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Daily Times-Gazette, 13 Nov 1948, p. 11

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| SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1948 THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE PAGE ELEVEN | i Donkey." Notices (Continued on Page 10) hood in Scouting, a meaning that has | been lost in the petty differences of world opinion. 3RD "A" CUB PACK The Honour Six for the month of October is the Red Six, and they will . meet in front of the Post Office to go to the show on Monday, November 15, at 5 o'clock. Please make sure you are on ti A TR ber, Monday evening at 5 p.m. n the last two meetings we have been using the new flag-break and Sand Howl. Theé Honour Six for last *k was the White Six, while the IGity Six was the Black Six. Inciden- ally, we hope that Robert Hoosima's young brother, Garry, is better after his accident. Well, that's all for pow. We'll be bAck next week. ~--THE BUNDERILOG 4TH OSHAWA CUB PACK Monday night found the 4th Pack invading the Scout Hall. Promptly at 6:30, Akela called "Pack" and thie Cubs went off to their lairs, where dues and attendance were marked. Grand Howl was led by Sixer George Wiskin. This was followed by Inspec- tion train. By the time the train reach- ed the 5th ", the were sadly lacking! The first game, under Bagheera, one in which the cubs had to collect as many small - pleces of cardboard (which weré scatteréd around the hall) | as they could find and then Bagheera called "time" and the cubs went to their lairs, where they counted their "loot" Then Akela called all the cubs in a eircle and presented Jim Lutton and Bill Manning with their first star, That is One eye opened now, cubs, and Good Hunting on your d star tests! ' Thén néw chums, Bill Burr and Bob! Hanna, were called into the circle to yecelve their white neckerchiefs from Bagheera. Next came instruction period, during which Baghéera passed Blake Chese- borough on Knots. Good Hunting, e and this ¢lay me, hopping around ouple of chairs by making a figure at to pattern. or campfire, we turned out a!l the lights save the moon and all sat on the circle, Our ASM. told a about a greedy grave- yone have a nightmare was under 8 The meeting closed with prayer. Next wéek, wé'll be back to-our own 'den in the church, and until then, Good Hunting, cubs! > --"THE OLD ONES" 7TH "A" OSHAWA CUB PACK "Now this is the law of the jungle, As old and as trué as the aky, And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, Bul the wolf that shall break it must . e." With tl mysterious words, repeat- ed by Baloo, the cub meeting got un- der way with 30 Wolves présent at the Countil Rock. Raksha then inspectéd the Pack and gave & very good repori on general appearance. Our new game for 'the wéek was called the goose walk; (nuff sed). Raksha took the Pack in Kim's game and the Red Bix were the most obser- vant with a total of fourteen out of fifteen objects. Well done, Rea 8!x. We had a very short work period with Roy Girard passing His National An- them and David Wilson paséing his Skipping. ABnh erybody cried!--at last--the eameél walk. It was much better than last timé, but still & little weak. Rikki then told wus a little stury ebout each of the old wolves. At the closing Grand Howl, six chums Ware Pe Lo LR star, ey were rard, Doug. McNaugn- Bob \ t David Robert Wassell and David Wiison. Now that boys have their first eve open, we know they are well on the path to being good second star Cubs. David Simpson, ofie of our smoilest Cubs, isn't very well. Hope you feel ttér soon, vid, and can come to 'ubs next week. ig next Tuesday--Good Hunting, ack. --THE OLD WOLVES However, hér maneuvers finally force Jim, to give away the secret and it is that the teen-age Arthur takes with uproarious results. The meeting began with Grand Howl under the eyes of Akéla. Roll call, dues and Christmas money followed, and the Pack was placed under the leadership of Bagheera for an exciting game of 'Orders'! Raksha followed this game By a game of French Tag, and with éveryonie running aroung -full speed, who wouldn't get tired? So the Old Wolves packed us into our corners for Test Period. After a little while, get- ting tests passed, and brushing up on a lot of little things, Bagheera decided to test how observant we were, by holding a Kim's Game. Some of us aren't as observant! as we thought, are we? The best part of the Pack meetings are arourid the Campfire, and the Old Wolves joined with us in singing some of the Pack favorites, such as by -daady" and "Sweetly Sings the s | 8 tug-of-war game in the gym. The Blue Six, under. the leadership of 'General Electric" follow- ed with a rather funny skit, and all this was followed by a very fine story on Armistice Day by Balun. Paksha took Akela's place at Grand Howl. wad this was followed by prayers. Baloo is sorry that she had to make the com- ment she did at the end of the meeting and hopes that it won't be necessary again. By the way, where did Akela go last week with Kim? We'll see next onday night. Until then it's --~MOWGLI 14TH OSHAWA WOLF CUB PACK Surprise! Here's the Deg fuming the 14th's news for this season. - bet dbredi a us you wh 5 Well, of our of at we hope to tell you all news and nonseise from n)w on. Akela had to attend a district Scout- ers' meeting so Rikki and Baloo took over with the help of hte thre: Scouts (Cub instructors). Grand Howl opened our meeting, fol- loved by inspection. Come on Cubs, see if your un/forms can look as sn'art as_those Scouts. Rikki took tac Cubs in a ga ne, "The Thief and the Farmer." Then the Scouts came forward with a snappy relay game Instruction followed with everyone hard at work The following presentations were made: Donald Fubbard and Paul Forayco received their first star, Good work fellows. Remember you can wear a proficiencl; badges with one star. Teddy Willlams and Arthur Goodall re- ceived House Orderly Badge. Congratu- lations. 'The following boys received Service Stars: Jack Germond, 2nd year; Allan Mason, 2nd year; John Mason, 2nd year; Jim Subven 2nd year; Glloert Taylor, 2nd year; Donald Tilk, 3rd Howl closed our next week, Good Hunting, ud | --THE OLD WOLVES. | meeting. 4TH OSHAWA SCOUTS The troop, grinning large grins, as- sembled two minutes late with two members absent--both sick and the] meeting started after asevere tussle with the flag by the Wild Goose Patrol. | Our long thin tioop leader Ken Whal- | ley, took Inspection, while our long | i night. (I think I need more sleep). Then -- oh yes, we mustn't forget these skits given us as entertainment (and I use the term loosely because for the life of me, I can't see why any- one would subject themselves to such treatment as offering their all, and the term is used expressly for T. L. Harre] of the Eighth, even to the ex- tent of selling the one shirt he had. But the saying still goes. 'a customer is always right'.--(Oh the irony of it). The flag came down. Prayer, Scout promise. Then we ate. Three hot-dogs apiece, and for some as many cups by Scoutmaster Dunk of the 7th Troop We were divided into the different 7th Patrols for inspection and for the evening's activities. These activities were many and quite varied. Knot relays formed a very important part of the evening, and corner periods gave some of us P.L.'s an insight into what other P.L.' thinking and doing. A game of "H and Rider" was played, and this was a great deal of fun since some of the riders did not know exactly who their horses were because they were in dif ferent 'Troops. Later In the evening, of nigger milk to wash the t down, We were almost accused of try- ing to drown ourselves to escape being duty patrol, until Alan McTavish saved our souls by splashing his escape from a third down. His splashes, by the way, made an impression on the floor, and on the S.M. Result? The Eagles are duty 'patrol for one whole |! month. Let's take a little weight off Al by hereby announcing congratulations on being promoted to P.L. of the Eagle Patrol. Best of luck with your new post Al (particularly during the first month). Thanks to the Eighth for showing up --see! And we trust you will forget about the bells. Now Mr. 8., Ngiits out. Let's get some sleep, huh? --SNOOPY. 8TH STARBOARD This is our version of what hap- pened last Monday night. We all met at two bells of the Second Dog Watch at the corner of Simcoe and Bagot Streets, waiting for the Skipper who came along finally with Patrol Leader Don Clark of the Muskrats. Troop Leader Harrell called the Troop up in front of 8t. George's Parish Hall, and led us inside Where we were gree and the fire, Dunk told a ghost-story about a bell, after which different trols put on skits. Food followed, and we d how many hot-dogs Chick Phillips put away before the Skipper LOPS him, A real sing-song closed the meeting, with prayer and flag lowering bringing t to a successful conclusion, Next meeting on Thursday. Don't forget your knotting ropes and staves: ~AQUARAT No, 2, 12TH. OSHAWA SCOUT TROOP The Tuesday night meeting of the 12th was one to remember. Everyone was on their toes and things went off as expected. It was too bad that we weren't able to use the new room for our ti ut I d that the painters will be finished by next Tues- day and then we will have a meeting hall to compare with the best. Every- one - welcomed the visit of District Scoutmaster Valentine on Tuesday night and I will guarantee that many of you learned something new from him, particularlythose boys who were fortunate enough to have Mr. Valentine as their knotting instructor. The form- ing of a new patrol will mean a lot to the troop and I think you all will ted | agree with the choice of Chuck Powers as P.L. Chuck has been a great help with the Cubs and I am sure he will do even better with the Scouts. The patrol competition got under 'way with a bang when the Eagles lost five points. That was rather a poor show Ron Robinson, next time you had better remember to bring your book along with you. Points are already going out to the Fox patrol under Chuck Powers for the hike they took on Wednesday. This is the sort of thing that will bring you out in front if you keep at it. We baven't seen much handicraft lately and T would like to see you all with staves. At the court of honor meetin, after Scouts on Tuesday it was decid to go north on a troop hike on Sat- urday,. November 20. This will give some of you would«be cooks a chance to show your stuff and it had better be good. Many of the boys have taken the hint about uniform and are now videring what they need. This is going to give the iicop a great boost and will surely improve the meetings. We will be looking for all of you on Tuesday night at 7:00 and don't forget to bring he money in from the Christmas cards * ~J. H HARE. 13TH USHAWA BOY SCOUTS The meeting opened with flag break. While in horseshoe, a number of part uniforms were ordered, which is show- ing an improvement in the troop. - We will have to be all in full uniforms and best behavior next Monday nigh when the cubs come out for th (3 up ceremony. Our Wall) came in late from Westport, north of Kingston, Norm Gray, one of our scouts apparently didn't obey Mr. Car- son for Norm broke his collar bone in tumbling. We received into our troop tonight two new boys, Jerry Bent and Bud There was a quick game and to surprise all, the Seals ended up duty patrol (tough luck boys). The troop was dimissed with flag lowering after which the P.L. and Seconds held a Court of Honor. --U-NO-HOO Kemp. COME TO FARM Guelph, Nov. 13 -- (CP) -- The stainless steel fracture splints de- veloped in wartime have come to the farm. Dr. Frank J. Cote, head of the animal and fur-bearing de- partment at the Ontario Veterinary College, said in an interview Friday that the steel pins are being used in healing fractured legs of ani- mals. MAY APPEAL Owen Sound, Nov. 13--(CP)--Ar- thur Hooey of Owen Sound, now serving a five-year sentence for manslaughter in connection with the fatal stabbing of Allan Crowe hére March 6, is reported seeking to appeal. FLOW DEFICIENT wa, Nov. 13--(CP)-- Stream ow conditions in Canada during October were notably deficient from Ontario to the eastern seaboard, it was reported Friday in a joint state- ment by the Dominion Water and Power Bureau and the United States Geological Survey. Family Honored On Departure From Greenbank Greenbank, Nov. 12--On Wednes- day evening about one hundred Greenbank folks assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mc- Millan for a surprise farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lee and Rupert Lee. They have recently sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of Agincourt, and are moving to Toronto to make their home there. Leonard Beadle and Clifford Ward read addresses of apprecia- tion and presented Mr. and Mrs. Lee with a coffee table, also a pen and pencil set to Rupert Lee. Then the members of the men's Pilot Class in the United Church Sunday School presented to each of the Lee brothers a leather cased brush set. All - three responded with thanks. The happy social evening concluded with delicious refresh- ments. These neighbors will be greatly missed, having always help- ed so readily and heartily to all things that would benefit our com- munity. It is regretted that Mrs. James Ianson is ill at, present. Our anniversary services will be held in Greenbank Church on Sun- day, November 14, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Profitt of Beaverton, will preach at both services. Special music wi]l be given by the choir. This will be the 52nd anniversary of our present church building, al- though on October 8th, of this year was the 100th anniversary after the first Greenbank ' church. It was Methodist and on the site of the cemetery. A successful get together was held by the members of the Fidelis Class on Thursday afternoon of Armistice Day. Mrs. George Beare was host and a d tration was given with the proceeds of same being donated to the funds is the Women's Sunday School class. ACCEPT FINDINGS Halifax, Nov. 13 -- (CP) -- Two locals of the. Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers (T.L.C.) Friday night accepted the findings of a conciliation board to end a wage dispute with Halifax Shipyards Ltd. The 1300 workers at a mass meeting accepted a four- cent overall boost in their basie hourly wage. Kitchen Planning Service Auto Wreckers thing Scoutmaster stalked around, and our short fat 2.8.M. toddled hither and yon about his business. Thé P.L.'s collected dues and then the S.M. ran The | next | Scouter announced council for s | week at which the Owls and Wolves are | to present skits and Ken Ostler is to | play his mouth urgan and Ken Whal- | ley is to sing? The Wolves and Owls | were heard planming hikes and Nosey | understands some of the gang are going to the cabin for the week-end. The Wild Goose Patrol are collecting wood this Saturday for our winter wood pil and nine othér boys are out to pass various outdoor tests. this | week-end. Orchids go to Jack Clark, Roy Larmer, Bill Taylor and Don Mal- | let for their good turn in acting as| guide for half a day each to our blind friend Mr. Treneer in his efforts to form an Oshawa club for the blind. Stout fellas. Congratulations also to Norm Knox, John Whiskin, Ken Ostler, Norm Fisher, Lloyd Irvide and Edwin Har- vey for the good job they did at the Cenotaph on Sunday at the dedication of the memorial plaques. Fred Whalley, Don Mallet and Warren Abbott passed | their camp kitchen test and Morley | Yeo, trail following and wood chop- HARLEIGH MFG. CO. KITCHEN CUPBOARDS REFRESHMENT BARS PLASTIC WALL TILE CHROMIUM MOULDINGS Just give us a call 2410 160 KING W. OSHAWA AUTO PARTS AND SUPPLY * -- 81 ATHOL W. -- 2012 ping. Nosey also notes that Don Kerr has only to pass composition of the Union Jack and get his uniform and he can be invested. Nosey would like to Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Cabinet Makers know what is holding Ken Harvey up from passing tests? Halfway through the meeting Bill Epworth, one of our old Scouts oozed in and was very welcome. Come any- | time, Bill; Also halfway through the | meeting, Mr. Nicholson and eight or nine other hockey fans oozed out, while the S.M. gnashed his teeth. A Scout Law relay finished with Wolves first, Lynx second, Owls third and Wild Goose fourth. Compass relay, Owls first, Wild Goose second and Wolves and Lynx tied for third. Don Mallet was finally presented with his swim- mers' badgs. Don't forget the profici- ency badge 'class at the Scout Hall, Monday, at 7:30 p.m. and the Court of | Honor, Sunday at 7:30 p.m... Patrol Points: Lynx 127, Wolves 135, Owls 123, and Wild Goose 119. That's all folks. "~THINE NOSEY. (And the nose knows) 1TH OSHAWA SCOUTS It was an unforgettable family gath- ering that filled in the spaces of St. George's parish walls last Monday, and a good program to fill in the inter- vening time lapse. The Seventh and Eighth Starboard troops joined forces SINSSRS DRIVE-IN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 111 KING W. OSHAWA OSHAWA CABINET MAKERS [] 5363 473 RITSON RD. OSHAWA for an evening of frolicking fun-making and games. e tied knots; we played a game which entailed a great deal of Electrical Contractors Air Conditioning Contractors co-ordination. Yea! The direction one fellow head- ed, happened to be just the opposite to that which his partner was travelling. With a bang of a celebration--they met, For the game, everyone paired off, forming a double, closely knit cir- cle, and when a first whistle blew, the outer file moved in fast tempo to the right. On a second whistle in thelr attempt to keep from being last to mount the back of a partner, and in the partner's attempt to get closer (il- legally) that was when everyone heard bells ringing, hammers clashing against something solid, and some guy in a red suit, tall to match, jabbing them out of dreams with a three pointed, unmistakedly sharp spear. We, for I shall include myself, awoke minutes later to darkness. Sweating and gasping I awoke strug- gling to gain control of what hap- pened previously, Numb and bewild- ered, the room was in complete silence, save one voice. All came crystal clear. Before a group of faces, strangely familiar ,seen same night, same sta- tion) sat Mr. Dunk, relating the story of a man who had been trapped within a huge eight-ton tower bell while be- low, an unknown fniend pulled: thé cord. Still In a confused condition, some Sharp Electric Electrical Contractors COMPLETE WIRING AND REPAIRS ALL TYPES OF OIL HEATERS Sales and Service -- Parts Electric Appliances Sales and Repairs 24-HOUR SERVICE OSHAWA 4501 160 KING W. R. H. Lockwood FURNACES AIR CONDITIONING OIL BURNERS | 752 288 ARTHUR, OSHAWA I remember that the story had had a happy ending . . . our trapped friend pleaded insanity for his re- Fish and Chip Specialists Furniture maining years. Or did that happen later in a skit when a new P.L. stood before us run- ning his fingers across his hand in 4 fast trot, preténding escape from his star-plucking brothers, who, he explain- ed, were insane. Upon which he flap- ped his wings and flew far into the HARD OF HEARING? COME TO OUR FREE DEMO TUESDAY, NOV. HEARIN All new models Guar Complete Hearing A Medicine of the American 399 GEORGE ST. AT THE HOTEL GENOSHA OF THE LATEST ELECTRONIC One-Piece, Battery-Contained Models To Fit Every Hearing Need a Including the outstanding Western Electric Models 65 and 66, designed by the Bell Telephone Laboratories. All models accepted by the Couicil on Physical PRICED FROM $97.50 OTHER MODELS FROM $47.50 HENRY PUTMAN & SON NSTRATION 16th-2 to 8 p.m. G AIDS anteed for One Year Aids, No Gadjets Medical Association. PETERBOROUGH, ONT. WARNER WILLI \ BATTERIES FOR HEARING AIDS AVAILABLE AT 78 SIMCOE ST. N. AMS ELECTRIC "YOU'VE TRIED THE REST -- NOW TRY THE BEST" IDEAL FISH & CHIPS 7 ATHOL WEST Try Our: Good Fish and Chip Dinners And Feel Better" 1373 BRADLEY FURNITURE COMPANY Complete Home Furnishers ° - PHONE 271 38-40 KING WEST Make The First Contact By Phone! THESE FIRMS ARE EVER READY TO GIVE THE SERVICE YOU DESIRE. o It Saves You Trouble! o It Saves You Time | Retail Butcher: Oshawa's Business Telephone Directory Laundry OSHAWA MARKETERIA AT YOUR SERVICE ALWAYS -- 539 ALBERT 3588 STAR LAUNDRY We Call for and Delivier 3164 13 CELINA Try Us -- IT WILL PAY We Know the Way x Automobile Agencies Carpenters SHARP MOTORS for THE NEW KAISER - FRAZER * 3079 NORTH OSHAWA Grahame Fish CARPENTER AND WOODWORKER PROMPT SERVICE ANYWHERE -- EVERYTHING «IN REPAIRS Manufacturer of "Whatnot" Wall Brackets Wholesale) 436-W-12 1218 Simcoe N. -- Oshawa Auto Body Repairing Plumbing and Heating SKITCH GARAGE and SERVICE STATION *@ TEXACO GAS ® GENERAL REPAIRS 83 RITSON RD. S. 1597 "MODERNIZE" YOUR PLUMBING" ® REPAIRS ® ALTERATIONS ® NEW INSTALLATIONS ESTIMATES ai H. R. STARK PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR 3327 omm' 251 SIMCOE Ss. General Food Store SHOP AT The RITSON FOOD MARKET -- FOODS OF QUALITY 5222-W 555 Ritson Rd.S. SUPER-DUPLICATING By * SILK SCREEN Satisfaction Guaranteed ASSOCIATED SERVICES T. ORVILLE MITCHELL "Your Personal Secretary" 23 BOND ST. Ww. PHONE 4538-W RULED FORMS CARDS LETTERS - NOTICES - LISTS BULLETINS - HAND BILLS Direct Mail Advertising A Complete Service Catering Cleaners and Dyers Air Conditioning -- Heating Electrical Contractors Batteries Saies and Service Floor Materials and Laying for CATERING it's BETTY CAKE SHOPPE Weddings Banquets Receptions -- Satisfaction Assured - \ 20 King 154 Oshawa w. ® Lou Thompson @ PICKWICK CLEANERS AND DYERS PICK UP and DELIVERY Better Work -- Greater Care" 64 434 SIMCOE S. OSHAWA ™ amen ly SHEET METAL WORK AIR CONDITIONING STOKERS & OIL BURNERS Agents FIRE KING WELDED FURNACES 752 Oshawa 228 ARTHUR CRYSLER ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL FIXTURES SOLD AND INSTALLED ELECTRICAL WIRING-- INDUSTRIAL and COMMERCIAL 3326 5 KING W. -- OSHAWA KENT'S UNITED SERVICE STATION 39 Athol E. BATTERIES SALES - SERVICE Phone 47 W.R.M. LEGGETTE HARDWOOD FLOORS CALL 3744-W-1 Estimates and Advice R.R. 1 OSHAWA

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