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Daily Times-Gazette, 13 Nov 1948, p. 12

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"HE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1948 PAGE TWELVE Several Church Group Meetings Held At Courtice By MRS. B. OKE ent Courtice, Nov. 12--The ' Harvest Home services held at the Courtice 3 with church, were a decided success h the large attendance at the Sun day, services, to hear the gues speaker, Rev. Merv, Waters, To- ronto, and music by the newly or- ganized choir, with Mrs. Penfound ok ' n and Frank Walter at Bg guest soloists--Mrs. G. P. Annis accompanied by Mrs. Glen Pickell, and' Mr, Ross Met- calfe, accompanied by Mr. Leslie Collacutt. On ay night, the delicious chicken' dinner with every thing, from home-made loaf-cake, vegetables, and all kinds of ples |} for dessert, and also cakes, and those who wanted ham were also accom- modated, left nothing to be desired. The pretty tables were centered with lovely mums and had linen tablecloths and the waiters were really wonderful and were kept busy until quite late serving the many guests. However, the returns are - most - satisfactory as around $500 was the sum realized. The Young Peoples' Society held their meeting in Courtice church on Monday night, 'with 'the president, Kathleen Pidduck in the chair. Elva Bradley was in charge of the meeting 'and opened with' a hymn afid. prayer -offered by - Kathleen Pidduck. The scripture reading was given. by Norm Bradley. The Eb Union extended an invi- tation: for Courtice "Young People, to be. their guests-on 'Wednesday, Nov. 17th. and the regular meeting on Monday night 'will be cancelled at Courtice. The" topic, "Should public speaking be taught in the schools?" with Rev. F. Yardley lead- ing, was under a general discussion. Refreshments were served at the close. - / The November meeting, of Even- ing Auxiliary was held at the home of, Mrs, Elmer 'Pollard, the presid- ent. Mrs. Archie Muir, Jr, occu- pied the chair and opened the meeting assisted' by five other bo- dies, each giving short "prayers". The devotional message was given by Ann Holt. A reading was given by 'Mrs. Floyd -Couritce, "The New Church Organ". The third chap- ter of the study book "West of the Gorges", was.given by Mrs. Sandy Muir. Refreshments were served and a social time enjoyed at the close 'of the - meeting. The Women's Missionary Society held its November meeting in Eben- eyer. Sunday School room, with the President, Mrs. A. J. Oke in the chair. A report was given on the boxes which were. packed and sent to Miss Rorke: in Japan, a special collection being taken for this pur- pose. 'A Life Membership was pre- sented to Mrs. W. H. Nichols. Mrs. Hopkins: gave. a few interesting highlights on the recent conven- tion held" at Newcastle 'and also stressed the need for the members to'read more . missionary books. "The nominating committee to pre- sent the new slate of officers were Mrs. Cecil Found, Mrs. Alan Down and Mrs. Sam. Vinson. The wor- ship period was in charge of Miss Ann' Holt, the -topic being "Thy kingdom eome through the, healing ministry of the church." The scrip- ture reading "was:given ' by + Mrs. Chas. Found. The study book was taken charge of by Mrs. H. F. Os- borne, Mrs. Alan Down, Mrs. Chas. Found, and Miss. Ann Holt and dealt with doctors old and new and many. points. of interest were brought out, as they .told of the wonderful work carried on in China by many of the fine new doctors and nurses, both Canadian and inese. A goodly number of ladles were [9 again In' attendance at Courtice church on Wednesday when much was accomplished in quilting. On Wednesday, November 17, the reg- ular meeting will be held and also some sewing will' be done. Mrs. Treneer, who used to be or- ganist at King St. Church, Oshawa, was among the many guests noticeq at the chicken supper at Courtice and also favored with some mus- ical select y Mrs. A. J. Oke, 'in company of Mr. and Mrs. Will Young, Audley, was a Sunday visitor at Severn. Mr. and Mrs." Clemens and Mar- ilyn, Toronto, were Sunday visitors with their mother, Mrs. G. Trevail. Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with their daughter, Mrs. Oke and Douglas. Mrs. Bob Courtice and little daughter, Lynda, are. visiting with relatives at: Belleville, during Bob's ;absence on his annual deer hunt. , Messrs Glen Pickell, Sydney Mor- den and Orville Grills, enjoyed their annyal duck hunt at. Consecon. | Among those on 'their annual deer hunt .are Sam Vinson, Bob Muir, Eric Courtice, Bob Courtice, Will Wade and many more. ¢ Speedy recovery is hoped for Mrs. Jack Say bri Mr, 'W. H. Nichols, ang 3 regor, who are 'pa- tients in the Oshawa hospital Lor little Jamie Hancock, son of. James and Mrs. Hancock, Guelph, who is a patient in a Toronto hospital, Leslie and Mrs, « were among-those who attended 'the 40th wedding - celebration of Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Davis, Qshawa, which was held on Sunday and also called to see their Mrs. R. J. Luke, Kedron, * x 2d . 'The first meeting of the season of |- 'the Courticc-Maple Grove Brother- was held at Courtice church on Nov, 4. Musical numbers were .contributéd 'by Mr. Treneer and Mr. Wagstaff and' much . enjoyed. |: The guest speaker 'was Mr. Winter, principal at No.' 8 school, his topic |. was "Education", and proved most Interesting. After the program, re. ts were sefved by the social committee. Officers who will carry on for this season will be: Presid- ent, Elton Werry; secretary, Wil- frid Brown; treasurer, Wallace Munday, ; Miss 'Ann Holt 'was a recent vis- ol with Mrs. Sam Dewell, Hamp- © Mr, and Mrs, A. B. Werry were Sunday guests with their daughter, {i Mrs. Terry and Mel, at their new hothe, 80 Westmoreland Ave, Osh- a Mrs. Malcolm - McGregor, Max- wells, and Mrs. Geo. Lowe, Osh- awa, were Tuesday visitors with Mrs. Gordon Trevail, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hancock and children, Bradley, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Griffin, Douglas and Mrs. Oke, and Mrs. Blake Oke were Sunday callers with Jerry and Mrs, Greig in their new home on Wood St. Oshawa, Gordon and Mrs. Wilbur and Donna Hampton, were Tuesday night visitors with Doug and Mrs, e. Miss Betty Antil has recovered nicely after her recent tonsil oper- ation. Mr. Frank Short, Brampton, Mr. Don Courtice, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs, Matthew Gouldburn, Oshawa, visited at the John Short home. Comfort In Sadness By R. BARCLAY WARREN, It was a beautiful warm day late in October. A few leaves had fall- en-but most of them in all their glory, tinted in shades of gold and crimson, were still held. proudly aloft against the pale blue sky. The stately evergreens added to the beauty of the scene. Softly we trod into the cemetery on the hillside. There amidst flow- ers we laid the body of the young mother, Two little children, aged three and five, were playful. Nature had kindly shielded them from the full realization of their loss. Their father; still stunned, knew better the significance of the expression. "What is home without Mother?" Relatives and friends, overflowing with: sympathy, were there in great numbers. Yes, it was sad. Yet there were some. features which alleviated the sadness, The young mother had testified that she was trusting in Jesus Christ as her Saviour. Some- how we sensed His presence there. As He was moved with compassion for the widow of Nain.as she led the pr i panying the body. of her only son, so He was compassionate here. In fancy we saw Him weep with friends here as He wept at the grave of Lazarus. We were assured that He cared and that assurance brought comfort to us all, "Does Jesus care when I've said good-bye To the dearest on earth to me, And my sad heart aches, till it nearly breaks, Is it aught to Him? does He see? Cho. O yes, He cares, I know He cares, His heart is touched with my grief; When the days are weary, long nights dreary, I know my Saviour cares." Two New Ranks For Navy P.O.'s Ottawa, Nov. 13--(CP)--Creation of two new ranks for naval petty officers was announced Friday by Defence. Minister Claxton. At present the Navy has the ranks of petty officer and chief petty officer. The new set-up will have PO. and C.P.O, first and second class. CP.O. first class will be equal to W.0. 1 of the Army and R.CAF, and will be distinguished by a gilt crown above the three buttons now worn on the cuff. The CP.O. sec- ond' class will rate with W.0O, 2 of the other services. He will wear the three buttons only, as C.P.O.'s now The 0. P.O. first class will rank with the Army's staff sergeant and the R. C.AF.'s flight sergeant, The badge will be a crown over crossed an- chors, P. O. second class will be the equivalent of sergeant. The insignia will be crossed anchors without the crown. REDS HAVE BOMB? New York, Nov. 13 --. (AP) --The Very Rev. Dr. Hewlett' Johnson, Dean of Canterbury Cathedral, said Friday night he wouldn't be sur- prised if Russia had "an atomic weapon." The Dean arrived here by plane from Toronto, for a six-week tour of 13 states and 15 cities in the United States. LET'S ALL GO TO CHURCH REGULARLY The Golden Text The good shepherd. : : " *The Lord is my shepherd; | shall not want."--Psaim 23:1. Poetry In The Bible Exalts God | language, recounting the miseries Lamentations, of His people, as in the Book of | or praise midst of trouble, as in Habakkuk. in the KING STREET UNITED CHURCH REV. J. V McNEELYX, MA. B.D, Organist and Choirmaster, Wallace Young, A.T.C.M., RM.T. SERVICES OF WORSHIP 11 AM.--"THE FAITH OF THE PROTESTANT" Soloist--MISS HAZEL RUNDLE 2.30 P.M.--THE CHURCH SCHOOL 7 P.M.--"THE WAY OF THE PILGRIM" Soloist--MRS. W. J. ROLLS Nov. 19th, 8 p.m, in Simcoe St. United Church, the .Protestant Witness Mission; speakers, Dr. C. M. Nicholson of Halifax, Dr. Gershon Mason of Toronto who were delegates to World Council in Amsterdam, Holland. The public is cordially invited. : ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH MINISTER: REV, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A, B.D. Organist and Choirmaster: Mr, C. J. .'W. Taylor, D.C.M. SERVICES OF WORSHIP, SUNDAY, NOV. 14 11.00 A M.--FACTS AND VALUES. 2.30 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES 7.00 P.M.--THE PERSONAL RELIGIOUS LIFE. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL. ALBERT 37:55 CHURCH "The Church With a Challenge" TOMORROW 11 AM. "The Romance of a Divided Dollar" The pastor particularly urges all the congregation to hear this message. TOMORROW 7 P.M. "Jesus Was a Man!" Doors open at 6:30 Music before the worship hour. "Join } our happy throng" tomorrow evening. MINISTER: MUSIC: Rev. E. Donovan Jones Mrs. Robert Holden, LA., M.Th. Sr.) SEEN i | SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1948 By NEWMAN CAMPBELL POETRY is defined in the dic- tionary as "a metrical composition produced or embellished by creative imagination," or, as someone has said, "verbal compositions, imag- inative and concrete in matter, and emotional and rhythmic. in form. Poets are inspired by feelings of beauty, by love, grief or a desire to praise, or even humor, as in the beloved, diverting lines of Lewis Caroll. Poems are often set fo music, and we sing them when we are happy, when, in church or Sun- day School, we want to praise the Lord, the Creator. The poetry of the Bible is not expressed in rhyme, and modern poetry is often written in like man- ner--in beauty. of phrase and thought, but not necessarily in what we call rhyme. There is what is called philo- sophical poetry in our Bible, as in the Book of Job; lyrical poetry that expresses emotions and experiences, as in the Psalms; songs of praise to | Jehovah for His goodness, as in the rejoicing of the two mothers, Han- | nah and Mary, mothers of Samuel and Jesus, which are part of our lesson today. There are also songs of despair as well as of hope, in the writings of the prophets. You will recall Jehovah's prom- | ise of a son to Hannah, wife of Elkanah, who prayed for a child and her promise to give him to the Lord. True to her word, when | her child Samuel was born, Han- nah took him to Eli, prophet of God and then she fell on her knees, praising God, for His goodness. After the Angel Gabriel had vis- ited Mary, a humble maiden, and announced that she would be the mother of Christ, Mary too sang praises to God for selecting her above all women for this infinite honor. Her exquisite song of praise is called the Magnificat from which our word magnificient comes. It is an enlargement of the song Han- nah sung to Jehovah hundreds of years before Mary's time. Mary thanked the Lord for remembering those of low degree, the hungry, the humble, and for scattering the proud, the mighty and the rich, David: forgot or forgave Saul and Jonathan who were slain in battle with the Philistines, is beau- ig ag beauty of Israel s slain upon y high places: are the mighty fallen: © S35 ow SPIRITUALIST CHURCH LOF. Hall, 20 King St. W. || Pastor -- Rev. Coros | 184 King West -- 4714J SPEAKER REV. WAIN, of Toronto - SERVICE 7 PM. GRACE LUTHERAN 150 ALBERT ST. REV. N. KRITSCH, Pastor 10 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:45 ,AM. PREPARA Y SERVICE 11 AM. To partake or not to partake of Lord's Supper Lord's Supper will be celebrated. 7PM. EVENING WORSHIP | | | | | | EVERYONE WELCOME | David forgot or forgave Saul | {for the years when the enemy | [sought his life, and remembered |only that at one time Saul was his | friend. Of his friend Jonathan, who | | had stood by him in all his trou- | | bles, David's cry was: "I am dis | | tressed for thee, my brother Jona- | [than; very pleasant hast thous | | been unto me; thy love to me was | | wonderful, passing the love of wo- | |men." | The 23rd, 24th and 136th Psalms | {are songs of recognition of the] {care the Lord gives His people, and | | the comfort that knowledge gives. | He maketh me to. lie down in | green pastures; | | He leadeth me beside the still | | waters, ! (He restoreth my soul; | He leadeth me in the paths of | | righteousness for His name's | sake. | | Yea, though I walk through the | | valley of the shadow of death, | I will fear no evil; for Thou art | with me; | | Thy rod and Thy staff, they com- fort me . .. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my | life; And I shall live in the house of the Lord forever. The 24th Psalm begins: | {The earth is the Lords, and the | | fullness thereof; | The world, and they that dwell therein, For He hath founded it upon the | seas, And established it upon the floods. | | The 136th Psalm is a pure song | of thanksgiving: O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good; For His mercy endureth forever. It recites the release of the Is- raelites from bondage in Egypt, and all the blessings enjoyed by them thereafter, with the refrain, For His mercy endureth forever. | Even in adversity, the prophets | called upon their God in poetical, CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Centre and John Streets "INDEPENDENT--EVANGELISTIC--MISSIONARY"" REV. A. W. WHITEHEAD, PASTOR 11.00 AM.--"AT THE WORK" 3.00 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 7.00 P.M.--"BELIEVE and THOU SHALL SEE" Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting NORTH OSHAWA UNITED CHURCH | 36th Anniversary Services 11. AM.--REV. IVAN E. KENNEDY, B.A, B.D. Chairman of Oshawa Presbytery Guest Soloist: Mr. Stanley Bloss, Toronto. "The Builder." Cadman Choir: "Our Song Shall Rise." Heber. 2.15 p.m.--Sabbath School, 7.00 P.M. S/L REV. GORDON W. PORTER, M.A., B.D. Minister Avenue Rd. St. Paul's United Church, Toronto. Mr. Bloss: "Where-er You Walk." Handel. Choir: "Crown Him, Lord of All" Perrott, Monday, Nov. 15--Anniversary Dinner commencing at 5.30 o'clock. We invite you to share with us this anniversary occasion, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CORNER KING AND MARY STREETS PASTOR--REV. RALPH F. WILLSON ORGANIST AND CHOIR LEADER -- MRS, F. VANDERVOORT 9.55 AAM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11.00 AM.--"MOST HELPFUL GIVING" 7.00 P.M.--"A GREAT DISCOVERY" A HELPFUL PLACE TO WORSHIP' THE SALVATION ARMY (Corner Simcoe and Oak Sts.) GOSPEL MEETINGS 11 AM. and 7 P.M. Conducted by... MAJOR H. G. ROBERTS SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE CLASSES at 2 PM. Listen to "HAPPY WIND UP" BROADCAST -- 3 P.M. The Chains of Habit That Bind You Can Be Broken SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH Cor. Simcoe and Bagot Sts. Rev. Johu K. Moffat, B.A. -- Minister Rev. J. 8. I. Wilson, Assistant Minister Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M. -- Organist and Choir Leader 11 AM. IPN. ~ ls TA io vyt real Qopviea | Youth and Marriage" Education Week Service | (1) "How It All Starts" " (The first in a monthly series SUBJECT: on Christian Marriage) "THE MARKS OF AN . ML prompted that first INTELLIGENT MAN" . Upon what qalilties should love be based? | «. . Is it important to "save our- selves' for marriage? + . . Is the religious outlook essen- tial for happy married life? 2.30 P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL YOUTH SUNDAY FORUM (A Discussion Group for All Young People) Topic: YOUTH and MARRIAGE 8.15--Church parlours "An intelligent man knows how to handle life.""--Proverbs 24:5. YOUNG PEOPLE !! THIS IS YOUR SERVICE A memorable occasion for the whole family, NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH COR. SIMCOE AND ARLINGTON Rev. B, S. Morwood, Minister Kelvin James, A.T.C.M., Organist x7 PUBLIC MEETING Foresters Hall 20% King St. W. CBN) Sunday, November 14th at 3 p.m. "The World's Powder Magazine's Ablaze" Speaker--REV. H. W. W. BROMWICH, Field Secretary BRITISH ISRAEL WORLD FEDERATION BROADCAST OVER CFRB SUNDAYS 9.45 A.M. COLLECTION COMI AND WORSHIP 11 AM. MORNING WORSHIP "The Peace Makers" 7 PM. : EVENING FELLOWSHIP One of our own young men, FLOYD KING Will bring the message. Young people should hear a young man's message. BRING. THE LITTLE TOTS TO , | MORNING NURSERY i Following Evening Fellowship the illustrated lecture, "Central India Now' . will be shown. Bible study and discussion group. A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU 11 am. --"" MEN MISSIONS!" This Sunday, take up the mor the men of the Church ning theme -- IN SERMON 'AND SPECIAL SINGING 10 am. Sunday School 7 p.m. Evangelistic Rally KNOX CHURCH (PRESBYTERIAN) SIMCOE ST. N.,, AT BROCK Rev, H. F. DAVIDSON, M.A, Minister Mr. DAVID JENKINS, Organist and Cholrmaster, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14 PUBLIC WORSHIP 11 am. and 7 p.m. Preacher: Rev. H. B. Ketchen, D.D. 11 AM.--MORNING SERVICE Broadcast Over CKDO SUNDAY SCHOOLS MAIN SCHOOL: 10:00 a.m. 'Y.P. BIBLE CLASS: 2:30 p.m. South School in Ukrainian Presbyterian Church: 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Mid-week meeting for Bible study. Cedardale's FREE METHODIST CHURCH -- :..'s. Poetry in the Bible Exalts God Scripture--I Samuel 2:1-10: II Samuel 1:19-27; P: ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON salms 28-24; 103; 136:1-9; Lamentations 3:19-39; Habakkuk $:17-19; Luke 1:48-55 8 SE NEE Hr x \ 2 iki Ti VJ //-20 By Alfred J. Buescher \ Bor. Losers ", "The Lord is my shepherd; I want, He maketh me to lie green pastures; he leadeth .me the still waters. He restoreth my soul." a Psalms 23:1. 7 CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. F. J. Whiteley, B.A., B.D.,--169 Athol St. E., Phone 5437W Organist-Choirleader: Mr. N. Williams -- 801 Ritson Rd. S., Phone 4692R SUNDAY SCHOOL--10 A.M. BIBLE CLASS 10.00 A.M. Subject: The Obedience of Noah, MORNING WORSHIP--11 A.M. The Cause of War: The Devil. (Second in a series of four sermons.) EVENING WORSHIP--T7 P.M. "Our Children:" THE FRIENDLY CHURCH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church ~ 64 Colborne St. E. SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9.40 AM. SUNDAY SERVICE AT 11:00 A.M. Subject: "MORTALS AND IMMORTALS" sda evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock Weqnesd BY a) 2 healing through Christian Science The reading room at 1 Simcoe St. South, "Room No. 3, (upstairs in Bassett Blogk) will be open daily from 2 to 5 p.m, excepting Sundays and legal holidays, where the Bible and Christian Sclence literature may be studied and purchased, and subscriptions placed for periodicals. a ---- Soi ------------

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