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Daily Times-Gazette, 15 Nov 1948, p. 13

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MONDAY, 'NOVEMBER 15, 1948 (HME DAILY T IMES-GAZETTE PAGE THIRTEEN Sport Shorts From Britain By MICHAEL O'MARA Canadian Press Staff Writer London, Nov. 12--(CP)--Look at | any old print or painting of a horse race and you'll almost certainly see all the runners unnaturally air- borne. It took sporting artists a long time to learn to draw horses at the gallop in their true positions. Lionel Edwards, R.A., in his en- tertaining "Reminiscences of a Sporting Artist," says the gallop is full of pitfalls for the draughtsman. "The horse has only one period of suspension (with all legs off the ground), i.e. when the animals legs are all flexed (or gathered) under him," Edwards writes. "Therefore, the legs stretched out fore and aft, as depicted by old- time artists, would only be correct if the animal were a dog and not a horse. "A horse in the extended posi- tion has always at least one leg on the ground, but there are two per- jods of suspension in a dog's gallop, one with all legs stretched out off the ground and the other with all legs gathered together (flexed) un- der him. "The latter position is even then not quite similar to the same move- ment in a horse, as owing to the greater flexibility of a dog's back- bone." Have you ever heard of zoopraxo- graphy? It's the science of animal motion. Quadrupeds have eight different methods of progression -- walk, amble, trot, rack, canter, trans- verse gallop, rotary gallop and ri- cochet; the last is confined to the kangaroo and his relatives. Wherever Malcom Newlands and | his fiancee, Annie Alexander, 30 the subject is almost always soccer. No wonder, Malcolm is a former St. Mirren goalkeeper recently sign- ed by Preston North End and Annie is right back of Shot'st ladies foot- ball team. The couple were born within a | few hundred yards of each other in the village of Newmains, Lanark- shire. From the windswept golf course near the cliffs at Bude, Cornwall, | comes this tall tale: The duffer drove from the short sixth tee and his ball rolled into the rough several yards from the green. Up flew a friendly seagull, picked up the ball and dropped it neatly five yards from the pin. HURRICANE FORCE Seattle, Nov. 15 -- (AP) -- Hur- ricane force gusts lashed the Pa- cific northwest Sunday, killing one person and leaving landslides, wrecked power lines and uprooted trees in their wake. Derby County Finally Loses Hold 1st Place London, Nov. 13-- (Reuters) --Der- by County finally bit football dust today, dropping their first game of the season 3-0 t0 up-and-coming Newcastle United. But Derby Coun- ty still clung to first division leader- ship by a two-point margin. Newcastle came from nowhere in a great second-half scoring splurge and 66,000 fans--the day's largest crowd--saw goals by Steele, Stob- bart and Milgurn spell victory over the only undefeated team in Asso- ciation Football. Mhe victory gave Neweastle Unit- ed a tie for second place with Portsmouth which gained a 1-1 draw with Blackpool. Arsenal man- aged a 1-0 victory at Middlesbrough before 44,000 fans to move into third fourth position with a 2-1 home, verdict over Wolverhampton Wan- derers. { Charlton Athletic played host to | Bolton Wanderers bef 44,000 but | took a 4-1 licking in) one of the | day's highest scoring matches and | dropped back to fifth place. | 'There were, few surprises in the | second division. West Bromwich Al- bion remained the pace setter With a 2-1 victory over Luton Town. Tot- tenham Hotspur held second posi- | Barnsley 4-1 and Southampton re- mained in third place with a 1-1 Draw at West Ham United. Barnsley"s loss to Totténham pushed them below Bury, Brent ford and even lowly Leeds United. | Bury beat Bradford 2-1 and Brent- spot and Stoke City took over |pevo: | tion two points back by downing M | ford scored a 2-0 victery over B | Grimsby Town to wind up tied for fifth place while Leeds tied 1-1] with Fulham to take over sixth. | Nor were there any upsets in the | top bracket of thé third division southern. Swansea Town livéd up to | expectations, edging Northampton | 1-0 and remaining atop the league, | but still just a point ahead of Bournemouth and Boscombe Athlet- | ic which gave Swindown town a 3-0 trouncing. Rotherham United marked up a | lively 6-1 victory over Crewe Alex- | andra in the third division north- | ern to remain on top, still three | points ahead of Hull City which de- | feated Southport 5-1. The third northern surprise of the day whs | Accrington Stanley's 2-0 triumph over fifth-place York City. In the Scottish League Morton give Hibernian, leading the "A" division, a shock by winning 4-3 on Hibernian's home grounds. Deféat of the leadérs allowed East Fifé to move into first place tie with them by defeating Celtic 1-0. The day's play in the Scottish "B" division left four teams--Raith Ro- vers, St. Johnstone, Dunfermiline Athletic and Stirling Albion--tied for leadership. Rovers beat Ayr United 6-0 with Penman scoring four goals whilé St. Johnstone edged Queen's Park Rangers 3-2; Dunfermline defeated East Stirlingshire 5-2 dnd Sstirling Albion downed Dundee United by | the same score, Old Country | Rugby Results London, Nov. 15 (Reuters).--Results of gby games played Saturday In the United XR igdom, RUGBY LEAGUE Australian Tour Workington T. ..10 Australians .... LANCASHIRE vo FINAL Bramley Castleford Huddersfield ....17 Hull Hull Kings. Rvrs, 14 Keighléy ........17 Whitehaven Leigh ... Batley Oldha 2 Halifax Roch. St. Helens gation 3 Hunslet ork .. Wake. Trinity ..17 Championship Blackheath .. Wasps .1 Alder. Services .11 London Irish ... Harlequins ...... 21 Old. Mer. Tay. .. Oxford Manchester Bedford .... Leicester Newport Aberavon Apertillery Gloucester ..... Cross Keys 8 Devon, Services . 0 Coventry Old Cranleigh. .. St. Mary's Hosp, Cardiff .. Llanelly te Ebb Vale . St. Barth. Hos. . 0 Torquay Athletic 10 Notts 8 Pontypool London Scottish Kelvin, Wdrs. .. 9 Glas. High Glas. Univ. Middlesex od Poontypridd: .... 0 Pénzance-Newlyn 5 Plym. Albfon .... 5 22 22 Stewart. Puplis .. Old Alléynians . Bridgend HOCKEY"S BIG SEVEN By The Canadian Press Joe Carveth, veteran Montreal right- winger, picked up two gdals Saturday night to move into third place tie with Canadien teath-mate Billy Reay who added an assist in the National Hockey League scoring race. Both have 11 points. Grant Warwick, Boston winger, managed to stay on top of the ladder by picking up an assist Sunday night to give him 14 points, while linemate Eddie Sandford remained in second spot with 12 points. The leaders: Warwick, Boston Sandford, Boston .... Reay, Montreal D. Béfitley, Chicag Kénnedy, Toronto \ N.M.L. LEADERS By The Canadian Press Standing--Detrolt, won seven, twbd, tied one, points 15. Points--Wérwick, Boston, lost 14, Goals -- Warwick, Sandford, Boston; Cirvéth, Montreal; Lindsay, Detroit; Watson, Torontd, alx. Assists--Redy, Montreal, nine. Penalties--Lach, Montreal, 30 mins. Shutouts--Dufnan, Montreal, three. | | First Division 2 | Bristol Rovers ... 0 B. & Hove Alb. . 6 | Wrexham Old Country Soccer | London, Nov. 15 (Reuters).--Results of soccer games played Saturday in the United Kingdom: ENGL1SH LEAGUE ly Hudders. Town Sunderland Boiton Wwdrs. ... Manch. United .. Sheff, United .. Liverpool ... Arsenal ... Derby Cty. . Blackpool Aston Villa Wolv. Wdrs ..... Division 2 Grimsby Town .. 2 Bradford . Q. Park Rgrs. ... Plym. Argyle .... Fulham Nott. Forest Cardiff City 3 Black. Rovers Tott. Hotspurs .. Barnsley West. Brom. Alb. 2 Luton Town West Ham Un. .. 1 Southampton Third Dlvision Southern Bour. & Bos. Ath. 3 Swindon Town . Birming. City ... Burnley Charl. Ath Cl Newcastle Un. ... Portsmouth Peston N. End ... titoke City Coventry City Leeds United .... Leicester City .. Lincoln City .,.. Sheff: Wed Crystal Palace .. Ipswich Town Newport Cty Nitts County Reading . swansea Town .. Torquay United . Walsall Watford 1 Exeter City . 2 Leyton Orient .. Southend United Port Vale Norwich City ... North. Town .... Aldershot 5 Millwall . Bristol City .... Third Division Northern . 2 York City ... .'2 Hartle. Un. ..... . 1 New Brighton ... Doncaster Rvrs. . 0 Chester Halifax Town ... 2 Rochdale ........ | Hull City 5 Southport Mans. Town .... 1 Gateshead | Oldham Ath. .... 5 Stock. County .. | Rother. United .. 6 Crewe Alex: | Tranmere Rvrs. . 2 Carlisle United . 1 4 Darlington Sports Roundup By HUGH FULLERTON, JR. New York, Nov. 15--(AP)--If you 3 want to get an explosion out of Tony Savage, Fort Worth hockey pilot, just ask him about the note he received between periods of a recent Fort Worth-Kansas City game. Tony was getting the boys ready for an all-out effort when an usher appeared with an, epistile in neat feminine handwriting . . . Savage opened it and read: "Tony, | will you please buy Jack Jackson of Kansas City. I think he's cute." Monday Matinee Dewey Fragetta, the boxing wholesaler who brought Charley Ri= ws ley and Lee Sala to New York, in- troduces a promising light heavy, Dick Wagner of Portland, - Ore, against Davey Feld in Brooklyn to- night . . . Golf club manufacturers are receiving a demand from fem- inine players for larger grips on the clubs. Seems the gals generally have long tapering hands that don't fit man-sized grips. Quote, Unquote Charley Grimm, Cubs manager, after shipping pitcher Russ Meyer to the Phillies: "Temper will cause Russ more trouble than enemy bat- ters and I doubt if he'll ever learn to control it." MYRTLE WHY SO LATE GETTING HOME g FRO, TM SORRY I HAD TO KILL VER MAW--BUT ( wif / IT WAS ME OR HER, WOLF-PUP," By Dudley Fisher SAMPSON MISSED TRANSCONTINENTAL] By Norman Marsh THE PHANTOM id | COME HERE BOY / I GUESS I SH'D DESTROY YE, PUP-- T'WOULD BE MERCIFUL FOR YE ARE TOO YOUNG T° CARE FOR YERSELF RUA SIR, BUT BUT A H ER YR LLase A TION By Alex Raymond HONOHHRNRNHEOD HHHOONHHHHG HHEHONBHMBNG Can't Say No JGE PALOOKA -, THERE YA ARE . THAT THERE AXLES STRAIGHT AGAIN, rg THANKS , HUMPHREY. CAN YOU GIVE ME A TOW 7 CAN'T START THE MOTOR NOW. GEE, I HOPE NOBUDDY ELSE NEEDS HELP ON THE WAY. I GOTTA MAKE TIME. By Ham Fisher BO IN THE SUNDAY PAGE FOR OVER A THE STRONGEST MAN IN THE WORLD, HE FOUGHT JOE FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP. A STADIUM COSTING A MILLION DOLLARS WAS BUILT IN HIS HOME TOWN OF WEST WOKKINGTON FALLS, OHIO. THE TOWN WENT BROKE BUT JOE AND KNOBBY UNDERWROTE THE LOSS AND SAVED THE TOWN. HIS VEHICLE "THE AND AUTO PARTS. ONLY A FOOL KIN PLAINLY EES" a Cojep-- 11-15 bog U1 Corr 1940 by Ustad Facts Sydiants. on Par 08 --ah rn eed SECRET AGENT X9 Fisherman in Net By Mel Graff NN OH, VES ..1 HAVE WM 2X BEEN EXPECTING YOU Re 2 ) --T THINK! THERE WAS ONE MORE BIT OF IDENTIFICATION, WAS i , THERE NOT? YES, SOPHIE, ANOTHER PERFUMED LETTER JUST CAME FOR ME FROM MY MYSTERIOUS FEMININE ADMIRER. THING! LET ME READ IT! Cope. 148. King Teatures Sy ¢., World 1.41 t reserved LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY NES! WE CAN | GET DOWN TO BUSINESS AT /" 1 HANE HERE A NUMBER OF RARE STAMPS THAT YOU, AS A PHILATELIST, SHOULD FIND OF INTEREST! ARE THOSE THE WORDS YOU WISHED TO HEAR? ya WAT, WHO 18 VA FISHERMAN € © THAT MANT THE | WHO CHANCED UPON INTELLIGENT~ | MY SECRET..HE WILL LOOKING ONE = | BE DISPOSED OF! By Jimmy Murphy SHAME ON YOU, COL. HOOFER! AT YOUR AGE-- GETTING LETTERS LIKE THAT, Sam yoq, det.) amd PAY 1 We wernt sed other. Dostiny has deernd Aeon cross. you devotedly , mise KX F/I Ne > Unquote SOPHIE, I CAN'T HELP ITIF I MAKE FEMININE HEARTS 40 AFLUTTER! SOPHIE SHOULD BE PROUD TO HAVE A HUSBAND WHO 1S ATTRACTIVE TO OTHER WOMEN, SURELY SHE WOULDN'T WANT ONE "THAT NOBODY ELSE WOULD HAVE, By Brandon Walsh me i GLORYOSKY, HAVE I GOT GOOD NEWS! T GUESS IM THE LUCKIEST KID IN THE WHOLE OU LOOK AS HAPPY AS A CAT FULL OF CANARIES --# rE (DROP YOUR ANCHOR AND TELL US WHAT'S IN THE WIND = 5 - \ - King Testures Syndicate, Tac, World rights reserved. \ . AN' THEN SHE SEZ, NOBODY IN THE WORLD CAN STOP ME FROM ADOCTING 1 AHMIE ROONEY AS MY OWN Hoi p ana ty --~ THAT SCREAM? HEARD THAT, MY HEART STOOD TSK TSK TSK {7 IT'D ONLY DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO HER _- STILL.) GiFT oF GAB, If coowie? why DID YOU COME 1 CAME HOME FOR MY LUNCH--ISN'T I ATE IT a Tg S5000) 6 Si ( SUPERMAN By Wayne Boring Gri al COPYRIGHT TOAN WACCLURL RLWSPAPLR | LEAVING A DUMMY OF CLARK IN | HIS CELL, SUPERMAN SCANS THE FERNDALE MOUNTAINS | WITH HIS -- "SILVER DETECTOR" 4 FOR THE BANK > ? OFFICIAL | "ALLEGEDLY ABDUCTED BY "CLARK eee T3087 THE D 1%) SILVER BELOW, BUT WHETHER. Ng ITS THE SILVER PLATE IN CAMPER'S SKULL OR SILVER IN SOME OTHER FORM STILL REMAINS TO BE SY THE SILVER © SEEMS TO BE | INSIDE THAT CABIN! FLL KNOW IN A MINUTE WHETHER , IT'S CAMPER OR OUTSIDE | ANOTHER FALSE LEAD. SUNY Xi A § THAT'S ODD-THERE'S SMOKE COMING FROM THE CHIMNEY, YET THIS PLACE 15 COMPLETELY BOARDED LIP FROM THE |

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