TE ----. " CKEY-Lorne Greene; Ballroom THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE - PAGE FIVE -- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1948 RADIO HOHE! TABLE he a Information on radio programs is supplied by the ndivitusl stations. The Ti prints. p corrections and shanges as submitted and does not y for i TUESDAY EVENING 6:00 P.M. CKDO-Hume Folks Frolic | CKEY-News; Ballroom 7:45 P.M. -CKDO-News; Sports | WGR-News | IE] WBEN-Singin® Sam 10:15 P.M. | CBL-News Roungfip 10:30 P.M CKEY-News; S| orts CBL-Po:nts of View | WGR-Morey aro stérdam CFRB-Mrs Aitken WBEN-People Are Funny 8:00 P.M. CBL-Leicester. Sq to Old CKEY-News; Jay & Ginger Rroadway CFRB-WGR-Mystery CFRB-Book Review; Organ Theatre wd sU-Harmonv House WEEN-This > Jour 10:45 P.M. CAL-Queer Quirks 5 CJBC-In Search of Citizens Cy Music (0% X10:50) vaO-Plencure Parade CKDO-News CKEDO-Melody Parade 8:15 P. 11:00 P.M (6:20) GRY.-Concert Music | Sig 6:30 P.M. CKDO-The People Ask CEEY-News: Mickey WGR-Partners in Melody 8:30 P.M. oN Abglvslé WBEN-Music for Memory |[CKEY-Club 580 | 213g. WBEN- Snalys CBL-Divertimento WUR-Mr « sus, North [257900 "wig Orch. CFRB-Jim Hunter; Wes |(WBEN-Date with Judy CFRB-News; Sport Yarns McKnight CBL-Canadian Cavalcade re CIBC-B eal, Settell |CFRB-Fun Parade "ap J-Oreamtime 6:45 P.M. 11:15 P.M. DISC Symphony Orch, | 2 CK Amateur Show WGR-8ports; Bowling Lowen Thoma 9:00 P.M WoEN. yee esp, Sports - ; U.N. CKEY-News, 80 Story Goes e! rio cal Bag: eit n WGR-We the People CJBC-U.N. Today FRB-Did I Say That? i IT ope 11:30 P.M. . is . ow { . Midnight 'CJBG-What's Your Beef? |CJBC-Symphony Orch. | woman About Micnigh 7:00 P.M. {crDO-Raws CBL-Harris Orch. CKEY-Lorne Greene; Ball-| 15 P.M. CFRB-Lombardo Orth. | OEEY nical Momens, CJBC-Waxworks WOR-Beulah IC an Bac sten 4 RO CBL-Al Harvey Show, |CKEY-Palace of Varletles | wen to a eS CFRB-Songs of our Times WGR-Life with Luigi - pws; 3 an u , CJBC-Kesten's Corner |CBL-WBEN-Fibber McGee Midnight CKDO-Smoke Rings | CFRB-Quarterbacks' Club badass vs TR | PM. |CJBC-UEFB Program 2 AIRE, Smith [CKDO-Music Fashions Cis ve Orch. WBEN-News of World | 9:45 P.M. CJBC-News CBL-Mott, Sports |CIBC-It: Isn't So (9:55) | CJBC-Easy Listening | 10:00 P. CKDO-Sones of Cheer 7:30 P.M. WGR-CFRB-Club 15 | Si CJBC-Bernie Braden 6:15 P.M. SOR BaIOmeLer (6:25) 'WBEN-Sports OBL-News; Farm Market Design for 12:30 AM. CFRB-News 12:45 A.M. WBEN-News (12:55) 1:00 CKEY-Ad Quiz WGR-Hit the Jackpot CJBC-WBEN-Big Town CBL-C.B.C. News A.M. WBEN-WBEN Bandbox House: Party CBL-Songs by Simone CFRB-Life with Luigi CKEY-News; CJBC-Amaz. Mr. Malone CKDO-Music Fashions WGR-News WEDNESDAY MORNING v 5:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. ,WGR-House Party | WBEN- CJBC-Fred Waring CEEY a7 5 With Musie EL ig Sport | | CFRB-News: Women's | WBEN-CBL-News New. |CFRB- Jim Hunter; stock Market | { 8:15 AM. | CKEY-Musical Clock { WBEN-Clint Buehlman | CBL-Morning Devotions | CFRB-Breakfast Tunes | CJBC-Toast & Jamboree |p arthur Godfrey 8:30 A.M. | WBEN-Road of Life CBL-Musical March Past CBL-Let's Have Music CKDO-News CFRB-Rosemary |CFRB-News; Good News; CJBC-Kate Aitken Breakfast Tunes |CKDO-News; The South- 8:45 A.M. land Singing WGR-Bob Sherry; News 10:45 A.M. | CTBC-Break. with Jeeves | WBEN-The Brighter Day {| CFRB-Gospel Singer | CBL-Jene Weston CKDO-Moments of Devo- CFRB-Morning Melodies tion CJBC-Breakfast Club 9:00 A.M. CKDO-Listen to Leiber | CKEY-News; 11:00 A.M. Jay and Ginger CKEY-News; Ballroom (J CR-Bob Eherry WBEN-Nora Drake | WBEN-News | CBL-Road of Life CBL-News; | CFRB-Orchestra Parade Music in Morning |CEDO- To the Ladies | CFRB- "News, N 11:15 AM. omen in News | wBE ve and Learn | came. -News; Jamboree |CBL- egy CKDO-Osh. 8hopp. Bskt. 11:30- A.M. CKEY-News; 9:15 A.M. | WGR-Grand Slam Musical Clock | WBEN- -Early Date WBEN-Jack Berch CBL-CBC News, Melodies |CFRB-Barnyard Follies |CBL-What's Your Beef? OFRB-Headlines; Fun at cjpC. Breakfast Club | cIJBC-June Dennis Ra" °| 130 AM. | CFRB-Clauaia CKDO-News; | CPRB-Rosemary sae 0 le Percolator Parade | 9:45 AM. 11:45 AM. 7:45 AM, | WGR-Bob Sherry; News J WGR-Bob Sherry; News |WBEN-World Events rune of Psy CBL-Breakfast Melodies | CBL~ -Ont. School Broad. |wBEN-Lora Lawton Melody Highlights CFRB- ~Barnvard Follies CBL-Laura Limited 3 CFRB-Top o' orning; C. -Esp. for You; ews Sports Roundup CKEY-News; Ballroom 'CJBC-Maurice Bodington © WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 NOON CPL Claire Wallace i | WBEN-Backstage Wife EY-News; Pick the Hits -Young Dr alone |CBL-Jack Berch Sok Wendy Warren News| 2:00 P.M. |CFRB-News; Do You {CKEY-News; Jerry Burke Remember? | WGR-Second Mrs. Burton|CJBC-Off the Record WBEN-Double or Nothing CKDO-Dance Parade CBL-BBO-News CBL-Bernie Braden 4: SIho.Eoiel Beat |CFRB-Guiding Light B- sic for Midday | cIBC- *B ngtime iE Music | CED! ecord Album 2:15 P A CKBY-Pick the Hits; | WGR-Perry Maso isten WGR-Chore Time 5:45 AM. day 10:15 A.M. Joi Party WGR-Chore Time; News WBEN-Music (5:35) 6:00 AM. Top Tune CBL-Kindergarten of Alr |CFRB-Ann Adam 10:30 A.M. CKEY-Say It With Music WGR-Chore Time WBEN-News; Clint a man 6:30 A | WGR- Farm Ls ot CFRB-News; Top o' Morning CEKDO-News | Percolator Parade | 45 AM. 'WGR-Interlude; News CKEY-News; Musical Clock 'WGR-Bob Sherry "WBEN-News CBL-News; Weather; Breakfast Melodies CFRB-News; Top o' Morning CJBC-Toast & Jamboree | CKDO-Percolator Parade 7:15 AM. WBEN-Clint Buehlman WBEN-Reading Between the lines | WBEN-News | WBEN-Stella Dallas CBL-Women's News; Women in Science !CFRB-Nora Drake CKDO-High Tide 4:30 P.M. WGR-Hint Hunt WBEN-Lorenzo Jones | CBL-Afternoon Recital |{CFRB-Winner Take All 4:45 P.M WGR-Hint Hunt; Fenway | WBEN-Young Widder | Brown {OBL-From the Classics 5:00 P. Ty Mason Ladies | CBL=Invitation to Waltz | CFRB-News; Poetry 2:30 P.M. | WGR- Nora Drake | WBEN- -Today's Children CFRB-Nora Drake CBL-Musically Yours CKPpO-1240 Matinee | 2:45 P. WGR-To Be Announced | WBEN- Ligst of World | CFRB-Kate Aitken CKEY-News; | €IBC-Byngtime, Vignette WGR-News; 3 3:00 P.M. Keaton CJBC- Nea Thier 1920 | CKEY-News; Jerry Burke WEEN When 2 Girl | WGR- David Harum CBL-Vets' Varletie 12:45 P.M. |CBL-WBEN-Life Can be CpRB.Nows: Do You CKEY-Singin' Sam Beautiful WGR-Our 'Gal Sunday | CFRB-Songs of Times c JBC. mberY CEL-Faii News; Time 5:15 P.M. n | CJBC-Frank Herbert Con- n CFRB-Big Sister cert Hour CJBC-Meet the Band 1:00 P.M. WGR-Aunt Jehny CBL-Aunt Lucy CFRB-Farm Broadcast CJBC-Musical Roundup 12:30 P.M. CEKEY-Lorne Greene WGR-Romance of Helen | Trent VBEN-Luncheon Club CBL-Farm Broadcast CKDO-News; Rhythm Rendezvous CFRB-News; Entértain-| Studio Party Meetin' with WBEN-Portia Faces Life CFRB-Easy Rhythm CKDO-Parade of Melody 5:30 P.M. 3:15 P.M. |waR- News: Interlude; Fenway Fahrenhelt, CKEY-News; Tops in Pops WBEN-CBL-Ma Perkins yon sister | CFRB-Jack Smiih Show |CKEY- Make - Bélieve Ball -News; Weather 3:30 P SFRE-Perry Mason | WGR-Meetin' with Keaton|" "- Reggie and Billy CIBC-ByBEUMS I. | CFRB-Crosby Club 15 |wBEN-Just Plain Bill Son. 5 P.M. | WBEN-CBL-Pepper Young cpL-Maggie Muggins -Ma Perkins CKDO-News; |CBJC-Teen News; Off the CBL-The Happy Gang Three dyaner Time Record CFRB-Music for Wed. 3:45 P. 5:45 P.M 1:30 P.M WBEN- CHL Right to WGR-Herb Schriner 'WBEN-Sally Work CFRB-Aunt Luc: CBL-Messer's Islanders WEDNESDAY EVENING CEDO-WGR- News; Sports 7:45 P.M, CBL-Recital ht & | CFRB-Mrs. Aitken KDO-Pattl Clavton 6:15 P.M. |CKEY-News; Jay & Ginger | CKEY-'Xmas Carnival; 'WBEN-Sports CBL-Halle Symphony a CJBC-Ethel & Albert | KEY. ~Club 580 Mickey Lester B-Take a Chance tCBL-When Night Descends | 9:00 P.M. CKDO-Smiths of Hollyw'd WOR-Young Dr. Malone Happiness WBEN-Front Page Farrell P.M. 4:00 P.M. CFRB-Easy Rhyth . - m WGR- The Guiding Light |CKEY- News; Club 580 " Braw'y J Vine; 6:00 P.M. ,CKDO-I See by the Papers, WGR-Ray Bloch CKEY-News; Ballroom |CKDO-Know Your City |WBEN-Curtain Time | WGR-Murrow News |CFRB- Corinne Jordan Fz, Parade | WBEN-H. V. Kaltenborn 65% -Milton Berle ne Time ' 10:45 P.M. CIBO-Bérnis o Braden 3:00 PM, | {CFRB- WOR ~Mr. Chame- REO Music ioe WGR-Race Results (6:20, CFRB-Ontario Holiday; Barometer ten; CJBC-WBEN-Blondie | CKDO-News; Sports ~-News; Farm Market {7800 Allan Roth :00 P.M. B-Good Cheer 8:30 P.M. {CKEY-News: CKDO-Melody Parade WGR-Dr, Christian 'WGR-News; Analysis (6:20) | WBEN-Great Glldersleeve | WBEN-News 6:30 P.M. S Lit o -Opportunity Knocks CFRB-News; Sport Yarns CKDO-Charlie Spivak {CJBC-Dominion News CKEY-News; 80 Story 11:15 P.M. Goes WGR-Sports; Bowling CBL-Divertimento OFEB-n Bunter; . WoR.Y. es McKnight our Song & Mi CJBC-Bowles & Settell | WBEN- -Duffy's Tel he 6:45 P.M. |CBL-The Book of Job | CFRB-Pays to be Ignorant CJBC-Mlildred Morey |eRDO- News 9:15 P.M. | CKEY-Musieal Moment; CKDO-Lean Back and | Listen 9:30 P.M. CKEY-Three Musketeers GR-Harvest of Stars |WBEN-Mr. D. A CIRE-Serenade rtain Time WBEN-Joe Wesn: Sports CFRB-Lombardo Orch. |CJBC-U.N. Today 11:30 P.M. WGR-Man About Midnight WBEN-Music to Remember | CBL-Heritage of Music CFRB-Allen Orch. CJBC-Waxworks 12:00 MIDNIGHT CKEY-News; House Party | WGR-News; Man About Midnight | WBEN-News; Music To . Remember CBL-CJBC-News Foster Orch. WGR-Lowell Thomas WBEN-News | CBL-BBC News: U.N. oFRB-Did 1 Bay That? (6:50) CJBC-What's Your Beef? 7:00 P.M I WGR-Beulah WBEN-Supper Club Sheet, she -Songs mes CJBC-Kesten's Corner | "05 ater Music {SFRD: News: CEDO-Flanianien Party ores Yours for a | 12:30 A.M, * . Song | WBEN- hice Suns Trio | CFRB-WOR-Time's | OFRB-New * intro. -- The Big 8 is adn ~The tor, | WBEN-H; i t; ight {CP BO onal Nowa ews Wulnte he Crosby 1:00 AM, CKDO-Your Music CKEY-News; House Par! : ty 10:15 P.M. | WGR-Rews CFRB-WGR-Jack Smith WBEN-World New: CBL-Mott Sports; to Wed. N CJBC-Easy OEDO -Novatime 2 7:30 P.M. OFRB-WGR-Club 15 EN-WBEN Bandbox EBs News Roundup 1Classical Musi 0:30 P.M. BC-Mysterious Traveller | OKEY-Nows; Sports 2:00 A.M. |CREY- News; Say it With Music (to 7 am.) Live- CKDO-Music for Wednes- On the C.B.C. Tomorrow -- A complete new type of present- | ation will bz given in the CBC | Wednesday Night's drama period Tomorrow, when the "Book of Job" will be dramatized on the air. The production is divided into five sec- tions, following the pattern set in the biblical description. The first section tells of Jehov- ah's" decision to put Job to a test of faith, and ends with a descrip- tion of the afflictions under which he suffered in order to prove the steadfastness of his faith in his God. In the second section Job dis- cusses the meaning of his afflic- tions with three of his friends. The friends contend, according to the old beliefs of the Hebrew race, that Job is sufferinz as a result of his evil deeds, that calamity is the re- sult of sin, and that Job must have been living an evil life. Job destroys this argument by pointing out that it is the evil who obtain riches and comfort rather than the good. The third section presents the thoughts of Elihu, a young listener who presents his own new solution to the problem, This in turn is discarded; In the fourth step, Jehovah ap- pears to Job and questions man's right to judge the aims and conduct of the Almighty, Job is humbled and repents. In the fifth brief action. Job is restored to his former good | estate, a prosperity his former wealth. The Halle Orchestra The main portion of the musical | period in this week's Wednesday | Night Program will be taken up by | [a concert by .the 'famous Halle Or- chestra, direc ted by John Barbirolli. | The will include Raws- , Corner Overture," lege melodies by Elvard Greig, and Dvorak Pr hony. The Halle Britain's most contributed Orchestra is among famous groups, and S greatly to *Man- chester' ; reputation as one of the foremost. musical centers In the British Isles. The orchestra is nam- | ed for its founder, Sir Halle, who first organized it for the Manchester Exhibition in 1857. | The remainder of the musical period on Wednesday night will be taken up by another concert of [ mu sic by a modern Canadian com- r. The composed chosen for this | week program' is Jean Coulthard | Adams. Miss Adams is known not poly for her abilities as a compos= but for her talent a pianist. She has appeared in the pa st with the Montreal and Vancouver Sym- phony Orchestras. : Recital Period Wednesday night the per- former in the Distinguished Art- ists eries will be the young s" recital s adian pianist, George Haddad. can ae int ed 'by Maurice Greatly Dumesnil, interpreter Cs SErs. CMF. Haddad's rectial will include | «pastourelle" by the contemporary French composer Francois Poulene, as well as three compositions of De- | bussy, Ravel's "Valses Nobles and Sentimental and Harry Somers' «Strangness of Heart" and Prim- eval." This ; best of the more modern Bheoklin Institute (Continued from Page 4) Women's Institute, Mrs. Brady, of Fickering, addressed meeting after which Mrs. Stantan and Mrs. Macpherson gave reports on the Area Convention. A social { half hour and lunch served by the hostess, Mrs. A. Boyes, assisted by n and Mrs. Medland, was | | enjoyed by all. Anglican Y.P.A, The Anglican Young People's As- | sociation held their regular month- ly meeting in the form of a court whist on last Thursday evening at | the home of Mr. G. Terrett. The | 18 members present enjoyed | evening of card-playing with Mrs. Bill Hron, Jr. carrying off the women's first prize while Mrs. Peter | Barker picked up the consolation | prize. Mrs. G. Terrett filling in as | a gentleman for the evening, won the first prize for the men and | Mr. Jack Bartlett received the con- solation prize. After a delicious lunch, a short business meeting was held during which the committee was named to arrange for the 4nnual chicken | dinner. -, W.M.S. Meets The November meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. N. J. White with a large number of members in attendance. Mrs. J. H. McKinney presided and Miss Alice Olver and Mrs. J. Bailey arranged the program. Mrs. Bailey led an inspirational worship service with the theme, "Thy Kingdom come--through the healing ministry of the church". Passages of scripture were read by Mrs. C. Pilkey and Mrs. W. Smith and Mrs. N. J. White sang the Bud- dist chant "Gracious God, We Come Confessing." Miss Olver was assisted by Miss L. Mowbray and Mrs. A, Boyes in a skit depicting the value of the study ion China. This was followed by | stories of medical 'missions in | China told by Miss Olver and Mrs. ! M. C. Fisher, Miss Burton brought a message for Christian Stewardship, Mrs. Smith announced that many Mis- | signary Monthly subscriptions had not been paid yet and Mrs. Hamer that is double | 's Fourth Sym- | Charles | known as an | Arthur | ihe | the | I LAFF-A -DAY Hampton People | Cpr. Wim, King Features Syndicate, Ine, Work] nyghts reser id. "I don't know what to do. mouth with soap, because 1t does no good. to. wash "his Suffer Injuries M. HORN Correspondent Hampton, Nov. 20--Mrs. K. Win- terburn, visited her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Martin, North Osha- wa. \ Miss Phyllis Niddery, Toronto, spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Coulter, Millbrook; Miss A. Lear and Miss Welborn, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Luke. Mr. anq Mrs. Bruce Hogarth, and son Clare, visited her parents, Rev. Sunday. Miss Bessie Reynolds, R.N., visit- ed with J. W. Reynolds on Monday. Mr. A. McMahon returned from hs | hunting trip north, last Satur- a Miss Mary Niddery and Mrs. Percy Dewell, were co-hostesses for a miscellaneous shower at the home of the former on Wednesday even- ing, Nov. 10th, in honor of Jean Balson, when the bride many evening was spent, with ments served. The weather has been somewhat dull and cloudy the past few days. Friday was very rainy, heavy show- refresh- night also. Mild weather, however, shine has been enjoyed of late. taste [13 he likes the of it! hand, he having had the misfor- tune at the December meeting. Hold Shower A shower was given for Miss | Betty Spencer at the home of her | father, Mr. H. Spencer, on Friday evening. Miss Spencer was pre- sented with a coffee table by Mrs. C. de Jonge and Mrs. L. Stantan | on behalf of her neighbors. © Stanley Todorow and Miss Myr- | tle Pugh of Dagmar were married | quietly at the parsonage by Rev. M. | C. Fisher on Saturday. A rather small crowd attended the euchre and dance sponsored by | the Women's Institute on Friday evening but the ladies still cleared over $28 for the Memorial Arena. | In the euchre, Mrs. Medland won | the ladies' prize and Mr. Davies, honorary gentleman for the eve- ning, walked off with the men's first prize. Mrs. J. Bailey and Mr, Ralph Reeson took home the conso- lation prizes. Bouquets are in order for Mr, C. Pilkey and the rest of the Shuffle- board executive for the manner in which the bus-trip to the Royal Winter Fair was conducted so smoothly. Everyone had a good time and most of them would glad- ly grab at a chance of such a trip again, All ladies are welcome to attend a short course on personality and dress, sponsored by the Women's Institute to be held in the base- ment of the Township Hall: on | Wednesday, Dergmber 1, from 10 jam, to 4 handed in a Exhibit Don't forget the art exhibit to be held at the home of Mrs. Boyes by | Mrs. Postgate, on Wednesday. | Hours that the paintings will be on view are 3.00 to 5.00 in the after- noon and 7.00 to 9.00 in the eve- ning. Softball has been replaced by hoc- key but the Brooklin Lynbrook Juniors are counting on a large number of loyal fans to show up at their dance on Friday evening, December 3. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Albert Medland of Brandon, Manitoba, are visitors at the home of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. Reeson. They are visiting Mrs. Medland's pister, Mrs. Harry McBrien and other relatives also. Mrs. A. F. Black visited in Toron- to over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Green of Lindsay spent the week-end at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Paul Wilson. Mr. and Mrs, Noble Stevenson of | Burlington visited at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. | Stevenson, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Smith, Myrtle, Manitoba, and Mr. Mrs. Dave Barker of Roland, Mani- toba, who had been visiting at the home of the Viponds, returned home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Harding visit- ed Mrs. Harding's mother, Mrs. Flint, in Guelph hospital, over thé week-end. Mrs. Flint was a victim in the bus accident near Guelph last week-end and although sfe is pro- gressing as well as can be expected she will be hospitalized for , some time yet. Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Hall were visitors at the home of Mrs. Grass over the week-end. Phyllis and Gordon Wallis were visitors, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mudie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Graham of Dunsford visited Mrs, J. W. Graham last week. ; Miss Mary de Jonge of Toronto visited at the home of Mrs. §, Lockyer over the week-end. Mrs. J. W. Graham visited her cut while at hisgbutcher work, re- quiring a doctor's attention. Mrs. Lorenzo Trull has an injur- ed arm and shoulder, the result of a fall while at work in her home, sister, Mrs. Mole, in Toronto and also visited Mrs. Wyley McInnis while in Toronto. Miss Wilhelmina de Jonge of To- ronto visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Stantan over the week-end. Mrs. C. de Jonge of Toronto vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spencer over the week-end. Garry Young broke a bone in his shoulder at school last week. He was playing "train" with his compan- ions in the basement and fell, upon which all the rest fell on top of him, M. .Routley suffered some strain- ed ligaments in his left arm, The hockey meeting held on Mon- day, November 22, in the township hall accomplished little but it was decided to enter a senior and a mid- get team in the Pickering Township League. It was decided to hold an- other meeting on Monday, Decem- ber 6 in the basement of the town- ship hall, Representatives from Brooklin at- tended the meeting held in Broug- ham to organize the Pickering Township League and Brooklin was A Toronto doctor was consulted. Mrs. John Cowling care at the Lockwood Clinic, Tor- onto. Mrs. J. W. Balson is somewhat in- disposed. THEATRES TODAY Regent -- "Hazard" 130, 4.25, 7.25, 1025. "Half Past Mid- night" 3.15, 6.10, 9.70. Last com- plete show 9.05. Biltmore -- "Song of Schehera- zade" 1.00, 4.05, 7.10, 10.15. "Singapore" 2.45, 5.50, 8.55. Last complete show 8.55. Marks -- "That Hagen Girl" 1.00, 4.10, 7.25, 10.45. "Deep Valley" 2.25, 5.35, 8.55. Last complete show 8.50 p.m. and Mrs. W. Rackham, Manilla, on | received | lovely gifts and a happy | ers being prevalent through the | continues, though on]y a litt]e sun- | J. R. Reynolds is nursing a sore | to have three fingers badly | when she tripped over a radio cord. | is receiving | Several from Hampton attended | 1 entered in the senior group to com- plete a five-team loop comprised of Dunbarton, Cherrywood, Brougham, Pickering and Brooklin. The mid- get circuit will be made up of Box Grove, Pickering, Brougham-Clare- mont (combined), Brooklin. It was tentatively agreed that when the Brooklin Arena begins operating there will be a midget and a senior game played in Markham on Mon- day, two senior gameés in Markham on Wednesday, and a midget and a senior game in Brooklin on every Friday evening. Mr. Johnston has beén named as the midget coach and Luther Vi- pend as senior coach. Both teams are hoping for sponsors, failing which they will have to rely upon attendance alone for operating ex- penses. ALL THE TIME It's Dodd's You May Need! BECAUSE Faulty kidneys let excess acids and poisonous wastes stay in the system. Backaches, headaches and that "lired-out" ue Jouiny often follow. Dodd's Kidney Pills help restore your kidneys to normal action--help you feel better, work better, play better. Be sure you get the genuine Dodd's Kidney Pills, a favourite on for us f tan alt a century, Ju can depend on Dod Dodds Kidner Pills If Youre TIRED | | | the High School commencement in | Bowmanville this week. Chief Warns (Continued from Page 4) 7. If your car starts to skid, turn | front wheels in same direction as | car is skidding. said, revealed that use of full tire | chains cn rear wheels will reduce | stopping distance on glare" ice by | about 5) percent. Chains prevent | traffic tie-ups by providing trac- | tions often needed for starting, or | | cimbimg a grade. "Temperatures just below freez- | | ig 40, 50, 607 r ing make icy roads more slick and a dangerous than zero temperatures, mmm tan, You re Crazy because sleet or rain which freezes on the ground is wet, while ice | FQrSetol around zero is comparatively dry", | 4 Chief Elliott declared. | © trex National Safety Council tests, he | gh) . than ever-- ILL RITYIRA Give my Regards to Broadway Color by RUA TTI NT:E CHARLES WINNINGER ¢ NANCY GUILD ! CAnTVRT-POK TOMORROW A FAMODS PLAYERS THEATRES CHARLIE RUGGLES FAY BAINTER Directed by LLOYD BACON produced by WALTER MOROSCO CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 1.30 PM si SECOND COND CHANC wo KENT TAYLOR - LOUISE CURRIE - DENKIS WORY - + LARRY BLAXE Till Ladies! Attend Our é L Bargain Matinces 36 6 P. | pee I RI )D in "HAZARD™ PAU D F-PA IDNIGHT"" Also "HAL ivi ONLY Oshawa Showing RORY CALHOUN LOIS MAXWELL Can be repaired and guaranteed by our Y our Radio highly trained technical staff with up- to-date equipment. BARONS RADIO & ELECTRIC 2 PICK-UP AND DELIVERY o 426 SLIICOE se. 8. PHONE 249 Note:~Free radio replacement while yours is being repaired. asked that list of books read, be | | | | Stiff aching back? To get quick relief from backache torture, take Rumacaps. Not one, but three pain relieving ingredients go to work instantly to help soothe nerves and relax painful musclés. A fourth ingredient works as a purifier to help cleanse the kidneys and remove one of the chief causes of backache Ask for Rumacaps at your, druggists today. 50c and $1.00 economy size. Backache "SINGAPORE" = with = Fred MacMurray Ava Gardner Yon - Buin DONLEVY as CHARLES KULLMAN | Star of The Metropsitan Opera Company Doors Open Daily 12.30 p.m. «ADDED I FILLY u Ou: Biggest Radio LA Ay Bargain Ever Offered THE FAMOUS 706 Former Price 129.50 JUST PUT THE RECORD IN THE SLOT AND IT PLAYS Now Gnly §9.99 Trade-Ins Accepted NO FUSSING WITH NEEDLES TONE ARM LID Down -- Up to 18 Months to Pay HOME APPLIANCES § 90 Simcoe St. S. Phone 620 PLIANCE- (& oy St. W. Phone 1438 Soar at