251c) '33 CHEV. PANEL TRUCK, NEWLY painted, tires, almost new, 2 spares; good condition. 174 Ritson Road 9 , (251c Stoney's 'OFFER THE BEST BUYS IN OSHAWA Come in and see for yourself. '46 CHEV. STYLEMASTER SEDAN. Real good car. 3 ROOMS, wanted by baby. Central preferred. CHEV. COACH. - Radio, heater. Away below mar- ket price. CHEV. SEDAN. Out- standing car in every way. ann $1,195 CHEV. DELUXE COUPE. Radio, heater ..... $1,195 FORD SEDAN. Bell Tele- phone car. HUDSON COUPE, Radio, heater. Real bargain $345 FORD COACH. Good motor, new tires. $395 CHEV. COACH. A good little car. FRONTENAC SEDAN. ~ Runs perfect. OLDS. COUPE. The best buy in town. Many more models to choose from. A complete stocks of Chevys. from '34 to '47 1-3 DOWN, AS LONG AS 30 MONTHS 'TO PAY Your Old Car In Trade Stoney's The Greatest Name In The Used Car Business We have our own lighting plant OPEN EVENINGS TILL § P.M. SATURD/ {8 UNTIL 6 P.M. 429 KING WEST PHONE 41837 (252b) RAY BENNETT MOTORS are not shawa's Largest sed Car Dealers BECAUSE WE ARE ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF OSHAWA BUT we are _argest sed Car Dealer etween Toronto AND ontreal with more Satistied (ustomers than any other dealer Createst Sale on or One Week at RAY BENNETT MOTORS LIMITED the best In the Business AS meri we 4554 (2532) '37 CHEV. COACH, HEATER, NEW tires. . Phone 517-W. a (251c) '39 | CHEV. BUSINESS C COUPE, E BUILT1 in radio, heater, defroster, also other accessories. "Excellent condition. Pri- vate. 116 Verdun Road. =~ (2 (253c) '39 39 STUDEBAKER, CAB OV ER EN- gine, stake body, short wheelbase, $350. '35 La Salle Sedan, $350. Apply 110 William West. (251c) '37 OLDS. COACH, GOOD CONDITION, radio and heater, $750. Phone 1805-W. __(251¢) '34 OLDS.-6 COACH, EXTRA GOOD condition; very reasonable. Apply 184 Burk St. Phone 3449-J. (252¢) '40 MAPLE » LEAF, 213,-TON DUMP truck, D.P. axle, good "tres, also '31 Model A. Ford, dual wheel and hand holst. Best offer. Phone 3288-J. (252c) 31 CHEV. COACH, MOTOR RECENTLY overhauled, 5 good tires, Body, fair shape. Phone 3 3551-R evenings. (252c) 29 PONTIAC, GOOD SHAPE. PHONE 449- J or 135 Celina St. n (252a) '34' MASTER CHEV., PERFECT CONDI- tion; heater, winter front, $450 cash. Phone 2738-J. (252c) 41 CHEV. SEDAN, SPLENDID CONDI- tion, good tires, privately owned. Best offer. Phone 199-R after 6 p.m. (252b) '47 PONTIAC SEDANETTE, LOW MILE- age. Accessories, perfect shape. 625 Cromwell Ave. Phone 2126-W. (252b) '35 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, TWIN HORNS, heater, permanent anti-freeze; excellent shape. Clarke 3813. Lou (25da) '37 DODGE COACH IN GOOD CONDI- tion. 235 Dearbourne Avenue. Phone BOR, ee en (3 Re) '3¢ CHEVROLET COACH, STANDA Good condition. Apply 583 Alpers St ( ) 0 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. PHONE 2395. (253b) 115-TON TRUCK, STAKE PLATFORM, dual wheels. Phone 202W1. (253b) 37 OLDS SEDAN, GOOD CONDITION. 135 Ochawa Blvd. (253b) '40 PONTIAC COUPE, EXCELLENT condition. Apply 38 Colborne St. West. (253b) '33 MASTER CHEV., RECENTLY OVER- hauled. Good tires. Apply 294 Vimy Avenue, after 4. (253a) '47 FORD TRUCK, ~ ONE-TON PANEL, Real good condition, well equipped. Phone 2 2344, Bowmanville. (253b) FORD COUPE, NEW ENGINE JOB, new paint job, two new tires; goes like scared cat. Apply 27 Warren Avenue; after 5 pm any night. (253b) "42 PONTIAC, 5-PASSENGER 2-DOOR, radlo, heater. Phone 1654J12. (253a) 33--Automobiles Wanted MORE CASH FOR YOUR CAR AT Dodd's Car Lot, 418 Park Road South Phone 2872W. (NovT) $10 SELLS YOUR CAR We will sell your car on consign- ment for a flat fee of $10. Save yourself the inconvenience of fin- ancing and selling your car. MANY CASH BUYERS WAITING BELMONT MOTORS 137 King St. West. Phone 4808 ___- (25011) | ALL CASH FOR ( GOOD USED CAR, "40 | to '49; also light delivery or one-ton truck. Phone 3288-J. (252¢) CASH FOR YOUR CAR! BRAMLEY Motor Sales. 12h Simcoeu Street North Phone 4685W (Nov3) 34--Pets and Livestock IRISH IRISH SETTER | PUPS, SIRED BY | champion *"Caldene Jericho". 111Prince St. (252¢) 11 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 7 WEEKS OLD. Phone 3423W4. (252¢) ONE YEAR OLD BEAGLE, ELIGIBLE for papers, also slx-month-old beagle and red bone; reasonable for quick sale. Apply 8. Starr; Union Avenue, Port Perry. (253a) COCKER SPANIELS, RED, BLACKS and parti-colors. Also black female, spayed Black male, house broken, in- oculated. Waubena Kennels, 1 mile west of Oshawa, new highway. (Nov29) 34a--Farmers' Column PLOWING DONE WITH TRACTOR. WANTED: CATTLE TO WINTER. Phone Brooklin 46-r-21. (253¢) 35--Wearing Apparel WE BUY AND SELL USED ( CLOTHING, sterilized, cleaned and pressed like new. Carrying large stock fall and winter coats, suits, pants. Sam Schwartz, 21 Bond St. W. (Nov 7) LADY'S COAT, SIZE 54-56, WORN once, $15. Youth's coats, size 16-18, $5 each. Phone 431-W. (252b) YOUNG MAN'S OVERCOAT, SAND colour; size 36, 272 Grooms Ave. Phone 433-J. (252¢) CHILD'S COAT, SET 3 PCS. BLUE, size 6, brand new; store refused to re- fund money, $15. Phone 472. (252b) GIRL'S PLEATED SKIRTS, JUMPER, muskrat coat, size 10-12; boy's cloth jacket, fur trim, tweed jacket, size 12- 14; misces' dresses, suits, two spring coats, mouton coat, fur lined, tweed coat, size 14-16. 106 William E. (252b) LADY'S GREEN SPORT COAT, RE- movable fur lining, $20; tweed sports- coat, size 12-14, $8. 220 Court St. mb enn (ase GIRL'S RED WINTER COAT, SIZE 14- 16; youth's coat, 16. Phone 3617-M. | : oon) LADY'S BLACK BOUCLE COAT, SIZE 16, chamois lined, separate fitch collar; like new, $15. 4252J ITE, 253b) LADY'S BLACK CLOTH COAT, SMALL silver fox collar, size 14; reasonable. Arply 3812 Simcoe North, Apt. 4, td ) BOY'S 3-PIECE WINTER OUTFIT, brown with quilted lining, size 3; like new. Apply 460 Jarvis. (253a) LADY'S SKI JACKET, SWEATER, size 16; socks, scarf, also winter coat, perfect condition; reasonable. a (253a, GREEN SEMI-FITTING COAT, SIZE 18. Silver-red fox collar, good as new. Charles Street. (253¢) LADY'S BLACK PIN STRIPED SUIT, also grey sult and dresses, size 14; reasonably priced. 568 Grierson. (253b) 2 LADIES' COATS, SIZE 14, FRENCH geal and muff, $50; red chesterfield with black velvet collar and satin- lined, $15. Phone 3333W. _(253a) LADY'S FITTED BLACK COAT, WITH silver fox collar, size 14-16; excellent condition. Phone 2096R. (253b) 36--Articles for Sale VERY EXCLUSIVE, BEAUTIFUL wooden electric fixtures, suitable for restaurant or public building. . Phone 22790. (252¢) DEER RIFLE; 25-SINGLE SHOT RI- fle; shells; 2 tires and tubes, 600x16; several odd windows; 3 sheets Gyproc. 272 Grooms Ave. Phone 433J. (252¢) BUY QUICKLY--TIRES, ANTI-FREEZE, seat covers, batteries, motor oil, wa- ter pump bits, radiators, car heaters, brake lining, carburetors, sealed beam, adapter kits, fuel pumps, mufflers, tail pipes, exhaust pipes, reliners, driving lights, and many other items at 20% discount. Hutcheson Auto Parts, 102 William E. (252c) COOK STOVE, BEACH, ( CREAM ENA- mel front; vacuum cleaner," '"Magic- Air"; good condition. Phone 2827-M, or Hillside Grill. (251¢c) QUANTI (TY OF USED IRON PIPE, 1" and. 1'4". Apply 155 Central Park Blvd. Phone "386010. (252) Beauties. | Wee Fnd Specials Bradley's 40 King St. W. ONE' LOCATION SCOTCH INLAID LINOLEUM BRADLEY SPECIAL $229 PER SQ. YD. NATURAL FINISH CRIBS Size 24x48. Complete with fluffy Felt Mattress BRADLEY SPECIAL lS BED OUTFITS Single size only. Walnut steel bed, Steel cable spring. Rolled edge felt mattress. BRADLEY SPECIAL $2695 A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas. Bradley's 40 King YS W HARDWOOD FACTORY ( CUTTINGS, $5) or $3 lots, delivered. Phone 3288-J. (232c) WINE GENDRON CONVERTIBLE pram, deluxe model; excellent condi- | tion. Phone 4951- w. (25 1c) | DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR, JR. | No. 4, doors, 1 outside, 3 inside, used, stock and dye for threading pipes, cute ter and vise. 264 King E, Bowman- ville. (251¢) 45-GALLON DRUMS, SUITABLE FOR fuel oll, $3.75 each, delivered. Phone 5035-W. (251c) GIRL'S ENGLISH BICYCLE, FOR SALE cheap. Phone 1723-R. (250d) 36--Articles for Sale SHOP AT RUTHERFORD'S AND DISCOVER THE : DIFFERENCE OUR LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY 156 SIMCOE ST. S. (One Block:.South of Memorial Park) 3-PC. VELOUR CHESTERFIELD SUITE, $119.00 A lovely suite and what a buy at the price! 100% spring-filled, carved showood and piped backs. Guaranteed construction. 3-PC. BEDROOM GROUP $79.50 Another grand buy! Lustrous wal- nut finish and crystal mirrors. Suite consists of drop-centre vanity with centre drawer, roomy chest and large bed. See this for value! VELOUR SOFA BED, $79.50 Soft cushionized construction. Up- holstered arms, covered all over in your choice of rich wine or green velour. A Rutherford Special. 6-PC. KITCHEN SUITE, $65 Finished in honey maple and red. Large buffet with cutlery and linen drawers, extension table and 4 panel back upholstered diners. Here's a chance to save $40. WALNUT FINISHED CHESTS, $22.95 Lots of extra storage space here, 4 large drawers. Nicely finished in walnut with router trim. Ruther- ford Special. TRILIGHT & SHADE, $12.95 Longer nights ahead. Only a few left at this special price. Get yours now. AXMINSTER MATS, 27x54, $7.25 All-wool floral designs from Eng- land. Wine, rose, blue, green and tan. Away below usual price. Ruth- erford Special. CRIB & MATTRESS, $14.95 Natural finish crib, size 28x48, with colorful transfers and soft cotton mattress. Real economy here! SATIN COMFORTERS, $11.95 Luxuriously warm. Wool filled. Re- versible all satin. All colors. STUDIO COUCH, $47.95 Real comfort by day or night. 100% spring-filled. Durable tapes- try covers, All colors. Rutherford Special. WE FEATURE MARSHALL, SIMMONS, WAYSAGLESS BEDDING. REMEMBER RUTHERFORD'S Have The Largest Display of Congo- leum and Inlaid Floor Cover- ings -- Axminster, Wilton, and Broadloom Carpets in | Oshawa. OUR ONLY LOCATION 156 SIMCOE ST. S. .. TELEPHONE 3413 DVA CREDITS ACCEPTED (252b) HARDWOOD SLABS & BODY HARD- wood, cut in stove wood lengths. Phone 3714-M. (250e) SOFTWOOD SLABS, $8 PER CORD; hardwood slabs, $15 per cord, delivered. Phone 5405J. (Nov5) | KOKEN BARBER CHAIR, CHEAP. AP- | ply 28 Simcoe South. (251c) | BODY HARDWOOD, HARDWOOD | slabs, soft W slabs, 4 ft. lengths. Delivered. G. lip, Janetville. Phone Bethany 18-33. (Nov. 1) APPLES--SNOW & WINTER C( COOKING, delivered by bushel. Phone 3467J2, (Nov. 3) CARROTS BY BUSHEL, $1.50 PELIY ered. Phone 644 or 1918W. 53) WINE VELOUR DAVENPORT, ae chair to match, $30 or best offer. 369 Drew Street. - 5 (253b) WINGHAM RANGE, WITH SILENT- Glow oil burners. Phone 4243M, 458 Madison Avenue. (253b) GENERAL MOTORS 7-TUBE I RADIO, perfect condition, $50. Phone 5311J. (253a) FRENCH DOOR, 79x67, ALSO GIRL'S white figure skates, size 4. Apply 421 Masson. (253a) WINTER FITTED TAILORED COAT, size 12, black; excellent condition, 315 length 3912. 4922J. (253a) SIMMONS SINGLE BED AND SPRING, excellent condition, $15. Apply 538 Cubert Street. (253b) RANGETTE, SUPERIOR, with oven, good baker, 351 Leslie, Saturday. (2532) MAITLAND COAL RANGE, WHITE enamel, like new. Price reasonable. 261 Eulalie Avenue. (253b) PAIR GIRL'S TUBE E SKATES, S SIZE 6, good condition. 34 Fairbanks. Phone 1185W, after 4. (253a) GIBBARD WALNUT DINING-ROOM suite, Queen Anne style, modern, nine pieces. Box 547, Times-Gazette. _(253b), 2 FRENCH DOORS, WINE RUG, boy's wagon, C.C.M. 80 Burk Street. > (253c) BLUE GENDRON PRAM, GOOD CON- dition, $20. 199 Huron Street. (253a) NUMBER EMPTY 5-GALLON PAINT pails; could be used as ash containers. 25¢ each; Apply 63 Ritson South. (253a) TWO HUNDRED BAGS CEMENT, dump truck, sleeping trailer, house car, electric Frigidaire, chrome kitchen set. 5405J. (253¢) TWO 'HUNDRED BARRELS CHOICE Spy apples, $2.50 bushel Walter Davis, Taunton, 1!4 miles north. No Sun- days. 163W4, (Oct30) VENETIAN BLINDS IN FLEXALUM OR steel. Any of 24 colours; concave shaped slat Priced from $6.60 up. 55 sq. ft. Estimates without obligation. George Reid, Phone 2104, 66 Bond St. West. (Nov.1) MIXED WOOD | SLABS, $8. BODY wood, $10 half cords; cedar posts. Phone 3903-J. (Nov. 6) GILSON FORCED-AIR FURNACE, AL- most new, with blower and all attach- ments onths only, Cost price, , 2-BURNERS used 6 mi $600. will Attic tor $350, Apply 334 King East, (246t1) LATHAM RASPBERRY PLANTS, DUN- lap and Premier i io Best quality roots. 36--Articies For Sale Wilson's 20 CHURCH ST. OFFER THESE Week- End Values FOR THE Home 3 Piece Velour CHESTERFIELD $119 3 Piece Modern BEDROOM SUITE $99 1 Only, Enamelled COOK STOVE $69.50 "Kroehler" Bed CHESTERFIELD $89.00 HASSOCKS -- $2.98 Fancy Silk CUSHIONS $2.49 EVERYTHING IN FLOOR COVERING! 6x9 Borderless RUGS $2.99 Convertible Baby PRAMS $24.75 Spring-filled MATTRESSES $22.95 Wilson's "Saves You Money" - Shop First At 20 Church PHONE 768 (252¢; 38--Female Help Wanted WOMAN FOR CLEANING, HALF A day a week. Phone. 1407. ~ (252¢) GIRL OR W WOMAN, FOR STEADY work; must be intelligent worker. Box ° 543, Times-Gazette, (251c) WAITRESS WANTED, FULL AND part-time. Apply Mayfair Lanes Restaurant. (253a) 39--Male Help Wanted FULLER BRUSH COMPANY NEEDS neat-appearing man to help handle northern business; special pay to start; steady work. Phone 3341, for appoint ment or 382J1. (246h) now available for fall planting. Order. Early supply limited. Oshawa Nursery, 174 Ritson South. Phone 3235. Also apple, cherry and pear trees for fall planting. (Novi4) BEAUTIFUL McCLARY ELECTRIC table-top range, excellent condition; studio couch, rust color; Beautyrest 3% mattress; lady's C.C.M. tube skates and boots, size 7. Apply 640 Mary Street. Phone 1896W. (252b) CAR RADIO, R.C.A--$30. 181 Albert, St. ( 52¢) RENT A PORTABLE ELECTRIC SEW- ing machine in your own home. $B month. Singer Company, Phone ostei VENETIAN BLINDS, T THE ADVANCED Kirsch type. The most startling de- velopment in Venetian Blind history. Flattened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful enclosure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates with- out obligation. George Reid, Phone 04, 66 Bond St. West. (Nov.1) TEN THOUSAND FENCE POSTS, cheap; also American mason's lime, mushroom and sheep manure Oshawa Nurseries, Phone 3234. (Nov.15) GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS Latest Type - Any Color Flexalum, 'Steel or Wood. Five-day delivery, Budget Terms Avallable. Venetian Blinds of gualiey is our only busin Free Estimates and "Tstallation Anywhere. J. MELLY Phone 4101 -- Oshawa P.O. Box 421 MET-WO INDUSTRIES LIMITED (Listen to CKEY 8:50 to 9:00 (isin) SPECIAL COLD WAVE $5.95 AT Huyck's. Phone 308. Oct29) A COMPLETE STOCK OF ni rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. (Nov25t1) 37--Articles Wanted GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED. Ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters 56 King West. 3326. ° x (N Novil) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PAPER, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calla picked up free. Phone 635 Cedardale Iron ind Metals. 100 Annis St ol CNR Station. (Nov3) KITCHEN EN SINK. . PHONE 1228M. _(253¢c) CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED | Fue. niture, ice box, Quebec hedte Bond West. Phone 3766M. Ovia) BENCH SAW AND "JOINER. BEAVER preferred, any accessories. Phone 1. after 5 p.m. (251¢c) 38-- Female Help Wanted DOCTOR'S SECRETARY; EXPERIENCE unnecessary. Box 544, Times-Goc on YOUNG MAN To learn radio broadcast operat- ing. Excellent ° opportunity to obtain good training for this interesting work. APPLY CKDO 16 CENTRE ST. (253a) MAN WANTED FOR CARPENTRY work; approximately two weeks. Phone 122i after 6. (253¢c) 41--Employment Wa REPAIRING TRILIGHTS, RANI [nea all household Jy app: ces. Frank Snudden. Phone 107 Athol East. ( (Nov18) JOURNEYMEN "ELECTRICIAN, CITY or suburban house wiring, range runs, estimates given. Phone 4 S5W. (252b) HOUSEWIFE WISHES TO DO FEW individual or family laundries. Phone 1735-M. . 26,29) AVAILABLE NOW, no practical nurse. Highest references. Box 545, Times-Gazette. TWO YOUNG GIRLS LOOKING FOR light housekeeping; some experience. Phone 1225R. (253c¢; WOMAN DESIRES BABY HITTING. evenings. Phone 3067. Shen 253¢c) YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE BO as saleslady. Box 540, THnes-Gazatie. ( ) 42--L egal Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Township of East Whitby, County of Ontario. To Wit By tue of a warrant issued by the Reeve the Township of East the sald corporation b d the 10th day of June, 1948, sale of lands in arrears of ta: East Whitby i Oshawa School, 8. Township of East Whitby, at the | hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon the 13th day of November, Ben, 1048, uhiess the taxes and costs are he Bit is hershy given that th the of Notice for sale e To arrears taxes was pub. ished the. Ontario. In ine' sd a Just, 1046, and na that copies vis of e

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