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Daily Times-Gazette, 22 Nov 1948, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR 3 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1948 | BUSINESS OFFICE G. MACPHERSON PHONE 703 WH ITBY AND DISTRIC T NEWS EDITOR ROBERT CORBETT PHONE 703 All Phases Life Covered By | Ont. High School Act For the benefit of efit of citizens who PR not readily have access to the De- partment of Education Act the fol- lowing excerpts from revised regula- tions approved last month are of interest. They apply to High Schools and Collegiate Institutes. (Only those sections of the act are quoted which may not be in common knowl- edge.) The orders appear over the signature of Dana Porter, Minister of Education, "Where a High sc: ool has five or more teachers, the number of pupils enrolled in each school shall not exceed an average of 30 per teacher. "Where a high school has three 'or more teachers, at least one room shall be used exclusively for the teaching of science. "The number of school hours shall not be less than five hours per day including recesses. "Upon recommendation of the principal and with approval of the inspector, the board shall provide the school library with reference books sufficient for class use by pupils in grades 9 to 13 inclusive. Opening Exercises "The national anthem shall be sung . . . as part of the daily opening or closing exercises. "A high school shall be opened each day with religious exercises consisting of the systematic reading of the scriptures and the saying in unison of the Lord's Prayer. "In inclement weather, the read- ing of the scripture shall be de- ferred until the close of the school day. "Every high school shall be closed SCHOOL LIFE (Continued on Page 35) Car Plays Tag With Trees, Pole In Accident Sat. Four youths escaped with only a shaking-up when a heavy model car in which they were riding left the road at the corner of Brock and Trent streets about 10 o'clock Saturday night, contacting a tele- phone pole and two trees before coming to rest in the centre of Brock Street. The car was north- bound and the impact took place In front of Charles King's resi- dence. Driver of the car was Paul Hef- fering, 17, of Dunbarton. His com- panions were Joseph O'Toole of Ajax, Thomas Gillespie of Osha- wa, and Donald McGuire of Pick- ering. The front of the car was badly damaged. Today police said that Heffering has been charged with dangerous driving. 'While reading in his home at the corner of Brock and Trent, Satur- day night, Mayor William Davidson heard a heavy crash. At once he phoned police and went to give assistance. Chief of Police William Elliott and Constable Roy Stirte- vant came to investigate and looked after the traffic which was quite heavy at the time. They folind that the vehicle had veered sharp- ly to the east, struck the post and tree with violence and then bound- ed back onto the highway. No oth- er car was involved. Of School Firemen Lay Wreaths At St. John's Whitby fire brigade held a church parade last night to St. John's Anglican Church at Port Whitby. Attending in a body, they marched to the church. During the course of the service, Fire Chief William Heard and Captain Bruce Corn- er laid a wreath at the memor- ial window which is in remem- brance of Robert Correll, a sec- retary-treasurer of the brigade who lost his life in the First World War. Arthur Gower, re- presenting St. John's congrega- tion also placed a wreath. The body of the church was almost filled for the interesting ser- vice. The rector, Rev. A. A. Chote, preached a sermon with emphasis upon the spiritual re- surgence of Christianity. He spoke of the meaning of suffer- ing and how God answers prayer in many ways. The sclo- ist for the service was H. Pol- son and Robin Nicholson was at the organ. Toronto Wedding | Interesting To |! Brooklin People Brooklin, Nov. -- A Saturday wedding was solemnized in Manor Road United Church, Toronto, of considerable interest to Brooklin district people. At three o'clock Dorothy Ida Hammell of Toronto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hammell of Toronto became the bride of Leonard Blair Routley of | Montreal, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin Routley of Brooklin. Rev. Har- old Stainton officiated. The bride was presented in mar- riage by her father. She wore a dress of autumn brown with match- ing hat and accessories. She car- ried a miniature cascade of bronze chrysanthemums and coral roses. Miss Ruby Snyder of Toronto was the bridal attendant, gowned in a dress of forest green with match- ing accessories and black hat and she carried a small cascade of 'mums. After the ceremony a reception was held at the bride's Toronto home. For a wedding trip to New York, the bride wore a dark green wool dress and brown topcoat. On their return they will live in Montreal. 22 CORRECTION . At the special service at All Saints' Anglican Church last Fri- day, it was erroneously reported that Leon Nash was at the organ. The fact was that the regular or- ganist of the church, Miss E. R. Weller played and was responsible for the excellent presentation of the musical portion of the service. SPAWNS ONCE Unlike the Atlantic salmon, the Pacific -salmont spawns only once and death follows spawning. DONALD'S GENERAL MOTORS FALES and SERVICE for WHITBY and DISTRICT LET US WINTERIZE YOUR CAR FULLY EQUIPPED SHOP FACTORY OVED MECHANICS PHONE3O0Y | ALLISON--In loving memory of a dear | son-in-law, David, and grandchildren. In Memoriam father, Ernest Allison, who away November 22nd, 1943. What would I give to clasp his hand, His happy face to see, To hear his voice and see his smile, passed That meant so much to me. --Sadly missed by daughter Joyce, ALLISON--In loving memory of a dear husband, Ernest Allison, who passed away suddenly, November 22nd, 1943. When all is still and silent, And sleep forsakes my eyes, My thoughts are in the silent grave, Where my dear husband lies. + --Lovingly remembered by his wife and daughter, Barbara Jean. NOW PLAYING Last Complete Show at 8:15 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT JAMES MASON i Carol Reed's Robert NEWTON Aa EAGLE. LION RELEASE PLUS AN ADDED ATTRACTION "Hi Diddle Diddle' Adolphe MENJOU, Martha SCOTT, Dennis O'KEEFE, June HAVOC | photo shows the | H. W. Johnson, L. C. Johnson, Har- Ontario County To Dedicate Plaques To War Dead On Tuesday, December 7, at the opening of County Council, a mem- orial ceremony has been arranged for the dedication of a new plaque in the rotunda of the Court House. Names of the fallen of both Great Wars are now preserved in bronze on two tablets. Top photo shows the beautiful new plaque bearing the words: "In grateful tribute to the men of Ontario County who made the supreme sacrifice in World War II, 1939-1945". The lower former plaque which has now been moved to a new location in the hall downstairs. It has been completely repolished and reconditioned. Reeve Andrew Muir of Whitby was chairman of the County Council committee which arranged for the beautiful new memorial. --Times-Gazette Staff Photo List Names On New County Roll Following are the nanles appear- ing on the new Coulity' of Ontario memorial plaque, as shown at the top of page four. They are On- tario county sons who made the sypreme sacrifice in 'the' ldst World War: P. Adams, Ross M. Agnew, C. G. Allen, Victor Allen, William Al- dread, F. Anderson, J. R. Anderson, F. A. Andrews, Gregory R. Apps, W. H. Armstrong, Bert Ashby, Mur- ray Bagg, Gifford Baker, Reginald D. Barker, H. Beatty, William H. Bice, Arthur Barham, E. Bovin, E. Bradley, H. F. Bratley, Orville Brock, H. W. Brown, Norman Brown, William Brown, George Bullen, L. G. Burke, G. F.. Carter, F. J. A. Coleman, Cecil Cook, Ed- gar H. Cooper, H. Coulter, E. M. Coulter, McKenzie Cro, Frank Devine, George Dodsley, E. Eld- ridge, Albert Eliiott, J. W. Elliott, Kenneth Evans, Leland Fairless, M. Fallon, K. Fallowdown, James Faulkner, H. S. Fawns, George Firth, W. Foster, Richard Fowler, Raymond Gagnon, A. C: Gall, A. W. Gillard, E. C. Glover, Harold Goldsmith, Delbert Griffin, F. A. Griffin, R. G. Griffin, Ronald Guscott, C. Haizht, James F. Hal- ward, John Handsuk, D. E. Harper, Thomas Hart, Frederick Hartnett, Wesley Hatch, T. C. Hayden, R. G. Hillier, Hugh Hinton, P. Hogg, G E. Holley, Ian Horton, E. J. How- ard, Fred Hudson, R. Hutchison, vey Johnston, W. S. Kapuscinsky, Receives Decoration CAPT. (MATRON) LAURA FAIR Supervisor of Nursing Services for the Ontario Hospitals and former Instructress of nurses at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, who this after- | noon reccived her Royal Red Cross | decoration from Governor General | Viscount Alexander at an investi- | ture at the Fort York Armouries | in Toronto, For Complete RAZIO APPLIANCE and REFRICERATOR SERVICE WTB HOME APPLIANCE 24 Dundas St. Murray Kirby, Walter Knox, Fred Langley, M. Leacock, T. W. Leahy, Alvin L. Lehman, Frank Lott, Wil- liam Loveday, J. Lynde, R. J. Lynn, J. G. McMaster, W. Madden, T. Marshall, John Martin, John Mat- thews, F. W. May, William McCann, Dennis McCarthy, W. T. McCar- thy, George McCluskey, D. McIn- tyre, James MclIvor, Patrick Me=- Laughlin, William S. McLachlin, Ernest McMillan, T. Menelly, E. G. Michael, Gordon Miller, H. G. Mill- er, Fred Mitchell, Charles Moozxe, Ralph Morrison, George Mulligan, Lloyd Murphy, Douglas Murray, R. Murrell, Walter Nesbitt, R. J. Newman, William Newman, Henry Newport, John E. Norton, Joseph Norton, George O'Connor, M. Oke, H. Parliament, Desmond Part- ridge, Gerald Peel, L. Perry, G. Phillips, Owen Phoenix, George Pickering, T. V. Pilkington, Victor | Prouse, Ivan Purdy, W. Rea, E. C. Rhodes, Arthur Riseborough, C. Rodgers, Clifford Rogers, G. Scott, Harry F. Shier, Robert Smallwood, Albert Smith, Charles Smith, M. Spears, William Speiran, Morley T. Spenceley, W. Stainton, Donald Staple, John Steele, Charles St. Germain, Sanford S. Stinson, John Sutherland, J. G. Sutherland, Ray Taylor, Y. L. Thomas, David Ul- richsen, Warren Vance, William H. Veale, Cecil Vise, J. A. Watson, Stephen West, William B. Wheeler, W. C. Wigston, William R. Willard, John V. Willbee, Frank Williams, Leslie Williams, Clifford Wilson S. A. Wilson, Gerald Winters, Wes- ley Woodward, William Murray. Whitby Classiiied FOR SALE--A COMPLETE 'GENERAT- | 60- ing outfit, 3000 watts, phase, good: condition. 2305 Whitby. P FOR RENT--THREE HOUSEKEEPING stove, rooms for rent, coal heated, 2nd floor, country 953 Whitby: FOR RENT -- TWO. LIGHT HOUSE- suit business girl or keeping rooms, couple. _ PROPERTY FOR SALE solid brick bungalow, fou dinette, oil and water h contained basement apartment, paved drive, garage, specially built for present Must be seen to be appreciated. Large cash payment required, balance arranged. Apply 918 Brock Street owner seven years ago. possession. South, Whitby. Phone 453 Whitby. cycle, single hone 2374 or (Nov. 22) partially home. Phone (Nov. 21) (Nov, 22) -- MODERN r rooms and eated. Self- Immediate (Nov22) AUSTIN Sales and Service TRUCKS AND STATION WAGONS Also Introducing WITH COMPLETE SERVICE THE NEW HAMPSHIRE SEDAN TRUCKS... Half Ton to Five Ton Repairs To All Makes of Cars OPPOSITE PICKERING FARMS For Complete Details Consult Our Station ECONOMY MOTORS 955 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY OR PHONE MR. BOROVOY --2527 WHITBY Hospital Bowling Results Whitby News In Brief Accounts of social events, any. news item of local interest and names of visitors are appreciated. PHONE 703 Following are the results of the Ontario Hospital Bowling league covering last week and the schedule is given for this week. Whirlwinds 4, Easy Aces 0. Spitfires 4, Red Devils 0. Mic Macs 4, Head Pins 0. Rangers 4, Hurricanes 0. High Scores For This Week Men's High Single, Bill Hayes 269. Men's High Triple, Bill Hayes 701, 189-269-243. Ladies' High Single, Mrs. Connor, Miss Throop, 197. Ladies' High Triple, Mrs. Connor 495, 140, 158, 197. Other High Scores, D. Vaughan 233, F, Hayes 228, J. Watson 798, T. Shortt 198. Other High Triples, A. Vaughan 579, E. Pritchard 547, F. Hayes 542. Ladies', Mrs. Courtney 172; Miss Laliberte 179. Ladies' High Triples, Mrs. yer 428; Mrs. Courtney 422. High Scores For Season Mc~s High Single, E. Pritchard 318. Men's High Triple, Bill Hayes 701. Men's High Average, Tom, Rea, D. Birbeck 190. Ladies' High Single, Audrey Col- by 357. Ladies' High Triple, M. Gill 644. Ladies' High Averages M. Gill 175. Den- League Standing Games Played Points 18 17 17 16 15 15 14 14 13 12 | Team Rangers Whirlwinds Mic Macs Easy Aces Atomics Head Pins Dodgers Sea Bees Hurricanes Gremlins Rough Riders Spitfires Red Devils 12 Lucky Strikes 11 Beaches 6 8 Gold Diggers 6 6 Next Schedule | Mon. Nov. 22--Spitfires vs Whirl- { winds; Fasy Aces vs Atomics. Tues. Nov. 23--Dodgers vs Gold | 12 12 DITION TD TIT W.B.AA. MEETS TONIGHT Whitby Baseball Association meets tonight at eight o'clock in Gordon McMahon's office for the purpose of completing plans for its Christ mas dance and turkey draw. od SPENDS WEEKEND HERE Jatk McGill, of Sudbury, Ontario, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill, Brock street south. LR A SPEAKS ON TEMPERANCE Striking facts and figures about Ontario's intemperance were given in a sermon at the United Church Sunday morning by Rev. Dr. A. J. Johnston of Toronto. A practical minister and former university pro= fessor, Dr. Johnston now devotes much of his time to the interests of the Ontario Temperance Federa~ tion. He said that Ontario has the unenviable distinction of being one of the "wettest spots in North Am- erica." He also preached at Al- monds yesterday. Diggers; Beaches vs Rough Riders. Wed. Nov. 24--Sea Bees vs Grem- lins; Hurricanes vs Lucky Strikes. Thurs. Nov. 25--Mic Macs vs Rangers; Red Devils vs Head Pins, In the event that Friday Nov. 26th, is declared an open night the following games will be played. Dodgers vs Atomics; Beaches vs Gold Diggers. Births BREMNER--Mr. and Mrs. David Breme- ner, wish to announce the arrival of their son, Donald Patrick, a brother for David Paul, on Saturday, Novem= ber 20, 1948. at the Oshawa General Hospital. Mother and son doing fine. RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEED -- IMMEDIATE BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCE 130 Brock St. N., Whitby, Tel. 707 WHITBY PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS Undertaking Legal W. C. TOWN Funeral Director and kmbalmer PHONE 410 - WHITBY Murray A. Robinson AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTOR and FURNITURE DEALER Phone No. 24 Brooklin Medical Dr. Frederick A. Cuddy PHYSICIAN PHONE 712 Corner Byron and Colborne Sts. Taxis TERMINAL TAXI Day and Night Service PHONE 380 WHITBY Stati D. J. CUDDY, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie Money to Loan 109 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY PHONE 2214 R. DONALD RUDDY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie Officz at the Court House Money to Loan Phone 339 Whitby, W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie i03 COLEORNE ST., w., WHITBY TELEPHONE 689 Insurance Opposite Bus § BELL TAXI WHITBY PHONE 364-465 TAXI FRANK BOWMAN & SON DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE PHONE 333 WHITBY, ONT. EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE CO. Branch Office: 109 Dundas St. W. GORDON F. OSBORNE, C.L.U. (Branch Manager) WHITBY REPRESENTATIVE TOM PUCKRIN PHONE 522 WHITBY JOS. E. SHIELDS EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE Monuments ROBERT AUSTIN | HIGHWAY MONUMENT WORKS Dealer in Imported and Canadian Granites First class work at moderate prices Phone 462 - | Whitby Appliances COLLINS' SHOE STORE Dr. Scholls' Foot Appliances Sold and Fitted 25 Years' Experience Veterinarian DR. A. S.. BLACK Veterinarian and Surgeon TELEPHONE @2 B8ROOKLIN ONTARIO Instruction : REGISTER SATURDAY for BALLET and TAP DANCING! Adelaide House ~- 199 Centre St., Oshawa Aut bile, Accid nt, Sickness, Hospitalization and Fire Insurance. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN L. W. DUDLEY SICKNESS, FIRE, AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT 300 Walnut St. Telephone 568 Optometrist M. HOLLENBERG, R.9. EYESIGHT SPECIALIS1 Office Over Allin. Drug Store Telephone 671 y 102 Dundas W. Whitby Music ARTHUR W. LYNDE L.H.C.M. TEACHER OF SINGING Established 1913 Capable pupils prepared for any Yocal Examination Church -- Concert -- Radio Studio at 123 Centre St. North IRENIE HARVEY'S SCHOOL Y WHITBY, ONT. PHONE 2371 ) - wiry

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