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Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Nov 1948, p. 23

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PAGE TWENTY-TWO +. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1948 WANT AD SECTION: 555 Business - Professional DIRECTORY 1--Auditors 8. T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- gral, countant, 24 Alger Bldg., King roth Ea East. Phone 2127. Consulting bi and auditor. (Decl) 2---Barvisters 1S 8S. HYMAN, BARRISTER, ETC. ortgage Loans arranged 25 Simcoe | orth. 'Phone 67. Residence sat, ool) ec CONANT ' AND ANNIS, BARRISTERS. Allin F Annis, K.C, 7'2 Simcoe Street South. Phone Residence 769. (Decl) A.W. 5 GREER, K.C.. BARRISTER, Boticitor, etc, 6 King Street East. Phone 3160. Residence 3514 Resiaent artner, W. C. Pollard, K.C.. Uxbridge, ntario. (Decl) GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & i FRASER, Barristers, etc.. Bank of Commeiee Building. (Del cl ) R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.C., BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc. 6 King Street West. Phones: Office, 814; Residence 3297. Money to loan. (Decl) JAMES R. MacBRIEN, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Suite 201. 70 King East, Genosha Hotel. Phone 349. (Decl) JOSEPH 1 P. MANGAN, KO. BARRISTER, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14! King Street East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence, . phone 837. ___ (Decl) NEST "MARKS, "BARRISTER, _ SOLI- | ny 11 King East, Room "2. Phones Office, 55: Residence, 3687R. ! (Decl) | A. J. PARKHILL _ AND J. A. YANCH, Barristers. Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Simcoe North. Phone 1614. Res., 1975J (Decl) MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRISTER, Solicitor, , Notary. Money to loan Rasen Block, Suite No. 4. Phone oe (Dec Res, ecl 3a--Physicians ana Surgeons | DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING E, | Oshawa, Phone 3832." Hours: 11 to 12, (except Wedriagdny and Saturday) 2 to 4 and 7 t (Decl) 5--0Optometrists : C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Phone 1516. (Decl) JURY # AND LOVELIL--OFFICE HOURS: | 9 am. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, 9 to 1 A. E. Johnson, Optometrist. Phone 28) (Decl) 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE. Consult us for any of your insurance needs. All classes of insurance, includ- ing life. Phone 5400. Res., 4318R. (Decl) 9--Money To Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first mortgages. Also NNH.A. and Build- ers Loans. Apply . FP. Swartz, Bar- rister. Bassett Blcck, suite No. 4. Phone 282. (Decltf) FIRST MORTGAGE vis os yo AGREEMENTS OF SALE 112 SIMCOE ST. NORTH North Shore Realty Co. Ltd. | PHONE 81. OSHAWA 22!, King Street East (Tues.-Thurs.-Sat.) | 10= Instruction taphone, comptometer, new classes com mence each Monday. Oshawa Business College, 18 Simcoe North. Phone 1314. (Decl3) POPULARITY AND FUN FOR YOU| this winter if you learn to dance now. Expert instruction in all latest modern dances. For appointment phone 4666-J. (Dec. 4) BALLET AND TAP DANCING TAUGHT by Irenie Harvey. Register Saturday at Adelaide House, 199 Centre Street. (Nov22) | 11--Building Trades PLASTERING AND REPAIRS, ALTERA- tions, also specializing in recreation | rooms and waterproofing basements. Free estimates. A. Woods, 3870J3. (Tues. wed. thurs.) | 12--Personal Services / FA VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS | watchmaker. Repair shop at 46 King | Strget West. Your patronage solicited. (Decl) SOUND E EQUIPMENT FOR RENT, PAR- | ties, dances, banquets; reasonable. For | information. Phone Ken Hardie, 2837-R | after 5. (Dec. 6) 14--Household Repairs CHESTERFIELDS, "REBUILT, RECO- vered. Like new. Why pay more? Our | rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone 5280W nights, 3344 davs. " (Dec3tf) REPRESENTATIVE HERE NOW FOR | one month. We specialize in Marshall and Beautyrest repairs, Spring mat- tresses rebuilt returned like new. Eider- downs recovered. Ontario Bedding Co Phone 4828. (Dec5) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE- | upholstered. See our materiais for recovering Fruce' R Dalton. 75 Charles. Phone 401. {Dec8) CASSIDY AND MILL R "EL ECTRI- | clans. House wiring, Di EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING AL- terations, machine buttonholes made. Hours 9-5: evening 7. Appointment. Phone 5043-W. 76 King W. (268c) DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS at 130 Colborne E. _ (Dec. 18) | 17--Radio Repairs REPAIRS TO ALI, MAKES ( OF 1 RADIOS, | Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. (Dec2) 22--Lost and Found - | LOST--MAN'S BROWN TOP COAT N° Armouries, Saturday, Nov. 6. Reward! if returned to 96 Centre St. after 5. Ask for Mr. Williamson (268c) | LOST -- LADIES' YELLOW GOLD | wristwatch at A.P. or vicinity down- | town business section. Reward. Please | phone 1589-R or 175 Celina St. /268c) | LOST--KENTUCKY REDBONE HOUND, blind in right eve. Answers to "Gun- | ner". Whitby 2366. Reward. Saat) | LOST -LARGE SUM OF MONEY, Saturday morning, Bank of ry or vicinity, urgently needed. Finder please call 155-J. Reward, (269c) | LOST--SMALL RED MAKEUP PURSE, Moto: City Bowling . Alleys, Tuesday night. Keys and contents valuable to owner Finder please return to Good- fellow Printing, Times Bldg. Reward. (270b) | 23--Wamen's Column FALL SPECIAL: OIL PERMANENTS, rez Five Dollars, for Three Dollars: guaranteed Phone 2653 Edward's | Hairdressing, 5 Celina (Nov18) SPECIAL THIS MONTH: $5 OIL PER- manent, for $3 Peggy's Beauty Parlor, 72 | Church 8t. 371. _(Nov 20) 24--Personal ! | MOTORING TO TORONTO DAILY TO work; have room for 3. Phone 1831-M. | (269¢) 25--Real Estate For Sale DUPLEX, OWNER BUILT 2!) YEARS, | hot water heating, oak floors up and | down. Half cash. Phone 3930.) after , (260¢) | Articles for Sale .. Articles Wanted .. Agents Wanted ... Auditors Automobiles For Sale . Automobiles Wanted Automobile Repairs Auction Sale Barristers Building Trades fe Business Oppor- tunities eres Business Oppor- tunities Wanted . Chiropractors Dentists Dressmaking Employment Wanted | Wanted | For Rent . Supplies | Instruction Lost and Fo | Male Help Wanted ONE INSERTION Above rates apply only to original Subsequent insertions ordered Professional 20 words or less. Each initial letter, full word. before publication, INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Female Help | Funeral Directors , Gardening and . | Household Repairs 14 Houses For Rent .. | Insurance .. Loan Wanted .... | Legal Notices ... Male and Female Help Wanted ! Money to Loan ... 9 Nursing Service .. | Optometrists CLASSIFIED. TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS .. THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTIO new original order. and Business listings, $5.00 per months for 20c additional for all words over 20. abbreviation, $ and c sign, Box charged 10c additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day Office hours: Daily 8-6. Saturdays, 8-12. | Physiciang and Surgeons Personal Personal Services Pets & Livestock . 34 Radio Repairs .... 17 Real Estate Agents 19 Real Estate For Sale .. 38 . 12 28 ssivas 8 . 10 fa und .. 22 .. 42 Real Estate Wanted .... Real Estate Exchange Rooms for Rent . Room and Board .. Room and Board Wanted . Veterinarians Women's Column . 23 Wanted to Rent .. 31 Wearing Apparel .. 35 AD RATES 20 Words Each Add'l Word .02 031% 05 011% orders for consecutive insertions. at a later date constitute a . 39a 13 figure, count as a SMALL ~ FRAME "HOUSE, | cupboards { Immediate in nice cozy | Joy. i the 3 bedrooms. | Down payment only $1400. | Why not start the New Year off in your | suitable - for abstainers. { FURNISHED BEDROOM, VERY CEN- | 1068-W | NICE LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, 25--Real Estate For Sale | ACREAGE GOOD to 10 acre lots. Phone 920R2. (2651) 315 ACRES IN NEWLY BUILT UP RES- idential area. Phone 3017-J. (268c) | 6-ROOMED bungalow, all conveniences, lovely lot, garage, Mill St. Possession two weeks. Inspect and make your best | offer. $2,300 --$1,000 cash, balance as rent, 4-roomed frame, Nassau St., rented for time being. GORDON K. HARDY REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 SIMCOE 8S. (270a) ROXBOR- borough St. * Immediate possession. For information apply 143 King 8t. East. (269c) NEW FOUR-ROOMED BUNGALOW, N. H.A. plan, bath, built-in cupboards. hardwood floors, new garage, electric tank, central. Immediate possession. Box. 714, _Times- Gazette. (269c) --Arlington Ave. -- 5-room $5, 00 stucco bungalow, garage, down payment, $1,500, balance, $35 per month. Possession, Dec. 15, 1948. $5,500 harawoot down, new rus: nace, garage, 3 rooms upstairs. Rent $35 per month. Possession downstairs, Dec. 1st, 1948. -Terms. JONES & NOLAN BROKERS (268c) FOR A HOME THAT YOU WOULD BE proud to own, inspect this at 518 Perry Street, Whitby. New and 'modern, storey -and a half, 3 rooms and bath upstairs, 3 and hall down. Built-in in kitchen and bathroom, water heating,' picture windows and hardwood floors downstairs, hydro heater and extras Smart appearance inside and out. Garage and large lot. (269b) $5,700 6 room brick. All conveniences. home on Main St. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Your opportunity to own a good | home at a reasonable price. GORDON K. HARDY REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 Simcoe St. S Office" 5380 -- Residence 4256M { (270b) | $6,500-IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 8- room brick house, insulated; hardwood | floors; all conveniences; hot air heat- ing, and garage. St. Julien St. Phone 2997-R. (270c) | A Tel. | 40 ROYAL ST.--VACANT. $6,000. HALF cash. A. E. Murdoch, Real Estate Bro- ker, 23); Simcoe N. (270c) i | EARLY OCCUPANCY! A home you and your family can i This enchanting bungalow now | under construction will 'soon be ready | for its owner, Situated in the protected residential area 1 block from Cadillac Ave. Let us personally conduct you | through this charming little home with | , its spacious living-room, kitchen and | bedrooms. Wardrobe closet in each of 1 Financing has been | arranged to suit your budget. new home? Included in this price are | many extras--Iron railing, stippled ceil- ings, vestibule marked in stone effect, completely modern kitchen. Rent con- | trol is & thing 'of the past for the new | owner. Lot size 40' x 122', Inspection by appointment only. Please ask for Mr. Nash at 4400. hone 4400 cho field INSURANCE SAgengy REALTORS 6 Simcoe St. North - Os! (270b) | 29--Rooms for Rent TWO - UNFURNISHED MS, FOR light housekeeping, suitable for busi- ness couple or one person. Phone 2728-M. (267c) TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, All conveni- 26 Gladstone. Phone 4604-W. (268¢) ences. tral, hot water. Phone : ©. (268c) TWO PARTLY FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping rooms. Apply 509 Albert St. Phone 1969-W. (268c continuous hot water heated, lady preferred. Apply 214 Kendal Ave, 268¢c) WARM FURNISHED BEDROOM, WITH | breakfast; gentleman preferred; cen- tral, Phone 3973M (270b) NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOMS, FOR | J one or two gentlemen, central, spring- filled mattresses. 56 Division Street, H 270c) FURNISHED BED-SITTING ROOM & kitchenette. Phone 5187-W after 6. . (270c) | | 29a--For Rent | gle beds, | Athol. | pletely overhauled, heater, 29--Rooms for Rent private family, central, Phone 2499-R. grill privileges, Phon 70a) | FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM, ng ble bed suite, two girls or gentlemen, continuous hot water, very central. Ap- ply 97 Athol East. (270c) ONE ROOM SUITABLE FOR ONE OR two. Phone 830-W. (268c) FURNISHED BEDROOM, factories. Phone 3959-R FURNISHED BEDROOM, GENTLEMAN GARDEN LAND, ONE | LARGE FRONT - FURNISHED ROOM, | ALL. CON- | | veniences, close to bus and south end . (269b) i preferred, breakfast if desired. Phone 5554-J. (269b) "CABINS, winterized, on bus 2 DOUBLE lights, water, Phone 1919-R a STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE FOR PRODUCE 5 RICHMOND W, PHONE 4297TW DAYS 5143M EVENINGS i '41 FURNISHED | line. | (268c) | ['40 (2691) | 30--Room and Board FOR ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN, SIN- spring mattresses. 150 Wil- liam E (269c) ROOM AND BOARD, ONE OR TWO men, -or married couple, all conveni- ences, near Motors. Phone 3953-J. | '87 (270b) ! 30a--Room & Board Wanted YRS., ATTENDING FIRST | Box 708, Times-Gnz- 12530) | GIRL, 6; grade, Protestant. ette. 31--Wanted to'Rent SMALL HOUSE, URGENTLY RE- quired by young couple, Permanent position, 5530-J. ( 2661) 4 ROOMED" APARTMENT URGENT New Resident with steady employment wants 4 Roomed Apartment furnished . . . Must be located or he will "be forced to give up posi-- tion and leave town. [ ] Leave Information with T. L. WILSON Phone 35 (tn) | GARAGE, IN NORTH END. PHONE 2996. (270a) ! GARAGE, VICINITY RITSON RD. AND Phone 3441-M. (270a) 7 CAN YOU HELP US FIND A 3-ROOMED SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT NORTH END PREFERRED WE ARE-- ; A QUIET BUSINESS COUPLE WE HAVE NO CHILDREN a | WE WILL PAY-- UP TO $60 A MONTH PLEASE REPLY BOX 717, TIMES-GAZETTE (270b) NICELY FURNISHED BED-SITTING LE room, for young Reasonable. Apply Gazette, 32--Automobiles for Sale '35 PONTIAC SEDAN, MOTOR COM- five tires, new Good condition Apply 172 Celina St. after irl. 'Centrally located. 713, Times- (270b) Box practically throughout. 6. '31 MODEL A FORD "SEDAN, ~ GOOD | condition. Apply 116 Annis St. (270b) ), '46 FARGO 15-TON PICK-UP TRUCK, | excellent Phone Bowman- ville 2124. (270c) 31 FORD - MODEL A - COUPE, NEW top, perfect mechanical condition. 137 King St. West. (270b) 29 CHEV, OOACH, , MECHANICALLY iGo aliaost Belinont Motors, 137 King West. (270Db) | '40 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE, WITH SIDE car, good condition. condition. west side. no children. | References. Phone | (270) | ples, | Will sell to near-| 30 MODEL FORDSON est, offer to $200 if sold by Nov. 22. Ap- . good garden horse, 11 yrs. old, | ply 4th house, Stevenson's Road south. S|, Mr. Uhryn, R.R, 3, Oshawa. 32--Automobiles for Sale '36 OLDS. COACH, EXCELLENT CON- dition, 5 good tires, heater and defrost- er. Apply 122 Gibbon St. (269¢) '46 PONTIAC SEDAN, LIKE NEW. '41 Chev. 5-passenger Coupe. Phone 5239-J after 6. 269c) A GREASE JOB AND OIL CHANGE for your old car battery. Clements Service Station, 102 Simcoe N. Phone 842 (269¢c) '36 "igen "OLDS. SEDAN, GAS HEATER, defroster fan, 5 good tires, good condi- tion. Can be seen, any day up to 4 p.m. or on Saturdays. 378 Buena Vista. Fo Car Market Buy Now PAY AFTER THE FIRST OF THE YEAR HERE ARE A FEW OF OUP. BARGAINS 47 MERCURY SEDAN. Heater, wheels, defroster, chrome spotlights, ete: $1,695 CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN. Like new. HUDSON buy. $1,595 | 35--Wearing Apparel | | shaped $1,695 | SEDAN. A real OLDS. SEDANETTE. A | 295 smart looking car. $1 in town. DODGE DAN. er. PONTIAC (25 SERIES) COACH. A standout $995 DEI.UXE SE- Radio and heat- 40 FORD SEDAN. inside and out. $895 STUDEBAKER COM- MANDER SEDAN. Per- fect condition. .... $695 DE SOTO SEDAN. A very low price for this car. '39 38 '36 BUICK COACH. Very "good car... .. i... $595 '34 CHEV. COACH. A bargain. ...... Many more models to choose from. Your car in Trade. As Long as 30 Months to Pay. Stoney's The Greatest Name In The Used Car Business We have our own lighting plant OPEN EVENINGS TILL § P.M. SATURDNZ {8S UNTIL 6 P.M. 429 KING WEST PHONE 4183J $595 | | | | | real | $345! CHEV. SEDAN. Best buy | '| ing machine in your own home. $1.095 Spotless : | | | Phone 4925-W a WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, sterilized, cleaned and pressed like new Carrying Jarge stock fall and winter coats, sults, pants. Sam Schwartz, 21 Bond St. West. (Dec?) KENWOOD COAT, DARK BEIGE, practically new, size 36. Phone 5062-J. (269b) LADIES' MUSKRAT COAT, MATCH- ing hat and muff, size 14; black even- ing gown, size 16, worn once; boy's brown oyercoat, size 14; man's black overcoat, '38 to 40: pr. boy's skates, size 7. Apply 24 Elena St. Phone 3959-R. (269b) "BROWN MUSKRAT COAT, size 16, very reasonable. Phone 4535-J after 5. (269b) LADY'S TWEED COAT, CHAMOIS IN- | terlined, size 42. Reasonable, good con- dition, 617 King E. (270a) BOY'S COAT, BROWN TWEED, SIZE 8-10; lady's brown coat, size 14-16. Phone 4273-R. (270a) | MOUTON COAT, 14-16. GOOD CONDI- tion, Phone 283W2. (270b) | BLACK SEAL COAT, EXCELLENT CON- | dition, size 12. Phone 5159-J. 270b) | MAN'S ELYSIAN CURL DOUBLE | breasted overcoat; blue serge suit, both | 44, best condition, hardly worn. Cin W. (270c) GIRL'S TEEN-AGE WINTER COAT, with hood, worn one scason, size 11; 5 | wool skirts; white yd skates, Size 5. | 270a) 36--Articles Fi Sale | CEMENT, GRAVEL, FILL, C. GINDERS, | dry wood slabs, $8 cord: dump stake trucks, mixer, forms. Phone 5405J. (Dec9) VENETIAN BLINDS, THE "ADVANCED | Kirsch type. The most startling de-! velopment in Venetian Blind nso. | Flattened, S-shaped slats give better and more graceful enclosure. We are | sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates with- | out obligation. George Reid, Phone 2104. 66 Bond St. West. (Decl) | VENETIAN BLINDS IN FLEXALUM OR | steel Any of 24 colours; concave | slat. Priced from $6.60 up 55 | sq. ft. Estimates without obligation. George Reid, Phone 2104, 66 Bond St. West. (Decl) COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER | rolls and belts for ers. Jack Biddulph, Phone 3800W LADI all makes of wash- | 68 Simcoe St. N. | (Nov25tf) GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS Latest Type - Any Color Flexalum, Steel or Wood Five-day delivery, Budget Terms Available. Venetian Blinds of quality is our only business Free Estimates and Installation Anywhere J. W. MELLY Phone 4101 -- Oshawa P.O. Box 421 MET-WO INDUSTRIES LIMITED (Listen to CKEY 8:50 to 9:00 a.m.) (250tf) SEW- $6' per | month. Singer Company, Phone 696 i (Nov30) IVORY ENA-! Phone Bow- RENT A PORTABLE ELECTRIC FINDLAY GAS STOVE mel, practically new, $35. manville 404 or 22 Carlisle. (269c) COAL AND WOOD STOVE, SULTAN, | good condition, also 3-ring gas stove. | Phone '3723-M. (269Db) i SINGLE STEEL BED, SPRING & MAT- tress, bed in wal ous finish, Perfect con- | dition 394 Mary S (269b) SOFTWOOD SLABS Stove Lengths PHONE 4833 | (270b) | PLAYER PIANO. PHONE 4531-W. (2690) | BED SPRING & SPRING MATTRESS, dresser; dining-room table, four chairs Phone 5062-J. (269) | GARAGE EQUIPMENT. BRUNNER compressor, 2-cylinders, model 3650, | with 60-cycle 112 H.P. 110/220-volt | motor and automatic control, $350. | complete. Box 716, Times-Gazette, or! | phone Oshawa 4750, local 8. (269c) | POTATOES, MACINTOSH, _ SPYS, | Sweets, Wagners, carrots, turnips, on- | ions, delivered. Shaw. 5490-W or 38i60 | (269c) | 45-GALLON DRUMS, SUITABLE FOR | fuel oil, clean, delivered, each. Phone 5035-W (269¢c) TEN ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES for store. Apply Karn Drug Store.O (Nov. 13,16,18) $3.75 | RANGE, WOOD AND' OIL, GOOD CON- | dition. (269¢) Apply 117 Church St. | NEW WILLIAMS TREADLE SEWING | (270a) AUTO GLASS, CUT AND INSTALLED, for any make car or truck "Johnnie" 'Walker, Station, 102 Simcoe N. Phone 842 " _-- ws = (Decl4) LATE '30 MASTER CHEV. FOR SALE. Apply 11 Gibbs Ave. '35 CHEV. COUPE, Glynn Ave., Ajax, after 6. $300. APPLY 32 (268e) ! shavings, located at Clement's Service | Phone 4713R. | (270c) COW MANURE, ALSO SHEEP, HORSE and weedless rotted manure,' clean cinders, mason's lime. Osh- awa Nursery. Phone 3235. (Dec8) | VENETIAN BLINDS LIFE-FLEX ALL) machine, good condition. | metal blinds repairing, cleaning reta | (268c) | '36 HUDSON COUPE, GOOD CONDI- | | MCCLARY RANGETTE, PURE WHITE | tion. Apply 98 La Salle Ave. Phone 5458-J. : (268c) '34¢ CHEV. COACH, PERFECT CONDI- tion, winterized, and excellent tires. Phone 1660 after 7 p.m.. 1054-R. (268c) | Ouija Boards, reg.'$1.25 .... 28 F PONTIAC, NEW | BRAKES, TRANS- mission, rear end and p Motor and | body good. Call after Noe 95 ob) | Dolls, reg. $2.25 ( stone Ave. '38 DODGE ( COACH, NEW MOTOR, new paint. 137 King St. West. (270b) "40 STUDEBAKER COACH, complete engine overhaul, three new | tires, new springs, equipped with heat- | er, oil filter, slip covers, clean inside, | big bargains, job. 'Phone Port | 5c scribbles, 6 for 26c. good, p PREY 172R SATE: Wanted MORE CASH FOR YOUR CAR AT Dodd's Car Lot, 418 Park Road South Phone 2872W. CASH FOR YOUR CAR! BRAMLEY Motor Sales jon Simcoe Street North Phone 4695W (Dec3) "37 TO '39 CHEV. . CLEAN, (279c) SEDA} good shape, reasonable for cash. Phone | Herbert, 57" wide, 37" high, 2738- J. 1263¢c) WILL PAY WELL OVER LIST "PRICE, for new or used '48 Chev. Pontiac, Dodge or . Plymouth. Principal Phone 4808. ANY YEAR FROM 735 TO '42, PREFER | G.M. or Chrysler product. Will good cash price for right car. 85-W. i (269b) | 34--Pets and Livestock COCKER SPANIELS, RED, BLACKS and parti-colors. Also black female spayed; black male, house bioken, oculated Waubena Kennels, 1 mile west of Oshawa, new highway. (Nov29) BEAUTIFUL PEKINGESE MALE PUP- registered. Excellent breeding. | Very flat faces, $50. Lovely Christmas gifts. Miss Howell, Uxbridge, Ont. (270c) CANARTES FOR SALE. - HIGH CLASS canaries, guaranteed singers. Good col- ors. These singers will be on sale, for one week, at eight dollars each. Mrs. Henning, 176 Burke St. (270a) 3 WEANED PIGS, 7 WEEKS OLD. W. Jordan, Corbett's Point Farm. Bes one 350W (270c) 34a--Farmers' Column TRACTOR, Phone (270c) MAROON, | Meccano Sets, reg. $9.75 | | | Heinz | Brand Corn Syrup, 5-lb. tin, 59c. (Dec?) ! «only, | fur and muff; pr. man's shoes, 91%; all (266tf) | good condition. | cabinet, pay | OUTSIDE DOOR AND "FRAME; WIN- Phone | dow frame and window; baby tenda, | reduced prices. H [PTANOS, MAHOGANY. CANADA, n= | i $65. 294 Drew St. ing, reslating. Prices reasonable. M Tuck. Phone 4674W (Dec. 5) | PIANOS, MAHOGANY, BELL & OTH- | ers, $65 and up. Charles H. Peacock, 80 | Simcoe N. Phone 251. (268d) | enamel, excellent $47.50. ! (268¢) ) | Plihe | 5262- -J. fe CLEARANCE SALE OF TOYS se00 48C condition, Plastic Dishes, reg. 49c i Cars and Trucks, 12 in box, reg. $1.20 We have fur pandas and dogs at Scrap books, 3 for 25¢, GROCERY SPECIALS Soups, 3 for 25c¢; Crown HARRIS GROCETERIA Corner Oshawa Blvd. and Alice (270b) , MASON & "RISCH, HENRY like new. Charles H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe N. Phone (268d) RAGGOON FUR COAT, 14 TO 16; rox PIANOS, Walnut veneer record Phone 2022. _(268c) Apply 92 Gladstone (268c) ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES, AT 52 Cadillac N. (268tf) used four months, | Av apartment size, like new, $225. Charles H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe N. Phone GR ( HARDWOOD ( . PHONE 4977-W. (2680) COMBINATION COAL & WOOD COOK | stove, Quebec style. Phone 3536-0, oi ( Cy GOOD CONDI- Phone 4945-J. (268c) FINDLAY OVAL COOK STOVE, GOOD condition. Price reasonable. Hot water | front. Apply 250 Athol East. (268c) PHILCO RADIO, CABINET STILL, long and short wave, good operating condition, $29. Meagher's, 92 Simcoe North. (268c) NEW DINETTE SUITE, NATURAL AND Phone 5372-R. (268c¢c) CUTTINGS. FEATHER TICK, , IN tion; double bed size. SOT Rutherford 14. rags, HOUSEMAID WANTED. small institution. sist of/individual rooms with bath. Ap- i ply with references and stating salary Sepesteg to Box 711, Times-Gazette. 36--Articies For Sale ELECTRIC POP COOLER, GOOD CON- dition, separate unit, cheap for cash. Phone 3510-M. (268c) GIRL'S WINTER COAT, SIZE 8; SIN- gle bedspring and mattress; standard Underwood typewriter. 76 Yonge.. Ph. 4409-W. (270b) PR. WHITE STEEL SKI POLES, NEW; pr. white figure skates, size 5. 80 Burk St, Phone 4126-W. (270c) A BEAUTIFUL NEW WALNUT BED- room suite, Beautyrest mattress and spring, complete. Sacrifice. Phone 3183M, after 6 o'clock. (270¢c) GENDRON PRAM, $12; PINK CHINCIL- la bunting bag, lined; hanging and ta- ble oil lamps, hand painted. Phone 1653R3. (270c) HARDWOOD, BEECH AND MAPLE, 4 foot Christmas trees, also dressed. Phone Bethany [8R33. George Heaslip, Janetville. Dec. 18) BODY HARDWOOD AND HARD SLABS, cut in stovewood lengths. Phone 3714M. chickens | (270c) QUEBEC COOK STOVE, COAL OR wood, one automatic hot water gas; heater, with tank, $15. 13 Elgin Easti. (270b) WEEK-END SPECIALS FURNITURLWL CO. 156 SIMCOE ST. S. 3 PC. BEDROOM SUITES Waterfall Style. Walnut Rutherford Value 69.00 6 PC. KITCHEN SUITES Honey and .Red Rutherford Value 69.50 UNFINISHEL CHESTS 4 Drawer ... vid ve00 1D 5 Drawer ....... . 19. SOFA BED .95 50 Upholstered Arms Rutherford Value STUDIO COUCH 100% Spring-Filleg Rutherford Value .... 485 Spring-Filled MAT TRESS $1 All Sizes from COMFORTERS Reversible Satin. All Colors. Rutherford Value 11.95; Rutherford's Have The FLOOR COVERIN Choose yours now Eg over | 150 patterns actually in stock Congoleums -- Feltols Inlaid Rugs 2 and 3 yd. Wide. Special 2 yaid wide ...... sq. yd. 49¢c 36" Lino Runner .... yd. 79¢ Axminster -- Wilton Broadloom Carpets All Sizes and Colors 6x9 Axminster ........ 45.00 | Choose Your Furniture Gifts | now -- A small deposit will i hold any article -- Rutherford FURNITURE CO. 156 SIMCOE ST: S. OUR LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY (270c) STOKER AND BOILER, SUITABLE FOR store, apartment or house, first-class condition. Phone 3767J12. (270c) 62.50 | ! QUEBEC HEATER, TO SUPPLEMENT oil burner; bed spring; girl's coat, size | Phone 3133-W. (270D) | MEDIUM SIZED SPANISH ONIONS, ! $2.25 bushel. 213 Olive Ave. after 5:30. | (270a) | SEVEN BAGS CEMENT. 54 HARMONY | Rd. N. after 7 (2708) | MODERN TABLE TOP, GAS STOVE, | new single bed with spring mattress; ! sewing machine, $5; bridge lamp, $2. man's overcoat, size 40, $2. Phone 3748-M. (270a) | COOK STOVE, WITH NEW OIL BURN- ers, $40. Apply 66 Gibbdn 8t. (270b) | HOT "AIR FURNACE, SUITS 6- ii house, Phone 3675-W i DRY MIXED WOOD, CUT IN bad lengths, $14 per cord; also mixed hard- wood, 4-ft. lengths, . $14, delivered. Phone 2873-J. (270c) ELECTRIC IRON, NEW, STILL PACK- ed, $5. 181 Albert St. (270c) | MOFFATT ELECTRIC RANGE, fi edd sonable. Phone 1204-J. (2708) | MODERN 9-PC. DINING-ROOM SUITE, | $100. Phone 3609-W. (270a) | SEASONED MIXED HARDWOOD, 820! per cord, stove lengths. Phone 4883- J! or write P. Hawley, General Delivery, Oshawa. (270c) | 37--Articles Wanted | GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED. | Tce boxes, cook stoves and heaters 456 | King West. 3326. (Decll) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PAPER, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Phone 635, God dardale Iron; and Metals, 100 Annis S East of CNR Station. (Dec3) CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED FUR- niture. ice box, Quebec. heaters 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M. (Dec13) ELECTRIC TRAIN, MUST BE IN coon condition. Phone 5035-W. (269b ORGAN, SMALL SIZE, SUITABLE el home, reasonable price, and good con- dition. Phone 1829-R. (269¢c) DOLL , CARRIAGE, WAGON, IN GOOD condition. Phone 1041-M. (2709) PR. FRENCH DOORS, GOOD "CONDI- tion, priced reasonable. Phone 1850-2: (270m) 38--Female Help Wanted PASTRY COOK, GOOD WAGES, short hours. Apply manager, S.5. Kresge Co. (270c) MUST BE good type of woman. Apply Hotel Whitby. _ _ (270c) NIGHT SUPERVISOR AND A COOK, to live in; needed Immediately for Living quarters con- (Nov. 18,20) Reliable salesgirls wanted. Age 18 or over,. Apply in person. GLAZIER'S DEPT. STORE (268c) 38--Female Help Wanted WOMAN AS SHORT ORDER COOK for nights in small grill. Apply 44 King West. Phone 2201. (269¢) STENOGRAPHER--APPLY DIRECT OR by letter to the Personnel Department of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Com- pany, Limited, Bowmanville. (2691) __---Employment Wanted BABY-SITTING, RESPONSIBLE PER- son. Phone 4064-J. (270c) REPAIRING TRILIGHTS, RANGETTES, Janges, al) household electrical appli- ces. Frank Snudden , Phone 919W bi Athol East. (Dec18) EXPERIENCED "PRACTICAL NURSE, now available. Phone 5426-J. (268c) BOOKKEEPER, FULL OR PART- TIME, all phases general office work. Phone 416813 or Box 715, Times-Gazette. ARES She & 3 (269c¢) YOUNG LADY DESIRES GENERAL office work. Experienced in typing, switéhboard, etc. Apply Box 712, Times- Gazette. a Fi, 268¢) 42--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM GEORGE WILLIAMS, Gentleman, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of William George Williams, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 16th day of October AD. 1948, are hereby notified to send | in to the undersigned Personal Repre- | sentative of the said deceased on or | before the 18th day of December, A.D. | 1948, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Personal Representative will dis~ tribute the assets of the sald deceased having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated at Oshawa this 16th day of November, A.D. 1948. | CARL EDWARD WILLIAMS, | Administrator by McGibbon & Bastedo, Barristers, ete., 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. His Solicitors Loe . 18-25, Dec. 2) | ONION POULTICE The ancient Romans made a poultice of onions and barley meal as a cure for watery eyes. They | thought the onions cleared the | | | sight by the tears 'they drew. | BEAN PEST The Mexican bean beetle is the worst insect bean pest. | Lag 43--Auction Sales Community ( Commission | 33 Hall St., Oshawa, Sat., Nov. 20, at 1:30 p.m.: Dining-Room Suite; Electric Rangette: x Coal & Wood Heater; End Tables; West« inghouse Vacuum Cleaner; Floor Model Radio; Electric Iron; Kitchen Tables; Side Board; Kitchen Chairs; Dining-room Tables; Writing Desk; Piano Stool; Arm Chairs; Book Case; Dressers; Highboy Dresser; Rocking Chairs; Extension Ladder; 8 single cords of dry wood; Kitchen Range; 9-piece Dining-room Suite (maple); Waterfall Design; Hall Tree; Circulator Heater, large size; Record Player; Congoleum Rug, 9x9; clothing, wheelbarrow, 40= gal. hot water tank; 8 lbs. 1%" nalls, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirs tevant, Auctioneer. Oshawa, phone 2714-J. {(270b) I will sell by public auction for Mr, Frank Le Roy, at 24 Royal St., on Saturday, November 20, household furniture, consisting of wal- nut dining-room suite, oak dining-room suite, 3-plece chesterfield, electric wash- ing machine, one large and one small matching rugs, two beds complete, 2 dressers, electric fixtures, sliding couch, gas range, kitchen table and .chalrs, music cabinet, pictures, electric lamps, number of small tables and dishes, lawnmower, 50-ft. garden hose, wheel= barrow, other things too numerous to mention. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Térms cash. W. J. Sulley, Auctioneer. (270b) LOST CONTROL Lindsay, Nov. 18--(CP)--Pried out, of a light truck with crow bars, Peter Piere, 53, of Haliburton, was rushed Wednesday to hospital here. Piere lost control of the vehicle near Crooked Lake, Haliburton, and the truck plunged over an embank- ment. He was pinned between the steering wheel and the back of the cab. He suffered a broken leg and extensive head and internal in juries. FLYING NET The dragon-fly folds its six spine= | fringed legs together to form a ne# when in flight. FIRST RECORDED COMET Records of comets go back as | far as the beginning of the third millenium, B.C., when a comet was observed in China. an investment standpoint the payment of morigage. makes this building an unusual GORDON 3 APARTMENT SELF CONTAINED HOUSE This apartment house is situated in Whitby's best residential district, near schools, close to park and bowling green. from two apartments more than $75.00 per month. One apart- ment kept vacant for purchaser. one apartment upstairs, all furnished with 3-pc. baths, Income Two apartments downstairs, From purchase of this building has outstanding merits, since the down payment of $4,000 will be your only financial obligation as the revenue derived from the two apartments will pay the taxes, interest and the yearly All this together with your own rent free, speculation. OSBORNE REAL ESTATE BROKER 109 Dundas St. W., Whitby Phone 522; Evenings, 858, 2473 J. E, SHIELDS, Salesman SALESLADY Must be-Fully Experienced in Dresses & Coats GOOD SALARY to RIGHT PARTY Apply BOX 710 TIMES - GAZETTE This home is centrally located Whitby. garage. schools. GORDON 8 rooms, 3 rented for $33.00 per month. 2-pc. bath downstairs, large screened veranda, sunroom, near This is one of the older type homes but it has been kept in good state of repair. It is now a good revenue producer and this income can be increased, leaving the purchaser little: to finance after the down payment of $4,000 is arranged. GRAND OLD HOME $7,800 in best residential district of Situatec on large -corner lot, 82x136, with two-car The house is of franle construction, air conditioned. 3-pc. bath upstairs, OSBORNE REAL ESTATE BRO KER 109 Dundas St.' W., Whitby nine Phone 522; Evenings, | Plame 2473, REN J. E. SHIELDS, Salesman x

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