PAGE SIXTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Kedron Sunday School Holds Annual Meeting , » - STAFF ' CORRECPONDENT - 'Kedron, Nov. 17.~Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis entertained the Adult Bible Class and members of the Sunday School for annual business meetings Monday evening. Vice- president Russell Down called on Mrs. €. F. Werry who conducted the. worship service, theme: King- dom of God through faith and ser- vice." Mrs. Werry read "My Master's Face", Miss Nora Werry read "Obe- dience", Mrs. H. Farndale, "Want- ed, a messenger," and Mrs. C. Wer- ry "What if They Had Quit". The scripture, was read by Mr. H. Farn- dale and prayers were by Rev. G 'W. Gardner and Mrs, C. Werry. President Ross E. Lee conducted the business. Thirty dollars was voted for M. and M. Fund and $25.00 for Veterans of the Cross Fund. Officérs of the Bible Class were elected as follows: President; R. E. Lee; vice-president, R. Down: devotional committee, Mrs. J. Glo4 ver, Miss Luella Hepburn, Mrs. C, F. Werry; social committee, Mrs: Percy Mountjoy, Mrs. Harvey Pas-| coe, Mrs. Everett Love, Mr. Walter Davis; pianist, Mrs. H. Werry. Meet~ ing adjourned. Si Superintendent F. Werry then called on Edwin Down 'to read min- utes of last Sunday School meet- ing. Rev. G. W. Gardner 'conducted election of officers which resulted as follows: Superintendent, C. F. Wer- ry; assistant superintendents, E. Mountjoy and Walter Davis; treas- urer, Ross E. Lee; secretaries, Ed- win Down and John Glover; teach- ers, Senior boys, Robert Werry, Wal- ter Davis; juniors, Mr. H, Farndale, |. Edwin Down, Marion Mountjoy; senior girls, Mrs. J.sGlover, assist- ants from Golden Links class; pri- mary, Mrs. R. Lee, Mrs. H. Farn- dale. Cradle Roll, Mrs, H. Pascoe; Home department, Mrs. J. Glover; special programs, Mrs. W. L. Mount- joy, Mrs. H. Pascoe; representative 454 SIMCOE ST. 8. ' BOYS' AND GIRLS' 3-PIECE COAT SETS Broken lines, Reg. to 11.98 Sizes 1 to to 4 srecial 3.98 GIRLS' CORDUROY JUMPERS Sizes 2 to 6x Brown, blue, red and green special 3.19 MEN'S BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS Sizes B and C. only SPECIAL 2.98 WE 5 WE DELIVER DELIVER FRANK SIMMONS, Prop CHECK THESE PHONE 1062 SPECIALS! CHILDREN'S 1-PIECE SNOW SUITS Broken lines, Reg. to 7.98 Sizes 1 to 4 seca 3.98 GIRLS' PLEATED SKIRTS Sizes 2 to 6x Brown, blue, grey and red srecial 2.59 BOYS' COTTON PLAID. SHIRTS Sizes 10 to 14 'seca. 1.49 We Have a Complete Assortment of Wools in all Colors Kroy 42 oz. @ Bouquet 35 oz. ® Iris 35 oz. OPEN SATURDAY 'TILL 9 P.M. of church board, Walter Davis. A special program will be put on for Christmas Sunday with a Mission- ary collection, and. a special collec- tion will be faken between Christ- mas and New Years for the hospi- tal for Sick Children, Toronto. Com- mittees were named as follows: Temperance committee, Mrs. H Crossman, Misses Gladys and Beryl Mountjoy; Missionary committee, Mrs. H. Farndale, Miss Nora Werry; Library Board, Mrs. R. Down, Mrs. R. Lee; Librarian, Miss Muriel Werry; Pianists, Marién Mountjoy, Gladys' Mountjoy, Muriel Werry. Refreshments were served and a pleasant hour enjoyed. Mr. C. Wer- ry voiced the appreciation of the company for "thelr hospitality to Mr. and Mrs. Davis, to which Wal- ter responded. Mrs. Gilbert L. Gibson, Toronto, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Luke. Weather is chilly and windy with plenty of low-hanging clouds and some rain, But ground is not yet frozen and opportunity is thus af- forded farmers to complete last plowing and other fall tasks. Mrs. George Scott and Mrs. Ray Scott called on Mrs. Jesse Arnott. Western Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday. Mrs. Arnott planned to go to visit her daughter, Mrs. Stan- ley Ogle, St. Catharines, making the trip over today. There was an attendance of 25 at Y PU. Sunday evening. Miss Grace Scott conducted the worship service in keeping with National Week. Miss Mary Brotherwood, Col- umbus, was appreciated in vocal solo. Mr. and Mrs. John Naylor, Osh- awa, Mr. Jas.| Brady, Mr. and Mrs. W. Coulter, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ayre, Hampton, visited Mr and Mrs. Harvey Crossman, Sunday. Mr. John Elliott' was successful in bringing. home his deer from the hunting ground. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mountjoy were Sunday supper guests, of Mr. and Mrs. W. Parish, Brooklin. Mrs. "Percy Mountjoy and Miss Willa Mountjoy attended the Wo- men's Institateé 'Convention held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last week. and were overnight guests at the Convention Hotel. Mt. and Mrs. Malcolm McGregor called on Mrs. Jesse Arnott at Wes- tern Hospital, Toronto, and visited Mr. and Mrs..J. Hicks, Islington, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry en- tertained very pleasantly with par- ties on Thursday and Saturday evenings. Pereman's School Christmas con- cert is to be held December 21st. Many from this community are attending the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto. ; Mr. and Mrs' Clarence Martin, Leaskard, were Suhday. tea guests at Mr. George Scott's, Mr. and Mrs, Foster Snowden, | Mrs. Everett Mountjoy, attended the funeral of their cousin the late Albert E. Rundle today. After rest- ing at the Morris Funeral Home, service was held in Ebenezer Church and interment took place in Eben- ezer cecetery. Mrs. W. J. Trenouth and Mrs. Olice Allin, Napanee; Mrs. C. J. Smale, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hancock, Oshawa, were Friday visitors with Mr. William Hepburn. Many Visitors In Solina District GLADYS YELLOWLEES Correspondent , Solina, Nov. 18--Mr. Frank Cowl- ing, Hampton, visited at S. Hocka- day's . Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Potter, Bow- manville; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rick- ward, Dorothy and Billie, Miss Annie ' Potter, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Potter, Brenda and Rickey, Hampton, were at Mr. Alex Potter's. Mr. Lawrence Squair, Stephens, Providence, Roy Langmaid's. Mr. and Mrs, Orme Cruickshank and Joan, Mrs. Ida Wilcox, Peter- borough, were with Bruce Tink's. Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Eastwood, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Green- wood, visited at A. J. Balson's. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stevens, John, Joe and Jill visited=their parents at Oshawa. Hampton Circuit Brotherhood will meet at Zion Nov. 30 with Col. Murray Johnston, Oshawa, as guest speaker. Several ladies from here attended the bazaar at Hampton. Mrs. Gordon Leask presided for the missionary program Sunday morning when a story was read by Mr. E. R. Taylor; a duet "Jesus Loves Me" was sweetly sung by Carol and Edith Pantling and Elroy Kranz gave a reading. Next Sunday, Sunday School will be at 1.30 p.m. and church service at. 3 o'clock. Mrs. Gordon Taylor and daugh- ter Sandra are spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Millson. Misses Evelyn Taylor, nurse-in- training, Peterborough, and Velma Gilbert, Toronto, spent the week- end at their homes. Their friends were pleased to hear | a broadcast from CKDO featuring | the Cryderman sisters, Mary, Jean | and Elma on Saturday night. | Congratulations to Peter Dubyk | who 'won first .place on: Ken Row- | land's amateur show at the Bilt- | more theatre on Tuesday evening, | Nov. 9. He will appear at a later | date to'receive his award. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and | | Patsy visited at' C. Hallett's, Sonya, | | on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees and Miss Ida visited at Use it just as it pours from the tin. Bee Hive T. JRSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1 | Gladys and Miss Dorothy Wood- ruff were Sunday tea guésts of Sam and Mrs. Dewell, Hampton. The Y.P.U. held their first meet- ing of the winter months on Mon- day night. Miss Ileen Balson spent the week end at Kingston with her brother, Allan and family. Thames Water Buses Successful Venture LONDON -- (CP) -- London's "water-bus" service which has op- erated up and down the Thames since July'27 has closed for the win- ter - after carrying 500,000 passengers." Tom MacPherson, chairman of the Thames Passenger Interest Committee said that "our most optimist expectations have been exceeded and the buses would resume running next spring. The buses carried passengers from Putney to London Bridge and way-points. FIRST ATLANTIC CROSSING The first steamship to cross the Atlantic Ocean was the Rising Sun in 1818. The vessel was built in Britain by Lord Cochrane. DANISH POSSESSION Greenland is a possession of Den- mark, The forests of Brazil cover about & billion acres. "upwards of: Services niaie Spotlight Toronto, Nov. .18--(CP). -- On- tario's power shortage and Toron- to's three daily blackouts are caus- ing thoughtful heads in City Hall to turn towards gas-lighting fix- tures still in the ceiling of some rooms. But no one seems: to be sure it the fixtures--put there but never used when the building was built at the turn of the century-- are connected 'to gas mains. dood Bl St. Catharines, Nov. 18-- (CP) --A Schellenburg, a local con- tractor, didn't' build a fire es- cape at the rear of a new build- ing because costs hid gone up so much he couldn't find a sub- contractor to do the job, he testified in court Wednesday. The building was finished two years ago. His trial, for failing to, obey .an Ontario. Fire Mar- shal's order to put up the fire escape, was adjourned until Dee. 3. needed. oP London, Ont. Nov. 18--(CP)-- Odell School, with a history dating back nearly 130 years, will be dedi- cated Sunday as Highland Road Baptist Church. The building, re- modelled several times since it was partially burned in 1883, was sold by auction last August after it had been empty for three years. LR Belleville, Nov. 18--(CP)--If Rover doesn't start taking vita- min pills, he won't be taken along the next time Jack Moere and his friends go hunting. Hunters in the Eldorado district near here couldn't believe it when they saw "Jack and his friends carrying the bird dob out of the bush, It seems Rover was tired. Toronto, Noy. 18--(CP)~ Harc hit by Ontario's current power scai city, Toronto school children ai Waging a "save power" campaign. | includes street patrols of schol children with sandwich board ac vertising, suggestions boxes | schools and "save power" signs © blackboards, walls and even stai in city schools. YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE Christmas trees can be key green by standing them in wate overnight before trimming. The will look fresh and will be, to som extent, fire-resistant. Finest Quality Tea 'SALADA 0 : JE PEKOE 2 NEW LOW PRICE IONA ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE MAPLE LEAF CHEESE QUAKER MUFFETS ' ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE QUAKER TOMATO SOUP McLAREN"S PLAIN QUEEN OLIVES MOIR"S PLUM We Bslisve... NO FOOD STORE OFFERS ALUES « 24-02. Jar 25¢ "peg 09f 2 Pkgs. 23¢ Ro Oy 5¢ 39¢ 35¢ 10-0z. Tin B-oz. Jar 1-1b. Tin FRUIT CAKE Full Of Fruits & Nuts bing 1.39 Ann Page Famous ANN PAGE--WHITE OR BROWN A & P CUSTOM GROUND BOKAR COFFEE BTEHIVE OR CROWN ERAND EVRIIP MAPLE LEAF MAINCEMEAT IONA STANDARD . 5.b, Tin 50: Real Values Syrup's sunny, golden goodness improves as it sweetens--adds delicious, thrilling flavour to & wide variety of puddings. Saves you ANN PEAN BUTTER 16-0z. Jar 35¢ TOMATOES 24-02 loaf 10 Vigorousé& Winey Ib 51c 216, Tin AC 21b tin 35¢c 2 28-0z tins 35¢ Eia---- i. CREAM STYLE CHOICE CORN IONA STANDARD 28-oz. time, trouble and money, too--a pudding Tins PEA SOUP ~ A & P PET TREAT DOG KIBBLE HEINZ BABY FOODS IONA STANDARD PEACHES ~ =~ ~ sauce for less than a penny a serving! gh 27¢ oa 248 © 37 25¢ wor. 91 2 on i 356. 20-0z tin 11c ROBIN HOOD FLOUR ll Purpose 7-1b, Bag 36¢ 24-1b, Bag 1.25 | " A & P FANCY WHITE MEAT TUNA FISH = ~ °° 49¢ 59¢ FANCY B.C. 19¢ CRABMEAT : 17¢ GUARDIOLA JUICE PINEAPPLE KRAFT MACARONI 19¢ 26¢ DAINTY RICE 29¢ A & P SPECIAL BLEND DINNER = ~~ BLACK TEA =~ ~~ ~~ "T%¢ Tin 2's Tin 7-ox. Tin \ 'MEATS / 20-oz. Tin Pkg, ANN PAGE--3 VARIETIES PORK & BEANS QUICK or REGULAR QUAKER OATS ROYAL OR 16-02. Tin PORTERHOUSE Ib. 3 ROAST LOIN PORK eivier End 15.53 I | rE FRESH HAMS whole or Ha 1b. 47 pv GOLDEN CORN SLICED COOKED HAM 1b. 85¢ ES 2 lbs. 25¢ 2-ib. Pkg. 5d & ol..€ rand psec Boneless ROUND £9 : WING or SIRLOIN : STEAKS OR ROAST LOIN PORK CHOPS ib. §9c SHOULDER ROAST PORK shank of 1b. 43c SMOKED HAMS Swifts Premiun Whole or Half 1b. 9c CHOICE BREAKFAST BACON siced. 15.59. : FRESH CAUGHT 5 ru Pickerel Fillets = 35- -- A&P Fruit And Vegetable Valves ~ . Haddock Fillets ib, 39. ONE LOW PRICE -- NONE HIGHER Préducrof ST. LAWRENCE STARCH CO. LTD. SILVERBRIGHT GRAP CAL. RED EMP. ) § is g Salmon Steak 1b. 47 GRAFEERUIT rexas marststeoiess 96s Doz. 49e APPLES Ober Prades: DURAN CORK STARCH Boilin Fowl 145 RANGES FLORIDA 252's Doz. 3c g 292 TANGERINES swe rorioa Doz. &9¢ IVORY LAUNDRY STARCH $7. LAWRENCE CORN OIL NORTHERN SPY eat. 9c APPLES wmacs sat. 69 CELERY HEARTS 2 for 23 176s EUROPA BRAND PASCAL You can have pictures of every player in the National ib. 4 Hockey League . . cll the Toronte Maple Leofs, the Canadiens, and the favorites in the 4 other teams of 'the NHL Here's a wonderfyl opportunity--and here's all you have to do: For every two pictures you want, send in one 5-1b. Bee Hive Syrup label. That's oll. Specify the player's name . . . your name and address , . . enclose necessary label, and mail to fhe address on the Bee Hive Syrup container. One hockey picture may also be secured free by sending in 2 labels 'from Durham Corn Starch or Ivory Loundry Starch packages. z CANNED MEATS HAMS lm 10 to 2 $13.5¢ PORK SHOULDER ° "* "* $9.5( IDEAL FOR SHIPPING TO GREAT BRITAIN AND EUROPE MUSHROOMS wie t TOMATOES ++ : b 25: POTATOES P.EIL cren mn, 751. Bag 1.69 J