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Daily Times-Gazette, 9 Dec 1948, p. 16

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TTR we -- atari ' + stratford) and then just when it began to look as LARRY at eg Th * "PAGE SIXTEEN THE DAILY T v IMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, 'QECEMBER ' 9, 18 BY . Geo. H. Campbell QPORT SPORT ! | Should Stratford Kroehlers and St. Catharines Tee Pees meet in the 'OHL.A. Junior "A" playoffs, this coming spring, the rival fans will have a lively time and they will not be in any position to predict the outcome "with any degree of accuracy. The other Digi, Erosiiiers stepped io 8 "A handed ees their third lic of the season Kitts and the Tee P g Ren fug gig St. Kitts went right into Stritiond gud Jyjked t with a 5-3 victory. That was not only a nice piece of reve: or : a but _it also enabled them to gain anotch on Barrie, although not "quite cach up, They're now only one point behind the Flyers--due to the | fact that Barrie Flyers took a licking last night up in Guelph, 7 to 4. ) first "home" game for Guelph's new coach, Kennie Holmeshaw, ' arstwhile. OH.A. referee. That win prevented Barrie from moving along, 80 now the Oshawa Generals are still in 4th place--and no worse off than $hey were on Monday. L J * * While Windsor"s victory at home, over the Toronto Marlboros, 'was not exactly unexpected, it is worth noting that the score was only 6-4 and that means that Syl Apps' boys must have made & very fine showing and a real bid for the honors of the night. The win vaults tfires a little further ahead of Barrie Flyers, who were losing two : ts last night, but of course, St. Kitts moved closer to Barrie and it the same distance behind Windsor. A gl at the standing now shows Oshawa Generals in 5th place, and they've still played one more game than Stratford Kroehlers while St. Kitts have played two "more games than the Generals and three more than Stratford. It's a great scramble and it will be tightened up more by the end of this week. There is no game tonight but on Friday, Gait visits Stratford, * Marlboros go to St. Kitts and the Generals are visiting Guelph. On ' "Saturday night, Kennie Holmeshaw will bring his Guelph Biltmores * to Oshawa and you can bet your hat (Biltmore or otherwise) that _Kennie will be out to win his first game in Osh , since b ing a "team "mentor" instead of a whistle-tooter. * = * Ea They officially opened the "City League" for the 1048-40 season last _"pight at the Oshawa Arena and it was a rousing affair, All the Oshawa "Weiner Hockey Association teams were In action, with a total of two "Bantam games, two Midget games and two Juvenile tussles, rounding out.a swell night's entertainment. The boys surprised the fair-sized crowd , with their knowlédge of the game and their skill. The hilarious broom- . ball game was of course & highlight in the entertainment, with the local . Pire-Fighteérs sweeping the OMHA Executives into a 3-0 shutout, by expert ,- Mise of brooms, a wheel-barrow and a-few tricks usually frowned upon by "referees. All-in-all, another fine opening and the "City League" games on Saturday mornings should be better patronized, as a result. : : * + * ONE-MINUTE PAGE--Detrolt Red Wings finally won a game from the Leafs on Toronto ice, last night, with the winning goal ._- being the only tally of the 3rd period, after each had Scored three "in the middie canto , . . Chihawks nosed out Boston Bruins by the same score, 4-3, in Chicago . . . Mair scored five goals for Marlies last night as they whipped the leading Kitchener-Waterloo Flying 3" Dutchmen 7-3 , . , Kingston's Border League baseball franchise is up *" gop salé. Apparently the death of Nels Megatfin was a sore blow to Xingstol's baseball club . . . Sugar Ray Robinson and Steve Belloise . will not be holding their non-title bout tonight. It was a cinch to be ! # financial flop and yesterday they announced that Robinson was : injured in ¢rafning and so the fight has been postponed. Remarkable i goincidenée, what? .', , Jim Patterson, one of Brantford's old-time + '@thletes and a keen sports enthusiast, died yesterday . .. There's a -.'Wt of interest being shown in the bout tomorrow night between Joe *\ Louis and Billy Conn ,at 'Chicago. Could be that Billy is hungry now i" snd will be really shooting! 8 " - ssn - "= Pees' number, last night ; +* * i PORTE SHORTS-Last night was strictly kids night in Oshawa, with the Minor Softball and Minor Hockey Association's both putting on great displays. ... The Oshawa Curling Club seems to be moving along #t & good clip in its schedule now that the power cut-offs have been lifted. The boys won't be holding just those evening sessions now. Ken Davies scored a goal against Lou Crowdis the other day in an AHL. hockey game. Crowdis 1§ now playing in the twine for the Washington Lions. ... The O.C.V.I, has basketball] squads of inter-school calibre in three classifications this season, Bantam, Junior and Senior. This is nothing new, but the thing that is new is the fact that each has plenty of eral, and look like' thregts for the group title. ... Earl Deacon is coaehing the Junior and Senior clubs while Jim Carson holds forth with Bantams. .., New York Rangers traded defenceman Walter (Babe) tt to Toronto Maple Leafs for*Hank Goldup and Dudley (Red) Gar- rett six yéars-ago today. Sparisplug of several Leaf teams in the following years, Pratt won the Hart Trophy as the N.H.L.'s most valuable player in - WHT EE + SCISSORED SPORT--(By The Canadian Press) --Pittsburgh swapped third baseman Frank Gustine and pitcher Cal McLish to Chicago Cubs Wednesday for catcher Clyde McCullough and pitcher Cliff Chambers in » major deal that should help both clubs, it was announced at Minne- apolis Wednesday night. No cash was involved in the trade, which over- shadowed 'all other business at the official opening of the annual con- vention of the; National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues . . . Catther Vince Plumbo has been sold by the Chicago White Sox organiza- tion to Sacramento of the Pacific Coast League, it was announced 'Wednesday :at Minr lis.- Plumbo was on option to Toronto of the Enternational League during the 1948 season, He was recalled by the | Neate "White Sox and. then assigned to Memphis, another farm club. Pulmbo hit 206:i6i B86 games with Toronto last season . .. The Milwaukee club of the Americsin Association purchased Howie Moss, outfielder, from Baltimore Orfoles of the International Baseball League in a straight cash deal, it wis announced at Minneapolis Wednesday. The price was not disclosed. Moss Ted the league in home runs for fiye years, getting 53 in 1947 and $8' last year . . ..At Minneapolis, Charles Stoneham, president of the Jerbey City Giants of the International Baseball League, Wednesday night announced signing of Joe Becker as manager for his club. Becker, who caught for Sioux City in the Western League last season, succeeds Betzel 'MERCANTILE LEAGUE 'HOCKEY "TONIGHT Bp ¥ 745 pm~--~U.AW.A. V8. United Taxi Doug Bentley fired two goals and an assist Wi y pight to shoot Chicago Black Hawks into third place and himself into the leadership of the National Hockey League's scoring race. Hawks beat Bruins 4-3. Boston's loss and Detroit's 4-3 win over To- ronto Maple Leafs put the Red place Bruins. Into 3rd Place Chicago jumped into the third spot, a point ahead of the idie Montreal Canadiens. i "i "HAWKS AND WINGS "Bentley's two goals came in the last half of the last period at Chi- | cago. Jim McFadtien and Bud Poile combined for three Detroit goals to give Red Wings thelr first win on Toronto ice in two seasons. Mc~ Fadden scored the winner from Poile, the only goal of tne firdal Wings a lone point behind the first- | period. First Boston Win ; It was Chicago's first win over Boston in their four games this year, And they came from behind twice to get it. SCORE VICTORIES AWAY FROM HOME Peters and Ken Smith each beat Sugar Jim Henry in the first 10 minutes. While Bruins were shot 8 man, Gaye Stewart replied for Chicago and Roy Conacher tied it up early in the next period on ists from Bentley and Bill Mosi- enko. Early in the final period Baban- do put Bruins ahead again and then. Bentley went to work. He teamed with Bob Goldham for the first goal and less than five min- Lindsay's Return It: was the fifthevictory in a row for the Red Wings, who haven't lost a game since left winger Ted Lindsay tame, back from a leg in- jury, and their - first at Toronto since the Stanley Cup Series in the spring of 1947, Lindsay got the first goal. It came early in a wild-scoring sec- ond period that ended in.a 3-3 deadlock. ' _ McFadden, the league's prise rookie last year, got two goals dur- utes later beat Frank Brimsekx with a 40-foot drive. f ing the night. Both were assisted by ex-Leaf Polle who also was helped on one by MeFadden. Ezinicki Threatens Howie Meeker, Hal Watson and Cal Gardner score. for the Leafs with 'Wild Bill Ezinicki threatening Harry Lumley's cage all at." Meeker came back for the Leafs less than a minute after McFad- den had scored. McFadden and Poile put 'the Red Wings into a two-goal lead by the middle of the period but Toronto squared iv by the end of the frame on goals by Watson and Gardner. In "Swishy "CITY LEAGUE' Local Fire-Fighters Sweep Minor Puck Executives 3-0 " Broom-Ball Tilt Bantam, Midget and Ju- . venile Teams. Put On Fine Display In Series of Exhibition Games -- All Games Are Close as Young Pucksters Show Real Hockey Savvy, Plus Speed ; The Oshawa Minor Hockey Asso- ciation played a seriés of exhibition games, .along with a broom-ball game between their executive and the Oshawa Fire partment to mark the official opening of an- other year of minor hockey. That broom-ball game proved. to be the biggest attraction, with the O.F.D. 'coming out on the ice in ladies' garb and cardboard fire hel- mets. The O.M.H.A. executive wore painters' coveralls and caps an™ had about as much trouble skating as the firemen. The final score in the weird ex- hibition, a football was used as the main object attention, was 3-0, gor the Fire Department. Of .cou must be remembered that they had some -re-inforcements on their club from the ranks of John Law. Ernie Barker, the twine-keepér being the outstanding lawman. Peculiar incidents in the game were the kick-offs to start the game, the wheelbarrow, used both to keep the ball out of the goalmouth, and also to carry the injured play- ers from the ice. Forward passes and end runs, were 'also seen in the maddest' scramble on. ice in many a moon: + ' The audience seemed 'happy, and the boys. . .or rather mg Y played were most ¢értainly enjoying the fun. FIRE DEPT. Barker; Crawford, Bonehans; centre, Pollock;- " tay, Harrison, Vernoh, , Pegcock, Pollitt and Little. OMHA. CU :--Goal, Smith; de- fence, Thursby, Jobb; centre, Shellen- koff; wings, Kurelo, Mills; alts., Burr, Broadbent, Black, Turner and Savery. defence, MeCon- nell; wings, © Claus, alts. 'Tho! mpson, Mur Wi BANTAM ACTION In the Bantam series of games played last' night, none of which count officially in the standing, Ki« wanis earned a 1-0- shutout over Kinsmen on the strength of a zoal second canto. Williams, the Kiwanis netminder looked very good in racking up the whitewash. His stops at times were really something "big league". KIWANIS--QGoal, -Willlams; defence, Simpson, Ro! ck; centre, Gurney; wings, Templar, Slywka; alts, Wallace, Sutton, Packer, Fitchett, Donald, An- derson, Snape, Coalidge, eate. KINSMEN--Goal, Jones; defence, Fish- er, Attersley; centre, Steffan; wings, Mallett, Kostashuk; alts, Tait, D. Mal- lett, Lehman; Turesky, Gerrard, Con- way and Robinson. The other Bantam game saw Ro- tary bump Cokes by the score of 3-1. Each team scored one goal in the first period, Johnston doing the job for Rotary and Morrison flip- ping in the Cokes marker. Rotary jumped into a two-goal lead in the second frame however, snd hung on for the win. Zedic notched the first of these, and Black passed to Nichols for one other. ROTARY--Goal, Stone; defence, Knapp, Johnson; centre, Zedic; wings, Nichols, Black; alts., Fenton, Graham, Brown, Knight, Hartford and McMaster. COCA-COLAS -- Goal, Grant; defence, Magill, Smith; centre, Grant; wings, Morrison, Cnistawakli alts, Barlow, Vanderwater, , Broadbent, Under= Food, Johnson, Malloy, Comerford and eenan. MIDGET GAMES TIGHT In the first Midget game, Hayden MacDonald defeated Victors by the score of 2-1, as Thompson of Hay- den MacDonald's sank two first period goals, to give the Warehouse- men and edge which the Victor's club were unable to get back. Rodgers passed to Layton around the two minute mark in the second period, and the latter potted the pilt for the 2-1 final, thus robbing Stone of-.a shutout. SKATING FRIDAY NIGHT Ey "+ (Children's Night) : sarvaon moms Guelph BILTMORES Oshawa GENERALS 200°'Seats Now on Sale "iat Mike's Place! RINLOCH'S = Godl, | Boott, Anthony: centre, Myles; wings, VICTOR'S -- ," Chirta; defence, Stoneh. en; centre, Kellar; wings, - Layton, ers; alts, Shetler, Barta, McTavish, , Welsh, Mel- enchuk, Comerford, Gerrard, Kawzen- icki, and Branch. HAYDEN MACDONALD--Goal, Stone; defence, Sutherland, Wodniskey; cen- tre, Haxton; wings, O'Connor, Bone- Alte, nson, Burr, Copeland, MeLelland, ompson, Ripley, Wilson, Hickey, Goreski and Lack. ji BAKER'S GAIN TIE The strong Canada Bread club, undefeated in. regular league games, almiost- had that "streak. shoved down their throats in an ex- hibition -game -last night, : Kin- loch's came through with a goal to match the one by the Bakers, and thus gain a 1-1 stalemate. = Neither club scored in the rugged bumping fifst periéd, but in ihe second 'period, M ' roame down the Joe ajo 3 aid sede on Langfield fo pub, Kinloch's ahead. n 2 "$6 Johnston later ir the frame, and he scored for the tying marker. * Raye; defence, Hughes, Rorabeck; alts, Scero, McGar- ry, Zakarow, Wasylyk, Tullock, Davies, & 4 by Rorabeck in the middle of the | Elliott and OANADA BREAD--C0al, Lam, fence, Edwards, Lewis; centre, Myles; wings, Sutton, Duncan; alts, Hewitt, Seymour, Spiers, Saunders, Woodcock Cook, Attersley and Joh 4 Pat HOT JUVENILE PLAY The first game of the Juvenile leighs' Cleaners team bounce Osh- awa Dairy by the score of 3-1. Eveleigh's with Stone, a boy who is. just bantam age, in goal were up 1-0 in the first period. Stone plays in all series of the City League and plays 'very well in all of them. first period: from - Trimm to 'put Cleanérs one up. Myles scored for Oshawa' Dairy early in the second period to knot the count, but Sarn- ovsky unassisted, and Olesuk ffom Trimm put the Cleaners out in front 3-1 at the end of the game. SPORT----EVELEIGH'S-OSHAWA-- .... EVELEIGH'S CLEANERS--Goal, Stone; defence, Carrie, 'Marshall; centre, Ole- suk; wings, Gibbs, Barta; alts, 8arnov- sky, Trimm, Plontek, Lack and Wilson. OSHAWA DAIRY-Goal, Bell; defence, Peters, Edwards; centre, Myles; wings, Dodds, Attersley; alts., Sutton, Etcher, R. Myles, Jozkoski, Huzar, Sutton, Lite tle, McGarry, Tamblyn and Lewis. PECULIAR HOCKEY It was strictly peculiar hockey that came about when McLaughlin Coal and Beaton's Dairy made a 2-2 tie. ' : Gil Depratto scored both the goalg, for the Ooalmen, the second a very pretty effort from Baker, and Myles Svared both for Beaton's. Both these gpals~came from a combina- tion 'of (Jeffs and Hughes. That is team play my friend. The hockey in this. game was of the 'best, and the invaders from othér centres in the play-offs this year are going to find Oshawa no soft touch. MCLAUGHLIN'S COAL -- Goal, Lang- field; defence, Darlington, Bradley; centre, Davis; wings, Risebrough, Ban- non; aits, Keller, Depratto, Gallas, Barker, Gyurka, Baker, Shearer, Pallis- ter and Hambly. 9 BEATON'S DAIRY --(oal, Claus; de- fence, Lawrence, ' Kawzenuk; centre, Hughes; ings, Wodniskey, Jets; alts, Fry, Cooper, B. Keller, A. Lawrence, O'- Connor and Boneham. WINDSOR WINS OVER MARLIES IN GOOD GAME -Windsor, Dec. 9--(CP)--Windsor Spitfires strengthened their. grip on first place in OHA junior "A" com- petition here last night by defeat- ing Toronto Marlboros, 6-4, before a. crowd of 3,338. ' It was Windsor's 15th triumph and drove Marlies deeper in the cellar. Spitfires bested Syl Apps' crew in Toronto, Tuesday night, 3-1. The Dukes made an impression- able beginning by scoring twice in the first nije minutes without re- ply, but Spits came back late in the same frame to cut the margin té one goal and then in the second period drove home four goals to clinch the outcome. Marlboros -scor- ed the first goal in each of the last two frames, , Bill Robinson and Bobby Knowles were the Toronto goal-getters in the first chapter. Bob Rawlyk was first' to score for Windsor. Lorne Pirie sent Dukes two up again in less than a minute of the second period, | Spitfires then turned on a blister- ing attack and sustained it long enough to make the count in their favor, 5-3, after only 11 minutes of play. Jim Hay started the splurge, followed by the Giesebrecht broth- ers, Bruce and Bert, in that order, and Larry Wilson. Larry Regan sliced Windsor's edge when he connected in the final per- fod, but Spitfires relieved the pres- sure minutes later when Bruce Giesebrecht scored his second goal of the night, Of eight penalties, five were lev- fed against Marlboros. In goal, To- ronto's Lockart stopped 34, Dave O'Meara in the Windsor nets, 26, Toronto Marlboros--Goal, LockRart; defense, Ashley, Sims; centre, Hassard; Grenke, Bobinson, Toe, Momhoem oa ie ho, cnet, Sts Lundmark, = Drury: . centre, iy Serene : L. Wilson, Rawiyk, O'Orady. ser Sis: brecht, Bruce Giesebrecht, Van Belleg- hem, Pronovost. } Officials -- Dave Parsons, Windsor; Doug Young, Jhetioit. ' rst Period H 1-~Marlboros, Robinson ..... ' 6:14 2--Marlboros, Emowles (Hassdrd) 9:08 '3--~Windsor, Rawlyk (L. Wilson) 18:47 Penalties--Hassard, McKay, Pronovost, Robinson, Ashley. f Second Period 17 3% 1% 4--Matlboros, Pirle (Sims) ..,... 5--Windsor, Hay (Lavergne) ,... 6--Windsor, Bruce Glesebrecht .. 7--Windsor, Bert Glesebrecht (Bruce Glesebrecht) ..... $.5 8--Windsor, L. Wilson (Rawlyk) 1 Penalties--Ashley 2, Drury. | 9~Mariboros, Regan (McMurtay) 11:05 (3 ros, n ul 10--Windsor, Bruce Ml ag ( OVOBL) "vu ienee essrennses 14:23 Penalties--None. : OLD COUNTRY RUGBY: RUGBY UNION: . Colinty Championshi Hampshire, 14; Berkshire, 3 Mazurik, Gallas ,and Stroz. Sussex, 3; Kent, 16, 1S OFFI a . ® CIALLY OPENED gtield; de- *|losses at the hands of Stratford section. saw ..the very strong Eve-i Barta got thé only goal of 'the 2-2 TEE PEES WIN AT STRATFORD TO MOVE AGAIN Stratford, Dec, 9--(OP)--St.-Ca- tharines "Teepees- gained revenge here last night for three fromer Kroehlers by chalking up a 5-2 victory in an OHA Junior "A" game. : ' The verdict was decided. in: the third period on two:egoals by Bill Buschlen and one by Al. Evans. Teepees grabbed a 2-1 margin in the first period on.goals by Ev- ans and OBrien. The only goal of the .second period was scored by Billy Mitchell to knot the count at Penalties took 'their toll on the homesters in the last frame when St. Catharines count three times. Buschlen nicking the pair and Ev- ans' the second. One of ' Buschlen's came when Teepees were a man short. ' The "visitors outplayed Kroehlers before the season's largest crowd of nearly 3,000 fans. Two goals claims ed by"St. Oatharines were disal- lowéd. St. Catharines -- Goal, Douglas; de- fense, McIntyre, O'Brien; centre, Swit- zer; wings, Clements, Brown; alternates, Ruble, Buschlen, Toppazzini, Sullivan, Evans, Buck, Hildebrgnd, Telford. Stratford .. Go: Hurley; defense, Beda, Bragagnolo;' centre, Cadieux; wings, Houston, Lewicki; alternates, Pernfuss, Flanagan, O'Hearn, Leckle, French, Maclver, Mitchell, Armstrong. Officlals--Ab Grant, Toronto; Jack Liscombe, Galt. First Period 1-8t. Catharines, O'Brien (McIntyre) Cadleux, Lewickl) t. Catharines, Evans (Hildebrand) Penalties O'Hearn, 'McIntyre. Second: Perlod 4--S8tratford, Mitchell . (Cadieux) 14:15 Penalties--Evans, Beda, Lewicki, Buck, Maclver, Pernfuss, Sullivan, 1 Third Period, * \ 5--8t. Catharines, Buschlen .... 5 6--8t. Catharines, Buschlen .... 27 7--S8t. Catharines, Evans (Sullivan, Hildebrand) 19:30 Penalties -- Leckie, Buck, Mitchell, Telford, Bragagnola, Beda. COACH KENNIE AND HATTERS IN WIN DEBUT Guelph, - Dec. 9--(CP)--Guelph Biltmores presented their new coach, Ken Helmeshaw, with a 7-4 win over Barrie Flyers in a fast- moving OHA Junior "A" game here last night. It was Holmeshaw's Guelph debut since he took over the coaching reins from Bill Sher- ry last week. : Biltmores were never behind in the action-filled game. It was 1-1 at the end of the first, 4-1 at the end of the second and both teams scored three in the third period. Flanagan, | § Ted Lindsay Leads Wings Latest Drive Toronto, Dec. ® -- (OP) --Robert Blake Theodore Lindsay has a dual personality, Off' the ice he's a quiet spoken, easy-going member. of the Detroit Red . Wings hockey club.' But when he laces up his skates and the puck is faced off he's a kmashing, driving player with a.hair-trigger temper. Ted, as he is more commonly known, is regarded as the mainstay of the Red Wings by practically everyone around the National have; been' booming him for the Hart Trophy, presented annually to the player adjudged the most valuable to his team. The 23-year-old all-star left- winger was sidelined with a frac- ture of a foot bome a& month ago and during the time he was benched Wings won only two games, tied one and lost four. Since his return the team has taken four straight. victories, three of them on the road. , The {firebrand from Kirkland Lake, says he was just about the most surprised guy in the world when scout Carson Cooper put him in Detroit's list while he was with Toronto St. Michael's College. Cooper explains it this way how he snatched Lindsay from under the eyes of Toronto Maple Leaf of- ficials: "I spotted Ted about mid-season with - St. Michael's. I was surprised to find he wasn't on the Leaf list. I went on the road with the club and saw Ted take on two guys in Hockey League circuit. The drums |gandford Hamilton and the same number in St. Catharines. He won all four de- cisions and that was enough for |Stratford me." . HOCKEY'S BIG SEVEN By The Canadian Press Doug Bentley, veteran Chicago sharp- shooter, hurdled into the top position in the National Hockey League scoring race Wednesday night with 24 Pon, when he pumped in two goals and | Hi assisted on another. Following closely 's Grant Warwick, league scoring leader for the past four weeks. Warwick has 23 id The two Con- acher boys from Chicago, Jim and Roy, hold down third and fourth spot re- Speviivel , with 22 and 21. points. > XT Pe a A P . Bentley, Warwick, Boston .... J. Conacher, Chicago R. Conacher, Chicago Kennedy, Toronto ... Babando, Boston ..., G. Btewart, Chicago , , Boston $4690 600400000000 00004 HOCKEY » STANDING o S059 946006006060600220440 a NATIONAL LEAGUE (Not including last night's games) A '63 6 4" 49 New York ....., Saturdsy--Boston at to; Chie at Joutiel; New yous at Detroit. ay--Toronto at Boston; Mont! At Chisago; Detroit at New York. pms Pn OHA SENIOR PW L L231 12 19 10 dB 19 8; NH Wednesday's Result | 7 Kitoh.-Wat. .... | Tuesday's Result' "viv 4 Stratford Kitch .-Wat. Toranto ieee 7 6 38222 > I BRIS | Frida pu ey ra y ~~ Owen at Kitchener-Waterloo st Hamilton Saturday Mas] boros at Owen Sound a teh " 1 SS ------------ 3 OHA JUNIOR "A" PW. L --- K8IVIe8 Windsor Barrie St. Michael's 11 Marlboros ... Wed: A) Wiiidso e no. aherulis NOOO re LAST NIGHT'S STARS Doug Bentley, crafty Chicago play- maker, who bagged the last two goals and assisted on a third as Black Hawks downed Boston Bruins 4-3 in Chicago. Jimmy McFadden and Bud Potle, Wings forwards who between them ac- 'counted for six points as Detroit out- | Ci scored Maple Leafs 4-3 in Toronto. ; ndsor St. Catharines Windsor , .. 8 Bt. Future Games Friday -- Marlboros at Bt, Catharines Oshawa at Guelph; Gsit at Stratforc Satuiday--Bariis at St. Michael's; 8° a Guelph » Oshawa; Stratford at Galt. : SKY LOFT LODGE, For that ski loving person on Glen Major, Ontario our Christmas list, buy a season's membership to Sky Loft. Membership covers th e use of 2 tows and lodge facilities for the skiing season. Membership ticket plu makes an attractive gift. s Sky Loft membership pin Give a winter's enjoyment this Christmas! M Sky Loft season membership ticket and pin--$10.0C | ify Why Pay More? SIMCOE 46 PRIME RIB somsss ous STANDING RIB . .. w 65 w 55 | FRESH HAM ROASTS OF With 40 seconds of play remain- ing, Barrie coach Hap Emms -re- strategy did mot work. Lennie | Speck broke away from his own | to the side while Don Oberholtzer | Mayer returned to the nets after this score. J Lorne Ferguson and Frank Bath- gate each bagged a pair of goals for Guelph. Paul Meger, Stan Long and Sid McNabney looked best for Barrie. Barrie--Goal, Mayer; defense, Long, Shedden; centre, McNabney; wings, Burcham, Ashbee; altérnates, Meger, Pennell, Gordon, Chevrefils, Hogg, Hop- per, Bingley, Brandow. Guelph--Goal, Beasley; defense, Bol- -an, Speck; centre, Bathgate; wings, Perguson, Plumb; alternates, Bellringer, Oberholtzer, Richardson, Mullen, Shaw, Kewley, Martin, Vasey. y Officlals--Al Wood, Toronto; 8aubber Scott, Toronto. First Period 1--Guelph, Bathgate (Ferguson) 2--Barrie, Chevrefils (Meger, McNabney) 8:36 Penalties--Shedden, Vasey, Ferguson, Plumb. Second Period 3--Guelbh, Beliringer (Oberholtzer) uelph, Ferguson (P! 2:23 Bathgate) vy 5--Guelph, Bolan Penalties--Chevrefils, Plumb. Third Period 6--Barrie, Pennell (Meger) ng) : 10--Barrie, Hogg (Meger, Hopper) 15:39 11--Guelph, berholtzer (Speck) 19:33 Penalties-Richardson 2, Plumb, Ash- moved goalie Gil Mayer. But the | [§ zone, lured a lone defenseman off | fg swept the puck in the empty cage. | § PORK TOMATOES 49 'PINK GRAPEFRUIT FRESHLY SLICED SIDE PORK BACON = er FRUITS and VEGETABLES -- 47 55 GRAPEF RUIT Texas Seedless Firm, Imported Size size 90's § for 25 wn 19 9 29} FIRM HEAD LETTUCE . . . . . 2 mw 25 g Christmas Gift, Fancy FRUIT BASKETS Priced From $1.00 Lapp's Sweet APPLE CIDER Per Gallon 29. Plus .15¢ deposit .on container bee. OZARK IKE ~BUT CARELESS DEFENSIVE PLAY ENABLES THE OWLS TO ALSO SCORE FREELY J NO SENSE IN BATTIN' 'EM PLAY, THE OWLS L640, 39-32.

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